The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 12, 1906, Image 1

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First Annual Racing Meet Successful
The McCcolc Driving Park association
scored a success in its first annual meet
closing dnys of last weok Although
the opening day was somewhat discour
aging perforce of bad weather both fol
lowing days wore fine and the attendance
and interest good The races each day
were vory satisfactory passing off al
most entirely without unpleasant inci
dent Starter McCreary came up to
tho high expectations had of him He
is prompt fair gentlemanly square
Altogether th6 association is to be
congratulated upon the result
The 3 minuto trot was won in three
straight heats by Lola B best time
239 Montio was second Republican
third Paderowski fourth Purse was
The 230 pace was won by Carter G
best time 224J4 Chanceline second
Dewey Dillon third Sandy M fourth
Purse 8200
The half mile daBh went to Gray
Mack with Buckmaster second and
Tommie GibbonB third Best time 51
Purse 875
The 230 trot went to Pony George
best time 2301 4 Lord Ketchum sec
ond Josephine E Dillon third Menlo
Wilkes fourth Purse 8200
in tne pace J rl A was
first best time 2234 Albert J sec
ond Harry Russell third Carrie Nation
fourth Purse 8300
Tommie Gibbons won tho half mile
and repeat Whiskey Pete second
Jessie R Buckmaster and Waddell
were distanced Purse 8100 Best
There was a quarter mile matched
race between Frank Everists sorrel and
a horse owned by W H Hartman for
5000 which was won by Everists
Carter G won the 3 minute pace in
226 Chanceline was second Rey
nold Wright third Hastings Girl
fourth Purse 200
Free-for-all trot went to Silver Star
best time 227 Pony George made
second pi ice Touey Bill third Jos
ephine E Dillon fourth Purse 8300
Waddell was winner in the mile novel
ty race taking both the half and the
quarter Honest Jim won the three
quarters and mile Purse 8100 Best
time 51
Following financial report is given for
publication by the treasurer of the as
Juaker Medicine Co S 5765
Happy Family 1755
Merry-Go-Around 3290
Other Concessions 6400
Score cards 4335
Gate receipts S9570
Grand stand 32775
Quarter stretch 7800
Total from all sources 152070
Pure Bred Poland China Sale
Frank Davis of Holbrook Neb will
hold his eighth annual sale of pure bred
Poland Chinas Wednesday October
24th 1906 commencing at one oclock
Sale includes 54 head of hogs and 20
head of cattle Farm two miles south
of Holbrook Write for catalog Free
lunch at noon
We will give every child an air ship
that calls at our store on
Saturday October 13
This is a nice little present the chil
dren will enjoy and costs you nothing
You should see that your children get
one L W McConnell Druggist
The Holidays Are Almost Here
Have you seen my line of toilet and
kitchen mirrors pictures and novelties
Come in and look them over it will pay
you to do so It
C L Walker wall paper and paints
McCook Souvenirs
We have now in stock a fine assort
ment of leather and shell novelty souven
irs also leather and comic post caids
A McMillen Druggist
Maiestic Quick Meal Acorn Garland
and Moores for sale by McCook Hard
ware Co These are the best ranges
made others for less money
Put Off Everything Else
nest Monday and take plenty of time at
H C Clapps dry goods store See his
adv elsewhere in this issue
A Few Bargains
In second hand Buggies
McCook Hardware Co
Boys three to eight years overcoats
with brass buttons and embroidered
medallions on sleeves for 8250 just re
ceived at Thompsons
Childrens outing gowns and footed
sleeping garments just received at
Euerhara von Pavel has gone to
Mrs Matella Gordon returned
home close of past week
Mrs J F Green of Nelson is visiting
her daughter Mrs M B Carman
Mrs Augusta Anton returned home
last Friday from Des Moines Iowa
C D Kenady and family will leave
for the City of Mexico Saturday night
Mrs II P Sutton entertained her
brother Mr Munson part of the week
J J Brinkgar a Hebron real estate
dealer was a city visitor Tuesday on
Rev and Mrs J C Hageman of
Bartloy were in the city Tuesday and
Mr and Mrs H H Bandy of Cole
man precinct left Monday for King
City Mo on a visit
Vaney Modrell of north of town con
