The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 26, 1906, Image 6

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This Beautiful Set
of Dishes FREE with
No money whatever required you get the set absolutely free
for giving your opinion of the finest tea and coffee in the world
to a few friends and neighbors Full particulars of the plan in
each package It was our intention to withdraw this offer
October 1 st but so many people have said they did not realize
the great chance we are offering until they saw it in the home of
some friend we have therefore decided to extend it This will
give everyone a chance to get a set Many ladies are securing sets
to present to friends at Christmas Remember this is not a
premium with Defiance Tea and Coffee It is a present to users
of these beverages for making new friends Ask the grocer
Americas Greatest Weekly
The Toledo Blade
Toledo Ohio
The Best Known Newspaper in the
United States
Circulation 185000
Popular in Every State
In many respects tbo Toledo Blado is the most
emarkablo weekly newspaper published in the
nited States It is the only newspaper espe
cially edited for National circulation It has
bad the larRort circulation for more years than
any newspaper printed in America Further
more it is tbo cheapest newspaper in the world
as will bo explained to any person who will
write us for terms The news of the world so
arranged that busy people can more easily com
prehend than by reading cumbersome columns
of dailies All current topics made plain in
each issue by special editorial matter written
from inception down to date The only paper
published especially for people who do or do
not read daily newspapers and yet thirst for
plain facts That this kind of a newspaper is
popular is proven by the fact that the Weekly
Blado now has over 153000 yearly subscribers
and is circulated in all parts of the United
States In addition to tho news tho Blado pub
lishes short and serial stories and many depart
ments of matter suited to every member of the
family Only one dollar a year
Write for specimen copy Address
Toledo Ohio
BS 3 wK fiCw N4Klk2ftwwy4X
aSrigrrcrSSeSSSigr tyssr
v w - -
I 1
I Bargains in
17th and
rBWflPiif7sf a y -
f Spring Wagons and Harness
J egpwwmfaau
Carriages Bit
Marion Nebraska
The State of Nebraska In the
Red Willow County 3 County Court
In the Matter of the Estate of James Deshon
To the Creditors of Said Estate
You are hereby notified that I will sit at the
Countv Court Room in McCook in said County
on tho29th day of April 1907 at the hour of 10
oclock a m of said day to examine all claims
against said Estate with a view to their adjust
ment and allowance All persons having
claims against said Estate are requested to pre
sent the same to this court on or before the 29th
day of April A D 1907 and the time limited
for payment of dobts is One Year from said
29th day of April 1907
Witness my hand and tho seal of said County
Court this 20th day of October 1906
seal J C Moore County Judge
State of Nebraska
Red Willow Countt J
To All Persons Interested in the Estate of James
Cain Late of Said Couniy Deceased
You are hereby notified that on the 24th day
of October 1906 Mary Cain filed her petition in
tho County Court of said county for her ap
pointment as administratrix of the estate of
James Cain late of said county deceased and
that the samo will be heard at the county court
room in the city of McCook in said county on
the 10th day of November 1906 at tho hour of
two oclock p m
It is further ordered that notice of said hear
ing bo given all parties interested in said estate
by the publication of this notice for three suc
cessive weeks in Tiie McCook Tribune a news
paper printed published and circulating in
said county
Dated this 24th day of October 1906
seal J C Moore County Judge
Important Notice
All persons are horoby notified and warned
that TRESPASS in any form on tho following
described lands in Red Willow county will be
prosecuted to tho full extent of tho law
WHNWM 9 WSWK 4-4-30 Somers land
EttNEM 9 EtfSEK 4-4-30 Oliphant land
EKNWH 8-1-29 Cregar land
D S Farnham owner Newton Centre Mass
W S Moelak Attorney McCook
Wri7rr tm 1 Ttf Tztatt tJiiT
IbsdP M
While you think of it drop in at THE TRIBUNE office and ask to see
The Finest Typewriter Paper Made
The excellent quality and finish of the Strathmore will surely satisfy you
We will give the grandest exhibition ever given in Red Willow county Our special
will be the Famous Lightning Triple Gear Feed Mill with chilled steel burrs that have nine
force feed lugs to force the grain bearings that run in oil gearing enclosed to protect
operator from accident adjustable friction plates to take up wear and prevent breakage It
is also equipped with roller bearings making it easy to operate with one horse We will
show you the best lightest running fastest grinding mill ever introduced to the public It
will grind corn fine shelled or in the ear barley speltz oats rye and wheat from twelve to
thirty bushels per hour fine enough for meal and flour if desired Come and see this famous
grinder on exhibition whether you need a feed mill or not it will please you We will
show you we can grind grain any way you want it This is a grinder not a crusher and
the price is right The grinder on exhibition will be run by a gasoline engine Mrs Pew
