The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 07, 1906, Image 1

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Perlormance At The Opera House of High
The theater going public of Shawnee
who were intrepid enough to brave the
threatening weather and witness the
rendering of Miss America by the
Irma Opera Company at the opera house
last night were rewarded by a musical
and intellectual treat such as one is sel
dom permitted to enjoy outside of the
metropolitan play houses As a comic
opera Mis3 America is among the best
of its kind and the company playing it
is far above the average of the traveling
opera troupe The leading lady has a
clear soprano voice of rare scope and re
markable sweetness and her every ap
pearance was the signal for enthusiastic
plaudits from pit to gallery When in
response to an encore she sang The
Last Rose of Summer and the full
range and power of her magnetic voice
rang out in the simple notes of the
familiar old air the entire audience sat
spellbound and during the interludes
you could plainly hear the ticking of a
watch eo great was the hush which had
fallen on her hearers The leading man
won his way to the hearts of the audi
ence by his sunny smile and graceful
bearing almost before he had spoken a
line and afterwards with his fine base
voice heightened their appreciation of
his merits
The specialties were food probably
the greatest amusement being induced
by the humorous rendition of Katrina
a German character by a diminutive
little blonde whose eyes danced with
mischief and merriment and who got in
to her part ad though it were made for
her The best musical number of the
evening was easily the singing of Vio
let and in acurtain announcement last
night it was stated that this pleasing
number would be repeated This com
pany is an exceptionally strong one and
no one interested in operatic music
should miss the opportunity of hearing
em The Shawnee Herald bept 1
Oyjra house Dec 15 1906
Turkeys Wanted
I am in the market for all the turkeys
ducks and geese also chickens that I
can get at the highest price the market
will afford Bring the turkeys in a
week or ten days before Thanksgiving
sfl it will give me time to get them to
market Dont forget but see me be
fore you sell your poultry
M Walsh
Important Information
If vou want to get information or
orders for draying to us at anytime and
cannot reach us at the barn or by phone
68 use phone No black 140 Mr Doug
lass house No- Brown Douglass
Successors to Milton Osborn
Special Endeavor Service
Rev Wm Uardcastle State Secre
tary of the Nebraska Christian En
deavor Union will speak at the Congre
gational churchnext Sunday night at 8
oclock He is an interesting speaker
and all are invited to hear him
Hot Springs Blood Remedy We guar
antee it Woodwokth Co
Made Easy at McMillens
Drug Store
You doubtless have a lit of
friends to whom you wish to give
We acknowledge a more than
ordinary pride this year in our
HoHday display of Seasonable
Come and see our desiraole line
of inexpensive remembrances as
well as the more substantial and
attractive gifts
We welcome you to our store
with compliments of the season
A McMillen Druggist
Mrs Mae Longenhagen is visiting
in Doweeso Neb
C II Meeker went up to Denver
Friday last on 3 on business
Mus F C Fuller entertained the
whist club Tuesday evening
Mrs W H Baker was hostess to a
company of lady friends Monday
Mrs A L Knowland arrived homo
last Friday night from Bushnell 111
Miss Edith Waitk returned to Lin
coln Monday morning on train No 2
Will Rubers mother and sister are
here from Missouri to make their home
with him
Mrs Frank Freelove departed
Wednesday night for Redfield Kan
sas on a visit to her sister
Mrs W K Hefeelbowhr went down
to Inavalo and Red Cloud Monday on
train 2 on a visit to relatives
James M Brady departed last Satur
day morning for Illinois on a visit to
his former home the first visit in years
Mrs R M Douglass returned home
last Friday night on No 3 from her
Broken Bow visit The baby was much
Rev G B Hawkes will go to Oma
ha tonight to observe the progress and
genius of the Torrey revival in progress
Robert Allen arrived homo from
Des Moines Iowa Tuesday on No 1
summoned by the serious illness of his
brother George
J Harry Wade of Driftwood precinct
left Tuesday night for Chicago and
