The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 26, 1906, Image 1

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Items of the Big- Storm
While McCook and vicinity escaped
the severity of the snowstorm Monday
and Tuesday the west end of the divis
ion did not escape so easily Snow
conditions between Yuma Colo and
Barr Colo were especially difflcultand
trains were delayed many years
Stock casualties were very numerous
scores of animals being killed on the
track by the snowplows and regular road
The storm Monday and Tuesday de
layed traffic on the McCook Imperial line
badly The stock special of Tuesday
was unable to negotiate the deep snow
between Wauneta and Imperial and fin
ally some cars and the engine tender got
off the trask and the train did not reach
McCook on the return trip until Wed
nesday afternoon at five oclock The
snowplow went up about four oclock
Wednesday morning and opened up the
line for traffic during the morning No
train being run Wednesday service was
given on Thursday
Conditions on the Alliance division
were worse than on the McCook division
the deep snow being intensified by lack
of coal McCook division was also some
what short on the black diamonds
caused in great measure by the heavy
demand on motive power in handling
heavy stock shipments
McCook Souvenirs
We have now in stock a fine assort
ment of leather and shell novelty souven
irs also leather and comic post caids
A McMillen Druggist
Majestic Quick Meal Acorn Garland
and Moores for sale by McCook Hard
ware Co These are the best rangeB
made others for less money
A Few Bargains
In second hand Buggies
McCook Hardware Co
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at The
Tribune office
Fresh butter of best quality at Marshs
meat market
Baptist Sunday school at 1000 a m
Preaching services at 11 a m and 8 p
m A F Green Pastor
Christian Morning subject Our
Danger of Forgetting God Evening
subject Consider Him
Rev J L Lemmon of Beaver City
Christian Science Zint McClain
building C H Meeker C S first
reader Subject Everlasting Punish
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
Episcopal Services on Sunday at 11
a m Holy communion and sermon at
8 p m prayers and sermon Sunday
school at 10 a m The Rector will offi
ciate All are welcome to these services
E R Earle Rector
Methodist Sunday school at 1000 a
m Special Old Folks sermon at 11 am
Junior league at 400 Epworth league
at 700 Union temperance meeting at
Baptist church at 8 Sunday school
and preaching in South McCook Sunday
afternoon Prayer meeting Wednesday
evening at 800
M B Carman Pastor
Congregational Sunday school at
1000 am Hay Stack Centennial cele
bration which was put off from last week
will be held at 1100 am Special music
recitations and some unique and inter
esting features Christian Endeavor at
7 pm Prayer meeting and Bible study
Wednesdays at 8 p m An invitation
extended to you to attend any and all of
these services
Geo B Hawkes Pastor
Marriage licenses granted since last
Rae R Hodgkin age 21 and Grace
Brown age 19 both of Bartley Oct 6
Guy A Walton age 23 of Bartley and
Alice Matthews age 23 of Lebanon
Oct 8
Willard C Selby age 34 and Martha
A Welt age 29 both of McCook Oct
Gordon G Athey age 22 and Mary
Theobald age 17 both of Bartley
Oct 11
Elmer EWillis age 42 and MrsMary
E Blanding age 32 both of Arapahoe
Oct 13
Theo L Furneaux age 23 of Wray
Colo and Laura Counse age 18 Hayes
Center Oct 15 Married by county
Calvin R Proctor age 30 of SpokBne
Wash and Julia Sly age 25 of McCook
Oct 16
Mrs William Unger is very ill
R E Love has gone over to Wilson
Barney Hoeer is in Omaha on busi
for a day or two
Mr and Mrs Frank B Nichols are
home from their Colorado visit
W C Bullard was out from Omaha
Saturday on business matters
Dr A P Welles has been very ill
this week and under professional care
Mrs Albert Barnett took in the at
tractions of the big Omaha horse show
H C Clapp has been laid up early
days of the week with a severe cold and
Mrs C B Sawyer has been visiting
Miss Alice in University Place the past
Mrs H A Beale returned early in
the week from spending several weeks
with her father in Illinois
Dr E R ONeill has purchased a
dwelling house on north McFarland st
and now occupies the same
Roy Green has been desperately ill
for the past week or two with appendi
citisbut is better at this writing
Mrs John Stilwell was called to
Kansas Wednesday night by a telegram
announcing the death of a brothor
R A Green was called over from Ce
dar Bluffs Kansas all of last week by
the serious illness of his young son Roy
Thomas and Joseph Cain were both
out from Indiana to the funeral of their
brother James Tom has returned home
