WJffTtfWWittmWH Chamberl ains Cough Remedy The Childrens Favorite dUBES Coughs Colds Croup and Whooping Cough Thle remedy is famous for Its cares over alnrgo fart of the civilized world It cen always bo depended upon It contains no opium or other linrmful drug and may b given as confidently to a baby as to an adult Price 25 cts Large Size 50 eta IK 6uaAatfef w DEAIEE IN ll POULTRY and EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash tEgw location just nrros street in P Walsh Jg building HcCook - Nebraska BantKMn I Csofsr t IJome of Quality and Quantity where i sells THE BEST LUM BER AND COAL Are you thinking of building If so it is ten to one our figures will please you M O McCLURE Phone No 1 Manager y ill L3 1 1 1 e RJOI Us Registeeed Geadcate a NJiiavSNfiSSfBNStNaEVA V D BUKGESS Iron Lend and Sever Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boler Trimmings J Estimate Furnished Free Base g ment of the Postoffice Suticing 7 McCOOK NEBRASKA KlS51xSSNKSENJBVa2StvS S a M E B r E But v Dentist A Office over McConnells Drug Store MZT - McCOOK NEB 2ij Telephones Office 160 residence 131 y Former location Atlanta Georgia JOB HIGHT CONTRACTOR and BUILDER g Jarm Buildings a Specialty SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 1 McCook Neb 23Bi C E Eldsed CorAtty BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at Law Long Distance Phone 44 EEoras T and 7 second floor QeiofSce Building McCook Neb JOHN E KELLEY 3ET0RNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTBACTEB McCook Nebraska Jgentof Lincoln Land Co and of McCook TJfetes Works Offico in Postoffice building YEGGS CHERRY COUGH SBOJP Cures BRONCHITIS The best of every thing in his line at the most reasonable prices is Harshs motto He wants your trade and hopes by merit to keep it The Butcher Phone 12 FAY HOSTETTER TEACHER ON PIANO McCook Nebraska Studio upstairs in new Rishel building south of Post Office iii J our DENTIST mom m Ottico Rooms 3 aDd 5 Walsh Blk McCook YOU WOULD DO WELL TO SEE FOR ALL KIN EL2E Brick Work P O Box 131 McCook Nebraska McCook Laundry G C HECKMAN Prop Dry and Steam Cleaning and Pressing PUBLICATION NOTICE Holly C Thomas defendant will take notice that on the 5th day of November 1905 Clara Thomas the plaintiff herein filed her petition in the District Couit of Red Willow County in the State of Nebraska the object and prayer thereof being to obtain adivorce from said de fendant and that her maiden name be restored and sucli other and father relief as the nature of the case may require You are required to answer said petition on or before the 17th day of December 1900 Dated this 5th dav of November 190G Claka Thomas Plaintiff By W S Morlan Her Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION State of Nebraska Red Willow County ss To all persons interested in the estate of Anpelo P Welles late of said county deceased You are hereby notified that on the 27th day of November A D 1906 Matie Wei es filed her petition in the county court of said county for her appointment as administratrix of theestate of Angelo P Welles late of said county de ceased and that the same will be heard at the county court room in the city of McCook in said county on the seventeenth day of Decem ber at the hour of two oclock p m It is further ordered that notice of hearing be given all parties interested in said estate by the publication of this notice for threo successive weeks in The McCook Tribune a newspaper printed published and circulated in said county 11--30 3t Dated this 27th day of November A D 1906 J C Mooee seal County Judge ORDINANCE NO 123 Being an ordinance to regulate the excava tions for and th erection of new buildings with in the fire limit Inspection of plans and build ing matorial to be used in the erection of build ings also to condemn old frame buildings and provide for their removal and provide a penalty for the violation of this Ordinance Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the city of McCook Nebraska Section No 1 Whenever any person persons or corporation desires to erect a building within the fire limits of the city of McCook the founda tion for any such building shall be excavated at least seven feet below grade under the whole of said building Foundations must be constructed of either good hard stone hard brick or con crete with footings not less than 36 inches for three story buildings and 24 inches for one or two story buildings to be not less than 17 inches at the fop for two and three story buildings and 12 inches for one story buildings For a three story building the walls to be not less than 16 inches for first story 12 inches for second and third stories for one story buildings not less than 12 inches