The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 09, 1906, Image 1

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Reduced Rate For the Kilties
Manager Bixler has secured from the
Burlington company and announces
that a reduced fare of ono and one third
has been given from all points for par
ties of ten or more who desire to hear
the famous Kilties band in the Bixler
opera house November 13th This
ought to largely increase the attendance
oh that occasion Pass the word along
Westney Hllton
Rev M B Carman officiated at the
marriage Monday afternoon November
5th of Arthur F Westney of Indianola
and Bertha Hilton of Cambridge The
parsonage was the scene of the wedding
McCook Souvenirs
We have now in stock a fine assort
ment of leather and shell novelty souven
irs also leather and comic post catds
A McMillen Druggist
Remember you will find Mike Walsh
just across the street from his old loca
tion ready to buy your poultry eggs
old rubber copper brass at the highest
cash market price
The highest market price paid for
chickens and turkeys by the Reynolds
Poultry Co Old Gurney stand Phone
All kinds of fresh and salt meats
fruits and vegetables at
Magner Storks
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at The
Tribune office
Baptist Sunday school at 1000 a m
Preaching services at 11 a m and 8 p
m A F Green Pastor
Christian Science Zint McClain
building C H Meeker C S first
reader Subject Mortal and Im
Methodist Sunday School at 10
Sermon at 11 and 8 Class at 12 Junior
League at 4 Epworth League at 7
Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 8
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m1 Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening Bervice at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
Congregational Sunday School at
10 a m preaching at 11 a m and 8 p
m by Pastor Christian Endeavor at
7 p m Prayer meeting every Wednes
day at 8 p m The public is cordially
invited to all these services
Geo B Hawkes Pastor
Episcopal Services on Sunday at 11
a m Holy communion and sermon at
8 p m prayers and sermon Sunday
school at 10 a m The Rector will offi
ciate All are welcome to these services
E R Earle Rector
Turkeys Wanted
I am in the market for all the turkeys
ducks and geese also chickens that I
can get at the highest price the market
will afford Bring the turkeys in a
week or ten days before Thanksgiving
so it will give me time to get them to
market Dont forget but see me be
fore you sell your poultry
M Walsh
American and Ellwood Woven Wire
Steel fence If you have used it you
will take no other If you have not
you should
We are the agents
McCook Hardware Co
Quick Meal Acorn and Riverside ranges
built to last a life time Can you
find any better Are there others as
McCook Hardware Co
Telephone Notice
Parties who are not now subscribers
who wish telephones please make ar
rangements at the office as soon as pos
sible C I Hall Manager
Special Sale
Introduction sale on pictures picture
frames and all kinds of mirrors com
mencing November 14th for three days
only at the Wall Paper and Paint store
20 good linseed oil barrels for sale at
the Wall Paper and Paint store
Let Ludwick explain the new gas
burner to you
The Dorcas society of the Congrega
tional church will have a market sale
of fancy articles and an oyster supper
Saturday November 17 Place to be
announced later
Family recipes and -prescriptions of
all kinds accurately and correctly filled
by Woodworth Cosglata
Cash paid for eggs highest market
price Reynolds Poultry Co Phone
S85 Old Gurney stand
W E Hefeelbower was in Boulder
Colo this week on business
Mr and Mrs R L Lubk will leave
for York state Saturday to remain
Mrs Pinnell of Hamburg Iowa is a
a guest of her sister Mrs J G Stokes
Rev M B Carman is in Holdrego
this week assisting in revival meetings
Mr and Mrs Ira Clark of Denver
are fond parents of a fine son born last
C H Meeker went down to Bartley
Wednesday morning to do some sur
Mrs Charles Knowles of Culbert
son was the guest of her parents here
fiirst of the week
Mr and Mrs E M Day arrived
home end of last week from a visit
east of several weeks
Elmer Kay has been chosen a mem
ber of the federal petit jury which first
assembles in Omaha on the morning of
November 19th
Mr and Mrs Fred Bosworth enter
