The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 15, 1907, Image 7

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She Had Lunch With the Man
She Hated Most
It wouldnt have been so bad said
the girl from the Bronx as she sank
wealdy onto her friends divan and
reached for a cup of tea if ho had
been a perfect stranger but to find
yourself sitting opposite the man you
hate most in all the world and have
vowed never to speak to again to find
yourself sitting opposite him I say
and eating dinner at his expense can
you imagine anything more tragic
But you could have left or or
explained began her hostess
No I couldnt wailed the girl front
the Bronx How are you going to ex
plain anything to anybody without
speaking to him And I had vowed I
wouldnt by all the gods big and little
And besides it happened so naturally
well Ill tell you all about it
New York is a pretty big place but
I find that when there is anybody In
town whom you particularly dont want
to meet the town gets so cramped that
you always are stepping on one an
others toes At any rate you always
are running across the people you
dont want to see and you never by
any chance run across somebody that
you are dying to see So of course it
was only a week after we had quarrel
ed and separated forever that the
thing happened
I had been shopping all morning
and when noon time came I was just
so tired that I thought I would just
take an elevator to the lunch room
of the department store instead of go
ing home You know how crowded
those places are at noon Well when
I reached this one it looked like the
zoological gardens at feeding time
Everybody in town seemed to be eat
ing there and there wasnt a table
left only a seat opposite a gentle
man the waiter informed me and he
asked me if I would mind occupying
it I was so hungry and exhausted
that I would have been glad to eat
opposite a polar bear so I was only
too grateful to be allowed to sit oppo
site the gentleman
I followed the waiter through the
f lanes made by tables and had dropped
down in my chair before I glanced at
the gentleman and then I discovered
to my horror that he wasnt a gentle
man at all and just the rudest most
overbearing man I ever knew and the
very one I had quarreled with the
week before Of course he might
have risen and gone away but he
didnt And then another waiter came
over for my order and took the gen
tlemans at the same time I got
awfully busy fussing with my wraps
and my gloves but he just sat there
not seeming to notice me after the
first stare of blank amazement It
seemed to me I dropped everything I
possessed in rapid fire succession
Say how long does it take to make
soup anyway It seemed fully three
quarters of an hour before that blessed
waiter returned bringing a tray with
a tureen on it And when he did ap
pear he set the tureen down in front
of him instead of me And that wasnt
the worst The next thing he did was
to take two plates wipe them off with
his serviette and place them in front
-of that man Then before I could
catch my breath or scream or some
thing he was gone and he was pass
ing me a plate of soup
I accepted that plate with as good
a grace as possible and determined to
get a cup of coffee and a roll and dis
appear But fate and that waiter
were against me I was only half
through my soup when that waiter
came sailing back with a tray con
taining two orders of fish He had
ordered fish for himself it seems
and the idiot took it for a double or
der I dont believe up to that time
he really intended to make a joke of
it but when he saw how things were
going it entered his soul to push them
along a little
I would have refused the fish but
by the time I caught my breath the
waiter had disappeared again and I
wouldnt speak to him Besides how
could I have explained to the waiter
Neither one of us had told him that
we were not together when he brought
the soup and we could hardly explain
that we had made each others ac
quaintance during that course I was
in for it So I merely gulped and
went through the courses silently one
after another But I didnt speak
And neither did he It got to be a sort
of painful pleasure after awhile and
I could easily imagine how the early
Christian martyrs felt when they en
dured slow torture for the sake of
their principles I had triumphantly
swallowed the last drop of coffee when
the waiter appeared with the bill
Then I rose to the occasion I fixed
that waiter with my eye
Bring two bills I commanded
steadily And though the man jumped
he said nothing and took the bill back
and brought two separate ones He
undoubtedly took me for a womans
suffrage crank But I opened my pock-
etbbok nonchalantely and then my
Lord EdithJ I had only 60 cents
anLtheJ3ill jvas85 cents- --
Oh dont ask me how it turned
- out Dont ask me anything I dont
- know what happened except that I
turned -to him and then to the waiter
and felt my face grow hot hotter and
hotter and then I tried to speak
and couldnt And the way that man
sat back and waited and made me
speak was was just like him But I
do admire a man that has a character
