-- T Ymawxw iwjii mm ie VS3e WHrtWi iimii muMTHiiifaniMiO AVisit to our Ready-to-Wear Department will convince you of the superiority of our spring and summer line of La diesVand Misses SUITS JACKETS SKIRTS WAISTS RAIN COATS SILK PETTICOATS We stand ready to guarantee every gar ment we sell to be ab J iP t - fcVV u z mmHtmiem Hi S flf Jte3 CLP solutely correct in style perfect in construction and to give you the very best satisfaction We have this season the most beautiful assortment of LADIES WAISTS ever before shown in McCook ranging in price from 65c to 1500 each Our line of MUSLIN UNDERWEAR has won a reputation of presenting the finest the fullest and best made garments for the prices ever shown and offered in Red Willow county Our stock is now com plete we haveall the garments ranging in price from 25c to 750 each Call and look over our new assortment of Belts Back Combs Beads Fancy Ribbons Collar Ribbons Silks Summer Dress Goods Suitings Waistings AIIOver Laces and Embroideries H C CLAPP I Exclusive Dry Goods and Ladies Furnishings ft Walsh Block Phone 56 flcCook tVb Vb9 v franklih President a c ebert cashier JAS S DOYLE Vice President THR CITIZENS BANK OF MeCOOK NEB a h a a Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 1 2000 a a DIRECTORS V FRANKLIN JAS S DOYLE A C EBERT 4S SSSfi C H Boyle C E Eldeed BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at I aw Long Distance T ono 41 PtofficaBundfng0nd MCL00i McCook Laundry G C HECKMAN Prop Dry and Steam Cleaning and Pressing Fifty Years the Standard CREAM llDaBBB MBBfc BSBBb POWDER A Cream of Tartar Powder Made From Grapes NO ALUM I Thk Burlington enriched the treasury of Red Willow county closoof last week by Paying its delinquent taxes and ac crued interest a total of 820910 91 Veiuly to him that hath shall be given and from him that hath not shall bo takou away oven that ho hath Sen ator Burkett has secured an approp riation of 3200 for ornamental lamp posts about the Lincoln postoflico Holdrege is passing an ordinance providing for the appointment of an ex pert city electrician to have general sup ervision of wiring buildings for electric lights testing meters etc also to act as an assistant to the fire committee If aught extenuating is required for tho attitude of the American people to ward the railways and trusts and great combines in general that cin utustance is provided by the conduct and by facts admitted by the defendants themselves The politicians agree upon two point concerning Now Federal Judge Munger Primus That he is a clever very clevor politician Secondly That tho spect aclo of the Lincoln Journal and the Lincoln Star uniting in his cndorsemonl is a political miracle Perhaps the most dishonest fact in the whole railroad business is the wat ered stock and the question will not be settled right until a few hundred mill ions are squeezed out of them and the people put in a position to pay earnings on a legitimate capitalization ciy church announcements Christian4 Sunday school at 10 Church services at 11 and 8 Charles Famulimer will preach Prayer meet ing on Wednesday evening at 8 Catholic Order of services Mass 3 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Looghran Pastor Christian Science Services at Zint McClain bldg Sunday at 11 oclock a m Wednesday at 8 oclock p m Subject Matter Reading room at same place open daily wheie Christian Science literature may be had Episcopal Services on Sunday at 11 a in Holy communion and sermon on third Sunday in each month at 730 pm prayers and sermon- Sunday school at 10 am The rector will officiate All are welcome to these services E R Earle Rector Baptist Sunday school at 1000 a m Preaching services at 11 a m and 8 p m by Rev C R Welden of Peru Ne braska Prayer service Wednesday evening at 8 oclock Young peoples meeting at 7 p m A F Green Pastor Methodist Sunday school at 1000 a m Preaching by pastor at 11 a m and 8 p m Junior League at 400 Ep worth League at 700 Prayer meeting every Wednesday night Sunday school and preaching in South McCook next Sunday afternoon M B Carman Pastor Congregational Sunday School at 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m bv pastor Evening subject What Tlink Ye of Christ Christian En deavor at 7 p m Prayer meeting Wed nesday at 8 p m A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend these meet ings Geo B IIawkes Pastor BARTLEY Henry Buthersu has moved into the house recently vacated by Jack De Ar mond whero he will live until ho can put up a building on the land recently pur chased of S W Clark Mrs Arbogast visited with her parents in Cambridge Thursday Grandma Hodgkins has been quite sick for several days but is now much improved Bob George of Wauneta was in town last week jpMiss Grace Flint has been dangerously sick this week Her brothers and sister have been called from diffprpnt rmint Everything hoped to assist in her re covery