but Joe is still here
Rev G B Hawkes of the Congrega
tional church is entertaining his brother
and family from Colorado The brother
is just recovering from a recent severe
attack of fever
Fred Bruns is entertaining his moth
er Mrs E A Bruns and brother
Frank They arrived from Saguache
Colo last Sunday night and may re
main this winter
Mrs L R Hileman departed on 12
Wednesday morning for Exeter on a
visit to relatives Afterwards she will
visit Mr Hileman in South Omaha She
will be gone about three weeks
B H Stewart who has been the
efficient foreman of The Tribune force
for past two years departed Saturday
night on No 0 for Cedar Falls Iowa
which he will make his headquarters
while working life insurance business
for a while
Mr and Mrs R R Archibald de
parted Saturday night on No 14 for
their future home in Arrow Head Ok
lahoma That they carry with them
the good wishes of many McCqok friends
goes without the saying They are too
closely linked with the history of Mc
Cook and the McCook division to soon
pass from our memories though they dc
from our vision Neighbor has al
ready invested heavily in city property
in Arrow Head and will buy farm land
in that neighborhood After many
years of hard labor the Archibalds are
are on easy street and The Tribune
hopes their ways in Oklahoma may bo
prosperous contented and happy
A Satisfactory Performance
Sanford Dodges presentation of Rom
eo and Juliet Tuesday evening was the
most satisfactory and wortnful produc
tion that has yet appeared in the Bixler
opera house The unavoidable chill of
the house on account of the absence of
heat was the only drawback to an even
ing promising
Isabella Fox
Any person knowing the whereabouts
of a bright dressy and stylish fur scarf
as desirable as our 5675 Isabella Fox
scarfs is justified in purchasing it on the
spot We have them Thompsons
Telepnone Notice
Parties who are not now subscribers
who wish telephones please make ar
rangements ht the office as soon as pos
sible C I Hall Manager
Alterations Free
Your size in dress skirts is here or we
make it by alteration without charge to
you Our line of skirts is very large and
complete from S2 to S7 Thompsons
Postponed Till November loth
The festivities and celebration in con
nection with the opening of tho Brush
Colorado beet sugar factory have been
postponed to November 10th
Down Town News Depot
Go to Zint Zint for you periodi
cals stationery school supplies con
fectionery and souvenir postal cards
Subscriptions taken to all papers
Let Ludwick explain the new gas
burner to you
Walker sells Pattons Sun Proof and
Bradley Vrooman paints They have no
equal Once used always used
Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nebraska October 10 1906
Tho Board of County Commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment present Samuel Promor
C B Gray and P S Lofton commissioners C
E Eldred attorney nnd E J Wilcox clerk
Tho minutes of previous meeting wore road
and approved
Tho potition of Wm Byfleld ot nl askigB for
tho location of a public road was read and con
sidered Tho board find that all tho require
ments of the law have boon complied with and
tho public good requires it and on motion of
Lofton seconded by Gray potition was granted
and road established as follows Commencing
at tho southwest corner of tho northeast quar
ter of suction tweiity eoven 27 town three 3
range twenty nine 29 west 6th P M running
thonce east to tho B M R R right of way
thence northeasterly along the north side of
said right of way to tho section line between
sections 26 and twenty seven 27 thence
north on soction lino to tho southeast corner of
sectiou twenty two 22 said town and range
and terminating thoroat Also to vacato that
part of road No 106 described as follows Com
mencing at the southeast corner of tho north
west quartor of section 27 town 3 range 29
running thonce north on quarter section lino to
the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of
section 26 town S range 29 and terminating
thereat and clerk was instructed to notify
overseer of highways to open said road Moved
by Gray seconded by Lofton that Frank Still
man bo allowed the sum of 315 damages by
roasou of the location of said road Carried
and tho overseer of road district No 10 was di
rected to pay samo out of any funds belonging
to said district as by law directed
In tho matter of a petition of J C Dolan and
others requesting tho Board of County Com
missioners of said county to present to the
voters at tho next general election to bo held
November 1906 the proposition to sell at
public aale tho south Yz of block No 13 in town
of Indianola Nebraska and appurtenances
thoreunto belonging known as the old court
