I1 i t - KV u J lit y m f TWENTY SIXTH YEAR Nebraska Won Railroad Suits Washington Fob 25 The cases of the Union Pacific and tho Burlington Railroad companies agaiust tho various county treasurers of the state of Neb raska involving the tax rates on the property of tho railroads and calling into question the administration of tho Nebraska state las law were decided adversely to tho railroads by the su preme court of the United States to day The decision was announced by Justice Holmes The decision of the supreme court was hailed with joy by the people of the state in general It means that more than 8000000 will go into the treasuries of the counties of Nebraska The suit for tho 1904 taxes involved 307000 while that for the 1903 taxes involved u still greater amount Along with these amounts the two railroads will have to pay interest at 10 percent from December 1 1901 on the taxes duo that year and 10 per cent on the 1903 taxes from December 1 1905 The interest which the rail roads will have to pay under this decision of the court will amount to more than S100000 Besides this pen alty in the shape of interest tho rail roads will have an expense bill of about 615000 to meet Tne legal proceedings in this suit were begun by the railroads by injunc tion proceedings in the federal court against the various county tronsurors of the state Frank Babcock of Adams county beiig the first treac urer on the list Attorney Genenu Norris Brown prepared tut states brief and prosecuted the case with such vigor and loaic that the injunction- was dissolved in the district court The railroads however appealed to the supreme court It was the contention of the railroads that the present revenue law was con trary to the constitution because it taxed the property holders of the state unequally They introduced evidence to snow that the land valuations were away below their market values while the valuations placed on the railroads were more than tho actual value of tho physical property Hundreds of instances were shown in which real estate had been assessed from 50 to 60 percent of its value After appealing tho case to the su preme court the railroad attorneys took another tack and made their main plea toward showing -that the state board had overestimated the value of the railroad property by putting in the value of terminals double tracks slocks and bonds belonging to portions of their respective roads oqfcide of the state When questioned closely by the judges of the court the attorneys did not deny that tho railroads had been assessed fairly At the timo of the hearing before the supreme court it was agreed between the attorneys for the state and the railroads that the suit involving the 1905 taxes should be withdrawn in case the railroads were defeated in the first suit RED WILLOW COUNTYS SHARE Rod Willow county is interested in this decision to the amount of over twenty thousand dollars For the tax of 1901 5519 70 Interest on same 1218 68 For tho tax of 1905 6354 47 Interest on same 794 30 For the tax of 1906 6693 89 Interest on same 167 34 Total S2080S 38 The above figures estimate interest up to the first day of March Ladies Mr Lineburg McCooks leading tailor sayS I have investigated Storeys Ladies Tailor system of dress cutting and take pleasure in recommending it as the best and most thorough system I have ever examined Mr Storey the inventor of the system is now in McCook for the purpose of teaching a class the dress cutting and designing Those wishing to investigate or learn will please leave name and address with Mrs S J Miller McCooks leading dress maker who is to be one of our pupils Time is short learn while you have a chance It will prove of value to you all through life Price about one third what we charge in Chi cago J Roland Storey inventor of system and publisher of Storeys Quar terly Mixed Paint Although lead oil and mixed paint have advanced for a short time we will sell our A P Lincoln paint at last years prices A McMtllen druggist Remnant Sale Special prices on wall paper remnants to make room for our large line of new wall paper we are now receiving Dont miss the opportunity of getting good paper cheap A McMillen druggist Seeds in Bulk and Packages procured from the best houses and carefully selected McCook UardwartCo 10000 Men Wanted to smoke our El Sativo clear Havana hand made 10 cent cigars Griggs Budig Makers DRIFTWOOD Last Saturday evening there gathered together from a far and near the many friends of Mr