The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 25, 1907, Image 7

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liUPi i iii uiinifwfcfct
Senator McKessons bill to exempt
from taxation that part of the value
of reai estate represented by a taxed
-mortgage introduces a lively question
for debate Under the law proposed
-the tax on a mortgage may be paid
in either of two ways by the holder of
the mortgage or by the owner of the
land under agreement with the mort
gagee A farmer who borrows money
and gives a mortgage may agree pre
sumably in consideration of a lower
interest rate to pay the mortgage tax
or he may pay the tax only on the un
mortgaged value of his land while
the owner of the mortgage pays the
tax on The mortgage presumably pro
tecting himself by a higher interest
rate Such a proceeding with all its
complications amounts in effect to
abolishing the tax on real estate mort
gages since the mortgage and the
land together would pay tax only on
the assessed value of the land
Norris Brown made senator from
Nebraska by the solid vote of republi
cans in the legislature is 44 years
old He has been in public life fifteen
years eight of them in service as a
-state officer He was born near Ma
quoketa la in 1S63 and spent his
early years on a farm Mr Brown
worked his way through college and
in the Iowa state university took the
bachelor of arts degree in 1883 and
tho masters degree two years later
He studied for the bar then and
upon his admittance moved to Perry
la and opened an office While there
he married Miss Lulu Heeler and the
two decided to move west It was in
1SSS that they moved to Kearney
which has been their heme ever since
-although Mr Browns duties have
kept them in Lincoln the greater part
of the last eight years His election
to the isenate is for the full term of
six years
The state board of agriculture has
been in session in the capital city and
from proceedings it is learned that
the society has on hand a surplus of
-37000 from last year The board
will ask this year instead of the
usual appropriation for the support
or the state fair an annual levy of
Ya of a mill to make permanent im
provements on the state fair grounds
and provide for other expenses
A sweeping measure for regulation
-of the liquor traffic was introduced
by Senator Patrick of Saunders He
proposes that saloon men shall be
liable for all damages resulting either
to the community or to the individual
from the traffic and that they shall
-support all widows and orphans that
result from the business and pay all
expenses of civil and criminal suits
-that arise Not only is the saloon
to be held respnosible but
llikewise those who sign his petition
may be held for any damages that
pnay follow
Gossip from the State Capital legislative and Otherwise
- tttrttririzvirt
Norrls Brown is the fifteenth selec
tion for United States senator for
Nebraska When the state was ad
mitted two sonators were chosen Gen
eral Thayer who drew the long frac
tional terra of four years and T W
Tipton who drew the short term of
two years Senator Tipton was re
elected The succession in the two
lines from Thayer and Tiptpn respec
tively is as follows
Tipton 1SRT 69
Tipton 38fa 7r
Paddock 1875 Si
Van VVyck1SSl 871
J lay ward
1SC7 71
1871 77
1877 81
1883 8
1887 93 Miinderson 18811 05
1813 99
1899 99
1899 01
1901 05
Thurston 1895 01
Millard 1901 07
Drown 1907
While raombers of the joint railroad
committee which is authorized to
draft and present to the house and
senate a bill giving authority to tho
State Railroad commission have va
rious views in the matter and may be
some time in getting together there
Is a strong sentiment for the drafting
of a bill which merely gives to the
commission the power to fix rates
Some members of the committee are
of the opinion that the bill should con
tain the minimum rates to be charged
and if these rales are not compensa
tory then it would be up to the rail
roads to produce evidence that such is
the case before any change shoulj be
made Inasmuch as there is a ques
tion of the right of the legislature to
delegate authority to the commission
equal to the power to repeal a statute
some members of the legislature favor
drafting a short bill giving power to
the commission to regulate rates
Backet shops and grain and stock
-commission firms that do business on
margins will be a thing of the past in
Nebraska if a bill offered by Epperson
of CMay is passed It is as follows
That it shall be unlawful for any cor