For two story buildings the walls to be not less than 16 inches for the first and 12 inches for the second stories Section 2 An application for the construction of any such building shall be made to the City Council before any structural work has been begun It shall be in writing aud a copy of the plans and specifications shall accompany the application Should the plans not be approved and the permit be withheld by the Council be cause of defects therein and such defect cannot be remedied by the Council or the applicant the matter shall be submitted by the Council to a competent architect or builder other than the architect who drew the plans who shall re port threon which shall be final the losing party to pay for such inspection and report Section 3 Old frame buildings now within the fire limits shall not be repaired to the extent of a new roof foundation or under sills and no repairs of any kind shall be made on any such bnilding without the consent of the City Coun cil All unsanitary frame buildings and frame buildings out of repair to the extent that there is danger from fire such frame buildings will be taken down and removed by the Chief of Police after twenty days notice thereof in writing has been given to the owner or his or her agent In case of lack of sanitation tho board of health must havo same inspected and condemned SPSection 4 Any person guilty of violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance upon convic tion thereof shall be fined in any sum not less ten 10 or more than one hundred 100 dollars Section 5 This Ordinance to take effect and be in force from and after its passage approval and publication PassecLand approved this 27th day of Novem ber 1906 Attest H P Waite seal W A Middleton Mayor City Clerk i Soma Jokes From the Home of Brotherly Love H dear sighed Miss Mudd I do wish I knew of an effective way to preserve my complex ion If you keep the box In a cool place it will be all right wont it Miss Passay The idea of4 her pre tending that she thought my hair was gray Miss Knox Yes so silly of her Miss Passay Wasnt it though Miss Knox Yes just as if youd buy gray hair If Miss LToamley Itich wants that fiance of hers to do anything for her shes merely got to command him Yes hes like dough in her hands Huh You mean he likes the dough In her name Mrs Hiram Offen leave your last place Pretty Servant The -Why did you couple I lived with didnt agree Mrs Hiram Offen Why should their disagreements bother you Pretty Servant Why the mistress didnt like me but the master was quite fond of me How did you like that cornetist I sent to you asked the agent Well as you said replied the or chestra leader he certainly Coco play the cornet to beat the band All right eh No he couldnt keep time Phila delphia Press The Doctor Bill A wealthy New York banker while visiting his parents in a small town was stricken with fever For three months he was confined in the old homestead dutifully attended by a fond mother and a very zealous doctor The banker recovered slowly One morning he decided that fresh air would do more for him than medical environment and in a short time he was enabled to dismiss his physician When the doctors bill arrived the banker studied it very closely A few moments later the mother saw her son go to the wood shed procure an ax and begin hewing at the hitching post which had stood In front of the bouse for fifty years Frank she shouted hysterically believing her son in another delirium what are you doing Youll have no further use for it chuckled the perspiring banker Here after the doctor will come in an auto mobile Cleveland Leader Tlie Ready Answer Jl A- Mil ill - Stout Lady Constable how far is it to the station Constable Well if you walk madam about a hundred yards but if you roll about a roll and a half Tatler Modern Instance Parthenope dear whispered the hostess wont you please sing some thing What for auntie asked the young woman rWhy these people are getting impa tient forgheir dinner and it wont be ready for nearly an hour yet So Miss Parthenope like her ancient prototype proceeded to sing the guests appetites away Chicago Tribune A Iiiiclcy Day Did your husband have any luck at the races asked the neighbor who comes looking for news Wonderful luck answered young Mrs Torkins He Inadvertently put a twenty dollar bill in his vest pocket and forgot to bet It Washington Star Secrets of the Prison Honse He Miss Jones must be a very sym pathetic girl At the pathetic reading we had the other evening her face was white with emotion She That wasnt emotion It was a new face bleach shes trying Balti more American True Bravery He Miss De Playne is certainly a brave and fearless girl She Thats right Last Christmas I