The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 15, 1907, Image 8

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    I Next
I Monday -1
Extra Special
Our large value regular 25c and 35c
Fancy China Salads with each fifty
cent purchase Monday March 18th
only 10 cents---next Monday only
1 WE are going to make next Monaay iuarcu lom
Letter uay in a iiuluuic a u j x vx x
were put on the market
five years ago and since
that time have been giv
ing perfect satisfaction
with the result that they
are constantly increasing
in popularity
The motive power js
supplied by an air cooled
eneme ana tne
high wheels and solid rub
ber tires make them
pecially desirable for use
on country roads
For Sale by
x rT
a Red
each 50 cent purchase you can buy your choice of these fancy
China Salads for only 10 cents Each is a genuine bargain
well worth twice or three times this special price This un
usual offer remember holds only for this one day
Monday March 18th
1 lot one will be sold before or after at this price i
I - Other Bargains Will Be Offered 8
- hi ti
21 mm i i
M fSMf
Modol No 11 Price SSCO without top
A A M filial
vfiffsswk i
X lbM J MVEiX -- V J4 i3f H
Model No 10 Price 750 without top
McCook Automobile Co
A Good Partner
A substantial bank account makes a good partner one
who will work to your interest one who will remove many a
stumbling block from your path one who will add to your
opportunities for usefulness one who is powerful enough to
assist you in doing good in the world one who can assist you
to make a real success of your life one who will furnish you
and yours the extra comforts and little luxuries you will want
in your old age
If you want this partner for yours start an account with
us practice thrift and economy you can do it if you will
and the outcome will be satisfactory to you
Farm Buildings a Specialty
McCook Neb
Fairbury Hanchett
This is a warranted and guaran
teed windmill nothing better in
the market Write or call on Mr
Ball before buvincr
THE TRIBUNE Office for Office Supplies
Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nebraska February 21 1007
Tlio board of county commissioners mot pur
suant to adjournment present C B Gray F
S Lofton and Prjmer commissioners and E
J Wilcox clerk
Tlio minutes of previous mooting wore rend
aud approved
Tlio annual roport of tlio Soldiers Relief com
mittee was oxamiuod and on motion approved
aud ordered placed on file
On motion H H Berry was appointed n mem
ber of tlio Soldiers Belief Commission
On motion cleric was instructed to advertise
for soaled bids for such medical sorvicos oj
physicians and modiciuosas may be roquirod by
the poor of Red Willow county from March
15th 1907 to March 15th 1903
On motion tlio treasurer was instructed to
refund to J II Dwyer 1752 the amount of
personal tax illegally ass essed to him in the
city of McCook in 1000 and paid by him undor
The petition of Otto Pate et al asking for a
public road was road and considered On mo
tion the following resolution was adopted and
road granted
Application boiug made to establish a road as
appears on a petition filed by Otto Pate anil
others ou the 21st day of February 1007 describ
ed as follows Commencing at the N W Cor
ner of section 36-1-29 running thenco south two
miles to the southwest corner of section 1 town
3 ramie 29 wost C p maud terminating thorear
Aud it nppearing from tho evidence adduced
in tho case that said road has been aud was
established and used for at least tweny years
last past and is now opened aud used and
travelled as a road and public highway