templates going into business in the city
in tho near future so it is reported
Mrs Marie Bronson is building a
second story to her residence which
will add much to its convenience and
Mrs W M Sharp of Coleman pre
cinct accompanied her sister on her re
turn to California as far west as Denver j
this weok
Mrs Hugh Brown was up from
Hastings closing days of last week and
incidentally look in the races while vis
ting friends
Charles Bonham and Walter Mc
Guire wore over fron Lebanon last Fri
day and Saturday on business and to
see the races
E L Eaton late in the office of Boyle
Eldred has returned to Kansas
City and will resume his law studies
during the winter
Mr and Mrs J H Scudder of Den
ver arrived in the city Tuesday on 14
and were guests of Mr and Mrs W E
DeWitt part of the week
Rev C H Chader the new Method
ist pastor at Culbertson was the guest
of Judge J C Moore Wednesday en
route to his jew pastorate
Mr and Mrs Charles Fisher have
arrived in the city from Atwood Kans
He will engage in business and they will
probably make ther home here
William Hiersekorn was over from
Lebanon Friday and Saturday taking
in the races and attending the meeting
of the county central committee
W C Israel and Sheriff Gallagher
of Benkelman were down to see the
races Saturday W C was a Tribune
employe in ye olden times 18S2 3
Mr and Mrs D H Babbitt depart
ed Tuesday night for their home in
Utica Mich after spending four weeks
here which were in the nature of a
pleasant revelation to them both
Phillip Gliem the Republican nom
inee for representative was over from
Danbury Saturday to attend the meet
ing of the county central committee
which was busy fixing up campaign
Mrs P E Potter arrived home close
of last week from his trip to Rochester
Minn where she sought help of a
special professional character for her
lost hearing She returns home consid
erably encouraged that her hearing will
eventually be improved
C II Denny county attorney of
Jefferson and Frank E Tincher a
clothing merchant of Fairbury were in
the cit Tuesday as referee and attor
ney in a land sale involving land in sec
tion 13 township 3 and section 12 in
township 4 in the M C Rider estate
McConnells Balsam
Price 25c per bottle A quick positive
and permanent cure for any and all
coughs quickly stops coughing spells
and relieves throat soreness being very
soothing to the irritated and inflamed
membranes of the throat For chil
drens coughs and colds you will find
this preparation an ideal remedy always
dependable thoroughly effective quick
to relieve certain to cure most satisfac
tory in every way
Down Town News Depot
Go to Zint Merle for you periodi
cals stationery school supplies con
fectionery and souvenir postal cards
Subscriptions taken to all papers
Moline Oliver and Case gang plows
Mitchell wagons and Superior drills at
H P Waite Cos
Very handsome new bands and gimps
also the good colors in full braids just
received at Thompsons
Fresh butter of best quality at Marshs
meat market
The finest ice cream Lon Cone Drug
Chauncey Dewey and His Cowboys Want
to Clear Their Names
Topoka Kas Oct 6 Chauncey
Dewey the millionaire ranch owner
and Ed McBrido and Clyde Wilson his
cowboys the alleged murdereis of the
Berry family in the famous Rawlins
county feud will be given another
chance to clear their names The state
supreme court today granted them a
rehearing of their case brought to se
cure a dismissal with prejudice to
future action of tho murder charges
hanging over them The supreme court
at a previous session refused to order
the cases dismissed with prejudice
At the Methodist church Friday
night October 19 at 8 p m Miss De
borah Heckman recently from the Royal
Conservatory of Dresden Germany will
give a recital Miss Heckman is a rare
artist and will be very pleasing Un
der the auspices of the church Child
ren 15 adults 25c Account piano
Water Works Notice
On account of having to repair pumps
the lawn season is extended to Oct 19th
On account of making additional re
pairs to the pumps we will not be able
to extend tho lawn season by special
permit as heretofore
This notice does not effect meter cus
tomers J Jii Kelley
Few People Realize
