The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 16, 1906, Image 3

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Treating Wrong Disease
Many times womrn call on thofr fumlly
physlqJaus suffering as thoy Imagine
one iroin dyspepsia another from heart
disease another from liver or kidney
dlsoaso another from nervous exhaustion
or prostration another with pain hero and
there and In this way thoy all present
alike to themselves and their easy going
and Indlfferont or over busy doctor sep
arate and distinct diseases for which he
assuming them to bo such prescribes his
pills and potions In reality they are all
only symptoms caused by somo uterine
disease The physician ignorant of the
cause of suffering encourages this prac
tice until largo bills are made The suf
fering patient gets no better but probably
worse by reason of the delay wrong
treatment and consequent complications
A proper medicino like Dr Pierces Fa
vorite Prescription dlYcctcd to the cause
would havo entirely removed the disease
thereby dispelling all those distressing
symptoms and instituting comfort in
stead of prolonged misery It has been
well said that a disease known is half
Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription is a
scientific medicine carefully devised by
an experienced and skillful physician
and adapted to womans delicate system
It is made of native medicinal roots and
Is perfectly harmless in its effects in any
condition of the system
As a powerful invigorating tonic Fa
vorite Prescription imparts strength to
the whole system and to the organs dis
tinctly feminine in particular For over
worked worn out run down debili
tated teachers milliners dressmakers
seamstresses shop girls house keepers
nursingmothers and feeble women gen
erally Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription
is the greatest earthly boon being un
cqualed as an appetizing cordial and re
storative tonic
As a soothing and strengthening jyrv
ino Favorite Prescription is unectiicd
and is invaluable in allaying and sub
duing nervous excitability irritability
nervous exhaustion nervous prostration
neuralgia hysteria spasms chorea St
Vituss dance and other distressing nerv
ous symptoms commonly attendant upon
functional end organic disease of the
utorus It induces refreshing sleep and
relieves mental anxiety and despondency
Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets invigorato
the stomach liver and bowels One to
three a dose Easy to take as candy
Osteopathic Physician
Kelley Office Bids Phone No 13
Consultation free
fcv w msj9sa
Fairbury Hanchett
This is a warranted and guaran
teed windmill nothing better in
the market Write or call on Mr
Rail hfifore buvinc
ream Vermifuge
lot Hr
Ballard Snow Liniment Co
of a life Is the name often
given to change of life Your
menses come at long intervals and
grow scantier until they stop The
change lasts three or four years and
causes much pain and suffering
which can however be cured by
Womans Refuge in Distress
It quickly relieves the pain nerv
ousness Irritability miserableness
fainting dizziness hot and cold
flashes weakness tired feeling etc
Cardul will bring you safely through
this dodging period and build
up your strength for the rest of your
Bfe Try it
You can get It at all druggists In
100 bottles
I nffed writes Vlrrinl Robscne Et-
ea Md until I took Ccrdul which -cured
me to quickly It surprised my doctor vbs
dldat kaew I was UktajUV
An Incident Which the Steamboat
Genius Never Forgot
There was one little incident in Rob
ert Fultons life which Fulton never
forgot It took place shortly before the
return trip of his famous boats voy
age by steam up the Hudson river At
the time all Albany flocked to tho
wharf to see the strange craft but so
timorous were they that few cared to
board her One gentleman however
not only boarded her but sought out
Fulton whom ho found In the cabin
and the following conversation took
This is Mr Fulton I presume
Yes sir
Do you return to New Tork with
this boat
We shall try to get back sir
Have you any objection to my re
turning with you
If you wish to take your chances
with us sir I have no objection
What Is the fare
After a moments hesitation Fulton
replied Six dollars And when that
amount was laid In his hand ho gazed
at it a long time and two big tears
rolled down his cheeks Turning to the
passenger he said
