The Tribune F M KIMMELL Publisher MCOOK f YsrsSISSSaM NEBRASKA HEARTS AND MASKS By HAROLD MacGRATH Authoref The Man on the Box etc With Drawings by Harrison Fisher Bmjii i i iiiii gHB aagaaa 1 Copyright 1905 by Bobbs Morrlll Co CHAPTER VII Continued We entered the general assembly room It was roomy and quaint and somewhere above us was the inevit able room in which George Washing ton had slept Tho great hooded fire place was merry with crackling logs Casually I observed that we were not alone Over yonder in a shadowed corner sat two men very well bun dled up and to all appearances fast asleep Moriarty lighted a four branched candelabrum and showed us the way to the little private dining room took our orders and left us This is romance said I They used to do these things hundreds of years ago and everybody had a good time It is now all very wicked and im proper murmured the girl laying aside her domino for the first time but delightful I now find I havent the least bit of remorse for what I have done In that dark evening gown she was very beautiful Her arms and shoul ders were tinted like Carrara marble and I knew instantly that I was never going to recover I drew two chairs close to the grate I sat down in one and she in the other With a con tented sigh she rested her feet on the brass fender My one regret is that I havent any shoes What an adventure Its fine Two hours in the soci ety of tills enchanting creature It was almost too good to be true Ah if it might always be like this to re turn home from the days work to be greeted warmly by a woman as beauti ful as this one I sighed loudly Moriarty came with the chicken and ham and coffee If ye would like it wont be a bit of trouble to show ye George Wash ingtons room or with inimitable Irish drollery I can tell ye that he dined in this very room That will serve smiled the girl and Moriarty bowed himself out His departure was followed by the clatter of silver upon porcelain Of a truth both of us were hungry I was simply ravenous the girl confessed And as for me I never dreamt I could be so unromantic Now said I pushing aside my plate and drop ping sugar into my coffee and vainly hunting in my pockets for a cigar there remains only one mystery to be cleared up And what might this mystery be she asked The whereabouts of the bogus Haggerty The bogus Haggerty will never cross our paths again He has skipped by the light of the moon No thats not the mystery Why did you tell me you were an impostor why did you go to the cellars with me when all the while you were at the ball on Mrs Hyphen Bonds invitation She leaned on her elbows and smiled at me humorously Would you really like to know Signor Well I was an impostor She sat with her back to the fire and a weird halo of light seemed to sur round her and frame her Mrs Hyphen-Bonds accidentally dropped that invitation in my studio a few days before she sailed for Europe I sim ply could not resist the temptation That is all the mystery there is And they still think you were there rightfully You are no longer mystified Yes there is yet another mystery to solve myself I knew it With out rhyme and reason I was in love and without rhyme cr reason I was glad of it Shall you ever be able to solve such a mystery quizzically It all depends upon you Mr Cornstalk you will not mar the exquisite humor of our adventure by causing me annoyance I am sure that some day we shall be very good friends But one does not talk of love on eight hours acquaintance Besides you would be taking advantage of my helplessness for I really depend upon you to see me safe back to New York It is only the romance the adventure and such moonlight nights often su perinduce sentimentality What do you know of me Nothing What do I know of you Nothing save that there is a kindred spirit which is al ways likely to lead us into trouble Down in your heart you know you are only temporarily affected by moon shine Come make me a toast lift ing her cup You are right said I I am a gentleman But it was only consist ent that having been the fool I should now play the ass Heres and I held up my cup But neither of us drank there wasn t time For the door opened quietly and in walked the two men we had seenupon entering the Inn One of them gently- closed the door and locked it One was In soiled every day clothes the other in immaculate evening dress The latter doffed his opera hat with the most engaging smile imaginable The girl and I looked up at him In blank bewilderment and set our cups down so mechanically that the warm amber liquid spattered on the table cloth Galloping Dick and the affable In spector of the cellars stood before us CHAPTER VIII The unexpected always happens began tho pseudo detective closing his hat drawing off his gloves and stuffing them Into a pocket As a friend of mine used to say it is the unexpected that always surprises us We never expected to see these charming masquesaders again did we William No sir said Wiliam grinning af fably we didnt The gentleman was very nice and obliging to me sir when I was in the cellars So I understand Now continued the late Mr Haggerty with the deadly affability of a Macaire I beg of you Mr Cornstalk I beg of you not to move or to become