The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 30, 1906, Image 7

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Movements of Covpe Resembled
Flashes of Lightning
Hero Is a story as told by a gentle
man who spends the greater portion
of his time studying the habits of
A humming bird with an angry dash
expressed Its disapproval of the pres
ence of a big bumblebee In the same
tree The- usually pugnacious bee in
continently fled but ho did not leave
the tree He darted back and forth
among the branches and white blos
soms the humming bird in close pur
suit Wbere will you find another pair
that could dodge and dart equal to
these They were like flashes of
light yet tho pursuer followed the
track of tho pursued turning when
tho bee turned
In short tho bird and the bee con
trolled the movements of their bodies
more quickly and more accurately
than he could control the movements
of his eyes The chase was all over
In half the time it takes to tell it
but the excitement of a pack of hounds
after a fox was no greater The bee
escaped the bird giving up the chase
and alighting on a twig It couldnt
have been chasing the bee for food
and there is no possible explanation
of its unprovoked attack except that
it wanted all the honey itself
American Expert Leads World
Gardner F Williams the American
mining engineer who directs the dia
mond output of the world was born in
Michigan but became a resident of
California at 15 and a student at Cali
fornia college in Oakland afterward
the state university He perfected
his education at the mining Academy
of Freiberg among the lead mines of
Saxony He was assayer in the mint
at San Francisco two years and spent
some time in practical work in the
mines of Nevada and northern Cali
fornia He then went on an exploring
expedition for the Rothschilds to Ma
schonaland and made the acquaint
ance of Cecil Rhodes He took charge
of the mines of the De Beers company
In 188G through the influence of
Rhodes and has been at their head un
til recently when he returned to
America leaving his son Alpheus Wil
liams in his place
The Scotsmans Diet
For centuries the chief diet of the
Scotch people has been oats in some
form or other As a result they are
to day the strongest both mentally
and physically of any nation in the
world The best rolled oats made is
Quaker Oats and our readers can now
get a large family package for 25c
and with each package free a beauti
ful piece of imported china Ask your
grocer to day for a family package of
Quaker Oats
Anticipate Honor for New Yorker
Rev Dr Magnes recently elected
assistant rabbi of Temple Emanu El
in New York is spoken of as the next
president of the American Federation
of Zionists at present Dr Frieden
wald of Baltimore is the official head
of the federation
He who comes up to his own idea
of greatness must always have had
a very low standard of it in his mind
Few men will admit they are wrong
as long as there is a chance to make
others believe they are right
Miss Emma Cole Says that Lydia E
Pinkhams Vegetable Compound has
Saved Her Life and Made Her Well
How many lives of beautiful young1
girls have been sacrificed just as they
were ripening into womanhood How
many irregularities or displacements
have been developed at this important
period resulting in years of suffering 1
fjffltssm772a Cole
A mother should come to her childs
aid at this critical time and remember
that Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable
Compound will prepare the system for
the coming1 change and start this try
ing period in a young girls life without
pain or irregularities
Miss Emma Cole of Tullahoma Tenn
Dear Mrs Pinkham
I -want to tell you that I am enjoying bet
ter health than I have for years and I owe
it all to Lydia E Pinkhams vegetable Com
When fourteen years of age I suffered al
most constant pain and for two or three
years I had soreness and pain in my side
headaches and was dizzy and nervous and
doctors all failed to help me
Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound
was recommended and after taking it my
health began to improve rapidly and I think
it saved my life I sincerely hope my experi
ence will be a help to other girls who are pass
ing from girlhood to -womanhood for I know
your Compound will do as much for them
If you know of any young girl who is
sick and needs motherly advice ask her
to write Mrs Pinkham Lynn Mass
and she will receive free advice which
will put her on the right road to a
strong healthy andhappy womanhood
Mrs Pinkham is daughter-in-law of
Lydia E Pinkham and for twenty five
yejifs has been advising sick women
free of charge
Many Remedies for Unpleasant Smells
of Cooking
A generous lump of soda placed In
pots and pans in which fish cabbage
onions and other strong smelling foods
have been cooked will make them
smell sweet and clean
A teaspoonful of vinegar boiling on
the stove will counteract the smell of
strong food
A teaspoonful of ground cloves on
a few hot coals will produce the same
A sponge placed in a saucer of boil