saw her stand under the mistletoe and defy half a dozen men Chicago News A Babbles Duration Look He must have a very large li brary if he buys all the popular books Ashley On the contrary it Is very small He never buys until a year aft er publication Brooklyn Life So Far Ahead My wife Is shopping- early She seeks what she can find What do you want for Christmas She asks In accents kind But oh I hate to tell her For fear Ill change my mind Cleveland Plain Dealer 1 IMMM DANBURY Dr W A DeMay is building in ad ditiou t3 his store 16x24 two stories high His son Rollo who will be grad uated from a dental school thi9 winter will occupy the upper story I On thi road to B trtley Sunday last Otto Puelz hud a runaway One of the j boys was injured aud the bugsry dam aged The Dolph boys will operate a line Mrs Frank D Brown and Miss Louie Grey are at MeCook over Thanksgiving P G Stilgebouer and famjly came over from Bartley Wednesday Mr and Mrs Earl Peacock are up from Wilson ville on a short visit Miss Alta Morgan has a vacation of six weeks in her school G W Fletcher is at home in Beaver City for a few days Quite a number of Danbury people ruins of the burut district Danbury is to have a billiard hall RURAL FREE DELIVERY NO 1 Miss Mette of Beverly has been visit ing her sisters Miss Freda and Mrs 0 M Cunningham Frank Freelove has gone west to look up a location District 3 closed its second month of school last Friday with nineteen pupils enrolled Those neither absent nor tar dy were Ida Bahr Mary Sclutsmeier Minnie Schlutsmeier and Gottlieb Wag ner The stovepipe fell down Monday in the North Star school house and no school was held that day for repairs Sadie Evertson commenced school in the Barber school north of Indianola Monday A dog at a colts heels caused Mr and Mrs W P Broomfield some excitement last Sunday while on their way to visit her parents Mr and Mrs T A Endsley A smashed dashboard and other repairs resulted T A Endsley is in Illinois for a two weeks visit Mrs Joseph Dudek has been suffering with pleurisy but is better Monday night a meeting of Bondville people interested in a local telephone system was held in the school house of district No 3 They left so much to bacco leavings etc on the flour that no school was held Tuesday until a cleans ing was made of the premises NORTH SIDE Mr and Mrs C DeWitt Griffith de parted Tuesday morning for a months visit with friends and relatives in and around Dodgeville Wis Mr and Mrs H B Wales and daugh ter Mable returned last week from a three months visit in Iowa and Illinois Mr Wales says that he would rather live here than any place he saw while he was gone H H Bandy is very busy these days snapping and delivering 500 bushels of corn to the Osburn ranch W M Rozell was in McCook Tuesday with a load of fat porkers Roy Coleman accompanied by a couple of young ladies spent a pleasant eve ning at the home of Miss Ethel Sharp A protracted or revival meeting com enced at the Coleman school house last Monday night Rev Chadesof Culbert 6on is conducting the meeting Every body is invited to attend PROSPECT PARK Evert Cox went to Cambridge last Wednesday to shuck corn G J Armstrong ha3 been helping J H Wade build a new barn which will be quite an improvement to his place Miss Dena Mette has been visiting with her sister a few days this week J B Ellis was a Culbertson visitor ANVdWCQ JLMQSI8 1VNOIJLVN uoxyza sip jo auoqapBq aq Stnmooaq qjnj AJ3A ui snqi ajdoad xre3U3iuv3ll4 o tpSuszis puBqreaqajit3nTATSreauiAjaAa ye ajqBi AjaAa no aq uoos tjiay Jinosjg Bp93Uft os puy nAvorq J3A3 ssq ppoAV aq iaspio Bpos pajjad soni aq sb pazra o araoa aABq qoiqiWJnosa epoeuf jo saSsspBd 000000OOt jCpron jo ares aq Aq pajsaB P iaAa SJ0UI pue ajora pasn Supq are siajpBJa Bpos pooj jo appjB ub sy ssaujBajS oj asu ubd uopBn on qiu iBuauiBpnrg E3j2 srq jo uopBpaiddB jadojd b noqiM aSBJnoo pus Xrana ssai3 Bq SuTuaqiSua QS si Bq pooj UABja joj pooi xnBjq joj pooj pooj pooS sx last Monday Has tell Tirrill was out from McCook Sunday and gave tho Sunday School a very good and instructive lesson in the temperance lino by a blackboard illus trntion INDIAK0LA fhirlf Rvfmlrl jinrl fimilv nf Mcflfnlr w - i - visited relatives in Indianola Sunday dray J Mrs L B Korns left Monday morn- iner on the earlv train for southeast Cecil Pew is spending Thanksgiving j Missouri where she will spend tho win at the old homo in Hebron Nebraska tor with her daughter Mrs William Wallen Mr Ross White who has been visiting his brother here went to McCook Mon day night to resume his duties in the railroad service Born to Mr aud Mrs Jake Fritz a son Rev Newlin a formar pastor at this place visited briefly from Wednesday until Thursday morning in town among friends Mrs