Excuse me sir but this Is the first
pecuniary reward I have received for
all my exertion In adapting steam to
navigation I would gladly commemo
rate the occasion with a little dinner
but I am too poor now even for that
If we meet again I trust It will not be
the case
As history relates the voyage termi
nated successfully Four years later
Fulton was sitting in the cabin of the
Clermont then called the North River
when a gentleman entered Fulton
glanced at him and then sprang up and
gladly shook his hand It was his first
passenger and over a pleasant little
dinner Fulton entertained his guest
with the history of his success and
ended with saying that the first actual
recognition of his usefulness to his fel
low men was the G paid to him by his
first passenger
His One Great Danger Lies In II 1m
Utter HelplcMsneM
Every surrounding every condition
almost every detail of the submarine
divers work is as if invented by the
romancist for a setting to a weird
uncanny tale
The one great danger to the subma
rine diver lies in his utter helplessness
No matter how or where he turns in
his marvelous world where even the
very laws of nature seem turned topsy
turvy he is handicapped with odds
against the life within him Groping in
the murk of the pitcby darkness of a
river bottom or crouching on the sands
in the green gray twilight of an ocean
bed he works alone a monster headed
awkward hideous creature squeezed
as if in a vise by the tons upon tons
of water surrounding him and clad in a
cumbersome unwieldy armor stiff aa
sole leather which often proves his
From the instant the helmet is screw
ed down and the helper grasps the
life line and lowers the diver hand
over hand the click click click of
the pumps bringing fresh air and the
hiss of the escape valve carrying away
the used up air sound in the divers
ears The click click click becomes
part of his subconscious self He is
listening for it always ever not a
click escapes him He starts vio
lently at the slightest irregularity of
the sound He listens for it so intent
ly that to save his soul he cannot count
correctly 100 bricks into a bucket tak
ing them one at a time A W Rolker
in Appletonc
Stevensons Grave
No English novelist rests in a more
eccentric spot than that chosen by
Robert Louis Stevenson who is buried
on the summit of the forest clad Vaila
in the island of Samoa The day after
his death -at Tailima in 1S94 his re
mains were carried to the top of this
precipitous and picturesque peak by
sixty sturdy Samoans who had loved
and now mourned their dead chief
Tusitula A party of forty had pre
viously cut a pathway through the
thick tangled wood with knives and
axes while another party had pre
pared the grave With infinite care
and trouble they bore him shoulder
high over the rough ground to his last
long home and there under the starry
sky they left him to sleep forever with
the Pacific at his feet On either side
of his tombstone is a bronze plate
One bears the words The Tomb of
Tusitula while the other Is inscribed
with his own requiem beginning
Under the wide and starry sky
Dig the grave and let me lie
Flexible Ivory
Ivory may be rendered flexible by
Immersion in a solution of pure phos
phoric acid specific gravity 113 until
it partially gains in transparency
Then it Is washed In cold soft water
and dried It will harden if exposed to
air but may again be made pliable by
Immersing in hot water
An English daily had the following
advertisement Wanted A gentleman
to undertake the sale of a patent med
icine The advertiser guarantees it
will be profitable to the undertaker
Christian Register
The Correct Explanation
Yes said Dubbey the actor I had
a splendid part in the show but I er
took sick and
Ah Interrupted Wiseman you
meati you didnt take -well Philadel
phia Ledger
Patience is the strongest of strong
drinks for it kills the giant Despair
- U
- -
Mrs Nagget Oh you make me
tired oYoure forever trying to give
the impression that youre a martyr
I suppose you want everybody to
think that you suffer in silence be
Mr Nagget No I suffer in the per
petual absence of silence A little
silence occasionally would be a posi
tive pleasure to me
Gracious exclaimed Mrs Passay
I know I bust look a perfect fright
I simply cant do anythlnk with my
Indeed replied Miss Knox Why
dont you take it back then and get
It exchanged
What do you think of these fall
