The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 22, 1907, Image 8

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ISar IiiNlnuce There Wore No Cotton
33o2ch nt the Dattle of Xcw OrleauN
XroniivulliN Did Not Hand Ills
Jaworul to Wiinhlttctoii nt Yorltlown
Thc fact that a largo proportion of
sallllic history of all the world Is false
lis perhaps known to few people That
history particularly abounds
Xli errors blunders and stereotyped
affialaities 3s known to even a smaller
Walpjle wishing to amuse
jBjIb JLather after an unusually weari
axue day proposed reading to him
cssm a book of history Anything but
Tf3jni said the old man for history
saiast be false
Krheait Is considered that historians
Sir every period of the world have been
acusrrowed and biased by personal opin
ion and surrounding circumstances the
of this remark Is perceived
Use worst part of It all Is that when
oaefe a mistake has been made it has
assxoly been rectified each succeeding
being content to accept as
the work of those who went be
Xotc him The ultimate result of this
tstsis that the mistakes were believed
2j3t ihose who read Iheni and events in
iJstDry that never happened or were
TfjftVse were accepted by the world and
erfcr after known as the markers of
Icajpoittint epochs
2or Instance the battle of Lexing
Zeat which occurred April 19 1773 is
as the first battle between the
and the British But this
is 33 not so for the records of Orange
vtaasrnty N C show that on the road
jxaii Tllllsboro to Salisbury on May
12S 1771 an engagement between a
ijaad of British troops and a body of
283onIst3 took place in which thirty
six men were killed and several wound
eiL T c trouble was caused by the
of the colonists over the ilfc
cgpa3 taxes imposed by the British clerk
the county court
Historians persist in saying and
persist in believing that the
thrown up by General Jackson
cashew Orleans wcre made of cotton
cijaSes covered with earth As a matter
aTaci there was not a pound of cot
icsi fii the ground and this fact has
ULii verified by Major Chotard
iel3ons assistant adjutant geuer
ai - - was himself a participant in
rrbs tie
A roil known engraving that nearly
mlvrnys appears in modern school histo
scecs is that of General Cornwallis
sword to General Washington
-at the surrender of Yorktown and this
3rt spite of the fact that to spare Corn
Tallis the humiliation General Ollara
35Eve his sword to General Lincoln in
buren oT surrender
Possibly in Hie course of time the
sf ue of Bunker Hill will be rightly
galled the battle of Breeds Hill and
is return to ancient history the
chronicles of Ilerodbtus will be
-discredited It is told in history that
ZJEEflimibal cut liis way across the Alps
jSHa iron fire and vinegar but the
vsjxtestion still remains as to how he ap
U25fid the vinegar The conflicting
of the life of Napoleon go to il
Stmrate the discrepancies of many his
tnsrlcal -writers
311 liave heard the words All is lost
2c honor attributed to King Francis
2L3li a letter to a -woman yet -when this
Stiler was referred to for the phrase it
-rams not to be found there
Sjad again -when Louis XTI laid his
Scead beneath the guillotine his confess
5112 Abbe Edgeworth dismissed him
from the world so history tells -with
-he beautiful viaticum Son of St
Xjuis ascend to heaven Yet in reali
ttjr lie said nothing of the sort
The brave defiance The guard dies
Ssst never surrenders attributed to
Stanbronne when at Waterloo the im
152rial guard were ordered to throw
nvn their arms has been shown to
2zzve Tjeen the fanciful creation of
aasme historians ndnd sind the saying
Providence favors the nger side
esra as it has been corrupted God is on
Ttie side with the heaviest artillery
T32iich has been attributed to Napoleon
5ca31y originated with writers of
Cicero alludes to it as an old
twould take volumes to contain all
tcie blunders small large and indif
ierent that historians have made and
xzhe lamentable part of it is that the
rsM olunders are constantly being
