The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 12, 1906, Image 2

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Brick Mason and Plasterer
Ornamental Cement
Prices Right Work Guaranteed Can be
found at the Wall Paper and Paint Siore
J Office over McAdams Store
Phone 190
We have received thous
ands of similar ones
Jly husband had Eczema
on the fai e for ten years He
couldnt cet any relief until
he tried Bales UczemaCure
and one box almost cured
luin 1 6hall use yourprepar
ation in my practice
Osteopath Physician
Little Kobe Okla
My little loy had a form
of Eczema for five years
We had seven of the best
doctors and none of them
helped him One box of
Hales Eczema Cure relieved
him wonderfully Five boxes
bare cured Mm
San Antonio Tex
I have been a sufferer with
Eczema for forty years
Tried many doctors and var
ious kinds of medicine but
could not get any relief
Have used one box of your
Eczema ointment and 1 am
now entirely cured
Ewing 3Io
I have used two boxe of
your preparation and it has
cured me of Eczema
Evergreen Ala
3fy wife tried most every
thing to relieve her of Ec
zema but was unsuccessful
until I procured a box of
your wondertul Ointment
winch hascured her entirely
I shall take pleasure m rec
ommending it to anyone
having skin trouble
Monticello Mo
I had Eczema very bad
3Iy body was covered With
one box of your preparation
I was cured in a few days
Lake Miss
One box of your Eczema
Ointment has cured me En
closed And Sl 00 for another
Iioxwhich 1 propose to keep
on hand I would not tako
10000 and be without it
Durnam lio
With all my heart I thank
you for the good your won
derful remedy has done for
me Cifred my skin disease
In less than a week when all
other medicines failed t
take pleasure in recommend
lngsame LANOAHL
Uranlte Hill Grants Pass
Tour preparation for Ec
zema Is wonderf uL I cannot
y enough for it
liayton Wyo
Gatewood Vahrae
Only One Dollar the Year
i ii
in a Stock Certificate of the
Building Loan
No better or safer
investment is open to
you An investment
of ioo per month for
120 months will earn
8o nearly g penfent
compounded annually
Dont delay but see
the secretary today
Subscriptions r e
ceived at any time for
the new stock just
and all other skin diseases CURED by
A remedy that has never failed It tvill conquer
ECZEMA and all other skin diseases no matter how
long standing This remedy is the most powerful
local germicidal antiseptic known and was discov
ered after years of experimenting Our most im
portant mission to mankind is to relieve and cure
all sufferers from these terrible annoying disfigur
ing and irritating maladies caused from the various
forms of skin diseases When applied it draws the
disease at once to the surface kills all parasites and
germs and peals off the old diseased skin thus a
permanent cure and makes life worth living The
following poisonous maladies are easily controlled
and cured if Hales Eczema Cure is applied at once
as it kills all disease germs
Mad Doc Bites Snako Bites Poisonous In
sect Bites Erysipelas Ivy Poisoning Prickly
Heat Itch Kins Worm Barbers Itch Sores
tvhero there is dnnjjer of Blood Poisoning or
Gangrene Old Sores that wont heal Black
Dried Scabs etc etc Dont suffer any
longer Dont let the baby cry and scratch its
skin until it bleeds
Fill in and return to us the coupon below for a
sample box JVREE It will tell its own story
There is more conviction in a thimbleful of
trM than a demijohn of talk
lEeference Any bank in Kirksville
Kirksville MO
Kirksville Mo
Kindly send me free of all cost and
postage prepaid a sample box of Hales Exzema Cuan
Town or City
Ilo In It la Claimed the Most Spiritual
Man Alive
The Jew is said to have what is
knowu as the commercial instinct
said Oscar S Straus Hume tells us
that under Richard I 500 Tews sought
safety in the castle of York where not
being strong enough for defense they
killed their wives and children threw
the bodies over the walls into the mob
below and setting Are to the castle
were themselves burned alive The
gentry owing money to the Jews has
tened to the cathedral where their
bonds or promissory notes were kept
and made a bonfire beforethe altar
The compiler of the Annals of Waver
ley in relating the event Hume says
blesses the Almighty for thus deliver
ing over this impious race to destruc
tion History blazes with such stories
of self sacrifice and barbarity The
commercial instinct In this particular
case appears to have been on the other
Instead of the Jew being a natural
barterer he is the most spiritual man
alive ne has been pounded through
the ages robbed and massacred but he
yields neither his traditions nor his
Ideals Had he been materialistic he
would have sold out long ago and
bought peace If he would join the
Greek church he would be safe in Rus
sia Rather than do that he will Avalk
into the jaws of hell Therefore I say
that he Is spiritualistic or idealistic
rather than practical or material Were
I to choose a family that would live I
would have it meet hardships and per
secutions Were I to choose one to die
I would give it pleasure and luxury
The Jew denied his civil rights de
spoiled of his property scourged and
murdered has only been made tougher
and longer lived His enemies have
given him strength and trained him
most admirably for the battle of life
no matter in what part of the world
fortune may lead him New York
Seek Variety and Dont
Afraid to Laugh
Never retire from active life if ypu
can possibly avoid it keep in the
swim keep the mind active never
refer to your advancing years or say
at my age
To preserve youth you must have a
variety of experience The country
woman at forty although breathing a
purer air and living on a more health
ful diet than the city woman often
looks fifty while the latter at the
same age does not look more than thir
ty But her mind is more active than
that of her country sister that is the
secret of her more youthful appear
