The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 08, 1907, Image 1

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    VjR -
ivj Vs
P -T
Everybody Pays Even Papa
Agents must not honor clorgy permits
leduced rate orders orders or instruc
tions for rated for disabled volunteer
soldiers orders for charitable rates or
any other form of a reduced rate ordor
whether for a state or interstate journey
in any portion of Nebraska
bA11 excursion rates onoWrfy round
trip whether on excursion or certificate
plan at present authorized for conven
tions assemblies events etc homo
seekers excursion rates one way set
tlers rates reduced theatrical or party
rates commutation rates or any other
special rates either one way or round
trip applying between two points both
of which aro in the state of Nebraska
are hereby cancelled
The circular concludes by calling at
tention that it is the purpose to make
the 2 cent rate the only possible rate to
apply on Nebraska passenger fares
And thats right
Initial Session of Federal Court
Tho first session of federal court in
McCook under tho provisions of Con
gressman Norris federal court bill was
held in this city Monday March 4th
There were present Will P Warner
United States marshal George HThum
mol clerk of the United States circuit
court and R C Iloyt clerk of tho
United States district court
In tho absence of the new federal
judge Thomas Munger the court was
formally convened in the court room of
tho Red Willow county court house and
then adjourned to June 10th
Chester A Rodgers deputy clerk of
tho district court for Red Willow county
was appointed deputy clerk of both the
district and circuit Federal courts
The matter of appointing a deputy
United States marshal was left open for
tho present
Republican City Primary
The republican electors of tho city of
MeCook are Tiereby called to unite in
convention at the City hall Tuesday
March 12 1907 at 8 oclock p m for
the purpose of placing in nomination
candidates for the following -offices
Mayor city clerk city treasurer city
engineer one member of the City Coun
cil for each ward and three members of
the Board of Education and to transact
such other business as may properly
come bofore the committee
By order of committee
Geo S Scott
S B McLean
L Thorgrimson
Lou Cone
WeAre King
- ManagerBjxer takes unusual pleasure
in announcing that he has secured Mr
Lawrence Evart in Mr Walker White
sides greatest comedy success We Are
King This is a comedy in three acts
by Lieutenant Gordon Keen They
carry complete and sumptuous scenic
equipment with a company of superior
excellence The St Paul Globe says
We Are King is like a new success
The Omaha Bee Its humor has a
Thaceronian flavor St Louis Globe
democrat The play is replete with
witty dialogue and has many thrilling
At the Bixler Saturday evening
March 23rd
Callfor a Citizens Convention
To the electors of the city of MeCook
who are interested in maintaining a
citizens independent ticket to be voted
on at the coming spring election April
2nd 1907 are invited to meet in mass
convention at court room in court house
in city of Mr 3ook Thursday March
14th 1907 at 730 oclock p m for the
purpose of perfecting organization and
placing in nomination candidates for
the various city offices to be filled and
for the transacting of such other busi
nesses may properly come before the
By Order of Committee
Notice of Dissolution
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership existing between Hunt and Mid
dleton was on March 1st dissolved by
mutual consent Mr Hunt retiring and
Mr Middleton continuing the business
Mr Hunt pays all firm accounts up to
March 1st Mr Middleton collects all
accounts Hunt Middleton
In this connection I wish to express
to my patrons my appreciation of their
patronage during the time I was en
gaged in the plumbing business in Me
Cook John Hunt
Hew Superintendent
Rev S I Hanford who succeeded
Bev H Bross so well known in Me
Cook as Supt of Congregational Home
Mission in Nebraska will speak on
Home Missionary problems at the Con
gregational church Sunday morning
and preach in the evening Mr Han
ford was till recently pastor of the
church at Weeping Water He is well
and favorably known in the state and
all should bear him
Disturbed Religious Meetings
Sheriff Perkins of Frontier county on
last Friday eveninglodged in tho jail of
Red Willow county Earl Brocket and
Geo Ricket two young men of that