is being done At this writing Wednesday her vmpton s are n favorable It is hoped by everyone in this vicinity that she may son recuwr her former health Geo Theobald has returned from Wauneta Mr and Mrs W B Downs visited with friends at Lebanon Thursday Mrs G W Ritchie has moved into the residence recently bought of Henry Butherus Dr Mackechnie of Indianola was called in consultation with Dr Hathorn Sunday evening to see Grace Flint Chas Cammack of Dundy county is here this week E E Shoemaker Jr is having his ice house covered Webber Son are putting up the north wall of their building with cement blocks of their own manufacture Bartley people are generally well pleased with the bills passed by our legislature tiRed Until Married On n certain island in the Pacific it Is stated that the natives are still in the habit of confining their girl chil dren In cages until they are of an age to marry These cages are constructed of palm branches and the girls are imprisoned In them when they are two or three years old They are not al lowed to leave their cage under any pretext whatever and they are only taken out once a day to be washed The children are said to grow up strong and healthy In spite of their incarceration Fatherly Advice Papa said the girl with the new engagement ring did I understand you to say that you Intended to buy me a piano for a wedding present Yes dear replied her father but I wouldnt advise you to mention It to George He might break the engage ment CJidcaso News CRIMINALS IN INDIA WHOLE TRIBES WHOSE HEREDITARY PROFESSION IS THEFT Robber Born mil Kept So by Cant Tliey Are Iollte and Moilent Until the Profession Rciiuircn Them to Become Cruel and Ferocionx India jj usually spoken of as a lane where life and property have become safe under British rule True tho bands of thugs have been broken up the PIndharee hordes have been sup pressed and the British police system Is spread over the whole country but the criminal tribes or castes those whose hereditary profession is rob bery and nothing else remain theli Instincts strong wanting only opportu nity to practice their traditional call lug which the Indian caste system for bids them to abandon These tribes are most numerous and most wayward In the united provinces in which are Cawnpur and Luckuow the cities associated forever with the Indian mutiny Half of the division is Oudb the na tive province last annexed by Britain many of whose old men vividly re member when every talookdar or feudal chief lived In a fortified castle and retained a swarm of armed men who received no pay but lived on the country They were official robbers and their example gave free scope to the professional robbers or as they have always been known in India the criminal tribes These tribes are the Sauauriahs the Banvars the Sansiahs the Doms the Haburahs the Aherlahs the Banrlahs the Bhatus Each tribe has its own dialect dress and customs A singular feature of Indian life ia that persons who would be considered depraved characters in a European country and would bear the stamp of their nature on their faces are not de praved In their own estimation or in that of the people at large A casual murderer is not ashamed of himself nor abhorred by his neighbors who welcome him back among them if he escapes tne gallows ana is released after a term in jail The universal be lief that all things are decreed by fate accounts for this amazing state of feeling Much more then are men re garded with indifference or even re spect whose time honored hereditary and natural profession is robbery with murder So the members of these tribes go in and out of the towns and villages with out misgivings and there is not a sign in their faces or manner to indicate that their business is robbery and mur der When a gang encamps outside of a town the inhabitants feel uncomforta ble and take precautions but cherish no ill will against the strangers And when robberies and murders occur al most immediately within a radius of twenty miles they take more precau tions but regard the whole affair as a visitation of Providence like a flood or a fire These habitual criminals are not de praved in any sense understood by the people They simply have the mis fortune to belong to a trade which is unpleasant for the neighborhood like a dyers or a tanners They are well satisfied with thorn selves and are as careful as other peo ple of their respectability They have no unusual vices they do not get drunk or riotous they are civil courteous and unassuming Cruelty and ferocity are with them neither habits nor pleas ures but simply methods of business During the excitement of a sudden attack the people if they do not run away will turn out and aid the police in repelling or capturing the robbers But if a police inquiry begins two or three days after the robbers have done their work unmolested the people will usually do nothing to