IS t 7 V 1 fl AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED Fairbury Hanehett Windmill This is a warranted and guaran teed windmill nothing better in the market Write or call on Mr Rnll hfifnrfl hnvinor W PHONE BLACK 307 i c Sf Hows Your LiVer It will pay you toiake gooS care of rtyour hver bemuse If you- Oa youf liver will take jia care ofyou Sick liver putsarcii ifllout osor Snakes you pal dfry slclat tile stomach gives yi stejnach ache headache malaria ate Well IWr keeps you well by purifying your bIoodand digesting yourtfttod There Is only one- safe certain and reliable liver medicine and that Is ThoMf8 BioGk Draught For over 60 years this woa4erful vegetable remedy has been the standby In thousands of noaiM and ls today ne xavonie nvcrmeoipmeia we wia It acts gently on the liver and kid neys and does not irritate the bowels It cures constipation relieves con gestion and purines the syrtem from n overflow of bile thereby keeping the body In perfect health Price 25o at all druggists end Sealers Test it rasrsirass For Sale and Guaranteed by g W JTaJHPyffiT ii v DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Office Bldg Phone No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free Bfc wSfcftfc n Dm 1 Mni f A Tree of Many Powers The ash tree is rich -with superstition The old charlatans of the muldle ages used it in their love potions and the damsels of ancient times believed that it -would enable them to make their sweethearts true and help them to dis cover their future husbands The in habitants of Iceland still look with dread upon the use of mountain ash as fuel Their belief that it will make enemies of all who gather round a hearthstone on which it burns Is deep seated and was once almost universal in Europe Superstitious seekers after good luck may still be found invoking the spirit of the even leaved ash after the man ner of the ancient tree worshipers with the verses Even ash I do pluck thee Hoping thus to meet good luck If no luck I get from thee I shall wish thee on a tree The Philosophers Sport A balloon trip gives one a sense of utter and complete stillness and also a beautifully serene feeling of aloof ness from men and tiresome matters a contempt for the puniness of earth and an unbounded sense of sociability and camaraderie with those with whom one is basketed aloft in those few square feet of wicker It is a philosophers joy ballooning the sport of the scientific and the idea that it provides a new thrill or curdles the blood of jaded and sinful butterflies may be good enc tgh for the halfpenny press but not for the wiseacres of the Aero club Bystander Lucky Horseshoes Tnere is a rignt way ana a wrong m the picking up of a horseshoe I -was walking with a country bred boy along a Somerset lane and saw one lying in the crumbling summer rut There is a horseshoe said I The lad sprang forward but stopped suddenly before his fingers touched the iron But I wont pick it up said he or I shall spoil your luck It may perhaps have been only a point of etiquette but he assured me that a horseshoe of my finding could bring luck neither to him nor to me if he touched it before me London Standard Wlilcli Was It The governor was puzzled Look here he said turning to his private secretary Can you tell me whether this note comes from my tailor or my legal adviser Theyre both named Brown The note was as follows I have begun your suit Ready to be tried on Thursday Come in BROWN Toledo Blade Male Vanity Man believes himself irresistible at all ages and I believe that the older he grows the more fascinating he thinks himself London World r MWHtkA AMES nrmiiMjn Tf i jvfl LIQUID KOAL IS MANUFACTURED BY OAL V0 s jKjjl ills CAT x M o M LIBRARY NOTES We are ready to loan the teachers of Red Willow County boxes of books There are some interesting articles which may be found in the October magazines at the Public Library The Development of the Philippines by Hamilton MJ Wright Americans building the railroads and handling the natives with tact Modern industrial methods and government help steadily teaching the Filipinos the lesson of progress The resources and the needs of the Islands Observations of a 1700 mile trip The Stages of Vesuviuss Eruption by Frank A Perret Photographs which show the whole cause of the disturbance one view after another as it occurred Education in the New Japan by Mary Crawford Fraser The difficulties of the schools under the new conditions Ill paid teachers A great rush of pupils Delicate social problems of the new order The Russian Revolution in Process by Isaac A Houswick An orderly account of the awakening of the people against the autocracy A real revolution which cannot go backward A consecutive narrative from the point of view of a liberal Russian Library hours mornings 1030 to 1200 oclock afternoons from 130 to 600 oclock evenings from 700 to 900 oclock Sunday 200 to 500 oclock p m Librarian Real Estate Transfers The