I Ei 3 a t1 - ijp rri rrn fiiiTTtirtfiwiifnrinitrrrniTiiiliiiiiwiaiMirtttiiwniriwwji Mt Julia Ward Howe EVom fteieograpb copyright by Underwood Underwood N Y Latest portrait of one of the most famous women in America taken at her home at Newport R I HaTtHE OLDEST PULPIT DESK AT ALBANY N Y WAS IM PORTED IN 1650 Is Property of First Reformed Church -Built in 1793 President a Mem ber While Governor of the State Albany NY This city has the honor of owning the oldest pulpit on the continent along with that of being the oldest chartered city in the United States TEepulpit stands in the First Reformed church which was built in the year of the building of the old Cali fornia missions 1793 but unlike them it is as strong and in as good repair as it was when the builders left it The pulpit was brought over from Holland by the Dutch in 1656 to stand in their new church which was just building Twenty five beaver skins were sent to Holland as part payment but they became damaged in transit o the pulpit was donated by the Dutch west India company The building served as a fort as well as a church Icannon being mounted upon the roof and while the service was going on twithin sentinels- watched for signs of a foe To day the old hour glass and an jcient Dutch Bible are still in their ac customed places while in the olden time the pews in front of it were oc cupied by Col Peter Schuyler Al banys first mayor the patrons of the Van Rensselaers who owned land along both shores of the Hudson river ifor 24 miles and Gen Philip Schuyler pne of the first three major generals linMhe revolutionary army also first frjnited States senator from New York Within its shadow the famous Iro quois chieftain King Hendrick who with Sir William Johnson defeated the French and Indians in the battle of Lake George was converted to Christianity and Col Aaron Burr United States senator from New York and vice president under Thomas Jef iferson was married to Theodosia Pro vost - President Roosevelt sat before it and listened to the preachers words as a member of this church when gov ernor of New York state The old pulpit is rich in years and honors its history is Albanys history the churchs members having taken part in all the events of interest that have happened in ye olde towne since its founding FEELS PAIN IN BURIED HAND Relief Comes When Fingers Are Ex humed and Straightened Out Gallipolis O The case of Robert Wolf of Couch W Va is another link in the theory that the several mem bers of the human body do not rest painlessly in the grave unless put away in a perfectly natural position Mr Wolf while out hunting shot his right hand mangling it badly Doc tors from Point Pleasant were sum moned and amputated the hand above the wrist The member was buried but for some time afterward the in jured man was- restless and could not sleep and was worried He did not complain about his arm hurting him but said that his hand pained him very much He showed his relatives with his left hand the shape his right hand was in when it was buried The pain increasing and Mr Wolf still complaining Mr Phillip Wolf a brother and another went to the place where the hand was buried dug up the box and found the hand cramped in exactly the position described by Mr Wolf The fingers were carefully straightened out and the hand placed back in the box in such manner that there was no pressure anywhere and reburied -The injured man at once became easier and said that his hand did not hurt him except for a slight feelfng above the thumb Physicians explain that the sensa tion of a severed arm or foot being in place when in fact it is cut off and buried is caused by the nerves at the end of the wound They do not ex plain however how a man may think his fingers hurt him when he no longer has them For a New State in the Northwest Idaho Washington and Oregon May Be Asked to Contribute Counties Spokane Wash Residents all over eastern and central Washington northern Idaho including the Pan handle and northeastern Oregon are evincing interest in the proposal to create a new state by taking 26 coun ties with a population of 400000 in the territory bounded on the west by the Cascade range on the east by the Bitter Root mountains on the north by the international boundary And on the south by the Blue moun ftains and judging from the hearty support accorded there is every rea jsonable prospect that the project will ibe carried out successfully t C Herbert Moore chairman of the city beautiful committee of the Spo kane chamber of commerce who is at the head of the movement urges the assembling of a convention at an early date at which the new state plan can be thoroughly discussed by representative men of the three in tecested states The proposed action to create the mew state by taking parts of 4hree ad joining commonwealths Is without a jprecfcdent in the history of the nation An approach to it however was fur nished In West Virginia organized in constitutional manner in 1861 Prominent lawyers in the northwest declare that provision is made in the constitution of the United States for the creation of new states and they point to section 3 article 1 as the method of procedure The text fol lows New states may be admitted by congress into the union Lut no new state shall be formed or erected with in the jurisdiction of any other state nor any state be formed by the junc tion of two or more states or parts of states without the consent of the leg islatures of the states concerned as well as of the congress This will involve a lot of work It means also that a community of sentiment unanimous