siade over again so that with the
253rsthat are bound to occur In the
Sastory of the present and the
that our forefathers made and
we are still making history in
2nie will become little more than a
tirag though extremely interesting
of fiction Sunday Magazine
What AVe Orre to Insects
Professor Darwin said that if it had
roast been for insects we should never
Jrasre had any more imposing or attrac
tj3E flowers tho those of the elm the
Isajt and the nettle Lord Avebury
osropares the work of the insect to
the florist He considers that
2 as the florist has by selection
the elegant blossoms of the gar
5en so the insects by selecting the
Sargest and brightest blossoms for
have produced the gay flow
S223 of the field Professor Plateau of
C2int has carrledout a series of re
a23arkable experiments on the ways of
Resects visiting flowers He considers
cEsai they are guided by scent rather t
f2zsn by color and in this contention
5Ht Ji at variance with certain British
raaSnraUsts Whatever may be the at 1
steactions In flowers to insects as yet
Siicsippears undefined It is certain that
latter visit freely all blossoms alike
no distinction between the
ZszSQ bright colored ones and the less
s33ispicnous blooms like those of the
tfearrant the lime the plane tree the
ctssttle and the willow
CJd UrlJeXa Tlint Lxed to K rnt In
Un of Old
Thunder Just because -It Is a uolse
for which there is no visible cause ha i
always excited the imagination of Uk
unscientific so it is natural that the
most outrageous superstitions about
torms should date back to the tim
when everybody more or less was un
scientific One old writer explains the
belief of bis day that a storm Is said
to follow presently when a company
of hoggea runne crying home on the
ground that hogge Is most dull and
of a melancholy nature and so by rca
8on doth foresee the rniue that com
eth Leonard Digges in his Prog
nostication Everlasting 1530 men
tions that thunder In the morning
signifies wind about noon rain and in
the evening a great tempest
The same writer goes on to say
Some write but their ground I see
not that Sundays tjmnder should
bring the death of learned men judges
and others Mondays the death of
women Tuesdays plenty of grain
Wednesdays bloodshed Thursdays
plenty of sheep and corn Fridays the
daughter fjf a great man and other
horrible murders Saturdays a gen
eral pestilent plague and great dearth
After this the gay and lightsome man
ner shown by Lord Northampton to
ward these grave matters in his De
fensatlve Is most cheering It
chaunceth sometimes he writes to
thunder about that time and season of
the years when swannes hatch their
young and yet no doubt it Is a para
dox of simple men to think that a
swanue cannot hatch without a crackle
of thunder London Chronicle
Almost Krery Country IIiis n Stand
ard of It Own
English speaking countries have four
different miles the ordinary mile of
u2S0 leet and the geographical or nau
tical mile of G0S3 making a differ
ence of about one seventh between the
two then there is the Scotch mile o
592S feet and the Irish mile of 0720
feet four various miles every one of
which la still in use
Then almost every country has its
own standard mile The liomans had
their mille passuum 1000 paces which
must have been about oC00 feet in
length unless we ascribe to Caesars
legionaries great stepping capacity
The German mile of today Is 2413
feet In length more than four and a
half times as long as our mile
The Dutch the Danes and the Prus
sians enjoj a mile that is 1S440 feet
long three and a half times tliciength
of ours and the Swiss get more exer
cise in walking one of their miles than
we get in walking five miles for -their
mile is 9153 yards long while ours is
only 1700 yards The Italian mile is
only a few feet longer than ours the
Roman mile is shorter while the Tus
can and the Turkish miles are 15U
j ards longer The Swedish mile is six
and a half times and the Vienna post
mile is four and a half times the
length of th English mile Pearsons