house proporty and jail came on for considera
tion before tho board whereupon Commissioner
C B Gray presented the following resolution
and moved its adoption to wit
Bo it resolved by tho Board of County Com
missioners of Red Willow county Nebraska
that tho petition of J C Dolan and others re
questing thj Board of County Commissioners of
said count to submit to the voters of said
county at tho next genoral election to bo hold
November 1906 tho proposition to sell at pub
lic sale the south Y of block No 13 in town of
Indianola Nebraska and appurtenances there
unto belonging known as the old court house
property and jail be granted
And be it furthtr resolved that said proposi
tion be submitted and placed upon tho ballot
in the lollowing form to wit
A proposition authorizing tho Board of
County Commissioner to sell at public sale tho
south Vi of block 13 in town of Indianola Red
Willow county Nebraska and appurtenances
thereunto belonging known as the old court
house property and jail
Vote For or Against
Said motion was seconded by Lofton Those
voting ao Premer Gray and Lofton nays
none Carried
P W Fough was appointed road overseer for
district 31
The bond of P W Fough road overseer for
district No 31 was examined and on motion
The following claims wero audited and al
lowed and on motion the clerk was instructed
to draw warrants on the county general fund
levy of 1906 in pajment thereof as follows
H H Berry fees State vs Doo 3 45
RMOsborn 2 10
ThosBurge 1 GO
EarlMurry - 110
LovellCljde 110
Claude Harbaugh 110
WMZint 1 10
H H Berry fees Stato vs Gaughan 1 S5
R W Devoe fees State vs Williams in 6 7i
S C Beach 8 00
HIPeterson 5 13
Joshua Rowland 2 00
R W Devoe fees Stato vs Quigloy 13 30
HHBerry 6 33
HI Petersou C 95
Hammond Stephens supplies 53 GO
McCook Electric Lt Co lights Sept 1 70
Pado Son funeral ex Chas Mediz 23 00
Flora B Quicksalary andoflicooxponso 272 92
CE Eldred 203 00
R W Devoe 3d quarter salary 50 00
Ben G Gossard office expense 55 71
W C Bullard coal for Tuttle pauper 3 90
EGCain Co coal for Vandervortpaup 4 00
L A Thomas mdse for pauper 8 00
J C Puckott mdse for Vandorvoort 16 00
Samuel Premer Comm serv mileage 11 GO
FSLofton 8 30
CBGray 6 00
and ou the bridge fund levy of 1906 as follows
W C Bullard lumber 3 30
Barnett Lumber Co lumber 44 65
Barnott Lbr Co lumber 23 30
Clint Hamilton Lbr Co lumber 2 24
E G Caino Co lumber 7143
W T Clark bridge work 1 50
and on tho road fund as follows
Charles Wilson road work 9 00
Lenn Younger 9 00
TMCampbell 6 00
On motion board adjourned to meet Novem
ber 26 1906
Attest E J Wilcox Samuel Peejiek
County Clerk Chairman
The scraps of your new dress
make the buttons for trimming it
new button machine makes 4 sizes
Lessons on the Piano
Miss Heckman late of the Royal
Conservatory of Dresden Germany
is now prepared to take a limited num
ber of pupils
Pitless scales the best made For
sale by the McCook Hardware Co
All kinds of fresh and salt meats
fruits and vegetables at
Magnkr Stokes
A Growing Business
It is a pleasure to note tho success of
any citizen doing business in our cit
and a special pleasure to record the
growth of a manufacturing enterprise
under untoward circumstances as in
the case of Bert A Griggs who has
grown up to young manhood from a
child in our city
Recently Bert decided to engage in
business for himself and the result is
cigar manufactory No 16G located in
tho basoment under the Benjamin
Burnett cigar store With a modest
quiet beginning his business is ex
panding nicely His 5 cent brand
Western Jewel has grown into very
considerable popularity and sale Ma
terials of all sorts for another brand are
coming and other grades and values will
bo added in due time as demand arises
Bert is a deserving energetic young
man and many friends are interested in
seeing him scoring a success in his fac
An Enjoyable Recital
Miss Deborah Heckman assisted by
Miss Virginia and Master Harold Heck
man gave an enjoyable pianoforte reci
tal in the Methodist church last Friday
eveuing before an appreciative audi
ence They are a musical family and
will be heard from in the realm of music
in coming days
Union Temperance Meeting
There will bo a Mass Temperance
Meeting at the Baptist church next
Sunday at 8 p m under the direction
of the Anti Saloon League Rev A F
Green will make tho main address
Good music by male quartet and others
Everybody is invited
Few People Realize
tho advantages they have in selection of
buggies until they go to the carriage
room on the upper floor of the McCook
Hardware Companys store
You find rigs there to suit your pocket
book and every one guaranteed against
poor workmanship or poor material
For Dressing
