The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 16, 1906, Image 4

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Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Tiik official vote for this congressional
district is not obtainable at this print
Official Vote For State Senator
Following is the official vote cast for
state senator in tho 29th district
Comities Wilsey
Chase 301
Dundy 333
Frontier 759
Furnas 1179
Gusper 347
Hayes 217
Hitchcock 507
Rod Willow 925
Totals 1621
Wilsoys maj 810
Real Estate Transfers
The following real estate filings have
been made in tho county clerks office
since last Thursday evening
United States to Warren Barnes pat
swqr 33-1-27
United States to John W Roberts pat
sc qr 9--X
United Stntes to Peter H Summer pat
ne or 32 1 27
Sarali J Hickling aud h to Marcollus
C Sliurtliff wdswqr 5-3-29 3800 00
James O Hammond and v to Charles
F Rush wd 1 and 2 in 27 2nd McCook 2000 00
Charles G Korst and v to Mary E
Welfcywd w hf so 10C0 0
Hobort Jones and wifo to Mary E
Baker wd so qr 15-1-20 5200 00
County Treas to Henry UiitherusTreas
tax d 13 and 11 in 47 Hartley
United States to Edmund Sheibloy pat
soqrsoqr 23-2-27
United States to George N Fisher pat
s hf no qr and u hf so qr 23-2-27
State of Nebraska to James Hat
field d se qrand s hf no qr and ne qr
noqrund w kf w hf 30 3 29 30S0 00
Allen Bartlej and wifo to H A Barn
hart wd 0 in 51 Bartloy 225 60
James W Hatfield and w to AValtor
N Rogers wd e hf no qr and sw qr ne
3502 00
McCook Loan and Trust Co to Alex
Brown wd o hf nw qr and e hf sw qr
800 00
Eva M Lusk and h to Thomas L Wil
liams wd ono half int in 10 Vin 5 1st
McCook 200 00
John G Fisher to the public aflid s hf
ne qrand n hf so qr 25-2-29
Michael Morris to Leonard J Shippee
wd no qr sw qr and lots 3 4 5 in 7-3-20
L E Fisher and w to William Brink
man wd s hf no qr and n hf so qr and
soqrseqr 3500 00
John G Fisher and w to Lawrence E
Fisher qcd s hf no qr and n hf se qr
23-2-27 31100
Anuio E Ervin and b to Lawrence E
Fisher qcd s hf no qr and n hf so qr
23-2-27 75 00
Ann S Brown and h to Lawrence E
Fi ber qcd s bf no qr and n bf se qr
23-2-27 180 00
Harriot Fisher William F Fisher and
w Henry A Fisher and w to Law
rence E Fisher qcd s hf no qr and
n bf seqr 23-2-27
Mary J Donaldson and b to Lawrence
EFisher qcd s bfne qrand n bf se
qr 23-2-27
John A Fisher and w to Lawrence E
Fisher qcd s bf no qr and n bf so qr
Matildia L Tarr and b to Lawrence
E Fisher qcd s bf ne qr and n bf so
qr 23-2-27
Robertand Mary F Jones to John R
Baker asreo te qr 15-1-20 5200 00
Emma Lelaud and b to Joseph E
Nelms wdptl in27McCook 1450 00
Alice Roxby aud b to Olive A Greene
wd blk 0 in Egan Park McCook
Olive A Greene to Charles T Harris
wd blk C in Egan Park McCook
Charles T Harris to Willim M Lewis
wd blk G in Egan Park McCook
Mary A Daramou and b to Archio C
McNeill wd n bf se qr 3000 00
Jonas E Molnnd to Peter Miesen wd
C in 2C McCook 1050 00
Lincoln Land Co to R J Branscom
wd 11 and 12 in 14 1st McCook
Hiram C Rider and w to Livonia
Finch qcd so 25 ft of lot 13 in 29 Mc
022 00
311 00
600 00
GOO 00
325 00
100 00
Diminishing- Ranks
Our ranks are diminishing as in the
past few weeks three of our number have
been called by our Supreme Commauder
to answer to tho last roll call We aro
fast passing away and let us remember
with the bereaved families and friends
of Comrades Phillips Welles and Pate
that their and our loss here is to the
eternal gain of those who have passed
on before into rest where there is no
more suffering nor sorrow We cannot
help but feel tbegreatloss however and
extend the bereaved ones our sincerest
sympathy Captain C H Barrett
Card of Thanks
We wish to extend our sincere thanks
to all those who so lovingly comforted
and helped us during the illness and
death of our dear one and for the beau
tiful flowers with which they rememb
ered us
Mrs T J Pate and Family
Mr and Mrs Sam Pickard came up
from Havelock early in the week and
are guests in the Puller home
Engine 316 is just out of the backshop
w - in
W w - i 1 1
7C 4UUV WSBgEgwiS j 4 -
ing but up to date Congressman Norris tho
1eopies cholce for the office of
iu 200 to the good and the result will
not bo materially changed from that
A Lincoln woman who has been at
tending religious meetings in the capital
city recently has received the gift of
speaking in an unknown tongue But
there is binall satisfaction to anyone in
tho gift as no one can understand her
She tried it on a Chinaman without suc
cess The Tkibune risk9 the assertion
that they can understand it at the
