ill t r J THE frrrnrnnmmmUmi Tpfrff New Sale of 4 New Goods All the Time i ryr ti 1 vrT TiTii rr maBBBasBamm atn u u rat ViwM Wltiliii lW WmPi ni i y SXSGXSXg IM THE NEW YEAR M I DOSSIBLY you are already a patron of this bank If not it might be well to start in with the New Year A trial may prove mutually profitable With a view to get- ting better acquainted we invite you to call THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK McCook Neta JT 7 X fsmm The best of every thing in his line at the most reasonable prices is Harsh s motto He wants your trade and hopes by merit to keep it The Butcher Phone 12 jsss wfea fe J Is DHLL UUUOUUft AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED Fairhurv Hanchett CV M 1 II tymumm This is a warranted and guaran teed windmill nothing better in the market Write or call on Mr Ball before buviner PHONE BLACK S07 lbWbQSW McCook Laundry G C HECKMAN Prop Dry and Steam Cleaning and Pressing DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Office Bldg Phone No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska 3Agent of Eincoln Land Co and of McCook Wator Works Offico in Postoffice building OH I J GUNN DENTIST phone 112 Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook FAY HOSTETTER TEACHER ON PIANO McCook Nebraska Studio upstairs in new Rishel building south of Post Office Ladies iead this uataloguo of charms Bright eyes glowing cheeks red lips a 6tuooth skin without a blemish in short perfect health For snlo with every package Ilollisters Rocky Mountain tea 35 cents A McMillen Cash Received on Account Charge Paid Out and other cash register printed supplies at The Tribune office NOTICE OF GUARDIANS SALE In tho district court of Red Willow county state of obraqka Iu the matter of the application of Tames Earl Ludwick guardian of Lewis Basil Ludwick and Lorvn Laudon Ludwick minors for license to sell real estate Notice is hereby jjiven thatin pursuance of an order of the Hon R C Orr judge of tho district court of Red Willow countv Nebraska made on tho loth day of December 1906 for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described there will bo sold at public vendue to tho highest bidder for cash at tho east front door of the court house in the city of McCook iu said county on tho second day of February 1907 at the hour of one oclock p m the following described real estate towit An undivided one half interetin lots one and two in block six in tho original towji of McCook Red Willow county Nebraska Said tale will remain open one hour James Eaki Ludwick Boyle Eldked Guardian of Lew is Basil Attorneys Ludwick nnd Loron don Ludwick minors 4 Home of Quality and Quantity where ii 11 niiiiiwntiiiniii iiwhi n mi iiiiii nniii i iiiiiibiiiiii sells THE BEST LUM BER AND COAL Are you thinking of building If so it is ten to one our figures will please you M O McCLURE Phone No 1 Manager Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY and EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location just across street in P Walsh building flcCook - Nebraska I F D BURGESS j Plumber and Steam Fitter Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Estimates Furnished Free Base ment of the Postoffice Building McCOOK NEBRASKA A UtSU WllWUifll IVIJSWgariiUIjyKMEJ - - A S W E Peuco was in Edison en busi ness Wednesday Machinists Ol on and Keagy quit tlio service this week A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs F M FagaD last Fridiy j Fritz Eberl is nu apprentice in the blacksmith shop hammer boy Miss Ruby Fitzgerald is a new stenog rapher in tho roadmasters ollice An engino failure brought No n into McOook WYz houis late Tuesday night Tho Burlington is busily engaged in storing large quanities of ice at tLis point Does that whibtlo jar you looo from the arms of Morpheus Helper Herbert Ploussard quit this week and F V Miller became a helper in the blacksmith shop Lloyd Jennings returned last Friday night from Omaha where he has been receiving treatment for his eyes Engineer J H Snyder returned from Nebraska City early in tho week hav ing quite recovered from his recent operation and ready for service again Gus Soderburg who is erjoying a vacation of two or three weeks left for Grand Island yesterday morning He is firing on the Union Pacific out of that point Engine 143 is out of tho backshop and receiving her finishing touches in tho roundhouse The 721 is ready to go out The 14 was run iu for an overhaul ing this week C H Stennett the McCook Imperial postal clerk went down to Holdrege over Sunday to bee his eldest daughter who is threatened with pneumonia but