tained the whist club last night Mrs
Walter Stokes won the honors Mrs J
D Hare the booby
Judge and Mrs J S LeHew re
turned home Sunday night from spend
ing two weeks visiting their children in
Denver and Akron Colo
Helen Kunert stopped on a piece of
broken glass last night severing an ar
tery in the foot and requiring the surg
eou and his needle and thread
Miss Annetta Woods late of Platts
mouth public schools hus been employ
ed in the McCook schools The city hall
is again being used for grade purposes
Mrs William Long of Aurora Neb
who was called here by the funeral of
Dr A P Welles left on Wednesday
morning for her home
Mr and Mrs Roseland Parsons de
parted Wednesday on No 1 for Ouray
Colorado on a visit to their son Charles
and to enjoy a well earned and much
deserved vacation
Mrs Emerson Hanson went down to
Lexington Mo last Friday to briefly
visit her son Warren a student in the
Wentworth Military academy She re
turned home on Tuesday of present
Mrs Henry H Tartsch will be at
home informally Friday afternoon Nov
vember 16 from 2 to 5 oclock for Mrs
W P Bross who is soon to leave Mc
Cook Friday evening Mr and Mrs
Tartsch will receive in her honor from
7 to 10 oclock All friends are invited
to call
Cafe Chantant
at Menards hall Tuesday evening
November 20 beginning at 815 sharp
Change of program every 15 minutes
till 930 Refreshments served during
program Dancing fortune telling etc
from 930 till 12 General admission
including refreshments 25 cents Dance
tickets gentlemen 50 cents Nothing
more entertaining and enjoyable has
ever been given in the city You are
Reception for Pastor and Wife
Rev and Mrs A F Green of the
Baptist church were given an enjoyable
reception at the parsoDage Tuesday
evening of this week The pastor and
wife are just now nicely settled in the
parsonage The members and friends
of the church pastors and their wives
of other churches were participants in
the happy event There were refresh
ments and all the necessary elements of
a good social event
Dress Goods and Trimmings
The season is now at its most active
point and we are pleased that our facili
ties for supplying the right and new
and desirable things in these lines are
so well known and so largely availed of
by shoppers We have no stronger line
in our store Your inspection is invited
Christmas is Coming
and so is the largest line of suitable and
useful Christmas gifts at the McCook
Hardware Co Also toys of the real
kind for the little ones Every thing
will be new no old stuff to dispose of
They will be ready soon
Be n coats
If winter was for no other reason it
would justify itself by permitting the
children to look snug and pretty in
the bear skin coats 300 will provide
them from our stock Thompsons
Was an Ovation to the Congressman
Nearly one thousand people greeted
Congressman Norris in the Bixler night
before election It was a superb closing
to a satisfactory and successful cam
Wall Paper
Only a few more rooms of wall paper
left from 50 cents up at the Wall
Paper and Paint store
h rs hjj Afo
Another Veteran Passes On
TLomasJ Pate whose illiness was
announced in last weeks paper died on
Thursday morning of this week Fu
neral services were held at the farm
house just northeast of the city Friday
afternoon Rev A F Green conduct
ing same burial in Riverview cemetery
Deceased has been for many years a
resident of this neighborhood and he
will be remembered by all as an honor
able and upright citizen His death is
most sincerely deplored by everyone
The wife and children in this great
sorrow and loss have the keenest sym
pathy of the community
Thos Pate was born in Butler County
Penna July 23 1840 Died November
7th 1906 He was married to Ellen
Winthrow the 12th of May 1867 To this
union three children were born all of
whom are living He with his family
moved from Illinois to McCook in 1886
where he has resided ever since He
was a soldier of the Civil war enlisting
in the 91th 111 Infantry and served the
full term He leaves a wife ono daugh
ter and two sons to mourn his loss
For years Mr Pate has been an honored
member of the Baptist church of Mc
Cook and served a term as deacon of
the new church
Kilties On Parade
At the special request of Manager
Bixler of the Bixler opera house where
the Kilties are to play November 13th
afternoon and evening the Kilties will
