7 y A -1 HIS EYES OPEN Hj There Are No Mail Order Catalogues in One Home FARMER WILLIAMS7 LESSON In Time of Adversity He Got to Un derstand Who Were His Real Friends Prosperity in Stand ing Together Copyright 190G by Alfred C Clark What y got there Sis inquired Farmer Williams as he kicked off his felt hoots and set them carefully be hind the stove to dry Thats what I thought It looked like one of them there Chicago catylogs though I haint seen one clost for quite a few years back Me an your ma ust to buy mighty nigh everthing we used out of them catylogs when we first come to Kansas Land sakes I have to laugh now sometimes when I think of the way we would git ketched onct in awhile Theys some cheap things in them catylogs an then agin theys a lot t aint so cheap Y never kin tell till they come an then its too late to send em back But as I was a sayin wo haint bought nothin out of a catylog fer a right smart o years now an the way it come about I had as well tell y cause I dont think y really remember much about it When we come to Kansas long in the first of the 80s we got along right well We was able to pay cash fer what we got and we got the money fer everything we sold We was pay in out on the place right along crops was purty good an we was a feelin like the Lord was a smilin on our efforts and the happy home we dreamed about when we first got mar ried was in sight But they come a change in Kansas long in the last half of the 80s Times got hard and kep a gittin tighter Four straight years it was so dry y had to soak the hogs afore theyd hold swill though I will say they was some extry reason on ac count of the swill bein so thin wheat jest died in the ground fer want of rain and the hot winds biled the ever lastin sap out of the corn They wasnt no pasture no nothing You can know we was a feelin purty blue about that time but we was young and strong and thought with the chickens an hogs we could git through anyway Then one day you got to complain in and lookin so thin it worried us Your ma is a middlin good doctor take it all around but nothing she could think of done you any good Well you kep a gittin pindlier and pindlier till you got sost y wouldnt do nothin but set in a chair by the kitchen stove wrapped in your mas pld shawl an you looked so pitiful that we made up our minds to have the doctor even if it took th last chicken on the place Well he come and after hed looked at you awhile an felt your pulse he shet his watch up with a snap an says quiet like Better fix up a warm place fer her jn the front room dont have too much light nor any drafts to strike her Then we knowed it want no small sickness we had to fight an when we got you fixed up in bed I follered Doc out on the porch an I says Well Doc sez I whats the matter with our little girl I dont want to skeer ye Mr Wil liams says he but Im afraid shes in for a siege of typhoid fever Well after he was gone I went out in the kitchen an told your ma but she says brave as kin be Well Ezra if the Lord has seen fit to put that much more on our load we must bear up an fight it out doin our duty the best we kin leavin the rest to him An I thought so too So we jest kep pur hearts brave an done what seemed right t do The hardest thing was to figure out where t git the medicine an fruit an dainty things your sickness called Why Certnlee Mr Williams Jest Let Us Know What You Want for We hadnt been tradin much with the stores in Huston buyin mostly from the catylog folks y know an so we didnt have any credit there to speak of But I went t Foster th druggist an I told him how things was I didnt have no money t pay fer th medicine an things an the prospects fer the next year was as poor er poorer than th last Why certnlee Mr Williams he says jest let us know what you want an well carry you along till times come better fer you Were all in a tight pinch now but if we hang tgeth er things is all goin to come out right sasWSS2 mwjnttiiiml fcWM in the end I have faith In th coun try an In the people that live here an nobodys sick baby is a goln to suffer If I kin help any Well It was the same thing at Harlows grocery an th coal yard everywhere in th town Certnlee Mr Williams well see y through on this It made me feel mean an small some way though I dont know why An often when theyd put in a few oranges or somethin like that sayin in a pologizin sort of way little somethin fer th sick baby Williams why somehow it made a hard lump come up in my throat an I had a queer feelin in my eyes kinder achj like y know Well to be short about it fer eight weeks you kep a gittin weaker an weaker an we kep a feelin more n more hopeless It was a sad Christ mas in our home that year Your ma was jest wore out with