i r ijSvS iGliamberlamg Cough Remedy The Childrens Favorite CUBES Coughs Colds Croup and Whooping Cough Tfris remedy Is f among for its core over b large purt o t tho civilized world It con always uo dopended upon It contain no opium or othor harmful drag anil may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult Price 25 ccs Largo Size 50 cts Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY and EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Now location just across street in P Wuleh building ricCook - Nebraska ivsjssssssNSasEvs F D BUliGESS MiffiiiBf oliiJ b KLatiwrU8 to Est tf s ALL r riliok Cg3ygSaggFgE3gl 2 Iron utaa and Scwbi Pipe Bras itfnns KuiTin an nm tf rmmnas Eat re ate- Fu niea F ee Base rrent of thv Posoffice Balding BvES ticCOOK NEBRASKA sells THE BEST LUM BER AND COAL Aro you thinking of building If so it is ten to one our figures will please you M O AIcCLURE Phone No 1 Manager 7tsJSfiGJSsgrsSVSVaSSivB iregj III Home of Quality and Quantity where J UiifluiUuflJiHdilc i Registered Graduate Dentist Office ovor McConnells Drag Store McCOOK NEB Telephones Office 160 residence 131 Former location Atlanta Georgia JOE HIGHT CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Farm Buildings a Specialty SATISFACTION GUARANTEED McCook Neb G H Boyle C E Eldbed Co Attj BOYLE ELDRED Attobnets at Law Long Distance Phone 44 Rooms 1 and 7 second floor Fostoffice Building McCook Neb JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTBACTEB McCook Nebraska gjiAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Office in Postoffice building BEGGS CHERRY COUGH SYRUP Cures BRONCHITIS feiitLi WBKSk The best of every thing in his line at the most reasonable prices is Harshs motto He wants your trade and hopes by merit to keep it The Butcher Phone 12 FAY HOSTETTER TEACHER ON PIANO McCook Nebraska Studio upstairs in nuwRishel building south of Post Oflico urn n i m DENTIST po Office Rooms 3 and 5 YuIsli Blk McCook YOU WOULD DO WELL TO SEE J M Rupp FOR ALL KINDS OF ftp fcfr Qpfc P O Box 131 McCook Nebraska McCook Laundry Q C HECKMAN Prop Dry and Steam Cleaning and Pressing NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF ESTATE In the County Court within and for Red Wil low County Nebraska In the matter of the estate of Aaran Colvin deceased Notice is hereby given all persons having claims or demands against Aaran Colvin late of Red Willow Connty Nebraska deceased that the time fixed for filling claims against said estate is six mouths from November 2nd lt06 All such persons are required to present their claims duly verifiedto the County Judge of Red Willow County on or before May 2nd 1907 or the same will be forever barred All claims filed will be examined and adjusted bj tho County Judge of said County at his or fice in McCook Nebraska on May 5th 1907 at one oclock p m It is ordered that tho above notice be pub lished in the McCook Tribune a weekly news paper published in said county for four suc cessive weeks Given under my hand and tho seal of the County Court this 29th day of October A D 1906 J C Moore seal County Judge Important Notice All persons aro hereby notified and warned that TRESPASS in any form on tho following described lands in Red Willow county will be prosecuted to tho full extent of tin law VV5NWi 9 WHSWJf 4-4-30 Somers land EViNEU 9 BYiSEH 4-4-30 Oliphant land EHiXWJf 8-1-29 Cregarland D SFarnham owner Nowton Centre Mass W S Morlax AttorneyMcCook PUBLICATION NOTICE Holly C Thomas defendant will take notice that on tho 5th day of November 1906 Clara Thomas tho plaintiff herein filed her petition in the District Court of Red Willow County in tho State of Nebraska the object and prayer thereof being to obtain a divorce from said de fendant and that her maiden name be restored and such other and f uther relief as the nature of the case may require You are required to answer said petition on or before the 17th day of December 1906 Dated this 5th day of November 1906 Clara Thomas Plaintiff By W S Morlan Her Attorney PROSPECT PARK Here we are again the weather just cold enough to remind us of Thanksgiving Miss Alta Cox who has been in McCook for quite a while came home for a short visit over Satur day and Sunday returning again Sunday evening Quite a number of people at tended the Prospect Park Sunday School in spite of the cold weather J H Wade who has been one of the Jurors at McCook for the past week came home over Sun day returning again Monday morning The liferary which met last Friday night had quite a large at tendance and an enjoyable time was had The literary will con tinue to meet every- Friday night INDIANOLA Merle Powell has returned from Denver where he went some weeks ago Mr Velton White and brother Ross attended the dance at Mc Cook Friday night Frank Azus of McCook was an Indianola visitor last Friday Miss Grace Flint of Bartley is the guest of Miss Rozella Wolfe since last week Joseph Harrison is in Iowa this week on a tour of pleasure and business combined Mrs Baker of Bartley is a vis itor in the home of Norman Baker and family Mrs Charles McCollum of Bartley came up Tuesday morn ing for a visit with friends Jud Remington of the Beaver Valley came over Tuesday to meet his daughter from Hastings who will spend the holidays at home Mrs Henry Williams living near Danbury is the guest of her sister Mrs E S