w J H Boyle H lie 3ooms 1 and 7 second iloor Postoflico Building iMike il H P SUTTON HcCOOK J VSbsfiS Home of Quality and Quantity whore Wb 03 buLLAnD sells THE BEST LUM BER AND COAL Are you thinking of building If so it is ten to one our figures will please you MO McCLURE Phone No 1 Manager J Dr Herbort J Pratt I Registered Graduate Dentist Office over McConnells Drug Store McCOOK NEB Tolnnlmnosr Ofilrp IfA residence 131 Former location Atlanta Georgia JOB HIGHT CONTRACTOR and BUILDER I Farm Buildings a Specialty SATISFACTION GUARANTEED f McCook Neb C E Eldred Co Atfj BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at Law Long Distance Phone 44 DEALER IN S McCook Neb POULTRY and EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass I Highest Market Price Paid in Cash J New location just across street in P Walsh building IHcCook - Nebraska JEWELER MU SICAL GOODS NEBRASKA MITCHELL Auctioneer 3Cook - - Nebraska Bound duplicate receipt books three receipts to the page for sale at The Tribune office Exclusive Dry Goods and Ladies Furnishings Walsh Block Phone 56 00 A JlcCook t V AU1 M 1UK THE CELEBRATED ytWifcV 0 A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All Dont fail to call at our store Saturday and Monday The last two days before Christmas we will have on display many useful articles and we will gladly assist you in completing your list of Christmas remembrances We are now GIVING AWAY WITH OUT CHARGE OUR LADIES HOME JOURNAL style books Come and get one ES22 taraycragCTigTOraa 30QQIC 1 I o Id ytsbsss if J C BALL McCook Fairbyrv Hanchett Windmill This is a warranted and guaran teed windmill nothing better in vr the market Write or call on Mr s Ball before lu yins r PHONE BLACK 307 P Write JAKE BETZ McCook Neb for terms on 1 Y - k 1 tf fV x AiiSL He aviII do your work right DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Office Bldg Phone No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free THE Updike Grain Company SELLS Maitland Lump Maitland Nut Baldwin Lump Sheridan Egg Louisville Lump Pennsylvania Nut y Jr a JL S S GARVEY Manager Office Phone I69 I J If you will figure with usand quBlity of material is any object you will be easily convincedthat we out class all competition f lifii rn J T4iTTmiMniTHMr S3 YOU WOULD DO WELL TO SEE J M Rupp FOR ALL KINDS OF ftpfofc P O Bos 131 McCook Nebraska BEGGS CHERRY COUGH SYRUP Cures BRONCHITIS John x w MRS HERBERT D SQUIERS ssaesassaaaisisfflS F Stevens 01 w k Haw the Chief Engineer of Panama Canai Closed a Saloon President Amador Mrs Herbert D Squlers Wed ding of Rosemary Sartoris MEN President Iioosevelt was starting on his trip to Panama he said to the corre spondents who came to see him off Goodby I am go ing down to see how the ditch is getting JOHN F STEVEXSal0U Tje man who is digging the ditch Chief En gineer John 1 Stevens is an impor tant personage at Panama during pres idential visits or at any ether time He can wield a big stick as effectively as even the president himself as he has shown upon numerous occasions lie does not stand for red tape when there is something that needs to be done on the spot This was illustrated about eighteen years ago when Ste vens had charge as an enuineov i a railroad construction gang in t est The work progressed satsf rily until a fellow possessed of more enter prise than principle appeared upon the scene to profit by trading upon the vices of the laborers He erected a rude shack and stocked it with vile whisky The men having no other place in which to amuse themselves or spnd their money patronized the sa loon so freely that the gang soon be came demoralized The saloon was not located on rail road land so Stevens had no legal au- tuority to nu nimsell ot it and ex postulation with the proprietor who was commix money faster than a gov ernment mint was of no avail Finally Engineer Stevens made a personal visit to the saloon and en gaged in conversation the proprietor When are you going to leave here demanded the railroad official When I get good and ready was the surly response of the saloonist I am going now laconically re torted Stevens and so saying he drew from his pocket a mammoth dynamite cartridge scratched a match on his corduroy trousers ignited the fuse threw the missile of destruction behind the bar and ran The saloon keeper decided that he was quite ready to go also and didnt argue the proposition In thirty seconds the shack