Nothing else ages one more rapidly
than monotony a dead level existence
without change of scene or experience
The mind must be kept fresh or It will
age and the body cannot be younger
than the mind
Few minds are strong enough to
overcome the aging influence of the
monotonous life which rules in the
average country home City people
have infinitely greater variety of life
They enjoy themselves a great deal
more than country people They work
hard when at work but when they are
through they drop everything and have
a good time There is no doubt that
the theater in spite of its many evils
has done a great deal toward erasing
the marks of age People who laugh
much retain their youth longer Suc
Old Joe a farmer was noted for the
many ways he had of skimping and
saving One day he hired a big country
boy to help him with his work The
boy reported for duty at 530 oclock in
the morning and Old Joe sat him down
to breakfast After the lad had finished
the meal the sharp old farmer said
What do you say if we eat dinner
while we are at it As the boy agreed
they fell to and ate a little more Then
seeing that the youngster could eat no
more Old Joe suggested Suppose we
finish up and eat supper too All
right assented the lad and he man
aged to swallow another crust of bread
Now lets get to work shouted the
gleeful farmer thinking of the saving
In meals he had made No returned
the boy I never work after supper
A mans time is his own then Lon
don Times
The Forjretful Saurian
A colored preacher took some candi
dates for immersion down to a river in
Louisiana Seeing some alligators in
the stream one of them objected
Why broth- urged the pastor
cant you tri the Lord He took
care of Jonah didnt he
admitted the darky but a
whales difFrent A whales got a
memry but ef one o dem gators wus
ter swaller dis nigger hed jes go ter
sleep dar in de sun an fergit all bout
me Womans Home Companion
A Sly Poke
Nell When I met May today I had
my new gown on Of course I expect
ed her to say something about it but
she pretended not to have seen it
Belle Yes shes an awfully consider
ate and tender hearted girl Phila
delphia Ledger
A Universal Rale
A good thing in one town sometimes
fails to work in another town Abso
lute knowledge seems to be rare ex
cept that it always pays to be indus
trious fair and decent Atchison
Cheerfulness bears the same friendly
regard to the mind as to the body It
banishes all anxious care and discon
tent soothes and composes the pas
sions and keeps them In a perpetual
The Administrator of the Canal Zone
and Pooh Bah at Panama
Rumor has it that Charles E Magoon
will one day be Governor General Ma
goon of the Philippines Governor Gen
era Jacob H Smith will retire next
summer The programme is said to be
for Judge Magoon who is now gov
ernor of the Panama canal zone to go
to the Philippines as vice governor
general and thus be ready to step Into
General Smiths shoes when the latter
is through with his duties In that post
Next summer the Philippine general
assembly will come into existence
This is the first step to be taken in the
direction of home rule and President
Roosevelt is understood to be very anx
ious that It shall be a success The
lower house will be composed of na
tives elected by popular vote Secre
tary Taft who made such a hit with
mm- -
the Filipinos while governor general is
much interested in the outcome of the
experiment to be made in native gov
ernment of the islands and is said to
be planning a trip to Manila to be pres
ent at the opening of the assembly
Judge Magoon and Secretary Taft
have been close friends and have been
intimately associated for some years
past in solving unfamiliar problems in
government Judge Magoon Is both
governor of the canal zone and minis
ter of the United States to the republic
of Panama In both capacities he is
much relied on to carry out the policy
of President Roosevelt and Secretary
Taft with respect to the isthmian ca
nal affairs
Judge Magoon has made a hit at
Panama similar to that made in the
Philippines by Secretary Taft He is
a man a good deacon the Taft plan
big well poised of ready wit and full
of diplomacy He was born in Minne
sota in 18G1 and started out as a law
yer in Lincoln Neb He was called to
Washington In 1S09 to become law of
ficer of the then newly created bureau
of insular affairs and has made him
self such an authority on all matters
connected with Spanish law and insu
lar administration as to be the main re
liance of the administration forces on
the subject
On the Isthmus Governor Magoon is
a sort of Pooh Pjah To the Panamans
he is a great grand gentleman and
when he rides through the streets the
population bows as if he were the rul
ing prince And he bows back to the
small boys and girls the old Indians
the senoritas and the government of
ficials as if he were running for office
When the elections were in progress
last July he strolled about arm in arm
with the alcaldes and by his con
tagiousness of his good humor did
more to prevent friction and disorder
at the polls than the entire police force
of the republic
The Fourth Son of the Strenuous
Ruler of Germany
Prince August Wilhelm fourth son
of Emperor William of Germany who
is likely to come to this country to
study is now about midway through
his university course in his native
land It is reported that his royal
sire desires that on completing it he
should study at some university in
the United States It is not often that
European monarchs send their sons to
American institutions of learning but
Kaiser Wilhelni is noted for his
nal Ideas Prince August was born in
1S87 is an accomplished linguist and
an excellent cabinet maker It is the
Hohenzollern custom for all the princes
to learn some trade and it is said that
if Prince August should ever need to
work for a living he could easily sup
port himself at his trade He Is an
officer in the First regiment of Prus