poration association copartnership or
persons to keep or cause to be kept
-within this slate any bucket shop of
fice store or other place wherein is
conducted or permitted the pretended
huying or selling of the shares of
stocks or bonds of any corporation or
petroleum- cotton grain provisions
or other products either on margins
or otherwise without any intention of
receiving and paying for the property
so bought or of delivering the prop
erty so sold or wherein is conducted
or permitted the pretended buying or
selling of such property on margins
or when the party buying any of such
property or offering to buy the same
does not intend actually to receive
the same if purchased or to deliver
the anie if sold
Amendments to the compulsory edu
cation law are sought through a bill
introduced in the senate by Thomas
of Douglas Briefly these amend
ments are
When not legally and regularly em
ployed compulsory attendance is re
quired to 1C instead of 15 years o
Attendance is required for the full
period each year instead of two thirds
of that period
A child of 14 may be legally em
ployed for his own support or those
dependent upon him providing he at
tends a night school or its equivalent
six hours a week for a school year of
not less than twenty weeks
A resolution by Mr Fries of
Howard county favors a constitutional
amendment enlarging the field of in
vestment for the permanent school
fund The resolution provides that
these funds can be invested not only
in United States and state securities
but in county municipal and school
district bonds This is in line with
the recommendation of Treasurer
Mortensen to the last legislature and
in line with a resolution introduced
at that time but which failed of pas
sage The permanent school fund
has now reached the enormous sum
of over 7000000 and it is a ques
tion where the money can be in
vested to good advantage
The bill of Senator King of Polk in
troduced in the upper house makes
provision for administration pf funds
by trust companies Tt prohibits the
trust companies engaging in the bank
ing business except in a very limited
way It provides the companies shall
not receive deposits subject to check
and shall not buy or sell exchange
They may make investments of funds
left in their charge and the nature of
the securities they may invest in is
designated by the bill Under the
bill the usual operations of savings
banks would be allowable to trust
A delegation of railroad men ap
peared before the senate committee
on railroads and left written requests
from various organizations of train
men for the senate to request the Ne
braska representatives in congress to
vote against the La Fojlette sixteen
hour law The l ailroad men argued
against the sixteen hour law claim
ing it would require trainmen to
leave their posts at the end of six
teen hours regardless of where the
train might be except in case of acci
dent or storm or similar emergen
cies The committee wili seek further
information on the subject
Mr Epperson of Clay desires con
trol of telephone companies by the
railway commission and has intro
duced a measure to this effect It
provides that all laws so far as ap
plicable now in force or that may
hereafter be enacted regulating the
transportation of property by rail
road companies within the state shall
apply to telephone companies The
state railway commission is to have
general control of all telephones tele
phone lines and telephone companies
Charges shall be just and reasonable
and discrimination in charges or re
bates in any form are made unlaw
ful i
Senator Sibley has introduced two
bills to amend the revenue law to make
it more stringent and less easily evad
ed Both measures are said to have
the support of the state association of
assessors One will make it impossible
to collect any evidence of indebted
ness such as a note or mortgage until
the taxes on it have been paid The
other requires mercantile corpora
tions to make a schedule showing the
volume of business transacted as a
basis of taxation
Five bills favored by the game com
missioner and drafted by the joint fish
and game committee prohibit the sale
of wild game make the close season
indefinite for elk deer antelope and
beaver compel a hunter to show his
license to an officer at any time re
peal a portion of the law which makes
it indefinite whether an officer has the
power to destroy illegal fishing de
vices when found prohibit training
of dogs by outsiders during closed
season en birds
The strongest opponents of the child