It is therefore resolved by tho county board of
commissioners and declared that said propo id
road in said patition is already a road a i js
so declared and this is to bo a reconi o the
Tho following official bonds were examined
and on motion approved
David Doveny overseer road district No fe
J F Black 27
EB Nelson a
Henry Hall - W
William Nicholson M
Annual settlement of Edgar Couso overseer
of road district No 10 was examined and on
motion clerk was instructed to draw au order
on road district for 50 00 in payment thereof
The following wore audited aud allow
ed and clerk was instructed to draw warrants
on the count general fund in payment thereof
as follows
WillardDutton Juror Febtenndist court 16 10
S R Messuor
G A Somerville
Martin Matson
Geo E Thompson
Alex Johuson
Win Bell
M Lawritson
Clias Custer
A B Kinzer
n P Sutton
L Thorgriuu on
Warren Cooper
Win Lewis
Joseph Junker
J K Gordon
David Magner
R M Douglass
A J Lohr
H W Parker
L Floischman
C B Gray
Joe Lowley
W II Ackerman
N J Johnson
John F Hunt
Ed Waite
L n Lindemann
Lou Cone
Pat Walsh
Geo Burgess
W A Middlotou
E E DeLong
Wm Long
II o
Wm Rolph
Geo Younger jury
same 18 50
same 21 20
samo - 16 10
sam -- IS 10
samo 18 50
same 2 i 00
samo IS 10
same 16 10
same i -- 19 10
samo 20 1
same i 16 10
samo IS 10
same 13 10
bumo - 19 30
samo 20 90
same 18 10
same - 20 10
samo - 20 20
samo 2H 10
same 20 10
same X 16 10
same 16 10
samo IS 10
Talesman 6 10
same C 10
same 4 10
samo -1 10
same 4 10
same 4 10
same 2 10
samo 2 10
same 2 10
same 2 10
same 2 10
Joe Morris houso rent for Mrs Clarke
pauper 13 00
D C MarMi meat for Mrs Unger pauper 11 30
A McMillen medicine for Mrs Unger
pauper 57 30
J Moore costs Ruby C Boyd feeble
minded 4 40
J C Moore office expense 4 05
C A Rodgers services and expenses 32 75
R M Osborn attendance district court 29 00
Stephens Modrell board sheriff and
jurors 17 00
H I Peterson attendance dist court 31 75
II I Peterson phone 3 90
H I Peterson serving jury SI 00
C BGray services county commissioner 3 00
S Premer 11 15
On motion board adjourned to meet March
12 1907
Attest E J Wilcox C B Gray
County Clerk Chairman
Rats us Gold Mines
It is a common practice for the boys
in some watch and jewelry factories
to kill the rats which Infest the build
ings and burn the bodies to obtain the
gold Many oiled rags are used in
burnishing watch cases and In time
they become impregnated with gold
Tho rats eagerly devour these rags
and a few months of this kind of diet
fills the Interior mechanism of the rat
with a gold plating Twice a year the
boys have a grand cremation The
rats are caught by the hundred and
burned in a crucible The intense heat
drives off all animal substances and
leaves the gold in the shape of a little
lump The amount of the precious
metal obtained in this way is not large
but gives the ingenious youngsters
plenty of pocket money In some fac
tories young Napoleons of finance buy
up in advance the shares of their fel
low workers in the rat colony London
The Sonrce of Chalybeate Water
The chalybeate waters of Tunbridge
Wells are said to owe their ruddy tint
and queer taste to the fact that St
Dunstan flung his pinchers into them
after that memorable encounter re
corded in the old rhyme
St Dunstan as the story goes
Onco pulled the devil by the nose
With redhot tongs which made him roar
That he was heard three miles or more
or that the glowing proboscis and a
long snout is one of the most marked
features of the fiend in the mediaeval
art was itself plunged Into the healing
well when its owner had taken a fly
