The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 08, 1907, Image 3

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    HI f ft
Admired Statesmans Stature
A Gorman Journalist visiting In
Washington himself a man of stal
wart proportions was rather Inclined
to look with something like contempt
on the many undersized statesmen he
saw In tho national legislature But
when Secretary Taft bore down upon
him ho gasped In Wonder They were
Introduced and after a short chat the
secretary departed Just as he disap
peared from tho Germans admiring
gaze the towering form of Congress
man Sulloway hovo into view The
German looked at the New Hampshire
man long and earnestly He is big
ger than any man in his imperial ma
jestys Uhlan guards said tho for
eigner in a tone of chagrin and I
shall write one whole letter about
Girl Had Running Sores from Eczema
- Boy Tortured by Poison Oak
Both Cured by Cutlcura
Last year after having my little
girl treated by a very prominent phy
sician for an obstinate case of ec
zema I resortedto tho Cuticura Remedies-and
was so well pleased with
the almost instantaneous relief afford
ed that we discarded the physicians
prescription and relied entirely on
tho Cuticura Soap Cuticura Oint
ment and Cuticura Pills When we
f commenced with tho Cuticura Reme
dies her feet and limbs were covered
with running sores In about six
weeks wo had her completely well
and there has been no recurrence of
the trouble
In July of this year a little boy
in our family poisoned his hands and
arms with poison oak and in twenty
four hours his hands and arms were
a mass of torturing sores We used
only the Cuticura Remedies washing
his hands and arms with the Cuticura
Soap and anointing them with the
Cuticura Ointment and then gave
him the Cuticura Resolvent In
sbout three weeks his hands and
aims healed up So we havelots of
cause for feeling grateful for the Cu
ticura Remedies We find that the
Cuticura Remedies are a valuable
household standby living as we do
twelve miles from a doctor Mrs Liz
zie Vincent Thomas Fairmont Wal
dens Ridge Tenn Oct 13 1905
Physicians Now Believe Less in Trans
mission of Disease
Medical men are coming round to
the view that it is the personal his
tory that is of primary importance or
in other words that a mans own man
ner of life his record of health and
his circumstances should be more
carefully considered than the illnesses
that his ancestors died of Dr Rabag
liati a medical examiner for insurance
companies who is well known in the
profession which -he adorns and of
high repute in the north of England
has devoted much thought to this
question of heredity from a life insur
ance point of view In his opinion it
Is not so much disease that is trans
mitted from one generation to an
other but organization or human
ity as he expresses it Any member
of the human family may suffer from
any disease to which humanity is sub
ject and when an individual so suffers
It is the cause of the ailment that
must be inquired into Exposure to
this or that set of conditions brings
varying results If the body is exposed
to one set of conditions it will take
on gout if to another consumption
if to a third cancer and so on
Company Withdraws from Canada
Consul John E Hamilton of Corn
wall Canada states that the Ameri
can company which has been erecting
a 3000000 tinplate and iron works
at Morrisburg has abandoned the en
terprise because the Dominion govern
ment refused to grant any protection
in tho new tariff schedule
Runabout Keggys new automo
bile blew up with him on the firsl
trip and he sued the firm that sold
him the machine Speeder Did
he recover anything Runabout
Everything I believe but one fingei
and part of an ear Judge
15 Long Years
For over fifteen years writes a
patient hopeful littte Ills woman
while a coffee drinker I sufferec
from Spinal Irritation and Nervous
trouble I was treated by good physi
dans but did not get much relief
I never suspected ttiat coffee mighi
be aggravating my condition I waf
downhearted- and discouraged bu
prayed daily that I might find some
thing to help me
Several years ago while ata
friends house fedrank a cup of Post
urn and thought I had never tastec
anything more delicious
From that time on I used Postunl
instead of coffee and soon began tc
improve in health so that now I can
