4 DINGLEYS k GREAT IDEA Wlicn Dingley who had been doing pot boilers for the 10 ccnt monthlies for ten or eleven years got an order from a great magazine for his new serial he was so delighted that ho went right down and bought Mrs Dingley a new set of mission furniture She had been hinting for it for a year and when the furniture man arrived she was so excited that she fairly danced in and out of the rooms study ing effects and trying different ar rangements Dingley however had forgotten all about it by that time and was deeply immersed in the plot of his new serial A great idea had just come to him So he shut himself up in his den told his wife to go ahead and fix things anyway she liked and sat down to work out the story He had scarcely written three words when there was a timid knock on his door Oh Richard cried Mrs Dingley softly do come and tell me whether you think he divan looks all right in this corner or if it would be better over by the window In the goodness of his heart Ding ley could not quench her joy so he put down his pen and sallied forth to give his expert opinion Oh the thing looks good enough there he said absent mindedly Say Kitty what do you think of a heroine with snow white hair Wouldnt that be a stunner and I dont know broke in Mrs Ding ley thoughtfully whether it would be in the way there or not We cer tainly need something to fill in that space but it is too much in the shadow now to show the grain of the wood and over by the window it would Oh well repeated Dingley change it round to suit yourself Dont you take any interest sighed Mrs Dingley crossly Of course of course but Well then help me to move it over by the window and well try it there Now that does look better doesnt it Lots better agreed Dingley get ting his breath again Now Ill go back and write Wait a minute cried Mrs Dingley I want you to put the shelves in the book case I dont understand all those dinky little screws and things For 20 minutes Dingley labored with the boards and props and tried to keep his mind on the story Then he went back to his den again Richard dear called Mrs Dingley just as he had gotten settled and swung into the great idea once more Ive decided to move the divan back again It really takes up all the space in that window and theres no room for any plants and besides it shuts out the light Wearily Dingley rose and once more applied himself to the task of moving the heavy divan Then the chairs had to be all replaced and the book case shoved over into the space between the windows After that Mrs Ding ley could not be happy until some of the pictures were changed around lowered or shortened and reining It took 15 minutes to decide just whether each picture was straight or not while Dingley stood on a shaky foot ladder and Mrs Dingley stood off and squint ed one eye to get the effect Once more Dingley tired and dis trait this time shut himself in his den And once more the voice of his wife called him back to earth again Dearest it was the pleading voice1 of Mrs Dingley again would you mind could I disturb you just once more Dingley swore softly under his breath What in thunder is it now he growled Dont you know that if Im not allowed to write this thing I cant pay for the bloomin furniture I know dear Mrs Dingleys voice was almost tearful but this is most important really Dingley jerked open the door of his1 den Well he demanded what do you want Speak and be quick about it Now dont be cross said Mrs Dingley pouting Hut just look how dreadful the whole thing looks against that wall paper It wont do at all Well do you want me to paper the wall roared Dingley No But Ive decided to change things about a little and I just wanted you to move it all into the other room Dont you really think it would -look better Dingley laid down his pen popped his paper into a drawer took off his coat and spent the rest of the day moving When the next day he re turned to his serial his great idea had fled The famous magazine bought the thing he wrote but it was so com monplace that they have never or dered another and the Dingleys face the proposition of living with that mission furniture for the rest of their lives But Mrs Dingley insisted that her husband is a genius and that it is all the bad taste of editors and jeal ousy and spite on their part that keeps Dingley down He would be fa mous if he only got half a chance And Dingley thinks so too Family of Good Shots Three brothers named King living in Bromham Wilts England have won prizes in the army shooting to the value of