make a short parade in the afternoon
The Kilties will be headed by their
giant drum major Donald MacDonald
who stands 7 feet 2 inches high
Next in importance is the Clan Frazer
troupe of Scottish pipers Mr Frazer
is one of the greatest pipers In the
world Not the least either in their
ability to be heard is the Kilties famous
bugle and drum corps The bugles
and drums with pipes furnish the music
for the forty stalwart Scotch Canadian
laddies who in full kilties regimentals
plaids and Glengarry bonnets follow
The Kilties never play when on
parade their fine music is reserved for
the concerts which are to be given at
the Bixler opera house
Temperance Address
Rev David Fatum the Quaker Evan
gelist will give an address at the Con
gregational church next Thursday Nov
vember 15th at 8 p m under the aus
pices of the Anti Saloon League Mr
Fatum comes highly recommended as
a speaker
Everybody is invited
Remember We Are Still Selling
up-to-date clothing for men and boys
Hamilton Brown shoes for everybody
furs for men and women trunks valises
furnishings etc at
The Laboring Mans Friend
What Is Nicer
than nickel ware that lasts longer and
looks better than anything else and is
less trouble to keep clean See the
beautiful line at McCook Hardware
Cos direct from the Rochester Stamp
ing Works There are none others just
as good
Buttons are called for as trimming
very extensively this season Where
they can be made of the same material
as the dress they are very stylish Our
new button machine makes four sizes
Bring us the scraps of your dress We
do the rest Thompsons
In The Heart of The City
That i3 where you will be when you
go to the McCook Hardware Co and
see the large new line of carving sets
Something entirely new and up-to-date
with prices to suit everyone Now is
the time
Cold Climate Furs
The bright and dressy furs that look
right to begin with and stay right are
to be had at Thompsons Scarfs 8100
to 1250 Childrens and Misses setts
200 to 400 Isabella Fox scarfs 650
Free 1000 Doll
to be given away to some pretty girl
under twelve years of age receiving the
most votes
The Ideal Bargain Depot
Investlgaet Our Plan
of advertising with our customers A
whole case of fine jewelry to be prac
tically given away
McCook Hardware Co
The Finest Ever
That Cafe Chantant at Menards ball
Tuesday evening November 20 You
will miss the event of the season if you
dont go Its worth twice what you
The returns in this issue for Red Wil
low county are practically correct The
revision will not make material changes
1 in any instance
nwtasB p i
Marriage licenses granted since last
Arthur F Westney 26 Indiancla and
Bertha Hilton 20 Cambridge
XJary W Plessinger 27 and Mary C
Ohlson both of Bartley
Clarence W Reed 21 and Mae Wingo
19 both of Marion Married by the
county judge November 3rd
George Walter 22 and Mary Les
ser 19 both of McCook
Probate of foreign will of Selma Stern
was offered this week
A well known R R employee was
docked an hour the other morning for
oversleeping He explained that bin
wife had put on two new Izzer comforts
and he had slept unusually sound and
long If you want to sleep well get
Izzer bed comforts 185 to 250
Manufactured and sold only at Thomp
son s
If You Take Pictures
If you do anything in amateur photo
graphy our stock of photo supplies will
be a source of satisfaction to you It
comprises everything you want and
each item in it is of dependable quality
and our prices are just as satisfactory
as the goods
L W McConnell Druggist
We Are Led To Remark
That every manly self respecting
American boy should remember that he
has a mother sister father or brother
to protect from shame and humiliation
from chagrin and regret even on Hal
loween night Then the heartaches of
last week Wednesday night would never
Coal is High
Therefore you should be careful in
buying a heater Our stock is large in
this line and it will pay you to examine
our stoves before buyiug inferior quality
stoves at low prices and pay for it twice
over in coal
McCook Hardware Co
A Well Known Fact
One of the best known departments
of merchandise in McCook is the al
ways up-to-date dress skirt stock of the
Thompson Dry Good Co Over 300 de
sirable and stylish garments to select
from at 200 to 700 Alterations free
The Thompson Dry Good Co
Ladles Should Remember