sian guards The prince was born
during the reign of his grandfather
Kaiser Wilhelm I and was baptized
In the presence of the latter then nine
ty years old of the Kaiserin Augusta
and of the then Crown Prince Fred
erick As a boy he was raised on
plain fare and put through a vigorous
system of discipline
Effect of ThA Queer Mnrlne Phenom
enon Upon a ShlpH Speed
One of the tnost curious marine phe
nomena known to seamen Is that call
ed by Norwegian sailors dead water
which without any visible cause
makes a vessel lose her speed and re
fuse to answer her helm The sailors
only definite knowledge of its origin Is
that it exists solely where there Is a
surface layer of fresh water resting
upon the salt waters of the sea Sev
eral explanations have been advanced
by the captains of ships of the effect of
dead water the commonest of which is
that the two water layers move in dif
ferent directions The true explana
tion however recently offered by Swe
dish navigators and verified by mathe
matical calculation and direct experi
ment is that In addition to the resist
ance waves at the surface the vessel
creates a second line of subaqueous
waves between the two strata of wa
The experiment carried out to dem
onstrate the truth of this theory was
an exceedingly pretty one A large
plate glass tank was first mounted on
a wooden frame The tank was then
filled to a certain depth with salt wa
ter and a layer of fresh water was
carefully poured on to the surface so
that two separate water layers were
The salt water was blackened with
liquid Chinese ink before the water
layers were prepared and in this way
the different layers were made clearly
visible A boat model was then towed
along the tank and a silhouette of the
waves produced was obtained by plac
ing a white screen at a short distance
behind thetank The waves were also
photographed by flashlight and the re
sults showed conclusively that waves
actually were set up at the boundary
line between the two liquids
Further experiments were made to
verify the sudden loss of speed due to
dead water The boat model was
drawn across the tank and the towing
string suddenly slackened when the
boat was about halfway across In
cases where the tank contained salt
water only the boat stopped gradually
moving some boat lengths after the
towing string had been slackened
When the tank contained a layer of
fresh water resting on salt water on
the other hand the boat slackened
speed quite suddenly and moved only a
very short distance
These experiments carried out on a
small scale prove conclusively that the
difficulties encountered within a dead
water zone are really due to the re
sistance experienced by the vessel In
generating Invisible waves at the fresh
water salt water boundary although in
so e particular cases the influence of
in LTcurrents must also doubtless be
takoii into account New York Herald
The most acceptable form of polite
ness is cleanliness
Because you say you intend to do a
thing it isnt done
About all some men are good for is
to second the motion
You may think you are entertaining
but there are people dodging you all
the time
Dont send ten dollar flowers to the
funeral of a man whose family is left
without any income
The man in a dangerous location
never thinks he is in a dangerous loca
tion or he wouldnt be there
The owner of a horse and buggy
tries to be modest but he cant help
showing that he feels a little superior
The first insurance against trouble
that children learn about is to get a
promise from mother that she will not
tell father Atchison Globe
On Their Way
During u newspaper mens conven
tion a number of journalists were one
afternoon talking of the tricks of
the faithless types when Henry
Watterson said
While Ive heard of a great many
funny typographical breaks in my
time about the oddest and most hu
morous transposition of the types that
ever came within my observation was
that in a New York paper some years
ago That sheet used to print its ship
ping news on the same page with the
obituaries Imagine the glee with
which its readers found the captions
exchanged one morning whereby a
long list of respectable names were
set forth under the marine head
Passed Through nell Gate Yester
day Harpers Weekly
Men Have Xot Desrenernted
It Is common to hear of the giant
people who lived in the old days yet
it is decidedly uncommon to find proof
that the average ancient was any lar
ger or more powerfully built than the
average person of the present day
The Egyptian mummies show these
people to have been of medium size
The remains taken from the catacombs
do not differ in size from the people
of the present while the armor which
was worn by the warriors of the long
ago fit as readily the forms of people
who are not at all gigantic or at least
extraordinarily above the average ei
ther in girth or stature There were
great men in the old days but as great
still obtain in this twentieth centurv
Tliohe TourintH
M Perrichon visiting Switzerland
Well Mary well take another view
of this lake and then we can return to
Paris Mme P Why not see some of
the others M P Well I dont see
the necessity It seems to me that
one lake must be very much like an
other Bon Vlvant
He Is not only Idle who does nothing
but he is idle who might be better em
ployed Socrates
Barber Shop
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culation of any scientlQc Journal Terms 3 a
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MUNN Co36B d New York
Branch Office 625 F SU Washington I C
4k t
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b u nnmc Pwr ntiensbank
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Offico Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook
and Surgeon
Office Residence 521 Main Avenue Office and
Reaidenco phone 53 Calls answered niRhfc or
J M Rupp
P O Box 131 McCook Nebraska
Farm Buildings a Specialty
McCook Neb
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