ing hot water In which has been add
ed a teasponful of oil of lavender
gives a fragrance of violents to a
room in which It has been placed
Flies will not remain where the odor
of oil of lavender is
A stale crust of bread boiled with
cabbage will absorb the disagreeable
A large lump of charcoal in a re
frigerator will prevent a musty smell
A pound of copperas dissolved in
boiling water if poured into drain
pipes will dissolve the grease and
other impurities
An onion breath may be gotten rid
of by swallowing a mouthful of vine
gar or drinking half a cup of hot wa
ter in which a pinch or baking soda
has been dissolved
A few mouthfuls of lime water or a
few drops of the tincture of myrrh in
a tumbler of water will sweeten an un
pleasant breath and a small piece of
crris root if chewed will give a vio
let odor to the breath
Home Made Head Cheese
Split a small pigs head and wash in
cold water Place with two well
cleaned feet over the fire cover with
cold water and add a tablespoonful of
salt As soon as it begins to boil add
three onions and one carrot sliced a
bay leaf and a tablespoonful whole
peppers Cover and cook until the
meat separates from the bones Re
move the head and feet chop fine
season with salt and pepper to taste
Strain the broth and leave over night
In the morning remove the fat and if
there is more than three pints of the
liquor boil until it is reduced to that
quantity Add the meat stir and cook
five minutes then pour into molds
Slice for luncheon If the head cheese
is to be kept for a long time put it
into a stone jar and cover with vine
Cider Apple Jelly
With cider fresh and sweet from
the press try making apple jelly
Wash and wipe fine flavored rather
tart apples quarter and put into a
preserving kettle with cider to near
ly cover Cook gently until the ap
ples are soft then strain and measure
the juice There should be about
half as much cider as fruit Allow
for each pint of juice a pint of sugar
heating the latter in the open while
the juice is cooking for 20 minutes
Turn the sugar in with the juice stir
until dissolved remove the spoon and
cook five minutes longer Pour into
hot sterilized glasses and set on thick
folded newspapers or a board out of
a draught When cold cover with
paraffin brandied paper or circles of
paper dipped in white of egg
Onion Soup With Cheese
Cut into small eighth inch squares
two medium onions or four ounces
fry them in butter and moisten with
two quarts of Broth adding a bunch
of parsley garnished with chervil bay
leaf and a clove of garlic season with
a little salt pepper and meat extract
boil for 20 minutes then remove the
boquet and pour the soup over very
thin slices of bread placed in a metal
or earthenware soup tureen in inter
vening layers of bread and Parmesan
cheese Sprinkle a little Parmesan
over the top of the soup Bake it in
a hot oven
Chestnut Stuffing
The following is a stuffing espe
cially for turkey Select 15 large
chestnuts and boil them in water un
til they are very tender then re
move the skins and shell and pound
them in a mortar until they are
a paste Stir a half pound of bread
crumbs into four ounces of suet beef
suet for choice add salt and pepper
and a little lemon juice to taste
Mix into this a pound of the chest
nut paste and the stuffing is ready to
Creamed Potatoes
For creaming baked potatoes are
much better than boiled ones as they
are more mealy and when one desires
the empty shells for serving any
form of potato not baked they may be
gathered by baking potatoes for a day
or two for other meals scooping out
the inside and either mashing or
creaming the potato brushing the
shells with butter and setting aside
until time for using them
The Care of Shoes
Shoes may be kept up to the mark
by rubbing the tops with a piece of
black cloth dipped in a solution of
cream and black ink and by polish
ing the lower portions vigorously
with a piece of old flannel An old
pair of shoes if treated in this way
and all missing buttons replaced
will make a good appearance particu
larly if before this is done they have
had the heels straightened
China Cement
Into a thick solution of gum arabic
stir plaster of parls until the mixture
assumes the consistency of cream Ap
ply the mixture with a brush to the
broken edges of the china and join
ogether In three days the article
annct be broken in the same place
The whitcaocs cf the ceaieat adds to
its value
w i
Justice Geo E Law of Brazil fnd
Has Married 1400 Couples
Justice Geo E Law of Brazil Ind
has fairly earned the titla of The Mar
rying Squire by
which he is known
far and wide hav
ing already married
some 1400 couples
Ten years ago ho
was deputy county
treasurer At that
time said Justice
Law I was suffer
ing from an annoy
ing kidney trouble My back ached
my rest was broken at night and the
passages of the kidney secretions were
too frequent and contained sediment
Three boxes of Doans Kidney Pills
cured me in 1897 and for the past
nine years I have been free from kid
ney complaint and backache
Sold by all dealers 50 cents a box
Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N Y
Picquart Shows Genero2lty
Gen Picquart the defender cf
Dreyfus and now the French minister
of war has defined his attitude to
ward his old prosecutors in the army
When an officer who was involved in
the conspiracy that banished Picquart
to the border of the Sahara entered
the ministers office and began to
stammer out a statement on the sub
ject Picquart stopped him saying I
only kuow one thing and that is that
you have always been an excellent of
ficer You may be sure that I shall
not forget that
Laundry work at home would be
inuc1 more satisfactory if the right
Starch were used In order to get the
desired stiffness it is usually neces
sary to use so much starch that the
beauty and fineness of the fabric is
hidden behind a paste of varying
thickness which not only destroys the
appearance but also affects the wear
ing quality of the goods This trouble
can he entirely overcome by using De
fiance Starch as it can be applied
much more thinly because of its great
er strength thai other makes
Delayed Telegram Suggested Awful
There was a traveling man said
the night operator whose wife pre
sented him with a son while he was
out drumming up trade The doctor
got the mans address and since his
wife was doing none too well wrote
ont a message giving him the news
and telling him to return
The doctor gave the message to
the cook who couldnt read She
forgot to send it and the next day the
drummer came home of his own ac
He stayed a day or two found his
wife doing all right and set out on
his rounds again Nothing as it hap
pened was said about the forgotten
And at the end of the week the
telegram was remembered by the
cook With an exclamation of horror
you know she couldnt read she
hurried to the office and sent to the
drummer that delayed message When
he got it that night he was terrified
What he read was this
Anntlini nrJHifinn n enn1 vnnr
wife very ill return at once
He took the midnight train for j
home He was like a man in a trance
Another he kept muttering in a
dazed voice Impossible
On getting home he was so reliev
ed when everything was explained to
him that he decided not to fire the
cook after all
He Sometimes Gets Sick Like Other
Even doing good to people is hard
work if you have too much of it to do
No one knows this better than the
hard working conscientious family
doctor He has troubles of his own
often gets caught in the rain or snow
or loses so much sleep he sometimes
gets out of sorts An overworked
Ohio doctor tells his experience
About three years ago as the result
of doing two mens work attending a
large practice and looking after the
details of another business my health
broke down completely and I was lit
tle better than a physical wreck
I suffered from indigestion and
constipation loss of weight and appe
tite bloating and pain after meals
loss of memory and lack of nerve
force for continued mental applica
I became irritable easily angered
and despondent without cause The
hearts action became irregular and
weak with frequent attacks of palpi
tation during the first hour of two
after retiring
Some Grape Nuts and cut bananas
came for my lunch one day and
pleased me particularly with the re
sult I got more satisfaction from it
than from anything I had eaten for
months and on further investigation
and use adopted Grape Nuts for my
morning and evening meals served
usually with cream and a sprinkle of
salt or sugar
My improvement was rapid and
permanent in weight as well as in
physical and mental endurance In a
word I am filled with the joy of liv
ing again and continue the daily use
of Grape Nuts for breakfast and often
for the evening meal
Tho little pamphlet The Road to
Wellville found in pkgs is invari
ably saved and handed to some needy
patient along with the indicated rem
edy Name given by Postum Co
Battle Creek Mich Theres a rea
Turn flattery upsido down and you
have slander
Mr WlnMoiTfl Soothing Syrtip
For riil id re a tcethlnc otcn tlw cume reduces In
fiainma Iou allays win cures lu J col lc 23c a bottle
A woman begins to sit up and take
notice when other women say nice
things about her husband
Old Sofas Backs of Chairs etc can
be dyed with PUTNAM FADELESS
DYES fast bright durable colors
The ring of the almighty dollar adds
appreciably to tho satifefactlon a girl
derives from her engagement ring
Lewis Single Binder Cigar has a rich
taste Your dealer or Lewis Factory
Peoria HI
It takes a man with strong will pow
er to listen to reason when he is
National Pure Food and Drugs Act
All the Garfield llemedics comply with
the Pure Food and Drugs Law Take
Garfield Tea for constipation and sick
The young man who thinks his boss
cant get along without him may have
to get along without his boss later in
the game
important to Mothers
Esantne carefully every bottle of CASTORIA
a sate and pure remedy for iufoata and children
ctitl see that it
Kears the
Signature of
y - i in
In Uec For Over 30 Years
She Kit You Ilavc Always Eouchi
Australian Educator in America
William S Mayer one of the most