Wonderful Jlonastery
At Solovetsk in the Russian govern
ment of Archangel is the most remark
able monasterj in the world The mon
astery of Solovetsk is inclosed on ev
ery side by a wall of granite bowlders
which measures nearly a mile in cir
cumference The monastery itself Is
very strongly fortified being support
ed by round and square towers about
thirty feet in height with Avails twenty
feet in thickness The monastery con
sists In reality of six churches which
are completely filled with statues of
all kinds and precious stones Upon
the walls and the towers surrounding
these churches are mounted huge guns
which in the time of the Crimean war
were directed against the British White
sea squadron
Too Energetic
Last Saturday said the flat dwell
er I went out into the hall and saw
a woman on her knees scrubbiug the
marble very well making it a beauti
ful dead white I thought to myself
This is a good scrubwoman Ill ask
her to scrub my kitchen and clean my
windows I did She scrubbed all the
paint off the floor of my kitchen and
washed the panes of two windows en
tirely out
I was glad I didnt ask her to wash
my face she finished New York
When Honeymoon Ends
How said the young man who had
been In the matrimonial game for
nearly a week can I tell when the
honeymoon Is over
It will be over answered the man
who had been married three times
JJwhen your wife stops telling things
and begins to ask questions Chicago
Social Danger
So long as we have at the bottom of
our social fabric an army of vagabonds
hand to mouth livers and slum dwell
ers half starved dirty foul mouthed
so long are we in Imminent danger
And it is want of work which makes
recruits for this army Mirror
Tart Retort
Young man you are better fed than
taught said the professor angrily
Quite right sir My father feeds
me answered the student London
Tit Bits
You said that when we were mar
ried you would refuse me nothing
Tli be still more generous Ill not
sven refuse you nothing Ill give It to
The first English work on anatomy
was by Thomas VIcary In 1548
Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nebraska Februnry 7 1007
3 bo board of county commiPBiouorc mat par
stiHiit to adjournment prot eut C B Gray F
S Lofton andc Pr Iner commissioners awl E
J Wilcox elurk
Tlio minutes of previous meeting wore roud
and approved
On motion Goo Wbeoler was appointed ovor
seor road district No 20
On motion the compromise in tbo matter of
tbo personal taxes of the First National Uank
of tbo city of McCook was accepted ami tbo
treasurer instructed to receive the taxes less the
On motion tbo special lovy of sewor improve
ments in tho city of McCook wa3 ordered pro
pared in a special hook
Ou motion the treasurer was instructed to
take up and bold any ruiii tcred city warrants
that may be outbtaudiuK with any sinking fund
be may buvo on baud belonging to the city of
The following deputy assessors woroappointed
to till vacancies by the countyassessor nnd con
firmed by the board V M Jloxell Colonian
precinct Wni Vost Gorver precinct L A
heidon Tyrone precinct
Tbo annual statement of the institute fund
was examined and on motion approved
f ho clerk having advertised that sealed bids
would bo received by tbo board for printing the
delinquent tax list commissioners proceedings
and legulnoticos for the ensuing year tho board
procee ed to open and examine bids on fPo and
after due consideration tho contract for the
same was awarded to tho McCook Republican
On motion tho salary of Flora R QuicE
county tuperiutendunt was fixed at 100000
for tho ensuing joar
The following claims were audited and
allowed and on motion clerk was hifctructed to
draw warrantson tho county general fi 1 in
payment thereof as follows
R W Devoe Ith quarter salary fe fiO 00
McCook El Lt Co lights for Jan 18 70
IIowo Smith salaiy for janitor IX CO
State Journal Co supplies 73 10
Hammond and Stopbons Co supplies SO
L A Fitch and Co livory 2 00
Burroughs Adding Mch Co adding
innchiuo I57r 00
School Dist No 42 use of building for
