The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 15, 1907, Image 2

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The Tribune
F M KIMMELL Publisher
Author of Tho Man on the Boxetc
With Drawings by Harrison Fisher
Copyright 1905 by Bobba Mcrrill Co
Look here sir cried the chief
standing up and hailing his fist I
want you to explain yourself and
mighty quick You cant come into
my presence in this manner
Bah You have just permitted the
cleverest rascal in the state to slip
through your hutter fingers I am Hag
The chief of police sat down sud
The consummate daring of it Why
the rascal ought to have been in com
mand of an army On the Board of
Strategy he would have been incom
There followed a tableau that I
shall not soon forget We all stared
at the real Haggerty much after the
fashion of Medusas victims Present
ly the tension relaxed and we all
sighed I sighed because the though
of jail for the night in a dress suit
dwindled in perspective the girl
sighed for the same reason and one or
two other things the chief of the vil
lage police and his officers sighed be
cause darkness had suddenly swooped
down on them and Hamilton sighed
because there were no gems Hag
gerty was the one among us who
didnt sigh He scowled blackly
This big athlete looked like a de
tective and the abrupt authority of
his tones convinced me that he was
Haggerty was celebrated in the annals
of police affairs he had handled all
sorts of criminals from titled im
postors down to petty thieves He
was not a man to trifle with menially
or physically and for this reason we
were all shaking in our boots He
owned to a keen but brutal wit to
him there was no such thing as sex
among criminals and he had the
nacity of purpose that has given the
bulldog considerable note in- the pit
But it was quite plain that for once
he had met his match
I dont see how you can blame me
mumbled the chief None of us was
familiar with your looks and he
showed us his star of authority and
went to work in a business like way
By George and he has run away with
my horse and carriage starting
from his chair
Never mind the horse Youll find
it safe at the railway station snarled
Haggerty Now then tell me every-
thing that- has happened from be
ginning to end
And the chief recounted the adven
ture briefly Haggerty looked coldly
at me and shrugged his broad shoul
ders As for the girl he never gave
her so much as a single glance He
knew a gentlewoman without looking
At her twice
Humph Isnt he a clever one
though cried Haggerty in a burst
of admiration Clever is no name
for it Id give a year of my life to
come face to face with him It wouldbe
an interesting encounter Hunted him
for weeks and today laid eyes on him
for the first time Had my clumsy
paws on him this very afternoon He
seemed so willing to be locked up
that I grew careless Biff and he and
his accomplice an erstwhile valet had
me trussed like a chicken and bundled
4nto the clothes press Took my star
credentials playing card and invita
tion It was near eleven oclock when
-I roused the housekeeper I tele
graphed two hours ago
Telegraphed exclaimed the chief
rousing himself out of a melancholy
dream There would be no mention
of him in the morrows papers
Yes telegraphed The despatch
lay unopened on your office desk
Youre a good watchdog for a hen
coop growled Haggerty Ten thou
sand in gems to night and by this
time he is safe in New York You are
all a pack of blockheads
Used the telephone did fce Told
Jyou to hold these innocent persons till
he went somewhere to land the ac
complice eh The whistle of the
train meant nothing to you Well
that whistle ought to have told you
that there might be a mistake A
good officer never quits his prisoners
If there is an accomplice in toils else
where he makes them bring him in
he does not go out for him And
now Ive got to start all over again
and he in New York a bigger cata
comb than Rome ever boasted of Hes
not a common thief nobody knows
who he is or what his haunts are
But I have seen his face Ill never
forget him
The chief tore his hair while his
subordinates shuffled their feet un
easily Then they all started in to
explain their theories But the de
flective silenced them with a wave of
Ids huge hand
I dont want to hear any explana
tions Let these persons go he com
F - -
- - - -
manded with a jerk of his head in our
direction You can all return to
town but one officer I may need a
single man Haggerty added though
What are you going to do asked
the chief
Never you mind I have an idea
it may be a good oneN If it is Ill
telephone you all about it when the
time -comes
He stepped over to the telephone
and called up central He spoke so