noted educators of New South Wales
being connected with the University
of Sydney is visiting Boston Mr
Mayer is a native of Grnat Britain
and went to Australia IS years ago
Hows This
Wo offer One Hundred Djllars for any
zzzz of Catarrh that cannot be cured by IIail3
Catarrh Cure
We the undersigned have known K J Cheney
for tho last 13 years and believe him perfectly hon
orable In all btialnes transactions and flnanclaly
able to carry oat nay obligations made by lils firm
Waldikg Kinjjan ti M Kvix
Wholesale Druggists Toledo O
nall3 Catarrh Cure Is tfen Internally acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surface of the
system Testimonials sent free Irlce 73 cents per
bottle Sold by all Drujrcief
Take Halls Family 1IIU iVrconstlpatloa
Artists Dislike Solitude
Mme Bernhardt and Signora Duse
have mutual horror of being alone
while traveling Caruso the tenor is
of the same temperament always
avoiding solitude He is always ac
companied by some friend who ar
ranges traveling and other details for
him gives the singer advice and takes
all similar responsibility from the
artists shoulders
The Original Porous Plaster
Its Allcocks first introduced to the
people sixty years ago and to day un
doubtedly has the largest sale of any
external remedy millions being sold
annually all over the world There
have been imitations to be sure but
never has there been one to even com
pare with Allcocks the worlds
standard external remedy
For a weak back cold on the chest
or any local pain the result of taking
cold or over strain nothing we know
of compares with this famous plaster
English Labor Party Active
In England the Labor party is ask
ing all the affiliated unions to double
their subscriptions to the parliamen
tary representation fund It is now
two cents a member
Quaker Oats For Little Folks
One of the reasons why Quaker Oats is used
universally is because it is a food that makes both
children and grownups sturdy and healthy because
it is so easy to digest
uaker Ots
in tho large sized Family Packarfo at 25c tho same price as
common rolled oats contains cither a plate vegetable dish or
cup and saucer of beautifully decorated semi-
porcelain china If your grocer does not have
the Family Package ho
will get it for you
JTie Quaker Qzla mpany
QuakerVest Comment is
the new delicious Quaker
product the ttcst com
ment youve ever hnd Try
a 3 pound sealed pack
age for 10c
PFAYFlQ of this paper de
M1LFL1J JLlJ sirmjr to buy
its columns should insist upon havin
whet they ask lor refusing all substi
tutes or imitations
rart r
rJV rail
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IT For
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TO Ml I CU Tveoklv Aiklress GATEWAY
SALESMEN NUllbliltr CU I oilars lotra
W N U OMAHA NO 48 1906
fbr Cougk Cold Croup
Sore IhrodtoiiirNeck
Rheumatism n
At ail Dealers
Price 25o 50c HOD
Senr Free
ClA R AAlf SM YA -
Cattle Hogs Poultry llffig
Address Dr Earl S Sloan
6I5 Albany Sh BosionMass
ryJMW fWmervmr
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CTtwggicwagagtgRnggLi m mutm
iferl THeWiNNiNvreF r
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If more than ordinary skill in playing brings the honors of the
game to the winning player so exceptional merit in a remedy
ensures the commendation of the well informed and as a rea
sonable amount of outdoor life and recreation is conducive to
the health and strength so does a perfect laxative tend to ones
improvement in cases of constipation biliousness headaches
etc It is all important however in selecting a laxative to
choose one of known quality and excellence like the ever
pleasant Syrup of Figs manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Go a laxative vhich sweetens and cleanses the system
effectually when a laxative is needed without any unpleasant
after effects as it acts naturally and gently on the internal
organs simply assisting nature when nature needs assistance
without griping irritating or debilitating the internal organs in
any way as it contains nothing of an objectionable or injurious
nature As the plants which are combined with the figs in
the manufacture of Syrup of Figs are known to physicians to
act most beneficially upon the system the remedy has met
with their general approval as a family laxative a fact well
vorth considering in making purchases
It is because of the fact that SYRUP OF FIGS
is a remedy of known quality and excellence and approved by
physicians that has led to its use by so many millions of well
informed people who would not use any remedy of uncertain
quality or inferior reputation Every family should have a
bottle of the genuine on hand at all times to use when a
laxative remedy is required Please to remember that the
genuine Syrup of Figs is for sale in bottles of one size
only by all reputable druggists and that tull name of the
company Galifornia Fig Syrup Go is plainly printed on
the front of every package Regular price 50c per bottle
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