county who were arrested and convicted
for disturbing religious meetings They
were sentenced to pay a fine of 1000
and cost of suit in default of which they
were lodged in the jail of this county
For Sale
160 acres of Frontier county land at
04 anacreifsold bofore March 15th 1907
Peter Foxen MeCook Neb
Bin of Ground Feed
can always be had quickly if you have a
Famous Lightning feed grinder
McCook Hardware Co
Fanoy home grown 80c per dozen
McCook Greenhouso Phone 91
A G Dole is very ill
R E Hatcher was in from the Wil
low yesterday
Mrs Frank Quioley is visiting in
Central City Nebraska
Miss Genevieve Feeny arrived home
from tho east Monday night
Miss Bertha Schodel went down to
Minden Wednesday morning on a visit
Congressman Norris is expected home
from Washington D C early next
Mrs C H Meeker entertained the
Au Fait club Wednesday afternoon of
this week
Mrs H N Bayles of Sterling Colo
rado is a guest of Mrs Rose Bayles
this week
Mrs J W Hasty went to Arapahoe
this morning to spend the weeks end
with her parents
Miss Florence Moore of Ashland is
a guest of her brother County Judge
Moore this week
J E Kelley went up to Uaigler
Monday on business returning home on
the day following
Mr and Mrs J R McCarl arrived
home from Washington D C Tues
day noon on No 1
Miss Mildred Eller and Orlande
Elier have gone to Butto Montana on
a visit to their brother Ernest
Mrs Emerson Hanson will entertain
chapter X P E Oj Saturday two p
m March 9th Annual election
Daniel Doyle was a passenger on No
2 Wednesday morning for the eastern
part of the state on a business visit
Miss Edna Thompson returned first
of tho week to her home in Indianola
after a brief visit with McCook friends
Raymond S Light left this morning
for Hastings where he will assist the U
C T in tho production of an old time
Editor Jones of the Eustig News was
in the city Saturday evening between
trains on his way to Denver to see an
ailing daughter
H W Wheeler of Holdrege district
manager for the Nebraska Telephone
Co was looking aftr company interests
here Wednesday
Mrs Elmer Kay arrived home Tues
day from Auburn Neb where she has
been visiting her sister Mrs Snyder for
the past few weeks
L Soderbcrg is laid up with a severe
attack of pneumonia He is reported
quite weak but his condition is not re
ported as dangerous
Mr and Mrs J H Penny old time
residents of Red Willow County have
been spending the past week visiting
here and hereabouts
Mrs J J Garrard departed last
Saturday for her home in California
after spending several weeks here with
her daughter Mrs E O Scott
Mrs F M Kimmell left for Lincoln
Wednesday morning on No 2 to visit
Schell SheAvill also make short stays
at Ashiand and Kansas City visiting
sister and parents
Mrs N P McClure of Vincennes
Indiana is visiting her son M O Mc
Clure ofour city for a few weeks She
has been spending the winter in Cali
and is on her way home
Jas Donevan formerly with the
local electric light company but now
assistant superintendent of a northern
Colorado company is renewing old
acquaintances here this week
Mrs C B Sawyer and Miss Kathryn
arrived homo from University Place
last Friday night Miss Kathryn as
sumed the position of assistant librarian
in the city library Monday morning
Robt E Dillon of Vesta was in the
city Wednesday calling on friends and
incidentally sizing up Red Willow
countys metropolis with a view to
locating in the real estate and insurance
Mr and Mrs C T Eller departed
yesterday morning for Hastings where
he has bought property They will store
their goods for a few months and do a
big stunt of visiting around It is with
only much regret that we note tht ir
departure from Red Willow county
where they have been honored and
much respected citizens
August Haegge representing the
American Sugar Beet Co of Grand
Island Neb is here closing contracts
for this seasons beets The company
will have about 1200 acres contracted
in this part of the state 700 acres at
Culbertson about300 acres in the vicin
ity of McCook some 100 or more acres
at Red Willow and smaller patches else
Mr and Mrs William C Bullard
of Omaha have just isaued cards announc
ing the marriage of their charming and
accomplished daughter Josephine to
Mr DeWitt King Ellingwood Wednes
day February 27th 1907 Omaha Neb
raska The young people will be at
home after June 1st 439 north 37th st
Omaha Nebraska The many acquaint
ances and friends of the Billiards in