and and a little spunk cfonl you
r Half a -million grouse and nearly
half a million partridges are killed
yearly in Great Britain
8ays It Will Break Up a Cold In 24
Hours and Cure Any Cough That
Is Curable Inexpensive
A noted authority on diseases of the
throat and lungs who established a
camp for consumptives in the Pino
Woods of Maine and whose remark
able cures there have attracted great
attention from the medical world says
that his entire treatment consisted of
fresh air nourishing food and the Pure
Virgin Oil of the White Pine Trees
mixed with Whisky and Glycerine in
the following proportions
Virgin Oil of Pine Pure oz
Glycerine 2
Good Whisky f 8
Used in teaspoonful doses every four
It is claimed that the above mixture
will heal and strengthen the lungs
break up a cold in twenty four hours
and cure any cough that is curable
The ingredients can be secured from
any good prescription druggist at
small cost and can be easily mixed in
your own home
Inquiry at the prescription depart
ment of a leading local pharmacy
elicited the information that Virgin
Oil of Pine Pure is put up only in
half ounce vials for dispensing Bach
vial is securely sealed in a round
wooden case with engraved wrapper
with the name Virgin Oil of Pine
Pure guaranteed under the Food
and Drug Act June 30 1906 Pre
pared only by Leach Chemical Co Cin
cinnati O plainly printed thereon
Only the cheaper Oils are sold in bulk
but these produce nausea and never
effect the desired results
His Coveted Sensation
There is one feeling I sure would
like to have before I die said the
thoughtful young man as he looked
up from the magazine story he was
And what is that asked his com
panion who sat looking out of the
club window
I should like to feel a berserk
rage whatever that is that all these
novel heroes have when things go
wrong with the heroine But perhaps
he sighed drearily I shouldnt know
It if I had it I might think it was
hives or indigestion or epilepsy com
ing over me Its an awful thing not
to have an education Judge
Organizing Booth Revival
Marie Edwina Rosalie Booth daugh
ter of Junius Brutus and Harriet Mace
Booth a niece of Edwin Booth and a
third cousin of the richest woman in
the world Hetty Green is organizing
in Boston a great Booth revival Ed
wina Booth was born in San Francisco
and was christened there Edwin For
rest and his wife standing as her god
parents When a little tot she wag
sent to the Notre Dame convent in
Philadelphia where she remained until
she was 18
Warned by Fish
Many anglers have great faith in
fish as weather prophets If a storm
Is approaching they say the fish stop
biting and they wont bite again until
the storm is past They also foretell
the near approach of cold weather
Hours before it comes fish leave the
shallow waters in shore and seek deep
er water which owing to its depth
will stay warm and keep an equable
temperature after the shallower and
surface waters are cold
Energetic Claridon Women
That the women of East Claridon
have fallen heir to the masculine en
ergy which built the Tiouses and farms
around this neighborhood is shown by
the fact that when you meet a team
the women nearly always are driving
In this the women excel and it is
only an occasional farmers team
which does not seem to be in posses
sion of some woman Chicago Trib
Mother Finds a Food for Grown Ups
and Children as Well
Food that can be eaten with relish
and benefit by the children as well
as the older members of the family
makes a pleasant household commod
Such a food is Grape Nuts It not
only agrees with and builds up chil
dren but older persons who from bad
habits of eating have become dyspep
A Phila lady after being benefited
herself persuaded her husband to try
Grape Nuts for stomach trouble She
About eight years ago I had a se
vere attack of congestion of stomach
and bowels From that time on I
had to be careful about eating as
nearly every kind of food then known
to me seemed to cause pain
Four years ago I commenced to
use Grape Nuts I grew stronger and
better and -from that time -I seldom
have been without it have gained in
health and strength and am now heav
ier than I ever was
My husband was also in a bad con
dition his stomach became so weak
that he could eat hardly anything with
comfort I got him to try Grape
nuts and he soon found his stomach
trouble had disappeared
My girl and boy 3 and 9 years old
do not want anything else for break
fast but Grape Nuts and more healthy
children cannot be found Name
given by Postum Co Battle Creek
Mich Read the little booklet The
Road to Wellville in pkgs Theres
a reason
etain the hands or spot the kettle except
green and purple 10c per package
Fault finding eventually results In a
disposition toward selfishness
PAZO OINTMKNT Is Ruarantced to euro any caso
of Itchinff Wind Weedlnir or Protruding Mies In
C to li days or moner refunded Mc
It is hard to form a correct opinion
of others on what is said about them
Lewis Single Binder cigar richest most
satisfying Bmoke on the market Your
dealer or Lewis Factory Peoria 111
No man ever asks a truthful woman
what she thinks of him more than