and Mrs C T Eller in the vicinity of Driftwood precinct to give them a royal send off in the shape of a surprise Tho neighbors came with box bale and sack full of the best in the land to push the evening along and make it long to be remembered while they journeyed away from us With the crowd came the south western Nebraska string band the Edison kept up all intervals so there was no time lost but one continual round of pleasure until the clock said 12 when the benediction was sung by the friends God be with you till we meet again TMr54tt3gasssr MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Miss Minnie Rowell visited Minden friends over Sunday Mrs J P Crousk is visiting her homofolks in Seward this state George E Thompson arrived home on No 13 yesterday from eastern markets IIarry Simons will arrive home to night from his business trip to eastern markets James Harris went up to Haigler early in tho week He has a claim near that burg James Malen left this week for Mas cot near which point he will farm dur ing the coming season Miss Genevieve Feeny returned first of the week from Chicago visiting Hastings relatives en route Joseph Dack is a new arrival Ho becomes a farmer in tho Driftwood sec tion of western Red Willow county Dr W F Jones was about first of tho week after being laid up for about a week with a severe attack of tho grip P E Reeder county attorney who was operated upon in Lincoln recently is not expected home for a week or two Miss Grace Clark of Republican City is in the city visiting her sister Mrs R J Moore and aunt Mrs V H Solli day J T O Stewart of Omaha was a guest of his brother b H Stewart of tho Tribune force closing days of last week Mrs K K Stangland who has been with Mrs Ira Clark in Denver for sev eral weeks arrived home last Sunday night Miss Mae ODonnell arrived home from Chicago last Friday night via Lincoln where she visited her sister briefly W S Hamilton and family and F E Hamilton and family moved first of the week to their new farms near Cul bertson Mr and Mrs Johv Miles and child ren from Elwood Nobr are visiting with Mrs Miles mother Mrs C II Barrett J A Fredericks will leave tomor row for Pawnee City to see his wife who is not very well He may be gone sever al woeks P Walsh returned home Sunday from a trip to Pennsylvania And the Antelope state looked good to him when he got back W E Heffelbower is in the city preparing his goods here for shipment to Erie Colorado where he will work his irrigated farm this summer I C Clapp received notice yester day of the death of his eldest sister in Michigan in her 79th year whom he had visited on his way out to Nebraska T H Brittain departed early in the week for his new home near Haigler Dundy county where he recently bought a quarter section Success attend him II T Church and son Almon J de parted first of the week for their new home near Hyattville Wyo where they have valuable and extensive ranch pro perty Dr E O Vahoe was summoned homo to Allegan Michigan Thursday by a telegram announcing the serious illness of his father with an attack of pneu monia R E Lant late of Arcadia Neb is a late arrival in Red Willow county He has moved into the Driftwood neighbor hood where he will farm this season A welcome to him E C Goehring left this week for Hastings near which city he has a farm Mr Goehring is a farmer citizen of the quality The Tribune always regrets seeing leave Red Willow county Mike Hogan arrived home first of the week from a sojourn of three months in Seattle Wash Mike brought back with quite a nice assortment of sea breeze along with him also his money and will remain here a while longer Mrs A L Knowland was hostess at a unique and quite charming Washing tons birthday function IastFriday even ing Dinner was served tho guests by the ladies of the Methodist church at a private table in the Brotherhood room of the church The guests wore fichus and caps and powdered hair after the mannerof the times After refreshments Have You Cream to Feed Hogs If not you should get an Empire or Sharpless separator ot McCook Hard ware Co The dairy industry has made Iowa I am prepared to do repairing of all kinds on machinery boilers flues etc Phone 88 Fred Brewer McCook Neb Thunder and lightning were some of the unusual ingredients of Wednesdays snow storm Crescent Cottage paint at Waites Death Claims a Young Mother After an illness of s everal months Mrs Frank Real passed away about noon Monday of this week a victim of that fell disease