w 1 yf B to J u m A Valuable Agent Thoglyccrlno employed In Dr Pierces medicines greatly enhances the medi cinal properties which It extracts and holds fn solution much better than alco hol would It also possesses medicinal properties of its own being a valuable demulcent nutritive antiseptic and anti ferment It adds greatly to the efficacy of the Black Cherrybark Golden Seal root Stone root and Queens root con tained in Golden Medical Discovery In subduing chronic or lingering coughs bronchial throat and lung affections for all of which these agents are recom mended by standard medical authorities In all cases where there is a wasting away of flesh loss of appetite with weak stomach as In the early stages of consumption there can bo no doubt that glyccrlno acts as a valuable nutritive and aids the Golden Seal root Stone root Queens root and Black Cherrybark in promoting digestion and building up the flesh and strength controlling the cough and bringing about a healthy condition of the whole system Of course it must no bo expected to work miracles It will not euro consumption except in Its earlier stages It will cure very severe obstin ate chronic coughs bronchial and laryn geal troubles and chronic sore throat with hoarseness In acute coughs it is not so effective It is in the lingering coughs or those of long standing even when accompanied by bleeding from lungs that it has performed its most marvelous cures Send for and read tho little book of extracts treating of the properties and uses of tho several med icinal roots that enter into Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery and learn why this medicine has such a wide range of application in tho cure of diseases It is sent free Address Dr It V Pierce Buffalo N Y Tho Discovery con tains no alcohol or harmful habit-forming drug Ingredients all printed on each bottle wrapper in plain English Sick people especially those suffering from diseases of long standing are invited to consult Dr Tierce by lettor free All correspondents 5 held as strictly private and sacredlv confidential Address Dr E V Pierce Buffalo X Y Dr Pierces Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only Send 21 one cent stamps for paper covered or 31 stamps for cloth bound copy HelpIHelpI rmFallfng WgBULHJ ItilUll IMIIW BBBBB Thus cried the hair And a kind neighbor came to the res cue with a bottle of Ayers Hair Vigor The hair was saved This was because Ayers Hair Vigor is a regular hair medicine Falling hair is caused by a germ and this medicine completely destroys these germs Then the healthy scalp gives rich healthy hair The best kind of a testimonial Sold lor over sixty yeara a iurk hwT r Aire fin Tiowell SUB B VW Alio TnnnnfaotiirerB of J m SARSAPARILLA I JL JLow O cherry pectoral I DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Office Bldg Phone No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free I O DAI I RflP f J I DrtLL IdiUOUUrl AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED Fairbury Hanchett Windmill This is a warranted and guaran teed windmill nothing better in the market Write or call on Mr Riill hpfnro luivintr PHONE BLACK 307 J You Look Yellow The trouble is your livers sick One of its products bile is overflowing into your blood You cant digest your food your appetite is poor you suffer dreadfully from head ache stomach ache dizzi ness malaria constipation etc What you need is not a dose of salts cathartic water or pills but a liver tonic Bedford Bla ck Brau X m s gilt This great medicine acts gently on the sick liver It purifies the blood renews the appetite feeds the nerves clears the brain and cures consti pation It Is a true medietas for sick liver and kidneys and regulates all the digestive functions Try It At all dealers In medicines la 2Sc packages j Larf LsV t 4v4 ca- sL MAGIC AND RELIGION Tliclr Pnrtinc Due to the Advance of Civilization In west Africa the belief in a new birth without loss of Identity Is proved by tho fact thnt whpn a baby arrives In a family It is shown a selection of small articles belonging to deceased members and the thing which tho child catches hold of Identifies him as Uncle John or Cousin Emma and so forth So far as this belief prevails t Is held by some that garments onco Aorn or other objects which have been In intimate contact with a human be ing are penetrated by his personality and remain as It were united with him for good or 111 In nearly all stages of civilization now to be found in the world what we call supernatural beings were concern ed with the Initiation of the magician The schism between magic and reli gion was a later development of civ ilization When It occurred as the history of heresy in Europe and the witch trials teach it was rather magic In Its antisocial aspect than in Itself which was reprobated and punished It Is strange In this connection to no tice that the magician was only con demned when he departed from estab lished custom and established beliefs which involved a severance from the community and an Imputation of anti social ends Practices essentially mag ical might be incorporated In religious rites and exercised for what was be lieved to be the general good In such a case they have continued to be ex ercised with general assent In the high est forms of religion London Hos pital ODD MARRIAGE CUSTOM Forclien ns Weddlns Certificates on the Inland of Jersey Ampng Jerseymen proper that is to say among the descendants of tho orig inal inhabitants of the island and not the English or