watchin an tryin to do her work between times an I was so nigh sick with trouble an discouragement t I ust to go around by the barn an jest cry like a baby But I never let on to your ma though ner she t me We tried t encourage each other though we knowed in our hearts t all our cheerful words was lies an each one knowed the othei knowed It too Well jest th night before New Years Doc called us outside your I Sez Les Burn It room Oh how my heart sunk then I dont want to hold out any false hopes to you people he says but I think with proper care from now on your little girl is goin t git well Elsie it seemed jest like a ton of hay had been lifted off my chest right there As fer youf ma why she jest busted down an cried as hard as she could After Doc was gone we went out to the kitchen an kneeled down right there an thanked God fer the most glorious New Years gift he ever give t anybody in th world the health of our baby girl You know your pa aint no ranter er shouter yer ma bein a Baptist has furnished most of th rligion fer our house but jest then I seen how it was that they comes times in peoples lives wheri theyve jest got to have somethin bigger an greater than anything hu man t turn to with a great joy er a great sorrer v Well it was a long time yet before you was strong enough t play out doors an it was a hard winter I burned every post of the fence around the south eighty fer firewood afore it was over But it seemed like we had so much t be thankful fer that we was strong t care fer any any of th smaller troubles that we come acrost It really haint so bad to look back at it now after th trouble is over but them hard years in Kansas drove nearly all our neighbors t give up their land an move away broke in hopes an pocketboqk Them of us as stayed is purty well fixed now but v e fit fer everything we got an fit hard too An O yes about th caty logs Well after you was well an things begun t take a turn fer th better one night ma brought out that Chicago book an laid it on the kitch en table an says Ezry vhat do you want t do with this An I sez Les burn it An your ma sez Jest what I was thinkin too An so we did burn it an whats more we aint never had one in th house since an we never send away fer anything we can git at any of the stores in Huston cause we want to deal with them as has an intrest in the country we live in an in us people that live clost by Why you neednt of put yours in th stove too Elsie I didnt mean yes I dont know but what its jest as well y done it after all Folk Denounces Mail Order Idea Addressing a meeting of retail mer chants in Jefferson city recently Gov ernor Folk of Missouri said We are proud of our splendid cities and we want to increase wealth and population and we also want our country towns to grow We wish the city merchants to build up but we also desire the country merchants to prosper I do not believe in the mail order citizen If a place is good enough for a man to live in and to make his money in its good enough for him to spend his money in No merchant can succeed without advertising in one way or another Patronize your town papers build them up and they will build the town up in increased trade and greater op portunities Do not be afraid that business is geing to be hurt by the re cent exposures of wrong doing in the commercial world Mixture of Many Nations Louis N Parker the dramatist was born in France his father was an American his mother an English woman his first language was Italian and he was educated in Germany TV Iass 3T 4- - BLOATED WITH DROPSY The Heart Was Badly Affected When the Patient Began Using Doans Kidney Pills Mrs Elizabeth Maxwell of 415 West Fourth street Olympia Wash says For over three years I suffered with a dropsical condition with out being aware that it was due to kidney trou ble The early stages were principally back ache and bear ing down pain but I went along without worrying much until dropsy set in My feet and ankles swelled up my hands puffed and became so tense I could hardly close them I had great difficulty in breathing and my heart would flutter with the least ex ertion I could not walk far without stopping again and again to rest Since using four boxes of Doans Kidney Pills the bloating has gone down and the feelings of distress have disap peared Sold by all dealers 50 cents a box Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N Y Whine from Henry James Henry James pursuing his theme The Speech of American Women speaks of a group of Boston young women all articulating as from sore mouths all mumbling and whining and vocally limping and shuffling as it were together He compares also to its great disadvantage a school where parents pay so much not to have