tuberculosis The departod was taken last fall early with baffling fevers and gradually progressed into the hopeless malady which caused her death tuberculosis of the lining of the bowels An inconsolable husband and four little ones are left to mourn the untimely death and cherish the tender memory of a loving devoted wife and mother Funeral services high requiem mass were hold by Rev J J Loughran in St Patricks church Thursday mom ing at ton oclock a large congregation of sympathizing relatives and friends attending and thus indicating their love and admiration of the departed and tender concern for the deeply bereaved husband and little ones Mrs Real was a woman of fine char acter and had the charms of a sweet retiring disposition which endeared her to all acquainted with her Her mem ory will be tenderly enshrinoa in many hearts Margaret Smith was born in Iowa in 1874 Came with her parents to Hitch cock county in 1886 and to Red Willow county in 1893 She was united in mar riage with Frank Real October 4th 1899 and to them were born four chil dren McCook has beon her home since tucir happ marriage For nine years departed taught in the schools of Red iliw md llitcuooU counties -most of that time in this eouiuy and she is well leuown and much beloved by pupils and pations wherever she taught Father Fitzgerald of Red Cloud and Fathf r Kelley of Indianula assisted Father Loughran in the high requiem mass Many relatives were present at the funeral Mr Vern Smith and Miss Anna Smith of Ottumwa Iowa Miss Edna Iliguins of Alaloy Iowa Mrs Ellen Real Mrs Thomas Finne r an E F Real Patrick OConnor and Thomas Rt ul of Grafton Neb Mr and Mrs E F Oaffrey of Stam ford Neb Mrs Charles Ilolston and daughter of Arapahoe Neb Mrs James Kerns and Mrs W J Smith of Trenton Neb Mrs J Bain Miss Minnie Keller and Emmett Jennett of Culbertson Neb City Council Proceedings There was a regular sessiou of the city council Monday evening with the mayor clerk city attorney and Council nien Lawritson Gray McConneU and Custer present Bills following were allowed Lon Cone special sewer fund 829 40 Frank Mandell 42 00 W A Gold occupation fund 2 00 Bill of F D Burgess for inspecting sewer connection was rejected Permit was granted V Franklin to construct a brick addition 14x24 feet I one storv with metal roof in rear of the brick building now occupied by D C Marsh lot 8 block 21 An ordinance granting a franchise for a gas plant to be constructed in the city of McCook was read first time Messrs Bush and Ileaton are backing the enter prise An ordinance numbered 131- passed second reading A resolution was passed requesting the city treasurer to discontinue collect ing sewer frontage tax and make settle ment with county treasurer at once of all taxes so collected under the special sewer tax levy in sewer district No 1 Plumbers bonds of F D Burgess and of Hunt Middleton were approv ed Adjourned Program of July Meeting JULY 3rd 230 pace Purse Free-for-all trot Purse Running half mile and repeat Purse Automobile race joly 4th 2 30 trot Purse Free-for-all pace Purse Running half mile dash Purse Running three fourths mile dash Purse 8200 00 300 00 75 00 200 00 300 00 50 00 74 00 Automobile race A meeting of Eastern Colorado and Southwestern Nebraska speed and agri cultural society officials will be held in McCook March 8th to elect officers and arrange for the fall meeting Gas Plant Proposed At the meeting of the city council Mnndav niaht thfinnnnnil wna rpmiPofoH the ladies indulged in a few games of t to passan ordinance granting franchise hearts at the home of the hostess Mrs Mary Campbell winning the honors a real hatchet The guests carried home a souvenir of the event in the suggestive form of a papier mache hatchet whose hollow handles were filled with lavender colored candy Extreme Rubber Satisfaction Do not purchase rubber goods else where until you examine our rubber stocks every article in which has the suppleness of elasticity and the durabil ity only possessed by fine fresh rubber and which alone can give the extreme satisfaction that you will derive from every piece of rubber goods that you secure at McConnells to construct ana operate a gas plant in our city Such nn ordinance passed first reading Messrs C F Bush P S Heaton and others are among the prom oters of the proposed enterprise which contemplates making gas for lighting heating and cooking purposes Baths Sure Wo are connected with tho sewer system and our rooms are newly cleaned We invite old