help in tracing them aud will even deny that they have lost anything For many years past the government of India has worked to induce these criminal tribes to settle down to a peaceable and industrious life But progress is very slow Vagabond age is bred in the bone and marrow of the tribes and marauding is their cho sen occupation From time to time men will suddenly disappear perpetrate several daring dakaits in another dis trict and escape over the border into one of the Independent native states which cluster round three sides of the united provinces The word dakaiti also spelled da coity means robbery by a gang of armed men and a dakait or dacolt Is a member of such a gang An assault by robbers in India dif fers from one in Europe or America in that it always takes place at night and is accompanied by a tremendous amount of noise The Indians are a noisy people at all times and in a rob bery with violence the robbers object is to terrify their victims into a panic hence whether travelers be waylaid on a lonely road or a wealthy mans house be attacked in a village the as sault is always made suddenly with loud shouts and yells and in the case of a village with beating of drums and waving of lighted torches The persons attacked bellow for all they are worth but rarely offer resist ance and the general effect is so terri fying to the cowardly people that the neighbors either fly or else barricade their doors and lie still till the robbers have got at least a mile away with their plunder Even the shrieking of wo men under torture does not put heart into one of them fdr the men of a house that is attacked try to bolt for their lives if they can and leave the women to the mercy of the robbers who apply lire to then and torture them In more atrocious ways to make them tell where the valuables are kept New York World ixler Opera House The Famous Nashville Students Tues March 19 One of the foremost companies of color ed jubilee singers in America Melody and Art A Treat in a Stock Certificate of the McCook Building Loan Association BBBBBnaKEEBaHBessBaasiBEBBaBaassninBaBaaB EFOSBORN e o Q J W WENTZ OSBORN WENTZ Draymen Prompt Service Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices GIVE US A TRIAL FAY HOSTETTER TEACHER ON PIANO McCook Nebraska Studio upstairs in new Rishel building south of Post Office JOHN E KELLEY ATT0ENEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTEACTEB McCook Nebraska jgAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Office in Poatoffice building No better or safer investment is open to you An investment of 100 per month for 1 20 months will earn 80 nearly 9 percent compounded annually Dont delay but see the secretary today Subscriptions r e ceived at any time for the new stock just opened SX2X2 List Your Property With Us Farms Ranches Etc Our office is in the east and we bring the buyers direct with the money For par ticulars address SHURTLEFF DOWNING Humboldt Neb wvswvsswvA 0OOOOOOOOOOCv McCook Hardware Co HjirHviJirf Imnlpmpntc Pppd frnrcL c - Kww It Gasoline Engines Harness Saddles Buggies Wagons n j vve uuii 1111 yuui uiuer W B MILLS Phone 31 R b SIMMONS 9 Successors to W T Coleman NOTICE Notice is hereby given that bv virtue of a chattel mortgage executed to the Huber Manu facturing Company an incorporated company under the laws of the state of Ohio of Marion in the county of Marion and state of Ohio by John P Reiter dated the thirty first day of August 1903 and filed in the office of the county clerk of Red Willow countj in the tate of Neb raska on the fourth day of i eptember 1905 upon which default has been made and upon which thero is now due the sum of SI 51314 tho said Huber aianufacturing Company will expose for tale at public auction and sell to the highest bidder on Friday the twenty second day of March 190 at the hour of one oclock p m on lot sixteen in block thirty three in the origi nal town of Indianola in said county of Red Willow in thestate of Nebraska the property mentioned in said chattel mortgage as follows to wit One Huber traction engine IS horse power number 71W one Huber separator with SI inch cylinder and TA separating part number 6658 together with all belts and tools pertaining to the use of said machinery one Huber wind stacker number 2527 and one Huber self feeder number 2913 Dated at McCook Nebraska this first day of March A D 1907 The Huber Manufacturing Compant Mort gagee By V S Moklan Its Attorney Office Supplies of AH Kinds at the TRIBUNE Office DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Office Bldg Phone No MeCOOK NEB Consultation free f3JO Bpajht tPi 250 Paid for this Piano Both the Same Piano Wh 13 feSliftM ll I I vi52S5tacdy iM W fem JBSlsHfl ypisgfi 250 for a 350 Piano Ton can learn all about this and how to save money in buying pianos by writing to the Piano Buyers Guide 310 Kgrbacr Block - Qmaa - irrinrmciia - TSK K M r 1 w