the advantages they have in selection of
buggies until they go to the carriage
room on the upper floor of the McCook
Hardware Companys store
You find rigs there to suit your pocket
book and every one guaranteed against
poor workmanship or poor material
Lost Gold Watch
Has monogram N P S on one side of
case and bird nest and three eggs on
other side the eggs being represented
by a diamond a ruby and a saphire A
suitable reward will be given by return
ing same to Tribune office
Dainly China
A superb assortment of elegant hand
painted china Japanese ware plates
traps salts cups and saucers and vari
ous other pieces just received We
would be glad to have you call and see
them L W McConnell Druggist
Fine Chickens
I have a few choice cockerels of the
Ideal Princess strain of Rhode Island
Reds and also a few choice cockerels of
tho Silver Laced Wyandottes for sale
E Fletcher Bartley Nebr
Fire In Your Barn
is no worse than destruction by slow
decay Procure Pitkans Barn Paint
at McCook Hardware Co and not only
save your buildings but increase the
value of your property
Bear Skins
Just received the following additional
colors in bear skin plush Reseda Ha
vana brown mole skin grey navy blue
and cardinal 200 per yard Thomp
Almost Gone
Only a few rooms of wall paper at 5c
per roll up and which must go in order
to make room for my 1907 stock
Walker The Painter It
Three-year-old red steer lost in tho
McCook railroad yards on the night of
September 24th Any one locating this
animal please notify the Agent
Opening Dance
at Bixlers new opera house will be given
Friday evening October 19 Tickets
75c spectators 15c Bakers orchestra
Missouri Apples For Sale
I have for sale on Burlington track
McCook carload of Wine Sap Jonathan
and Missouri Pippins
Pitless scales the best made
sale by the McCook Hardware Co
Let Ludwick explain the
burner to you
new gas
The Dorcas society will meet with
Mrs M C Hawley on Thursday after
noon Oct 18th at 230 oclock
FOR SALE Carload of choice win
ter apples at 75c a bushel October 16
Moline Oliver and Case gang plows j
Mitchell wagons and Superior drills at
H P Waite Cos
Dont forget our soda fountain
Lon Cone Druggist
Moline Oliver and Case gang plows
Mitchell wagons and Superior drills at
H P Waite Cos
Toilet articles perfumes and novelties
Lon Cone Druggist
Knights Initiate New Members
Tig Knights of Columbus on Sunday
last initiated new members the initia
tion ceremonies being followed by a
banquet 6erved in Menards opera house
Tho order is threefold in character
fraternal insurance and social and
only those who comply with the rules of
the Catholic church are eligible to mem
The order has within its membership
some of the best men of the land among
them being the secretary of tho navy
Wealth or political standing does not
count in the order a candidates fitness
being determined by his character
The banquet at 10 oclock in the
evening was a recherche affair as the
following menu indicates It was
served by tie ladies of St Patricks
Deviled Crabs
Sauco Tomatto Pomme Do Terro Frittes
Fritto De Poulet
Pnreo Do Pommo Do Terra Petit Pois Rolls
Salarlo An Clioux Languo Do Boof
Bon Bons
Creme Glaco Assorted Cakes
Cafo Noir
C J Ryan Toastrnaster
Solo Solected MrsP F McKenna
Our Standard of Knighthood W M Wheleu
Solo Selected Francis Colfer
Impressions of tho Day J L Rico
Impromptu Talks
District Deputy J A McGuire of
Lincoln had charge of the work assisted
by Grand Knight Edward Murphy of
Columbus Dr B R McDermet of
Omaha and Grand Knight W E Straub
of Lincoln and other members of the
degree team
There were 50 visiting Knights
The colors were white blue and gold
Red and white carnations were used in
the banquet decorations
The Famous Kilties
Manager Bixler is after the Kilties
band for an appearance in McCook If
successful tbey will be here on or about
November 13th
The Kilties is Canadas greatest
band which has been touring the
world The Kilties is one of the
largest musical organizations touring
America Besides having one of the
largest bands in the world they have
the famous Kilties choir and the cele
brated Highland dancer and bagpipers
also the giant drum major who stands
7 feet 3 inches in height
