The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 12, 1906, Image 6

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    Americas Greatest Weekly
The Toledo Blade
Toledo Ohio
The Best Known Newspaper in the
United States
Circulation 185000
Popular in Every State
In many respects tho Toledo Blado ivtho most
roiiiarkublo weekly nowsjmpor published in the
nitod States It is tho only newspaper espe
cially oditod for National circulation It has
had tho InrRort circulation for more years than
uny newspaper printed in America Further
more it is tho cheapest newspaper in tho world
as will bo explained to any person who will
writo us for terms Tho nows of tho world so
arranged that busy pooplo can more easily com
prehend than by reading cumbersome columns
of dailies All current topics made plain in
each issue by special editorial matter written
from incoption down to date The only paper
published especially for pooplo who do or do
uot read daily newspapers and yet thirst for
plain facts That this kind of n newspaper is
popular is proven by tho fact that tho Weekly
Blado now haB over 185000 yearly subscribers
and is circulated in all parts of tho United
States In addition co tho nows tho Blado pub
lishes short and serial stories and many depart
ments of matter buited to every member of tho
family Only onedollara year
Writo for specimen copy Address
Toledo Ohio
To Elba W Graves Mrs Elba W Graves
Ports Wilson E P Bowman Mrs E P Bow
man und Mrs Charles B Brown
You and each of you are horeby notified thai
tho undersigned Charles B Brown will apply
to tho dit trict court of lied Willow county sitt
ing at tho district court room in the city of
McCook Rod Willow county Nobranka on tho
first day of tho November torm thereof towit
November 12th 1900 at tho hour of 9 oclock u
m or as soon thereafter as counsol can be
heard to havo tho judgment and decree hereto
fore rendered in an action wherein Zara A
Wilson is tho plaintiff and Elba W GrovesMrs
Elba W Graves first name unknown wife of
Elba W Graves Ports Wilson E P Bowman
first name unknown Mrs E P Bowman llrst
immo unknown wife of E P Bowman Charles
B Brown and Mrs Charles B Brown lirst
nnrno unknown wifo of Charles B Brown are
defendants on tho day of Juno 1906 oponod
up set aside vacated and bo let in to defend
The files and records of said cause affidavits
and oral testimony will bo usod in support of
said motion
And you are further notified that on tho 20th
day of Soptembor 1900 the undersigned Charles
BBrown filedhis answer and cross petition in
said cause against you tho object und prayer
of which are to foreclose n certain mortgago
oxocuted by Defendant Ports Wilson nud his
wifo Zara A Wilson who is plaintiff in this
action under tho name of Zara A Wilson to
one E P Bowman upon tho north west quarter
of tho north west quarter and lots one and two
of section eight and lotsevon in section five in
township throo rango twenty six in Red Will
low county Nebraska to secure tho payment
of ono promisory noto dated March 1 Uh ltOl
for tho sum ot twenty throe hundred dollarsduo
threo years aftor date which noto and mort
gage havo been assigned to me this defondant
Charles B Brown that there is now duo upon
said note and mortgage tho sum of twonty threo
hundred dollars with interest thorcou at the
rate of six per cent per annum from March 14th
1901 and defendant Chnrles B Brown prays for
a decree that his co defendants and tho plain
tlCT bo requirod to pay tho same or that said
promises bo sold to satisfy tho amount found
You nro required to answer said cross petition
on or boforo alonday the 5th day of November
Dated this 2ch day of September 190G
Chalks B Bkown Defendant
By Charles A Goss and
Boyle fc Eldked his Attorneys
Marion Nebraska
btrHtS ti
State of Nebraska Red Willow county as
To all partios interested in tho Estate of
James Deshon deceased
Whereas Fannio D Morso of Boston Massa
chusetts has filed in my office a duly authenti
cated copy of instruments purporting to bo tho
last will and tostamont and codicils thereto of
James Deshon deceased and of tho probate of
tho same in tho probate court of Suffolk county
State of Massachusetts and a petition praying
that the samo bo admitted to probato in this
state and that lettors testamentary issue there
on to hor and that a time and placo may bo
fixed for hearing tho samo
Whoroupon I havo appointed tho 20th day of
October 1906 at tn oclock am at my office in
McCook Red Willow county Nebraska as tho
time and place for proving said will at which
time and placo you and nil persons concerned
may appear and contest tho samo
It is further ordered that said petitioner givo
notice to all persons interested in said estate of
tho pendency of the petition and the time and
place set for hearing by causing a copy of this
order to bo published in tho McCook Tnbuno u