more than 1000 Thomas alone has won 400 while John and James have each represented England in international matches rrsFwli Z II TRYING EXPERIENCE Spent Over 100 in a Vain Search for Health Miss Frances Gardner of 309 Jack son boulevard Chicago 111 writes Gentlemen I heartily indorse Doans Kidney Pills as I have found by personal experience that they are an Ideal kidney remedy I suffered with com plications of kid ney complaint for nearly five years spent over 100 on useless remedies while five boxes of Doans Kidney Pills cured me in a few short weeks I am now enjoying the best of health have a fine appetite the best of digestion and restful sleep all due to your splendid pills Sold by all dealers 50 cents a box Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N Y BROKE THE WILDCATS BACK Philadelpba Man Victorious in Hand-to-Hand Combat Unarmed and alone Thomas Dyke was attacked by a wildcat on Locust mountain south of Mount Carmel Pa He had been in Ashland and started to drive home His horse stepped on a nail and he put the animal in a sta ble Then he started to walk home and was on the mountain when the cries of a wildcat alarmed him A few minutes later he saw the beast ten feet in front of him Th animal finally sprang He jumped aside and as the body of the cat struck the road ho leaped uivon it For several min utes the fight between the wild ani mal and the man went on At length by a quick swing he broke the ani mals back A physician dressed the several deep scratches on his face and hands but otherwise he was uninjured TORTURED WITH ECZEMA Tremendous Itching Over Whole Body Scratched Until Bled Wonder ful Cure by Cuticura Last year T suffered with a tremen dous itching on my back which grev worse and worse until it spread over the whole body and only my face and hands were free For four months or so I suffered torments and I had to scratch scratch scratch until I bled At night when I went to bed things got worse and I had at times to get up and scratch my body all over until I was as sore as could be and until I suffered excruciating pains They told me that I was suffering from eczema Then I made up my mind that I would use the Cuticura Remedies I used them according to instructions and very soon indeed I was greatly re lieved I continued until well and now I am ready to recommend the Cu ticura Remedies to any one Mrs Mary Metzger Sweetwater Okla June 2S 1905 Squirrels as Waiters It has taken Fisk Goodyear of Burchtown Pa two years to train his pet squirrels but his efforts are now repaid and on Thanksgiving ho treated his friends to a surprise Gathering half a hundred or more gray squirrels Mr Goodyear taught them to go into the woods and pick up nuts carrying them to his home On Thanksgiving night at a dinner his guests noticed a small board mn ning from a window to a nut bowl The host gave one knock on the table with his knife A squirrel hopped down the plank and dropped a chest nut into the bowl Two raps brought a squirrel with a walnut three knocks a shellbark Finally a grave old squirrel took his place and cracked the nuts wind ing up the performance by brushing off the crumbs with his thick bushy tail The Sunny South Now when all outdoor farm work has ceased in the north the term sunny south and all that it means appeals with full gorce to the northern farmer as he realizes that with him it is a case of remaining indoors for the next several months consuming everything that has been produced during the growing season In the sunny south something can be raised every month in the year and practically every day can be spent out doors No blizzards No sunstrokes Cattle raising is very profitable Large profits are made with little labor in growing fruits vegetables etc for northern markets Strawberries and cantaloupes are great revenue getters Water unsurpassed Work plentiful Lands cheap and productive For re liable information address G A Park General Immigration and Industrial Agent Louisville Nashville Railroad Company Louisville Ky Actress a Loyal Kentuckian Mary Anderson De Navarro who recently issued her memoirs has sent a copy of the book to the Commercial club of Louisville Ky with the fol lowing note For the Commercial club of Louisville with the best wishes of Mary Anderson De Navar ro a loyal lover of Kentucky Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for infants and children and sec that it Bears the SP vmzr Signature of KtoS In TJeo For Over 30 Years hQ Kind You Have Always Bougot When a man is broke his friends are alway ready to