shapes old man
Swell I just saw a girl go by
with a
There you go again I was only
referring to hats Milwaukee Senti
How did you make your wifes ac
I ran over her with my automo
bile The court decreed that I should
pay her 3000 damages and I
thought it was better to marry her
Fliegende Blaetter
His Dimensions
What is the Hon Thomas Rott so
angry about
Why the Weekly Palladium and
Farmers Vindicator published a one
column cut of him and referred to it
as a life size portrait Puck
Do you read the fashion
zines asked the visitor
Yes answered Miss Cayenne
They often give such valuable hints
on what not to wear Washington
His Greatest Fault
Slurgit says he spends every cent
of his income
That isnt the worse of it he
spends every cent of everybody elses
income that he can get hold of De
troit Free Press
Coming to Him
Gayboy is the most cheerful man
with a headache I ever saw
Well hes a grateful sort of chap
he remembers the time he had the
night before Detroit Free Press
A Success
Snarlsby says its his ambition to
be a great discoverer
He is already He can find more
fault than anyone in the community
Detroit Free Press
Both Sides of It
My first dollar remarked old Skin
flint was the hardest to get
And your last rejoined his
profligate nephew is the hardest to
give up Chicago Daily News
Woman Woman
Ah dearest now that we are en
gaged I feel that the eyes of all the
world are upon you
O George do I look all right be
hind Milwaukee Sentinal
Good Reason
Im afraid that waiter is going to
lose his balance
Why so
I just tipped him Milwaukee
The Worst of It
Mrs Smith So that impudent girl
called you a cat did she
Mrs Brown Yes but that wasnt
the worse of it she called me an old
cat Detroit Free Press
Lawyer Well what was done in
the interim
Witness I dont know sir I did
nt go into the interim I staid In the
anteroom Puck
Hyker I wonder why Columbus im
agined the world was round
Pyker Because it didnt give him a
square deal I suppose Chicago Daily
Wanted Him to Make Good
Do you know he said 1 believe
I should like to kiss you
Well havent you the courage of
your convictions Milwaukee Senti
The Easiest Way
Belle Im trying to break myself
of spending so much money
Nell Why dont you get everything
charged Detroit Free Press
Better Still
Mrs Nurich Weve got a baby
grand at our house Have you
Mrs Plain No but weve got a
grand baby Detroit Free Presa
ifc - t
Rumor Current of High Honor
New York Archbishop
New York Rumors have been cur
rent in Cathblic circles that the selec
tion of Archbishop Farley for a car
dinalate will be announced at the Do4
cember consistory in Rome and that
the archdiocese of New York will be
honored as it has been expected it
would be for several months Another
prelate will receive the insignia at
the same time one in England being
In the pontiffs mind Archbishop
Farley has been archbishop of New
York since 1902 He was born in
He Is to Be Made a Cardinal In De-
cember It Is Reported
Ireland in 1S42 and was ordained to
the priesthood In the Italian capital
in 1870 Fourteen years later he was
honored by being made chamberlain
to the pope and received the title of I
monsignore and in 1895 he was
chosen auxiliary bishop of New York
succeeding to his present position
upon the death of Archbishop Corri
gan Archbishop Farley is a man
of scholarly attainments He first at-
tained ecclesiastical distinction when
In 1872 he was chosen as secretary to
the late Archbishop McCIoskey
In 1891 he was vicar general of the
archdiocese of New York The follow
ing year he was domestic prelate o
the pope December 21 1895 he was
consecrated citular bishop of Zeugma
After the death of Archbishop Corri
gan in 1902 he was appointed arch
bishop on September 15 He is the
author of a number of works notably
the Life of Cardinal McCIoskey
Historic Ruins Will be Preserved for
Future Generations
Davenport la The old Davenport
house one of the most picturesque
in America located on Rock Island
near the large government arsenal
that Uncle Sam built years ago on the
beautiful island in the Mississippi
opposite this city is to be restored
and preserved to future generations
as it was built by Col George Daven j
port back in the early days of thisj
Colonel Davenport from whom the
city of Davenport is named came to
Rock Island with the Eighth United
States infantry in 1815 when it was
