The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 01, 1907, Image 8

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Pcg nwmNT nilgai I lilNH inlJ
Friday and Saturday Evenings
February 8th and 9th
The Well Known
Boston Ideal
Opera Co
M siFraU DiaVOlo on Friday Evening X
3l Persian Honeymoon Saturday A
Tickets 35c 50c and 75c
-4 - 9
In driving through the country around
McCook several farms will attract atten
tion because they are entirely enclosed
with hog tight fence or have large fields
fenced hog tight If you read the mar
tket reports and do a little figuring you
will find that the price of
for Bargains in
Hour and Feed
Red Lion Silver Leaf
Oak Leaf Faultless
Tsabelle Flour
-will buy from H P Waite Co hog
fence enough to go around a quarter
section of land Seven and a half more
hogs will make it a half section with a
partition fence through the center On
-a farm that is fenced in this way nothing
is wasted the hogs get it all besides
they are less liable to disease than if
-kept in small enclosures Another car
load of hog fence has just been received
by H P Waite Co and they will sell
At at right prices
Great Eagles
Military Dance
JBixler Opera House
February 12th
Music by
McCook Band
ft F3
McCook - - Nebraska
We Will Prove
Some Big
Values in
Call and See
The Ideal Store
Below Postoffice
w J T T - A- t
i List Your hTODeriv h
With Us
Farms Ranches Etc j
Our office is in the east and
we bring the buyers direct
with the money For par
ticulars address
Humboldt Neb
CarloMltlcN of the Exploitive Tlint Ke
ucinblca Wnx and Beadfi
What Is this smokeless powder It
Is the modern high explosive which has
superseded the old style black powder
even as electricity has superseded gas
and which is used not only in the field
for sporting purposes but Is used ex
clusively for the shoulder arms of the
army and the navy as well as for the
machine guns the rapid fire guns and
the huge rifles on the decks of our bat
tleships and within the works of our
fortifications Practically it is nothing
but a mixture of gun cotton and alcohol
and ether or acetone or else acetone
with gun cotton and nitroglycerin the
two strongest explosives known and
blended Into a new compound which Is
at least double as strong as the com
mon black powder explodes without
giving off smoke and once finished
not merely loses the dangerous char
acteristics of its dreaded ingredients
but is so safe that you might -give a
hatful of the powder to a baby to play
with lie might pound it with a uan
mer to his hearts content or you your
self might place it on an anvil and
bring a forty pound sledge down on It
It would merely squash like so much
soap or putty So commission proof is
fthis powder that you might drop a
house on a heap of fifty tons of it and
it would not explode So proof is it
against explosion by fire that you
might place a stick of cannon po ier
on a saucer in your bedroom r t it
with a match and go to bed by a dick
ering sizzling light as if given off by
burning fat In short you simply can
not explode this powder unless you go
to the trouble of confining it and even
then you can explode it only by using
a fulminate of mercury detonator
The quickest way to picture smoke
less powder is to dismiss all ideas of
the ordinary black gunpowder so fa
miliar to every one The color of the
modern powder is not black at all but
has the shade of dark amber In the
sense of a powder being finely divided
solid smokeless powder is no powder
at all It consists of a waxlike com
position the size of the grains vary
ing according to the calibers of the
guns for which they are designed For
use in revolvers rifles and sporting
guns the grains resemble the tiny per
forated glass beads of the sort used
in old time needlework For the machine-guns
the rapid fire guns the
heavy rifles of battleships and forts the
grains are cylindrical in shape vary
ing in size from a third of an inch to
three fourths of an inch in length to
three fourths of an inch in diameter
and about two inches in length each
grain in order to increase the area ex
posed to ignition being perforated
equidistantly and longitudinally with
from one to six holes big as knitting
needles depending upon the size of the
grain A Y Rolker in Appletons
A Hasty Judgment
He sat sunning himself at the door of
his curio shop A crumpled evening pa
per lay on his knee and he peered
fiercely at it through thick horn spec
tacles of a kind usually seen in pic
tures of village pedagogues A thin
young man with a flushed face sham
bled across the street and stood before
him Could yer giv said the thin
young man Down fell the paper and
the old fellow began to lecture the ap
pealing young man Youve come to
the wrong shop he said Why you
oughter give me summat instead of me
you Ere I sits all day and sometimes
I dont take a copper before I put the
shutters up But its alius the same in
this world im as as a shillin gets it
taken from im and e who as a sov
ering gets another sovering gen im I
avent lived seventy year for nothin
Yes but Oh I know Why
theres dozens along ere every day
more than customers you bet You