among the people must be created in the three state legislatures to secure their united action Heir to Vast Mexican Wealth Heiress apparent to 200000000 Senora Creel wife of the new Mexican ambassador is the richest woman of the dimplomatic set in Washington where many are rich Enrique C Creel the ambassador is far from poor but his 24000000 dwindles to paltry insignificance when ranged be side his wifes huge fortune She is the daughter of Gen Luis Terrazaz of Chihuahua owner of gold mines and broad acres Send Music by Wireless New York Through a slight acci dent to an electrician in the employ of the De Forrest Wireless Telegraph company on the roof of the Yale club it became known that Dr De Forrest is attempting to transmit music through the air without the use of wires as he now transmits messages He is working in connection with the Cahill Teleharmonic company which sends music by wire to any point V HAULING FARM CROPS FIGURES ON TRANSPORTATION BY WAGON Interesting Statistics Prepared by De partment of Agriculture Average Cost of jCarrying Wheat 19 Cents Per Ton Per Mile Washington At an early date the United States department of agricul ture will Issue Bulletin 49 of the bu reau of statistics prepared by Frank Andrews transportation expert of the division of foreign markets This bulletin is a report on the cost of haul ing crops from nearly 1900 counties and cover practically the entire farm ing area of the country The average cost to the farmer ot hauling wheat from farms to ship ping points- is given as nine cents per 100 pounds the average distance hauled is 94 miles and the average wagon load of wheat weighs 3333 pounds thus containing about 55 bush els For cotton the average load is 1702 pounds distance from shipping point 118 miles and cost of hauling 16 cents per 100 pounds Reduced to terms of cost per ton per mile the rate for wheat is 19 cents and for cot ton 27 cents v The highest cost of haul is for wool which is carried on an average 398 miles from farm or ranch to ship ping point at a rate of 44 cents per 100 pounds for the entire distance The lowest cost for any one product is for hemp which is hauled from farms to shipping points at an aver age cost of six cents per 100 pounds the distance hauled being 52 miles and the average load of hemp weigh ing 3393 pounds For the enth e distance from farm to shipping point corn oats and barley are each hauled at an average cost ol seven cents per 100 pounds hay flax seed rye and timothy seed eight cents wheat potatoes and beans nine cents tobacco and live hogs ten cents rice hops and buckwheat 11 cents apples and peanuts 12 cents vegetables other than potatoes and cotton seed 15 cents cotton and fruit other than apples 16 cents and wool 44 cents Except in the case of wool prac tically all costs represent the expense incurred by farmers in hauling their own produce Wool is hauled in the Rocky t mountains largely by regular freight wagons and the wool growers pay for the hauling at varying rates per 100 pounds The total tonnage of farm products hauled on country roads in the United States- is not known but of 12 leading products it is estimated that nearly 50000000 tons were hauled from farms during the crop year 1905 6 at a cost of about 85000000 or more than five per cent of their value at local markets Of this traffic 40000 000 tons represent the weight of corn wheat and cotton and the cost of hauling these three products was 70000000 CURFEW LAW HITS WOMEN Indian Territory Teachers Rebel at Nine OClock Order Muskogee I T We wont stand it Let them go and get old maids if they want old maid school teach ers said a petite young school teacher to a group of her fellow teach ers and she stamped her foot when she said it This was all because the school board has applied the curfew law to school teachers of Muskogee From Tulsa and McAlester comes informa tion that the school board at each place has made a similar order The boards of education in these towns have decided that the teachers in the public schools must cut society five nights out of the week at least The boards have given it out that they do not expect to see the teachers out after nine oclock at night through the school week and they do not add that the teachers are at liberty the other nights This order has created a storm in the towns mentioned Some of the teachers are in open rebellion and say they will go where they please and when and some of them have done so but it is noticed they are waiting with some apprehension for the next meeting of the board GIRL BARBER 13 BUSY Young and Old Men of Ohio Town Are Acting Real Giddy Hamilton O After completing a course of study in a tonsorial acad emy in Cincinnati Miss Minnie Boone aged 23 a prepossessing young woman of Mauds Station But ler county returned to her native village last week and opened up a neat tonsorial parlor in the staid old Butler county hamlet Success marked the first days busi ness and Miss Boone has made a ten strike It is even hinted that the men of Mauds Station love to linger in the comfort of the barber chair and the run on hair tonics made by some of the bachelor residents has been a matter of comment Sea foams are all the rage and the old time shampoo is being revived Facial massage is also growing popu lar and instead of the hitherto week ly Saturday afternoon visit to the man barber ofthe village of Mauds it is said that some of the youths and old bucks have taken to having their faces shaved and whiskers trimmed two and even three times a week MAIL ORDER WAYS A BAD ADVERTISEMENT FOR CATALOGUE HOUSES