will serve hot biscuits and honey FREE Biscuits baked on a famous Quick Meal Range
GASOLINE ENGINES International The Root and Van Dervoort
MANURE SPREADERS International and Success which will be operated during
this Famous Lightning Feed Grinder Exhibition
Remember the
dates All are
Powell Nilsson
Come early
and bring
the ladies
Advertised Letters
The following letters remained uncall
ed for at the McCook postofflce Oct
18th 1906
Abbott C E
Brady Birt
Blair Miss Hazel
Barnard J E
Bailey Mr W W
Covey Wm
Cain Everett
Anderson Mrs Lottie
Brown A D
Barrycroft Con
Benton Miss May
Bredehoft O M
Clark R E
Coppom O G
Darnstettor Joseph Day J H
Evans Mr C W 3 Ewing Mr Wm W
Finnesty S J Ferrill Mrs Bessie
French A E Fordom Mr Fred
Fox Mr Wm
Goodman Mr Adam
Hurt Mr Ernest Hart Mr E M
Hauslor Joe Henirich Goorgo
Hoagland Mr H D Howard Mrs James
Hamilton Earnest Heffnor Mr George 2
Harrison Mr Will Harper John
Ibson A
Knauff Adolph Kirk Charley
Kennedy Mr Edd Kottler Mrs C M
Lancaster Mr F Q Lee H L
Mitchell Mrs E M Mattson Mr Wilton
Matthews George Mitchell Mr Harold
Martin Evartns Miller Miss Mary
Matlock Mr Charlie
Pigg Chas E Purcoll Mr James
Palmer H B Perry Mr Charley 2
Parker Lulu
Randall Mrs Eva M Roope Thos
Richie Mr Henry Rank MriEdd
Saunders Mr F Snyder E A
Sanders Miss Anna Sutlief Miss Daisy
Taylor Mrs Douglas Taylor Mr H JJ 2
White Mrs May White Miss Yinnio
Wiediger Mr Geo Wacker Miss Anna
Wenkhoimer Miss Gladys Welen Mr M J
When calling for these please say
they were advertised
F M Kimmell Postmaster
Sleepin on the Floor
SOMETIMES wen wo glta company
An all the beds Is full
Our ma sho says to Jim an me
Wen wo gits homo frm school
You boys cant have yr room tonight
But that dont make us soro
Cause then we know shell mako U3 up
A nlco bed on tho floor
She make3 It in th parler
With th bricky brack an all
An we cn lay arf rubber
At th plcters on th wall
An we ptends were emmyErants
A campIa In th wlls
An has t keep th light turned up
T scare th annymlles
Its better n any reglar bed
Cause It dont squeak nr shake
An wen yer turnin summersets
They aint no springs t break
Y never haf t keep no track
Bout which Is foot an head
Bsides no matter whut y do
Y cant fall out o bed
Wen I grow up cf Im ez rich
Ez ole John Rockybllt
I wont hev no beds In my house
But Ill jes take a cjullt
An big fat pillers like my mas
Er cz much ez three er four
An hev th biggest kind o fun
A sleepin on th floor
New Orleans Picayune
Memory Treatiuqjit
km M if J
Im afraid Im losing my memory
When I feel that way I always go
to a minstrel show Philadelphia
A Georgia Ghost Story
A Georgia man told a friend that he
was greatly annoyed nights by the
presence of a ghost in his room that
he seemed to hear footsteps and that
they did not cease till daylight
Doubtless the spirit of a former oc
cupant of the house his friend said
Theres been some old time trouble in
that room a death there or perhaps
hidden treasure If the ghost walks
again just say as loud as you can In
the name of the Lord what do you
want and youll not be troubled with
it again
Well said the friend meeting the
ghost haunted man next day did you
do as I told you
Not exactly was the reply I
wrote a note to tho ghost and took to
the woods Atlanta Constitution
Pat I had a horrible dream las
Mike What was it
You know Tim McGinnis
I dreamed that me and Tim had
met in Raff ertys saloon
And t called Tim a loir
And Tim called me anither
And thin nayther of us done anny
thing else Chicago Record Herald
A Cheerful Prospect
Patient Tell me candidly doctor do
you think Ill pull through
Doctor Oh you are bound to get
well You cant help yourself The
Medical Record shows that out of a
hundred cases like yours one recovers
Thats a cheerful prospect
What more do you want Ive treat
ed nine nine cases and every one of
them died Why man alive you cant
die if you try Theres no humbug
about statistics Kansas City Inde
Why does a man want billions
asked the philosophic citizen when ho
can get on with so much less
Well answered Dustin Stax when
a man has a billion or so he can specu
late or play the horses without causing
comment But when hes only a bank
official hes expected to be more or less
exemplary Washington Star
The Tiresome Story Teller To re
sume the thread of my story I
The Erute What that story needs is
a rope not a thread Philadelphia
The Only Way
Browne You asked your wife to go
with you to the matinee and then got
tickets for the evening
Towne Yes You see I really want
to see the show and she will probably
be ready to go to the matinee in time
for the evening performance Puck
7fco Secret ot the Mnplc
No thoughtful person who has ever
visited a maple grove In the early
spring while snow banks are yet lin
gering in sheltered hollows and has
seen pailful after pailful of sweet sap
drawn from tho auger holes in the
shapely trunks can have failed to won
der what forces goYern the flow of the
sap When the warm sun touches the
treetopB the flow increases A rise of a
few degrees In temperature often
causes a great Increase of flow if the
rise passes the zero point on the cen
tigrade scale that Is the freezing point
of water But a considerable change of
temperature In which tho fluctuations
do not cross the zero lino causes no
marked change in the flow of sap Dr
K M Wiegand discussing these and
other related facts in the American
