The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 22, 1907, Image 2

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Secretary of the Treasury
Water Air and Sunshine Make For
tune in Pure Saline Material for
Two Men Wealth Taken
from Ocean Water
Los Angeles Cal The most won
derful harvest ever reaped in southern
California and the largest of its kind
iin America is lying glistening and
white in the sun on the fiat lands be
tween San Pedro and Long Beach
It is salt 20000 tons of it Pure
white and heaped in windrows it re
sembles a great plain of snow Acre
after acre of it is there and a hundred
or more industrious workers dig and
shovel among the shining heaps mak
ing still more white mounds
It is not the salt of the earth but of
the sea It is from the waters of the
Pacific with the assistance of the sun
and air that the crop has been har
vested Not a human hand touches
the salt from the time the inrushing
tide of the ocean sends it in solution
coursing through an automatic gate
over the 800 acres of flat lands until
the beautiful crystals are loaded by
automatic machinery inta waiting
freight cars or ground and dried and
placed in bags for domestic use
The harvesting of this crop near the
Los Angeles city limits is truly great
The 20000 tons lying on the ground is
Earth Would Have Been Completely
Enveloped by Oceans But for Moon
Chicago If it were not for the
moon the inhabitants of this world
would to day be swimming around in
one world sized fishpond Fins and
scales would be their only clothes
Angleworms would be their diet and
they probably would be furnishing the
greatest sport for the fishermen who
nhabit Mars and other nearby worlds
How they escaped this fate is ex
plained by Dr William H Pickering
professor of astronomy in the Massa
chusetts Institute of Technology and
-in the Harvard observatory in the
Journal of Geology issued from the
University of Chicago
He cdntends that the moon was
made out of materials which formerly
filled tho basin of the Pacific ocean
and that when it separated from the
earth it took along three fourths of the
earths crust the remainder of the
crust being torn in two to form the
eastern and western continents
If the moon had not been formed
or if it had carried away the whole of
the terrestrial crust our earth would
have been completely enveloped by its
oceans he says
Driven by Wolves to Cross
I Michigan to Canada
I Saut Ste Marie Mich The fact
that a big roundup of wolves is being
planned for next month in the district
of Algoma has served to recall that it
was not so many years ago that
neither animals of that species nor
the common red deer were to be found
in that portion of Ontario province J
T Ross a Canadian Soo taxidermist
says It was only six or seven years
ago that wolves were noticed in Al
jjoma in any considerable number
Possibly deer had not been seen in
Algoma prior to 1895 The latter
came from northern Michigan in Mr
Ross opinion and were followed by
the wolves which have become thick
in the Agawa and Montreal valleys
and in the country beyond those
Deer were very plentiful the past
season saia Mr noss rney swam
Secretary Shaw will retire from the treasury portfolio on March 4 and
Will be succeeded by George B Cortelyou at present postmaster general Mr
Shaw is a native of iowa
valued at about 1S0000 and it is
simply condensed sea water The
only three elements which are consid
ered absolutely free to man water
air and sunshine have been used and
by the ingenuity of two young men
Orton and Linley Dunn brothers
these three- elements have been con
jured into obedience to their purpose
and the result is this fortune in pure
salt lying at their command
As a result the Dunn boys have be
come known as the salt kings Their
supply the Pacific ocean will never
diminish their means of manufacture
the sun and the air are likewise un
limited and the limit placed upon the
tonnage of their plant is only bound
ed by the number of men they care to
employ Everything is automatic and
it is ridiculously simple how salt is
made at San Pedro
About the middle of March the great
gate at tide water is opened It is in
reality a great valve It will let water
enter but not a drop escape As the
tide rushes in the gate opens but
when it recedes the gate closes auto
matically and the salty water remains
imprisoned The next tide does like
wise and so on
The property of the company com
prises about 800 acres and the highest
point is but a foot or so above tide
level The acreage is divided into 13
ponds or inclosures bounded by dikes
of about two feet in height Each of
these ponds is - connected with the