French residents there a very curious and interesting old mar riage custom exists Upon the completion of the ceremony and if In strict accordance with tradi tion before the happy couple take up residence In their new abode the stone slab at the top of the porch containing the front door is inscribed with the in itials of the bridegroom those of the bride the date of the ceremony and two hearts intwined the latter being an emblem of their intermingled love and the whole forming a most lasting and public certificate of marriage Occasionally however a little diffi culty arises The bride may meet with an early death and in the course of time the widower may desire to re enter the holy state of matrimony Having fulfilled his desire it appeals rather puzzling to know what to do about the inscription In some cases therefore the initials and date of the first wedding have been erased and those of the subse quent ceremony substituted while in others the initials of the second wife and the date have been added below the first a second pair of intwined hearts being thought unnecessary The letters are usually from six to nine inches in height so that they may be easily read across the road London Mail Victims of n False Irophet Just before the opening of the Kaffir rebellion In South Africa about the middle of the last century the sooth sayers bade the tribes kill their cattle and destroy their crops of grain The spirits of their ancestors were to arise and help them to exterminate every white man in the country The advice was solemnly accepted TVhen the day of the great uprising arrived many of the rebels were already starving But there came no ghostly herds of cattle out of the earth no crops not sown with hands Grim terrible famine swept over the land and in the months which followed although the authori ties did everything in their power to mitigate its horrors 30000 victims of a false prophet starved to death Ventilation Have Ave ever stopped to think how our ancestors two or three generations back lived and flourished with little or no ventilation in their sleeping apart ments The night air used to be con sidered a very dreadful menace to health and a sure Inducer of colds Bedrooms were kept closely shut and yet our ancestors many of them were hardier than we and lived to good old ages Animals burrow in their holes at night breathing the same air over and over again while birds and fowls ruck their heads under their wings Of course ventilation Is absolutely neces sary for proper comfort cleanliness and health but people have lived on thousands of years Another Soft Ansvrer Im glad to say remarked Mrs Strongminde in an insinuating tone that my husband is not a sporty man Oh replied Mrs Kaflyppe looking very sweet and innocent Im surpris ed to hear you say that I had always supposed that he must have married you on a bet Chicago Record Herald Baying1 or Selling It is told of the son of a horse dealer a sharp lad when once unexpectedly called upon by his father to mount a fiorse and exhibit its paces the little fellow whispered the question in order to regulate how he should ride Are you buying or selling Tit Bits Beginning Over Did I hear you say old chap that marriage has made a new man of you Thats right Then that wipes out that ten I owe you Now lend me five will you Milwaukee Sentinel jav J V- The CUr of Munich Munich Is one of the most beautiful cities In Europe with broad streets frequent fountains many stately stat ues numerous open squares large wooded parks a swift river flowing directly through the center of tho residence section galleries that contain several of the finest recollections of pictures and sculpture in the world li braries academies of design schools of science a magnificent opera house a theater that was erected exclusively for the production of Wagners operas and various other attractions which do not disturb the classic atmosphere but appeal to the artist the student and whoever seeks for beauty and for rest No city of equal size has so many noble monuments and public buildings while probably a larger number of the population of Munich is engaged In study and artistic and scientific pur suits than may be found in any other city The Royal library Is one of the greatest in existence probably second only to the British museum William E Curtis in Chicago Record Herald Moving on the Installment Plan An expressman who called at a Ninety second street boarding house for two trunks was asked by the land lady where they were going I dont know he said You see I do only half the hauling I will take the things to our office and somebody else will take them the rest of the way The boss at the desk will know the ad dress The moving is done on the in stallment plan to keep you folks here from finding out whore the other peo ple went They were afraid to trust me with the number for fear you might worm it out of me so they told It to nobody but the manager Lots of peo ple who move often make the trip in sections like that naif the time when I take a trunk away from a boarding house I dont know where it will wind up That is generally done when there has been a row and the folks who leave dont want to be followed Been a lit tle trouble here I Imagine he added tentatively Yes sighed the landlady a little New York Sun Where Cicero Toole the Mad Marcus Tullius Cicero bathed in the mud of Lake Aguan 2000 years ago in order to get rid of the gout The mud of the standing waters in the dis trict west of Naples was famous from early