ing leap out of the saints cell at May
field some nine or ten miles away
London Queen
Knew the Symptoms
Young Wife My sweetest darling
best hearted hubby Hubby resigned
ly All right spring it I am prepared
fur tliA worst Meggendorfer Blatter
Real Estate Transfers
The following real estate filinus
been made in tho county clerks
since our last report
normau Holding wifo to Ilolona
Schmidt wd nw 413-1-29 3IJS0 00
James M Brown wifo to Napoleon
B Carvor wd so 4 0-2-28 2200 00
Charles Hammond wifo to Ira Sheet9
wd so 4 25-4-27 4000 00
William Clark wifo to James M
Brown wd so 4 6-2-26 1600 00
John M Rankin siuclo to Herman
Wiedoman wd so 4 26-4-26 3600 00
O P DoFord wifo to Petor Nelson
wdw2so429 u 2 no 4 32-1-30 2750 00
Frank Coleman wife to Peter Nelson
wd sw 4 23 430 3600 00
JoophS McBrayerife wife to Josiah
Taylor wd o 2 so 4 nw 4 so 4 26
sw 4sw 425-4-30 2800 00
Wm Kuapo wifo to Lewis II Caro
thers wd 3 in 12 west McCook 800 00
Christiana Knupo fc husbaud to Lewis
II Carothors wd 4 5 in 12 wost Mc
Cook ia co
Marcellus C ShurtloiT to Joseph Dack
wd s 2 1 w 2 no 4 4 sw 4 3 k w 2 so 4
e 2 sw 4 10 all in 2 30 also sw 4 so 4
64sw 33 330 18 COO 00
William II Bailey wifo to Xols 3
Johnson wd liu 11 1th McCook 1100 00
Frank Coleman wifo to C F Guud
wd 3250 00
Wilson S Ackerman wife to Frank
Coleman wd 5 6 iu 4 Willow Grovo
McCook 1160 00
Deuu Rose husbaud to Peter Nolson
qcd w2 28-1-30
Martin Nilsson v ifo to Elsie F Fields
deed pt uw4 31 1
Napoleon B Carver wifo to Nancy A
Ilartmau wd
1115 00
500 00
3950 CO
Edw B Stiltfebouer it wifo to John G
Everswd20inCDanbnry 1100 00
John H Jones fc wifo to John J Strunk
wd n 215-2-28 6100 CO
John J Strunk wifo to Churles Kun
keowd u 2 15-2-23
William II Walker wifo to William
II Smith wd pt no 4 uw 4 19 3 27
William H Smith wifo to Robert E
Smith wd pt blk 11 Indiauola
Oke BuiiRcr wifo to E Cone W C
SpriiiKer wd sw 4 ii u 2se 1 21-3-3
E E one w fc W G Sprimpir w to
John A Mcirliuli Thomas Marshall
wd W4 n 2 oe3 21-3-30
Leroy Jones fc wifo to C C Heskett
wd w 2 uv4 a 2 sw 4 22-3-29
7091 00
250 CO
1 00
0500 00
7200 CO
2450 CO
Johanna Weiittoik A
Kiiuth K 11 Kuuth wd sw 4 23
u 2 sw 4 s 4 sw 1 fc sw 4 se 4 26 iu
4j0 43CO0O
Josio E Potty suurlo to Boll Hall wd
pt 5 iu30 McCook 1300 00
Edward Chase ct alto Mrs J E Petty
rpil tits in0 McCook 1 00
JohnGEversfc wife to S W
bouerqcd20in6Danbnry 1 00
Eva Laurie to Irvin Bennett auree no
4 1326 3000 W
Uuitfd States to Alois Taubsr pat e 2
ue 4 1 1 -27 o 1 p 4 33-2-27
Mrs Lizzie iioltsclinoidnr Charles
Holtschnoider to Fred L Morris
deed se 4 sw 4 sw 4 se 4 2S no 1 nw
i w2no lorwallin 1 20
Ira Sheets wife to Albert Ilaspel wd
s 2 no 4 s 2 nw 4 15-3-26
2200 00
Robert W Iliatt wifo to M F Samel
wduol 104 26 3200 00
Hiram C Rider wife to Ed FlitcraTt
wdl2in27Riverviow 20 00
Carrie 12 Wright husband to Ed
ward Sughrouso wd nw 4 sw 4 21
4 27 5120 00
James HetheriiijUon wifo to Martin
Doulonwdnw 15-3-23 lOCO 00
C W Fletcher wifo B J Swanson
wife to Dena Ro p wd e 2 sw 1 It
6 7 in 6 e 2 n w 4 o 2 s w 4 fc Its 1-2-3-4
in 7 sill in 4 80 5200 00
William Yost wire to Herman Bohl
iiiK wd s 2 nw 4 It 3 4 in 2-1-29
ue 4 2-1-29 se 4 35-2-29
Johu Houlihan single Robert Neely
to Malinda Neely wd ne 4 15-3-29
Joannette Cann to John G Schleich
wd 5 6 iu 21 2nd McCook
Lewis Cann to John G Schleich wd
5 6 in 21 2nd McCook
9000 00
4000 00
1100 00
1100 00
John J Real single toC F Gund wd
sw 4 31-1-29 3000 00
OrinW Tabor wifo to C F Gund
qcd s w 4 31-4-29 ne 4 35-4-20
Edward R Clark to August Droll qcd
uw 4 7-3-29
Mary E Welty husbaud to Samuel