give him ad vice ATTRACTIONS OF WESTERN CANADA Magnificent Crop Returns Year 1906 for the The manner in which the Canadian West has attracted settlers in recent years has caused many of our journals and public men to sit up and take no tice to use a current phrase From every European country and from al most every State in the Union large number of settlers have flocked to the prairie provinces of Canada where free homesteads and wide opportun ities are open to all who desire to avail themselves of them The greatest factor in attracting settlers lies in the inherent richness of soil and suitability of climate for producing what is universally consid ered to be the finest wheat in the world the No 1 Hard of Canadian growth and other cereals that rank in the very first class This year the harvest returns were Wheat 90 000000 bushels oats 7G000000 bush els barley 17000000 bushels and when it is considered that the entire population of the three provinces as evidenced by the quinquennial census just completed is only S10000 it is easily seen that the lure of the Cana dian West is in its agricultural poten tialities Another feature which attracts the settler is that railway construction is proceeding with such rapidity that al most every district is within easy reach of outside markets and that good prices for all lines of farm prod ucts rule practically from the com mencement of agricultural operations This is a factor which did not prevail when the earlier settlements in the West were made in Canada and in the United States and has given a great impetus to Canadian Western settle ment in recent years The free grant system of home steads which prevails in the prairie provinces by which every settler who is able and willing to comply with the conditions of actual settlement by no means onerous is given 160 acres free except 10 for entry is a great drawing card and in the last fiscal year gathered in over 1S9000 addi tional to the western population of which 57796 were from the United States The further fact as is strongly brought about by the agent of the Canadian Government whose address appears elsewhere that a splendid common school system practically free prevails throughout the entire country and is easy of access in even the most remote districts is another great inducement to the settler who has the future welfare of his family in mind and this coupled with the fact that western Canadian law and order are proverbial completes a circle of good and sufficient reasons why the tide of immigration has set in so steadily toward the country to the north of our boundary line The Highest Bridge Work is now in progress on a sus pension bridge over the famous Roy al gorge of the Arkansas river in Colorado at a point where the chan nel is only 50 feet wide at the bottom and 230 feet wide at the top This bridge will span the river 2G7 feet above the surface of the water and will be therefore by far the highes S bridge in the world The material will be of flat steel and steel cables the curved girders finding secure at tachment in the solid sides of the can yon The floor of the bridge will be of plate glass one and one half inches thick to afford visitors the pleasure of looking down the chasm On each side will be strong high steel rail ings The bridge is part of an elec c railwav scheme The Evils of Constipation are many in fact almost every se rious illness has its origin in consti pation and some medicines instead of preventing constipation add to it This is true of most cathartics which when first used have a beneficial ef fect but the dose has to be contin ually increased and before long the remedy ceases to have the slightest effect There is one preparation how ever that can be relied upon to pro duce the same results with the same dose even after fifty years daily use and this is Brandreths Pills which has a record of over 100 years as the standard remedy for constipa tion and all troubles arising from an impure state of the blood Brandreths Pills are the same fine laxative tonic pill your grandparents used and are for sale everywhere either plain or sugar coated New Hobby for Collectors The ingenuity of collectors in the discoery of new fields having been exhausted there is still open to them that of collecting the finest specimen of forged or spurious works of art and this is capable of becoming a hobby scarcely less interesting or admirable than the pursuit of the genuine arti cle Art Journal Gas Engines on Canal Boats Canal boats propelled by gas en gines supplied