mi if X 1TCW rflU ELGBT rwHastfw Z u Results in the cu OPENING Americas Greatest Weekly The Toledo Blade Toledo Ohio The Best Known Newspaper in the United States Circulation 185000 Popular in Every State In many respects the Toledo Blade is the most emarkable weekly newspaper published in the nited States It is the only newspaper espe cially edited for National circulation It has had the largert circulation for more years than any newspaper printed in America Further more it is the cheapest newspaper in the world as will be explained to any person who will write us for terms The news of the world so arranged that busy people can more easily com prehend than by reading cumbersome columns of dailies All current topics made plain in each issue by special editorial matter written from inception down to date The only paper published especially for people who do or do not read daily nowspapers and yet thirst for plain facts That this kind of a newspaper is popular is proven by the fact that the Weekly Blade now has over 185000 yearly subscribers and is circulated in all parts of the United States In addition to the news the Blade pub lishes short and serial stories and many depart ments of matter suited to every membor of the family Only one dollar a year Write for specimen copy Address THE BLADE Toledo Ohio NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Nebeaska In the Red Willow Codktt County Court In the Matter of the Estate of James De9hon deceased To the Creditors of Said Estate You are hereby notified that I will sit at the County Court Room in McCook in said County on the 29th day of April 1907 at the hour of 10 oclock a m of said day to examine all claims against said Estate with a view to their adjust ment and allowance All persons having claims against said Estate are requested to pro sent the same to this court on or before the 29th day of April A D 1907 and the time limited for payment of debts is One Year from said 29th day of April 1907 Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court this 20th day of October 1906 seal J C Mooee County Judge NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION State of Nebraska Red Willow County ss To All Persons Interested in the Estate of James Cain Late of Said Couniy Deceased Yon are hereby notified that on the 24th day of October 1906 Mary Cain filed her petition in the County Court of said county for her ap pointment as administratrix of the estato of James Cain late of said county deceased and that the same will be beard at the county court room in the city of McCook in said county on the 10th day of November 1906 at the hour of two oclock p m It is further ordered that notice of said hear ing be given all parties interested in said estate by the publication of this notico for threo suc cessive weeks in The McCook Teibdne a news paper printed published and circulating in said county Dated this 24th day of October 1906 seal J C Moobe Connty Judge Important Notice All persons are hereby notified and warned that TRESPASS in any form on the following described lands in Red Willow county will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law WHNWJ 9WKSWX 4-4-30 Somers land EHNEM 9 EKSEtf 4 40 Oliphant land EtfNWK 8-1-29 Cregarland DYSFarnham owner Newton Centre Mass W S Moelak Attorney McCook KM snrii n That is where all of the delicious nectar like flavor and delightful aroma of Defiance Coffee is most apparent That is the way it is tested by our experts before we buy it Cup value is the prime requisite in Defiance Coffee It must come up to our high standard before we accept it And that is why you can always depend upon it je best coffee grown It is cleaned roasted and packed in the most scientific okilled and clean persons in our own plant the ideal of cleanliness and or- lr tight parafine linedpackage brings it to your kitchen absolutely fresh and e cup will prove Get a package at your grocers today and learn how to get A Beautiful Breakfast Set of 31 Pieces With Your Initial in Gold This beautiful set of dishes will Be given to all users of Defiance Tea and Coffee taking advantage of our liberal offer before Oct 1st 1906 An opportunity you cannot afford to miss because ifssoeasy Full par ticulars in each package Defiance Coffee unground in pound packages Defiance Team -lb packages ASK YOUR GROCER LETTS SPENCER GROCER CO ST JOSEPH MO mmgmE While you think of it drop in at THE TRIBUNE office and ask to see The Finest Typewriter Paper Made The excellent quality and finish of the Strathmore will surely satisfy you OCTOBER 17th and 18th Bargains in Carriages Buggies Spring Wagons and Harness We will give the grandest exhibition ever given in Red Willow county Our special will be the Famous Lightning Triple Gear Feed Mill with chilled steel burrs that have nine force feed lugs to force the grain bearings that run in oil gearing enclosed to protect operator from accident adjustable friction plates to take up wear and prevent breakage It is also equipped with roller bearings making it easy to operate with one horse We will