other The highest pond No 1 Is
where the tido water rushes When
this is filled it is allowed to drain off
slowly by gravity into No 2 and No 1
Is again filled by the next tide From
No 2 the water considerably con
densed by this time Is again drained
off by gravity into No 3 and so on
By the time the briny water reaches
No 13 it is a powerful solution of salt
water The sun of the summer months
has evaporated thousands of tons of
water and the ocean breezes playlngi
over the surface have also helped to
eliminate the water
In the center of the vast field there
are 26 vats or small ponds each cov
ering 50000 square feet These are
the crystallizing vats Into these the
heavily charged salt water is admit
ted and there it stays until the hot-
toms of the vats are from six inches
to one foot deep with salt By this
time there is but little water in the
vats and the salt is fast crystallizing
It does not settle as is supposed but
crystallizes and the dirt in the water
keeps clear of the salt crystals as
nothing but absolutely jure salt will
The last water to be drained off is
called bittern This contains about
one per cent of sodium bromide and is
concentrated about 200 times from
ocean water From this bittern water
the powerful element bromide one of
the most perfect caustics known can
be manufactured Experts from Ger
many have tested this bittern water
and say that if the bromide were taken
out it would be worth over 230000
but at present the entire United States
consumes but 70000 worth of bro
mide and there is no market for such
a vast amount
Peculiar Case of Desecration Baffles
Police Force
Narberth Pa Entering the Fair
view Union church tq hold Sunday
school Superintendent Charles Fryer
was horrified to discover that vandals
had broken into the edifice and used
it for a slaughter house for about three
dozen chickens the blood and feathers
of which were strewn in wild disorder
over the church There was other evi
dence of vandalism The oil lamps
with which the building is lighted had
been pried from the wall and were
left on the floor while hymn books
and papers were scattered about in
An investigation developed that the
schoolhouse next door had also been
broken into a clock had been stolen
from the wall and the robbers had
nearly burned the building having
thrown a lighted match into a teach
ers desk where a number of papers
and books were burned
The Lower Merion police discovered
that the cellar door of the church had
been broken from its hinges while sev
eral attempts had been made to jimmy
the shutters A cold chisel with
which the shutters had been opened
was found Though they spent the en
tire day in efforts to discover the
farmer from whom the fowls had been
stolon the police were unsuccessful
for none of the residents of the Fair
view district had been robbed
Active Profession for Women
W Mill I lllWHl I I - I I1I I II I t
In America women are taking with enthusiasm to callings generally sup
posed to be the prerogative of men and among them is agriculture The
above photograph shows a class of girl students taking a lesson in plowing at
an agricultural college in Philadelphia
Search for Valuables of Liquid Air
Man Results in Discovery of Jew
els and Papers Believed to Be
Worth 35000
Manhasset L I Considerable in
terest has been aroused here by the
announcement of the finding of unex
pected wealth in the Tripler mansion
on Broadway in thisHillage A trunk
that has been passed over by every
one coming into the house was finally
opened and found to contain valua
bles and jewelry to the amount of
over 535000
The mansion belonged to the late
Charles Tripler who gained fame in
connection with liquid air experi
ments Several years ago he came
here when his health failed him and
purchased the Haak place on Broad
way He lived there until last fall
when he died After his death it was
found that he had left everything to
his wife She began to make arrange-
across from Michigan in large num 1 meats to settle up the estate when she
bers presumably driven out by the
wolves The deer are certainly not
breeding here as fast as they are in
creasing They swim across the St
Marys river via St Joe Island Drum
mond island and other islands
was taken ill and soon afterward died
The only heir to the noted scien
ists wealth was his son L B Tripler
He was recently appointed administra
tor by the surrogates court in Mine
ola After his appointment he began
going over the effects in the house
Most of the supposed wealth of hi
father was well invested and wai
quickly gotten together Recently the
administrator began making an inven
tory of the contents of the mansion