customers and new as well to come for baths Services of a rubber if wanted Brcns Barber Shop Increase The Value of Farms by fencing with American Woven Steel fence and allow the pigs to run and grow twice as fast as if penned up McCook Hardware Co has just received a carload of this splendid fence Notice Notice is hereby given that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my son Henry Heun William Heun Prefer to See What You Buy Then go to McCook Hardware Co for buggies and harness They have a large line to select from Office supplies at the Tribune office McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING MARCH 1 1907 May Move to Scotts Bluff County The Lincoln Neb News published the following from Fremont Neb under date of February 11 fIt is likely that the days of sugar making in Dodge county are at an end The big plant at Leavitt will probably never be opened here again Qwfug to his failure to contract with farmers to supply beets nextseason Manager Hugh Scilley announced that no attempt to operate the factory would be made next season Now it is said that it is likely that the factory will be moved away from Dodgo county when the sale of it under a mortgage takes place next spring Scotts Bluff county will prob ably furnisn the new site There the factory can ba operated at less expense since there will be no freight to pay in hauling tho beets It is asserted that enough beets can be raised within wagon haul of a site in Scottls Bluff county to supply the factory The raising of beets in Dodge county has practically been abandoned The crop here is no surer than corn and pays no bettor Further west the advantage is with tho beets since a corn crop is not so sure For the past year it cost an average of SI a ton to get tho beets from tho field to the factory Stockholders Have a Celebration The stockholders of the McCook Driv ing Park association had a littlo infor mal affair at the McUook Commercial club rooms last Saturday evening of pleasant particulars The initial meeting of last fall was talked over and plan- for the 1907 meet ing were discussed It was determined to have a mid summer meeting July 3rd and 4lh in connection with a bur cele bration to bo had by McCook Details to be worked out later and given publicity The principal object of the meeting became apparent however when Presi dent Barnett was maae the recipient of a handsome chair in recognition of bis splendid services in connection with the first meeting of the -association J E Kelle making the presentation speech to which Mr Barnett found inadequate words to reply It was an incident of much pleasure to all present The final chapter was a fine luncheon at Monto Cristo Preliminary Upon returning from a careful exami nation of the best and largest markets to complete our preparations for the spring trade we desire to give our assur ance that the goods we are now beginn ing to receive will please better than ever We will be prepared to supply a very attractive black silk for 49c yd a 36 inch black taffeta for 73c yd a hand some one for 81 15 and a 3G inch for SI 25 yd Iu fancy silk novelties we will show 44c 65c and S100 yd Also very handsome new dress goods at Goc to 8100 and will surpass all our previous efforts in wash fabrics white goods embroideries etc A word to the wise is sufficient The Thomp son Dry Goods Co per G E Thomp son Croup This complaint isnt half so dangerous as it appears to be if the proper remedies are kept on hand for the treatment of it McConnells Balsam is very effec tive in breaking up croup If you have a bottle of this in the house and treat the child with it at the first indications of croup the complaint will nearly always be broken up quickly 25c For Sale Full blooded barred Plymouth Rock cockerels Also Plymouth Rock and Pekin duck eggs Special prices on incubator lots 3 l 2ts Mrs J W Burtless Phone Ash 1351 Over Two Hundred Dollars The ladies of the Methodist church enjoyed a patronage aggregating 820300 Washingtons Birthday when they ser ved dinner supper and held a bazaar on the side Another Crop of Alfalfa each year is obtained by using the Success Manure Spreader Sold by the McCook Hardware Co This is the oldest spreader made For Sale Seven room house two lots barn plenty fruit and shade One block north and one west of City park Howe Smith For Coughs McConnells balsam is the speediest and the surest cure for coughs among all our many cough remedies 25c The Famous Line of John Deere implements McCook