The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 16, 1906, Image 5

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No 6
- -
11P M
510 a m
800 a h
955 P H
No 1 Mountain Timo 1205 pm
3 11 25 pm
fi 8r M
13 937 AM
No 176 nrrivos Mountain Timo 540 p u
No 175 departs 045 AM
Slcupitig diiiini and reclining chair cars
Boats free ca throiitfli trains Ticket sold
and bapKixro chocked u any pointin tho United
States or Canada
For information timo tables maps and tick
ets call on r write Qi omo Scott Agent Mc
Cook Nebraska or LWWnkeloyQcueral Pas
ponser A nt Omaha Nobraska
You Will Always Find Something In
This Bulletin
Round trip to the coast Daily tour
ist rates iu effect all winter to Pacific
coast destinations with varinble routes
Chicago and return One fare plus
8200 for tho round trip December 1st
to 4th inclusive for the International
Live Stock Exposition
To tho East and South Very low
homeseekers and winter tourist excur
sions through tho autumn and winter
to various destinations throughout the
south and southeast
Visit the old home Low excursion
rates to the old homo points in Illinois
Iowa Wisconsin Missouri and other
middle states destinations November
13th and 27th limit thirty days
Hoineseekers excursions Frequently
each month to Western Nebraska East
ern Colorado Big Horn Basin dry land
farming destinations or irrigated sec
Dry Land Farming Send for folder
and get hold of a quarter section of
cheap western land before it is too late
Free Kinkaid lands Write D Clem
JDeaver Agent Burlingtons Home
seekers Information Bureau at 1004
Farnam St Omaha about getting hold
of a free section of Kinkaid lands now
being restored to the public domain
Consult nearest Burlington Ticket
Agent and see what rates be has avail
able for your proposed trip
G S Scott Agent C B Q Ry
L y Wakeley G P A Omaha
Souvenir Postal Cards
Tho McCook Souvenir Postal Cards
printed by The Tribune are on sale a
A McMillens -The
Ideal Store
The Tribune Office
L W McConnells
The Post Office Lobby
Eleven different views printed
Other designs are in preparation
Price Two for five cents
A Guaranteed Cure For Piles
Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists refund money if
Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case
no matter of how long standing in 6 toll
days First application gives ease and
rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it
send 50c in stamps and it will be for
warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
Ladies read this catalogue of charms
Bright eyes glowing cheeks red lips a
smooth skin without a blemish in short
perfect health For sale with every
package Hollisters Rocky Mountain tea
35cents L W McConnell
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to tho page for sale at The
Tribune office
It arouses energy develops and stim
ulates nervous life arouse3 the courage
of youth It makes you young again
Thats what Rocky Mountain tea will
do 35 cents tea or tablets
L W McConnell
Good Candy
At the Ideal
They say that Cupids Arrow
Will pierce most any heart
We think that Douglas Choco
Will also do their part
When wanting future dates
Youd better invest some
In Douglas
The New
Ideal Bargain Depot
vmnssimmr i
Engine 1050 is undergoing light ro
paira in the roundhouse
Master Mechanic Culbertson was in
Denver Wednesday on business
II 0 Jonree blacksmith and II
Schwartz helper have resigned
W E Pence blacksmith has returned
from his Indiana trip and to work
Clerk Clary of Byrams oflico was at
headquarters Wednesday afternoon
Engineer Walter Stokes entertained
his brother Thomas F of Denver part
of tho week
C M Arnold C M Ilollinger and
Elsbury aro new helpers n the black
smith shop
Locomotive 2711 injured at a C S
crossing recently is in tho house for
light repairs
J G Call went up to Denver Wed
nesday night to look over the Denver
yard proposition
Frank Brady viewed some of tho at
tractions of the states capital citj Sun
day between trains
Engineer II M Tyler was up from
the Orleans St Francis run Saturday
and Sunday to visit tho family
Fireman George Campbell was home
Saturday aud Sunday from his regular
run on one of the sunflower branches
Henry Weintz has resigned as fore
man in the backshop erecting side and
Mr Turner of Hortou Kansas succeeds
Bruce Berry has been promoted to
clerk for Ceief Dispatcher W F Pate
Frank Strout goes into Master Mechanic
Culbertsons office
Tho lOGo has just gone into the back
shop for an overhauling tho 316 is just
out and the 31S is aovvn on her wheels
No 1225 will be out early next week
James J Hill says the greatest diffi
culty tho railroads of America have in
moving the enormous freight business