unduly excited Physicians tell us that excitement wastes the red corpuscles that is to say the life of the blood Your blood sir must be very thin I returned coolly But I cursed him soundly in my mind Williams bulg ing side pocket convinced me that any undue excitement on my part would be exceedingly dangerous William you can always tell a gentleman said the chief rogue ad- A V V- w6aaMSBSsoeaM r5r fftsiascssftii1 rf V M JHIi III F rijtMerTtMWaeiajsszjswgsg - You have not entered this room said the girl her terror slipping from her simply to offer these banalities What do you wish What perspicacity Wiliam cried the rogue taking out a cigarette case I dont know what that word means sir but as you do it seems to fit the occasion proper enough It means William that this charm ing young lady scents our visit from afar I had a suspicion sir that it might mean that William leaned against the wall his beady eyes twinkling mer rily The master rogue lighted a cigar ette at one of the candles Pardon me he said but will you join me proffering the hand some gold case I took a cigarette and fired it I really -wanted it I would show up well before this girl if I died for it I blew a cloud of smoke at the candle-flame There was a sparkle of admiration in the girls eyes Mr Cornstalk my respect for you increases each moment The rogue sat down And to whom might this hand some case belong I asked examin ing It closely Oh that has always been mine There was a time blowing rings at the candelabrum when I was re spected like yourself rich sought after A woman and a trusted friend how these often tumble down our beautiful edifices Yes I am a scamp a thief a rogue but not because I need the money No with retro spective eyes I need excitement ff WCWy - vC v j V w X 5 - vw - f w Rested Her Blue Slippered Feet on the Fender niiringly A gentleman always re cognizes his opportunities and never loses his sense of the balance of things And he is usually witty too sir William assented The girl sat pale and rigid in her chair What do you want I demanded savagely For one thing I should like to question the propriety of a gentle mans sitting down to dine with a lady without having washed his face The coal dust does not add to your manly beauty You havent a cake of soap about you William have you No sir Wiliams face expressed indescribable enjoyment of the scene The girls mouth stiffened She was struggling to repress the almost irre sistible smile that tickled her lips In times like these said ly deter mined not to be outdone we are often thoughtless in regard to our personal appearances I apologize to the lady Fine fine I sincerely admire you Mr Cornstalk You have the true spirit of adventure Hasnt he Wil liam He certainly has sir Comes to a private ball without an invitation and has a merry time of it indeed To have the perfect sense of humor that is what makes the world go round Arent you taking extra risk in of fering me these pleasantries I asked Risks In what manner The man you so cleverly imper sonated is at the club I do not know what prompted me to put him on his guard The rogue lauglied lightly I know Mr Haggertys habits He is hustling back to New York as fast as he can He passed here ten minutes ago in the patrol lickety clip He wishes to warn all pawnbrokers and jewelers to be on the lookout for me to morrow Ten thousand in a night jovially A very tidy sum sir said William A fourth of which goes to you my good and faithful friend Thank you sir replied William Two cooler rogues I never wish to meet But wouldnt it be well sir to hasten asked William We have plenty of time now my son tremendous and contiauous excite ment to keep my vigilance and inven tion active day and night excitement to obliterate memoiy But we cant do it my friend we cant do it Memory is always with us She is an impartial Nemesis she dogs the steps of the righteous and the unrighteous To obliterate mem ory that is it And where might I find this obliteration save in this life Drugs Pah Oh I have given Haggerty a royal chase It has been meat and drink to me to fool the cleverest policeman in New York Till yesterday my face as a criminal was unknown to any man or woman save William here who was my valet in the old days I have gone to my clubs dined played billiards a fine comedy a fine comedy To morrow William and I sail for Europe Miss Haw thorne you wear one of the most ex quisite rubies I have ever seen Per mit me to examine it The girl tore the ring from her fin ger and flung it on the table I made a move as though to push back my chair I wouldnt do it sir warned Wil liam quietly My muscles relaxed Do not commit any rash action Mr Cornstalk said the girl smiling bravely into my eyes The gentle man would not appreciate it The master rogue picked up the ring and rolled it lovingly about his palms Beautiful beautiful he mur mured Finest pigeon blood too It is easy worth a thousand Shall I give you my note of exchange for it humorously The girl scorned to re ply He took out a little chamois bag and emptied its contents on the table How they sparkled scintillated glow ed thousands in the whitest of stones How he ever had got his fingers on them is something I shall never learn Arent they