Garfield Tea has been famous for years
as a remedy for constipation liver and
kidney diseases Guaranteed under the
Pure Food Law
Never Had Picture Taken
Judge Charles T Woodard lately
appointed to the Maine supreme
court never had a picture taken
A powder It cures painful smart
ing nervous feet and ingrowing nails
Its the greatest comfort discovery of
the age Makes new shoes easy A
certain cure for sweating feet Sold
by all Druggists 25c Accept no sub
stitute Trial package FREE Ad
dress A S Olmsted Le Roy N Y
Senators Wife Skillful Harpist
When Mrs W A Clarke wife of the
Montana senator entertains in their
Massachusetts avenuo home Mrs
Clark gives her guests a genuine treat
in a harp recital She is a cultured
musician especially skillful on the
Important to Mothers
Ezcmlno carefully every bottle of CASTORTA
a eafo and sure remedy for Infanta and children
md cc that it
Bears the
Signature of
En Dee For Over 30 Yeara
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought
Modern Plays Puzzle Empress
The empress of Japan has been
reading some European plays and
she does not like them She consid
ers that they deal with forbidden sub
jects and must lead to dangerous
meditations The freedom with which
women in them are represented as
expressing their opinions in public
giving vent to their most intimate
sentiments and putting their hand
kerchiefs over their eyes and weep
ing before people is said to strike
her as quite incomprehensible
Suffered Three Years Hands and Eye
Most Affected Now Well and Is
Grateful to Cuticura
My wife was taken badly with ec
zema for three years and she em
ployed a doctor with no effect at all
until she employed Cuticura Soap
and Ointment One of her hands
and her left eye were badly affected
and when she would stop using Cu
ticura Soap and Ointment the eczema
came back but very slightly but it
did her a sight of good Then we
complied with the instructions in us
ing the entire set of Cuticura Rema
edies and my wife is entirely recov
ered She thanks Cuticura very much
and will recommend it highly in our
locality and in every nook and cor
ner of our parish God bless you for
the sake of suffering humanity I M
Robert Hydropolis La Jan 5 and
Sept 1 1906
Took Sensible View of Life
Lindley Murray the grammarian a
native of Pennsylvania who died in
1826 had views of life that were
quite as correct as his principles of
English grammar He wrote I
was persuaded that a truly sincere
mind could be at no loss to discern
the just limits between a safe and
competent portion and a dangerous
profusion of the good things of life
These views of the subject I reduced
to practice and terminated my mer
cantile concerns when I had- acquired
a moderate competency
Never judge any mans worth by
his size A silver dollar is much lar
ger than a 10 gold piece
First that almost every operation
in our hospitals performed upon
women becomes necessary because
of neglect of such symptoms as
Backache Irregularities Displace
ments Pain in the Side Dragging
Sensations Dizziness and Sleepless
Second that Lydia E Pinkhams
Vegetable Compound made from
native roots and herbs has cured
more cases of female ills than any
and frankly In strictest confidence telling allyonf
troubles and stating our age We will send you
FREE ADVICE in plain sealed envelope and z val
uable 64 page Book on Home Treatment for Women
Address Lstdles Advisory Department The
Chattanooga Medietas Co Chattanooga Tenn
Positively cured by
these Little Pills
They also relievo Dis
tress from Dyspepsia In
digestion and Tco Hearty
Eating A perfect rem
edyfor Dizziness Nausea
Drowsiness Bad Taste
In the Houth Coated
Tongue Pain In tne Side
regulate tbe Bowels Purely Vegetable
Genuine Must Bear
Fac Simile Signature
other one medicine known It reg
ulates strengthens and restores womens health and is invaluable in
preparing women for child birth and during the period of Change
of Life
Third the great volume of unsolicited and grateful testimonials on
file at the Pinkhara Laboratory at Lynn Mass many of which are from
time to time being published by special permission give absolute evi
dence of the value of Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and Mrs
Pinkhams advice
LydSa E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound
For more than 30 years has been curing Female Complaints such as
Dragging Sensations Weak Back Falling and Displacements In
flammation and Ulceration and Organic Diseases and it dissolves
and expels Tumors at an early stage
Mrs Pinkhams Standing Invitation to Women
Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to
write Mrs Pinkham Lynn Mass for advice She is the Mrs Pinkham who
has been advising sick women free of charge for more than twenty
years and before that she assisted her mother-in-law Lydia E Pink
ham in advising Thus she is especially well qualified to guide sick
women back to health Write today dont wait until too late
25 ounces fos 25 cwts
The original 25 ounce
can Others have copied
I - AJW Hf
Kssa but K c
has never been equaled
at any price
300 AftSD 35DSHOESfoD
ygT tz k