sent up the river from St Louis to
tablish a military post later known as
PK e l5
Old Davenport House
Fort Armstrong on the island Com
ing as commissary contractors agent
to supply the regiment he remained
a resident of the island until July 4
1845 when he was jnurdered by rob i
bors in the house which is now to bej
rebuilt and which has remained un
occupied since that time
For many years the old Davenport
home has stood in a state of ruin al-
most a danger to the hundreds of cu-
rious people who visit every year the
oldest structure in the Mississippi val
ley above St Louis Its restoration
has long been urged by historic and
patriotic societies and has just been
made possible by a gift of 2000 to
ward the fund for that purpose by
Colonel Davenports granddaughters
Naomi and Catherine Davenport of
this city
Cooperative Meats
Three married couples in Birming
ham England have carried out a
scheme for a cooperative midday din
ger While planning it each couple
write down a list of the dishes they
did not care for and it was further
resolved to keep the bill of fare a se
cret The great advantage of the
scheme from the wives point of view
is that it allows each of them two free
mornings a week free that is from
any cooking
Epileptic Chauffeurs
Investigation of two automobile ac
cidents in which the drivers came
to grief on a straight road by sudden
ly turning their machines off the
road into a ditch showed that both
men were subjects of epilepsy
Albert Durer gave the world a
prophecy of future wood engraving in
Regarded as Premier Motorist of His
Country Some of His Experi
ences Is Also an Ardent
London Englands premier motor
ist is undoubtedly the Hon Charles
Stewart Rolls as an aeronaut he Is
hardly less distinguished Having
toured in all parts of Europe he Is
now turning his attention to America
and has left England for a three weeks
visit to the United States It will be
Mr Rolls first trip across the Atlan
tic though on several occasions when
ballooning he has nearly been in it
Mr Rolls is the third son of Lord
Llangattock hence his title of Hon-
orable Like many of the younger
sons of the nobility he was intended
for the diplomatic service but he
showed such a strong bent for me
chanics and science and such an
aversion to other studies that it soon
became evident the results of insist
ence on parental wishes would be to
sacrifice a good engineer to make a
poor diplomat So he was allowed to
have his own way After going
through Eton he went up to Cam
bridge where he specialized in practi
cal electricity and was graduated in
engineering in 1898
Rather tall and thin he walks with
a slight slouch and no one judging
from appearances would take him for
one of the keenest and most intrepid
motorists of the day It is only when
you get him talking on his favorite
subject that his eyes light up and you
see the spirit of the enthusiast shin
ing in them
He began his wheelings early for
when quite a little boy he used to
come down a hill near his home in
Monmouthshire in an improvised
sleigh on wheels It is his proud
boast that in one of these spins he
bagged a curate a butchers boy
Noted British Autoist Who Is Comi
ing to America
and a dogcart in quick succession His
first motor experience was with a
steam roller which he drove on Sun
day mornings while his father was at
At 15 years old he was notorious at
Eton for getting into scrapes through
his passion for electricity and after
going up to Cambridge he soon be
came known as Petrolls and was
seldom called anything else
His motoring experience has been
probably unique He thus summar
izes a few of the things that have hap
pened to him as a motorist
I have burnt my boiler out three
times on a steam car which I once
had to push three miles in dress
I was once stuck in a deep flood
the water coming up to the floor
board and I had to hail a punt
Once I had to be practically dug
out of a bog
Was once stuck for want of a
match for over three hours with my
burners out
The longest distance I have had to
walk for petrol was in France 12
Have three times had a passenger
fall off a racing car moving at a fair
speed without being killed
Once had a horse and cart on top
of me
In the Paris Vienna race ran into
a tree at 70 miles an hour
Once had my head mashed in by a
starting handle
Have twice run away completely
down hill forwards and two or three