times for tho relief of arthritis The luxurious high livers of the im perial days knew its efficacy and no doubt did their cure there in much the same rough and ready fashion as their modern representative does now It is no doubt to the sulphur and other deposits that the mud of the lit tle lakes on the promontory of Cumae owes its health giving properties and as nature works much the same way now in that region as she did in the time of the Caesars the effect upon twentieth century gout is probably much the same as when the great Tul ly soaked his inflamed joints in the ooze of the Phlegraeaen fields aiaUIng Paint With SUim Milk Stir into a gallon of milk about three pounds of Portland cement and add sufficient Venetian red paint powder to Impart a good color Any other colored paint powder may as well be used The skim milk will hold the paint in suspen sion but the cement being heavy will sink to the bottom so that it becomes necessary to keep the mixture well stirred with a paddle Mix only enough at a time for one days use Six hours after painting this paint will be as im movable and unaffected by water as a month old paint Cases are on record of this sort of paint being in good con dition after twenty years and it has preserved the wood admirably The addition of carbolic acid or some other disinfectant makes it very suitable for dairy work as it then has a cleansing effect St Louis Republic Scareil Botli of Them When Mr Justice Maule was on the bench a bullying counsel was one day browbeating an elderly female wit ness in a case before him Having badgered her into a state of utter speechlessness the lawyer appealed to the judge to make her answer his ques tions Why do you not answer mad am asked the judge Because my lord he scares me so replied the trembling woman So does he me maam said the judge Law Notes Kissing the Hand The danger of Infection which lies in the custom of kissing the hand is once more being discussed in Ger many One writer notes that this dan ger was already known to the Roman emperor Tiberius who as Suetonius notes issued an edict against this practice at that time in general vogue on hygienic grounds Comforting Old Croakybo I think wed better have the passage and staircase repa pered while Im laid up Mrs Grimage Mrs G his housekeeper Lor sir adnt yer better wait and see ow ye goes on fust Them coffins do make such work with staircase wallpapers Smiles Making Progress Have the detectives got any clew yet inquired the reporter I dont know said the woman whose house had been robbed My husband says they have got a hypothe sis Thats about the same thing isnt It Indianapolis News Pleasant Punishment Pastor I hear that the lightning struck your house Hohenbauer That Is a punishment for your wickedness Peasant Well sir its a punishment I wouldnt mind having again for I got 4000 marks insurance from It Lustlge Blatter i THE DRAPIER LETTERS Dcnn Swifts Battle For the Rights of Ireland The Drapler letters sir of which signed M B Drapler appeared in a Dublin newspaper In 1724 mark an era In Irish history They were the work of Dean Swift the author of Gulli vers Travels The occasion calling them forth was the grant of a patent In 1723 to William Wood an English man of Birmingham to coin halfpence and farthings to the extent of 10S000 to be current in Ireland where there was a deficiency of copper coinage Public feeling in Ireland was In a state of Irritation at its treatment by Eng laud and Swift took advantage of this coinage business to advocate the rights of Ireland Under the mask of a plain honest patriotic tradesman he coun seled all true patriots not only to re fuse to take the new coinage but to refrain from using any English man ufactures whatever The result was tremendous No one would take Woods money and associations were formed for refusing the currency The publica tion of the first three letters had so roused the temper of Ireland that it was now easy for Swift to come to the real point of issue In the fourth let ter he accordingly treats of the royal prerogative The government instantly took alarm and offered a reward of 300 for the discovery of the author of this fourth letter Its printer was thrown into prison But all was in vain The government yielded to the storm Woods patent was surrender ed the patentee being indemnified by a grant of 3000 yearly for twelve years Thus through the force and an imation of Swifts arguments victo riously terminated the first grand struggle for the independence of Ire landLondon Tit Bits SANITARY CONCRETE Bnilding Material of the Future and lis Advantages The advantages of concrete on the mechanical side are these It is proof against fire wind and water rats in sects and dry rot and the danger of electricity It needs no painting or re pair Fire or water overflow inside can do only local damage to the contents of a room and no more It becomes stronger and harder with age which is of course an advantage except when additions or alterations are made involving hard work to cut the walls and floors There are no leaky roofs no damp or cold east or north rooms There Is great economy of heating Being a firm mass through out like a house made of baked clay there is no vibration and in case one spot of the foundation should be under mined the well knit structure might not show so much as a crack It Is practically earthquake proof Concrete is healthful because it leaves no fissures for dust or for in sects which spread disease It is cool in summer and warm in winter and