from plants on the boats which make the gas from coal are used in Germany For slow boats of moderate capacity the system seems efficient and economical First Author Oh the unutterable monotony of existence I am thor oughly disgusted wfth it all Would that I might completely disappear for a while Second Author Then why dont you marry a famous wo man Judge Lewi Pinple Binder cigar richest most satisfying smoke on the market Your dealer or Lewis Factory Peoria 111 No Alonzo a bachelor isnt neces sarily an advocate of the single tax idea A mans conscience Is his private watchman Mrs WIiihIowh Soothlnc Syrup ForchllUien u fWiiinr soflniii tlie kiiiiih icuucrn In lamination allays lln cure wind cuilr 23c a bottlo Blushes may come and blushes may go but freckles hang on forever Anyone can dye with PUTNAM FADE LhfS DYES no experience required success guaranteed Says a woman I care not who does the thinking so long as I am per mitted to do the talking Lewis Single Binder straight 5c cigar is good quality all the time Your dealer or Lewis Factory Peoria 111 As a rule when people say what they mean a lot of explanation is nec essary For lexibility smooth finish stltf ness and durability Defiance Starch has no eaual 10c for 16 o According to the last census there are 11 female well borers in the United States National Pure Food and Drugs Act Serial No 384 assigned by the Govern ment and Guaranty that the preparations comply in every respect with the require ments of the Pure Food and Drugs Act appear on every package of the Garfield Tea Companys preparations Ambitious Youthful Violinist Miss Selma Gustafson of Delhi Ont a youthful violinist has applied for the leadership of one of the orches tras the Colorado Midland railroad is organizing Give Defiance Starch a fair trial try it for both hot and cold starching and if you dont think you do better work in less time and at smaller cost return it and your grocer will give you back your money To Get Military Pointers Here Gen Brugere former minister of war of France is expected to visit this country in the near future to make an inspection of American posts and study the organization and the methods of training the American soldiers Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATION they cannot react the scat of tilt Ul ciibC Catarrh U a blood disease and In order toc nrelt you must take Internal rciiicdlc H ills Catarrh Cure la taken In ternilly and acts directly on the blood and mticou frurfttcei llalTs Catarrh Cure is not n Quack niedl cine It was ly oueof the liest pliyU luif in this country for years and 1 a regular prt crlptli n It Is coiipced of the host tonics known combined with the bet bloud pun tier acting directly on tht mucous Mirfaces Tlie perfect combination of the two Ingredients is what produces euch wonderful re sults In curing catarrh Send for tp tlmonlal8 free F J CHENEV CO Prop- Toledo O Sold hv SruirRlxts price 7 c Take Ualls Family Tills for constipation Where Lawyers Are Unpopular A lawyer made his appearance at Colobar West Africa the other day and a Gold Coast newspaper noting the fact said It is very unsafe for the people for lawyers to practice at this place Their appearance in this river will soon inveigle everyone who is not careful into litigation and they will feed on their folly thereby ruin ing them Laundry work at home would be much more satisfactory if the right Starch were used In order to get the desired stiffness it is usually neces sary to use so much starch that the beautv and fineness cf the fabric is hidden behind a paste ot varying thickness which not only destroys the appearance but also affects the wear ing quality of the goods This trouWe can be entirely overcome by using Do fiance Starch as it can be appliel much more thinly because of its great er strength than other makes Competent for Jury Service During the ice trust trial in Phila delphia a prospective juror was quiz zed about the quantity of ice he used I use a little occasionally he said How much Enough to temper a highball What do you mean by a highball roared the attorney An amateur murmured the juror can not presume to enlighten an experi This man is a competent juror chimed the court and the trial pro ceeded Gen Rucker Now Living quietly in retirement in Washington in his ninety fifth year is Gen Daniel II Rucker father-in-law of Phil Sheridan and boyhood chum of Sherman whom he resem bles more than a little in appearance He was born in Belleville X J and at an early age enlisted -in the army and served on the frontier