N v I v s - 3ejv The Tribune F M KIMMELL Publisher MCOOK NEBRASKA HEARTS AND MASKS By HAROLD MacGRATH AuthorofTheManon the Box etc With Drawings by Harrison Fisher Copyright 1XS ly Bobb Merrlll Co CHAPTER II Continued I drew out my wallet I had ar rived in town too late to go to the bank and I was carrying an uncom fortably large sum in gold bills As I opened the wallet to extract a wall bill I saw the stranger eying me quietly Well well the dullest being brightens at the sight of money and its representatives I drew out a small bill and handed it to the pro prietor He took it together with the mask and sidled over to the cash register The bell gave forth a muf fled sound not unlike that of a lire bell in a snowstorm As he was in the net of wrapping up my pur chase I observed the silent custom ers approach When he reached my side he stooped and picked up some thing from the floor With a bow he presented it to me I saw it drop from your pocket he said and then when he saw what it was bis jaw fell and he sent me a hot penetrating glance The ten of hearts he exclaimed in amazement I laughed easily The ten of hearts he repeated Yes four hearts on one side and four on the other and two in the middle which make ten in all raillery in my tones What the deuce was the matter with everybody to night Marvelous card isnt it Very strange he murmured pull ing at his lips And in what way is Jt strange I asked rather curious to learn the cause of his agitation There are several reasons brief ly Ah I have seen a mans hand pinned to that card therefore it is grew some Some card sharper He nodded Then again I lost a small fortune because of that card diffidently Poker Yes Why will a man try to fill a royal flush The man next to me drew the ten or hearts the very card I needed The sight of it always un nerves me I beg your pardon Oh thats all right said I won dering how many more lies he had up his sleeve And theres still another reason I saw a man put six bullets into the two central spots and an hour later the seventh bullet snuffed the candle of a friend of mine I am from the west I can sympathize with you I re turned After all that trouble the sight of the card must have given you a shock Then I stowed away the fatal card and took up my bundle and change I have in my own time tried to fill royal flushes and the disappointment still lingers with a bitter taste The element of chance is the most fascinating thing there is the stranger from the west volunteered So it is I recalled suddenly re calling that I was soon to put my trust in the hands of that very fickle god dess He nodded and returned to his revol vers while I went out of the shop hailed a cab and drove up town to my apartments in Riverside It was eight oclock by my watch I leaned back against the cushions ruminating There seemed to be something going on that night the ten of hearts was acquiring a mystifying not to say sin ister aspect First it had alarmed the girl in Mouquins and now this stranger in the curio shop I was con fident that the latter had lied in re gard to his explanations The card had startled him but his reasons were altogether of transparent thinness A man never likes to confess that he is unlucky at cards there is a certain pride in lying about the enormous stakes you have won and the wonder ful draws you have made I frowned It was not possible for me to figure out what his interest in the card was If he was a westerner his buying a pistol in a pawnshop was at once dis robed of its mystery but the incon sistent elegance of his evening clothes doubled my suspicions Bah What was the use of troubling myself with this strangers affairs He would never cross my path again In reasonable time the cab drew up in front of my apartments I dressed donned my Capuchins robe and took a look at myself in the pier glass Then I unwrapped the package and put on the mask The whole made a capital outfit and I was vastly pleased with myself This was going to be such an adventure as one reads about in the ancient numbers of Black woods I slipped the robe and mask into my suitcase and lighted my pipe During great moments like this a man gathers courage and confidence from a pipeful of tobacco I dropped into a comfortable Morris touched the gas logs and fell into a pleasant dream It was not necessary for me to start for the Twenty third street ferry till nine so I had something liko three quarters of an hour to idle away What beautiful hair that elrl had It was like sunshine 7 tho silk of corn the yield of the har vest And the marvelous abundance of it It was true that she was an artists model it was equally true that she had committed a mild Impro priety in addressing me as she had but for all I could see she was a girl of delicate breeding doubtless one of the many whose family fortunes or misfortunes forced them to earn a liv ing And it is no disgrace these days to pose as an artists model The classic oils nowadays call only for ex quisite creations in gowns and hats mythology was exhausted by the old my opera hat Outside the storm was still active but the snow had a pronn ising softness and there were patches of stars to be seen here and there in the sky By midnight there would be a full moon I got to Jersey City without mishap and when I took my seat in the smoker I found I had ten minutes to spare I bought a news- paper and settled down to read the days news It was fully half an hour between Jersey City and Blankshire in that time I could begin and finish the paper There never was a newspaper those days that hadnt a war map in some one of its columns and when I had digested the latest phases of the war