asylum near that city
Col Alcantara Said to Have Been Se
lected by Venezuelan President
Washington Gen Francisco Alcan
tara who is camping in the neighbor
hood of Caracas the capital of Ven
ezuela with an army is said to be
President Castros choice as his own
successor Castro is an invalid His
rule is unpopular and Gen Juan Vi
cente Gomez now vice president is
chief executive Should any move he
made to install Gomez In office Alcan
tara is prepared to execute a coup
detat declaring himself dictator as
Castro did
Gen Alcantara was graduated from
the United States military academy at
Selected by President Castro of Ven
ezuela as His Successor
West Point about 11 years ago and
is still a young man He is the son
of the late Francisco Alcantara for
mer president of Venezuela On the
completion of his military studies in
j this country the young man returned
ij i uiciucia nucic ne was uiuut
onel of artillery He rendered valu
able services in the field and was pro
moted to a generalship President
Castro appointed him president of the
State of Aragua which office he now
Erected at Troy N Y and Is 66 Feet
in Diameter
Troy N Y Engineers and sight
seers in Troy N Y are much inter
ested in what is called the biggest
water wheel in the world It is 06
feet in diameter and 22 feet wide
The monster has 3G buckets each big
enough to hold a barrel of Scotch
They call it the Burden wheel and
it was a long time coming to a finish
Work was begun on the wheel away
back in 1819 The wheel was a suc
cess from the start and ran almost
continuously until about ten years ago
when the shop in which it turned the
machinery was abandoned
The wheel today stands just as it
was originally built with the excep
tion of a few repairs of no great im
portance The big wheel made two
and a half turns a minute and drove
the entire plant of the Burden man-
The Monster Water Wheel
ufactory which turned out new things
of a mechanical character famous the
world over Burden is chiefly known
as the inventor of a horseshoe ma
chine Some time ago it was pro
posed to demolish the wheel and
work was actually commenced but
there were many protests and an ef
fort is now making to have the wheel
preserved as a monument to the
builder who as an inventor won na
tional fame
As fDArtagnan Sees It
I am the first to admire the bold
who make perilous experiments with
the view to some useful discovery
But I ask in vain what possible ad
vantage could the spherical balloon
competition be to aeronautic science
A tempest a single storm or a sud
den change of wind while crossing
the channel might have destroyed the
whole flying squadron Henri Roche
fort in Paris Intransigeant
Punch Hears Rumor
Paris it is stated is to have its
boy messengers A Societe des Pet
its Messagers is in process of forma
tion It is rumored that with the po
etic fancy characteristic of our neigh
bors a number of the lads will be
clothed as Cupid and employed sole
ly for the conveyance of love letters
Quill Toothpicks from France
Quill toothpicks come from France
The largest factory in the world is
near Paris where there is an annual
product of 20000000 quills The fac
tory was started to make quill pens
but when these went out of general
use It was converted into a toothpick
I couldnt feel sure said he to his
chum that she really cared for me
so I wrote myself this telegram Will
you go as accountant for tea frrn in
China at salary of 10 per week
Start Thursday Answer at once I
signed the name of a fictitious firm
and showed her the telegram as soon
as I got to her house that night
What do you think about it she
I dont know what to think said I
She mused a little while
Do you want to go she asked me
If it wasnt for you Id want to go
Then she said in a faint voice
Do whatever you think best
Id go if it wasnt for you I re
She sat very still looking at the
fire Then of a sudden she began to
Oh dont go dont go she
wailed Dont go and leave me all
alone What would I do what would
I do without you
So I told her I wouldnt go It is
a grand thing to have a girl care for
you so much as that I know that
this girl loves me truly
If I had been the girl said the
young mans listener I should have
said Accept the offer and well be
married at once and start for China
The young man grinned By Jove
I hadnt thought of that he admitted
Wouldnt I have been in a fix though
if she had said that
Ta Ta
There was a young maid from afar
Who ran like the deuce for a car
To her zeal she was martyr
For snap went Iter shoestring
Too embarrassed for more so Ta Ta
fe itmm JSL