was blown from the face of the earth and busi ness was not resumed at the old stand Dr Manuel Amador president of the republic of Panama the host of Presi dent Roosevelt during his stay in the borders of that country is the leader of the medical profession in Panama as well as head of the republic lie is seventy two years of age and was born in Cartagena Colombia He will be known as the only president of Pan ama not a native - of the republic as the constitution pro vides that his suc cessors must have been born on Pana ma soil Though he first saw the light outside Panama he has lived in the country of which he is now president since 1SI0 HoAvas often urged to ac cept office but nev er held one before although in 1SG9 he maxuel amadou was elected to the presidency of what was then the state of Panama He never took office as a revolution came along and prevented him from doing so He is a Liberal and although a member of the Roman Catholic church believes in separation of church and state This is a leading issue on the isthmus ne is a man of learning and the Panamans know that ho took many risks in connection with the rev olution which resulted in the separa tion of Panama from Colombia When fellow revolutionists deserted him the decision and courage he displayed achieved the success of the movement for Independence Years ago when Panama was a part of Colombia and Dr Amador had been active in opposing Conservatives he was warned of a conspiracy against his life As the story goes he escaped his enemies by having himself packed in a lard barrel and shipped across the isthmus The presidents visit to the isthmus calls attention to the fact that the re public of Panama though small geo graphically occupies a position of Im portance among the other republics of the American continent on account of the great commercial highway of the future on which it is located The post of United States minister to this republic is one of more responsibility therefore than might at first ap pear and its duties are especially deli cate in view of the unusual relations between Panama and the United States and the vir tual proprietorship by Uncle Sam of the strip known as the canal zone HerbertD Squlers formerly minister to Cuba was not long ago appointed to the position of minister to Panama In the diplomatic F2 K9 iervice and especially In countries llkfc Panama where Spanish traditions pre vail the social duties of the minister are among the most important he has to discharge and to assist him in these he needs a clever wife Mr Squlers first wife was Helen L Fargo daugh ter of the late William G Fargo of Buffalo founder with Henry Wells of the Wells Fargo Express company She died in 1SS5 and in 1SS9 he mar ried Harriet liard Woodcock who while he was secretary of the United States legation at Peking helped him to attain an exceptional reputation for hospitality All through the siege of Peking during the Boxer insurrection she was noted for her courage She fed the sick and hungry and wounded under shot and shell and was called the heroine of the siege In Cuba she was active in philanthropic work and organized a branch of tne Humane so ciety A marriage in which interest was taken not only all over the United States but all over the world was that of Miss Rosemary Sartoris to Ceorge II Woolston The happy bride is a daughter of Mrs Nellie Grant Sar 1 toris and a granddaughter of General Ulysses S Grant Her sister Vivian married Frederick Roosevelt Scovel a cousin of President Roosevelt Mrs Woolston made her debut In Washing ton society about eignr vears ago JMie was at one time re ported engaged to the son of a noted Confederate officer 5 J I J xVs She is a blond is an - - accomplished chin and received her education most ly abroad Since her MIIS GEOKGi II WOOLSTON fathers death 1 she has resided partly in Washington and partly at Coburg Out with her mother who is still remembered as the life of the White House in the days of President Grants lirst administration It is unusual for an author to be successful in business especially a woman author but the clever your g woman who wrote Mrs Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch is an exception It is five years since that popular story saw the light She was then Miss Alice Caidwell Hegan daughter of a leading Louisville family accustomed to keen 1 j MISS CALK YOUXG KICE open house on the traditionally hospi tableKentucky