labor bill as it now stands appear to
be the older members of the legisla
ture who were brought up on the hard
work of the farm and appear to look
back on those days with a keen relish
of the self reliance it gave them in
after life That the present bill might
prevent farmers from putting their
boys to work in the field seems to bo
the fear of some Main provisions of
the bill are set forth elsewhere
Senator Patrick of Sarpy has intro
duced a bill to permit the commence
ment of suits in any court except the
supreme court by the serving by the
plaintiff on the defendant that he will
on or before a certain date file a pe
tition or bill of particulars in a speci
fied court and slating the nature of
the action and if money is sued for
the amount This notice shall follow
a prescribed form and may be served
by an officer or by any person over
21 years of age This measure before
final disposition is likely to create a
sood deal of discussion
if I
Prof Malot of the Ainsworth school
has tendered his resignation
Land about Papillion in Sarpy coun
ty is selling tor 100 per acre
The phone company of Humboldt
has announced a raise in rates
The Burlingtons new depot at Fre
mont is nearly ready for occupancy
The chief of police of Grand Island
is making an effort to stop can rush
The new high school building at
Beaver City has been formally dedi
Roy Cosson of Seward county has
been indicted by the grand jury for
stealing a lot of colver seed
A case of diphtheria has developed
in Humboldt schools and there Is
much anxiety among parents
If a bill that Senator Burkett has
introduced becomes law postoffices in
Nebraska will not open on Sunday
There is rumor that Secretary Shaw
when out of the cabinet will become
identified with banking interests In
Bruce Woods a young farmer living
some three or four miles west of Table
Rock was severely hurt in a runaway
R L Metcalfe editor of Bryans
Commoner at Lincoln will give the
Washingtons birthday address at Fre
mont college
A prominent attorney of Lincoln is
trying to negotiate for the purchase
of tho franchise of tho Nebraska City
street railway
The Burlington railway is having a
large amount of riprapping done along
the east banks of the Missouri river
above its steel bridge at Nebraska
Rev G W Palmer has resigned as
rector of St Stephens church of Ash
land and has accepted a call to Kane
Pennsylvania in the diocese of Pitts
Business men of Ashland have ar
ranged to hold a corn show and a
poultry exhibit in connection with the
annual farmers institute for February
1 and 2
The Polk County Fair association
closed the year with money in the
bank It had 570 in the treasury at
the beginning of 190G and now has
The Young Mens Commercial club
of Blair has signed a contract vrltb
the Redpath lyceum bureau for the
holding of a Chautauqua inBlalr from
July 2 to 8
Caroline Herrick aged 74 years who
lived with her son W R Herrick a
mile north of Shelton was burned to
death by her clothing catching fire
from a stove
Dorchester is making a fine record
in new buildings There have been
more new residences added the past
year than in any five years of the
towns history
The Union Pacific passenger train
from Omaha ran into a drove of sheep
about two miles from Lincoln near
the Burlington crossing and killed
over 100 head
Norfolk has a new creamery com
pany and butter will begin to be made
at once Prominent local business
men have formed an organization with
a capital of 10000
At Aurora a gasoline lamp exploded
in the home of John Sullivan Burling
ton roadmaster and made almost a
complete wreck of the house No one
was seriously injured
Henry Smidt living a few miles
north of Fairbury committed suicide
by hanging The deceased was about
thirty years old and was single He
had been in poor health
Rural mail route No 1 has been or
dered established out of Anoka Boyd
county Nebraska March 16 The
route will be twenty five and one half
miles long and serve 500 people
Gold and copper found in the crops
of a dead goose and a dead duck led
to the discovery of gold and copper in
the sand around a spring at the farm
of Peter Bussey west of Norfolk
The fees received b3 the various
county officers of Cuming county for
the year 1906 are County judge 1
56845 county clerk 30037f clerk
of the district court 158955 sheriff
George Waite of Fremont aged 15
years was sentenced to fifteen days
in the county jail for stealing a bi
cycle belonging to Ceylon Wilcox
There have been many wheel theft3
in Fremont lately
Mortgages in Platte county for the