Galesburg 111 to visit his mother other
relatives and friends
Miss Rowena Hofer of Beardstown
111 arrived in the city Wednesday and
will be her uncles guest Barney Ilofer
until after the holidays
George youngest son of Mr and Mrs
Joseph Allen is very ill with typhoid
fever His condition has been very
precarious but at this writing is more
Congressman Norris departed on No
6 last Friday night for Washington
D C and was on hand Monday morn
ing at the opening of the short session
of the 59th congress
Mr and Mrs J R McCarl depart
ed Monday morning on No 2 for
Washington D C where he will as
sume his duties as private secretary to
Congressman Norris during the present
session of congress
Nebraska Wheat Goes North
Minnesota millers claim that they use
spring wheat only for Minnesota patent
flour Many retailers and bakers have
heard this claim so often that they be
lieve the statement This is a false be
lief fastened upon our people by knock
ers against Nebraska flour This fact
was cinched last week by indisputable
evidence for two grain companies of
Omaha had orders for 600000 bushels of
Nebraska winter wheat to be shipped to
Minneapolis mills Doubtless this win
ter wheat will be made into flour and
part of it at least shipped back hero
and sold as Minnesota patent flour
made from northern hard wheat or
spring wheat as they are pleased to call
it Stand up for Nebraska push Ne
braskas products patronize home iu
dustry and you will be directly benefit
ed thereby Retail Merchants Journal
Something New and Rare
Here is a clipping from The Florist
Journal Gloire De Lorraine has created
a commotion in the flower world that no
other plant ever approached it is with
out question a decidedly sensational var
iety It is always in bloom We also
have a nice lot of Cyclamen Begonias
Ferns etc We have a few Chinese
Sacred Lilly bulbs left plant them now
and they will bloom for Christmas Mc
Cook Greenhouse phone 91
Dont Grasp the Humor
The Tribune fails to fully grasp the
humor of The Republicans position on
the water works question The people
of McCook are not the owners of the
water works and hence are only in
terested in getting what they pay highly
for The making good rests with the
company not with the people or the city
at least not until there is a transfer of
title and property on a proper and equit
able basis
Rent the Blxler For Revival
Those in charge are pleased to an
nounce that they have rented the Bixler
opera house for the Lyon revival meet
ings January 6th to February 3rd This
action will be generally approved as
the tabernacle idea could not be pop
ular in mid winter
Try the Mild Examiner
They are putting out a new brand of
cigars at the Griggs cigar factory It
is a mild delightful article Try one
Perklns McCray Wedding
John A Perkins and Mrs Pearl Mc
Cray both of our city were united in
marriage by Rev A F Green of the
Baptist church Sunday afternoon at
two oclock The ceremony was per
formed at the home of her parents Mr
and Mrs Will South in the Rishel build
ing in the presence of a few friends of
the contracting parties They will make
their homo in West McCook
Thompson Anderson Nuptials
Don L Thompson and Miss Gerda M
Anderson both of Grant precinct this
county were happily wedded Thursday
of last week at the home of the brides
parents Mr and Mrs Andrew Anderson
of that precinct Elder H H Berry of
McCook officiated The bride is the es
teemed daughter of Mr and Mrs An
drew Anderson highly respected resi
dents of Granc precinct the groom the
sterling s o n of Ex TreasurGr O L
Thompson of the old guard The young
couple departed o n No 6 the same
night for Omaha and other points in
eastern Nebraska to be absent about
t w o weeks on a wedding trip after
which they will settle down in the home
precinct with the well wishes of every
Pure Staples
Simpsons merczd silver grey prints 03
American 03
American indigo blue prints 03
American shirting prints 03
Allens pinks 03
Best apron check ginghams 03
Best table oilcloth including white 15
Peerless carpet warj 21c and 23
Best 16 oz 2 bu seamless grain bags 20
Fleischers German knitting yarn sk 25
All colors Saxony yarn skein 05
Mens half wool box 2 pairs for 25
Mens all leather gloves per pair IS
Boys 13
Izzer home made bed comforts
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
