M n KM 3 wv I A B in IB b fl rk C3 flB Ih mKL B R n Ib pji B H B iflb 9 iB IX tiwiif 1 20000 S High g Grade H Goods JL ntit jjf Sale Opens at 8 Oclock Wednesday Morning January 2 1907 HTpffTlQ ffifrtf Ev CIQfl Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back when you say so We are not going out of business and will be here with the goods or cash when you come again You know Honest John will do just what he says taiMirivTi mmwfliiMiv giii i4iiiiwirwfgMiiiiiimMijijiijjnr iiii lMiLJMllllllJJlJlHJllllMLlKLiLLJllalJllJJlTiLTOrlrLlll i limiil nrj n i y iJ LP JLS Yours for the Best at the Least POULTRY and EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass i Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location just across streot in P Walsh building flcCook - Nebraska f H P SXJTTOK TIcCOOK JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA MITCHELL Auctioneer JHcCook - - Nebraska OrHerbertJPratt Reoisteeed Graduate Dentist Office over McConnells Drug Store McCOOK NEB Telephones Office 1G0 residence 131 Former location Atlanta Georgia I Lumber and Gen Goal Home of Quality and Quantity where sells THE BEST LUM BER AND COAL Are you thinking of building If so it is ten to one our figures will please you M O McCLURE Phone No 1 Manager j Is BelieyiHE If you will figure with us7and quHlity of material is any object you will be easily convincedthat we out class all competition IJLV T1VnTM1M1HMM1 3 YOU WOULD DO WELL TO SEE J M Rupp FOR ALL KINDS OF Rpjp Qpjj P O Bos 131 McCook Nebraska BEGGS5 CHERRY COUGH SYRUP Cures BRONCHITIS ESsW INDIANOLA The lovers of Terpsichore engaged in a dance in Shorts opera hall on Christmas evening Mrs H W Keyes enjoyed a visit re cently from her sister Miss Chandler of Omaha Miss Flora Quick and Principal Deffer went down to Lincoln Wednesday morn ing to attend the State Teachers asso ciations sessions Floyd Welborn of Denver took Christ mas dinner with the folks at home Miss Sarah Jensen cavo a New Year party to about fifteen of her young friends An elegant four course supper was served and a fine time was enjoyed by all Fred Vering expects to move to his new homo near Mary ville Kansas early in the spring Harry Zink has sold his restaurant to parties in Lincoln who took possession first of the year A masked party danced the old year out and the new year in at Shorts hall Monday night Mrs Myrtle Thomas of Lincoln is the guest of her parents Mr and Mrs Arch ibald Mann The young people have been making good use of the ice on the ditch in par ticular during the cooler weather Thomas Haley started to South Dako ta Wednesday morning Mrs Haley has been there for three weeks In another week both will return home RED WILLOW A fine new barn is a recent ment at Charles Suiters farm improve- Mr Whitney the carpenter has re turned to Iowa for a brief visit to his family The Crocker farm two miles northwest of Indianola sold again last week for 810000 Art Hougland has traded his half sec tion for a farm in Pawnee county this state and will move there the first pf March Bob Thomas will build himself a resi dence the coming year on the old fair grounds west of Indianola The Ash Creek farmers who recently organized a mutual telephone exchange will build to the Willow at once The McNeil boys have finished husk ing their 6000 bushels of corn and are lending helping hand to Art Hougland Mr and Mrs Charles Wilson of Auro ra Ills are expected to viBit his mother Mrs E A Sexson soon Mr Wilson is an employe of the Burlington railway Mr and Mrs William Myers enter its Money that Makes the Mare Go Worth of Dry GoodsFurnishingsHats Caps and 5 To be Slaughtered for Ten Days Regardless of Their Actual Value Just Now din 4 i lia y y hoes Eftfo P A QTI m We desire to clean out the stock now on hand if possible in the next two weeks to get the cash clean up accounts begin the new year square with everybody and to do so have decided to inaugurate the BIGGEST BONA FIDE CLEARING SALE ever held in western Nebraska commencing Wednesday January 2nd and Closing Saturday January 12th During which time we will offer you YOUR PICK OF OUR ENTIRE STOCK in the Dry Goods and Furnishing Department of our store at 14 V and lA Off the Regular Prices This is a bona fide Reduction Sale for CASH ONLY and the goods advertised are here this seasons buying no job lot of old second hand auction nor remnant stock but everything the best to be had We Cut Deep and Mean BisinessThis is Your Opportunity Best on the jg Market j 1ft PJU TJ Our stock is purchased with the utmost care from leading manufacturers in their various lines and we pride ourselves upon being able to show the cleanest up-to-date lines in the city As our goods are only marked to sell at a fair profit you will readily see that a cut of ten per cent at our store is equal to a discount of twenty to fifty per cent at most stores of the kind It is impossible to quote prices in this limited space however here are a few Thinkers we will sell Mens 50c Winter Caps at 25c Mens and Womens Shoes except Queen Quality brand at 15 per cent off Cotton Blankets from 42c up Mens Pants and Vests 25 per cent off Mens 50c fleece