following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks office since last Thursday evening United States to James W Rogers pat State of Nebraska to W S Fitch deed w hf sw qr W J Stilgebouer to II D Butler and N Axtellwdlotl2 blk6 Danbury 1100 00 N Axtell to B F Murphy qcd lot 12 blk6 Danbury 550 00 Lydia A Barry to Allen P Day wd lot a blk 33 Iudianola 1500 00 Robert A Morrison to The Farmers Mortgago and Trust Co wd e h w hf sw qr 14 and nw qr nw qr and lot 3 of 23 and lots 1 2 3 of 22 in 3 28 incl ROW of R V R R and L J Holland Irrigation ditcb 24000 00 Robert A Morrison to The Fanners Mortgage and Trust Co water deed for same 1 0 Lincoln Land Co to James R Murphy wd lot 14 in blk 3 Lebanon 50 00 Lincoln Land Co to Anderson Gartin and N Axtell wd lots 1 and 2 in blk 2 Danbury 100 00 Desoline A Olcott and Benjamin F Olcott to Elijah C Hill wd se qr 6 and neqr7in3 30 9000 00 Amos Thomas to Lesley Thomas wd nw qrnsqr 17-1-26 1000 00 William S Fitch to Patrick Walsh wd w hf aw qr 26-3-30 3000 00 JohnE Kelley tojWilliam J bergerwdswqr 20-1-29 1200 00 William J Goodenberger to Edward R Weatherfield wd sw qr 20-1-29 3500 00 Edward R Weatherfleld to Marcellua C Shurtleffwdnwqr 8-2-30 4000 00 Marion Powell and Martin Nilsson to Nils J Johnson deed lots 11 12 blk 8 Marion S5 00 Marion Powell and Martin Nilsson to Nils J Johnson deed lots 1 2 blk 8 Marion 125 00 Joseph L Matson to P F McKenna wd 300 00 John G Evers to Hajes Moyer wd lots 11 12 in blk 9 Danbury 1500 00 William Hold to Livoni a Finch wd lot 1 blkljthadd McCook 1000 00 CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chattel mortgage made on the 21st dav of June 1905 by J E Lawtlwrs to Reoves Co upon j the following described property towit One No 3303 Reeves 20 H P straw burner jacketed engine manufactured by Reeves Co with all fixtures and appendages with or belonging to same One No 3121 Reeves 33x56 mam moth cylinder separator manufactured by Reeves fc Co with all fixtures and appendages belonging to same One No 3454 Reeves Farmers Friend -wind stacker manufactured by Reeves Co with all fixtures and appendages belonging to same One No 1S810 Parsons self feeder and band cutter One No 5467S Peoria double tube weigher Ono No 567 Reeves engine tonder OnelCO foot 8 inch 4 ply Gandy belt One 21x36 foot 8 ounce tarpaulin One No 2 lifting Jack Ono tank pump and hose Said Reeves fc Co will sell said property for cash to the highest bidder at public auction on the 5th day of November 1906 on tho farm of Henry S Beck situated in section 19 town 1 range 29 west in Red Willow county Nebraska at 3 oclock p m of said day Said mortgage was filed in the office of the county clerk of Red Willow county Nebraska on the 24th day of Jnne 1905 There is now due on said mortgage and the notes hereby secured the sum of one thousand nine hundred forty one and sixty five one hundredths dollars 194165 said mortgagee has elected to declaim the whole debt secured by said mortgage doe as by its terms and tho terms of the notes secured thereby provided No proceedings at law has been had for the collection of said debt or any part thereof Dated this 9th day of October 1906 10-12-4 ts Reeves Co Mortgagee TigiEfeUJiiiM r t t II ft NATIONAL MEDICAL COMPANY E L Barragar President Capital One Quarter Million Principal Office Sheldon Iowa Branches Minneapolis Minnesota Glendive Montana Lewiston Idaho York Nebraska Oklahoma Oklahoma Liquid Koal Used as a Lice Killer When diluted with water in the proportion of one part Liquid Koal to fifty parts water it is the best Lice Killer on the market It is not expensive to use because it forms a perfect emulsion with waterwhen mixed in this proportion Worms in Hogs The hog is more infected with intestinal worms than any other domestic animal These worms are created by iihpure accumulations along the intestinal track and generally pro duced by poorly digested food The nature of the hog and his manner of eating renders him more susceptible of intestin al worms than any other animal Under the present domestic ated conditions he is not allowed the use of his natural in stincts to obtain the necessary element that would destroy these intestinal parasites Being shut up in a pen he is not allowed to follow the dictates of his nature The hog that is wormy can neither grow nor thrive for the reason that the worms destroy all the effects of the nutrition furnished in the feed Liquid Koal put in the drinking water in the propor tion of one quart to a barrel and given them twice a week will destroy all intestinal worms and keep them free from their formation and multiplication It strengthens the appe tite and tones up the system Something You Ought to Know A parasite is an organism which during its life lives within or on the surface of an animal for the purpose of exist ence and from which it receives its nutrition and nourish ment The state or condition in which the animal is kept either hastens or