newspnpr published in said county and state
for three consecutive weeks successively pre
vious to tho hearing on said petition
In tostimony whorefor I have hoieunto sot my
hand and my official soal this 25th duy of Sep
tember 1906
seal J C Mooke
County Judge
To Albert H Hoskins non resident defendant
You aro horeby notified that ou tho 4th day of
October 1906 Katie Hoskinc plaintiff filed a
petition against you in the district court of Red
Willow county Nebraska tbo object and prayor
of which aro to obtain a divorce from you on
the ground that you hnve wilfully abandoned
tho plaintiff without good causo for tho term of
more than two years last past and that al
thoudh yyu aro of sufficient ability to provide
suitable maintenance for hor that you havo
grossly wantonly and cruelly refused and neg
lected so to do Plaintiff further prays that she
may be awarded tho care and custody of tho
minor child of said parties Lisle DeVaughu
Yeu aro requirod to answer said petition on or
before Monday tho 12th day of Novemli r 1906
Dated this 3rd day of October 19 G
Katie Hoskins IM n ill
By Boyle Eldred her torueys
Bargains in Carriages Buggies
Spring Wagons and Harness
We will give the grandest exhibition ever given in Red Willow county Our special
will be the Famous Lightning Triple Gear Feed Mill with chilled steel burrs that have nine
force feed lugs to force the grain
Remember the
dates All are
that run in oil gearing enclosed to protect
operator from accident adjustable friction plates to take up wear and prevent breakage It
is also equipped with roller bearings making it easy to operate with one horse We will L
show you the best lightest running fastest grinding mill ever introduced to the public It jf
will grind corn fine shelled or in the ear barley speltz oats rye and wheat from twelve to J
thirty bushels per hour fine enough for meal and flour if desired Come and see this famous JC
grinder on exhibition whether you need a feed mill or not it will please you We will j
show you we can grind grain any way you want it This is a grinder not a crusher and f
the price is right The grinder on exhibition will be run by a gasoline engine Mrs Pew s
will serve hot biscuits and honey FREE Biscuits baked on a famous Quick Meal Range
GASOLINE ENGINES International The Root and Van Dervoort V
MANURE SPREADERS International and Success which will be operated during A
this Famous Lightning Feed Grinder Exhibition J
ggaCTilwii inuwn
No money whatever required you get the set absolutely free
for giving your opinion of the finest tea and coffee in the world
to a few friends and neighbors Full particulars of the plan in
each package It was our intention to withdraw this offer
October 1 st but so many people have said they did not realize
the great chance we are offering until they saw it in the home of
some friend we have therefore decided to extend it This will
give everyone a chance to get a set Many ladies are securing sets
to present to mends at Christmas Remember this is not a
premium with Defiance Tea and Coffee It is a present to users
of these beverages for making new friends Ask the grocer
SJkyJr W Wl 7W sw4kr3r
frYi iJKi TiYn i1iM
Come early
and bring
the ladies
While you think of it drop in at THE TRIBUNE office and ask to see
The Finest Typewriter Paper Made
The excellent quality and finish of the Strathmore will surely satisfy you
1 HIS Oeixiiiii ill Ot
P1 i
jP ii r i
of Dishes FREE with
Trnl Incident of the Ancient
CiiNtodi of CnrryliiK FlaiiilieniiN at
FeMtliitlM OriKin of the lhriinc
IIoltllriRT a Candle to You
There was a panic of a curious origin
about the beginning of the eleventh
century It was widely believed that
the year 1000 would witness the end of
the world and this superstition caused
a very general stagnation of industry
and commerce Such panics have oc
curred at irregular intervals ever since
the last one being within the memory
of the present generation and inspired
by Mother Shiptons prophecy
The world to an end shall come
In eighteen hundred eighty one
However as soon as people became
convinced that the world was not real
ly going to come to an end in the year
1000 they resumed their work and
play and the making of lamps and
candlesticks like other manufactures
entered upon an era of prosperity
Monasteries were famous schools for
this work as for all other forms of
handicraft and paid peculiar attention
to the beautifying of lamps and can
dlesticks because of their usefulness in
church services During the eleventh
century Diuant in Belgium became
famous for its copper work and some
of the most beautiful chandeliers of
this period were made there At about
this time the couronue des iumieres
or circle of lights hung from the ceil
ing became a common device for light
ing a church and some of these are
exquisite works of art
In this period too various devices