lined Shirts and Drawers at 40c Ladies and Childrens 75c Underwear at 50c Wool Blankets 11x4 size from 350 to 550 Boys Sweaters 50 per cent off from 50c up It has been said that Opportunity knocks at every mans door at least once during his life THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY DONT MISS IT Remember you would be getting good values at the regular prices But the CASH is what knocks the persimmons this trip These are every day needs we are offering you goods that are ss staple as wheat or sugar Hitch up Dolly and Bill come in and buy your wife and children something to wear and make them comfortable all winter i Sjs Lace Curtains Carpets and Rugs V HiBlirV liliill MrnllF MEto ItH ii iinffin hu i p y i i k r we a i it u er i rerfc f 1 tV flml H1 - ai i j wm Wfcif pj hj u up jh - n i m uniri pp nirfTr 1 JOE HIGHT CONTRACTOR and BUILDER j Farm Buildings a Specialty SATISFACTION GUARANTEED McCook Neb 2 H Boyle C E Eldeed Co Atty BOYLE ELDRED aTTORNEYS AT LAW Long Distance Phone 44 Sooms 1 and 7 second floor ostolHce Building i M McCook Neb ike Walsh DEALER IN ureal Food to work on is food to live on Wt A man works to live He must live urn He does both better on Wjj fm the soda cracker that contains in the Wn fim most properly balanced proportions a Jig H greater amount of nutriment than any m food made from flour if HS H 4 NATIONAL BISCUIT- COMPANY J 8 tained many friends at New Year dinner The McNeils are entertaining a large j company of Hastings friends j Mr and Mrs E ASexson were guests of Mr and Mrs Irwin Andrews and Marsh of Indianola Sunday last Homer McAnulty and mother of Indi anola and Mrs McNeil and Patty were guests in the Sexson home Christmas R F D NO 1 Joseph Dudek is improving from his recent illness Sadie Evertson is home for the holiday vacation from the Barber school where she is teaching Mr and Mrs John Broomfield and Mr and Mrs T A Endsley led the van in the assault on turkey at WP Broom fields New Year W N Rogers shipped his fine bunch of Herefords last night to South Oma ha to put them in a combination sale Edward Esch is visiting in DeWitt RED WILLOW Elder A D Finch preached in the Christian church Sunday of last week to a fine audience Loui3 Longnecker and family are visit ing with Jacob Longnecker and family near Fleming Colo E D BURGESS Pi usnoer end am Fitter Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Estimates Furnished Free Base ment of the Postoffice Building McCOOK NEBRASKA tCZPsETsS SVETSSBsESSVMSSSrfK Ladies read this catalogue of charms Bright eyes glowing cheeks red lips a smooth skin without a blemish in short perfect health For sale with every package Hollisters Rocky Mountain tea 35cents L W McConnell FOR SALE Tuerk water motor and several steam radiators Inquire or write The Tkibuxe McCook Neb Cash Received on Account Charge Paid Out and other cash register printed supplies at The Tribune office I PUBLirVTION NOTirt I Gilbert B Nettleton Charlotte Nfttloton lii i wife VlbertC Nettleton sirijjK A ahel Nv f ton Nptceton Sarah Nottletou hi- wife Loui a I Johnson Edward Johnson her hu baud Amelia M Sv artwout NeUon F Swartwout her im band defendants will take notice tiiat on the first day of November 1j6 William A Nettle ton plaintiff filed his petition in the district court of Red Willow county Nebraska against the above named defendants and A Stella Fitch William S Fitch her husband Charles H Moeker enes Meeker his wife and A Stella I Fitch administratrix of the estate of Edward j Li Nettleton deceased defendant the object and prayer of which are to obtain a finding of aiu court that one Ella i Nettleton de cnbed in said petition died intestate unmarried without iue previous to the dath of one Ed ward L Nettleton therein described that said Edwa d L Nettleton died intestate unmar ried without iue and seized in f iinple of the south half of the southeast quarter aud lot eight of section and lot five of is all in town i north range J wet of the Cth P M in aid county that plaintiff and defendants Gilbrt B Nettleton Albert CNettieton ahel Newton Nettleton Louisa Johnson Amelia M Swartwout and Florence Johnson are the only heirs at law or Edward L Nettleton deceased and are the only persons interested in said land that plaintiff is the owner of the undivided one seventh interest herein Plaintiff further pray- for a decree of said court in his favor quieting his title in a d to one seventh interest acaint each of the defendants for an accounting by defendant Charles H Meeker for the rents and profits of said land received by him for a de cree confirming the shares in said land of the said only heirs of said Edward L Nettleton for a partition thereof according to the respective rights of the parties therein and if said land cannot be equitably divided that the same be sold and the proceedsof such sale be distributed among the parties in interest according to their respective righU and for such other relief as may bo just and equitable Yon are required to answersaid petition on or before the four teenth day of January 1S07 Dated December 1st 100C William A Nettleton Plaintiff By W SMorlak His Attorney V I 4