Mill P KSSk J - 3u WiitvLi
ft mmWl
Stormer Thorough Bohemian old
Bob Hed give you his last shilling
without thought of payment
Starver Yes and borrow yours on
the same terms
Matrimony is from the Latin word
mater meaning mother and mony
which is by no means to be confound
ed with money The reference is to
the circumstance of matrimony being
1 the mother so to speak of
Cere and
Inhar and more remotely mony
Ali j
Slight Mistake
It was after dinner
Pardon me old chap but I dont
believe I ever met your wife
Thats my wife at the piano
Playing accompaniments for that
fat girl with the cracked voice
My dear sir my wife sings Mil
waukee Sentinel
Reason Enough
Why are you late for breakfast
sir asked Bobbys father as the
boy slid quietly into his chair
Well you see explained Bobby
when you called me I was having a
mighty funny dream and I just slept
a few minutes longer to finish it
I Puck
Do you believe that realism is a
benefit to the drama
Decidedly answered Mr Storm
ington Barnes I cannot express my-
self too strongly in favor of the prac t
tice which has grown up in recent
years of paying actors with real
money Washington Star
I see that they are building houses
out of paper nowadays
Yes even theaters I was at the
opening performance of the new opera
house the other night and compli
mented the manager He said Yes
its a good house but all paper
Cleveland Leader
A Juvenile Stoic
You never made a sound when
your father whipped you said one
small boy
No answered the other Father
says it hurts him worse than it does
me and if thats so he can do his own
hollering Washington Star
Working for a Present
George dear said the young wife
you are growing handsomer every
Yes darling replied the knowing
George Its a way I have just be
fore your birthday Chicago Daily
In Politics
Tis plain to the observer that
With nearly every one
Engaged In simply standing pat
Theres bluffing being done
Washington Star
The Other Way
Downson Do you think opportunity
makes the man
TJpps No Man makes the
j tunity Detroit Free Press
ra st
Sfj 25
f r
Oppose Dissection After Death Tale
of Irish Freak
New York The Russian giant re
cently exhibited In this country is pos
sessed of a great fear that when dead
his body will be given to surgeons
for dissection It is said that he has
been offered 5000 for his brain but
in this time of tireless press agents
the statement may be fairly open to
question This fear however is prob
ably common to all freaks and the
most striking case in show history
is that of the Irish giant Charles
Byrne He was eight feet four inches
tall in his bare feet but with thick
soled boots and a tall hat much was
kl 1
1 1
fti1 Wl
Skeleton of the Irish Giant
added to his height Byrne feared the
surgeons but they got him after all
and what remains to perpetuate his
memory is in the hands of his ene
mies He was a man of full habit
a giant in appetite as well as in
inches and the amount of liquor he
could carry without losing his bal
ance was amazing But in the end it
aided materially in his demise
He died in Cockspur street Charing
Cross London in 1783 at the age of
22 The chronicler tells that his end
was accelerated by excessive drinking
and by his grief over the loss of his
property 3500 in one bank note
which he always carried with him
But certain provisions were made so
that whatever happened to him there
remained money enough in his estate
to pay certain fishermen to take his
body out to sea and sink it This
was done it is said but meantime
much money had come from another
source and they took good care to re
cover the giants body So it was
that after all the fear that haunted
him in life after all his carefully laid
plans to defeat the surgeons his body
finally came to their hands The
skeleton is now in the museum of the
Royal College of Surgeons at Lin
colns Inn It is a poor consolation
to the outraged shadow of Mr Byrne
that though long departed from tin
flesh he is still a star attraction it
the bone
Countess of Carlisle Elected at Re
cent Convention in Boston
London Lady Rosalind Frances
countess of Carlisle who has been
elected president of the Worlds W
C T TJ is a prominent temperance
worker in England She is also pres
ident of the British Womans Tem
perance association and one of the
fi Mr
nmi L
Countess of Carlisle New President
of Worlds W C T U
leading members of the Womans Lib
eral federation She is the youngest
daughter of Lord Stanley of Alder
ly and in 1S64 was married to the
earl of Carlisle of the Norfolk and
Howard families The earl and count