for improving aiM shielding the light
came into use Our ancestors were
very practical people and if some of
their utensils appear to us somewhat
singular it is because we do not under
stand the purpose for which they were
used It is rare indeed to lind any
cumbersome addition to a lamp or
candlestick which has not its use The
old time silversmiths and copper work
ers did not spend their strength on
mere decoration
The sconce and tho lantern were in
general use throughout the middle
ages The sconce was a light covered
and guarded from the wind lifted
down by a handle and distinct from
the lantern serving somewhat the
same purpose but hung by a chain
Lanterns in the thirteenth century
were made of gold silver copper or
iron according to the means of the
owner The light in them was shield
ed from the wind by thin sheets of
horn Lantern making was an impor
tant industry in Paris
At this time too noblemen and rich
merchants took to having luxurious
little traveling equipments made for
them and among these were traveling
candlesticks and wash basins in this
fine enameled work the secret of
which is now lost
The custom of- having servants carry
flambeaus at festivals also became
general about this time and a strange
and tragic incident Is connected with
this fashion At a ball given by
Charles VI the torches carried by
some careless servants came too near
the headdresses of certain persons
dressed as savages and set them on
fire The unfortunate guests were
burned to death and the king at the
sight lost his reason a madness which
had a serious effect on the history of
Magic lanterns were invented in the
time of King Francis I A device on a
somewhat similar plan was used as a
sign before shop doors to attract cus
Lamps fell into disfavor at the begin
ning of the seventeenth century and
were used only by the poor and in pas
sages and stables where the smoke
could evaporate and a great deal of
light was needed Candles had then
reached their perfection and candle
sticks their most exquisite form A
candlestick of crystal given by Louis
XIV to La Valliere is still in existence
and it was at this time also that the
crystal pendants came into fashion
Street illumination was not seriously
attempted in Paris until about the mid
dle of the seventeenth century In the
first years of that notable century the
streets of Paris were dark The rich
were escorted by lackeys bearing
torches the middle class folk picked
their way lantern in hand while the
poor slid along feeling their way by
the walls In his edict of September
1UG7 the king provided that candles in
closed in a cage of glass should be
hung by cords at the height of the first
story of the house three lanterns for
every street one at each end and one
in the middle At the ound of a bell
struck by a watchman they were
Taris was however considerably in
advance of other cities of the world at
this time In Loudon link boys stood
about in public places calling out in
lugubrious tones Gentlemen a light
The origin of the phrase holding the
candle to you is somewhat doubtful
but some authorities trace it to the
fact that as the small light stand had
not yet been devised any one who de
sired to read in bed had to have a ser
vant stand beside him to hold the can
dle One cannot imagine that reading
dn bed under these circumstances
would be very enjoyable certainly not
to one who had been accustomed to sol
itude and a gas jet easily turned on or
off but there is everything in habit
Gas Logic
Iteasonahle Supposition
Binks I believe that Mary does not
love me any longer Jinks Did she say
as much Binks No but she let her
little sister sit in the parlor with us
last evening Womans Home Com
Story of the Tomb of tho ChrItfnnH
In Algeria
The tomb of the Christian in Algeria
Is a pyramid on the summit of a hill
more than 700 feet high at the edge of
the sea It dates back to before tho
time of St Paul having been built by
order of Juba II the king of Mnure
tania as a burying place for himself
and his wife Cleopatra the daughter
of Cleopatra ami Mark Antony Tho
only daughter of Juba and his wife
was Drusllla who married Festus tho
governor of Judaea In the time of St
Paul The tomb can be entered by a
low doorway beneath one of the four
false doors These have moldings on
them of a cruciform shape and may
account for the title The Tomb of tho
Christian The passage within the
pyramid winds round and eventually
leads to two chambers shut off from it
by folding doors which can be moved
up and down by levels The tomb
must have been rilled of all it contain
ed centuries ago though some think
that by excavating in a downward di
rection it might still be possible to dis
cover the burying place of the king
and queen suoslng the two cham
bers like the false doors outside to
be a blind Doubtless the younger
Cleopatra had brought the idea of