waft half a dozen blocks or more with
ease and do many other things that
I never thought I would be able tc
do again in this world
My appetite is good I sleep well
and find life worth living indeed A
Jady of my acquaintance said she did
not like Postum it was so weak and
I explained to her the difference
when it is made right boiled accord
ing to directions She was glad to
know this because coffee did not agree
with her Now her folks say they ex-
pect to use Postum the rest of their
lives Name given by Postum Co
Sattle Creek Mich Read the little
fSSak The Road to Wfiilville in
Icgs Theres a reason
- iinl WIH1 Twn iJUiii Mil M
Many Choices Offered the Housekeep
er as to Design and Material
Crown of Japan Is a New
In the dining room the table is the
center of attraction The mission
styles are the simplest In construc
tion the Flemish or English oak are
elaborately carved The round table
Is the popular one of to day and the
choice of wood depends upon how
much one can pay Mahogany is hand
some but It scratches easily and is
therefore not so durable as oak A
serving table is quite necessary and
may match the dining table
Many people likp a bright red dining-room
but a colonial yellow paper
with white woodwork and Gobelin
blue hangings is charming There
are also many soft tapestry effects
The color however should depend
largely on whether the room is light
or dark
The housekeeper who is looking for
something new in the vegetable line
might try a Japanese vegetable known
as crown of Japan It is cooked the
same as asparagus or cauliflower
about 30 minutes or until tender
Serve with the usual cream sauce
made of flour butter and milk and
seasoned to the taste This vegetable
can be found at the best grocers and
is 30 cents a pound
Great care should be taken in keep
ing the kitchen sink clean whether
new or old It should have a thor
ough scrubbing down with boiling wa
ter after every dishwashing An oc
casional flushing with a solution of
soda or copperas will keep even the
oldest one clean and free the pipes
and trap from grease All wood
should be removed from the sink
Modern plumbers use iron instead of
lead pipe almost entirely
Hamburger steak is appetizing
when served with peppers Flatten
the meat out into a large oval shape
about an inch and a half thick and
broil As an accompaniment to this
quarter green peppers remove seeds
and veins and fry quickly in a little
butter Serve this around the steak
A round table is always effective If
the color scheme is to be pink have
one of the new pierced silver baskets
with tall handle filled with pink rosea
This may be encircled with a wreath
of roses carelessly arranged The table
should not be overcrowded with flow
ers and blossoms of heavy fragrance
are to be avoided Two candelabra
with pink candles and rose leaved silk
shades may be placed opposite each
other When high decorations are
preferred a tall glass vase is used
Some consider that cut glass is too
heavy for flowers
How to Make Toffee
Toffee is an almost unknown sweet
over here but the small English chil
dren thrive on it and usually know
how to make it
Its a quite different thing from oui
butterscotch which is jolly good but
not as jolly good as toffee
Heres a recipe for it
Take three pounds of coffee or
C sugar butter to the amount of a
pound and a quarter- with half a tea
spoonful of cream of tartar First dis
solve the sugar in just as much cold
water as may be required for that pur
pose then mix all the ingredients to
gether and -boil them without stirring
the mixture until it will snap when
dropped into cold water At this mo
ment remove it from the fire add
eight or ten drops of lemon extract
according to its strength and pour
the mixture into well greased pans to
be cut into squares as it cools
Hints on Serving Potatoes
Nothing adds more to a meal than
a pretty or unusual way of serving the
ever useful potato A plain potato
salad which is always much better in
texture and flavor when the potatoes
are baked instead of boiled seems far
more elaborate when served in the po
tato shells and these are really pret
ty when properly prepared For any
sort of stuffing the potatoes should be
of uniform size and large rather than
small since the larger ones are easier
to handle the novice had best practice
on a few first until the fingers become