last year as shown by the record of
County Clerk John Grafs office were
Filings 159566782 releases 1072
31133 showing an increased Indebted
ness of 52335649
The board of supervisors of Buffalo
county have offered a reward of 500
for the apprehension of tne person or
persons who killed Richard White just
west of that city on the night of
Thursday January 3
Nicholas W Rrace of Grand Island
has received patent rights on a new
valve for steam water or air pipes
which it is claimed is destined to rev
olutionize the entire valve system Mr
Race alleges that he has been offered
50000 for the patent
The twelve-year-old daughter of Mr
and Mrs John Lewis of Nebraska City
had her eye knocked out while at play
One of her companions a boy threw
a stick and the end struck her in the
right eye cutting open the ball and
allowing the contents to ooze out
As Mrs W D Grant of Broken Bow
was returning home from a visit to
her son-in-law William Parker whose
farm is five miles north of Broken
Bow she was attacked by Birney Mo
hat who tried to assault her Help
came to her rescue and her assailant
was arrested
Little Things That are Well Worth
Keeping in Memory
To straighten whalebone soak for ai
few minutes in lukewarm water then
press straight with a slightly warm
When cleaning brass add a little
methylated spirit to whatever polish
you may be using It not only helps
to remove stains but also prevents
the brass from tarnishing again so
Tortoise shell combs should occa
sionally be well rubbed with the palm
of the hand to restore their brightness
If very dull just a suspicion of sweet
nil may be used but as a rule a rub
with the palm of the hand only is
quite sufficient
- To clean feathers wash in gasoline
which can be procured at most oih
Shops Shake till dry and then curl1
with a bone or silver knife But re
member that gasoline is highly inflam
mable and should not on any account
be used in a room in which there is a
fire or artificial light of any kind Out
of doo3 is really the best place to use
Starched things should be rather
damp for ironing If ironed when too
dry the starch is really thrown away
as it does not stiffen at all
After washing decanters or cruets
turn them upside down and allow
tr from the cold water tap to ruiij
nor themj In about five minutesj
tim they will be beautifully dry in-
side and if the outside is carefully
wiped and rubbed they will sparkle
A hint for frosty weather Windows
jften need cleaning when it is so cold
that if water were used it would at
once freeze on them Try using paraf
fin instead a rag dipped in it will
clean glass perfectly and give it a
brightness impossible to obtain witli
water Tissue paper makes a good pol
isher or in fact almost any soft pa
Precautions That Are Absolutely Nec
essary to Health
All wood should be removed from a
sink according to Good Housekeep
ng and replaced with a porcelain
sink back and sides that being too
expensive then use slate zinc or cop
per The material should be absolute
ly impervious to moisture and with
out paint which only wears off and
leaves an untidy surface Modern
plumbers use iron instead of lead
pipes almost entirely and yet by
care the old lead ones may continue
to serve Frequent flushing of the
sink is an absolute necessity for per
fect freedom from danger It should
be done with very hot water but fol
lowed by a little cold water lest the
heat cause a vacuum and draw the
water off the trap leaving it open for
gases to escape through the outlet of
the sink The treatment should be
applied to every fixture in a house
after the cleansing process
How to Do Library Divan
A couch or divan in a library is al
ways desirable and if a cover in soft
brown velour is used with pillows of
bright old orange deep gold and the
varying shades of brown piled on in
profusion it will be an artistic addi
tion to the room
The pillows many of which should
be put oii the couch may be made of
inexpensive pieces of denim canvas
and burlap any one of which comes
in tones of yellow and brown that
will be effective Just for contrast
one or two handsome cushions should
be used in the pile A striking one
of golden silk with a deep brown ruf
fle or finished with a cord and tassel
would be attractive as would be also
a lemon colored silk pillow with a
touch of old orange at the corners
To Make Aspic Jelly
One pint and a half of bouillon
which can be bought in cans one
box of gelatin two eggs half pint of
pale cooking sherry one kitchen cup
of water
Melt the bouillon dissolve in it the