election 3 00
II J Arbogast viewing body 10 00
L W McConnull supplies Hi 10
McCook Republican printing 37 02
II J Arboast registrar 2 25
Phillip Gliem 4 if
W H Smith t Si
W A Middloton 10 75
rJ G Caiue and Co coul for Mrs Mor
gan and Vandurvoort paupers 21 00
Harnett Lumber Co coal for Mrs
tle pauper 4 00
W C Bullard coal for Mrs Tuttlo
pauper 4 00
N J Urling mdse for Mrs
voore pauper 92 02
N J Uerliug initio for Mrs Morgan
pauper 10 50
CBGray ervices as county comm 120
F S l oftou i 00
S Premer 14 7M
And ou the bridge fund levy of 19C0as follow-
Barnott Lbr Co lumber 4 U5
WC Bullard 8 00
Tj B Elmer bridge work 4 50
And on tho county road fund levy of 1900 as
E J Record road work i 00
EB Nelson 7 00
Jccph Junker GOO
Annual settlement of Edgar Couse road over
seerof district No 15 was examined and on
motion clerk was instructed to draw a certifi
cate on the road district for SJOOO
The following oilieial bonds were examined
and on motion approved
David Deveuy overseer road district No 8
J F Black 27
EBNelson IV
Henry Hall S2
William Nicholson 20
On motion board adjourned to meet Febuary
21 1907
Attest EJWilcox C B Gkay
County Clerk Chairman -
Real Estate Transfers
The following real estate tiling have
been made in the county clerks office
since our last report
James W Hatfield and wife totho pub
lic pat Hatfield park n 2 no 4 and
n 2 nw 4 and lots 2 34 in 34-3-29
United States to David Bojd pat uw
United State to Henry L Goodenber
gerpat sw 4 21-2-29
George A Davis and wife to G A Rich
ard wd Vs int e 2 se 431 and w 2 sw 4
35 in 3 26 1000 00
Guy A Richard and wife to Georgo A
Davis and wifewd ne 4 1000 00
James W Hatfield aud wife to Olivo A
Green wd blk 17 Hatfield park 400 00
Chris E Bock and wife to S L Dalton
wduw4 5 000 00
United States to Amelia H Finch pat
nw4 14-3-26
McCook Coop B dg and Saving Assn
to Owen Murphy wd 19 20 in 16 Mc
Cook 40000
Hiram C Rider and wifo to E E
Rogers wd 18 in 18 Riverview cenie
teryMcCook 20 00
John F Mahoney and wifo to Taylor
Ginther wd blk G in Springdalo park
Bartley 1400 00
Taylor Ginther to Eliza J Ginthor wd
blk C in Springdalo park Bartley 1500 00
James E Ryran and wife to Frank H
Emrich qcd ne 4 blk 8 Indianola 150 00
Leonard H Roach to A H Rait wd
1 00
Albert C Elbert and wifo to Ella M
Campbell wdn 2 lt5 in 22 1st McCook 300 00
James W Dolan and wifo to James
Malleck wd e 2 e 2 32-3-27 2000 00
William P Burns and wifo to William
Uerlings wd e 2 sw 4 and w 2 so 4 4-2-28
4 033 00
Dennis St German and wife to W H
Ferguson wd lt 4 in 5-2-29 1 00
Minnie B Finityto Howard M Finity
wd I2in211st McCook 1 00
Smith Bros L and T Co to Austin
W Dutchor wd sw 4 6-1-30 800 00
Louis Fleischmnn and wife to John
Real wd 7 and S in 24 1st McCook 750 00
John Roolfs and wifo to Regina Maisel
wd se 419 and e 2 and lots 3 and 4 of
sw 4194 27 4400 00
William H Cooper and wifo to Herman
Bohling wd s 2 13-1-29 6403 00
John Joy Robinson and wife to Mary
J Seymour wd e 2 nw 4 and w 2 no 4
7-1-30 1600 00
United States to Silas N Welch pat
w2ne4andw2se4 29-2-30
United States to Emily Lewis pat w 2
sw 4 2S and e 2 so 4 29 in 2 30
United states to Joseph B Armentrout
pat w2nw42Sande2ne429in 2 30
Fred S Perino and wifo to Carr S
Prime wd ne 4 11-3-27 4000 00
A C Ebert and wifo to Wm P Burns
wd 10 in 25 2nd McCork 1400 00
Richard Daily and wifo to William -
Moran wd w 2 no 4 and o 4 nw 2 22-3-29
4500 00
John Kumincr and wifo to Chas
Oslermanwd8w 4 13-3-29 4500 00
i To the People m
Methodist Sunday school at 1000 a
m Preaching by Presiding Elder C C
Wilson at li00 The Lords supper at
1200 Junior League at 400 Epworth
League at 700 Sermon by pastor at
S00 Reception of new members at both
services Prayer meeting svery Wednes
day night at S00 110 present Febru
ary 20th Second quarterly confprence
Saturday night at the church at 800
oclock February 53rd
M B Cardan Pastor
Christian Science Services at Zint
McCIain bldg Sunday at 11 oclock
a m Wednesday at 8 oclock p m
Subject Mind Reading room
at same place open daily where