AT SCHOOL OF EXPERIENCE Sooner or Later It Teaches Every Mail Order Patron the Error of Sending His Money from Home The methods of the mall order houses are their worst advertisement Sooner or later there will come a time in the experience of every purchaser of their goods when he will wish he hadnt done It when he will wish he had spent his money with his home merchants This Is not only because he will see the ruin wrought in his own community by the nefarious prac tice of sending the money of the com munity to the city but also because of the practices of the mall order con cerns The story in the catalogue sounds well It sounds like you would get the identical thing you wanted and at a much lower price than you had im agined it could be bought for and you order it The purchase arrives and when opened you feel that some mis take has been made that the concern has sent you the wrong goods It is not what you ordered Ah but it is The difference is be tween the way It actually looks and the way it sounds In the catalogue You explain that the goods you re ceived is not what you ordered and ask for an accounting and are told that it is you that Is in error that you got just what you ordered and then if you are wise you buy of the - better to call upon cur local dealorl and look over his stock where wo can see the goods beforo buying Ther aro then no errors In change or ret Tunds to be haggled over across a 300- mile stretch Yes It is better to trade at homo Our home merchants guarantee upon an article means something as ho wants our good will Keeping the money at home benefits home Indus tries and thus Indirectly us We can not expect to sell our products to the local merchant and do our trading in Chicago It is all one sided and somo time we would have no local merchant to do our buying Catalogue houses I have found from bitter experiences are tricky If those who are dealing with them will watch their purchases they will find It so sooner or later Our last deal had It occurred here at home would have been straightened out in five minutes and without feeling but with you it takes me all winter to get my money back when the goods are not satisfac tory and even then I get only a credit card which is lost through studied carelessness upon the part of someone In your concern so that I have noth ing to show for my claim Every man should trade at home if conditions admit of purchasing a good article at reasonable prices If not then he had better trade at the next town or city that his money may go to build up the country around him He sends it to Chicago that it may go Into profits of some big mall order house until there is enough sucker money to build and endow somo great charitable institution as a monument to the greatness of the mail order man and the gullibleness of the easy pub lic I have already asked that you adfust the matter of our last deal I want my money returned without further WMMMmA BIO w rV I rffiQr 0GxL t A S- it MmkUyWr iSs f y iff k Jsfg 7 1 MHS Jtf The one sure method of curbing the mail order giant is to bind him with the thongs of home patronage Are you helping in this work Are you spending your money at home and helping your town to grow or are you sending it to the city to swell the fortunes of the mail order man home merchant next time and know what -you get when you pass over the money for it He may not be able to sell you what you thought you were buying from the mail order house at the catalogue price but he can sell you if he has it the same goods you get from the mail order houses at an equal or less price than they ask for it and what is more he can sell you what you really want at as reasonable a price as you can get it for else where The following letter written by a Michigan farmer explains in a clear and unmistakable way the danger of buying of mail order concerns It was addressed to one of the largest of this class of institution in this country Baldwin Mich Jan 12 1907 Gentlemen I have your favor of recent date and also your catalogues and accom panying circulars offering premiums for distribution of the same among my friends I have no doubt that as you say I will thereby confer a great fa vor upon you but I am compelled to take issue with you on the statement that I will also confer a favor upon my friends In my dealings with you extending over some timepast I have received no favors from you I paid for all I got and the length of time I traded with you instead of establishing friendly relations and gaining me ad ditional favor as it would in a home store gave ypu the opinion that un like a new customer to whom you give your very best so they will come again I was a steady comer and any old thing would do for me Our last deal opened my eyes and convinced me of your policy Your catalogues offer some apparently great bargains But let us draw up our chairs and see If there are not a few things very essential to the rural citi zen that are not mentioned within its voluminous bulk For instanpe there is no reference to paying cash or exchanging goods for wheat oats corn beans butter eggs and hay How much will you pay for cattle sheep and hogs f o b at Baldwin How much will you pay to support the Lake county schools and educate our children How much for improv ing our roads and bridges For sup porting the poor For the general public expense On what page do you offer to con tribute money to the support of our churches What line of credit will you extend to me when my money is low because of sickness or poor crops What do you provide in the way of entertain ment for the public