that the health of the skin and con
dition of the complexion depends largely
upon the toilet soap you use A pure
soap is cleansing and beneficial Such
is McConnells Witch Hazel Soap 3
bars for 25 cents
Masquerade Ball Thanksgiving
Manager Bixler will hold a masquer
ade ball in the Bixler opera house
Thanksgiving night Fine music A
fine time Tickets 75 cents Masked
ladies free Spectators 25 cents Just
come thats all
McMlllens Specialties
Cough Cure
Headache Cure
Sure Corn Cure
Little Liver Pills
Cream Lotion
Sugary Delights
Our candies will please you by the
richness and rare quality of their flavor
They are the most delicious that can be
L W McConnell Druggist
Fine Chickens
I have a few choice cockerels of the
Ideal Princess strain of Rhode Island
Reds and also a few choice cockerels of
the Silver Laced Wyandottes for sale
E Fletcher Bartley Nebr
Millinery 25 Per Cent Off
Full line of street and dress hats at
25 per cent discount November 16 17
and 19 Call and see our fine line
Lovell McFarland
Have on hand and are receiving con
stantly the new novels and standard
A McMillen
Cream to Feed Hogs
of course not then get a new f rictionless
Empire Cream Separator at McCook
Hardware Cos store No complicated
machinery to get out of order
Tuerk water motor and several steam
radiators Inquire or write
The Tribune McCook Neb
5 A And Northern Ohio
Blankets and Robes direct from the
factories at wholesale prices
McCook Hardware Co
Lost A Terrier Reward
A black and white rat terrier Reward
for its return to Mrs Kendlen at Palmer
The Players Club
We take pleasure in announcing the
first appearance of the Players Club
which will occur at Bixlers opera
house Monday November 19 This
club is formed of ladies and gentlemen
of this city several of whom have had
considerable experience in dramatic
work both on the professional and
amateur stage while the others have
abilities above the average amateur
Cast Up by the Sea a pleasing
three act drama of sea coast life will be
their first presentation Special at
tention is also being given the scenic
effects and it is the purpose of the club
to make this production above the aver
age amateur offering
As a second production the club is
considering the presenting of the fa
mous play Richelieu at a later date
At the present the club numbers
among its members Miss Eflie Abbott
Gertrude Storor Lona Phelps and Mrs
S L Beach Mr Frank Forbes George
Kearns Frank Colfer Frank Strout
Raymond Light Charles Heber J R
McCarl Stewart McLean and the or
ganizer S C Beach
Try McMillens Cough cure
Get The Tribune to do your printing
See the Acorn heating stoves at
All sizes of camera plates and films at
McMillens Cream Lotion will cure
chapped face and hands
Wanted To buy a second hand roller
top desk McCook Laundry
Woolen Blankets for the price of
cotton ones at the McCook Hardware
For Sale A soft coal burner suit
able for light housekeeping Inquire at
this office
Childrens medium weight elastic
ribbed vests pants and drawers 10c to
2oc at Thompsons
The Parsons restaurant has been
purchased by Mrs Burrows who is now
in charge of the business
Remember that Ludwick sells Havi
land china in complete sets or in single
pieces just as you want
Cascara quinine the best thing for
coughs and colds 35 tablets in box 25c
Woodworth Co Druggists
For Rent Two furnished rooms
Furnace heat electric lights and bath
Julius Kunert
Dont pay the coal man so much
money Buy an Acorn stove and save
one third your coal bill See Ludwick
Magner Stokes can supply you
with anything in the line of fresh and
salt meats Also fruits and vegetables
Cash Received on Account
Charge Paid Out and other cash
register printed supplies at The Tribune
Cascara quinine cures colds and
coughs without causing sick stomach
or effecting the head 2oc at Woodworth
Heating stoves at Ludwicks from
500 to the best Some extra values in
small Oaks to be used in fall and spring
in place of your base burner
Spices with life of full strength are
the kind kept by McConnell Druggist
They come up to every requirement of
the New Pure Food Law
The Wentz Bros have this week sold
their restaurant business to Sam Horn
back who decided that McCook is
about the beat place ever after looking
around for some time for a location
Have you looked over Ludwicks