their boys taught to speak as gentlemen with one beyond the sea in which the proviso that the schoolmaster shall speak as a gentleman is so abso lutely vital Laundry work at home would be much more satisfactory if the right Starch were used In order to get the desired stiffness it is usually neces sary to use so much starch that the beauty and fineness of the fabric is hidden behind a paste of varying thickness which not only destroys the appearance but also affects the wear ing quality of the goods This trouble can be entirely overcome by using De fiance Starch as it can be applied much more thinly because of its great er strength than other makes MANY SOURCES OF SALT That from Natural Springs Is Gener ally Most Nearly Pure The purity of salt depends upon the source from which it is obtained and the sanitary conditions under which it is prepared for the market The supply of common salt the most in dispensable of all the seasoning sub stances both as a relishing condiment and a well nigh universal food pre servative is exhaustless yet even so there is salt and salt says the Pic torial Review Formerly salt was obtained by evap orating ocean water a process that left many impurities in the residuum to say nothing of its exposure to all kinds of dirt in its shipment from sea ports The Turks island or rock salt which is still largely used in pork packing and in the manufacture of ice creams comes to the United States in holds of vessels continually sub jected to dirt and foul odors Upon its arrival it is again handled then packed in coarse burlap bags permit ting dust to sift into the salt In this condition it reaches the consumer Latterly however the product of salt springs has largely taken the lead in this country not only for table salt but for meat packing The annual production from this source in the United States reaches more than 40 000000 bushels the state of New York in the vicinity of Syracuse furnishing a large proportion of this important supply NEVER TIRES Of the Food That Restored Her to Health My food was killing me and I didnt know the cause writes a Colo young lady For two years I was thin and sickly suffering from indigestion and inflammatory rheumatism I had tried different kinds of diet plain living and many of the remedies recommended but got no better Finally about five weeks ago mother suggested that I try Grape Nuts and I began at once eating it with a little cream or milk A change for the better began at once To day I am well and am gaining weight and strength all the time Ive gained 10 lbs in the last five weeks and do not suffer any more from indi gestion and the rheumatism is all gone I know it is to Grape Nuts alone that I owe my restored health I still eat the food twice a day and never tire of it Name given by Postum Co Battle Creek Mich The flavor of Grape Nuts is peculiar to itself It is neutral not too sweet and has an agreeable healthful qual ity that never grows tiresome One of the sources of rheumatism is from overloading the system with acid material the result of imperfect digestion and assimilation As soon as improper food is aban doned and Grape Nuts is taken regu larly digestion is made strong the or gans do their work of building up good red blood cells and of carrying away the excess of disease making material from the system The result is a certain and steady return to normal health and mental activity Theres a reason Read the little book The Road to Well ville in pkgs OLD CAPT CACKS QUESTION 8omewhat Pointed But It Denoted Quick Intelligence Pierce Jay the commissioner of banks of Massachusetts at the Ameri can Bankers associations convention In St Louis advocated a better ac counting system But above all said Mr Jay in a discussion of his idea we want intelligence if embezzlement is to bo thoroughly put down Systems are good but intelligence Is better and in cashiers and tellers and book keepers and note clerks we want the same keen quick intelligence that characterized old Capt Hiram Cack of Gloucester Cack lay very ill One day he got down hearted feeling that his case was hopeless I fear doctor he said there isnt much hope for me Oh yes there is the doctor an swered Three years ago I was in your condition precisely and look at me now Cack intelligent and alert said quickly What doctor did you have No muss or failures made with PUT NAM FADELESS DYES bright beauti ful colors a certainty Nothing hurts a conceited man like being ignored Mrs TVInslows Soothing Syrup For children teething softens tho icrnns reduces tn lamination allays pain cures wind colic 5c a bottle Some men cant even do their duty without making a fuss about it Lewis Single Binder Cigar has a rich taste Your dealer or Lewis Factor