retards the multiplication of them They are injurious in at least three ways i As direct agents of loss from animal economy 2 As carriers of other forms of parasites 3 As carriers of the micro organisms of infectious dis eases Liquid Koal LIQUID KOAL is a black oily liquid Liquid Koal is a liquid soap and will form a perfect emulsion with water LIQUID KOAL is endorsed by the leading veterinaries of the United States and by many of the State Agricultural Colleges and many of the Experimental Stations which are conducted by the government Science teaches that no medicine ever healed a wound that nature performs the healing process and medicine can only assist nature in doing her work not only in healing wounds but also in throwing off diseases Those versed in medicine are aware that three fourths of the money spent for medicine is virtually thrown away either because of the improper use or the purchase of an improper article But in purchasing Liquid Koal from any of our deal ers you take no chances If for any reason it does not treat successfully the following list of diseases just go back to the dealer and get the price you paid there will be no questions asked We stand the loss and it costs the dealer nothing Following is a list of the diseases that Liquid Koal cures Hog Cholera Lung Worm Swine Plngue Intestinal Worms Cow Cholera Tuberculosis Anthrax Black Leg Abortion in Cows Corn Stalk Disease Colic Glanders Distemper Pink Eye Influenza Foot Rot Tape Worm Lung Fever Texas Fever Poll Evil Chicken Cholera Roup Thrush Lock Jaw Blind Staggers Catarrh Farcy Mange Bots Scours Nasal Gleet Inflammation of Bowles Scratches LIQUID KOAL acts as an appetizer and vitalizer Two Things to Remember Use LIQUID KOAL to destroy parasites on the outside Use LIQUID KOAL to destroy parasites on the inside 50000 deposited in the Union Bank at Sheldon Iowa to be paid anyone finding any of the testimonials we publish from time to time are not genuine o C ir I IQUID Hog Cholera is a free germ disease the germ being first found in the ali mentary canal and as long as it is kept in that organ it is comparatively harmless When however it penetrates to eungs liver and other organs it causes fermentation in flammation and destruction of live tissues furnishing food upon which it thrives and multiplies with rapidity in some cases a generation an hour causing death to the animal before the owner has discovered that it was diseased Thus through reasoning two facts stand out clearly First that hog cholera can not be treated successfully unless treatment is commenced before the germ has reached the period of rapid multiplication Second that a germicide must be administered and therein lies the whole secret As we pass dovvn through the list of various germicides we are com pelled one after another to reject them either because of inefiicacy or inadaptability until we reach LIQUID KOAL And why choose LIQUID KOAL Because it is the only known germicide that will pass through the stomach to the intestines and from there to the blood permeating the en tire system and still retain its germicide properties It is a compound embracing every practical germicide anticeptic and disinfectant property found in coal treated chemically with an alkaline base until every objectional fea ture is eliminated being non poisonous and harmless to ani mal economy It contains creosol and quiacol It is these hydro carbon compounds found in smoke that cure a ham destroying by their germicidal properties all germ life The reader may ask if these properties come from coal why not use coal The answer is because coal yields those properties only by distillation at about 350 degrees of neat and it is reasonable to assume that a hogs stomach could not generate that amount of heat without becoming roast pork seasoned with fried germs We would also call the readers attention to the fact that the gastric juice of the stomach being an acid an alkali is re quired as a neutralizer when the acid too strongly predom inates as in the case of hog cholera In addition it would be expensive as the owner of the animal would be purchas ing six dollars worth of coal to obtain one dollars worth of Liquid Koal LIQUID KOAL is in general use by veterinary surgeons throughout the whole country embodying a wider range of use than any other preparation known to science COOK NEBR 9 innjupjxpjtmi fc B 1 tWV WhSSV C L WALKER The Upto date Let me figure on your painting you money U The MGook Tribun Only S Painter and Decorator Wall Paper Patterns Sun Proof Paints Oil Glass Varnish Turpentine White Lead Varnish Stains Brushes Room Moulding and Painting Sundries I can save Spearman Block Phone 157 SVSStSS SlSVWIVW 900 per Year AfefeHfeVVfefe WWWs V FRANKLIN PRESIDENT A C EBEKT UASH1ER JAS S DOYLE Vice President THR CITIZENS BANK OF McCOOK NEB Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 7000 T V FRANKLIN B DIRECTORS JAS S DOYLE A C EBERT SWSS WlSlr4