Christian Science literature may be had
Episcopal Services on Sunday at 11
a m Holy communion and sermon on
third Sunday in each month at 730 pm
prayers and sermon Sunday school at
10 a m The rector will officiate All
are welcome to these services
E R Earle Rector
Baptist Sunday school at 1000 a m
Preaching services at 11 a m and 8 p
m Young peoples meeting at 7 p m
A F Green Pastor
Congregational Sunday School at
10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p
m by pastor Christian Endeavor at
7 p m Prayer meeting Wednesday at
8 pm Sunday reception of members
in morning lecture by Dr Boyajian of
Armenia on Armenia and her martyrs
All are cordially invited
Geo B Hawkes Pastor
Notice is hereby givtu that by virtue of an
asistors lion for pasturing and keeping of one
buy mare about 9 years old and one brown maro
with blaze face and one white hind foot about 9
j ears old from thellthdaj of November 190
until this date under a contract with one John
Hawkins owner of said stock ou which there
is now due the sum of 11600 an afiidavit set
ting forth tho description or said stock and tho
amount due for the pasturing and keeping of
said stock having been filed in tho oflico of tho
county clerk of this county being tho county
whore said stock was fed and kept on tho ISth
day of October 1906 I will tell the property
above described at public auction in front of
the Citizens Bank in McCook Red Willow coun
tv Nebraska on tho 18th day of February 1907
at two oclock p m Said sale will bo for cash
in hand Dated this 30th day of January 1907
Witness to mark Charles X T Harris
HH Berry Mark
Sealed proposals for the construction of a
1000000 brick library building accompanied
by 10000 certified check Jjrill be received up to
800 pm central time March 8th 1907 and
opened immediately thereafter by the secretary
of tho library board of McCook Nob
Address G E Thompson Secretary
McCook and
Successor to Diamonds
in Location Only
ifr lp
Every package of
Fls 4
With great pleasure I beg to offer my
sincere thanks for your worthy pat
ronage during my closing out sale of
the old Diamond stock I am pleased
that my system of business is gain
ing your confidence and in the future
hope to make my place your trading
point if uptodate methods and mer
chandise combined will do it I am
leaving tonight for eastern markets
and intend to contract with best man
ufacturers for all my goodsfrom
everyday overalls to a dress suitto
give you all a chance to supply your
demands right at home
I still have on hand goods to close
out and they are on sale at the usual
low prices until my new goods ar
rive Come take advantage of them
jL JL JxL j A j Ni
is covered by the follovingguar
antee which is backed up by the
A M Hughes Paint Glass Go
NOTE This Guarantee is void if our suggestions on painting
are not followed
The Crescent Cottage Paints aro composed of tho best and
most durable paint pigments known including best Oxide of
Zinc Puro Carbonate of Lead and such coloring matter as is
required to produce the various sliadc 3
We guarantee that this paint if properly appliedwill not
peel crack or chalk off will cover as much surface and equal
in appearance and durability any paint made
We authorize all dealers handling this paint to mako good
aqy complaint at our expense
This Paint Pure Linseed Oil
White Lead and Brushes are
sold in McCook by
Nebraska s
William L Zint and wifo Saml D
McCIain and wifo to David Diamond
wde 50 ft of 13-14-15 in 21 McCook 2000 00
ciy church announcements
Christian Sunday school at 10 am
preaching at 11 a m and 8 pm Rev
C P Evans will preach
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass aud sarmou 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oelock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
JJ Loughrau Pastor
Prompt Service
Courteous Treatment
Reasonable Prices
MerberiJ Pratt
Registered Graduate
Office over McConnelFs Drug Store
Telephones Office 160 residence 131
Former location Atlanta Georgia
sfcv i