show you the best lightest running fastest grinding mill ever introduced to the public It will grind corn fine shelled or in the ear barley speltz oats rye and wheat from twelve to thirty bushels per hour fine enough for meal and flour if desired Come and see this famous grinder on exhibition whether you need a feed mill or not it will please you We will show you we can grind grain any way you want it This is a grinder not a crusher and the price is right The grinder on exhibition will be run by a gasoline engine Mrs Pew will serve hot biscuits and honey FREE Biscuits baked on a famous Quick Meal Range GASOLINE ENGINES International The Root and Van Dervoort MANURE SPREADERS International and Success which will be operated during this Famous Lightning Feed Grinder Exhibition Remember the dates AH are invited Powell Nilsson Marion Nebraska Come early and bring the ladies DISTINCTION WON BY CONTINENTAL First Insurance Company to Finish Payment of Losses The distinction of being the first insurance company to finish the payment of its San Fran cisco conflagration losses is claimed by the Continental of New York Several companies have been anxious to secure this honor and the Continental is triumphant in the race Yester day it paid the last claim against it on account of the fire of April 18th Arthur Q Nason general agent of the Conti nental say 9 The Continental has repeated the record it made at Baltimore in 1904 when it was the first to get through with the settle ment of losses It was the first company to bo gin paying here its first settlement being made on April 23th ten days after the conflagration began It has completed the work of adjust ment and payment in four months and eight days from that time It had a fall corps of adjusters from its Chicago and Now York of ficesmen noted for their ability and courtsey and they dealt with proofs of loss as fast as filed The Continental has paid 807 loss claims aggregating 2402790 and has made payment in full without any discount whatever regard less of reinsurance which wa3 pleaded by so many other companies as a reason for not giv ing tho full amount duo The largest indi vidual draft was given Wells Fargo Co be ing for 8289588 The Continental still has as sets in excess of 17000000 and a net surplus of over 7500000 From San Francisco Chron icle September 16 1906 This is one of the nine in the agency of John E Kelley iMl PURE WATER fcpl Every Home Can Have It IVltli Little Trouble and Eiiiennc A good filter Is an expensive thing a poor one is of little or no account and almost any filter unless it is kept clean is more destructive of life and health than the water it filters The care of the filter can never he given over to the care of irresponsihle serv ants It soon begins to smell foul and it is ultimatetly given up with disgust as costing more than it comes to It is within the power of every house keeper to provide the family with pure and sparkling water at the ex pense of but a few cents a year and the smallest amount of attention every day In France the purifying of water in this way is carried on to a considera ble extent and with elaborate and ex pensive machinery But with no ma chinery at all the housewife can pro duce practically the same result Take any vessel you may chance to have handy I have found a stone pot which you can buy any place for 10 cents one that slopes down the sides to a small bnse at the bottom about the best of anything Be sure that your vessel is clean Fill it nearly full with water from the faucet The rule for mixing the precipitating purifier which you are about to use is 1 to G000 It is more than likely that you will have no way to ascertain these exact proportions but do not let that discourage you A little experi ence is worth a gooddeal In this world whether the work be done is compli cated or simple A few days of trial in using the separator will serve to guide you all right For a starter say that to a pitcher holding a quart of water you take a small amount of pulverized alum about what would go on the rounded point of the blade of a pocketknife toss it into the water and mix it thor oughly This you can do with a spoon an ess beater or a whip cream churn The only thing is to see that the alum Is thoroughly mixed with the water and it takes considerable stirring to do this If you notice little moss islands In the water which same little islands do not seem to want to go to the bottom with their companions you will know that you have not properly mixed the alum with the water As water costs nothing and the alum but the merest trifle you can throw the water away and set some more But you need not do this All you have to do is to stir it all up good again When the work is properly done the water is crystal clear and has a live taste One thing that makes distilled water so unpalatable is the absolutely dead taste it has Another great advantage of water thus prepared is that it is not subject to auto infection or self contamination which is such a great enemy to most filtered waters This water will remain pure