ess have five sons and five daughters
and reside at Palace Green Kensing
ton The countess i5 supported by
the earl in all philanthropic measures
Done in a Hurry
People complain that journalism
must be frivolous or unreliable be-
cause it is done in a hurry But all
the serious things are done in a
hurry All the really reliable things
are done in a hurry A commercial
decision involving millions is always
made in a hurry I have never been
in a battle but my military friends
tell me that a battle often takes place
in a hurry Serious things generally
are done quickly getting married for
instance or getting hanged Illus-
trated London News
Early Newspapers
The first English newspaper was
the English Mercury issued in the
reign of Queen Elizabeth and was
issued in the shape of a pamphlet
The Gazette of Venice was the orig j
inal model of the modern news-
Heroic Treatment i
A soldier who stuttered was re i
cently cured in the Philippines by be i
ins shot through the throat
1 -
-1 32-
f t u is int i luum iiuttLuiiij
Alfred lladell trustee vs McCook L
and T Co Equity Settled and dis
Edward Curleo vs Advance Thresher
Co Appeal Motion for security for
costs sustained to furnish security in
Koseland Parsons vs Tho City of Mc
Cook Damages Motion to tilo amen
ded petition in 30 days
Lorenzo W Billingsley and Robert J
Greenovs Roy E Dutton Suit on ac
count Verdict for 81S0
Anna Leo vs William Lee Divorce
Thomas C Kelly vs Viola Kelly Di
Lee 1 Culbertson vs C B QRR
Co Appeal dismissed for want of pros
Charles Qunduor et al vs Fredorick
Quaduor Equity Leave given plaint
iff to reply in 30 days
W II Feiguson vs Herman MMeyer
et al Equity Thirty days to file am
ended petition
Huber Mfg Co vs John P Reitor
Replevin Leave given deft to filo ans
wer instanter
Albert Guy vs C B Q R R Co
Appealjdismissed for want of prosecu
Albert Guy vs C B Q R R Co
Appeal dismissed for want of prosecu
In tho matter of tho application of
Sarah A Haley guardian of Alta Haley
and BernardineHaleyto sell real estate
Equity I Leave to supply license to sell
George Hess et al v3 Sidney Dodge
et al Injunction leave to file reply
State Bank of Lebanon vs Margaret
S Clayton Equity Sale confirmed
and deed ordered
John Muirhead vs J IIGrannis Ap
peal Motion to strike out for insuffi
cient verification overruled
William Dukes vs Fannie M Colson
Appeal Motion to strike for insufficient
verification sustained Leave to plaintiff
to amend instanter
William Dukes vs John d Grannis
Appeal Motion to strike for insufficient
verification sustained
Lottie Kennedy vsSchool District No
71 in Red Willow county Nebraska
Appeal Motion so strike out sustained
in part and overruled in part Plaint
iff 30 days to amend petition De
fendant 30 days to plead
Mamie E McCurry vs John F Mc
Curry Divorce decree of divorce
Edu ird D Shirley vs Laura Shirley
Dion divorce granted
Stau of Nebraska vs Ward W Quig
ley and Alack Wayson Felony Ap
plication to nolle cause as to Wajson
granted dismissed as to Quigley
State of Nebraska vs Ward W Quig
1 ty and McC Wayson Felony Appli
cation to nolle as to Wayson sustained
State of Nebraska vs Ward W Quig
ley Felony Dismissed
N J Uerling vs First National Bank
of Buchanan county St Joseph Mo
Garnishment Answer of garnishee
Moses King vs Mary JMcKean Equ
ity Demurrer overruled and deft 30
days to answer
Alfred R Clark et al vsC B QR
R C Damages Leave to plaintiff to
file petition in 30 days Deft 30 days
to answer
Charles Nash vs Allen Bartley et al
Equity Decree of foreclosure entered
Zara A Wilson vs Elba W Graves et
al Equity Judgn ent opened up and
defendant Brower permitted to defend
Surplus ordered held till termination of
Charles F Stauffer vs C B As Q
Railway Co a corporation Damages
Motion to strike out for want of proper
verification confesses plaintiff allowed
to retile and verify petition defendant
30 days to plead
Justin AWilcox vs Geo ANicholson
et al Equity Leave to annul caption
Chas WKing vsC B Q Railway
Co Motion for judgment in pleading
L W Billingsley and R J Greenethe
well known Lincoln lawyers attended
court this week
Attorney Moilan was not satisfied with
the regular jur panelcalled for another
and got it
Judge Bartlett of Omaha appeared in
cases during the session
Rest of the proceedings next week
State of Nebraska Red illow County ss
In the matter of the estate of James Cain
I J C Moore County Judpp of aid county
iu said state hercbj uotifj all persons having
clainw and demands against the estate of the
said James Cam deceased that I have set and
appointed the following dajs for the recention