deft in handling for the first few are
apt to be spoiled in removing the in
terior or in refilling the shells
Banana Compote
Make a syrup ofour tablespoon
fuls of water -and four tablespoonfuls
of sugar add the rind of one half lem
on two cloves one inch of stick cinna
mon cook ten minutes then drop into
the syrup six bananas cut into fourths
It is best to cook just enough pieces
of banana at a time to cover the bot
tom of the sauce pan When thi
fruit becomes transparent and soft
take it up carefully put into a pretty
dish and pour over the syrup Cool
and serve with whipped cream slightly
sweetened and flavored with lemon
Vermicelli Pudding
Boil one cupful broken Italian ver
micelli in well salted water to cover
for ten minutes then add to a pint
and a half boiling milk Simmer 20
minutes in a double boiler then take
from the fire and pour over four well
beaten eggs stirred together with one
cup sugar and a large tablespoonful
butter Flavor with a teaspoonful va
nilla turn into a well buttered pudding
dish and bake in a rather slow but
steady oven for half an hour Serve
with cream sauce
AH rzarzrz
tsujsukm CT nm ii i i igCa4J -v S - iiJiigii i Trw
- TE T i
A Woman Who Has Suffered Tells
How to Find Relief
The thousand of women who suffer
backache languor urinary disordors
and other kidney ills
will find comfort in
the words Of Mrs
Jane Farrell of 606
Ocean Ave Jersey
City N J who says
I reiterate all I
unvu sum uuiuit in
praise of Doans Kid
ney Pills I had
been having heavy
backaches and my general health ivas
affected when I began using them My
feet were swollen my eyes puffed and
dizzy spells were frequent Kidney
action was Irregular and the secre
tions highly colored To day how
ever I am a well woman and I am
confident that Doans Kidney Pills
have made me so and are keeping
me well
Sold by all dealers 50 cents a box
Foster Milburu Co Buffalo N Y
Quiet Cynicism or Good Honest Row
Which- Is the Better
Most men said the man of experi
ence think it must be awfully nice
to have a wife who takes -things as
coolly as Dave Potters wife takes
them but others more discriminat
ing prefer a good honest row to her
style of quiet cynicism The way she
behaved the other day when she
found a letter in Daves pocket from
a girl is an example of her method
I dont see wrote this girl how
on earth I can ever live without you
Daves wife read that gush and a
lot more just like It without ever turn
ing a hair
Well she said quietly that girl
is a fool If she knew you as well as
I do sho would be wondering how on
earth she could ever live with you
And that in the opinion of the dis
criminating few cuts a whole lot
deeper than a common everyday rum
A Big Bargain for 12 Cents Postpaid
The year of 1900 was one of prodigal
plenty on our seed farms Never before
did vegetable and farm seeds return such
enormous yields
Now we wish to gain 200000 new cus
tomers this year and hence offer for 12c
lpkg Garden City Beet 10c
I Earliest Ripe Cabbage 10c
1 Earliest Emerald Cucumber 15c
1 La Crosse Market Lettuce 15c
1 13 Day Radish 10c
I Blue Blood Tomato 15c
1 Juicy Turnip 10c
1000 kernels gloriously beautiful flow
er seeds 15d
Total 100
All for 12c postpaid in order to intro
duce our warranted seeds and if you
will send 16c we will add one package of
Berliner Earliest Cauliflower together
with our mammoth plant nursery stock
vegetable and farm seed and tool catalog
This catalog is mailed free to all in
ending purchasers Write to day
John A Salzcr Seed Co Box W La
Drosse Wis
Where It Hurt Most
Young gentlemen said the college
president notwithstanding the fact
that he was addressing the students
young gentlemen hazing must be
stopped and stopped at once It has
Injured the college more than any
of you ever could guess Only last
week a gentleman declined to give
us 1000000 because there was so
much hazing Hazing is a bad thing
How about morally asked the
Aw aw really there may be some
thing in that but aw the the point
has never come up and I aw am
not prepared to answer But the point
Is worth considering Chicago Jour
State of Ohio City or Toledo
LUCA3 Coutt t
FrAKK J Gueney makes oath that he Is seller
Eartner of the firm of F J Cheiiey Co doing
usiness in the City of Toledo County and State
aforesaid and that said firm will par the sum of