times backward
Once upset an apple cart in the
Strand and twice had my car burnt
Many prizes have fallen to his
share In 1899 he gained first in the
Bordeaux Biarritz race and second in
the Paris Ostend while he also won
the valuable gold cup together with
medals nad various other prizes for
the 1000 miles trial in England
He was nineteenth in the famous
Paris Berlin race after his car hadi
been seriously damaged and in the
Paris Vienna contest he ran into a
tree while traveling about 70 miles an
hour Fortunately the tree collapsed
and Mr Rolls was not seriously hurt
though he was almost buried in the
wayside bank
Mr Rolls is also an ardent balloon-
1st and gained fourth prize as well
as Mrs Howard Goulds cup which
this lady offered for the Englishman
who traveled the greatest distance in
the recent James Gordon Bennett in-
rnatjpnal race
AlcCook Neb for terms on
He will do your work right
Americas Qreatcst Weekly
The Toledo Blade
Toledo Ohio
The Best Known Newspaper in the
United States
Circulation 185000
Popular In Every State
In many respects tho Toledo Ulndo is tho most
emarknblo weekly new8nper published iu the
nited States It is tho only iiowajmper ospe
cially edited for National circulation It luis
had the largert circulation for more jonrs than
any nowspapor printed iu America Further
more it is the chrnpost newspaper iu tho world
as will be explained to any person who will
write us for terms Tho nows of tho world so
arranged that busy people can moro easily com
prehend than by reading cumbersome columns
of dailies All current topics made plain in
each issuo by special editorial matter written
from inception down to date The only pupor
published especially for peoplo who do or do
not read daily nowspnpers and yet thirst fur
plain facts That this kind of u newspaper is
popular is proven by the fact that tho Weekly
Itlado now bus over 18T000 yearly subscribers
uud is circulated in all parts of tho United
States In addition co tho news tho Blade pub
lishes short and serial stories and many depart
ments of matter suited to every member of tho
family Only ouedollaru year t i
Write for specimen copy Address
Toledo Ohio
Home Visitors Excursions
Oct 9 23 and Nov 13 27 tho Burling
ton will have on sale at the rate of one
and one third faro minimum 10 round
trip tickets to numerous points in Illi
nois Iowa Kansas Michigan Minne
sota Missouri Nebraska South Dakota
North Dakota and Wisconsin Call and
see us for further information
Geoijoe S Scott Agent
Cash paid for eggs highest market
price Reynolds Poultry Co Phono
285 Old Gurney stand
r b
LADIES Ask your Druggist for
PILLS in Red and
Gold metallic boxes sealed with Bluet
Ribbon Take noothkr Buy of your
Iirutrtrist and ask for CIIICIIES TKU8
twentv five years known as Best Safest Al
ways Reliable Sold by Druggists every where
Piano Buyers Attention
Schmoller Mueller IMano Co man
ufacturers of piano fortes established
1S59 offers great inducements at the
present time in pianos and organs By
paying- a small deposit we will hold
same in our warerooms for Christmas
delivery Our hand made Mueller
Pianos cannot be excelled in tone work
manship and durability and we refer
to thousands of families in Nebraska
Iowa Kansas Colorado Wyoming and
the Dakotas that have purchased ana
are using- the Mueller Pianos Every
instrument warranted for 20 years In
order to make room for our holiday
stock we have concluded to sell these
matchless instruments at a discount ol
10000 from regular prices We offer
the 532500 style at 22300 the 34008
style at 24000 the 3C000 style al
26000 the 37300 style at 27300
Payments 51000 cash and 500
monthly Write at once for our free
illustrated catalogue also ask for our
bargain list if interested in slightly
used pianos or organs We are manu
facturers and save you the middle
mans profits
2311 1313 Farnnm St Omaha Xeb
Updike Grain
Maitland Lump
Maitland Nut
Baldwin Lump
Sheridan Egg
Louisville Lump
Pennsylvania Nut
S S GARVEY Manager
Office Phone 16o
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Busy Medicine for Buy People
Brings Golden Health and Bene ed Vigor
A specific for Constipation IndiRestlon Lire
and Kidney Trouble Pimples Eczema Impure
Blood Bad Breath Siumrish Bowels Headache
and Backache Its Rockv Mountain Tea in tap -let
form 35 cents a box Genuine made by
Holusteb Dauo Company Madison Wis