in the far east I quite naturally turned to the sporting page to learn what was going on among the other professional fighters Have I men- masters Rome Paris London pos- j tioned to you the fact that I was all isibly a bohemian existence in these cities accounted for her ease in strik ing up a conversation harmless enough with a total stranger In Paris and Rome it was all very well but it is a risky thing to do in unro mantic New York and London How ever her uncle had been with her a veritable fortress had 1 overstepped the bounds of politeness The smoke wavered and rolled about me I took out the ten of hearts and studied it musingly After all should I go Would it be wise I confess I saw goblins heads peering Lfrom the spots and old Poe stories re turned to me Pshaw It was only a frolic no serious harm could possibly come of it I would certainly go now I had gone thus far What fool idea the girl was bent on I hadnt the least idea but I easily recognized the folly upon which I was about to set sail Heigh ho What was a lonely young bachelor to do xt the most they through the Spanish war the mix up in China and that I had resigned mj commission to acept the post of trav eling salesman for a famous motor cat company If I have not pardon me You will now readily accept my reck lessness of spirit as a matter ol course I turned over another page from this I learned that the fair sexj was going back to puff sleeves again Many an old sleeve was going to be turned upside down Fudge The train was rattling through the yards Another page crackled Ha Here was that un known gentleman thief again up to his old tricks It is remarkable how difficult it is to catch a thief who has good looks and shrewd brains I had already written him down as a quasi swell For months the police had been finding clues but they had never laid eyes on the rascal The famous llaggerty of the New York detective force a man whom not a dozen New Took a Look at Myself in the Glass y - Carry Much Freight One of the largest lake steamships can carry about as much freight as four of the most powerful locomotives can pull in four trains on a level rail road of the best construction MENACETO ALL Giant Mail Order Concerns Are Sapping Country of Its Wealth SMALLER TOWNS CRUSHED By Assisting in the Centralization of Wealth Patrons of These In stitutions Contribute to Their Own Injury Copyright 1905 by Alfred C Clark Every year millions upon millions of dollars find their way from the towns villages and rural districts of the coun try to the coffers of the mail order houses in the cities and go to the up building of enormous institutions in the centers of population Naturally jthe sources from which the contribu tions are made suffer accordingly i Figures ever tell a better story than words Here are figures which tell a story so stupendous that its full sig nificance cannot be grasped in a mo ment but the mere sight of which are awe inspiring In the year 1903 two mail order houses located in Chicago did a busi ness amounting in round numbers to 80000000 In ehe year 1904 these same concerns did a business of about G2000000 a gain of 18000000 or nearly 30 per cent in a single year be ing thus exhibited These figures represent the sale last year of one dollars worth of merchan dise for every man woman and child in the country by two catalogue houses alone and those operating from the same central point Dozens more of varying size and importance are oper ating all over the country from coast The Man Behind the Plow last year number of millions which found to coast and from border to border A fact not generally known is that hundreds of concerns throughout the country which now are doing business through the regular trade channels are awaiting only a parcels post law to unloose literature already prepared in many instances which would pro ject them into the mail order field and this does not take into account the hundreds and perhaps thousands of entirely new mail order concerns could only ask me to vacate the J York policemen knew by sight and no wkjcn inevitably would spring into ex ises should criminals behind bars I be so unfortunate as to be discovered In that event Teddy Hamilton would come to my assist ance She was really beau tiful And then I awoke to the alarm ing fact that the girl in Mouquins was interesting me more than I liked to confess Presently through the haze of smoke I saw a patch of white paper on the rug in front of the pier glass I arose and picked it up Wamh Hawthorne - rnsTnMT Slue Domino Time j q P M Returned FRIARDS I stared at the bit of pasteboard fascinated How the deuce had this got into my apartments A Blue Domino Ha I had it Old Friard had accidentally done up the ticket with my mask A Blue Domino evi dently I wasnt the only person who was going to a masquerade Without doubt this fair domoiselle was about to join the festivities of some shop girls masquerade where money and pedigree are inconsequent things and where everybody is either a loidy or a gent Persons who went to my kind of masquerade did not rent their costumes they laid out extravagant sums to the fashionable modiste and tailor and had them made to order A Blue Domino humph It was too late to take the ticket back to Friards so I determined to mail it to him in the morning It was now high time for me to be off I got into my coat and took down save those earthly and eternal was now giving his whole attention to the affair Some gaily dressed lady at a ball would suddenly find she had lost some valuable gems and that would be the end of the affair for none ever re covered her gems The gentleman thief was still