just beauti ful he asked naively Can you blame me for coveting them He set the ruby on top of the glittering heap It lay there like a drop of blood Pres ently he caught it up and presented it to the girl who eyed him in aston ishment I only wanted to look at it he said courteously I like your grit as much asI admire your beauty Keep the ring To be Continued miSitqi3li2Ziry THE ARTISTIC WALL One of Solid Color Will Always Give Best Effect The dearest daintiest most artistic wall is a solid colored wall It fur nishes a perfect background for all kinds of pictures it throws them out In their correct proportions and does not detract from their artistic value The solid colored wall is also much better as a background for furniture and harmonizes much more artistical ly with carpets and rugs than any other method of wall treatment The less breaking up of color on a wall the more artistic It is The most successful form of the solid colored wall is an alabastined wall There Is as much difference be tween tinted walls as there is be tween shoddy and all wool gowns The shoddy gown holds Its color for a few days while the all wool keeps its color to the very last thread so also in solid colored walls there are shoddy walls and permanently colored walls which retain their color down to the very last particle The Ideal wall coating never rubs off never flakes nor chips off and is always ready for a fresh coat If there is wallpaper on the wall soak It off with warm water then go over the plaster after you have removed the paper with warm water to remove every trace of paste Have the wall thoroughly clean for a clean wall cannot be built on an un clean foundation If there are any particles of foreign matter adhering to the wall scrape them off with a putty knife Then if there are any discolorations on the wall size it with a material made from cheap varnish thinned down with benzine and japan added for a drier then cover your wall with your tinting material Be sure your man uses a tinting ma terial mixed with cold water If he comes to you and asks for warm wa ter you can make up your mind that there is glue in the material which he proposes to put on your wall and you can be certain that you are going to have a shoddy wall for glue means shoddy Glue means that it will hold its color long enough for the man to collect his bill and not much longer Insist on your tinting material being mixed with clear cold water Be sure that your wall is made from pure ma terials then you will have a perma nent artistic sanitary wall A wall that will be a thing of beauty and a joy forever WILLING TO LET HIM DIE 8tinging Message Sent by Farmer Worsted in Business Deal In the old colony town of Scituate Mass once lived Deacon J who had a yoke of oxen he desired to sell The news reached the ears of Farmer T who lived in another portion of the town who was in want of a pair So he visited the deacon who met him with a gracious smile and led him to the oxen which were chewing their cuds and to all appear ances ready for any amount of toil After some bargaining a difference of five dollars remained Finally the deacon said I am old and feeble and shall not live long and five dol lars will be of no account so the bargain was made Farmer T took the oxen r ome They proved worthless could not work and had been heated He felt provoked at being sold and seeing a person the next day who was going to the part of the town where the deacon lived said You tell Deacon J he need not live another d d minute longer on my account Physiological Mystery According to some curious investi gations conducted by English scien tists eldest sons tend to be criminals and youngest sons paupers A great many thousand school children and many family histories have been ex amined to yield these results First born children were found to be as a rule taller and heavier with greater ability and endurance than the others This is in accordance with the popular feeling in many countries that the oldest child is superior to the others and deserving of special privileges It is a well established fact that among men of genius an undue pro portion are eldest sons Detroit Free Press FOOLED THE PREACHER A Doctors Brother Thought Postum Was Coffee A wise doctor found out coffee was hurting him so he quit drinking it He was so busy with his practice however that his wife had to write how he fooled his brother a clergy man one day at dinner She says Doctor found coffee was injuring him and decided to give Postum a trial and we have used it now for four years with continued benefit In fact he is now free from the long train of ills that follow coffee drink ing To show how successful we are in making Postum properly I will re late an incident At a dinner we gave Doctor suggested we serve Postum Instead of ordinary coffee Doctors brother a Clergyman sup posed it was old fashioned coffee and remarked as he called for his sec ond cup If you do preach against coffee I see you havent forgotten how to make it This goes to show that well made fully boiled Postum has much the flavor and richness of good coffee al though it has an individuality all its own A ten days trial will prove that it has none of the poisonous effect of