Li Li Aimer or Hastings was a went to Lebanon Sunday to the survey - - - ji amDJ t t pleasant visitor in town a few days this i week Fredric Chessmore has moved his family to Mascot where ho intends work ing on a station A son was born to Roy Kennedy and wife Tuesday of last week A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs Lewis Elmer List Tuesday Mr and Mrs Charles Iloag went to Edison this week and will eat turkey with theis daughter Mrs L B Sim mons on Thanksgiving day John Dutcher is the happiest man on the divide since Sunday morning Twin boys have been born to them Miss Anna Smith entertained the new society of N L II at her home Tues day evening The next meeting will be with Miss Edith Allen Mrs William Thompson is enjoying a visit from her sister from Iowa She ar rived Tuesday night and will make an extended visit with relatives here Tony the son of Joseph Cisar living a few miles southeast of town left home about three weeks ago to trap and hunt Monday his dead body was found a short distauce from Benkelman by some parties out hunting The coroner was notified who gave a verdict that tho de ceased had met death from exposure John Molleck was sent to bring tho body home for burial Funeral took place Tuesday afternoon at 2 oclock Father Mullally olliciating Grand Master Vandyke of the A O U W spoke to the Workmen Friday evening He made an eloquent addrass The audience was small owing to other entertainments Miss Jennie Madison is visiting in Su perior and other towns in eastern Ne braska Miss Stella McCool went down to Edison Sunday morning to visit Mr and Mrs L B Simmons The Epworth League social on last Friday evening was well attended and all present enjoyed themselves exceed ingly Each one called on gave a dollar and told in rhyme how they earned it Mr Loomis and Attorney Leonard of Omaha came to Indianola in theirspecial car Wednesday morning on a hunting tour Meanwhile they were the guests of Postmaster McCool Mrs W Bobst has returned from Grand Island where she went some time ago on business Married at the home of the bride in Indianola Wednesday evening Novem ber 21st Miss Bertha E Smith and Edward Roscoe Cain The high con tracting parties are well and favorably known in this community the groom being a young man of irreproachable character and the bride a leader in church and social circles RevE Smith united the happy couple using the beautiful rictual of the Methodist Epis copal church They will commence housekeeping at the Korns home just west of town mPi sUtifJTJ rJT J KTWSvrl B f I BARTLEY It is reported here that Lute Bush and Sam Peterson are in trouble at Beaver City for break ing into a saloon The Ministerial Association of this district members of the M E church are holding a very inter resting session here this week Rev CrippenCrippen and Kirby former pastors at this place are among the ministers in attend ance Commissioner Prerner took out a large bill of paint and oil this week to be used on his new house and barn and other buildings When done he will have the most cozy home in Alliance Pre cinct The town council arranged with Mr Otto Webber for the debris around his building to be used in improving Main street in Bartley The plastering is done on Mrs Dietschs house and the finish will be put on ready for occu pancy Dr and Mrs Mackechnie of Indianola were visitors in Bart ley Sunday last A son of Mr Minor living north of Bartley fell from a wagon load ed with corn and had his hand mashed and leg broken Wednes day of this week George Leiston gathered and cribbed 102 bushels of corn last Tuesday Mr Will Bueler and Mr Winters south of town are hav ing some trouble this week over trespassing stock and are feeing the lawyers to find out who is in the right of the case Henry Leiston was run over last week by a wagon loaded with corn and had his foot badly mashed Mrs Durbin and Will Downs were coming in from their work Thursday evening the tongue of the wagon came down the horses ran away throwing Mr Durbin and Mr Downs from the wagon Downs escaped without injury but Durbin was badly injured S W Stilgebouer returned from Danbury last Saturday Several of the farmers south of Bartley are having Mr Meeker of McCook survey their land and find the lines about 16 rods out of line Much work will be required changing fences and roads to comply with the new survey Henry Harths new house ready for the plasterers Quick is Recently in the Centerpoint items of The Tribute in annc nciug the wedd ing of Miss Edna Austin nn aiv rM lSd W was V ml ne yuick Postoffice and store Th13 was incorrect The wedding was performed at the home of the brides parents Mr and Mrs E B Austin ia the presence of relatives and friends V T t Yll r t