plan ner social duties left her compara tive little time for books or for indulg ing her aspirations for authorship but she was considered one of the brightest members of a cer tain literary club in Louisville and her amateur efforts led to more serious work Hence came the study of life among the simple folks of the forlorn and unbeautiful part of her own city which was destined to Avin for her so much popularity It was a year after the publication of this story and when she was about thirty two years of ago that she married Cale Young Rice also an author chiefly a writer of plays and poems Mrs Wiggs of the Cab bage Tatch brought in a good many dollar5 Some of them went into a lead mining venture in Illinois Mrs Rice recently disposed of part of her interest for 130000 and with other members of her family still owns a large part of the capital stock of the new company formed to develop the property Charles W Morse once the ice king now the steamship king is a financier who is always surprising the public His recent acquisition of the Clyde lino of steamers including eight -hips at a price said to be 0000000 makes him master of the coastwise steamship business on the Atlantic seaboard Mr Morse now controls nearly every line of coasting steamers from St John X B to Galveston Tex Ho is noted for his quiet meth ods He attends to business and never lets the cat out of the bag until it is quite ready to jump Sixteen years ago Morse got a corner on all the ice in the east forcing many small concerns to the wall The pub lic was furious but Morse turned the sentiment in his fa vor by putting the 1 1 CHARLES W MORSE price of ice below the former figure He sold every pound he had In 1S97 he formed the ice trust Mr Morse left Bath Me his early home twenty five years ago and went into business in New York He was then twenty five years old He made 00000 the first year in a speculation in southern pine lands He Is heavily interested now in the banking busi ness controlling about 120000000 capital Perhaps this financier is most familiar to the public through his con nection with the famous Morse Dodge divorce entanglement The now cele brated conspiracy to break the mar riage of Mr Morse and his wife who was Mrs Dodge failed In Its object and one of the parties to It the New York lawyer Abraham Hummel was convicted of a felony for his share in the work While the legality of their marriage was In doubt Mr and Mrs Morse lived apart When It was found valid they were happily reunited oee S M L RISHEL ecem FRANKLIN 4S Mr and Mrs Diamond take this opportunity of wishing their many friends and pat rons the compliments of the season im sss in- m MERRY CHRISTMA And Many Best Wishes for A Happy New Year to our patrons and many friends that are pat ronizing us so liberally It will pay you to visit the Santa Claus Headquarters once more before Christmas The best of everything imHTWlWfiT hl M 1 r Below Post Office er 28th and 29 Boston S ft CQ 8 LUU1JL I in 1 Opera Com DANBURY W R Burbridge returned Monday from Lenora Kansas W J Stilgebouer has purchased his brothers share in the butcher shop Dr W A De May is entertaining his brother and wife from Jackson Mich The receipts at the oyster supper by the Ladies Aid society Saturday night were about 863 John Ruby and Miss Gilbert were married at the brides home in Kansas Wednesday of last week The Christmas exercises at the Meth odist church will be held on Saturday evening Those at the Congregational church and the hall will occur on Mon day evening next Mr and Mrs Gilbert and Miss Zim mer came over to Danbury from Kanona Kansas last Saturday Miss Zimmer is singing in a meeting being held at that place by Rev John Wintjen formerly of this place They returned home Sun day 900 THE IDEAL BARGAIN DEPOT i 1 IWrarrvi imiii 11 miiiw - IIIIIWIIIIMHMa WWM ixler Opera House pany MIKADO FTU8 28 FRA DIAVALO tK 29 MASCOTTE AfotDeT 29 This will be the Creates JL L Attraction of the Season IS V I KANALIK r i PRESIDENT a -- V A C EBERT Hacuco JAS S DOYLE Vice President CITZI OF THR hTQ AJ lO BANK McCOOK NEB Paid Up Capital S5oooo Surplus 7000 DIRECTORS JAS S DOYLE A C EBERT t gssrt FAY HOSTETTER TEACHER ON PIANfT c c o o k Studic sout Nebraska troffiofflnceneRi9belbuild g DR R J GUNN DENTIST phose 11 0giCa Rooms 3 aQd 5 Walsh Blk McCook McCook -Laundry Q C HECKMAN Prop Dry and Steam Cleaning and Pressing The Tribute will print it for you v r f fr i