with a minimum of exertion can be kept sweet and clean On the artistic side as the house beautiful it lends itself to sculpture and painting and as an object on the landscape it can be made a joy to the eyes Country Life In America Red and White Wine Amisapprehensionabout the strength of red and white wines exists said a vine grower Because red wine has a darker richer look people think it is more Intoxicating The opposite real ly is the case Red wines are made by fermenting grape juice skins and seeds together White wines are made by fermenting juice alone In the skins and seeds there is a lot of tannin and red wine contains much tannin while white wine contains none This tannin an astringent closes the pores of the stomach and prevents the alcohol in the red wine from entering the blood freely and going as the saying is to the head White wine champagne for instance has no tannin and hence its intoxicat ing properties are much more keenly to be feared than those of the tannin filled red wine Philadelphia Bulle tin Indnstrions Chinese Children The Chinese are a wonderfully in dustrious people and their children learn very early to make themselves useful In the streets of a Chinese town it is no uncommon sight to see two children who are so young that they can hardly talk trotting along with a bamboo pole on their shoulders by which they are carrying home a pail of water If one child a stronger than the other the pail is nung near his shoulder for thus he takes the heavy end of the pole A COicctor of SnaKhoxes The only expensive personal fancy of Frederick the Great it is said was his hobby for collecting snuffboxes of which he left as many as 130 approxi mately valued at 1300000 Lord Malmesbury says that one could hard ly approach the king without sneezing Two thousand pounds weight of Span ish snuff had always to be kept In store but smoking on the other hand was an abomination to Frederick Choice of Evils Smiley I hope you wont mind if I bring a friend home to dinner tonight dear Mrs Smiley Oh no sir That Is better than being brought home by a friend after dinner Chicago News Girl Friendship Edith Did you sing for Mr Bore leigh last night Ada Yes I sang al most a whole hour for him Edith Im so glad to hear it Ive always had the greatest aversion to that man In reality history is of no avail Humanity is caught every day with traps that have served before t rtig 97rFn ZfPV f W T DANBURY Jerome Shoup who has been visiting his sister Mrs W R Burbridge departed on last Thursday for his home in Hill City Kansas Mr and Mrs Frank Fields have moved to Marion our lusty young neighbor on the west Mr Fields and family left Wednesday for the east where they will reside in future The ladies working society took in about 3400 at their oyster supper last Saturday afternoon and evening May Bartholomew is a new clerk in Sargents store A number of the girls gave a surprise on Dollie and Blanche Fields Monday They left with the family Wednesday for their new home in the east The boys drew 3 apiece in that little affair Tuesday before the justice of the peace Those clubbing rates of The Tribune ought to give the paper 1500 subscribers say 5000 readers by the Glad New Year The Weekly Inter Ocean is the only weekly newspaper pub lished in Chicago in connection with a great daily paper It con tains a judiciously selected summary of the news of the nation and world the best stories home farm womans boys and girls and other special departments and fair patriotic able editorials written from a Republican viewpoint It is by far the best general news paper of the Western states The regular price for The Weekly Inter Ocean is 100 and for The McCook Tribune 100 But subscriptions will be received at this office for the two papers in combination for only 105 R F D Np i In the clay pigeon shoot first of the week between Henry Rogers and Ed Phillippi the honors went to Henry who killed 23 out of 25 Ed got 17 to his credit MrsW N Rogers visited the North Star school and MrsWP Broomfield Tuesday of this week Miss Flora B Quick our efficient county supt visited the North Star and Ash Creek Schools the past week Wednesday beforeThanksgiving a basket supper will be held in the Pickens school house There will be a spelling match in the Pickens school house this evening W P Burns has purchased the A C Ebert home in McCook Henry Hofman sold a fine bunch of cattle to F S Wilcox of McCook this week fcfcfcfcTfc QSWWWibbXS C L WALKER The Uptodate Painter and Decorator Wall Paper Patterns Sun Proof Paints OH Glass Varnish Turpentine White Lead Varnish Stains Brushes Room Moulding and Painting Sundries Let me figure on your painting I can save you money I Spearman Block Phone 157 uumrfiT i m pagai V FRANKLIN PRESIDENT A U tBfcKl UASH1ER JAS S DOYLE Vice President THE CITIZENS BANK OF MeCOOK NEB b a m b Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 7000 V FRANKLIN a a a a a DIRECTORS JAS S DOYLE A 0 EBERT rSWWtSVS TpTi 111 1 ExMnFTrrwrBrrT Always Rememsr the Fail Nsme I axative Ebbbbbbe9sbebbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB L IDSdTJL BE2IS2 e 0 rjinnine Cures a Cold In On Bay9 Grip in Two AM VA3 OC fyZfMS ua Java Breeders Gazette Free Realizing the fact that the majority of persona making salea are doing so with the object of bettering their condition and improving the quality of their breeding stock I will send the Breeders Gazette one year free of charge to every person for whom I call a sale during the balance of 1906 E J MITCHELL Auctioneer