Current wd sw4 w 2 se 4 31-3-26
Charles II Boyle wifo Charles E
Eldred wife to Jacob M Miller
Carlos L Padgett wd w 2 2-3-30
1 00
1 00
4 SCO 00
4500 00
Otis Coborn wifo to William Zimmer
man wd o 2 se 4 3-4-25 1350 00
Samuel TRidgelcy wife to Alfred H
Bell wd 1 2 in 1 Welborns addn
Indianola 450 CO
Alfred H Bell wifo to William H
Allen wd 1 fc 2 in 1 Welborus addn
Indianola COO 00
Homer McAnulty singlo to Otis B
Coburn wd o 2 nw 4 w 2 ne 4 9-4-33 2 150 00
Lincoln Land Co to Sarah A Allen
wd910 in 30 Indianola 100 00
Henry F Wilson wifo to John J
Strunk wdn2 5-4-27 6100 00
John J Strunk wifo to John S
Dulin wd ne 4 5-4-27 2250 00
Audubon L Weaver wife to Walter
H McKinuey wd s 2 sw 4 30 n 2
nw 4 31-1-28 7-
Smith Bros L T Co to T M Camp
bell wd nw4 144 29 1000 00
Elza B Odell wifo to Jessie B Waite
wdlinl2 McCook 1 550 00
Dena Rose husband to Johu
kawde2sw4lts34 74 30 1S00 00
Samuel Current wifo to Mary A
Roche wdnw 4 64 26 3 00 00
I B Pope wife to Rcbort Lutcavish
wde 2 5-4-26 6667 00
James Dickson wire to R A Rehner
wdso4 13-4-27 4500 00
Eustace T Severus wifo to Thomas
Kennedy wd nw 4 234 30 400000
V Franklin wife to m ogt wii tw
4 no 1 se 4 nw 1 Its 2 3 iu 19-3-30
Lincoln Land Co to Albert G Bump
wd 12 in 12 2nd McCook
Albert G Bump wifo to Lemuel V
Vanderhoof wd 12 in 12 2ud McCook
Herman Bohling wifo to John H
Sodman wd s 2 13-1-29
II H Tieman wifo to M S Barnett
trustee trusteo deed nw 4 3 no 4
Charles G Broman wife to Oscar W
O verhalser wd sw 1 25-2-26
1 CO
6000 00
200 00
225 00
360 00
1 CO
The Tribune is now prepared to do
your job printing of all kinds promptly
Notice is hereby eiven that I have this day
old to W F Everistof McCook Neb all my
interest in the McCook Live Co includ
ing inv interest in an unexpired three year lease
to the Joseph Allen ranch in Frontier county
Neb The business of tho McCook Live Stock
Co will bo continued by tho remaining partners
W F Everist and J H Thomas who will col
lect all outstanding accounts and receipt there
fore and pay alloutstanding bills 3 lMts
w W H Scott
Osborn Nebraska Mareh 7 1907
31 - --
Makes the finest light
estbest flavored biscuit
hot -breads cake and
pastry Renders the
food more digestible
and wholesome
im r r zi7m
miElt PUR
rwwxrritF it ivjrrnrHT m rirmr7JltAlljlJr
jf Every package of
lH Ql r tP aS r
is covered by the following1 guar
antee which is backed up by the
A M Hughes Paint Glass Co
NOTE This Guarantee is void if our suggestions on painting
are not followed
The Crescent Cottage Paints are composed of tho best and
most durable paint pifrm mts known including best Oxido of
Zinc Pure Carbonate of Lead and such coloring matter as is
required to produce tho various shades
We guarantee that this paint if properly applied will not
peel crack or chalk off will cover as much surface aud equal
in appearance and durability any paint made
We authorize all dealers handling this paint to make good
any complaint at our expense
This Paint Pure Linseed Oil
White Lead and Brushes are
sold in McCook by
a P
Cash Received on Account
Charge Paid Out and other cash
register printed supplies at The Tribune
imiiinnniu T
Is BfiliGTii I
If you will figuro with us and
quelity of material is any object
you will be easily convinced that
we out class all competition
t 2
I t
Piomoer and
Steam Filler
iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Estimates Furnished Free Base
ment of the Postoffice Building
s Ul b 1308 sJui IJb e SCtiSc
Registered Graduate
Oflico over McConnells Drue Store
Telephones Office 160 residence 131
Former location Atlanta Georgia