low that none of us overheard what
ho said but he hung up the receiver
a satisfied smile on his face
The girl and I were free to go
whither we listed and we listed to
return at once to New York Ham
ilton however begged us to remain
to dance and eat as a compensation
for what we had gone through but
Miss Hawthorne resolutely shook her
head and as there was nothing in the
world that would have induced me to
stay without her I shook my head
too It seemed to me I had known
this girl all my life so closely does
misfortune link one life to another
I had seen her for the first time less
than eight hours before and yet I was
confident that as many years under
ordinary circumstances would not
have taught me her real worth
Mrs Hyphen Bonds will never for
give me said Hamilton dismally if
she hears that Ive been the cause
indirectly and innocently of turning
you away
Mrs Hyphen Bonds need never
know replied the girl smiling in
scrutably In fact it would be per
fectly satisfactory and agreeable to
me if she never heard at all
Yes Why I might really have
known you all my life and still not
have known you as well as I do this
very minute and less than a dozen
hours between this and our first meet
ing You are as brave as a paladin
wise as a serpent cool witty and
Shall I ask the driver to let me
out Then she laughed a rollicking
joyous laugh
What is so funny
I was thinking of that coal bin
Well I didnt permit a lonely po
tato to frighten me I retorted
No you were brave enough
among the potatoes
You are beautiful
I am hungry
You are the most beautiful girl
I want something to eat
I ever saw Do you think it
possible for a man to fall in love at
first sight
Oh nothing Is impossible on Tom
Fools night Positive fool compara
tive fooler superlative foolest You
are marching on with your degrees
Mr Cornstalk
You might call me Dicky I said
in an aggrieved tone
Dicky Never I should always
be thinking of paper collars
I wish I were witty like that
She snuggled down beneath the
An artists model thought I Never
in this world I now understood the
drift of her uncles remark about her
earning capacity The Alice Haw
thorne miniatures brought fabulous
prices And here I was sitting so
close to her that our shoulders
touched and she a girl who t0v
Haggerty Looked Coldly at Me
I will call a conveyance for you
said the defeated F H I shall
never forgive you Dicky
Yes you will Teddy A loving
cup the next time we meet at the
club will mellow everything
Quarter of an hour later Miss Haw
thorne and I wrapped in buffalo robes
our feet snugly stowed away in straw
slid away to the jangle and quarrel of
sleighbells toward Moriartys Holly
wood Inn The moon shone not a
cloud darkened her serene and lovely
countenance The pearly whiteness of
the world would have aroused the
poetry in the most sordid soul and
far far away to the east the black
tossing line of the sea was visible
What a beautiful night I volun
The beginning of the end
The beginning of the end What
does that mean
Why when you first spoke to me
it was about the weather
Oh but this isnt going to be the
end this is the true beginning of all
I wish I could see it in that light
but we can not see beauty in anything
when hunger lies back of the eyes I
havent had anything to eat save that
single apple for hours and hours I
was so excited at Mouquins that I ate
almost nothing
You are hungry Well well fix
that when we get to Moriartys Ill
find a way to waking him up in case
hes asleep which I doubt There will
be cold chicken and ham and hot
And we shall dine with the gods
And now it is all over and done it was
funny wasnt it
Terribly funny with a shade of
irony It would have been funnier
still if the real Haggerty hadnt
turned up The patrol had arrived
But it didnt happen I shall never
forget this night romantically
I should he inordinately glad to for
get it completely decidedly
Wheres your romance I asked
Id rather have it served to me be
tween book covers As I grow older
my love of repose increases
Do you know I began boldly it
seems that I have known you all my
intimately emperors and princesses
and dukes not to mention the
I admit that for a moment 1
was touched with awe And it was
beginning to get serious This girl
interested me marvelously I sum
moned up all my courage
Are are you married
No o
Nor engaged to be married
No o But you mustnt ask all
these questions
How would you like to ride around
in a first class motor car the rest of
your days
She laughed merrily Possibly it was
Are you always amusing like this
Supposing I were serious
In that case I should say you had
not yet slipped off your fools motley
