I The Tribune F M KIMMELL Publisher MCOOK The Teachers Privilege Whatv nobler profession can there be than that of passing on to younger human beings the be3t there Is in us It Is rather a strange contradiction that while education is highly valued in our country teaching on the whole I NEBRASKA has less honor than It deserves It Is a nitv that pnmmnnlv mnro rnrfi ie w had yea and that among very wise men to find out rather a cunning man for their horse than a cunning man for their children We do not pay our teachers enough for our own good since a liberal salary attracts talent not only in itself but because it is a symbol of success Half a million Americans are now engaged in doing what they can with 20000000 younger minds Surely no half million Ameri cans are employed in more important work Teach self denial said Wal ter Scott and something might be said of other virtues and make its practice pleasurable and you create for the world a destiny more sublime than ever issued from the brain of the wildest dreamer Teach anything that is good remarks Colliers and you touch the depths The ablest and truest men and women are required those who know life and are not jpedants not machines with notions of suggestion no higher than the ferule and the copy book The teacher works with living minds and hearts and souls On no man or woman rests a higher or more inspiring task Endowed Theater for Masses Is it to be believed that out of our rich refined play loving population there are not to be found those with sufficient enthusiasm or self sacrifice to raise whatever money is necessary to establish at least one ideal experi mental theater with a sixpenny gal lery and a shilling pit all places to be reserved and with free perform ances at least once a week where the best works of the best dramatists of the world could be played by a com pany whose primary object was not to serve as advertisements for the dressmaker or be mere incidents in the scenic splendors of the carpen ters art What is wanted is faith and after faith organization Even in this day of doubt and unbelief the churches can find faith enough to cre ate organizations which raise any amount of cash says W T Stead in World To Day I am loath to believe that the theater going public is such a godless reckless worthless set of selfish loons that it is impossible to raise out of their midst a fellowship of stalwart workers and liberal givers who will begin the democratic regen eration of the theater In order to ascertain how often and for what a dollar is spent a California society is sending into circulation a hundred silver dollars each fastened to a parchment tag The person into whose hands one of the dollars falls is requested to write in blank spaces on the tag the date place and occasion of the transfer of the coin to his pos session and then pass it on in the course of ordinary business Ten coins will be sent out by each of sev eral trades and professions bankers artisans retailers and so on It is hoped that the coins will be returned according to directions with all the blanks filled to the projectors of the scheme and that they may draw practically scientific conclusions about the habits of American purchas ers In school compositions The Au tobiography of a Cent used to be a favorite subject and those innocent fictions are no doubt the progenitors of these real travels of real dollars Some point is given to the demand of the Hungarian nationalists for an increase in the Hungarian represen tation in the consular and diplomatic service of the dual empire by a late incident which occurred in New York says the Youths Companion A Hun garian who came to America some years ago without having performed his military service was summoned to return and serve his term of duty He finally wrote an angry and saucy let ter in which he asserted his indepen dence under American law and at ttacked the Austrian military authori ties the foreign minister and finally the emperor The consul general at New York either through carelessnss or inability to read Hungarian sent this letter on the military authorities with the formal and stereotyped In dorsement Contents of memorial agree with facts and acceptance is recommended According to some of the scientists women are growing taller If this would keep them from growing stout er after they reached middle age it isnt likely that many of them would worry much over their increasing length In 1905 the natural gas produced and sold in the United States was worth 41562855 and the supply was growing larger despite wasteful meth ods The fear of a shortage of fuel seems to have a small foundation THE 01ACK WATCH MEMORIAL TABLZ Mcjam There are but few monuments or memorials erected to English soldiers in this country but a new one has but recently been completed at Ticon deroga This is in the form of a Car negie liabrary which has been dedi cated to the heroes of the famous Black Watch regiment which played such a prominent part in the attack on that fortress July 8 1758 during the war with France For eight con secutive hours these Scotch High landers charged Montcalms entrench ments The regiment is still a fa mous one in the English army and its officers have placed in the library building a memorial tablet to the members of the regiment killed In that engagement The tablet which is of marble framed in bronze is placed over the fireplace In the east wall of the build ing The stone that was found with the remains of