gelatin and set aside to cool add a
pinch of salt mix and whisk together
the whites of two eggs with their
shells add the water
Make them all into the stock and
stir until it boils for a quarter of an
hour then remove from the fire and
pour through a jelly bag after which
put in the wine
When cool pour over the turkey
and set aside to harden
How to Trim a Fern
Boston ferns that have grown so
large and luxuriant as to permit di
viding into smaller plants may have
cuttings taken away from the roots
without damage to the plant if care
fully done If transplanted to the
right soil and kept under proper con
ditions the cutting should root well
md develop into a healthy plant
A fern does not need hot and inces
sant sunshine Two of the finest Bos
ton ferns known to the writer spend
the entiie winter in windows where
scarcely a sunbeam falls though there
is plenty of light A little sun how
aver does them no harm and a moist
atmospliere is esential
Care of Wooden Articles
All wooden articles may be cleaned
thus When grease spots are found
cover these thickly with soft soap
then hold a red hot shovel over the
place close to the soap after which
wash with Fullers earth and water
and then -with clean water Where
boards have been neglected use one
pound soft soap boiled down with
one pound Fullers earth one pound
soda and two quarts of water till
reduced to half
Lots of fools look wise and lots of
wise men look otherwise
Hows Tfiis
We Offer One Hundred Dollars fpurirrt tnr n
ease ot Catarrh that caauot bo cured by Halts
Latarrh Cure
KTCHENErfc CO Toledo O
Wc the undersigned liavo known K J Cheney
for the last J3 year and believe him porfectl7 hon
orabto In all litulncss transaction and financially
able to carry out any obligations madn b hi firm
Whulenale Irurlu Toledo O
IlaHa Catarrh Cure U talccn Internally actlnc
uiicbu uuuu mo uiooaanu mucoui luriacot or tne
jieni letiimoniaia aenc free
bottle Sold by alt Druczlnta
iitc nana ll
lrlce 73 ceota per
amlly 1lllt fur constipation
Life of Horses and Doga
The statement has been made that
horses average from 20 to 30 years of
life and dogs from 12 to 14 years A
French encyclopedist credits tho horse
with 30 to 40 years the dog with 20
to 24 There Is a sufficient range of
uncertainty in these figures to cause
doubt whether detailed study has been
made of the subject
Sheer white goods In fact any fine
wash goods when new owe much of
iheir attractiveness to the way they
are laundered this being done in a
manner to enhance their textile beau
ty Home laundering would be equal
ly satisfactory if proper attention was
given to starching the first essential
being good Starch which has sufficient
strength to stiffen without thickening
the goods Try Defiance Starch and
you will be pleasantly surprised at tho
improved appearance of your work
Confederate Congressmen
Fifteen men are known to be still
alive who served as confederate con
gressmen John Goode and Roger A
Pryor Virginia A S Colyar J D C
Atkins Joseph B lleiskel and John V
Wright Tennessee Hiram P Bell
Georgia Henry C Jones Florida
James L Pugh Alabama S U Calla
han Indian Territory J A P Camp
bell Mississippi S II Ford Ken
tucky W II Tibbs North Carolina
Thoroughly Reliable
If ever there was a reliable and safe
remedy it is that old and famous por
ous plaster Allcocks It has been in
use for sixty years and is as popular
to day as ever and we doubt if there
is a civilized community on the face
of the globe where this wonderial pain
reliever cannot be found In the selec
tion of the ingredients and in their
manufacture the greatest care is taken
to keep each plaster up to the highest
standard of excellence and so pure
and simple are the ingredients that
even a child can use them
Allcocks are the original and gen
uine porous plasters and are sold by
Druggists all over the world
Remarkable Excuse Put Forward
French Bigamist
At Versailles France recently a
baker was tried on a charge of polyg
amy having married five women
who are living and undivorced The
pentagamists defense was that he
had not married the women they had
married him When they proposed
he had not the courage to say no
Neither money nor love he said had
prompted his nuptials he was the
victim of the stronger wills of his
successive spouses Of the five wives
three appeared as witnesses but did
not prosecute saying that their com
mon husband was a toper of whom
they wero glad to get rid Ho was
acquitted on what ground does not
appear As all the years in which