Peoria 111 When members of a family quarrel a lot of truth leaks out TO CUKE A COID IN OKE BAT Take LAXATIVK BItOMO Quinine Tablets DniK Kists refund nioriev if it falls to cure IS W UUOYES signature Is on each box 25c A woman would rather do things to worry a rival than to afford herself pleasure Top Prices for Hides Furs Pelts Write for circular No 0 N W Hide Fur Co Minneapolis Minnesota Complaint is generally despicable always worse than unavailing Car lyie Furs Hides Pelts Write for prices and ship to McMillan Fur Wool Co Minneapolis Minn Many a man who prays for rain would doubtless steal his neighbors umbrella if his prayers were answered Take Garfield Tea the Natural Laxa tive for constipation indigestion liver and kidney derangements and colds It is made of Herbs Guaranteed under the Pure Food Law We frequently fall into errror and folly not because the true principles of action are not known but because for the time they are not remembered Give Defiance Starch a fair trial try it for both hot and cold starching and if you dont think you do better work in less time and at smaller cost return it and your grocer will give you back your money Knows Whom He Can Trust Police Commissioner Bingham has learned one important fact that will be of aid to him in his official career When he desires to get the exact facts about some large question that is to the front in New York city he calls in the newspaper reporters located at police headquarters and has a heart-to-heart talk As one of them says He gets it straight and so straight that not all the men of the force can fool him on that one point ALMOST A SOLID SORE Skin Disease from Birth Fortune Spent on Her Without Benefit Cured Her with Cuticura I have a cousin in Rockingham Co who once had a skin disease from her birth until she was six years of age Her father had spent a fortune on her to get her cured and none of tho treatments did her any good Old Dr G suggested that he try the Cuticura Remedies which he did When he commenced to use it the child was almost a solid scab He had used it about two months and the child was well I was there when they commenced to use your Cuti cura Remedies I stayed that week and then returned home and stayed two weeks -and then went back and stayed with them two weeks longer and when I went home I could hardly believe she was the same child Her skin was as softas a babys with out a scar on it I have not seen her in seventeen years but I have heard from her and the last time I heard from her she was well MrsW P Ingle Bur lington N C June 16 1905 No sooner does tfce average man dis cover that he has made a mistake than he gets busy and maufactures an explanation Tallest American Soldier The distinction of being the tallest man in the United States array be longs to Ernest D Peck a first lieu tenant in the engineer corps He is six feet four and a half inches in height Lieutenant Peck is a native of Wisconsin and was graduated from the Oshkosh high school Lieutenant Peck is now on duty at Yellowstone Park Wyoming and has supervised the building of a military road known as Peeks Pike He is called Pikes Peak by his comrades in the service STATE OF OrtlO ClTV OF TOLEDO I s Lucas Cocrr f Feakk J Ciiexey makes oath that he Is ecnlol partner of the firm of F J CiiESzr fc Co doing business In the City of Tledo County and State aforesaid and that eald firm will pay the sum of 0E IIUXDKED DOLLAKS for each and every case of Catakrit that cannot be cured by the use of Halls Cataerii Cuke FBAXK J CHEXET Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence thU 6th day of D jceiabur A D 13 6 A W SEVLf Xotaet Public Halls Catarrh Cure U taken Internally and acta directly on the blood and mucous Burfacej of tho lysteni Send for testimonial free F J CHEXEY CO Toledo O Sold by nil Drusrlns 73c Take Ualls Family IllU for constipation Each wrinkle on a womans brow represents an experience flawwaaAwmwwr mnr um What 4 Is it a Catarrh Remedy or a Tonic or is it Both Some people call Peruna a great tonic Others refer to Peruna as a great catarrh remedy Which of these people are right Is it more proper to call Peruna a catarrh rem edy than to call it a tonic Our reply is that Peruna is both a tonic and a catarrh remedy Indeed there can be no effectual catarrh remedy that is not also a tonic In order to thoroughly relieve any case of catarrh a remedy must not only have a specific action on the mucous membranes affected by the catarrh but it must have a general tonic action on the nervous system Catarrh even in persons who are otherwiso strong is a weakened condition of some mucous membrane There must be something to strengthen the circulation to give tone to the arteries and to