Lord Howe and which served to identify the bones as those of that unfortunate officer has been presented to the library by Frederick B Richards and enclosed in a hand some glass case occupies a conspicu ous place in the historical alcove The library building was erected at a cost of 7000 of which 2000 was for a historical annex The original name proposed for the building was the Carnegie Public Li brary and Black Watch Memorial His torical Building but as that proved too cumbersome for every day use the whole building is known locally as the Black Watch Memorial and this is carved in stone over the entrance and a bronze tablet on the front of the building beside the entrance will read Carnegie Public Library and Historical Building This incident recalls the tragic death of Colonel Campbell of Inver awe at this battle and the peculiar story connected with it In the middle of the eighteenth cen tury the chief of the Campbells of In verawe had been giving an entertain ment at his castle on the banks of the Awe The party had broken up and Campbell was left alone He was roused by a violent knocking at the gate and was surprised at the ap pearance of one of his guests with torn garments and disheveled hair demanding admission I have killed a man and am pursued by enemies I beseech you to let me in Swear upon your dirk upon the cruachan or hip where you dirk rests swear by Ben Cruachan that you will not betray me Campbell swore and placed the fugitive in a secret place in the house Presently there was a second knocking at the gate It was a party of his guests who said Your Cousin Donald has been killed where is the murderer At this announce ment Campbell remembered the great oath which he had sworn gave an evasive answer and sent off the pur suers in a wrong direction He then went to the fugitive and said You have killed my Cousin Donald I can not keep you here The murderer appealed to his oaths and persuaded Campbell to let him stay for the night Campbell did so and retired to rest In the visions of that right the blood stained Donald appeared to him with these words Inverawe Inverawe blood has been shed shield not the murderer0 In the morning Campbell went to his guest and told him that further shelter was impossible He took him however to a cave in Ben Cruachan and there left him The night again closed in and Campbell slept and again the blood stained Don ald appeared Inverawe Inverawe blood has been shed shield not the murderer On the morning he went to the cave on the mountain and the murderer had fled Again at night he slept and again the blood stained Donald rose before him and said In g5ggBagfeWij 300css 1 m urn mn y w I THg qjTQRMDVG Of FiDPF TTCOTTZJiZROGA a - verawe Inverawe blood has been shed We shall not meet again till we meet at Ticonderoga He woke in the morning and behold it was a dream But the story of the triple apparition remained by him and he often told it amongst his kinsmen asking always what the ghost could mean by the mysterious word of their final rendezvous In 1758 there broke out the French and English war in America which after many rebuffs ended in the con quest of Quebec by General Wolfe Campbell of Inverawe went out with the Black Watch the Forty second Highland regiment afterwards so fa mous There on the eve of an en gagement the general came to the officers and said We had better not tell Campbell the name of the fortress which we are attack to morrow It is Ticonderoga Let us call it Fort George The assault took place in the morning Campbell was mortally wounded He sent for the general These were his last words General you have deceived me I have seen him again This is Ticonderoga The story romantic in itself was the more impressive from the fact that Ticonderoga was a name familiar to me from the monuments in the south aisle of Westminster Abbey to two officers killed in that disastrous affair One is to Lord Howe erected by the province of Massachusetts Bay not yet the state of Massachu setts The other is to Colonel Town send with the fortress carved on the monument and two red Indians under neath it Fun for the Neighbors Virgil P Kline the noted corpora tion lawyer of Cleveland in an ad dress upon ambition said Ambi tion is an excellent thing Without it the world would not progress But there are worthy and unworthy am bitions silly and wise beneficent and maleficent ones Then there are the peculiar the distinctive ambitions such as we sea in childhood Thus I once knew a little boy who had ani ambition to be a letter carrier and finding in a cedar chest in the attic a great bundle of love letters that his mother had been prerrving since the days of her courtsliip he packed them in a leather school satchel and distributed them from nouse to house throughout the neighborhood Evil in High Hats A French physician has been taking notes on the temperature in high hats In the early morning when the doc tor was walking in the Bois de Bou logne while the shade temperature was 77 degrees the instrument inside the hat registered 9C degrees At noon when the outer air was at 90 degrees the temperature ipslde the hat was 108 degrees In the evening with a cool breeze at 68 degrees blow ing the top hat temperature was SS degrees The doctor is to read a pa- per before the academy showing that this unnataural heating of the head causes many nervous diseases and af fections of the brain Singing Records The singer at the end of the tice aria panted heavily I sang 196 notes