Should Mr Bixler be successful in
securing this great attraction excursions
will be run from nearby towns to unable
our neighbors east and west to hear
this superb organization
Cold Weather
is now upon us how about these broken
windows that you were going to have
put in some time ago Walker has a
complete stock of glass and can give
your glazing immediate attention
Phono 157 It
Coursing Meeting
On October 16-17-18 round trip tickets
will be sold to Arapahoe for 1G0 limit
ed return October 20 account of tho
coursing meeting at that place
Lessons on the Piano
Miss Heckman late of the Royal
Conservatory of Dresden Germany
will be prepared after October 17th to
take a limited number of pupils
Fresh Spicy Spices
Natural flavored spices Pure rich
spices are tho kind of spices you can
secure at LW McConnells
Dempster and R V
Gasoline engines also a full line of
corn shelters shredders and feed grind
ers at the McCook Hardware Co
For Sale or Rent
My restaurant lot building furniture
and stock Main avenue near depot
R Parsons
Mrs E D Preat and two children of
Doniphan have been guests of Mr and
Mrs W E DeWitt They return home
Moline Oliver and Case gang plows
Mitchell wagons and Superior drills at
H P Waite Cos
Mens new worsted and cassimere
suits at 8500 8650 SSOO 81000 81250
and 31350 at Thompsons
All kinds of fresh and salt meats
fruits and vegetables at
Magner Stores
Fleischers German knitting worsted
yarn 25c for J lb skeins at Thomp
Warm fleece lined wrappers 8100
Others 75c to 3150 Thompsons
Try Magner Stokes for fresh
salt meats fruit and vegetables
Fine stationery tablets etc
Lon Cone Druggist
McConnell for drugs
Try McMillens Cough cure
Plenty 5c muslin at Thompsons
Get The Tribune to do your printing
For Books go to Lon Cono Drug
See the Acorn heatincr stoves at
Best apron checked ginghams 5c nt
Peerless carpet
warp 21c and 23c at
Boys threo piece black Melton suits
400 Thompsons
For Sale Half Jersey cow Inquiro
at this office
Mens outing flannel pajamas just re
ceived at Thompsons
McMillens Cream Lotion will cure
chapped face and hands
Cream in sealed 10c and 20c bottles
for sale at Marshs meat market
Woolen Blankets for the price of
cotton ones at tho McCook Hardware
Wanted Experienced waist or skirt
finisher Mrs S J Miller Walsh
For Sale Reservoir for Majestic
rango Inquire at Tribune office
For Sale A soft coal burner suit
able for light housekeeping Inquire at
this office
Have you got a Webber wagon If
not go to the McCook Hardwaro Co
and get one
For Sale Range with water back
tank warming oven Call first door
north of Bixler opera house
A talcum powder that heals and
soothes By Lo Price 25c
L W McConnell Druggist
Moline Oliver and Case gang plows
Mitchell wagons and Superior drills at
H P Waite Cos
Dont pay the coal man so much
money Buy an Acorn stove and save
one third your coal bill See Ludwick
Our unrivaled 69c yard wide black
taffeta silk challenges anybodys 100
grade We keep it coming Thompsons
You are invited to H C Clapps dry
goods store every day but especially on
next Monday See his advertisement
Magner Stokes can supply you
with anything in the line of fresh and
salt meats Also fruits and vegetables
The quality is remembered long after
the price is forgotten Try Roses of
Eden and Japan
Lon Cone Druggist
The wedding of Miss Julia Sly of our
city and Mr Calvin R Proctor of Spo
kane Wash is announced for next
week Wednesday
Button button who makes tho but
tons Thompsons with their new but
ton machine Four sizes Bring your
scraps we do the rest
M C Shurtleff of South Auburn
during a recent visit bought a half
section of land three miles north of
McCook for 37S00
bed comforts at night
No improvements
For Sale Poland China pigs both
sexes good as the best come and see
to see is to know At farm six miles
south of Indianola J W Deveny
10 5 2ts
A man may smile and smile and be
a villain still But then he may bo
smiling because he sleeps under Izzer
3185 to 8250 at
Remember you will find Mike Walsh
just across the street from his old loca
tion ready to buy your poultry eggs
old rubber copper brass at tho highest
cash market price
Childrens bear skin coats in
white red reseda navy grey and