at large and had gathered to his ac count a comfortable fortune that is I if he were not already rich and simply a kleptomaniac No doubt he owned one of my racing cars and was clear of the delinquent lists at his clubs I dismissed all thought of him threw aside the paper and mentally figured out my commissions on sales during the past month It was a handsome figure large enough for two This pastime too soon failed to interest me I gazed out of the window and watched the dark shapes as they sped past I saw the girls face from time td time What a fool I had been not to ask her name She could easily have refused and yet as easily have grant ed the request At any rate I had permitted the chance to slip out of my reach which was exceedingly careless on my part Perhaps they she and her uncle frequently dined at Mouquins I determined to haunt the place and learn It would be easy enough to address her the next time we met Besides she would be curious to know all about the ten of hearts and the desperate adventure upon which I told her I was about to embark Many a fine friendship has grown out of smaller things To be Continued istence under such friendly auspices I The two Chicago institutions re ferred to already occupying immense buildings found themselves cramped or room One of them expended not less than 1000000 and probably more for a new home The other lately has secured a new location and also will expend at least 1000000 for an im mense new building Anyone who will reflect even casual ly on the subject must become im pressed that the influence of the mail order business is toward the central ization of wealth and how enormous a part it is playing in this direction will be understood from a second pie as a whole snail bo prosperous Such general prosperity as may oxist cannot be rotained if the institutions of tho already larger and wealthier communities are to continue to bo built up by contributions that should be spent at homo from the thousands of smaller communities The need of tho country a desper ate need upon which the welfare of the individual depends is for the upbuilding and continued progress of the smaller communities so that the wealth of the country may be distrib uted over the entire country and not congested and controlled in largo amounts in a comparative few centers of population Therefore the man who sends away from his own community money which he might have spent at homo and per mitted a fair profit to the home mer chant to be retained there for the benefit of the community is injuring his community and thereby the pros pects for his own future prosperity In a large number of instances he is doing more than this Unwittingly or unthinkingly perhaps he is violating his own principles of right and justice for at the expense of his own com munlty he is needlessly contributing profits to the capitalistic combinations which he continuously cries out are menacing the country The mail order giants direct theii energies particularly toward the peo ple of the smaller towns and the agri cultural districts In hundreds of thousands of the homes of these the catalogue of the mail order house is as regularly received as the home paper The man on the farm last year sent a very large portion of eighty millions of dollars to two of these institutions in one community alone In all sincerity we ask Admitting purely for the sake of the argument that the farmer or the resident of the small community can save a few dol lars on some of his purchases or even moW St f contributed a large portion of the vase their way into the coffers of the mail order houses The smaller comm unities to which it belonged and which were thus deprived of it suffered accordingly that he could do so on all of them can he afford to continue to impoverish his own community upon which his own prosperity the very value of his lane1 iepends If he will ask himself this question and consider it soberly and fairly iD all of its phases including the manj which cannot be touched upon withic the limits of a single article we think his answer must be that he cannot The wonderful productivity of this country has been sufficient to over come the various adverse economic in fluences which have existed during the period of years in which the mail or der business has accomplished its greatest growth Everyone has been getting along pretty well While the increasing flow of golden millions from their source in the land of the coun try to the already great centers ol money and population has held back the growth of the smaller communi ties it has not yet occasioned a great disaster The test will come with the first pinch of hard times a condi tion which no country ever has been able to escape at recurring intervals When this time arrives those corn- glance at the figures which have been munities will best stand the test which rii Tirveo i have best conserved and husbanded It is due to himself that every patron of the mail order house should inquire honestly of himself what the final out come is to be if the mail order busi ness shall continue to make the great strides which have marked its prog ress during the last half decade It Is useless to repeat the well worn argument of the mail order concerns that they are selling goods enough more cheaply than the merchants in the regular channels of trade to leave their customers more money than ever to devote to home enterprises and Institutions The fallacy of this statement has been proved over and over again by actual and minute com parisons of goods as to their quality and prices Te refute it finally and indisputably by a simpler and more direct