Naturalist reaches the conclusion that
neither expansion of gas in the wood
nor expansion of water nor expansion
of wood itself is the underlying cause
of the pressure which produces the
flow but that this pressure arises from
the effects of temperature in altering
the osmotic permeability of the pith
ray cells
Nothlna PTovr Under the Sun
I remember the surprise with which
I hoard cornet solo flrst recorded and
then reproduced by a Scott grapho
phone the construction of which if I
am not mistaken antedated the birth
of Edison The record was made upon
a sheet of tin foil wrapped around a
brass cylinder which was actuated by
means of a weight a train of wheels
and a butterfly regulator In this con
nection to show the antiquity of the
germs of another modern Invention
one day when looking through thoyflles
of the Journal des Savans I came
across the account of a machine which
was presented to tho Academy of Sci
ences of Paris somewhere around the
early years of the eighteenth century
This machine was nothing else but a
typewriter the description was very
summary but I remember that it had
individual type bars tho keys of which
were made of ivory It was tho work
of M Leroy of Versailles who was
styled Oorlogeur du Roy the reigning
king being Louis XIV Alfred Sang
in Engineering Magazine
Widows exist in all countries thus
counterbalancing the matrimonial de
cadence which might otherwise result
from timid men Widows are clinging
by temperament and attach themselves
readily to any object that cant help
itself It is generally considered un
lucky to meet a widow on a dark piaz
za by the light of th moon In many
countries to be ki sed by a widow
means endless trouble Widows are
frequently accompanied by children
wh number is constantly liable to
inciv They roam at large over
the jvincipal sections and no man is
safe when they are near All the per
fect men now dead have married wid
ows thus forming a continuous con
trast to the miserable specimens who
still live It has been said Beware of
widows but this is unnecessary for
no man can really help himself Life
Flexible Stone
The stone looked like a piece of dark
gray granite It was a foot long and
several inches thick Lifted it bent
this way and that like rubber It is
itacolumite or flexible sandstone said
the owner It is found in California
Georgia and several other states Be
sides bending it will stretch Look at
It closely and you will see that it is
formed of a number of small pieces of
stone of various tints all dovetailed to
gether loosely so as to allow of a slight
movement This movement is what
causes the stone to bend See how it
bends Like rubber precisely eh But
if I bend it too far it will break
His Specialties
Captain Spencer of the Church army
once asked a convict what he did for
a living when he left prison Well
in spring I does a bit o pea picking
and In summer I does a bit o fruit
picking and in the autumn I does a
bit o op picking Yes said the
captain and what do you do in the
winter Well mister I may as
well be honest with yer In the winter
I does a bit o pocket picking Cap
tain Spencer next asked And what
happens then The convict replied
Why I comes ere and does a bit o
oakum picking London News
Homesiclw Spencer
When Herbert Spencer was a boy his
father sent him away from home to
school The youngster became home
sick and with 2 shillings in his pocket
made his way home over 120 miles In
three days Avalking most of the way
He did forty eight miles the first day
and forty seven on the second On the
third day a friendly coach driver took
him most of the way for nothing
Slistook His Destination
An editor of a western exchange re
cently began worrying about how he
would get his shirt on over his wings
after reaching paradise An envious
contemporary sarcastically observed
that his difficulty would likely be in
finding out how he could get his hat
on over his horns Gayman Kan
Relief at Last
Housekeeper I hear your brother
who died in California left you 1000
Dinah That will be a great help to
you Washlady Deedy it will missis
Ahs been needln a pianner an a pho
nograft an a oil paintin ob mahsaif In
a gilt frame fo yeahs an now bress
de good Lord Ah kin hab em Puck
Every man will find his own private
affairs more difficult to manage and
control than any public affairs in
which he may be engaged Lord Mel
Condi R
The Childrens Favorite
Coughs Colds Croup and
Whoopinff Cough
Thin remedjrls famous for ita e utm ot
n lnrub part o I the clrlllzed
always be depended upon andniTb 5
opium or other niiraiuldrnjr
J n rnnfldontlr to a baby 88 to an ncHul
Price 25 cca Large Size 60 eta
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Now location just ncross street in P Walsh
flcCook - Nebraska
Plumber and
Steam Filter
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Estimates Furnished Free Base
ment of the Postoffice Building
Lumber and Goal
Home of Quality
and Quantity where
Aro you thinking of
building If so it is ten
to one our figures will
please you
Phone No 1 Manager
or a carload of flour that leaves
here is destined to do a lot of gocd
It makes good bread good pies
gocd cake and makes bad people
is so good it cant be better Its
praises will resound in your ears
whenever and wherever the flour
tocsin is sounded Buy Pride of
McCook Flour and take no other
McCook Milling Company
fc 1