dont forget the spices Gives the
rich delicious taste that every cook
seeks You cant get it with poor
woody spices Use our pure fresh full
strength and best quality spices You
will be delighted
L W McConnell Druggist
Fine Chickens
I have a few choice cockerels of the
Ideal Princess strain of Rhode Island
Reds and also a few choice cockerels of
the Silver Laced Wyandottes for sale
E Fletcher Bartley Nebr
Any person dumping rubbish along
the public highway or on the McCook
Driving Park will be prosecuted to the
full extent of the law
By Order of the Directors
Union Temperance Meeting
Sunday night October 28th the Anti
Saloon League will hold a mass temper
ance mpeting at the Baptist church to
be addressed by Rev A F Green Soma
fine singing will be provided
Hay Stack Centennial
At the Congregational church Sun
day morning the program of music and
recitations put off from last week will be
rendered Unique features All are
In pills in bulk in tablets or in cap
sules Is absolutely pure full strength
quinine splendid for breaking up colds
L W McConnell Druggist
Dempster and R V
Gasoline engines also a full line of
corn shnllers shredders and feed grind
ers at the McCook Hardware Co
For Sale or Rent
My restaurant lot building furniture
and stock Main avenue near depot
R Parsons
Bear skin coats for the children at
83C0 each in the good colors Other
good coats at 8250 8200 S165 and
down as low as 35c each for lined outing
flannel coats at Thompsons
Remember you will find Mike Walsh
just across the street from his old loca
tion ready to buy your poultry eggs
old rubber copper brass at the highest
cash market price
Well Southwestern Nebraska got a
thorough invaluable soaking if it did
have to have the incidental discomfort
of sleet and snow and wind and mud
this week
A bad back and a good liniment like
No 13 Liniment are sworn enemies Wo
can furnish the liniment
L W McConnell Druggist
Note the advertisement of the Updike
Grain Co in this issue In addition to
grain they sell both Wyoming and Penn
sylvania coal Phone 169
Boys all leather gloves 13c pair mens
for 18o at Thompsons Others to 150
On going to press we learn that Con
gressman Norris is to close his campaign
by a meeting at McCook Monday night
November 5th tho night before elec
tion Bixlers opera house has been on
gaged for the meeting and that it will
bo a good one goes without the saying
Card ol Thanks
Wo are all grateful boyond more words
to all the neighbors and friends for their
assistance and sympathy during the ill
ness and after the death of our dear one
Mrs James Cain and Family
Art For Public Schools
An exhibition of pictures will bo held
in the court room next week for purpose
of raising funds for tho purchase of pic
tures for the public schools
Lost A Terrier Reward
A black and white rat terrier Reward
for its return to Mrs Kendlen at Palmer
McConnell for drugs
Try McMillens Cough cure
Everything in drugs McConnell
Get The Tribune to do your printing
For Books go to Lon Cone Drug
See the Acorn beating stoves at
McConnell sells Edison Phonographs
on monthly payments
McMillens Cream Lotion will cure
chapped face and hands
Good hair brushes tooth brushes and
bath brushes at McConnells
Cream in sealed 10c and 20c bottles
for sale at Marshs meat market
Wanted To buy a second hand roller
top desk McCook Laundry
For Sale A
good condition
hard coal burner in
Miss Marie Bronson
Simpsons American Allens all the
best Dress Prints 5c yard at Thompsons
Woolen Blankets for the price of
cotton ones at tho McCook Hardware
For Sale A soft coal burner suit
able for light housekeeping Inquire at
this office
Peerless carpet warp on spools 21c
for white 23c for colors Thompsons
None to merchants
For Sale A Radiant Home hard
coal heater
C II Meeker
Dont pay tho coal man
money Buy an Acorn stove
one third your coal bill See
so much
and save
Stokes can supply you
with anything in the line of fresh and
salt meats Also fruits and vegetables
Ladies long coats at 8600 87008850
81000 81250 81500 and 81650 at
Thompsons Best values for your
Inspector T M Hodgman of the Uni
versity of Nebraska paid his annual visit
to the high school Monday afternoon
attending a few of tho classes and greet
ing the teachers Just before dismissal
he addressed the pupils at specially call
ed assembly and gave them reasons why
they should consider further attendance
at school or college Ho found affairs
in very satisfactory condition and re
ported the McCook school one of the
best on the universitys accredited list
The teachers club held its first meet
ing for the year two weeks ago with
Mr and Mrs Thomas The hour was
spent socially arrangements being per
fected for the study work of the year