This directness was discouraging
I wonder if the ten of hearts is
lucky after all I mused
We are not in jail I consider that
the best of good fortune
Give me your card said I
She gave me the card and I put it
with mine
Why do you do that
Perhaps I want to bring about an
enchantment soberly
As Signor Fantoccini or as Mr
- I have long since resigned my posi
tion in the museum it was too excit
She made no rejoinder and for
some time there was no sound but the
music of the bells
Finally we drew up under the colon
ial porte cochere of Hollywood Inn and
were welcomed by the genial Moriarty
himself his Celtic countenance a mir
ror of smiles
Anything in the house to eat I
cried shaking the robes from me
Anything ye like if you like cowld
things I can hate ye -a pot of coffee
on the gasolene burner and theres
manny a vintage in the cillars
That will be plenty joyfully
helping Miss Hawthorne to alight
Sure and ye are from the Hunt
Club noting our costumes Well
well they niver have anny too much
grub Now Ill putt ye in a little
room all be yersilves with a windy
and a log fire cozy as ye plaze Yell
have nearly two hours to wait for the
car r from the village
To be Continued
An interesting visitor at the Yalo
club of New York recently was Harold
Pape of England who is widely known
on the other side of the Atlantic as a
steeplechaser amateur horseman and
gentleman rider He was one of a
party of English gentlemen accom
panying Lord Tumour who arrived
here on the Baltic They were enter
tained by Brinton Buckwalter of the
Yale club where they will remain
for a few days prior to going to Mexi
co Mr Pape talked entertainingly of
steeplechasing on this and the other
side and spoke enthusiastically of the
proposed international horse show to
be held in London in June in which
Americans are to take a prominent
part While as far as I am personal
ly concerned I have never gone in ex
tensively for horse shows I have the
sportsmans and the horsemans in
terest in them Racing is my game
but I come into contact with those
who are promoting the show at 01ymJ
pia and I can say that they are migh
ty keen for the international show
There is no doubt that it will be of im
mense benefit to sport on both sides of
the water for I do not doubt that u
have as much to learn from us as we
certainly have from you Certainly
international events of the kind are
sure to be beneficial The reason
no doubt that I take no personal part
in showing horses is that hunters and
steeplechasers in which I am keen
ly interested have so small a part in
the show ring It seems to me the
competitions held on these lines are
mighty poorly conducted in England
ind I hope we can improve them by
contact with your methods After all
though racing is the real sport of
horse interest In steeplechasing and
aunting meetings we have never had
a better year than last year Both
classes of contests have been im
mensely popular and I think are
growing more so every season
There is a whole lot more going on
under that sorrel thatch of Manager
Hugh Jennings of the Detroit base
ball club than his modest manner
would lead one to suspect One of
these instances came to light the
other day when Jennings started out
o hunt up an abode in Detroit The
new executive is a widower and with
his eight-year-old daughter safely in a
convent boarding school has no one
to look after here but himself In
stead of finding quarters at some of
he downtown hotels however he an
lounced that he was looking for some
juietrplace just out of the swirl of
the business section of town I want
a place where I can be by myself
rfter the game if I want to he ex
plained I dont mean to sidestep
Hugh Jennings
the fans and Ill be as ready as any
other fellow to talk over our good
games with people who make base
ball possible by their support at the
gate But I dont want to get into
any arguments with any sore losers
Im too sore a loser myself to want to
be round where postmortems of that
sort are going on I want to be able
to go home and think it over quietly
If I got to discussing it elsewhere
Im afraid there might be some dis
Jay Gould the 17-year-old son of
George J Gould has outstripped all
other court tennis players of his age
He is a phenomenon at the game
Gould is the amateur champion of
America and has gained international
distinction in the game by taking sec
ond prize in the contest for the Brit
ish amateur championship Young
Gould presents a remarkable contrast
to the usual run of rich mens sons
He is just a healthy clean minded
American boy who has had more ad
vantages perhaps than the average
American boy He is stepping into
manhood unspoiled by luxurious sur