the multiplex husband took wives
were leap years except 1SS1 in which
it would seem that in four out of
the five cases tho women had the
right to propose Rut the man had
the right even in the leap years to
decline and it was up to him at loast
to explain to his fair suitors that he
was engaged To establish the prin
ciple that a man is not responsible
for the number of his wives unless
he himself does the courting would
be plainly against public policy If
Barkis is willin that at once puts
an me responsiuinty on mm no
matter who managed the prelimi
Makes Trouble for People with Weak
intestinal Digestion
A lady in a Wis town employed a
phj sicfau who instructed her not to
eat white bread for two years She
tells the details of her sickness and
she certainly was a sick woman
In the year 1S87 I gave out from
overwork and until 1901 I remained
an invalid in bed a great part of the
time Had different doctors but ndth
ing seemed to help I suffered from
cerebro spinal congestion female trou
ble and serious stomach and bowel
trouble My husband called a new
doctor and after having gone without
any iooa tor iu days tne doctor or
dered Grape Nuts for me I could eat
the new food from the very first
mouthful The doctor kept me on
Grape Nuts and the only medicine
was a little glycerine to heal the
alimentary canal
When I was up again doctor told
me to eat Grape Nuts twice a day and
no white bread for two years I got
well in good time and have gained in
strength so I can do my own work
My brain has been helped so much
and I know that the Grape Nuts food
did this too I found I had been
made ill because I was not fed right
that is I did not properly digest white
bread and some other food I tried to
live on
I have never been without Grape
Nuts food since and eat it every day
You may publish this letter if you like
so it will help someone else Name
given by Postum Co Battle Creek
Mich Get the little book The Road
j to Wellville in pk3
The Proved Remedy
For Over 30 Years
Price 25c and 50c
New Use for Roentgen Ray
An ingenious if not novel use has
been found for the kind of radianco
discovered by Roentgen With its aid
a photograph has been taken showing
the machinery of an automobile with
out removing the hood which covered
A Big Bargain for 12 Cents Postpaid
The year of 19W was one of prodigal
plenty on our t vrd farms Never befou
did electable mid lirm seeds return such
enormous yield-
Now we wish to gain 200000 new en-
toineis this eir and hence offer for lie
1 pkg Gaiden Citv Beet NH-
1 Katliol Kipe Cabbage 10-
1 Earliest Emerald Cucumber 15c
1 ai Ckx c Market Lettuce 15c
1 13 Day lladwli 10c
1 Blue Mood Tomato 15
1 Juicy Turnip Wc
1000 kernels gloriously beautiful low-
Total 100
All for 12c postpaid in order to intio
duce our warranted s ceds and if you
will send IGc wc will add one package of
Uerliner Earliest Cauliflower together
with our mammoth plant nursery stock
vegetable and faun vcd and tool catalog
This catalog is mailed free to all in
tending purchasers Write today
John A bced Co Bor W Li
Crose Wis
Priscilla3 Revenge
It was in the days of old when
knights were hold and dressed in
gleaming armor
George dear said Priscilla over
her daily task wilt thou not help
me with my skeins
By the tower of London no
roared George as ho sharpened his
lance You havent a spinning
wheel for a husband
Two hours later George returned
from the fray with his armor bat
tered and torn
Dearest Priscilla he said soft
ly wilt thou not put a few patches
on my dress suit
No George replied Priscilla
sweetly You havent a blacksmith
for a wife
And the bold knight was so hu
miliated he wont ovor to Ye Frozen
Heart tavern and stood the tavern
keeper off for a tankard
btxty three Pounds tc
the Hushel Arc situ
ated in the Canadian
West where Home
steaJs of 160 acres can
be obtained free b
every settler willing
and able to complv
with the Homestead
Regulations During
the present year a large portion of
New Wheat Growing Territory
that hat been pushed forward bo vigorously by
the three great railway companies
For literature and particulars address SUPER
Canada or the following authorized Canadian
Government Apent
W V BENNETT 801 New York Life Brildinz
Qmzha Nebraska
Mention this paper
Positively cured by
these Little Pills
They also relieve Dis
tress from Dyspepsia In
digestion and Too Hearty
Eating A perfect rem
edyfor Dizziness Nausea
Drowsiness Bad Taste
In the Hoatli Coated
Tongue Pain In the Side
regulate the Bowels Purely Vegetable
Genuir3 Must Bear
Fac Simile Signature