examination jnd adjustment of said claims
and demands us provided by law at the couutv
court room in McCook Red Willow county
and state aforesaid to wit tho lUth day of
December 1000 aud the 10th daj of June 1907
and all persons o interested in said estate will
appear at said time and place and duly pre
sent their said claims and demands in tho
manner required bj law or show cause for not
so doing and incao anj of said claims shall
not be presented by Mil daj of June lJOT tle
same shall be forever barred
Gien under inv hand and the eal of the
county court this 10th day of November HOG
J C Moore
hAi County Judge
Under Agisters Lien
Notice i herebj given that by virtue of an
Agisters lien for the pasturing keeping and
careof onejellow Jerej cow ubout 10 jears
old oa red and white cow about 3 jears old
from the 1st day of May 1P03 nntil this date
under an agreed contract with one James
Hickeron owner of said stock on which thero
is now due the sum of 2200 and an affidavit
setting forth the description of said stock and
the amount due for the feeding pasturing and
keeping of said stock having been filed in the
office of the county clerk of this county being
the county where said stock were pastured fed
and kejt on the 13th duy of November 1CCC
I will sell the above described stock at public
auction at the residence of Ed Phillippi in
aiiej viraugu urecinci in ea mow county
Nebraska on tho nth day of December 1D08
at 10 oclock a m of said dav Snil an in t uA
for cash in hand
Dated this 14th day of November 1900-11-16-4
Ed Phillippi
5 jt
F B Duckworth the druggist
of Indianola was a business visi
tor in our villaere last week-
Mr and Mrs Will Hanson and
family of Benkelman visited in
our town last week
-Mrs Frank Untiedt has been
entertaining her mother for the
past week who is here on a visit
from near Cambridge
Mr Legg and son are closing
out at cost and will move east
Jinks Fletcher and family have
moved on to a farm southeast of
town and his parents have moved
to Bartley
Mrs Will Irwin and family
from near Cambridge were here
last week visiting relatives
There was a pound surprise
party given Rev and Mrs Hege
man last week
Several young friends of Mr
and Mrs Ethertons
gathered at her home last week
and celebrated her birthday leav
ing many presents and wishes for
many nappy returns of her birth
Mr and Mrs Cyras Cowles of
Platsmouth are here on a visit
with their daughter Mrs F A
Mr and Mrs Roy Hoover of
Wanneta are here on a visit with
relatives and friends
Jinks Fletchers baby is on the
sick list this week
Robert Fischer and others went
to McCook Tuesday to see and
hear the Kilties
Dr Arbogart was called to
McCook Tuesday to view the
body of a Mr Beason who died
Mr Harris and Mr Richmond
bought the John B Dunlop quar
ter of land this wdek We dont
have to wait for eastern men to
come in and buy farms Those
who have lived here longest are
the ones who pay best prices for
Red Willow county dirt They
know a good thing when they see
it and have made money here
farming so they are able to buy
more land at an advanced price
There is no better place to make
a home than Red Willow count-
Mr and Mrs Kithcart received
their car load of household goods
and some stock this week and
have moved on their farm they
recently purchased
Lyman Jennings surprised his
many friends by coming in Tues
day evening from Connecticut on
a visit here with relatives and
Mrs J A Curlee was here on
a visit Tuesday returning to Lin
coln Wednesday on 12
Mrs Will Kite is under the
doctors care this week
Pearl Russel and wife returned
to the eastern part of the state
Mr Morrill of Lincoln
dent of the Lincoln Land Co
was a business visitor in Bartley
Wednesday of this week
Miss Anna Anderson who has
been attending school at McCook
was home for a visit with her
parents over Sunday
Harry Wade was chosen juror
of the court which will convene
at McCook Monday
Haskell Thrill who is
tary and treasurer for the County
Sunday School Association was
with us last Sundav a h
Sunday school he interested us
by telling us the plan of the as
sociation and illustrating the les
son by a blackboard drawing
CMr and Mrs Anderson have
returned from their visit in Cali
fornia and other western points
and report a very enjoyable time
A number of
young folks met
at the Prospect Park school house
and organized literary last Friday
mght and a fair
program is be
inrported for the next meeting
which wilbe held Friday Nov
iotri All are invited
WipSi jtSIJ rlrW yr-
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