of the country is in inadequate trackage
and terminals not in lack of cars
Three carloads of machinists boiler
makers etc from Glasgow Scotland
passed through McCooK for San Fran
cisco last Sunday night They came in
on No 5 aud went west on No 3
A 42 inch engine lathe a monster new
machine has just been added to the
equipment of the machine shop It is
brand new up-to-date with all the lat
est attachments and is a splendid addi
tion to the equipment of the backshop
As soon as belting etc is received it
will be installed adding largely to the
scope and amount of work the shop can
turn out
Chairman Perkins of tho board of
directors General Manager Holdrege
and General Superintendent Byram in
spected the McCook Imperial branch
Saturday The party traveled in Chair
man Perkins special train which came
down from the west as far as Culbert
son Friday evening remaining there
over night Saturday evening Chair
man Perkins and a small party left for
his ranch between Ludell and Herndon
Kansas for a short hunt on the Perkins
preserve Mr Holdrege left the same
night for Omaha and Mr Byram for
Mystery in the Death of George Wilhelm
after Suffering Two Days at
County Hospital
Lying unconscious for two days in a
bare chilly attic at 3114 Market street
George Wilhelm was found last night
But help came too late and the unfor
tunate man breathed his last a few mo
ments after he was taken to tho county
hospital He did not recover conscious
ness Appearances point to poison as tho
cause of his death
Deep mystery surrounds the death of
this man who for twelve years has been
a character in the lower part of the city
When found he had been unconscious
for two days and bore evidences of suf
fering from poisoning Whether the
poison was administered by his own
hand because life had palled upon him
or whether it was given by another is
the mystery that troubles the physicians
who attended him
Wilhelm was discovered by the county
physician and removed at once to the
county hospital where ho died
Very little was known about Wilhelm
He was of German birra and apparently
educated and about 45 years old He
eked out a meager existence by fitting
kegs which he dug from ash heaps He
had no family and few friends It is
understood that a brother resides in Mc
Cook Nebraska
It was believed at first that the man
was suffering with morphine poisoning
but this theory was eliminated when it
LlJMLSft I Mrdatetife HiPi tofc dl
was learned that ho had been uncon
scious for two days a condition impossi
ble iu morphine poisoning What the
subtle poison was that held tho unfor
tunate man ander its influence puzzles
the county hospital physicians
Wilhelms remains will be turned over
to Coroner Rollins Denver Post Nov
7 190G
Rev E Smith arrived home
from Omaha Friday night
H C Letts wife and mother
in lawspent a cbuple of days last
week visiting their friends Mr
and Mrs Lewis Corbin
Smith Powell are building
an elevator on their ranch east
of town
Dawson Bros of Beatrice ship
ded some fine registered hogs to
Indianola this week and sold
them at good figures
Henry Miller came down from
Culbertson Sunday morning for a
visit with home folks
R E Smith and helper are
over at Marion working at their
Miss Edna Holcomb went to
Lincoln last Monday morning
where she will pursue the study
of music
Sibbie Orman went to Bartley
Monday afternoon to engage in
the business of husking corn
Mr Wilson and family from
the east have moved into the
property lately purchased of C
W Dow
The young ladies about town
are talking of organizing a society
called The old maids club
The family of Mr Hughes who
have been visiting in the east
are expected home Friday even
The Epworth league will give
a social a week from Friday at
the parsonage Program in the
Mrs D Thompson and chil
dren who have been visitors in
the home of Elmer Thompson
went on to Denver to continue
their visit
C L Walker the paint man
of McCook visited a short time
Thursday with relations in In
dianola while on his way to
A N Puckett entertained the
C E at his home last Friday
evening A good crowd was
present and all spent a very en
joyable evening
A select dance was given in
the opera hall Friday evening
by V White in honor of his
brother who is visiting him
About half a dozen couples were
present among who were Agent
and Mrs Boldmen Mr and Mrs
John McClung the Misses Mur
ray V White and brother and
Miss Sarah Jensin with a few
others whose names we did not
Rev N H Hawkins of the
Congregational church was in
Trenton last week assisting Rev
Noyce in his revival meetings
David Stonecyphers relatives
have arrived and are now with
him Mr Stonecpher has ral
lied somewhat in the past few