and In the way of providing those things that make a town desirable and thus keep up the value of my property As a matter of fact do you do any thing to help locally or do you merely take the money out of a community returning nothing whatever beyond the value of the goods bought Think ing it over carefully I believe it is dickering and unless I get it I shall certainly get its equivalent in adver tising you and your methods among the people of Lake county Awaiting your reply I am Yours truly CARL SCHULTZ Wolf Lake Michigan P O Baldwin Mich Can you Mr Purchaser not profit by the experience of others and turn your money into home channels by trading with home merchants where you will get a dollars worth for a dol lar or must you follow the mail order mans lead to trouble for yourself and destruction for your community Do not wait for that evil day when you have learned wisdom in the expensive school of personal experience but profit by that purchased by others You will find it far cheaper and more satisfactory in the end A Turkish Health Report The French government wishing to obtain definite statistics on points re lating to certain Turkish provinces recently sent blanks with questions lating to certain Turkish provinces to be answered to the Provincial gov ernors The replies received from the Pasha of Damascus are worth quoting Question What is the death rate in your province Answer In Damascus it is the will of Allah that all should die Some die young and some die old Q What is the annual number of births A God alone can say I do not know and hesitate to inquire Q Are the supplies of water suf ficient and of good quality A From the remotest period no one has died in Damascus of thirst General remarks as to the local san itation Man should not bother him self or his brother with questions that concern only God A Squelcher I gave that odious Mrs Dough purse something to think of this after noon says Mrs Bankfull to her hus band who was amusing himself by tossing 20 gold pieces into the artifi cial lake in the drawing room for the pleasure of hearing the gold pieces plunk as they sunk Whajja say to her asked Mr Bankfull rolling himself a cigarette in a hundred dollar bill She was boasting about the solid gold radiators they are having put Into their new house and I told her we thought steam heat was so old-fashioned that we were going to heat our house with radium hereafter Judge Minister Discovers Comet Ministerial duties do not prevent the Rev Joel H Metcalf of Taunton Mass from pursuing astronomical in vestigations His study of the stars has resulted In the discovery of a new comet which is now being closely ob served by astronomers throughout the world It has been named Metcalfs comet DOES YOUR BACK ACHE Cure the Kidneys and the Pain Will Never Return Only one sure way to cure an aching back Cure the cause tho kfdneys JHR q Thousands tell or cures madebyDoans Kidney Pills JohnC Coleman a promi n q n t merchant of Swains bo ro Ga says For several years my kidneys were affected and my back ached daj and night I was languid nervous and lame in the morning Doans Kidney Pills helped me right away and tho great relief that followed has been permanent Sold by all dealers 50 cents a box Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N Y Burro Drivers Carry Candles In Mexico all vehicles be they handcart automobile or anything be tween must carry a light at night This rule or law Is rigidly enforced Even tho drivers of tho poor little burro or mule carts on their two wheels must carry a light So rather than buy lanterns which cost money they take a dip candle and wrapping it in a bit of newspa per to shield it from the wind carry It in their left hand as they drive along homeward from work after evening has fallen The effect is striking as the light falling strongly on the Indian driver throws the face of the man Into strong relief against the darkness Clover Grass Seeds Everybody loves lots and lots of Clovei Grasses for hogs cows sheep and swine We are known as the largest growers of Grasses Clovers Oats Barley Corn Po tatoes and Farm Seeds in America Oper ate over 5000 acres FREE Our mammoth 148 page catalog is mailed free to all intending buyers or send 8c in STXura and receive sample of perfect balance ra tion grass seed together with Fodder Plants Clover etc etc and big Plant and Seed Catalog free John A Salzer Seed Co Box W La Crosse Wis Postage Stamp Paper All the paper for the millions of postage stamps used in the United States is manufactured at Mechanic Falls Me Once a month the firm re ceives a requisition for 1000000 sheets of the paper and each sheet will make 361 stamps Especially worthy of notice 13 Garfield Tea Natures remedy for constipation sick headache liver and kidney derange ments It is made wholly of Herbs Affection consists not in - use of carefully prepared utterances Lewis Single Binder straight 5c cigar is good quality all the time Your dealer or Lewis Factor Peoria 111 An opinion carries conviction only when expressed with force Mrs WInalowB Soothlnjr Syrnp For children teething softens thergnrus reduces In flammatlon allays pain cures wind colic 25ca bottle All thy virtue dictates dr to do Mason W A Mitchell dealer in eeneral merchandise Martin Ga writes My wife lost in weight Jrom 130 to 68 pounds We saw she could not live long She was a skeleton so we consulted an old physician He told her to try Peruna She gradually commenced im proving and getting a little strength She now weighs 106 pounds She is gaining every day and does her own housework and cooking v H -