One price plain figures cash only
Dicks Dilemma
The Players club are now adding the
finishing touches to their second produc
tion Dicks Dilemma asnappy farce
comedy which is bound to please Their
second appearance is booked for the
Bixleropera house Friday evening Dec
21st The play has go aplentj in it
with wholesome comedy run galore
The company is handling the produc
tion vigorously and effectively and an
evening of clean and enjoyable amuse
ment is in store for McCooks theater
goers The success of their initial ap
pearance will be more than duplicated
it will be excelled
A Penny For Your Thoughts
Yes sir just as we guessed What to
get your affectionate mother for Christ
mas We suggest a good warm shawl
Some are buying furs A modest gift
is a pair of fur top undressed kid mit
tens Those warm knit Newport scarfs
arent bad either We can show you
anything that women wear or men boys
and girls Made up or by the yard and
our services are at your command for
your Christmas wants No trouble to
show goods thats how we sell them
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Business Men Will Contribute
ThejTribune has hopes that the viaduct
and crossing question will yet be equit
ably and satisfactory settled at the
present location south of Manhattan
street and ou terms fair and pos
sible to the city of McCook the people
of South McCook those on the South
Side and to the Burlington company
And the business men of McCook are
willing to contribute to that result
Bell Social
A bell social will be given b y the
Christian Endeavor at the Congrega
tional church next Friday evening to
raise money for the church bell Many
unique features have been arranged for
and all young and old are urged to
come Admission 15 cents
Remember We Are Still Selling
up-to-date clothing for men and boys
Hamilton Brown shoes for everybody
furs for men and women trunks valises
furnishings etc at
The Laboring Mans Friend
It arouses energy develops and stim
ulates nervous life arouses the courage
of youth It makes you young again
Thats what Rocky Mountain tea will
do 35 cents tea or tablets
L W McConnell
The Presidents Message
may be safely laid aside while we tell
you that no nation on earth can supply
you with blue flannel shirts and gray
flannel shirts and green flannel shirts
and other flannel shirts as economically
and quickly as we The whole balance
of trade is largely in your favor at our
store 100 to 250 The Thompson D
G Co
An Evening With Dickens
An appreciative audience enjoyed an
evening with Dickens at the Bixler
last Friday evening aud good reading
doubtless recoived a stimulus in many
McCook homos
Congressman Norris entertained and
instructed all in his lecture on Dickens
A student of the great novelist and
familiar b y travel with many points
made famous by Dickens works he
was in a special position to say the final
word and it was gracefully said and
The social-literary-music period while
not realizing all expected on account of
the departure for homo of some of the
audience was worthful and suggestive
of greater possibilities along that lino in
the future There wore readings from
Dickens by Dr S C Beach and Mrs
F W Bosworth and several clover
charades by Mrs Bosworth Great Ex
pectations and Sketch Book being
well done Mrs W B Mills played an
effective piano number and Miss Haze
Hare and Mr John Gaarde an appreci
ated violin clarinet duo
The stage was very effectively decorat
ed for the handsome
garden scene of the opera house being
utilized in connection with flowers
palms and appropriate furnishings flags
The Tribune hopes the future may
have in store for McCook other such ed
ucational and uplifting affairs and that
the public library cause and good read
ing may prosper immeasurably
Burial of Edward Hine
The remains o f Edward Hine were
buried in Riverview cemetery last
Friday afternoon from the Baptist
church of our city of which deceased
was a member Services were conducted
by Rev A F Green at 130 oclock
Deceased was born 30 years ago in
Indianapolis Indiana Died at Hast
ings Colo Monday November 26th
1906 death being the result of a frac
tured skull sustained in a fall from a
scaffolding whereon he was working as
a carpenter Edwards mother died
when he was about one year oldan3
from that time until he reached mans