making a royal mausoleum In the
shape of a pjramid from Egypt Por
tions of a marble statue of Egyptian
design were found at Cherchei sug
gesting that an Egyptian colony may
once have existed there There are
two other similar monuments in Al
geria in the provinces of Oran and
Constantine respectively the latter be
ing considerably older than the tomb
of the Christian which however is
tho only one referred to in ancient
writings Autocar
Once Held In Iliprli Esteem as n Care
For Epilepsy
Although tradition tells us that it
was on an elder tree that Judas hang
ed himself great virtue has long been
attributed to it as a cure for epilepsy
The origin of this belief may be found
in the following quotation from an old
book of charms
In the month of October a little
before full moon pluck a twig of elder
and cut tho cane that is between two
of its knees or knots in nine pieces
Bind these pieces in a piece of linen
hang this by a thread about the neck
so that they touch the spoon of the
heart or the sword formed cartilage
and that they may more firmly stay in
their place bind them thereon with a
linen or silken roller wrapped around
the body till the thread break of itself
The thread being broken and the roller
removed the charm Is not to be touch
ed at all with the bare hands but
shonld be taken hold of by some in
strument and buried in a place that
nobody may touch it
Of course unless the instructions
were followed strictly a complete cure
could not be assured There is another
superstition about the elder which
doubtless has saved manj a boy a
stout caning namely that it hinders a
childs growth if used as an instru
ment of punishment Sunday Maga
Walking to Health
When there is no organic weakness
which is aggravated by the exertion it
is the easiest and pleasantest thing to
walk right into health Of course there
is no virtue in a dawdling walk The
slow and languid dragging of one foot
after the other which some people call
walking would tire an athlete it ut
terly exhausts a weak person and that
is the reason why many delicate peo
ple think the- cannot walk To de
rive any benefit from the exercise it is
necessary to walk with a light elastic
step which swings the weight of tho
body so easily from one leg to the oth
er that Its weight is not felt and which
produces a healthy glow showing that
the sluggish blood is stirred to action
in the most remote veins This sort
of walkimr exhilarates the whole body
gives tone to the nerves and produces
just that sort of healthful fatigue
which encourages sound restful sleep
Civilization Does Not Enfeeble
We need not have the slightest fear
that civilized man is going to become
degenerate from city dwelling or any
of the other strains of civilization
Contrary to popular belief the white
man of today has a lower death rate
a higher average length of life is tall
er heavier and stronger than any of
his predecessors or any known race of
savages Almost any company of
American and English soldiers will
contain men who can outrun outwres
tle and outswim the best athletes of
any native tribe Success Magazine
Should Help Himself
Yes young Mr Timmid admitted
Ive always been bashful among the
But why should you be asked
Miss Yern encouragingly
I cant help myself
Gracious she exclaimed pursing
up her ilps If you dont help your
self how can you expect to get any
Experience proves that those who
gain money rapidly by speculation al
most never keep it and when they
have lost it they are infinitely worse oft
than they were before Success Maga
Knew the Place
Guest in cheap restaurant Here
waiter this meal is simply vile I
wont pay for it Wheres the proprie
tor Waiter Hes out at lunch sir
He will never accomplish anything
who dreams of what he will do instead
of showing what he can do
Cough Remedy
The Childrens Favorite
Coughs Colds Croup and
Whooping Cough
Thisremedyls famous for its cares over
o large pnrt of tho civilized world It can
always bo dopended upon It contains no
opium or othor harmful drue and mar D
given as conndontly to a baby as to an adult
Price 25 ccs Large Size 60 ct8
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Now locution just ncrofs streot in P Walsh
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Estimates Furnished Free Base
ment of the Postoffice Building
Lumber and Oea
Home of Quality
and Quantity whero
Aro you thinking of
building If so it is ten
to ono our figures will
pleaso you
Phone No 1 Manager
is better than no bag at all
Thats why we suggest that
for a trial you buy a small
bag of
that we sell We know what
the result will be it will be
your return to buy a big bag
of the same kind of Flour
Its no use experimenting on
flour after youve tried
Anchor Brand It beats any
we know of and is freshly
milled and properly priced
McCook Milling Company
Plomfeer and
Steam Filler
fJfeeeBms j
- w 1 ajiaH i