southwestern jSTeb will join theMHE
Tribune in congratulations
Mr and Mrs H H Pickens of Val
ley Grange precinct departed Monday
night via Kansas City Missouri for
their future home in California They
will stop briefly in Kansas City and then
again in Kansas with relatives They
have been residents of the South Side
for thirty five years anB leave Red Wil
low county with the respect of a host of
friends all of whom join The Tribune
in wishing them health and contentment
in their new and warmer clime health
considerations being the chief aim iu
their removal
irawiwwiwwwwywiwiiywwwiiy wuwigi i n iu M ii 11 i u
Dies at a Ripe Old Age
Aftera prolonged illness incident to
old age Mr Newland B Starks passed
away Tuesday morning at a ripe old
age Funeral services were conducted
by Rev M B Carman in the Method
ist church Thursday morning at ten
oclock a large number of friends and
relatives attending tho services attesting
their regard for the memory of a long
life well spent
Newland B Staiiks was born in Louis
ville Kentucky December 13 1832
He was united in marriage with Martha
E Sutton on February 23 1834 From
Illinois they moved to Missouri and in
1880 from Missouri to Red Cloud In
1838 they moved to a farm 12 miles
southwest of McCook becoming resid
ents of McCook four years since- De
parted is survived by his wife two sons
G W Starks of Littleton Colo and
W H Starks of Salt Lake City Utah
four daughters Mrs Rowe of Eureka
Springs Ark Mrs C D Kenady of
tho City of Mexico Mexico Mrs Will
iam Mitchell of Lincoln Nebraska and
Mrs E E DeLong of our city
The remains were laid away in Long
view cemeterv
W C T U Activities
The W C T U will meet with Mrs
J S Chambers Friday March 15tb at
3 p in This will be a mothers meet
ing and will be led by Mrs H A
Rouch A largo attendance is desired
Last Friday afternoon March 1st the
ladies met at the homo of Mrs Rev
Green and a very profitable hour was
spent in the scripture study taken from
the fifth chapter of Isaiah Mrsr
Green applying tho truth of the scripture
to tho present time Among some of the
thoughts were Where it speaks of
Them that join house to house and
field to field as applying to the trusts
corporations and monopolies also They
that call evil good to tho supporters of
the high license law The question
of the stand the law takes on the cigarette
question was discussed and how the law
is being violated by allowing school
children to get tho papers as they are
lriirl nn thnpnimrfipfl fnr fron rlihrihiifinn
I also small gifts of tobacco as it is placed
in cigar boxes on the counters in most
of our grocery stores
Odell True
Married at the home of the bride in West
McCook Feb 27th at 8 oclock p m
Mr Claude H Odell and Miss Pearle
Isabel True Elder C P Evans of Ara
paboe Nob officiating The groom
wore the conventional black while the
bndewas handsomely attired in steel
gray silk They were the recipients of
quite a number of handsome presents
well adapted to house keeping Their
homo will be in McCook Quit a com
pany was present composed of their re
latives A most excellent supper was
Spring Rag Carpets
If you plan a new rag carpet for this
spring let us put you next to the right
price viz 21c and 23c lb for Peerless
warp Merchants need not apply The
Thompson D G Co
Farm Land Wanted
Have good Oklahoma business prop
erty paying ten per cent to trade for
good farm land or McCook business
property What have you Andress
Trade care this office
Yard -Wide Silks
We are condfident that desirable broad
sillts will not be found under our price
this season 73c S115 S125 Tho
Thompson D G Co
Mixed Paint
Although lead oil and mixed paint
have advanced for a short time we will
sell our A P Lincoln paint at last years
prices A McMtllen druggist
The Sunbonnet
is a valuable servant but a hard mas
ter used for garden purposes they are
all right The proper sort are at Thomp
sons of course
I am prepared to do repairing of all
kinds on machinery boilers flues etc
Phone 88 Fred Brewer McCook Neb
Dempster Wind Mills and Pumps
Will Do Hard Work a long time
McCook Hardware Co
Sewing Machines for sale or rent
McCook Hardware Co
Office supplies at the Tribune office
Crescent Cottage paint at Waites
L R Hileman is home from St Jo
seph Mo on a visit to the family
Mrs N E Fahnestock is going to
Colorado for a while for her health
Mr and Mrs A E Petty and Mrs
M E Petty are in Denver on a visit
County Clerk Wilcox who has been