even though exposed to the air in open vessels for thirty six hours Although so small an amount of alum would not hurt you if you were tc drink every particle of It be not alarmed You do not get any of the alum when you drink for the water upon analysis is found to be chemically free from alum The alum has settled to the bottom in an Insoluble com pound with the filth and impurities it has carried with it In half an hour or less you will see a deposit on the sides and bottom of your pan or pot in which you have set your water If you will shake the vessel a bit you will see this de posit go to the bottom If you can spare the time the water should stand for about six hours before it is de canted Then place in clean bottles on the ice In this way you drink a pure cold sparkling water without the contami nation that is bound to come from putting Ice in the drinking water un less the ice has been manufactured from filtered water Ruth Everett in Now York World Cocoannti The milk in the water cocoanut is a food as well as a beverage The cart driven through the streets of Jamaica by the quaint old darky urging along his rebellious steed in the form of a native donkey is an interesting sight One is amazed at the dextrous man ner in which the vender takes the un ripe cocoanut in his hand and deftly cuts a hole in the top from which you drink the milk Then you return the nut to the man and with his machete he cracks it into three pieces and cuts a spoon shaped sliver from one side from which you eat the white jelly like substance scraped from the inside These are the unripe cocoanuts When ripe the jelly hardens into the hard white substance to which we are ac customed Luck Versus Labor Luck Is ever waiting for something to turn up labor with keen eyes and strong will will turn up something Luck lies in bed and wishes the post man would bring him the news of a legacy labor turns out at G oclock and with busy pen or ringing hammer lays the foundation of a competence Luck whines labor whistles Luck relies on chance labor on character Cobden An exception My oldest boy if I do say it my self declared Skinner proudly is a thoroughly honest and truthful young man Well well exclaimed Knox And yet some people insist that heredity figures largely in the development of a character Philadelphia Ledger Rather than make an effort to reach the top some men prefer to remain at the bottom for the purpose of helping pull others down Mexican Herald RADIUM AND LIFE The Experiment Tltnt Have Been Blade and What They Show Does It appear that any one has pre pared from sterilized bouillon by the action of radium or In any other way living organisms capable of multiply ing either by repeated subdivision or by means of spores or capable of pro ducing definite fermentive changes such as those which we associate with so many of the organisms hitherto In vestigated The answer jumps straight to the lips No such discovery has been recorded nor has anything been ob served which would justify us in sup posing that we are on the verge of making such a discovery at the present moment The fact Is that though much has been written and among other thlnga quite a big book very little has really been accomplished up to the present A few preliminary experiments sug gested by tho marvelous qualities of radium have been made and that is all Those experiments and their re sults whl ch are not at all revolution ary may be described in half a dozen sentences Mr Burke finds that when small quantities of radium bromide or chloride are scattered on the surface of carefully sterilized bouillon well pro tected from tho air in closed vessels minute objects appear In the bouillon after one or two days These objects have been watched and Mr Burke reports that after their first appearance they develop into two dots next present the appearance of dumbbells and subsequently of bis cuits afterward take on forms which remind an observer of frogs spawn and finally divide lose their individual ity and become transformed into mi nute crystals These bodies which Mr Burke very prematurely describes as cultures do not multiply as living organisms should do when they are transferred to fresh tubes of sterilized bouillon though as might be expected they give some slight evidence that the ac tivity of the radium salt is not quite exhausted by Its first action and they are soluble in water Now it would be dogmatic to say that radium will not generate life in organic matter but clearly Mr Burke gives us little or no reason to suspect that it does so at present Cornhill Magazine POINTED PARAGRAPHS When you lay an egg dont cackle too long Get busy and lay another There never was an air castle that was built with any consideration of salary Those who never do wrong take a worilorful satisfaction in the saying Murder will out L king for business is like looking for four leaf clovers which somebody else always finds easily enough Men In the penitentiary have just enough to eat and think they do not have enough Free men have too much to eat When a man is locked out of his own