In an out-of-the-way place was thd
trunk that later proved to be the treas
ure chest It showed the signs of ag
and neglect and very little attention
was paid to it Finally Mr Tripler
after looking over everything else de-
cided to see what the trunk con
There was no key to the trunk sd
the lock had to be forced Scarcely
had the trunk been opened before the
searchers began to be astonished
Neatly done up in packages in the upt
per part of the trunk were diamonds
and jewels of thousands of dollars io
value Then valuable documents were
disclosed According to the rumor
the total value of the contents of the
trunk was more than 35000
Mr Tripler is now giving attention
to all of the unusual places in the
mansion and to the contents of all
boxes and packages in the hope
finding other hidden treasures
To Propagate Land Terrapin
Alleritown Pa So profitable has
trade in mud turtles become that the
systematic breeding and raising of
them Is being seriously considered by
quite a number of jieople
of the Man Who Will
of You and Your Dollar
Will Corns Back
Copyright by Alfred C ClarkO
As on the western prairies In
pioneer days the trappers camp fire
kindled to prepare his frugal meal or
to warm him from the biting wind
fanned into renewed vigor spread
first on the tiny blade of grass to
neighboring blades and thence to the
tangled masses all around until the
broad plains were- one vast sea of
seathing flame destroying all before
It so the mail order business started
in the eastern cities on a small scale
fanned by the breeze of judicious ad
vertising has spread untiljt now cov
ers the length and breadth of our land
and threatens disaster to the smaller
Jealers everywhere The note of
warning has been sounded the light
is visible in the sky and yet appar
ently oblivious to it all the ones
whose safety is being endangered
heed not the alarm nor the signal of
disaster The country merchant and
the farmer whose combined efforts
can stem the tide of destruction that
threatens to engulf them are alone
unconscious of the approaching devas
tation that like a great sea of con
suming flame Is threatening to engulf
The country merchant and the farm
erthe simple honest dwellers in the
rural districts are the victims this
gigantic peril is reaching out for to
fill its rapacious maw Each year its
grasp becomes firmer its power
greater Only a few short years ago
the catalogue house was a thing un
heard of to day it stands as one of
Americas greatest institutions And
with great fortune comes great pow
er so now the mail order business
may well be classed among the powers
of the nation Its efforts are already
being felt at the national capital
selves in this connection With the
rapid growth of the mall order busl
are being established These largo
firms are dally reaching out for new
sections of trade What will be tho
result along this line With tho
growth of the catalogue houso comes
tho death of the rural mercantile
trade Let them once destroy tho
country merchant and tho markets
of thcworld will bo in tho hands of a
few wealthy capitalists Their branch
houses will appear In all the country
towns and the farmer will no longer
be Independent His friend the coun
try dealer who through competition
was forced to pay the value of the
butter eggs etc will be a thing of
the past and in his place will appear
the fat gloating face of the capitalist
In whose benumbed conscience there
Is no thought of pity whose breast
contains instead of a heart a great
lump of cold stony gold whose one
ambition is to build up a greater for
tune than the world has over seen
and who cares naught for the tears or
trials woes or weeping of his victims
so long as he can squeeze a little more
of the coveted glittering treasure from
Again the dollar spent with the
local dealer stayB in the community
where it blesses the spender over and
over again The merchant pays it to
the butcher for meat the butcher gets
his bread of the baker and therefore
drops the dollar into the bakers till
the baker pays it to tho miller for
flour and the latter buys his grain
from the farmer so the dollar once
more jingles merrily In the farmers
trousers pocket But spend it with
the mail order house and it is gone
never to return It goes to build up
the great commercial interests of New
York or Chicago Does it pay the
farmer to send his money to help
beautify and build up these great
cities Has he not more Interest in
beautifying and building up his own
section of the country If not he
should If a place is good enough for
a man jto live in and to make his
money in it is good enough for him to
spend his money in Who helps build