very ill for the past two weeks is im
Mr and Mrs W L Sutherland of
Beaver City visited McCook friends
Mr and Mrs W R Starr entertain
ed the Thursday evening whist club
last evening
P Walsh left for Pennsylvania Tues
day night Mrs Walsh will accompany
him from Lincoln
Mrs W M Weidenhamer is now
progressing favorably from her serious
illness first of the week
Mr and Mrs Harry Barbazette
arrived home early in tho week from
the Arkansas hot springs
Mr Snider of Ogallala of the shoe
firm of Fisher Snider Co arrived in
the city Wednesday on business
Miss Florence Moore of Ashland
Wis who is a deaconess in tho Metho
dist church is here on a visit of a fow
weeks at the home of her brother Judge
J C Moore
The South Western Nebraska Teachers
Teachers The S W N T A will bo
held in Oxford March 29 30 There will
be eleven counties represented and a
good program has been prepared Ad
rain C Newens of Chicago and Supt
Davidson of Omaha are on tho program
The railroads have granted the one and
one third fare on tho certificate plan
Tho Burlington and other hotels have
made the c100 a day rate Those desir
ing rooms in private homes writoSnpt
Percy Adams Oxford Our attendance
was over 300 last year and we must do
even better then that this year Come
and not only manifest your professional
spirit but get acquainted with the
school men and women from tho south
west district limited on the east by
Phelps and Franklin counties and on
the west by Chase and Dundy counties
The county superintendent of your
respective counties will sond you pro
grams Yours for a good meeting
Frank J Munday Pros
Boaver City Nebr
Flora B Quick Sec
McCook Nebr
Death Claimed Him
Thomas Z Wallace formerly sexton
of the city cemetery passed away Wed
nesday of this week after an illness of
about six weeks Cancer was the cause
of death Tho funeral occurred Thurs
day afternoon services being conducted
in the Methodist church by Rev M B
Carman Interment followed in River
view cemetery
Deceased was born in Indiana on
November 19th 1850 He was a resident
of McCook for about four j ears ITe was
in the service of the Burlington com
pany at the time ho was taken in his
final illness His son Walter is now
employed by the company Another
son Joseph lives in Canada and a
daughter Sarah lives in Enid Okla
homa He is survived by his widow by
a second marriage with three children
Isaac Moore Dies in Crete
Word has just been reci ived hero of
the death of Isaac Moore in Crete Neb
March oth aged 86 years He was
buried iu that ety yesterday
Deceased was in McCook December
last and it was generally remarked that
he looked no older than a man of GO
Two daughters now living in McCook
survive him Mrs Hiram C Brown and
Mrs George Enoch Besides his sons
Isaac and J H of Seattle Waah and
Samuel of Los Angeles Calif
Advance Notice to Subscribers
Subscription expiration notices are
now being prepared and in a few days
will be mailed to all delinquent subscri
bers of The Tribune Wo hope to re
ceive a prompt replj from all The sub
scription price is Sl 00 a year payable in
advance Labor and material have sharp
ly advanced but the subscription price re
mains at 1 00 a year but tho 8100
should be in advance The Publisher
Sanitas and Mentas
In the Ladies Home Journal and in a
score of other womens magazines there
is always seen an advertisement of the
above brands of oilcloth Sanitas for
wall covering Meritas for table cover
ing They are the best made We carry
them and sell them for 17Jc and 15c
per yard The Thompson D G Co
Mens New Worsted Suits
We have just received three styles of
black wrosted suits at 81000 and 12 50
and three styles of fancy ditto We
advise a look before parting with your
money Other suits 500 to 1350
Our Guarantee
We guarantee the largtst circulation
by far of any newspaper published in
Red Willow county Our books are
open to advertisers or prospective adver
tisers No idle boast we can deliver
the goods
For Sale
Full blooded barred Plymouth Rock
cockerels Also Plymouth Rock and
Pekin duck eggs Special prices on
incubator lots 3 l 2ts
Mrs J W Burtless
Phone Ash 1351
Remnant Sale
Special prices on wall paper remnants
to make room for our large line of new
wall paper we are now receiving Dont
miss the opportunity of getting good
paper cheap A McMillen druggist
Black Silk 49c Yard
In our south window there is shown a
handsome and attractive quality of black
dress silk at that price Be wise Be