house how he disturbs the neighbors trying to get in but how quietly a bur glar gets in When the bald spot at the back of a mans head shows beneath the rim of his hat somehow it looks as bad as when a womans skirt slips away from her belt Atchison Globe Trees Worth Growing As ornamental trees the beeches at tract attention primarily on account of their dignity of form and peculiar ly clean appearance they give am ple and spreading shade the leaves are remarkably free from the insect pests and they can generally be readi ly transplanted They thrive best in a rich deep sandy loam but will grow well in any ordinary soil The trees attain a height of SO to 100 feet In the different seasons the beech pre sents totally different pictures In summer it is a broad dome of grateful shade in winter a glory of dazzling light gray in spring it floats out its soft velvety gold green leaves and in autumn it is a rich and mellow min gling of subdued yellow browns and grays Garden Magazine Letter Carriers Scars Show me a letter carrier said a postal official and Ill show you somewhere or other on the man the scar of a dogs teeth Letter carriers hate dogs and with good reason for they are continually getting nipped It is at houses with front gardens that they are troubled most Dogs run loose in these gardens and it is their delight to bite letter carriers I myself have two scars on my hand and two on my leg Take a census of every trade and Ill guarantee that the letter carriers will lead all in their percentage of dog scars An Artists Handicap What is the reason the public doesnt take a greater interest in Shakespeare The public takes too much interest in Shakespeare answered Mr Storm ington Barnes The difficulty is that every man in the audience is thinking of how much better he could do it if he tried Washington Star A Big Mosquito Mosquitoes grow to great size in Burma A young Scotchwoman who was making her first visit to that coun try had heard travelers tales of the in sect pest and was prepared for the worst When she saw an elephant for the first time she said Will you be whats called a muskeetae Duration Knlcker How long did the new cook stay Mrs Knlcker I couldnt teUex actly The clock stopped Harpers Bazar fWhrtWAPM f m Chamberlains iCough Remedy The Childrens Favorite Coughs Colds Croup and 1 wnooping uouga This rwnedyls fnroons for its enrej ovr nlarKo part of thf ciTilized world It can nlwnys bo deponded upon It contain no opium or othr harmful drug and ajr b given ns confidently to a baby ns to on adoil Price 25 ccs Large Size 50 eta DEALER IN POULTRY and EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Now location just across htreot in P Walsh building ricCook - Nebraska BSSNHV2XSEM3snni F D BURGESS Plumber and earn Filler iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Estimates Furnished Free Base ment of the Postoffice Building McCOOK NEBRASKA urea Lumber and enter Goal Home of Quality and Quantity where W C BULLARD sells THE BEST LUM BER AND COAL Are you thinking of building If so it is ten to one our figures will please you M O McCLURE Phone No 1 Manager 5 TSXS NOTICE OF SALE UNDER AJISTERS LIEN Notice is hereby Riven that by virtne of an agisters lien for the pasturing and keeping of one bay mare about ten years old weight abont 1000 pounds one brown mare with blaze face about ten years old weight about 1000 pounds from the 11th day of November 1903 until this date under an implied contract with one John Hawkins owner of said stock on which there is now due the sum of 14400 An affidavit setting forth the description of said stock and the amount due for the feeding and keeping of said stock having been filed in the office of the county clerk of this county being the county where said stock was kept and fed on the lith day of October 1906 I will sell the property above described at public auction in front of the Citizens Bank in Bed Willow coun ty Nebraska on the 24th day of November 1900 at Z o clock p m said sale to be for cash in hand Dated this 18th day of October 19C6 11 Chaeles T x Habeis ltness to mark mark H H Beeet NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF ESTATE lowCounbS WithiQ aQd fr Bed debased361 he 63tate f Aaran Colvin iice I horebr Kien all persons having of WSud nmand8 gainst Aaran Colvin late VowConnty Nebraska deceased SJ LSef tJnefld for fiinK claims against an P 193ix months ffom November 2nd Isnch persons are required to present J wt3 dly venfied to the County Judge P or ore May 2nd Vi T tho 8am wxU be orever barred AiflmBtfldJwl11 examined and adjusted one o3Spkm 0braSka0a May 5th 1907 at It is ordered that the above notice be hshedin the McCook Tribune a weekly news paper published in aid county foTfonrsuc cessive weeks buc Given under my hand and tho ao1 f J c Moobe Tseat 1 l3EALJ County Judge APPLICATION FOR PERMIT McCook Neb Oct 27 v i 190rt pwS iffiSV Jen bat WSSrth A Lo nave filed in the citv elnrlra nmL l lst1906toMay1sflU7 llMLrm Novemlr C B WooDwoBTn Co Applicants IfEGGS CHERRY COUGH SYRUP Cures BRONCHITIS x f S J f v V WW c vi H 1 Ci