being a Sreat friend of Kit Carson He served luring the Mexican war as well as the civil war and has lived in Wash ington a number of years Sfrltians Sold jjr RFAnFPQ of this paper de LiiLiitO siring to buy any- thing advertised in its columns should insist upon having what they ask fc refusing all substi tutes cr iraitaLons PARMC FOR RCHT ah sale ox ninav i wii iiklll IMSUI I J JIlLHALt fcilOU X CITY IOWA SIGK fODME CARTERS SSittle WSVER PILLS CARTERS EPlTTLE flVER g PILLS Positively enred by these Little Tills Ther al30 rcllcvo uut3 iroaiTjptioia digestion and Too Hearty Eating A perfect rem edy for Dizziness Nausea Drowsmcs3 Bad Tasto la tho JJouth Coated Tongue Pain In tho Sldo TORPID LTVER They regulate tbo Bowcla Purely Vegetable SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE SMALL PRICE Genuine Must Bear Fac Simile Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES STOVE POLHSH 1 1 ALWAYS READY TO USE NO i 1 DIRT DUST SMOKE OR SMFLL I tin unpc CTntP pni l5H TRfllim FS H ttmwm IbUI I 5 5 v M U OMAHA NO 51 1906 HEW WHEAT LANDS IN THE CANADIAN WEST IHLIjWalin h film ntlilltintinl mile QJti0itiVLUJAl UUUU of rulwnv this L n thn GULP COAST COUNTRY IK SOUTH TEXAS TrwfTTrffBf Wrr7 ifrTf TTrTTi ilf 7 I fillip XiBOBBBSansan Ve Var Vnt havr opened Up a largely Incrcn ctl terri tory to tltc prourcsaive fanners ot Wctcrn Canada nml the Gov ernment of the Domin ion continues to cive ONE HONORED AND SIXTY ACRES IKHE to every bcttler THE eOUSTRY HAS NO SUTO50R Coal wood nml water in nlmnilance chiirclien nml schools convenient markets riy of access taxes low Climate the licit Hi the iioitliern tem perate zoiir Iaw nml unlet prevnilseverywherr 1 or ailviie nml information wlilrcvi the sriEKlNTKNDKNT Of IMMIGRATION Ottawa Canada or any authorized Canadian Giivrmment A Kent W V BENNETT 801 New York Life Baildioj Omaha Nebraska U S NAVY enlists for four earn to iiik men of kooi character uul biniiiil flits i nl concilium be tween llicnKof 17 ami San apprentice opportunities fur aiivatiecitient pay lit 10 70 11 iiiiinili Klerir cian uiaehiiiiMx ttiifkaiinilih copltrMiiiho yiinnrii cierkM cirpeiiirri li pimcK firemen iiiiihieluim e jks tste between 21 ami 6 ears tlilihtctt In special ratings wim Kintnb i pat lioHplial nttfir frti is IN tti Ji wLrh llilriniiit cm His pay antt after At y ar service Applicants must be American Cliutim Kirst c othini onttlt free to recruits ITpori i Neliaree traei ulnmanr ei nts per tune to pacuiif tliliswiieiii It nils four iikhiIMs pay ami Increase In pav iipun re cniistinciitwlttiiii tour iiiiin lis r unices at lincoiii ami llisiincs Nei rttKLa Also miring winter at I s Moiifs l ioni CtT Pwt Amlrerft NAVY ilECnUlTING STATI0KP0Bld40MAHA MM in the land is not m ar always the most cosily M 25 ounces far 25 cents H i ICfi I tie Purest an most efficicnt baking Mjgj J JTa help in the country Its a waste of f JOUNCES F0i r l l J V WfiM money to pay more tor baking powder J jgjY not half so good K C Baking Powder Jmf jawij1 is made and guaranteed by jr WflWL J W Co Jf WoHL Chicago sfggr ST C en - ShrH tt gtfpigv iprpwJ H I J SBSS2r38SSS55 0 Smokeless Powder Shells LEADER and REPEATER The superiority of Winchester Smokeless Powder Shells is undisputed Among intelligent shooters they stand first in pop ularity records and shooting qualities Always use them for field or Trafy Shooting Ask Your Dealer For Them JG j jj s a a jpk a a a s M4mmmimkZm 1100000 REWARD 11 HI I f r tie in f f 1 v mi prt in our Iattiaturc abut EfaH Our I arm rs in knrf cr r f from iooo to 5 ooooiei acre and tv oor thre rrors a ir SUFFICIENT RAINFALL PRODUC TIVE SOILS ARTESIAN WELLS HEALTHFUL CLIMATE No liizirlin mr ojntnr like in the Pan handle Land slIK NOW at Stto f 52 i pi r aTi i a v rm UKI7L TO DAY for FKEIi LIThRVriKh and L TIVT I I X S MM- A riim I t nt I FALFUKRIAS IMMIGRATION COMPWY KW-X-- V V I tTS SMOW Yf ii ii i Bitty unsp Pressy irf a delisrht to the refined woman every wherv In orcVr to fiet this resnlt see that the m serial is good thsx it is cut in the latest ia hoa and use m xhf Iv dry All three things are im poruiLt at the last is absolutely neces sjii N i irattr how fine the material or hv iintilv made bad starch and pj r iiJrv work will spoil the flect ar j run the clothts DEFIANCE STAIJI is pure wiil not rot the clothes nor cause th m to crack It sells at ioc a sixteen ounce packaee every where ther starches much inferior sell at i c fur tvtlve oncp pirkage Insist on trnsIKFIANCE STARCH and be sure cf results TX C P glsdfluB iiarcn iniaha Nebraska