- aceagMWraw1 - s -- J -S HOW ABOUT A Fur This Season Our new stock of Fur Collars Boas Fur Sets and Muffs is now in and the superiority of the line we are showing will appeal to your best judgment andj befriend your pocketbook for we are offer ing the Very Best Furs for Your Money that have ever been shown in Red Willow county Call and examine them and he convinced Something New In Ladies Cloaks On account of the extraordinary demand for our Palmer Garments during the month of September we have found it necessary to reorder several times and consequently we have NEW COATS coming every day or so which keeps our stock UP-TO-DATE and enables you to find at OUR STORE the NEW THINGS as fast as they are put on the market Dont fail to look over our stock H Z2StBSmGPatnM CLAPP EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS 5 New Walsh Block - Phone 56 McCook 3 fefefefe I 1 H P Petersen N Hoaglund A N Lineburg PETERSEN HOAGLUND CO MERCHANT TAILORS Formerly in Pat Walsh Building Are now located in the New Stone Building at the foot of Main avenue We are prepared to show a complete line of Woolens for Fall and Winter We will continue to do the same HIGH GRADE WORK as heretofore We extend an invitation to our old as well as new custom ere to give us a call Promoters of up-to-date tailoring Breeders Gazette Free Realizing the fact that the majority of persons making galea are doing so with the object of bettering their condition and improving the quality of their breeding stock I will send the Breeders Gazette one year free of charge to every person for whom I call a sale during the balance of 1906 E J MITCHELL Auctioneer l m - D oes i our Heart Beat I Yes 100000 times each day Does it send out good blood I or bad blood You know for uood blood is good health bad blood bad health And you know precisely what to take for bad blood Avers Sarsaparilla Doctors have endorsed it for 60 years One freauent cause of bad blood li a slurgiih liver This produces constipation Poiionous substances are then absorbed Into the blood Keep the bowels opea with Ayers Pills l 2ade bx J O Ayer Co Xtowell Mais Alio TnaTinfotnrer of Jf HAIR VIGOR AGUE CURE CHERRY PECTORAL Wo have no secrets t Wo pnbllih the formulas of all oar medicines MsamBBBemmamBi NOTICE OF PROBATE OF FOREIGN WILL j State of Nebraska Red Willow county ss To all parties interested in tbo Estate of James Doshon deceased Whereas Fannie D Morse of Boston Massa chusetts has filed in my office a duly authenti cated copy of instruments purporting to bo the last will and testament and codicils thereto of James Deshon deceased and of the probate of the same in the probate court of Suffolk county State of Massachusetts and a petition praying that the same be admitted to probate in this state and that letters testamentary issue there on to her and that a time and place may bo fixed for hearing the same Whereupon I have appointed the 20th day of October 1906 at ton oclock am at my oilice in McCook Red Willow county Nebraska as tho time and place for proving said will at which time and place you and all persons concerned may appear and contest tho same It is further ordered that said petitioner give notice to all persons interested in said estate of the pendency of the petition and the time and place set for hearing by causing a copy of this order to bo published in tho McCook Tribune a newspaper published in said county and state for thrco consecutivo weeks successively pre vious to the hearing on said petition In testimony wherefor I have hereunto sot my hand and my official seal this 25th day of Sep tember 1906 seal J c Moonn County Judge It arouses energy develops and stim ulates nervous life arouses the courage of youth It makes you young again Thats what Rocky Mountain tea will do 35 cents tea or tablets L W McConnell iflB j Pygmy Ota j Hgl1Mggg i I nd His Pet s jj f j Chimpanzee I m Food to work on is food to live on m k 6 w A man works to live He must live Jn g Interest attaches to the MUCH at the New York Zoological park of a little fellow from Africa named Ota Benga a pygmy of the tribe known as Bachichi meaning bush men He is the only specimen of the African pygmies at present Trr the United States though six little black people from the same part of Africa were a part of the exhibit in ethnology at the St Louis worlds fair But tho fact that little Ota Is here all by him self and Is a rare specimen of the hu man race does not account altogether for the Interest taken in him Ota Benga was brought to this coun try by Dr Samuel P Verner the ex plorer and ethnologist who had charge of the pygmies at St Louis After re storing the latter to their homes in tho African wilds Dr Verner came across Ota Benga on one of the southern trib utaries of the Kongo where he was a captive in the hands of a cannibal tribe Knowing that he was liable to be eaten by his captors Dr Verner res cued the little man and tried to send him back to his tribesmen Thfr prov ing impracticable Ota begged to be taken to the United States On arrival here the explorer tried to put him in an orphan asylum but was unsuccessful It thus happened that he was placed under the care of Director William T Hornaday at the New York Zoological park Here he was quar tered in a room vacated for him by a keeper containing a bed and running water He took a bath every morning and was allowed to run about the park but in the afternoons to allow people to see him was placed in a big open air cage there being no platform WtfP OTA BENGA AND THE CHIMPANZEE suitable for the purpose where he dis ported himself made nets and ham