raise tne vital forces Perhaps no vegetable remedy in the world has attracted so much attention from medical writers as HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS The wonderful efficacy of this herb has been recognized many years and is growing in its hold upon the medical prof ession When joined with CUBEBS and COPAIBA a trio of medical agents is formed in Peruna which constitutes a specific remedy for catarrh that in the present state of medi cal progress cannot be improved upon This action reinforced by such renowned tonics as COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS CORYDALIS FORMOSA and CEDRON SEED ought to make this compound an ideal remedy for catarrh in all its stages and locations in the body From a theoretical standpoint therefore Peruna is beyond criticism Tho use of Peruna confirms this opinion Numberless testimonials from every quarter of the earth furnish ample evidence that this judgment is not over enthusiastic When practical ex perience confirms a well grounded theory the result is a truth that cannot be shaken X il HBl T I CURED The Circulation Stimulated tx nrrs H S I At- M I- I - ana me wubtiea cuu wuuu lubricated by using loaatis Price 2 5c 50c r 100 Sold by 11 Dealers Sloans Treatise On The HorseSentFree Address Dr Earl SSloanBostonMas NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL COUNTER IRRITANT CAPISICUM VASELINE EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT A QUICK SURE SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN PRICE 15c IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES AT ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS OR BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF 1 5c IN POSTAGE STAMPS DONT WAIT TILL THE PAIN COMES KEEP A TUBE HANDY A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster and will not blister the most deiicate skin The pain allaying and curative qualities of the article are vonderful It will stop the toothache at once and relieve Headache and Sciatica We recommend it as the best and safest external counter irritant known also as an external remedy for pains in the chest and stomach and all Rheumatic Neuralgic and Gouty complaints A trial will prove what we claim for it and it will be found to be invaluable in the household and for children Once used no family will be without it Many people say it is the best of all your preparations Accept no preparation of vaseline unless the same carries our label as otherwise it is not genuine SEND YOUR ADDRESS AND WE WILL MAIL OUR VASE LINE PAMPHLET WHICH WILL INTEREST YOU CHESEBROUGH MFG CO 17 STATE STREET NEW YORK CITY i RPATiPPQ of this paper de- IS SiLlf JLSJ suing to buy any- Rl J i lymm thing advertised in jj its columns should insist upon having j 1 what they ask for refusing all 5 I tutes or imitations jjj PflRMQ EHB KEHT axjd saie ox i ni2iiiw i Mia iihiii J MUX3IATX Iavtniiil SIOT7X CITY IOWA W N U OMAHA NO 2 1907 CARTERS f PILLS ITTLS GARTERS IJiVER l3hLS ur n i D1GHE Positively cured by these lattlc Pills They also relieve Dis tress from Dyspepsia In digestion and Too Hearty Eating- A perfect rem Cfiyfor Dizziness Nausea Drowsiness Bad Taste la tho Mouth Coated Tongue Pain In the Side TORPID LIVER They soreey Thompsons Eye Water i regulate tho Bowels purelyegetable SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE SMALL PRICE Genuine Must Bear Fac Simile Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES bANAU AN Wdl iS THE BEST WEST Bill pGmmm The tcstmony of thou sands dur uc the past Tear is thai the Canadian West sthe best Wemt Year by year the atcri cu tnra returns have In creased In volume and In Tame and still the Cana dian Government offers lOO iicre FKEK to every bona ride settler nine of the Advantage The phenomenal Increase in railway milaRe main lines and nrancnes has putalmostevery por tinn of the finmtry witlnn easy reach of cnurcbes sohnus markets cheap fuel and every modern Cf ivenionro Ttc X1N ETY MILLION WHEAT CROP of ibis year mfans SOJOUOtXJU to the farmers of Western anada apart from the results of other grains ind caitle For artvirp and Information address the SUFEIt INTENttKNTOK IJlMKiltATIOV Ottawa Canada or any author zed Government Acent W V BENNETT 801 New York Life Butidhg Omaha Nebraska I STIFFNESS STITCHES LAMENESS CRAMP 1 HIRa uHu HlilF TWISTS AND TWITCHES ALL DECAMP WHEN 9 M vlSy 3 113 iSlULU H YOU APPLY j jf OLD-MONK-CURE KQB 23 AND 50 CENTS 1 ARE VERY HIGH IN PRICE Vhy not get full value by shipping them yourself instead of selling to your local dealer at 1 2 to 2 3 of what they are worth SEND FOR TAGS AND PRICE LIST Small shipments are welcome and receive full attention JACOB HOLZ IOOO North 16th St - OMAHA NEB