ordinary coffee but will correct the - liml i troubles causea Dy conee mereb a reason Name furnished by Postum Co Ltd Battle Creek Mich ---- And some people are bo Industrious that ivhen they havent anything to do they proceed to do somebody riffEH OtJIUID IN a TO 14 DATS PAZO OINTUKNT Is guaranteed to cure any ciue o ItchlnK Wind ItleedlnKor Protruding file tu G to H day ormonar refunded Uc When anyone has done you a favor how small It looks tho day after The noblest spirit Is mot strongly attracted by the love of glory Cicero Lewis Sinclc Binder straight 5c cigar made of rich mellow tobacco lour dealer or Lewis Factor Peoria III - All philosophy lies In two words- sustain and abstain Epictctus Happy Colors You know that there are colors which signify sadness others which indicate happiness but do you ever stop to think how often people are You know that children and flowers thrive hest in the sunshine Why not have more sunshine in your own home then why not let us show you how to get it in the walls by using XShe SanitaiyVvall Coating I For Cougk Cold Croup jm M I SoreThroai Stiff NecfcA 1 Rheumaf ism and- 1 Neuralgia i HCA 1 At all Dealers V- ilkk f il 1 fnce 25c 50o HOO W f fi Sent Free s c a Sloans Book on Horses f hx rvH Certrie Hogs 6 Poultry if Address Dr Earl SSloan 8ifcJ l 6I5 Albany By having your walls decorated wtrti Alnhnsfinn von will make them more artistic more dur able more sanitary and will make your home a more cheer ful place to live in Let us show you how easy and economical Alabastine is and how the dif ferent tints and stenciled de signs can be combined to pro duce exactly xno eiiecc you want Writeus today Accent no substitute insist on getting Alabaatinc The Alabastine Company Grand Rapids Mich or 105 Water Street New York City DO YOU SMOKE A PIPE - WHAT KIND OF TOBACCO DO YOU SMOKE IF YOU HAVE NOT TRIED OBOiO QBOID io do ma oesi m ssyie nt anu wcacprouucel in tula country Each pan ui mo auira uuu ottij ucum ui iuo maing is tooKeti alter and watched over by skilled shoemakers without regard to titno or cost If I could take you into my large factories at Brockton Mass and show you how carefullv W T Dnnolrin GRAITUXATED - PLUG - You have never gotten that solid comfort which a good pipe smoke should give a man QBOID WILL HOT BITE THE TONGUE IT IS THE ORIGINAL OF THIS STYLE TOBACCO It has an elegant Aroma which no other pipe tobacco possesses and its smooth delightful flavor and free smoking qualities are the results of years of careful study and experimenting vVf It 1 qflTT mi i SPECIAL OFFER Tohacco is now rm onln olmnof everywhere and hundreds of thous ands of boxes were consumed last year and it is our pur pose to place qBOID in reach of every pipe smoker in this country and to that end we make the following offer If your dealer does not handle QBOID Tobacco we will cpnr trrtit otit os i n nostaee mid uoon receiot of regular nrfrj vi Vrina in box 10c 3 i oz tin box 20c 8 oz tin box 45c and 16 oz fancy tin box 90c Money refunded to any dissatisfied purchaser Cut out this advertisement and send with money order or stamps Write your name and address plainly and address to LARUS BR0 CO Manufacturers Richmond Va NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL COUNTER IRRITANT CAPISICUM VASELINE EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT A QUICK SURE SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN PRICE 1 5c IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES AT ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS OR BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF 15c IN POSTAGE STAMPS DONT WAIT TILL THE PAIN COMES KEEP A TUBE HANDY A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster and will not blister the most delicate skin The pain allaying and curative qualities of the article are wonderful It will stop the toothache at once and relieve Headache and Sciatica We recommend it as the best and safest external counter irritant known also as an external remedy for pains in the chest and stomach and all Rheumatic Neuralgic and Gouty complaint A trial will prove what we clairrt for it and it will be found to be invaluable In the household and for children Once used no family will be without it Many people say it is the best of all your preparations Accept no preparation of vaseline unless the same carries our label as otherwise it is not genuine SEND YOUR ADDRESS AND WE WILL MAIL OUR VASE LINE PAMPHLET WHICH WILL INTEREST YOU CHESEBROUGH MFG CO 17 STATE STREET NEW YORK CITY L DOUCLAS 300 AND 350 SHOES zSTSld W L DOUGIAS 400 GILT EDGE SHOES CANNOT BE EQUALLED AT ANY PRICE SHOES FOR EVERYBODY AT ALL PRICES mens snoes sa io oiuu snocs S3 to si 25 Womens Shoes S4 to 150 Misses Childrens Shoes 2ir t si no WL Douglas shoes are recognized by expert judgo3 of footwear cE723 I 2iafcasx jt spPvy srf rflL JBSjJL shoes are made you would then understand why they hold their ahanofitivffl wear longer and are ot greater value than any other makes W I DonglM name and price is Btarajwd on the bottom whlcirprotMts lit wesrrrraMt prices and lnrerior thoer TnkeXo Substitute Sola DTtheWVwdSrVihJEU i cut Color EvtltttvttdexcluMtlv Catalog mailed free AV JlT Su6jLAsf jbobmm I r I M A T