Mens Shoes S5 to SSlSO Boys Shoos S3 to S1S5 Womens
Shoos S4 to SloO Misses Childrens Shoes 8225 to 45100
WL Douglas shoes are recognized by expert judges of footwear
to be tho best in style nt and wear produced m this country Jach
part of tho shco and every detail of tho making is looked after
and Tvatcuea over oy smiled snoemaKers without regard to
time or cost If I could tako you into my large factories at j
Brockton Mass and show vou how carefully W L Douglas
aT M
Xf35H A1
SsaK fr
rkV iPttL
shoes aro made you would then understand why they hold their shape fit better
wear Jongcr and aro or greater vamo than any otner maKcs
W L Donslas name and price is Etaiuped on the bottom which protects the wearer against hich
prices and Inferior slioe Take Ao Kiilmtitiite Sold lythe best shoe dealers everywhere
Fail Color Eyelets used exclusively- Catalog mailed free W i 10JLA5 nrucktoiiMan
Stones in the Kidneys Stones in the Urinary Uladder or Grave Dilioiisness Sallow Complexion
Jaundice and ail Stomach Troubles resultine from Biliousness Write for circular
YVM CKAEMEIS 4200 Rorth Grand Avenue ST LOUIS ilO
enlists for four years young men of good
character and sound physical condition be
tween the ages of 17 and 23 as apprentice sea
men ooportunities for advancement pay
S10 to 70 a month Electricians machinists
blacksmiths coppersmiths yeomen clerks
carpenters shiptitiers firemen musicians
cooks etc between 21 and S years enlisted
in special ratings with suitable pay hospital
apprentices IS to 23 years Retirement en
three fourths pay and allowances after SU
years service Applicants must be American
First clothing outfit free to recruits Upon
discharge travel allowance 4 cents per mllo to
place of enlistmont llonus four months pay
and increase In pay upon re enlistment within
four months of discharge Offices at Lincoln
and Hastings Nebraska Also during winter
at ues atoinet ana bioux uuy iowa Aaaress
tORtop wreck and save labor on farm MASON
CTTasblsstCBD C Ett 1SG1 Booklet free Beit reference
nrriflKPT QTIRPU easiest to work with ana
UCriHRbC Oinnbn starches clothes nicest-
ForreseiTlii Parilyiiig
and Beautifying toe Skin
Scalp Hair9 and Hands
Cutrara oap combines delicats medicinal end emol
lient ptopenlet derived from Cuticura the rcit Sain
Cure iv lib ths purest nt aapunaceout Iwrredlentt and tha
most refreshing cf flower odori Sold throughout tha
Xln dlA PsIt Australia If Town St Co
Depot t IonJon 27 Chsrterhouo Sqi Jtrlf
Boston USA ir7ColuabuAve lotter DrugftCnest
the mmim wes
5nnl additional miles
UUU 0f railway this
year have opened up
largely ncreaied tjiri
tory to the proRressiva
fanners of Western
Canada and the GoY
erntnent of the Domin
ion continues to give
SIXTY ACRES FREE to every settler
oty m
Coal vrood and -water in abundance churches
and schools convenient markets easy of access
taxes low climate the best in the northern tem
peratezone taw and order prevails everywhere
For advice and information address tha
Ottawa Canada or any authorized Canadian
Government Agent
V V BENNETT SOI New York Life Btuldiny
biaha Nebraska
a Ut M H hH fel
SSI To convlnco zar
vouian tnai a
tlno Antiseptic Vlll
Improve her health
and do all -we claim
for it Vfe will
H send her absolutely free a large trial
dox oi raxiino wun dook ci insirao
tions and genulno testnionlals Send
your name and address on a postal card
iH E33 cleanses
f SA ii anu uccis
wr Zk fvi H e aH
B UQO w ci td td wl
writes Mrs H C Robinson formerly Miss Hazel Upson of DeKalb
III as a result of six months suppression following an attack of
fever that I never got over just right I was weak and hardly able to
get around The best doctor in DeKalb gave me up and said I could
not get well Mamma was almost crazy about it One afternoon a
lady friend came to see me and told mamma to get me a bottle of
i mucous
m a
brane af
fections snch as nasal catarrh pelvic
catarrh and inflammation caused bv f aml
nme ills soro eyea sore throat and
mouth by direct local treatment Its cur
ative power over these troubles la extra
ordinary and gire3 immediate- relief
Thousands of women are using and rec
ommending it every day CO cent3 at
druggists or by mail Remember however
AWA5 Unexcelled for general farm
flfiiir HililUH in stock dairying fruits truck
etc convenient to the very bet markets and transpor
tation facilitie Wrlteneareftofflreforlltsandpnb
lications M V Richinlljind and Industrial Apent
Southern Rj and Mobile fcOliIo R It WMhton DU
C S ChajeWest AzfcCJl Chemical Bid Jt
W N U OMAHA NO 11 1937
so she got It though she had little hopes of its helping But praise God I I had taken
just three bottles when I was relieved and began to get well right off I kept right on
taking Cardul and now I am well and strong I feel that I owe my life to Cardui and
will never be through praising it Thousands of ladies have written like Mrs Robin
son to tell of the wonderful relief it gave in the various forms of female disease For
such trouble as headache backache falling feelings nervousness irregularity mis
placement etc you will find Cardui of true and lasting benefit Try it