is improving now About sixty helpers m the Alliance machine shops walked out on a strike Tuesday of this wtek on a demand of an increase of wages from 17 and 18 cents per hour to 224 cents Only five helpers remaiued in the shop G F Smith became general foreman of the McCook shops Wednesday of thfs week vice F V Schultz resigned Mr Smith comes from Sheridan where he was backshop foreman It is thought Mr Schultz will euter the employ of one of the western roads The Burlington road has ordered nine ty new locomotives for delivery during 1908 Fifteen of them are for passenger service and seventy five are for freight traffic Tho passenger engines which are of the largest type are to be 376 000 pounds in weight and more than 75 feet in length BARTLEY Mrs A L Cochran was quite sick this weeK Phin Smith lost a fine cow this week from corn stalk disease Somebody will be married soon and then I will say 1 toldjou so Commissioner Premer returned from McCook Wednesday morning Henry Butherus and family are in Lincoln this week visiting relatives The skating rink has gone where the woodbine twineth it died a legal death The old Bartley ice house will be sold to the Highest bidder Saturday after noon Otis Farrer has moved his restaurant into the Jennings building south of the bank Will Enlow was up from Cambridge Wednesday having a surgLwl operation performed Mr Scallick from eastern part of the state is here looking after tho products of his farms The Misses Florence and Gertrude Clements have gone to Orleans Nebr to attend school Florence and Gertrude Clemants have returned from Orleans and will not at tend school there Doctor and Mrs Daly were up from Cambridge Tuesday the guests of Dr and Mrs Arbogast The Bartley Phone Co are putting on additional cross armsr to carry wires for new phones being taken Mr and Mrs Esbon Day of Indian ola have been here this week called by the serious sickness of Mrs Days fath er Mr Bantham The Workmen lodge initiated about nfty new members last week Indian ola and Cambridge visitors swelled the large attendance Frank Harris of Ottawa 111 is visit ing hisbrother and family and looking over this fine land with a view of buying a farm before he returns The Bank of Bartley has added a new safe to its safety equipment It weighs two tons and is round in form being claimed to be dynamite proof uenlns and Work Men give me credit for genius All the genius I have lies just in this When I have a subject in hand I study it profoundly Day and night it Is before me I explore if in all its bearings My mind becomes pervaded with it Then the effort which I make the people are pleased to call the fruit of genius It is the fruit of labor and thought Alexander Hamilton kSS23XVZ9SC llw tt fJnloy tin- Civettii There aint much pleasure in this life fer men as old as methat is a feller thinks they aint when he is sixty three O course he likes to smoke Ids pipe an set around an us an argnp with the boys to git his leisure tlmo to pass A man v hos gettin long In years too weak to hoe or plow for pleasure of the good old kind nasi small chanc2 anyhow But theres one thing I like to do one thng 1 s ie ei joy its Koin to a chcus with sone poor bi eyed snvill boy I always like to have it be the fii t show hes been to I like to those b eyes snap Oh snap they always do I like to see him smile an chp an crane his neck around a i see bmeat in peanuts throwin shells down on the ground It dont seem very ago that I wus eight or nine nor 1 n since the first show I tiw seemed sim ply grand divine I member how I set up there jest in a lit of joy You see I know the feelin that come to the big eyed boy I dont caro n uci for circuses like once I used to care But friend I get my pleasure takin little fellers there An while I Fet en joyin it -1 mean tint kids real joy I almost cry to think that I cant be once more a boy Denver Post 3Inn anil His Pockets A tailor who had received an order for a suit of clothes was asked by the customers wife for an interview I want to ask you as a special fa vor she said not to put any pockets in my husbands clothes Why not asked the astonished tailor Because they are responsible for his looking so shabby so much of the time ehe explained He wears his clothes for weeks without pressing be cause he says it is too much trouble to change the things in his pockets to an other suit fie says that half the men who go around in seedy clothes do so for the same reason If that is so just leave out the pockets and they will have no excuse for shabbiuess That is a new point of view said the tailor I will see about it But when the suit