Byfield Roj Mann drove down to Cam bridge Saturday morning and re turned Sunday evening accom panied by Miss Daisy Deane Doctor Finch of Bethany Ne braska arrived in Indianola Tues day night and is conducting a series of meetings at the Christ ian church The Epworthians will give a short program in the M E church Friday evening after which they will pass to the par sonage and have a social time Each member is expected to give a dollar and tell in verse how he or she earned it The program promises to be very interesting Ed Smith went- to McCook Fri day night returning on 12 Satur day morning Mrs Millgate who has been quite poorly of late is improving nicely now under Doctor Mac- kechnies care The ladies of the Congrega tional church will give a bazar awhile before the holidays Mrs L B Korns and sister Miss Madison visited in McCook a few days this week Miss Edith Allen and Bertha Walker attended the Ministerial Association at Bartley Monday and Tuesday Miss Carrie Schoenthol of Ben net came in on No 5 Tuesday evening and will keep house for her brother D W There is to be a wedding- in the very near future but we das sent tell who it is Will tell it next week if no preventing prov idence Miss Bertha Partu of Haigler was a visitor in our midst last week Samuel Parks an old timer of Indianola now of Lynn Kansas is in town the guest of friends and relatives Mrs W H Short is in Den ver visiting her mother who lives there R E Smith and William Tay lor drove over from Marion Fri day morning Charlie Hendershott is quite ill with inflammatory rheumatism A light sprinkle of snow fell here Friday night What has become of our Indian Summers I guess the weather man has for gotten us R F D No 1 Harry Stillman was quite severely injured recently while driving some horses to Danbury his horse fell on him A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs Ed Flitcraft last week Gottlieb Unger was the star performer in a snip hunt last week Wednesday holding the sack until midnight without lose ing his good nature noticeably The huller is at work on the south side The yield of seed is poor Sunday hunters set -fire to the ik E TaWT A Food to Work On Work Work Work Lots of energy is needed to keep up the pace In the struggle the man with the strong body and clear brain wins out every time The man of to day needs something more than mere food he needs a food that makes energy a food to work on Although some people may not realize it yet it is a fact proved and established beyond doubt that soda crackers and this means U need a BisCUlt are richer in muscle and fat making elements and have a much higher per cent of tissue building properties than any other article of food made from flour That this is becoming known more and more every day is attested by the sale of nearly 400000000 pack ages of Uneedd Biscuit the finest soda cracker ever baked An energy giving food of surpassing value sold in a package which brings it to ypu with all the oiiginal flavor and nutriment perfectly pre served Truly the food to Ivork on Whoever you are whatever you are wherever you work Uneeda Biscuit NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY WJl lliSI iJ aiJTBTtLJIWIHJ JJ 1J11HIJIM Jliu Pi JHC One Carloa Vehicles on HaJM v 3 a t yaLj 3 LM vd d of nisfh Grade Sale at McCook Located at Blue Front Livery Barn Buggies at 5500 and 5750 that are worth at least 2500 more Carriages from 7000 to 8500 that are worth 3000 more Spring Wagons and Rubber and Steel Tire Driving Wagons go at Bargain Prices A Buggy with a two years written guar antee on wheels SJJNI l Jijj - - 1 11 11 1 llil J YV 8 PiPWrM - Our Plan Our goods for your cash or note Quick sales and small profits WwPMWi A WROUGHT IRON WESTERN BUGGY week tvcii Wheels Extra select second growth straight grained Hickory Rock Elm Hubs Screwed Rims Bessemer Steel Tires Gear Long distance dust proof 15 16 axles Full clipped wrought steel fifth wheel and KWrnn Wrought Steel Body Loop keystone Body Regular width 56 inches in length Finest yellow poplar panels Heavy ash sills izt inch Leather Padded Dash Cushion and Back Select grade buffed leather open bottom Spring Cushion and back Tops Ward Leather quarters and back stays 40 ounce roof and back curtain Extension ioint and reinforced bow sockets - i Painting The old reliable white lead and oil system seven coats to gear and eleven to bodv Tr contains a lasting finish Note Furnished with shafts or pole Patent quick shifters Brussels carpet full length of bod A side Danels You are resDectfulIv invited to rail anrl incrf oi o - X and r seeing is Delieving Display at Blue Front Livery Barn Hatfield ranch burning over con siderable territory and consuming a stack of hay for John Fiecht ner Mrs G T Breitling has been very ill but is some better now A fire on the L R Neel place recently destroyed a stack of hay for Tohn Crocker This is the third fire of this kind on the place Henrv Roeers has been enjoy ing a hunt at Cambridge this STEELE GIERHART ofK THIS FINE LIST OF GIRLS nave voies on me Large 1000 DOLL to be Given Away FREE Gladys Browne Mabel Anton Beula Allen Rosa CUne Nellie Bosworth Josephine McClure Gertrude Grlsmore Florence Wilson Velraa Christian Viola Neel Clara Kendrlc Stella Williams Edna dine Bertha Roads Martha Shultz Osie Gordon THE IDEAL BARGAIN DEPOT ij H 4 0- f i v 1 SI fl - 5 fc 7