that time he said without once taking breath indeed That must be a record No The record is held by Courtice Pounds Pounds sang 316 notes with out respiration in 1898 The record previous to that was held by FarinelH with 300 notes Norman Salmond has sung 287 notes in this way It is wonderful what lungs trained singers have The average man could hardly sing 50 notes without breath ing whereas to the singer 200 would be nothing ESI -- - q m ii mi ii n i in a iJfyMACKWArCH M k ATUCONDEMQA ji Tn rrJLAXxiybAtofcrrtAr - - - jm mi Y32R0YAiCHlGHLAN0 REGIMENT Y A17THP STORMINC OF rOJTT TJCQNDEROG ON WltCK BAY CUT OF A TOTAL STKHNCtH Of ELCVEK HUNDRED THE REGIMENT SUrTED THE f OUOWINO CA9AtTlS 4 J WfFHrO AND 3QO RANK AND FILE KILLED 17 OFFICERS AND 316 RANK AND FltE WOWOSD AZSt V r inr SOME NEW DISHES FOUR WAYS OF PREPARING CHESTNUTS Good Things Borowed from French Cooks Chestnut Salad Worthy a Place on Any Table Prep aration of Grape Juice Here is a dish taken from our French neighbors and one that is especially now timely Peel off the inside skin of chestnuts then steep in boiling water until the Inner skins can be readily removed Throw as fast as peeled into a bowl of cold water Put two ounces of butter in a saucepan with two tablespoonfuls flour Stir until blended then pour in one cup or more of clear broth stirring until smooth Salt to taste add chestnuts and simmer gently un til soft Serve with roasted meats or poultry especially turkey ROASTED CHESTNUTS Split the skin on one side of large chestnuts and put in a pan with a perforated bottom Stand over a moderate fire shaking often until tendei Wrap in a cloth for ten minutes to steam then serve with salt and butter DEVILED CHESTNUTS Put one pound large chestnuts into a sauce pan of boiling water and parboil Plunge into cold water until the skins loosen then remove them Dry thoroughly then put into a frying pan with hot butter and toss and shake intil gold color Sprinkle with salt mixed with a little cayenne and serve either hot or cold as preferred CHESTNUT SALAD Make a slit with a penknife in the outer skin of three dozen large chestnuts Put into a saucepan of hot water and boil 20 minutes Drain and plunge into cold water until the skins loosen Peel cut into quarters and dust with salt and pepper Peel four large sour apples core and cut into pieces of similar size to nuts Cut some of the dark meat of a cold roasted tur key or duck into pieces of the same size and arrange on lettuce leaves in the salad bowl or in individual plates Sprinkle over them two tablespoonfuls chopped mixed pickles and dress with a French dressing of oil and vinegar and serve GRAPE JUICE While grapes are at their cheapest it pays to put up plenty of grape juice for home con sumption There is no beverage more refreshing or wholesome in ill ness than the unfermented juice of the grape while in hot weather it is one of the most cooling of drinks Put up at home a pint bottle costs scarce four cents while the lowest price at the drug store is 23 cents To pre pare the grape juice cut the bunches of grapes a little trimming off super fluous stems and taking out the un sound berries Put in a granite ware or porcelain lined kettle covering with water for two or three inches The proportion of water is about three quarts to IS pounds of fruit Cook until the grapes burst and the juice exudes crushing ocasionally with a wooden spoon Put a colander ever a large jar and cover Avith a square of cheesecloth Turn fruit and juice into this drain measure and return to a clean nreserving kettle Let it come to a boil and skim Now add sugar to taste a half cup to each quart is a good proportion stir un til dissolved then cook five min utes skimming carefully Have ready cans or bottles sterilized and heated in pans of boiling water Fill with the hot juice then seal If bottles are employed be sure the corks are sterilized as well as the bottles them selves The most convenient bottles to use are the self sealing pop or beer bottles Keep in a cool dark place If preferred the grapes may be cooked without water then diluted when ready to drink Excellent Salad Dressing For those who dislike the taste of oil the following salad dressing is very good Mix together one tea spoonful each of salt sugar and mus tard and one half teaspoonful of white pepper add the well beaten yolks of two eggs and stir until thor oughly mixed and smooth Melt two tablespoonfuls of butter in half a cupful of hot vinegar and add it slow ly to the eggs Stir in gradually one cupful of sweet milk scalded and mix all well together Cook in a double boiler until thickened but do not al low the dressing to boil or it will curdle Let cool then whip in the beaten whites of the eggs Thin with a little cream when ready for use Cover tightly and put in the refriger ator This is a delicious dressing for various kinds of salad Sweet Cucumber Pickle The following will be found an ex cellent recipe for sweet pickles made with ripe cucumbers Pare and quar ter the cucumbers removing all the seeds cover with salt and water and let them stand over night then drain and boil in good cider vinegar when tender remove the vinegar and place in jars Make a sirup of one quart of vinegar one heaping coffee cupful of sugar and one tablespoonful of cinna mon half a tablespoonful of cloves half a teasponful of cayenne pepper Boil 20 minutes and turn while hot over the pickles Prune Cake Cream a half cupful of butter with a cupful and a half of sugar add a