mocks and arrows counted his money and played with a chimpanzee It was this latter feature which proved objec tionable It was noised abroad that a man was being exhibited in a cage with a monkey to show the supposed close connection between the two spe cies of beings and this led to protest particularly on the part of the colored people of New York who regarded the matter in the light cf a special insult to them The director of the park de nied that the pygmy was placed on view with any such idea The incident raises many interesting questions respecting the comparative development of different branches of the human race and the time man as a human being supposing he was ever anything else has been on the earth Though there are interesting and curi ous points of resemblance between a member or the simian tribe ana any member of the human race black or white red or yellow It Is yet a far cry from Ota Benga the pygmy to the chimpanzee with whom he plays Ota Benga is twenty three years old and four feet eleven inches m height It might be supposed that he and his tribesmen being so small are more nearly related to the apes granting that any relationship between the hu man and simian species exists than men of races which attain larger size But Ota Benga Is not a representative of the lowest order of savage There are larger tribes which are less devel oped than he and his tribesmen He is bright and has mastered a good many English words already and Is skillful at manual work How long the pyg mies have lived In Africa where they came from and how they came to be smaller than the tribes around them are questions the scientists have not yet been able to answer J JjJA He does both better on Im f I Uneeda Biscuit I i Mfo the soda cracker that contains in the 0 1 fgft most properly balanced proportions a m I H greater amount of nutriment than any H j f food made from flour I f I Uneeda Biscuit I j NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY mj H r 1 R F L No 1 P B Nichols has joined his wife in Colorado Springs Colo for a week or two on a visit They will then both return home Mrs Will Day of Trenton Neb was a guest of Mr and Mrs William Byfield Sunday W E Hunter is spending the week visiting in Oberlin Kansas and inter mediate points T A Endsley is look ing after the place meanwhile Mr and Mrs T H Brittain and Grandma Brittain left on last Saturday for Cripple Creek Colo on a visit An infant child of Mr and Mrs Stroh of East McCook died this week and was buried on Tuesday afternoon This is the third infant child they have last John Breitling was a School Creek visitor Sunday Joseph and Ed Downs havo gone up to Hooker county to visit Mr and Mrs Jud Gragg Miss Freda Mette opened the Kenedy school Monday of this week Miss Maud Hughes of South Omaha began school Monday in district 3 tho Nelson Downs school Miss Roxa Byfield opened the Ash Creek school Monday MiBS Geneva Fitch was a guest of Miss Eoxa Byfield last Friday Henry and Pearl Rogers went up to Quick last Saturday on a short visit to relatives arriving home early in this week Mr and Mrs H H Pickens and Mr and Mrs D H Babbitt were guests of Mr and Mrs A C Marsh of East Mc Cook Thursday BARTLEY Geo Theobald returned from Wau neta Tuesday where he and G C Athey are preparing to put in an electric light plant A party of 23 young folks came up from Cambrige Monday evening and had a pleasant visit with Dr and Mrs H J Arbogast Floyd Hodgkin is on the sick list this week Mrs Clement is having her home painted A son of Henry Harsch was badly in iniured Friday by a cannon firecracker losing part of two fingers and otherwise injuring his hand Johnny Cammack of Dundy county visited friends here last week A pleasant social given by tho Ladies Aid society at the Christian church Friday evening replenished their treas ury Mrs Will Sheets is quite sick this week Mr E A White is not so well this week and his recovery is considered doubtful Mrs W B Downs returned Friday evening from Arapahoe where she had been seeking medical counsel J Fletcher went to Omaha Wednes day A gentleman from McCook has just put in a fine lighting plant hero for E E Shoemaker Commissioner Premer returned from McCook Wednesday morning and is looking after the work being done on the new steel bridge east of town Rev Kirby will move to Loomis soon and Rev Hageman will take his place here Frank C Alley formerly in the drug business here has sold his store at Sterling Neb and bought one at Howe Nebr where he will succeed Dr Mor rill Cash Received on Account Charge Paid Out and other cash register printed supplies at The Tribune office Americas Greatest Weekly The Toledo Blade Toledo Ohio The Best Known Newspaper in United States Circulation 185000 Popular in Every State the In many respects tho Toledo Blutlu is tho most remarkable weekly uowspapor published in tho United States It is tho only newspaper espe cially edited for National circulation It has had tho larRert circulation for more years than any newspaper printed in America Further more it is tho cheapest newspaper in tho world I as win no expiameu to any person wuo win write us for terms The news of tho world so o iifi ti rpofl Mififr tiithii roTili fin nnrAitnolKntii ana Desiaes it enhances the curative effect of the other ingredients entering into the Favorite Prescription Some of the ablest medical writers and teachers endorse these views and praise all the several ingredients of which Fa vorite Prescription is composed rec ommending thorn for the cure of the very same disnases for which this world famed medicine is advised No ntha