prompt The Thompson D G Co
For Sale
Seven room house two lots barn
plenty fruit and shade One block north
and one west of City park
Howe Smith
The Art of Blending Colors
stands at its highest mark No proof
more conclusive could exist than seen in
our new wash goods 5c yd to 65c
The Thompson D G Co
Restaurant for sale and building for
rent Inquire at once4 H KAPKE
Dr Kays office is now one door north
of Commercial hotel Phono 97
Buy field gras3 flower and garden
seeds from H P Waite Co
Burning Russian thistles is the order
of the day
They gave Owens Longneckr and
bride a nice charavari on Thursday
Mrs Smith and Gabriella Longnecker
expecklo leave on Thursday for Bal
paraiso the former to visit her mother
Mrs Rozelle the latter to see her sister
Mrs J E Wilson
l 1 Jt 5fSCir
county court
Marriage licenses sinco last report
Frank F Gorman 31 Denver Colo
VenysoMatheny 20 Denvor Colo
Guy C Ritchie 24 Bartlov Nob
Daisy A Bush 17 Bartloy Nob
John Childers 22 Lobanon Nob
Lottie E Horton 21 Lebanon Neb
New French Ginghams
Tho new plaids tho now slripes in tho
most desirable coloring and at no iucreaso
in price ovor last season thats why
youll want to seo them Thompsons
An oxporiencod lady book keoper
Must know shorthand and type writing
Address Powell Nilsson
Marion Nebraska
Ask us for prices on your houso con
nections Davis Heuser Const Co
McCook Nob
McConnoll for drugs
Try McMillens cough cure
Say you saw it in The Tribune
Crescent Cottage paint at Waites
Get The Tribune to do your printing
Experienced help wanted
Mib S J Miller Walsh block
Buckwheat flour at tuo McCook Mill
ing Cos
McConnells fragrant lotion for chapp
ed hands 25c
Buy field grass flower and garden
seeds from H P Waite Co
The Tribune is now prepared to do
your job printing of all kinds promptly
Large stock and complete assortment
of typewriting paper at The Tribune
Fine showing in spring wall paper
beautiful and artistic designs
L W McConnell Druggist
Corn chop at tho mill at 80 cents a
hundred livery thing delivered
McCook Milling Co
Monardine makes the teeth clean tho
mouth pure aud the breath sweet
L W McConnell Druggist
Seeds of every description of tho
varieties best adopted for this country
McCook Hardware Co
The Methodist brethren suitably cele
brated the second anniversary of their
new church Tuesday evening
Alfalfa Seed Carefully cleaned and
free from injurious weeds in small or
large quantities
McCook Hardware Co
By Lo talcum powder is still the
leader L W McConnell Druggist is
selling lots of it overy day Have you
tried it yet
For Rent -One furnished front room
modern two blocks east of Bee Hive
Separate entrance It
Mrs S O Russey
Music hath charms for every body
Why not go to McConnells and buy a
Phonograph or some new records
They have some dandies
Save Money by buying your millet
and cane seed early We are now able
to give you good seed at the very lowest
price at the McCook Hardware Co
C E Eldred and F L Schwab lost
their valued family drivinjr horses the
past week Too much alfalfa is thought
to have caused the trouble resulting in
The plumbing firm of John Hunt and
William Middleton dissolved partner
ship March 1st Mr Hunt retiring and
Mr Middleton continuing the business
at the old stand
The way that big steam gopher is
hoisting dirt out of the city alleys is a
source of endless curiosity and a token
of the early completion of McCooks big
lateral sewer system
Young peoples Christian Endeavor at
the Congegrational church every Sun
day evening at 730 Topic for March
10th Tho Worlds Greatest Pioneer
Abraham Heb 11 8 19 All wel
come Rev Hawkes Leader
Marsh operates on the theory that
nothing is too good for his patrons
hence he buys only the best of livestock
of all kinds and sells only the best of
meats You can prove it by a trial
Satisfaction absolutely guaranteed
NowTIs The Time to provide your
self with a nice vehicle for this summer
McCook Hardware Co has just received
a full car load of buggies surries spring
wagons and tho most up to date grades
positively the best that can be bought
for the money
Wanted Lady or gentleman of fair
education to travel and collect for firm
of 25000000 capital Salary 1072 00
per year and expenses Salary paid
weekly and expenses advanced refer
ences required Address with stamp
J A Alexander McCook Neb
Good Old Saint Peter left the gates
ajar Monday morning and a promising
cherub of the feminine persuasion wan