ONE HUNDRED DOLLAJRS for each and every
case of Catarrh that cannot he cared by the use of
Halls Catabeh Ccee
Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence
this 6th day of Dccembsr A D 1336
l fEAf Notaby Public
Halls Catarrh Care Is taken Internally and ccts
directly on the blood and mucous1 surfaced of the
system Send for testimonials free
Sold by all Druggists 75c
Take Halls Family Fills for constipation
Warfare In Africa
In the neighborhood of Lake Tchad
Africa the other day six negro troop
ers commanded by a corporal armed
with carbines only successfully de
fended a little mud fort against 500
warlike Tauregs and when the Tau
regs gave up the attempt and retired
the troopers sallied out and pun
ished them
Emigration from Norway
The number of persons who emigrat
ed from Norway in the calendar year
1906 was 28274 of whom 11290 sailed
from Chri3tiaaia In Daily Consular
Reports for February 1 the numbers
were erroneously placed at 31158 and
14174 respectively
It is said of home made troubles
that they are very like home made
clothes they never fit well and they
generally last longer than others
lfat30RrafeiKy3fr2aq JWJLJs
Hfjiyrtm flavor
Aperfecl Remedy for Constipa
tion Sour StomachDiarrrioea
Worms Convulsions Fcverish
ness and Loss of Sleep
Facsimile Signature oF
23 B
nnces and inferior sho Tiifce ro iiimtllnlv
Fait Color Kvelels used exclusively Catalog mailed free
eeS Thompsons Eye Watep
W N U OMAHA NO 10 1907
General Condemnation of So
or Secret Medicines
San Francisco Cal
London England
ffStefr etZZmaMrj
r J r
smlMammammomwmmmamnBammimimmemmmmmmKmmmammmMtammmmtmmmn i mr i ithii n
Mrs TVInelowB Boothlnjr Hyrap
For children teothlnK softens the Rums reduces In
flammation allay pain cures wind collu 25c abotUo
A toast- May tho best you wish for
be the worst you got
the brightest and fastest colors with less
work and no muss
Some men outlive their usefulness
and somo others are born without
You always get full value in Lewis
Single Binder straight 5c cigar Your
dealer or Lewis Factory Peoria 111
Many a mans Idea of hospitality is
to bring other men home and have hir
wife cook for them
PAZO OINTSIKNT Is Kiiaranteed to euro nnr case
of lien nir llllnd Illeedin or Protruding Pi re a In
6 to 14 days or money refunded LUu
It isnt always policy to believe the
man who tells you what he would do
if he were in your place
Panthers and Grizzly Bears
Ship Fun Pelts McMillan Fur Wool
Co Minneapolis Minn Write for prices
According to statistics nine tenths
of the men who commit suicide are
married Comment Is unnecessary
Garfield Tea an absolutely pure and ef
fective laxative Made of Herbs Take it
to purify the blood to overcome constipa
tion and to eradicate rheumatism and
chronic diseases
Idleness and pride tax with a heav
ier hand than kings and parliaments
If we can get rid of the former we can
easily bear the latter Franklin
Give Defiance Starch a fair trial
fcry it for both hot and cold starching
and if you dont think you do better
work in less time and at smaller cost
leturn it and your grocer will give
you back your money
It is not enough that we swallow
truth we must feed upon It as in
sects do on the leaf till the whole
heart be colored by its qualities and
show its food in every fiber Cole
A powder It cures painful smart
ing nervous feet and ingrowing nails
Its the greatest comfort discovery of
the age Makes new shoes easy A
certain cure for sweating feet Sold
by all Druggists 25c Accept no sub
stitute Trial package FREE Ad
dress A S Olmsted Le Roy N Y
fc rffMUHflmWTO JM II flfi TBiB
h fll i HtfQfVI
yt fefejVyQ
VhtHj mm jiiiitiwwiiifiJ tin u wiittt l w ITTm
slmilating UieFoodandRcgitla
ling iheSlomachs andBowsis of
Promotes DigcslionCheerfur
ness andltesl Conlains neither
OpiumMorplune norMiiieral
Kot 3IARC otic
1 II tip I
For Infants and Children
The Kind You Have
Always Bough
Bears the I
I Signature fxi
IfnT se
Vf For Over
I Thirty Years
ljj sTjo Ha Ti B
BleniJ Shoes S3 to S150 IJoys Shoes S3 to S125 AVomcntt
Shoes S ltoS150 Misses Childrens Shoos S223 to SlOO
WL Douglas shoes aro recognized by expert judges of footwear
to be tho best in fatyloCt and wear produced in this country Each
part of tho shoo and every detail of tho jnaking is looked ufter
and watched over by skilled shoemakers without regard to