Hardware Co Quality remains after price is forgotten For Sale 160 acres of Frontier county land at 84 an acre if sold before March 15th 1907 Peter Foxen McCook Neb Have You Seen the One Minute Washer at McCook Hardware Cos Take a snap shot of tho baby with an Eastman kodak It will afford you great pleasure and they make excellent souvenir postcards L V McConnell Druggist Restaurant for sale and building for I rent inquire at oncei n rvAiKt Dr Kays office is new one door north of Commercial hotel Phone 97 Buy field grass flower and garden seeas irom xx r waite uo Pyrography outfits from 8200 up at Woodworth Co Druggists Wanted A girl for general house work Mrs L M Best Chapman Jeffries Wednesday evening of this week at seven oclock at tho residence of Mr and Mrs Jacob Ball Mr Joel V Chap man of Orleans and Miss Rose Jeffries of our city wore happily wedded Rev G II Pickett of Hastings Neb assisted by Rov G B Hnwkos of our city officiating There were present about thirty rela tives and friends and the affair was a notable one in every detail A splendid and lavish wedding supper followed tho ceremony Tho young friends received many handsomo and useful gifts from admir ing friends and relatives The happy couple are now visiting up in Hayes county but will make Frank lin their future home PUBLIC LIBRARY NOTES There will be a boy gc to overy home in town and gather up all the magazines either new or old that peoplo want to give to the library If they are not ready when he calls just tell him when they will be nud ho will como for them If you subscribe for magazines and nro willing to give them to us after you read them either tell the boy or let tho librarian know and we will send for them once a month There are over 2850 books iu tho lib rary now and we have 3040 borrowers Library hours Mornings from 1030 to 12 oclock afternronn from 130 to 6 oclock evenings 7 to 9 and Sunday af ternoon from 2 fafioVlock Librarian count court Marriage licenses issued since last report Charles A Haynio age 22 St Ann Lena Wasia age 23 St Ann Married by J O Moore Ralph C Dean age 23 Cambridge Efiie Starling age 22 Cambridge Mar ried by J 0 Moore Edgar R Fenimore age 22 Center Point Clara D Heath age 18 Center Point Married by J C Moore Joel V Chapman ago 23 Orleans Rosa Jeffries age 21 McCook Claude K Odeli age 21 McCook Pearle Isabel True age 18 McCook Aloah D Barrows age 28 Bartley Lillie M Morrison age 24 Bartley W G McBrayers Sale Monday March 4th W G McBrayer will offer for sale all his horses cattle and farm implements and etc on the old Evans farm four miles west of Mc Cook Free lunch at noon Usual terms Wanted An experienced lady book keeper Must know shorthand and type writiug Address Powell Nilsson Marion Nebraska Try McMillens cough cure Say you saw it in The Tribune Crescent Cottage paint at Waites Get The Tribune to do your printing Buckwheat flour at tne McCook Mill ing Cos Eastman Kodaks and supplies at McConnells A surprise The 25c salad dishes at The Ideal Store Lowneys Chocolates Where Woodworth Cos Buy field grass flower and garden seeds from II P Waite Co Sunburn and chaps wont worry you if you learn to rely upon McConnells Fragrant Lotion 25c Rumors multiply that McCook is to have another saloon located possibly on West Deunison street J E LeBlanc formerly with the company here but late of Upland is now located at Holyoke Colo Corn chop at the mill at SO cents a hundred Every thing delivered McCook Milling Co A private letter from the happy groom aunounces the marrage of Ben Engel formerly of our city to a Chicago lady Cash Received on Account Charge Paid Out and other cash register printed supplies at The Tribune office Lice and all disease germs quickly killed with Kreso One part Kreso 100 parts water does it For sale by Wood worth Cos druggists Large and fancy borne grown carna tions only SO cents per dozen also a lot of choice pot plants and parsley McCook Greenhouse Phone 91 Are you going to paint If so let us figure with you on material We sell Heath and Williams paint and it is guaranteed for five years C R Woodworth Co Wanted Gentleman or lady to travel for mercantile house of large capital Territory at home or abroad to suit If desirable the home may be used as headquarters Weekly salary of 81000 per year and expences Address Jos A Alexander McCook Neb Does quality count witn you If quality does count with you if you want the best that can be secured in drug store goods if you want your doctors prescription