estate he lived with Mr and Mrs Char
les Hine well known to many Tribunf
readers as one of the early settlers of
this vicinity He came to McCook with
the Hines in 1883 and this was his home
up until three years since
card of thanks
We are all very grateful to all the kind
friends for assistance and sympathy in
the burial of Edward Hine and thus
publicly acknowledge and express our
appreciation therefor
L Fleischman and Family
A Statement
Through the work of the Dorcas so
ciety the debt on the parsonage of the
Congregational church has been recent
ly paid and the church now holds its
entire property free from debt In view
of this fact the trustees and pastor of
the church desire to take this opportuni
ty to publicly thank all those who dur
ing the years of struggle have helped
with their efforts and money to attain
this much desired end With its fine
plant freefrom debt the church faces
the future with hope and courage
Actions Speek Louder
than words When both actions and j
words give the same testimony no
one questions the sincerety Recent
shoppers for dress skirts have left no I
doubt iu our minds that our line is very
superior in all points and our alteration
department most prompt and satisfac
tory No charge for altering any of our
skirts Prices for Misses and ladies
skirts 200 to 675 The Thompson
Dry Goods Co
It Costs Nothing
You will be pleased to receive this
suggestion that no article of personal
wear is so gratifying to the feminineheart
and therefore so pleasing for a gift as
furs The bright kind the right kind
the dressy kind are found in greatest
abnndance at The Thompson Dry Goods
Cos 100 to 1250
Dance and Luncheon
By the laaies of St Patricks church
Monday evening December 10th in the
Menard opera house Music by K of P
orchestra Dance tickets 100 Spec
tators ticket 25c Luncheon 25
For Sale
Dining table and chairs and other
furniture Enquire at the Perry house
on Monroe street
Let Ludwick explain the new gas
burner to you
Furnished rooms to rent Heated
with bath privilege H N Rosebush
Mrs Earl Murray and children are
visiting Cambrige relatives
The foot viaduct will go up next
McConnell for Christmas presents
See McMillens large as well as med
ium type Bibles
The Ideal store can please you in
Christmas presents
Spend only five minutes at the Ideal
store and you will bo surprised
Kodaks and Kodnk supplies at C R
Woodworth Cos Druggists
You should see McMillens line of
Musical and Durable Albums
Fine Hand Painted and imported
China at McMillens Drug Storo
Dolls Dolls Dolls lots of them at
C R Woodworth Cos
Books Juvenile copyrights and Gift
Book3 A McMillen Druggist
Wo sell drugs theyre frosh too
C R Woodworth Co
Toys Dolls Go Carts Hobby Horses
etc in abundance at McMillens Drug
We are selling Hamilton Brown shoes
without anyfuss Diamonds clothing
and shoe store
You will be pleased if you make your
Christmas selections a t McConnells
He has remembrances of quality
Our White Pine and Tar cough reme
dy is a wonder for coughs colds and
hoarseness C R Woodworth Co
The ladies of the Episcopal Guild will
hold a Christmas Bazaar at Grannis
store December 17th at 2 p m 12 6 2t
Dont wait too long before looking at
C R Woodworth Cos holiday dis
play People are buying early this year
Buy a n Edison phonograph a s a
Christmas present for the whole family
Always a large stock of records on hand
L W McConnell Druggist
Manager Bixler is corresponding wfth
the Boston Ideal Opera Co for two
nights December 23th and 29th The
booking of this attraction depends on
the advance subscription of tickets as
the company requires a cash guarantee
They play Mikado Mascotte and
Fra Diavola Everyone interested in
firstclass plays for McCook should push
along this proposition
The missionary society of the Congre
gational church will give a kensington
at the home of Mrs O M Knipple Mon
day afternoon Dec 10th at 230 oclock
where in an informal way the members
and their friends may meet Miss Wain
right a returned missionary who in
native dress will tell of her work in
Japan Any one interested is cordially
invited to be present
From the gratifying words The Tri
bune hears from the rehearsals of the
Players club the people of McCook
will on Friday evening December 21st
have the pleasure of hearing a farce
comedy in Dicks Dilemma of most