wont let me get a word Ive told
yer my opinion Go to the church
army If theres anything in yer theyll
do summat for you Or try the un
employed camp They seem to do fair
ly well there Why Im forty years
older than you and I dont find things
easy out er pocket often on my job
Yes waving the paper wholl do owt
for me I know yeve only a copper
left erd it before I ad to borrow an
alfpenny for this paper Here he
paused for breath I were goin
said the young man to arst yer for a
light Manchester Guardian
Diplomatic Silence
When Franklin arrived in France he
was somewhat astonished at the lux
ury noise and bustle of the court of
Versailles The courtiers who are by
nature effervescent and volatile made
much ado over him He was himself
inclined to be taciturn Vergennes
the French minister of foreign affairs
also was of a reserved circumspect
uncommunicative nature
The introducer having presented
Franklin withdrew The two states
men left alone bowed to each other
Vergennes with a gesture invited
Franklin to be seated and then wait
ed Franklin however said net a
word Possibly he wished to put his
companions gravity to the test the
French had always been pictured to
him as so loquacious
The French minister felt that he was
on the verge of overstepping the rules
of courtesy and hospitality He there
fore took out his snuffbox and invited
Franklin to take a pinch of snuff
Franklin complied reflected an in
stant and took his snuff in silence
Vergennes on his part did the same
and then the compliment was return
ed After a brief flash of silence
Franklin Tose so did Vergennes
thereupon after a farewell obeisance
they parted This was the entire sum
and substance of their first interview
which happiiy was to he followed by
thers of a more fruitful character
Addresses of Frederic K Coudert
iilt idt ImbjBn jl
1 11 i i jt 1tV4
ilHj nvillj j - uji im
fn England and France the Sale
nf Alum Bakin Povder is
XU Kxr la sir hpranQP At rh it- i3yS rNv PJ
uugu L r mmst Fkr
nnmic ptterts that lollOW Its Use JgSSSD tv
jUxiViw - kftSSSiNiSH m v
The law in the
Columbia also prohib
In food
giffinri in it n
- M rfVrViJt JM
Saturday February 2nd
Begins the third week of continuous bar
gains Every department in the house is
being reduced daily but still have on
hand as good and better inducements for
you as the first day I opened this great
sale among never before heard of bar
gains 1 have on hand 1000 pair of ladies
shoes of best makes and up to date styles
to close out and placed them on sale in
two lots of 135 and 195 Come and
take advantage of this offer as it means
a saving of a dollar or more on every pair
you buy Satisfaction guaranteed or
money refunded
Successor to Diamonds
Clothing and Shoes
Mrs Baxter is visiting in Lincoln
this week
C h Walker was an Indianola visitor
A young child of Matt Teeniss died
and was buried first of the week
John Harrison sen shipped a carload
of cattle to St Joe Sunday morning
Miss Adelaid Streff went to McCook
Monday evening for a short visit with
Mr Charley Panion of Randolph Neb
is a guest at the home of his uncieFerd
inand Vering
Henry Johnson of Cambridge was a
participator in the dance at Shorts opera
hall Saturday evening
Mr and Mrs Tom Haley returned
home Sunday morning from their Dakota
visit They report cold weather and
deep snow in the Dakotas
Marion Dow Alfred Randall and
L Z Currie took No 2 Monday morn
ing for Cottner university where they
will take a business course
John Rozell traded his residence pro
perty to W S Dolan last week for a
tract of land north west of here They
will locate in a new home soon
Merle Powell departed Friday morn
ing for Chicago and New York City to
be gone untill about the middle of Feb-
ruary when he will return to his rail
road duties
The Duckworth drugstore has chang
ed hands wherein Loton Duckworth
becomes possessor Fred will move out
to his farm three miles east of town so
rumors say
Mrs Ilardesty with her son and
daughter who have been visiting in the
home of Frank Ilardesty left ovorland
for their homo in Jennings Kansas
Saturday morning
On Wednesday a reception was given
Arthur Hongland and family by the
neighbors at the home of Lewis Long
necker Mr Iloagland will move to
Saline county in the near future
Mrs Pronger drove down from Mc
Cook Monday morning and spent the
day with Mrs Walker Andrews She
returned home in the evening accomp
anied by Mrs Andrews who will visit
in McCook awhile
The five year old child of J F Currie
died Tuesday morning of membraneous
crodp The funeral was hold at the
home The remains were taken to Jun
iata tobe laid to rest beside two other
children who died several years ago
Tuerk water motor and several steam
radiators Inquire or write
Tee Tribune McCook Neb
The Tribune will print it for you
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You may live where as ye you have no protection against Alum
The only sure protection against Alum in your taking Powder is to WA
ehd ess y Ax -3 - w -
ROYAL i made from Absolutely pure Cream cfTsrinra pure Graps
product - Aids digestion adds to the hcaithfolncss c food