filled accurately and with the best first quality ingredients patro nize L W McConnell Druggist Palisade Notes Mrs Hiram Thrail kill is spending this week with her sister Mrs Bert Wales Mrs Bert Wales and daughters Mildred and Thelma had sevore colds threatened with pneumonia but are better now -The colored revivalists Mrs Beck and daughter are conducting very successful revival services here - mX fa fill 1 JSobniska State Hit J - 3 5 WiJy fjfakf NUMBER 40 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConneU for drugs McMillens Cough Cure Everything in drugs McConnell The Tribune will print it for you McConnells Balsam cures coughs Crescent Cottage paint at Waites McConnell for wall paper pnints oc McMillens hand lotion is a repeater Remnant wall paper ot Woodworth Cos druggists J E Bamgrovor McCook Loans and Abstracts Kodaks Camoras and supplies at Woodworth Cos Have you seen tho new and novel wall papers at McConnells Buy field grass flower and garden seeds from H P Waite a Co Try Magnor Stokes for fresh and salt meats fruit and vegotublos McMillens Cream Lotion will mako your hands and face smooth and soft Fancy Navel Oranges only 05o a peck J A Wilcox Son For Sale A house and lot one block easloi uitj park M Colikk The Tribune is now prepared to do your job printing of all kinds promptly A full blood Jersey bull will bo found at the barn of Brown and Douglass for the season Bound duplicate receipt books three receipts to the page for sale at Tjik Tribune office Hot water bottles and combination fountain syringes in all styles at Mc Millens drug store Crepe and tissue paper paper flower outfits and decorations of all kinds at W odworih it Cos Tennis enthusiasts have begun to re volve in their minds the prospects for a tournament this seuson If it is from Marshs its the best ob tainable Anything and everything per taining to the meat market business This week J L Sargent one of Dim burys merchants moved his goods to Indianola wtiere ho will live in future All kinds of fresh and sals maat3 fruits and vegetables at Magner Stokes All the new spring styles of wall paper at L W McConnells Druggist Magner Stokes can supply you with anything in tho lino of fresh and salt meats Also fruits and vegetables Manager Bixler has booked tho Wiz ard of Wall Street company for April 2 Three act musical comedy with a plot Almond and cucumber cream for sore and cracked hands Its snow white and pleasant to use 25 cents at Wood worth Cos The store at Box Elder will likely be continued by Daniel B Doyle Jr and the post office will likely be continued at that point by him See us if you are going to build Wo have had 25 years experience Fino do signing a specialty Claybaugh Bros Shop opposite Blue Front livery barn McCook Nebr Our Mentholated White Pine and Tar cough remedy is guaranteed under the new Pure Food and Drug Law The best and surest cure for coughs and colds Woodworth Co Griggs Budig are making another new brand of cigars El Sativo clear Havana hand made The other new brand The Marvel 5c straight is mild and light Give them a trial If you buy wall paper at McConnells you know that every one else in town does not have the same paper Only a certain number of rolls of each design of wall paper and most exclusive patterns Mr Simons the new clothier return ed from eastern markets and reports that he contracted for some of best makes of merchandise such as B Kup ponheimer for clothing Sweet Orr for overalls etc Dr S C Beach desires to announce -to his city and country patrons that he now has an automobile capable of do ing thirty miles per hour and that all calls both day and night will be promptly attended- Marsh operates on the theory that nothing is too good for his patrons hence he buys only the best of livestock of all kinds and sells only the best of meats You can prove it by a trial Satisfaction absolutely guaranteed The machine for more vigorously pro secuting the work of excavating the sewer laterals has arrived and the work will be pushed more rapidly as soon as the season opens up again Steam is the motive power and the machinelooks to be capable of doing rapid and satis factory work Last Saturday evening G A Guy en route from Eddyville Iowa to Atwood Kansas with a carload of horses and household effects was instantly killed in the Burlington yard at Hastings A car was shunted ogainst the car in which ho was with his chattels with such force as to hurl him against the end of the car and fracture his skull