dered out and took up its earthly abode
with Mr and Mrs Robert J Gunn
Everybody delighted and getting on
You Are Invited to call and inspect
the American hog cattle poultry
and rabbit woven steel fence by McCook
Hardware Co Every farmer should
have a little of this fence and a whole
lot of it if possible Now is the time to
start the pigs right
McMillens Cough Curo
00c granite 25c The Ideal
Everything in drugs McConnell
The Tribune will print it for you
Croscont Cottage paint nt Waites
McMillons hand lotion is a ropoator
Woodwards fresh candies
The Ideal Store
Wall paper paints oils etc at Mc
J E Barngrovor McCook Loans and
Buy field grass flower and garden
seeds from II P Waite Co
Try Magner Stokes for fresh and
salt meats fruit and vegetables
McMillens Cream Lotion will matJeS
your hands and face smoothand sofc
For Sale A house and lot ono block
oast of city park M Colkkr
No neod of having a chapped faco
Uso MeConnella faagraut lotion 25c
Monardine is an excellent tooth wash
25 and 00c packages
L W McConniill Druggist
Cut Guss and Silverware Com
plete lino ana up to unto pattiTus at
McCook Hardware Co
For Sale A good milch cow Can
bo seen at store iu South McCook
Phono red 307
Coming At Bixler opera house
The Wizard of Wall Street Tuesday
April 2nd
A complete stock of Eastman kodaks
and supplies always on hand at Mc
A full blood Jersey bull will be found
at the oarn of Blown and Douglass for
tho teatjon
Bound duplicito receipt books throo
receipts to tho page for sale at The
Tribune office
McConnells Little Liver pills do their
work faithfully Thev mak voti fnl
like a new person
Hot water bottles and combination
fountain syringes in all styles at
Millens dru store
Cheaper Than Hired Help are tho
One Minute washers for sale by Mc
Cook Hardware Co
If it lf--or Marchs jtvs the host ob
tainable Anything and everything per
taining to tho meat market business
All kinds of fresh and salt meats
fruits and vegetables at
Magner Stokes
Pride of The Kitchen is a Quick
Meal stove or range sold by the Mc
Cook Hardware Co no better on earth
Magner Stokes can supply you
with anything in tho lino of fresh and
salt meats Also fruits and vegetables
Corns make cross people Use Light
ning corn cure got rid of your corns
and be pleasant
L W McConnell Druggist
Farmers Implements Of tho John
Deere Rock Island Grand Detour and
Ohio lines These are all leaders
McCook Hardware Co
Get your fine stationery at McCon
nells He carries the latest exquisite
high class box papers Also a large
stock of the cheaper grades
Important to advertisers for business
The Tribune goes into six hundred
homes in McCook and vicinity and is
read by at least three thousand people
LetTJs Figure on your well pump
and wind mill work we have the best
well outfit in the country and are pre
pared to do all kinds of work
McCook Hardware Co
See us if you are going to build We
have had 25 years experience Fine de
signing a specialty Claybaugh Bros
Shop opposite Blue Front livery barn
McCook Nebr
If You Want a nice light single or
double harness or a number one work
harness you should look over those at
the McCook Hardware Co their line i3
complete price right
Dr S C Beach desires to announce
to his city and country patrons that he
now has an automobile capable of do
ing thirty miles per hour and that all
calls both day and night will be
promptly attended
The home of J W Hasty oa Melvin
street was the scene of considerable en
joyment Tuesday evening the occasion
being a surprise party participated in bj
tho neighbors in honor of his twenty
eighth birthday Social converse in
strumental music and light refreshments
were the features of the evening A
parlor rocker was the material expression
of the good will of thoe present
Salt Lake Evening News Jan 3
1907 There were no eariy oer3 at
last nights violin recital by Arthur
Ilartmann in the First Congregational
church Every soul remained until the
last note in the last strain from the glo
rious Stradivarius in the hands of a con
summate artist and even then thev
were loth to go In fact the entire aud
ience rose to go with evident reluctance
and when the accommodating perfornu r
in response to prolonged applause did
the unusual thing of appearing in re
sponse to encore after the final number
the listeners gladly resumed their seats
while the artist played a delicate mor
ceau that held everybody in suspense
At the Bixler opera house April 18th