roundings To Frank Forrester pro
fessional at Georgiancourt belongs the
credit of having developed this new
star in the tennis world Jay was an
indifferent player when Forrester took
hold of him His progress under For
resters tutelage has been marvelous
Within a period of four months last
year young Gould passed from novice
to amateur champion He is now re
nowned throughout the court tennis
gnWCirWWiiifi rfilTirfcfcMmTMWBFmWCT a
Bright Sunshine All Winter Is What
a Western Canada Lady Says
Maidstone Sask Canada
Feb 4 1907
C J Broughton Esq
Canadian Government Agent
Chicago III
Dear Sir
Being so well pleased with Canada
we wish my father and brother to
come here Will you please send them
reading matter on Canada
We have been here nearly a year
and are delighted with this country
We have lived In Illinois Iowa and
Michigan and we find Canada away
ahead of any of them We have had
bright sunshine all winter so far only
two nice easy snow storms If it was
not all right you know I would not
want my father and brother to come
here but we think it is grand
Yours truly
Had No Idea of Going There to Do
the Cannibal Act
An officer of the army tells how
Maj Whipple of the Second Massa
chusetts regiment a veteran of the
civil war hastened to Washington
when the Spanish war broke out and
offered his services to President Mc
But all officers as well as men had
to undergo a physical examination
and it was stated to Maj Whipple
that he would have to place himself
in the hands of the examining doctors
at Worcester
Now Maj Whipple while a man of
great bodily strength and perfect
health and activity was a little de
ficient in the matter of teeth An ex
amining surgeon proposed to exclude
him on that account
Whereupon the major waxed wroth
Gentlemen said he Im going to
Cuba to shoot Spaniards not to eat
The major went Harpers Weekly
Gives Simple Home Prescription and
Directions to Use
A well known specialist is authority
that Kidney and Bladder Troubles of
all kinds are in nearly every instance
readily relieved by taking a few doses
of the following simple home made
Fluid Extract Dandelion one half
ounce Compound Kargon one ounce
Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla three
The dose is a teaspoonful after meals
and at bedtime These ingredients
can be obtained at any good pharmacy
and are mixed by shaking well in a
bottle Victims of Kidney Bladder
and Urinary diseases of any kind
should not hesitate to make this pre
scription up and try it It comes high
ly recommended and doesnt cost much
to prepare
High Prices Paid for Pets
A spinster with money to burn re
cently paid 55000 for a bulldog A
man in Massachusetts has just bought
a cow for 8000 Walter Garvey has
a hog for which he refused a cash
offer of 4000 James Keene refused
200000 for Sysonby a race horse
There are several roosters of fashion
able blood priced as high as 800
each You can buy a fine lion for
300 and a tiger for 700 By and by
we shall have a craze for breeding
fishes and a fine male salmon edu
cated to pond life might be worth
1000 The 8000 cow has one calf
a year worth 4000 The female sal
mon may become the mother of 300
000 little fellows in the same time
worth in the aggregate possibly as
much as the calf N Y Press
Worth Knowing About
If you need a first class laxative
there is nothing better nor safer than
that old family remedy Brandreths
Pills Each pill contains one grain
of solid extract of sarsaparilla which
with other valuable vegetable prod
ucts make it a blood purifier of ex
cellent character If you are troubled
with constipation one pill at night
will afford great relief
Brandreths Pills are the same fine
laxative tonic pill your grandparents
used They have been in use for over
a century and are for sale every
where either plain or sugar coated
Obituaries of Noted Men
Interesting comparisons are sup
plied by a clipping bureau regarding
the articles printed in the newspapers
about the deaths of prominent men
No other man in America had so
much printed about his death in the
newspapers as McKinley Carl Schurz
has received thus far 12000 obituary
notices more than any other man
since McKinley John Hay and Jos
eph Jefferson had 10000 each and
Mark Hanna 8000
She has a fine mind hasnt she
Remarkable One of those minds
that when you are with her you cant
decide which makes you the more
happy to listen or to realize that
you are not married to her Life
That Is LAXATIVB 1MOJIO Qninine SImllarlr
named remedies sometimes deceive The first and
oriclnal Cold Tablet Is a WHITE PACK AG Ewlth
Sa frerileineTive aDd bears tna signature of
When doctors disagree it is well fot
the patient to get up and see if any