the churches school houses streets
bridges etc Does the mail order
house help Will they give a dollar
to educate the farmers children or
donate anything to support the farm
ers widow or orphans Do they help
to pay the taxes or add anything to
The Endless Chain It Keeps the Dollar at Home Vhere It Belongs
where our laws are made and unless
a check is administered the passage
of the parcels post bill will mark one
of its greatest triumphs
But let us look at a few of the
simple reasons why the farmer should
patronize the home dealer In the
first place their interests are cen
tered In each other Every season of
plenty on the farm means a prosper
ous year to the country merchant So
in the prosperity of the farmer does
the country merchant expect to gain
The farmer finds therefore in the
country dealer a staunch and loyal
friend and a defender of his rights
They pay taxes together live side by
side their children play and go to
school together When the crops are
poor or misfortune comes to whom
does the farmer look Not to the
mail order magnate but to his neigh
bor the country merchant How
often does the mail order concern
take any interest in the political ques
tions or legal measures beneficial to
the farmer Yet with their bright
hued catalogue of pictured bargains
they reach out an open hand for the
farmers hard earned dollar And
does he get value received Not
often The first order he may but
that is only a bait The business Is
not foundod on principles it Is not
buildcd on honorable methods its
mighty walls are erected on graft
The goods are shop worn or shoddy
or perhaps many kinds of goods have
defects so cunningly concealed that
tire naked eye can scarcely see a dif
ference between these articles and
those of a much higher grade You
are expected to send cash with the
order or have It ready when the
goods arrive with the big C O D
mark on the package Your crop fail
ure or shortage of money doesnt in
terest the mail order house your
credit with them is good only so long
as your pocket book is filled Your
order is made out and you pay for
goods you never saw put up and se
lected by men you do not know If
these goods do not prove to be worth
the money if the shoes do not wear
well or the suit Is shoddy goods will
the mail order firm make them good
Not often Yet the local dealer will
do this He knows his honesty Is his
best drawing card So much for the
advantage of dealing with honest men
and not with grafters
Still other Issues present them
ness sub stations or branch houses
bring comfort or necessary improve
ments in the country places Then
why should the farmer patronize
them By actual test It has been
found that the same goods can be pro
cured as cheaply if not at more rea
sonable prices at home Trade with
your neighbor whose Interests are
your interests whose hand is always
ready to assist you in time of trouble
Patronize those who patronize you
Use the flashy catalogue of the mail
order house to help kindle the kitchen
fire and keep your money at home
where it will benefit you and your
neighbors over and over again The
farmers dollar earned by honest toil
should not be added to the blood
money of these great mall order cor
porations The farmer must join the
local merchant and the country editor
in battling this great peril that is
creeping creeping onward with great
rapidity and unless these forces are
combined and their efforts prove In
creasing the day is not far distant
when the chance will be gone forever
the power will be too great to con
Snakes Reared for Their Skins
The idea that snakes are useless
creatures and should be exterminated
wherever found will have to pass
away says the Shoe Trade Journal
as in Australia they are now being
systematically reared for the sake of
their skins which have a considera
ble commercial value in London
Paris and New York Snakeskin is
the fashionable material for slippers
belts bags purses jewel boxes card
cases dressing table accessories etc
Rabbit trappers supplement their
means considerably by catching young i
snakes and extracting their poinson
ous fangs The blacks are also ex
pert snake catchers To them the
snake is an agreeable article of diet
The Fortune Tempted
A well known British nobleman was
actually engaged to Miss Coutts but
on her challenging him one day wheth
er it was her personality or her great
fortune which appealed to him he
frankly acknowledged that although
he was much attached to her her vast
property had been his special induce
ment in betrothing himself
Her reply was characteristic Let
us then remain the best of friends in
stead of being the poorest of lovers
Rash Covered Face and Feet Would