brown for 8300 each at Thompsons
Another lot this week The goods by
the yard for 8200 per yard
The Webber wagon has been in use for
over 60 years and tho testimony of
those who have used them is that they
have given general satisfaction For
sale by McCook Hardware Co
Theres no chance of missing it if
you buy at Marshs meat market He
has the goods and can deliver them
Give him a chance to supply your meats
of all kinds and he will be very pleased
and certain to make good
Good cartoons and illustrations are
characteristic of the Weekly Inter
Ocean No attempt is made by its
artists to belittle or make ridiculous any
person or class of persons Regular
price81 a year It and this paper one
year for 8105
McCook Business College
Commercial Brauchus Short
hand Typewriting Tologrophy
Write L W Stayner
McCook Nob
Who sells tho Acorn stove
Everything in drug- McConnell
The Tribune will print it for you
McConnell8 Balsam cures coughs
Best prints 5c per yard at Thompsons
Boys two piece suits 8150 to 8500
For lazy liver use McMillens Littlo
Liver Pillots
Best table oil cloth 15c per yard at
Plenty yard wide muslin 5c per yard
at Thompsons
For Sale Two houses on three
J M Henderson
For Rent Furnished room Inquiro
of Mrs n L Kennedy
For Sale A nico folding bed In
quiro at The Triiiune ollico
Dr Kays ollico is now one door north
of Commercial hotel Phone 97
Rosos of Eden arid Japan The
finest perfumes Lon Cono Druggist
Wanted To buy a second hand roller
top desk McCook Laundry
McCook is apparently getting too big
for her waterworks and electric light
McConnells Lightning Corn Cure is
tho best corn eradicator on tho market
10 cents
For Rhnt Furnished rooms ono
block north of Catholic church 12 2t
Mrs T ORourks
Just received a car loud of Webber
wagons Come in and look at them
McCook Hardware Co
Moline Oliver and Case gang plows
Mitchell wagons and Superior drills at
II P Waite Cos
Monday October 15tu is tho date of
the great cloak showing See II C
Clapps advertisement this wtek
Dont let anything prevent your seeing
tho agents full lino of Palmer garments
at II C Clapps dry goods store Mon
day October 15th See his advertise
ment this week
Acorn tho name of the oldest line
of heating stoves made They have
given pleasuro to their users for 100
years and will for tho next 100 Get an
Acorn Ludwick sells them
A very superior dress skirt is our fine
8600 broadcloth skirt Elegant hang
genteel design perfectly tailored black
and colors Others at 8200 to 8700
Alterations free Thompsons
Wanted Men to husk corn with
team and wagon Will pay 4c per
bushel Corn will yield 35 o 10 bushels
Phone or write M E Graham Dan
bury Neb Phone No G0L 10 12 3ts
Our ladies 50 inch coats begin at 8500
and go on at 8600 8900 81000 81250
to SlGoO You have not treated your
self fairly if you have not planned to seo
our line We invite yonr early inspec
tion Thompsons
In his new location just across tho
street from his old place in the P
Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to
see you if you have poultry eggs etc
for sale He will pay you tho best cash
market price for them
We surpass our previous efforts in the
fur line this season Ladies fur scarfs
100 to 1250 Childrens setts 200
to 8600 Genuine Isabella fox scarf 5
feet long with full brush tails for 8650
Bright cold climate furd Thompsons
I offer for sale my choice quarter tho
n w of 32-4-30 bounded on the north
east and west by a public highway
close to school and church containing
16S acres 115 acres in cultivation For
particulars address owner II Gearty
519 East Jefferson street Springfiled
Most men who mingle with great
crowds or participate in an event of
many features are absolutely unable to
describe in detail any one particular
feature It is then that they find their
weekly newspaper most valuable Just
so it is with the readers of daily news
papers they have not the time or incli
nation to follow every phase of the
weeks events aud so turn to a weekly
newspaper for a concise and connected
account of any event of more than local
interest This demand is easily sup
plied at small cost by the Weekly Inter
Ocean which can bo obtained with this
I paper one year for 10u