days and great hopes are enter
tained that his betterment of
health may be permanent
Floyd Welborn of Denver vis
ited with his parents and other
relatives here4last Saturday He
reports a fine little daughter at
his home
Mr John Townley is having
his house remodeled and when
done will be very nice L Hay
den is doing the carpenter work
-- - - V
hlZL S Ji
When You Stand in Model Sho
HEJ 111 lUi MI MUtTf 1
TimeCard B
McCook Neb fli
es we St
Lots of rain this fall has caused
some excitement among the farm
ers in this town Several are
still sowing wheat
Corn shucking has commenced
here where people can get any
one to shuck Hands are scarce
Mr and Mrs H H Bandy
who were visiting in Missouri a
couple of weeks have returned
and report that they bought a
farm near Hubble in Republic
county Kansas
Earl Patterson of Muscatine
county Iowa who came here a
couple of months ago for his
health and has been working for
Con Eckhard has been veryjg
much benefited by the change of
climate is now staying at H H
Bandys and going to school
There is a literary society
every Wednesday night at the
Coleman school house Every
body invited to come and have a
good time
The box supper at the Cole
man school house last week was
a decided success The proceeds
go to get a dictionary for the
school The mystery is where
the school marm had her box hid j
to keep the wrong fellow from
tvti J
While on the way home from
the box supper last Wednesday
night Ernest Hamiltons team I
tock fright at something and ran
into the fence which scared them
into a runaway One of the
lines broke and let the team run
in a circle after runing through
the fence five or six times they
ran into the fence again broke
the buggy pole and came to a
standstill The team was cut
considerably by the wire Miss
Hester Spurgin who was with
Mr Hamilton received a sprain
ed ankle in getting out just be
fore the team came to a stop
Clarence Rozell went to Grand
Island to finish his course in busi
ness college there the last of
last week Clarence is one of
the excellent young men of Cole
man precinct and liked by all
that become acquainted with
Mat and John Droll have
bought a fodder shredder and
have tried and found it to be an
excellent way to take care of
feed It will pay any farmer
that lives in a reasonable dis
tance to go and see the work the
machine does It shucks the
corn puts it in a wagon puts
what shells off in a sack and
cuts the fodder all fine and puts
it in the barn all ready to feed
and it will go almost twice as far
as it is all used Get a corn
binder and cut all your corn
shock it up good and as soon as
it is good and dry it is ready to
shred I think if you see Mr
Drolls machine at work you will
set to work to get the most out
of your corn crop as about one
third of your crop is the fodder
and you lose most of it by turn
ing your cattle in the stalks you
often lose enough cattle to buy a
corn binder and pay for cutting
and shredding I have known
some men to lose eight or ten
head of cattle in one night after
being in the stock field It will
pay any farmer to look into this
as cane k too hard on ground
imvil 1ilii UIUI miCTminw
and Back of Them
You then you only have a comfortable feeling shoe but you have the comfortable feeling that if there are any defects in workmanship or
material The Model Shoe Store is ready and willing to make them right
High Cut Bpots for adults and children for rough weather full elk sales tan or black at various prices up to 750 per pair Best made
Warm Shoes Winter is creeping on rou will need warm lined shoes to keep your feet warm We have an exceptionally fine and com
plete line for indoor and outdoor wear those nice easy comfortable good looking good wearing kind that has always made The Model Shoos
the only kind you are satisfied with after wearing one pair WE CAN FIT YOU
T--1 I Ml
-- r i iit ii n J iw II I I 1
r nr
yWm PL
GLA mu iX7
w si irx tti r - r
on To us we Cam Jhov You the BEST
The LfAsr noNYMD scnh lou Away
Jocial ufE over The VoR LYWZSSED
5vyJTfifL ftfcow
For Style
and Comfort
Buy Coats
Furs Clothing
Underwear etc
at this store
the Oneista
Union Suits
are Best
ast U
ICfoorrtCDl i
i wnit i
iiii ml
352Ec ffi5jSffiv T ii ill
iml Mi
- -
McCook Hardware Co f
Hardware Implements Feed Grinders
Gasoline Engines Harness
Saddles Buggies Wagons
We can fill your order
for anjthing
Successors to W T Coleman
ii u 1 1 uujirir in i
Monday November 19th
First Performance of the
Players Club of McCook
Presenting the Melo Drama
y me
Presented bv a Cast of Ten Characters
Stirring SituationsRealistic Scenic Effects
Produced under the Personal Direction
of Doctor S C Beach
Tickets on Sale at McConnells Drug Store 25c 35c 50c