queensware stock This is the most
complete line shown in the city Ex
cellent pices of fancy goodsfor wedding
presents Holiday goods are being un
The Shawl
Through the centuries of ceaseless con
triving of womens garments the most
primitive one ever invented has kept
its place The shawl is a very good
outer garment in fact one of the best
It is a good slumber robe in afternoons
a good extra coverlet at night It is the
babys best friend at all times and is
sometimes used to wrap the bread
sponge in over night No intimate fore
noon calling between neighbors could
be maintained at all without the shawl
Long live the shawl Thompsons as
sortment is the best 175 to 300
Supplies For Painting
We carry a large line of supplies for
both water colors and oil paintings
Have all colors of paints and brushes in
camels hair red sable and bristles in
any size
L W McConnell Druggist
McCook Business College
Commercial Branches Short
band Typewriting Telegraphy
Writo L W Stayner
McCook Neb
Lost wo forgot
We say it yet
Hamilton Brown Shoos
Are the best by test
Only at Diamonds
The Laboring Mans Friond
McConnell for drugs
Who sells the Acorn stove
Everything in drugs McConnell
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
The Tribune will print it for you
Boys Black Melton 3 piece suits 100
For lazy liver uao McMillons Little
Liver Pillets
Childrens sleeping garments 35c and
50c Thompsons
Jardinieres new colorings at Mc
Millens Drug Store
Whispering Smith and Coniston
at McMillens Drug Store
Try Magner Stokes for fresh nnd
salt meats fruit and vegetables
For Sale A nice folding bed In
quire at The Tribune oilico
Are you going to buy a heating stove
See Ludwick and save money
Take a look at the Oak Heating stovo
that Ludwick is selling at 9 00
Dr Kays oflico is now ono door north
of Commercial hotel Phono 97
The Reynolds Poultry Co will give
you the highest price for your poultry
and eggs in cash
Boys Melton overcoats with embroid
ered medalions on sleeves 3 years to 8
years 250 Thompsons
A fine assortment of fancy dining
room and parlor lamps at special prices
Woodworth Co Druggists
Rooms For Rent Single men 400
per month For information inquire at
The Thompson Dry Good Cos
If it is from Marshs its the best ob
tainable Anything and everything per
taining to the meat market business
The Dorcas society of the Congrega
tional church will meet with Mrs Ed
win Waite on Thursday afternoon Nov
15th at 230
Take your poultry and eggs to the
Reynolds Poultry Poultry Co Old
Gurney stand Get the best market
price in cash
Provision ought to be made for mo re
lights on streets leading to the Bixler
opera house especially from Main
avenue west on Dodge street
The daintiest perfumes the world pro
duces domestic and imported are al
ways in stock
L W McConnell Druggist
Acorn the name of the oldest line
of heating stoves made They have
given pleasure to their users for 100
years and will for the next 100 Get an
Acorn Ludwick sells them
In his new location just across the
street from his old place in the P
Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to
see you if you have poultry eggs etc
for sale He will pay you the best cash
market price for them
Marsh operates on the theory that
nothing is too good for his patrons
hence he buys only the best of livestock
of all kinds and sells only the best of
meats You can prove it by a trial
Satisfaction absolutely guaranteed
The building lately occupied by the
Browne Bros as a confectionery has
been rented from John Morri3 by Mrs
Viola Ballew who will conduct a restau
rant therein The building is now be
ing placed in readiness for the new busi
I offer for sale my choice quarter the
n w of 32-4-30 bounded on the north
east and west by a public highway
close to school and church containing
168 acres 115 acres in cultivation For
particulars address owner H Gearty
519 East Jefferson street Springfield
We are just in receipt of a circular of
the Grand Island Business and Normal
College of Grand Island Nebraska say
ing 1000 young people from the farms
and villages will be admitted this year
and allowed to pay expenses after they
graduate and earn the money This
certainly is a great opportunity for boys
and girls of limited means and we un
derstand a number will attend from
this county It costs nothing to apply
for admission