came home it had the usual number of pockets New York Sun Hoiv FrostlIte Conies The first effect of cold on the skin is to contract the tiny vessels that connect arteries and veins Arteries are ves sels that take blood from the heart Veins are those that bring blood back to the heart and the connecting ves sels are called capillaries While these little vessels are contracting the skin itself becomes tenser In a few mo ments or minutes the effects change The tiny nerves whose stimulation caused contraction of the capillaries are more or less paralyzed and the ves sels dilate so the skin gets red Soon the veins are dilated and the skin be comes bluish Then the nutrient fluid in the skin the lymph is coagulated and the stretched skin ruptures or chaps If the cold is more severe its action -is deeper and the blood itself may be coagulated This is frostbite Ant Bittlis Persons who are troubled with rheu matism in Russia take ant baths as a cure It is done in this way by the peasants near Moscow Finding an ants nest he puts Into a linen bag the ants their eggs and necessarily consid erable dirt Returning to the home he plunges into the hot water of the bath his bag of ants which he has previous ly fastened tightly at the mouth After Beveral minutes the water gives off a very stroug penetrating odortof formic acid The bath is now read- and the invalid is put Into it Such a bath has a very active irritant action on the skin being in fact a counter irritation that causes the rheumatic pains to dis appear Strand Magazine Venezuelan Cowboys When the Venezuelan cowboy wishes to catch a bull or cow for branding or for any purpose he rides alongside It and with horse and bovine on the dead run stoops from his saddle grasps the croatures tail and with a sharp peculiar twist sends the animal rolling on its back From the force with which it falls the creatures horns almost invariably pin its head to the ground giving the vaquero time to dismount and sit on its head hold ing the animal helpless to rise while a companion ties Its legs The Hulinsr Passion Beggar Can you help a poor man to Pedestrian I think you have touched me before Beggar Possibly sir possibly You see Im a stranded photographer and the old habit of re touching clings sir The first ingredient in conversation s truth the next good sense the third good humor and the fourth wit Sir William Temple j 2 OUR REPUTATION IS AT STAKE On the kind and quality of every pair of Shoes we sell So you can readily see we cannot afford to recommend you to buy nor we to sell an inferior grade of Shoes at any price But we do guarantee every pair of the better grades to be just what we recommend them and our guaran tee is always good We are closing out some of our lines in Winter Footwear and they are bargains you cannot get even at a special sale We are making a cut on our Broken Lines of Winter Goods of from 25c to 75c pe pair These are our regular goods A line of Childrens Rubbers and Warm Overshoes worth from 75c to 3150 at 25c Our spring stock of Ladies Shoes are now ready for your inspection Get your chobe of style and perfect fit before the line is broken MODEL SHOE rrrrrjVTjaittfjJCCTe3xcacagjz im r 1 UK A E PETSY Proprietor PMONIi 18 xrcairaaMnp333rifli2i 5jaacna McGOOK ontrrnus tJttsxaiaiaaixc Txi W IVVJ I A i l S6 NEB thiiMrc DC CVM crn EwBffBiri i ii i iCRnaitrai No Old Sale of f j Old Goods at i Any Old Time I D A C V A iVA OUR STOCK m THR ZE s 3 r ii rm OF MeCOOK NEB a a b m kftw OrVtT tOk IYTMW tOVTEII VROWMCO C HAMMERING PRICES - 8 V - I 7 i a r i rr t r ir 1 1 A tA Kj r n m mmi vl ric niii CKiw pRICETvS DOWK ON VHAT is left or our seasons goods -the blows ve ARE STRIKING ARE REDUCE OUR WINTER STOCK S FAST REDUCING BE CAUSE THE PEOPLE OF THIS COMMUNITY KNOW THAT WHEN WE WE HAMMER PRICE 5 WE DO HAMMER -PRICE-5 DOWN ON LEGITI MATE REGULAR MERCHANDISE AND NOT ON SHIPPED IN -JOB LOTS WE WISH TO LET OUR PRICES TALK ONE FIFTH OFF ON WINTER LINES RESPECTFULLY O L DBGEOFF CO i s oca V FRANKLIN PRESIDENT A C EBERT CASHIER JAS S DOYLE Vice President CITI ANK Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 7000 B B B B E DIRECTORS FRANKLIN JAS S DOYLE A C EBERT i V VUitlVMVrf Gatewood Vaime om over HCAS Store j DENTISTS C H Boyle C E Eldeed Co Attr BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at J aw Long Distance Plone 41 Rooms 1 and 7 second Hoor MCLOOK fleo mk Postoffice Building YOU WOULD DO WELL TO SEE J M Rupp FOR ALL KINDS OF Rpjp q P O Box 131 McCook Nebraska JOE HIGHT CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Farm Buildings a Specialty SATISFACTION GUARANTEED McCook Neb