Cry Until Tired Out Speedy
Cure by Cuticura
My baby was about nine months
old when she had rash on her face
and feet Her feet seemed to irritate
her most especially nights They
would cause her to bo broken in her
rest and sometimes she would cry
until she was tired out I had always
used Cuticura Soap myself and had
heard of so many cures by the Cuti
cura Remedies that I thought I would
give them a trial The improvement
was noticeable in a few hours and
before I had used one box of the Cu
ticura Ointment her feet were well
and have never troubled her since I
also used it to remove what is known
as cradle cap from her head and
it worked like a charm as it
cleansed and healed the scalp at the
same time Now I keep Cuticura
Ointment on hand in case of any
little rash or insect bites as- it takes
out the inflammation at once Per
haps this may be the means of help
ing other suffering babies Mrs Hat
tie Currier Thomaston Me June 9
Phonograph Advertisement
An enterprising German has patent
ed a device for fitting phonographs to
doors As the customer enters the
door of a shop a voice will call out
Flour Is cheaper to day New con
signment of special quality mince
meat just received try some and
similar invitations
A powder It cures painful smart
ing nervous feet and ingrowing nails
Its the greatest comfort discovery of
the age Makes new shoes easy A
certain cure for sweating feet Sold
by all Druggists 23c Accent no sub
stitute Trial package FREE Ad
dress A S Olmsted Le Roy N Y
Its a never failing sign that a girl
is in love with a young man when she
begins to want to read the letters he
receives from other girls
Top Prices for Hides Furs Pelts
Write for circular and catalogue No 9
W Hide Fur Co Minneapolis
A young man always sneers at tho
love affairs of a widower
Dr Williams Pink Pills a Specific
For Anaemia and a Safe Family
When the hody becomes run down
either as a result of overwork worry
or a severe illness an examination of
the blood would show it to be weak
and watery This condition is called
anaemic which is the medical term
for bloodless The common symp
toms are paleness of the lips gums
and cheeks shortness of breath and
palpitation of the heart after the
slightest exertion dull eyes and loss
of appetite
Mr Louis L Clark a painter of 19
Lincoln Place Plainfield N J says
Last May I was obliged to undergo
an operation for appendicitis and
while the operation in itself was suc
cessful I did not recover my strength
and health I was conflned to my bed
for over a month and was under the
doctors care When I was able to
get up my legs were so weak and un
steady that I could only walk with a
cane with difficulty
I was getting no better and could
not think of going back to work I
was discouraged when a neighbor
told me that Dr Williams Pink Pills
had cured her and advised me to try
them I began taking them about the
middle of June and soon felt so much
better that I kept on and was cured
Dr Williams Pink Pills have cur
ed rheumatism chlorosis after effects
of the grip and fevers and as the
health of the nerves depends upon the
purity ofthe blood they are invalu
able in neuralgia nervous debility
sleeplessness dizziness and even lo
comotor ataxia and paralysis
Dr Williams Pink Pills are sold by
all druggists or sent postpaid on re
ceipt of price 50 cents per box six
boxes 250 by the Dr Williams Med
icine Co Schenectady N Y
Read the Experience of a Minnesota
Woman and Take Heart
If your back aches and you feel
lick languid weak and miserable day
after day dont
worry Doans Kid
ney Pills have cured
thousands of women
in the same condition
Mrs A Helman o
Stillwater Minn
says But for Doans
Kidney Pills I would
not bo living now
They cured me la
1S99 and Ive been
well since I used to have such pain
in my back that once I fainted Tho
kidney secretions were much disor
dered and I was so far gone that I
was thought to be at deaths door
Since Doans Kidney Pills cured me I
feel as If I had been pulled back from
the tomb
Sold by all dealers 50 cents a box
Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N Y
Two Rules for Good Carriage
If you are walking along the street
and wake up to the fact that you are
carrying yourself poorly take the men
tal attitude of standing straight as
well as the physical one Look at the
men you meet and imagine that each
of them owes you a dollar Put even
a suggestion of arrogance into your
position Hold your head well back
look people squarely in the face This
will not only give the impression to
others that you possess the power you
want but it will actually tend to bring
that power Keep the neck against
the collar Worlds Work