medicine for women has any such pro- jvssiunat enaorsement worth more than any number of ordinary testimonials If interested send name and address to Dr E V Pierce BufTalo N Y for his little book of extracts from the works of eminent medical writers and teachers endorsing the several ingredients and telhng just what Dr Pierces medicines are made of Its free for the asking TO REPUBLICANS We are anxious to have every Republican in close touch and work ing in harmony with the Republican National Congressional Committee in favor of the election of a Republican Congress The Congressional campaign must be based on the administrative and legislative record of the party and that being so Theodore Roosevelts personality must be a central figure and his achievements a central thought in the campaign We desire to maintain the work of this campaign with popular subscrip tions of One Dollar each from oreheud than bv reading cumbersome columns HcanS To each Subscriber We will of dailies All current topics made plain in each issue by special editorial matter writton from inception down to date The only paper published especially for people who do or do not read daily newspapers and jet thirst for plain facts That this kind of a newspaper is popular is proven by tho fact that tho Weekly Blade now has over 1U00 j early subscribers and is circulated in all parts of tho United States In addition to tho news tho Blade pub lishes short and sorial stories and many depart ments of matter suited to every member of tho family Only one dollar a year Write for specimen copy Address THE BLADE Toledo Ohio Souvenir Postal Cards Tho McCook Souvenir Postal Cards printed by The Tribune are on Bale at A McMillans The Ideal Store Tho Tribune Office L W McConnells The Post Office Lobby Ten different views printed Other designs are in preparation Price Two for five cents A Guaranteed Cure For Piles Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles Druggists refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case no matter of how long standing in Gtols days First application gives ease and rest 00c If your druggist hasnt it send 30c in stamps and it will be for warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co St Louis Mo OPEN PUBLICITY THE BEST GU71R71NTY OF MERIT When the maker of a medicine sold through druffits for family ue takes his patients fully into his confidence by frankly and fearlessly publishing broad cast as well as on its bottle wrappers a full list of all its ingredients in plain English this action on his part is the best possible evidence that ho is not afraid to have the search light of inves tigation turned full upon his formula and that it will bear the fullest scrutiny and the most thorough investigation Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription for the cure of the weaknesses periodical pains and functional derangements of the or gans distinctly feminine is the only medi cine put up for sale through druggists for womans special use the maker of which is not afraid to take his patients into hi full confidence by such open and honest publicity A clance at the nublished intrredipnte on each bottle wrapper will show that it is made wholly from native American medicinal roots that it contains no poi sonous or habit forming drues no nar cotics and no alcohol pure tfipIe reOned glycerine of proper strength being used instead of the commonly employed alco hol both for extracting and preserving the active medicinal properties found in the roots of the American forest plants employed It is tho only medicine for womens pecular diseases sold by drug gists that does not contain a large per centage of alcohol which is in the long run so harmful to womans delicate nerv ous system Now glycerine is perfectly harmless and sorvos a valuable purpose by possessing intrinsic value all its own send the Republican National Cam paign Text Book and all documents issued by the Committee Help us achieve a great victory James S Sherman Chairman P O Box 2063 New York FREE RAILROAD FARE TO OMAHA During Carnival and Won derful Electric Street Parades September 26 to October 6 Buy a round trip ticket fare cut out this offer and bring It to ua and we will refund the entire amount on the purchase of any new piano in our store Over GOO pianos in stock all tha leading makes including the Stein way Steger Emerson Hardman A B Chase McPhail Rurtzman Mueller and over 20 others Special rock bot tom prices marked In plain figures on each instrument Used upright pianos for SS5 95 105 and up on terms to suit Save from 75 to 150 and deal with a reliable firm Free Information and parcel stand Make our store your headquarters Free parade seats SCROLLER S HVELUEB PIAHO CO McCOOK Makers of Dealers and Hiqh Grada Pianos 1311 1313 Farnam Omaha St Write JAKE BETZ McCook Neb for terms on Auctioneering He will do your work right H P SUTTON N JKWE1LER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA HOLLISTERS Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Hedioine for Busy People Brhga Golden Health and Eeaewed Vigor Pciflc Jpr Constipation Indigestion Live and Xidnev Troubles frmples Eczema Impure Blood Bad Breath Slujrcish Bowels Headache and Backache Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tab let form 3 cents a box Genuine made by Hollister Deuo Cojipavt Madison Wis GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE WHiODEiS Cream Vermifuge Sfefe THE GUARANTEED fei WORM W REMEDY THE CHILDRENS FAY0R1TE TONIC BEWARE OF IMITATIONS THE GENUINE PREPARED ONLY BY Ballard Snow LinlmentCo T LOUIS MO A McMILLEN f 1 t M