Thursday night the teachers met at the
schoolhouse for the purpose of studying
art and pictures as a preliminary to the
exhibit next week Tho Purpose of
Art Study was the subject of a paper
by Miss Pheian and How to Enjoy Pic
tures by Miss Rowell Miss Abbott
considered the pictures we already have
with explanations and helpful interpre
tations The members of the Twelfth
grade were the guests of the teachers on
this occason Another meeting will be
held next week with the same object in
Recent Friday morning music pro
grams at the high school assembly have
brought a cumber of visitors among
the number many former students
Much absence was occasioned through
out the grades early part of thi3 week
because of the unusual and stormy
The carpenters have about completed
their work on the West building recent
ly moved and it will soon be in a finish
ed state though the regular school work
has been carried along without interrup
tion since the opening week
The slate blackboard for the West
building has been received and is now
being put in place on the walls
McCook Business College
Commercial Branches Short
hand Typewriting Tolography
Write L W Staynkr
McCook Nob
Who sells tho Acorn stove
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
The Tribune will print it for you
Landseokors numerous this week
For lazy liver use McMillons Little
Liver Pillets
All colors in Saxony yarn at 5c skein
Childrens sleeping garments 35c and
50c Thompsons
For Sale Two houses on threo lots
J M Henderson
Try Magner Stokes for fresh and
salt meats fruit and vegetables
For Sale A nice folding bed In
quire at The Triuune oflico
Wanted Position by experienced
book keeper Inquire Tribune
Dr Kays oflice is now ono door north
of Commercial hotel Phono 97
Tho best table oil cloths in plain white
and in fancies 15c yard at Thompsons
Engine 145 is just out of tho shop and
721 is the roundhouse for pilot repairs
Paints oils varnishes brushes etc
at McConnells Estimates given on
any job
Girls long coats from 6 to 14 years for
8225 Others at 8350 8500 SG75 and
8750 Thompsons
Fleischers German Knitting Yarn in
quarter pound skoins for 25c each at
Thompsons only
Tho largest blankets tho market af
fords are at Thompsons at 8225 a pair
Others 65c to 8875
Corns are an abomination McCon
nells Lightning Corn Cure will remove
the corn Satisfaction guaranteed 10c
The Sunday school convention billed
for Box Elder Tuesday October 23rd
had to be abandoned on account of tho
Mens long thick high collared Ul
sters 8500 Mens dress Overcoats 8500
8750 to 81500 Young mens ditto
8450 Boys ditto 8250 Thompsons
In prescriptions wo use only the
highest grade drugs and only the fresh
est of full strength
L W McConnell Druggist
Acorn tho name of the oldest line
of heating stoves made They have
given pleasure to their users for 100
years and will for tho next 100 Get an
Acorn Ludwick sells them
Now blessings rest upon his head
who first invented sleep Also upon
the makers of those Cozy Outing Flan
nel Night Gowns for men women and
children at 50c to 8200 at Thompsons
Wanted Men to husk corn with
team and wagon Will pay 4c per
bushel Corn will yield 35 o 40 bushels
Phone or write M E Graham Dan
bury Neb Phone No COL 10 12 3ts
In his new location just across the
street from his old place in the P
Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to
see you if you have poultry eggs etc
for sale He will pay you the best cash
market price for them
I offer for sale my choice quarter the
n w of 32-4-30 bounded on the north
east and west by a public highway
close to school and church containing
1GS acres 115 acres in cultivation For
particulars address owner II Gearty
519 East Jefferson street Springfield
The Methodist Congregational and
Baptist churches of McCook will unite
in a revival during the month of Janu
ary The Tribune makes this announ
cement early in order to give his Satanic
majesty an opportunity to sKidoo if he
feels mindful for the good people of the
city are going after him for keeps in
Penny wise and pound foolish is
well illustrated in the matter of winter
underwear and bedding It is penny
wise when you save a little by buying
thin and skimpy articles it is pound
foolish when you come to the resultant
doctor bills and disability to work Iz
zer bed comforts are absolutely the
best 81S5 to 8250 Thompsons
A pleasant meeting of the W C T U
was held with Mrs J G Inglis last
Friday afternoon The subject for the
afternoon thought was Can the State
Legalize a Wrong Some time was
taken in reading a very good article
under that heading taken from the
Omaha Christian Herald The la
dies will meet with Mrs Thompson
Friday Nov 2d