cupful of milk and the stiffened whites of five eggs alternately with -two and a half cupfuls of prepared flour or enough to make a light batter Fla vor with a few drops of essence of bitter almonds and bake in four layer tins When cold put the prune filling between the cake layers RATTLE OF THE RIVETER The Man from Oklahoma Thought It Was a Woodpecker Charleys uncle from Oklahoma was up town being shown the sights he having come in the day before with a few loads of steers and Charley was doing the honors They were walking along on Grand avenue discussing the tall buildings when all of a sudden one of those rackety riveting machines began ham mering away at high speed on a top story of a steel skyscraper building The old man stopped as if hed run against something Ho turned his eyes in the direction of the sound but could make out nothing When ho turned to his bewildered nephew his eyes were fairly popping Great Scott he exclaimed But Id like to see that woodpecker It must be a whopper Kansas City Star WORST CASE OF ECZEMA Spread Rapidly Over Body Limbs and Arms Had to Be Bandaged Marvelous Cure by Cuticura My son who is now twenty two years of age when he was four months old began to have eczema on his face spreading quite rapidly until he was nearly covered We had all the doctors around us and some from larger places but no one helped him a particle The eczema was something terrible and the doctors said it was the worst case they ever saw At times his whole body and face were covered all but his feet I had to bandage his limbs and arms his scalp was just dreadful A friend teased mo to try uuticura and I be gan to use all three of the Cuticura Remedies He was better in two months and In six months he was well Mrs R L Risley Piermont N H Oct 24 1905 Reception Was Costly Mrs Augustus Heaton of Washing ton some time ago changed from the Episcopalean to the Roman Catholic church and by way of celebrataing the event decided to give a reception in honor of the bishop of her diocese She decided however that her already famous drawing room was not suffi ciently resplendent to serve as a place of reception for the bishop who was to come and congratulate her There was yet time in which to make the room more attractive and Mme Hea ton with true artistic taste had everything taken out of the room ex cept the old furniture and a few art objects The walls before had been covered with tapestry but that was not enough for a reception for the bishop After much thought she finally decided on drab silk wall cov ering What with this and other ex tensive changes in the room without the purchase of furniture Mrs Hea ton got rid of 9000 Z7 1 gj i1rT Tin nniaii miTTni H i i nmirr STOVE POLISH ALWAYS READY TO USE NO DIRT DUST SMOKE OR SMELL N8 MORE STOVE POLISH TROUBLES 1 IPIB I MUSCULAR I I AILMENTS I The Old-Monk-Cure will straighten out a contracted muscle in a jiffy ST JACOBS OIL Dont play possum with pain but tends strictly to business n Price 25c and 50c S10IC lilWliE CARTERS WER i GARTERS HlTTLE I TlVER i TOWERS FISH BRAND cannotoe equalled 2tany price y To Shoe Dealers W L Douglas Job bing House Is the most complete in this country Send for Catalog Positively cured by these Ijittlc lilis They also relievo Dis tress from Dyspepsia In digestion and Too Hearty Eating A perfect rem edy for Dizziness Nausea Drowsiness Bad Tasto In tho Mouth Coated Tongue Pain In the Side TOIJPDD LIVER They regulate tbo Bowels Purely Vegetable SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE SMALL PRICE Genuine Must Bear Fac Simile Signature OILED CLOTHING lb You cant afford to buy any other towraa AJ TOWt CO BOITOH OS A TQWCt CANADIAN CO LTD REFUSE SUBSTITUTES When you buy WET WEATHER CLOTHINO you want complete protection and long service These and many other go o d p oints t are combined in 6i If l J I DOUGLAS s35 s300 Shoes BEST IN THE WORLD WLDouglas 4 Gilt Edge lino P vsa SraMLTTV j MWt tI m TOniSgs SHOES POE EVERYBODY AT ALL PBICES Mens Shoes 5 to SlSO Boys Shoes 3 o125 Womens Shoes 400 to SlSO Misses Childrens Shoes 225 to 3100 Try V I Douglas Womens Blisses ant Childrens shoes for style fit and wear they excel other makes If I could take you Into my large factories at Brockton Alassand show you how carefully WL Douglas shoes are made you would then understand why they hold their shape fit better wear longer and are of greater value than any other make Wherever you live you can obtain W L Douglas shoes His name ami price is stamped on the bottom which protects you against high prices and Inferior shoes Take no substl tute Ask your dealer for V L Douglas shoes and insist upon having them Fast Color Eyelets used they will not wear brassy VIte for Illustrated Catalog of Fall Styles WL DOUGLAS DeoU 12 Brockton Mass BSS Thompsons Eye Water wrote you for advice writes Lelia Hagood of Sylvia Term about my terrible backache and monthly pains in my abdomen and shoulders I had suffered this way nine years and five doctors had failed to relieve me On your advice I aook Wine of Cardui which at once relieved my pains and now I am entirely cured I am sure that Cardui saved my life It is a safe and reliable remedy for all female uiseaseb bucn as peri odical pains irregulari ty dragging down sen sations headache diz ziness backache etc FREE ADVICE Write us a Jetter descrlbinz 11 Eree fTS plain and we sealed l send you -envelop Address Ladles Ad visory Department At Every Drug Store in 100 bottles Try it WINE f sJ t - f r 4 r