tiino or cost If I could take you into my largo factories at
Brockton Mass ard shour tou how carefully W L Douglas
shoes aro made yu would then i ndcrstand why tiicy hold their shape fit better
wear longer ana aro ot greater value man any otner manes
if I
W f Djncl n name nnd rnce is stiinped on t lie bottom which protects the Tfpnrer acalnit Wki
oiu iiyiiic iffitmoe cealcrse erywherF
IV I UliVtiljXH
PfJPAB T AWfiS Unexcelled forgeneral farm-
Wflkiif UAHliU in tock dairying fruits truck
etc convenient to the very best markets and transpor
tation WrltenearefctofllceforhstSAnd pub
lications M V Richard Land and Industrial A renfc
Southern Ry and MoliileAOliIoRICWaahlnetonDC
CS Chase West Azt tlt Chemical Bid St LouIaMo
of an injurious character which indulge in extravagant and unfounded pretensions
to cure all manner of ills and the
National Legislation Enacted to Restrict Their Sale
have established more clearly than could have been accomplished in any other way
The Value and Importance 01 Ethical Remedies
Remedies which physicians sanction for family use as they act most beneficially and
are gentle yet prompt in effect and called ethical because they are of
Known Excellence and Quality and o Known Component Parts
To gain the full confidence of the Well informed of the world and the approval of
the most eminent physicians it is essential that the component parts be known to and
approved by them and therefore the California Fig Syrup Company has published for many
years past in its advertisements and upon every package a full statement thereof The per
fect purity and uniformity of product which they demand in a laxative remedy of an ethical
character are assured by the California Fig Syrup Companys original method of manufacture
known to the Company only
There are other ethical remedies approved by physicians but the product of
the California Fig Syrup Company possesses the advantage over all other family laxatives
that it cleanses sweetens and relieves the internal organs on which it acts without
disturbing the natural functions or any debilitating after effects and without having to
increase the quantity from time to time
This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of
Syrup of Figs and has attained to world wide acceptance as the most excellent of
family laxatives and as its pure laxative principles obtained from Senna are well
known to physicians and the Well informed of the world to be the best of natural
laxatives we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of
Senna as more fully descriptive of the remedy but doubtlessly it will always be
called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial effects
always note when purchasing the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co
plainly printed on the front of every package whether you simply call for Syrup
of Figs or by the full name Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Company and the same heretofore known by the name Syrup of Figs which
has given satisfaction to millions The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists
throughout the United States in original packages of one size only the regular price
of which is fifty cents per bottle
Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company filed with the
Secretary of Agriculture at Washington D C the remedy is not adulterated or mis
branded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act June 30th 1906
Louisville Ky
The ills peculiar to women take different forms
Some ladies suffer every month from dark rings round their eyes blotches on their skin and tired
feeling Others suffer agonies of pain that words can hardly express
Whatever the symptoms remember there is one medicine that will go beyond mere symptoms and
act on the cause of their troubles the weakened womanly organs
Mrs M C Austin of Memphis Tenn writes For five 5 years I suffered with every symptom
of female disease but after using the well known Cardui Home Treatment I was entirely well
lAJDITF II fil I PTTSD Write today for a free copy of valuable frpasa Illustrated Book for Women If you need Med
IS EVA S id Uj fa JL IL 5 I LI Advi describe your symptoms statins ace and reply v ill be sent In plain sealed env elope
Address Ladies Advisory Dent The Chattanooea Atedidne Co Chattanooga Tenn
New York N Y