thing really ails him
Panthers and Grizzly Bears
Ship Furs Pelts McMillan Fur Wool
Co Minneapolis Minn Write for prices
No cord or cable can draw so
forcibly or bind so fast as love can
do with a single thread Burton
Tone Up
It is good
business to
keep prop
erty toned
A coat of
Lead Paint
not only
m a 1c e b
8 things look
better and
serves from the ravages o time
and weather
Prospective buyers of Pure
White Lead have heretofore
been subject to much attempted
fraud in adulteration and sub
stitution You are now pro-
gives them a higher selling value but
it makes things wear better and gives
them a higher value for long wear
Pure White Lead gives an opaque
durable coat that protects and pre
tected by the Dutch Boy trade
mark which is found on the side of
kegs containing only Pure White
Lead made by the Old Dutch Process
Loolc lor tne uoy
A Talk on Paint
gives valimblo Infor
mation on tho paint
abject Sent f roe
upon request
in tchichcrrr of the follow
ing cities is nearest ju
NowYcrk Iloston Buffalo Cleveland
diro innntl rTMratrn St IxhiIb Philadel
phia John T i wia Broo Co j Pittsburgh
National icau a un ikj
David Belasco drinks an occasional
cup of black coffee while at work
The noted playwright has been known
to toil steadily at his desk for 20
hours at a stretch taking nothing but
strong coffee a largo cup every sec
ond or third hour
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
frith LOCAL APPLICATIONS ai they cannot reacn
the seat of the dlbcasc Catarrh 13 a blood or consti
tutional disease and In order to cure It you must take
Internal remedies Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken In
ternally and acta directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces Halls Catarrh Cure la not a quack medi
cine It was prescribed by one of the best physicians
in this country for years and is a regular prescription
It Is composed of the best tonics known combined
with tho best blood purifiers acting directly on tho
mucous surfaces The perfect combination of tha
two Ingredients Is what produces such wonderful re
sults In curing catarrh Send for testimonials free
F J CHENEY CO Props Toledo O
Sold by DrupRlsts price 75c
Take Halls Family Pllla for constipation
Matrimonial Infelicity
Divorces are happily rare in ro
ciety circles Separation by mutual
consent however grows more fre
quent every year Every one has
upon his or her visiting list husbands
and wives who never meet if they can
help it but between whom there has
never been an open breach Incom
patibility of temper is the usual
cause and the reason for that Is one
imagines the still common custom of
encouraging the younger generation
to marry before they have begun to
approach years of discretion Lon
don Throne
A Condition Which Dr Williams Pink
Pills the Great Blood Tonic Have
Been Curing for Years
There is no more perplexing trouble
for a physician to treat than debility
cases especially in women in which
there is no acute disease but in which
the patient every day sinks lower and
lower despite changes of medicine and
similar experiments
That Dr Williams Pink Pills win
restore health under these conditions
is no speculation but the fact has been
proved in hundreds of cases similar
to that of Mrs Sarah Ramsey of 1008
St John St Litchfield 111 She says
I never felt well after my first
child was born I had a gnawing pain
in my stomach and could not hold any
food down My head ached a great
deal and sometimes the pain went all
through my body I had dizzy spells
so that I could net stand and seemed
to be half blinded with pain These
spells would often last for over an
hour My blood seemed to be in a
very poor condition and my hands and
feet were like ice I seemed to be
growing weaker and weaker and coula
not get around to do my work in
the house I was extremely nervous
and the least excitement would bring
on a dizzy spell
For a number of years I -was under
a doctors care but seemed to get no
better I had heard about Dr Wil
liams Pink Pills and I began to take
them I soon felt better and gained
in weight and strength My nerve3
are strong now and I am a well woman
in every way
Dr Williams Pink Pills are sold
by all druggists or will be sent post
paid on receipt of price 50 cents per
box six boxes for 250 by the Dr
Williams Medicine Company Schenec
tady N Y A booklet of valuable In
formation entitled Plain Talks t
Women sent free on request
Dont Push
The horse can drawthe
load without help if you
reduce friction to almost
nothing by applying
to the wheels
No other lubri
cant ever made
wears so long
and saves so much
horsepower Nexttime
try mica Axle Grease
Standard Oil Co