enjoyable quality The club has enter
ed upon the preparation of this play
with an earnestness and enthusiasm
which spells success in capital letters
6400 Yards
Counting the three thousand four
hundred yards of new highest grade cal
icoes just put in stock our present dis
play of that useful staple totals better
than 6400 yards of such brands as
Simpsons Americans Merimacs Al
iens and Hamiltons in silver greys
mercerized in light and dark indigoes
in black and whites in turkey reds in
garnets and cardinals in light ground
shirting prints and others Best part of
it all is that we sell them all at 3 cents
per yard
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
One price plain figures cash only
Blankets and Robes
Ten per cent reduction in order to
make room for other goods Whats
better for a Christmas gift
Dwelling For Sale
Five room dwelling in good repair
just repainted Outbuildings shade
trees etc Earl Murray
Corn Sheller
One four hole Hero very cheap at the
McCook Hardware Cos
Free Coffee Saturday December 8th
We will give an exhibit of the Uni
versal coffee percolators Come and sup
with us McCook Hardware Co
Headpuarters for holiday goods of all
kinds at McCook Hardware Cos
Cash paid for eggs highest market
price Reynolds Poultry Co Phone
2S5 Old Gurney stand
Wanted To buy a second hand roller
top desk McCook Laundry
Rich black dirt You can have for
the hauling See Diamond at once
Get The Tribune to do your printing
iNwbniHiia iStatoJLUbv
lonl Society
rib tine
McCook Business College
Commercial Branches Short
hnnd Typewriting Tolography
Write L W Staynkr
McCook Neb
Lyon revival meetings in Mc
Cook January 6th to February
All the cabbage you want at
5125 per hundred
Lest we forgot
We say it yet
Hamilton Brown Shoos
Are the best by test
Only at Diamonds
The Laboriug Mans Friond
McConnell for drugs
Everything in drugs McConnell
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
Try Magner Stokes for fresh and
salt meats fruit and vegetables
Dr Kays ollico is now one door north
of Commercial hotel Phono 97
Choice bargains in rotnnant wall pap
ers at Woodworth Cos
Tho Reynolds Poultry Co will givo
you tho highest price for your poultry
and eggs iu cash
Lost Monday night a M H S pin
class of 9S set with pearls Reward
Mrs R C Cole 11 HO 2ts
If in need of anything in fancy toilet
preparations Woodworth Co have a
fine new line to select from
If it is from Marshs its the best ob
tainable Anything and everything per
taining to the meat market business
All kinds of fresh and salt meats
fruits and vegetables at
Magner Stokes
Our holiday Jino of presents is now on
display A fine assortment of novelties
for all C R Woodworth Co
Magner Stokes can supply you
with anything in the lino of fresh and
salt meats Also fruits and vegetables
Cash Received on Account
Charge Paid Out and other cash
register printed supplies at The Trihune
The highest market price paid for
chickens and turkeys by tho Reynolds
Poultry Co Old Gurney stand Phone
Take your poultry and eggs to tho
Reynolds Poultry Poultry Co Old
Gurney stand Get the best market
price in cash
Remember you will find Mike Waish
just across the street from his old loca
tion ready to buy your poultry eggs
old rubber copper brass at the highest
cash market price
Will pay 50c per tract for listing lands
for sale in this and adjoining counties
Order abstracts of us have only books
owned in county J EBarngrover At
torney proprietor Security Abstract
Realty Co McCook Nebr
In his new location just across the
street from his old place in the P
Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to
see you if you have poultry eggs etc
for sale He will pay you the best cash
market price for them
Marsh operates on the theory that
nothing is too good for his patrons
hence he buys only the best of livestock
of all kinds and sells only the best of
meats You can prove it by a trial
Satisfaction absolutely guaranteed
Have you seon our holiday display
The big show is now on
C R Woodworth Co
AH the cabbage you want at
125 per hundred
Souvenir Postal Cards
The McCook Souvenir Postal
Cards printed by The Tribune
are on sale at
Zint Zints
A McMillens
The Ideal Store
The Tribune OlBce
L W McConnells
The Post Office Lobby
Eleven different views printed
Other desigLs are in prepara
tion The price Two for five