method it Is necessary only to ask the reliable business men of any of the smaller communities to show the evidence from their books and ac counts of the harm the mail order habit is doing their communities It is a truth as old as the hills and as certain as the rising and setting of the sun that no country or section of Z country can prosper unless the their resources JOHN S POTTS The Puzzle Solved Some time ago a merchant in Mar blehead Mass was discovered in his store at a very late hour and in reply ing to inquiries he said My confidential clery is missing And what of it Why Im looking over tho books but they seem to be all right Have you coimted your cash Yes and it is correct to a dollar Looked over your bank book I have and it is satisfactory Thats the puzzle you see He3 skipped and I cant make out what for Been home since noon No Perhaps hes eloped with your wife He hurried home and found this to be the case BALM OF SCRIPTURE HEALING PROPERTIES OF PINE KNOWN TO ANCIENTS Oil of the Vhlte Pine Tree Used Suc cessfully by Physicians in Treat ing Consumptive Patients Tho Oil of the Pine Tree is sup posed to be the balm of Scripture It contains great medicinal properties and was regarded with the utmost esteem by the ancients and to the present day is peculiarly prized by the people of the East A noted authority on diseases of the throat and lungs who established a camp for consumptives In the Pine Woods of Maine says that his entire treatment consisted of fresh air nourishing food and the Pure Virgin Oil of the White Pine Trees mixed with Whisky and Glycerine in the fol lowing proportions Virgin Oil of Pine Pure oz Glycerine 2 Good Whisky S Used in teaspoonfnl doses every four hours It is claimed the above mixture will heal and strengthen the lungs break up a cold in twenty four hours and cure any cough that is curable The ingredients can be secured from any good prescription druggist at small cost and can be easily mixed in your own home Virgin Oil of Pine Pure is put up only in half ounce vials for dispensing Each vial is securely sealed in a round Avooden case with engraved wrapper with the name Virgin Oil of Pine Pure prepared only by Leach Chemical Co Cincinnati O plainly printed thereon There are many rank imitations of Virgin Oil of Pine Pure which are put out under various names such as Con centrated Oil of Pine Pine Bal sam etc Never accept these as a substitute for the Pure Virgin Oil of Pine as they will invariably produce nausea and never effect the desired result People who are fond of music usu ally draw the line at amateur con certs Lewis Single Binder straight 5c cigar Made of extra quality tobacco Your dealer or Lewis Factory Peoria III Some day a long suffering genius will invent a safety razor with a pho nograph attachment then it will bs good by for the garrulous barber TO CUIEK A IN ONKBAT Tato JjAXATIVK UIlOMOQisinrm Tablet Clsw refund mone if it to cure GltOVlb bici nireis or carb bux iSc Si W Choose always the way that seeraa the best however rough it may be custom will soon render it easy and agreeable Pythagoras Scrupulous Senator Senator Spooner of Wisconsin sur prised some members of congress with whom he was chatting the other day by announcing that he has never taken part in a congressional junket of any kind I never shall undertake such a journey at government expense he said There is something very objec tionable to me in members of congress going on such expeditions For tho same reason that made him sidestep a congressional junket Senator Spooner said he had never been shaved in the senate barber shop which is maintained at Uncle Sanas expense AWFUL EFFECT OF ECZEMA Covered vith Yellow Sores Grew Worse Parents Discouraged Cu ticura Drove Sores Away Our little girl one year anil a half old was taken with eczema or that was what the doctor called it We called in the family doctor and he gave some tablets and said she would be all right in a few days The eczema grew worse and wo called in doctor No 2 He said she was teething as soon as the teeth were through she -would be all right But she still grew worse Doctor No 3 said it was eczema By this time sho was nothing but a yellow greenish sore Well he said he could help her so we let him try it about a week One morning we discovered a little yellow pimple on one of her eyes Of course we phoned for doctor No 3 He came over and looked her over and said that he could not do anything more for her that we had better take her to some eye specialist since it was an ulcer So we went to Oswego to doctor No 4 and he said the eye sight was gone but that he could help it We thought we would try doctor No 5 Well that proved the same only he charged 10 more than doctor No 4 We were nearly dis couraged I saw one of the Cuti cura advertisements in the paper and thought we would try the Cuticura Treatment so I went and purchased a set of Cuticura Remedies which cost me 1 and in three days our daughter who had been sick about eight months showed great improve ment and in one week all sores had disappeared Of course it could not restore the eyesight but if we had used Cuticura in time I am confident that it would have saved the eye- We think there is no remedy so good for any skin trouble or impurity of the blood as Cuticura Mr and Mrs Frank Abbott R F D No 9 Fulton Os wego C N Y August 17 lSOS wise uavia Guard within vourself that treasure Wife Why do you always sit at J kinness Know how to give without the piano David You know you hesitation how to lose without regret cant play a note David Neither how to acquire without meannes3 can anyone else while I am here J George Sand I k i 4