The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 05, 1906, Image 6

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Senlod bids with a KXO0 certified check of
tlio biddor will bo received ottliooillco of tho
city dork of McCook Nobruwku until hovon
oclock ii in central standard time on tliuHtli
duy of Octobor 1900 for tho conBtruction of nil
eowurs and nppurtonnncoB in sower district
numborOuo in tho city of McCook Tho np
nroximnto amount of work is ns follows 20000
lineal foot of 8 inch pipe sowor 1000 8x6 Y
branches 2000 linoul foot of 10 inch pipe sower
SO 10x0 Y brunches 120 lineal feet of 8 inch
enst iron pipe 24 lineal feot of 10 inch cast iron
pipe ftl manholes CiO vortical feot 16 flush
tanks 130 vortical feot 3000 linoul feot of Vi
inch calvunized iron pipo
Tho enuineors estimate of tho cost of this
work is ns follows 8 inch pipo sower including
Ys 70 cents por lineal foot 10 inch pipo hewer
including Ys 80 cents por linoul foot manholes
ir0 por vorticnl foot flush tanks including
pyphon 900 twr vertical foot VS ich Ralvunized
iron pipo including fittings 25 cents per linoul
foot 8 inch cast iron pipo 150 per lineal foot
10 inch cast iron pipo 2i0 per lineal foot
Plans und sixjciflcutions inny bo seen and
blank proposals secured at tho office of tho city
clerk The city n servos tho right to rojoct any
and all bids or wuivo any defects 9-14-4 1
By ordor of tho City Council Sept 10 1906
City Clerk
Remember the
dates AH are
iff JtoiiMB
To Elba W Gruvos Mrs Elba W Graves
Ports Wilson E P Bowman Mrs E P Bow
man and Mrs Charles B Brown
You and each of you are hereby notified that
tho undersigned Charles B Brown will uppiy
lo wiu amirjcii court in nun hmiuw county
Ts MIMLJ JJI If ff Wggai
Powell Nil
Marion Nebraska
ill I i IK ii IfliHUm
uction under tho name of Zara A V ilson to
ono E P Bowman upon tho north west Quarter
of tho north west quarter and lots one and two
of section oight and lotsovon in section five in
township three range twenty six in Rod al
low county Nebraska to secure the payment
of ono promisory note dated March 14th 1P01
for the sum or twenty throe hundred dollarsdno
hig at the district court room in the city of tlireo years after date which note and mort
McCook Red lllow county Nebraska on the Kne jlavo boen assigned to me this defendant
first duv of the November term thereof towit Charles B Brown that there is now duo upon
November 12th 1906 at the hour of 9 oclock
m or ns soon thereafter as counsel cau bo
heard to havo the judgment and decree hereto
fore rendered in an action wherein Zara A
Wilson is tho plaintiff and Elba V Groves Mrs
Elba W Graves first name unknown wife of
Elba W Graves Ports Wilson E P Bowman
first namo unknown Mrs E P Bowman first
namo unknown wife of E P Bowman Charles
B Brown and Mrs Charles B Brown first
name unknowa wife of Charles B Brown are
defendants on tho 4th day of Juno 1906 opened
up sot aside vacated and be let in to defend
llio files nnd records of said cause ailidavits
and oral testimony will bo used in support of
said motion
And ou are further notified that on tho 20th
duy of September 19013 the undersigned Charles
B Brown filed his answer and cross petition in
said causo against jou tho object and p raj or
of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage
executed by Defendant Ports Wilson and his
wife Zara A Wilton who is plaintiff in this
said note and mortgage tho sum of twenty three
hundred dollars with interest tiiereon at tno
rnto of six per cent per annum from March 14th
1901 and defendant Charles B Brown jiruys for
a decree that his co defondants and tho plain
tiff bo required to pay tho same or that said
promises be sold to satisfy the amount found
Yon are required to answorsaid cross petition
on or before nionday tho 5th day of November
Dated this 25th day of September 1906
Chalks B Brown Defendant
By Chaiilks A Gohs and
Boyle Eldhed his Attorneys
McCook Tribune
ioo per year
Do not fail to witness the Famous Lightning Feed Grinder
Exhibition at our place of business October 123 456
We will give the grandest exhibition ever given in Red Willow county Our special
will be the Famous Lightning Triple Gear Feed Mill with chilled steel burrs that have nine
force feed lugs to force the grain bearings that run in oil gearing enclosed to protect
operator from accident adjustable friction plates to take up wear and prevent breakage It
is also equipped with roller Searings making it easy to operate with one horse We will
show you the best lightest running fastest grinding mill ever introduced to the public It
will grind corn fine shelled or in the ear barley speltz oats rye and wheat from twelve to
thirty bushels per hour fine enough for meal and flour if desired Come and see this famous
grinder on exhibition whether you need a feed mill or not it will please you We will
show you we can grind grain any way you want it This is a grinder not a crusher and
the price is right And the best of all a FREE LUNCH hot coffee and hot cakes with
maple syrup and butter using flour ground on this famous grinder All are invited
We also have other goods that will interest you We will make prices on Buggies
Spring Wagons Surries and Road wagons that will cause you to buy We have a full line
of Harness and Robes also the latest in wheat drills We have the Moline Burr Oak and
Webber Wagons Now if you are going to need a Wagon SEE US We sell them right
GASOLINE ENGINES International The Root and Van Dervoort
MANURE SPREADERS International and Success which will be operated during
this Famous Lightning Feed Grinder Exhibition
Come early
and bring
the ladies
While you think of it drop in at THE TRIBUNE office and ask to see
The Finest Typewriter Paper Mad
The excellent quality and finish of the Strathmore will surely satisfy you
fill o QMf m
of Dishes FREE with
s No money whatever required you get the set absolutely free k
for giving your opinion of the finest tea and coffee in the world
to a few friends and neighbors Full particulars of the plan in
each package It was our intention to withdraw this offer
October I st but so many people have said they did not realize
the great chance we are offering until they saw it in the home of
some friend we have therefore decided to extend it This will
give everyone a chance to get a set Many ladies are securing sets
to present to friends at Christmas Remember this is not a
premium with Defiance Tea and Coffee It is a present to users
of these beverages for making new friends Ask the grocer
A Few Good Stories
To Tell Your Friends
N the course of an oral examination
one day at the Maryland univer
sity medical school a professor ad
dressed a bright pupil and said
James If you were called in to see
a patient who needed quinine what
would jou give as a substitute for that
In case you could not get it
James thought a minute and replied
Why I would give him quinine of
But suppose you could not obtain
that drug said the professor
James thought the matter over again
and said Id give him quinine pro
fessor sure
The old professor became exasperat
ed and said It is plain that you are
seeking to evade the question Now
I want you to suppose that there is not
any quinine within J500 miles
James hung his head in deep thought
and finally answered Professor Id
give him quinine If I had to go all the
way to the north pole to get It
Ten-year-old Fred was going to a
party for the first time
Heres a half dollar Fred said his
father if it rains be sure you take a
cab home
When Fred got home he was thor
oughly drenched
Why didnt you take a cab ex
claimed his father
I did father replied Fred and
I sat on the box all the way home
It was glorious
A well known artist was walking
with a friend one day when his com
panion suddenly discovered ho had a
tooth in bad condition As the pair
were passing a drug store the man
with tho throbbing molar asked tho
What would you advise for the
Why innocently replied the artist
the last time I had toothache I went
home and my wife kissed it away
The friend paused a moment and
then asked Is your wife home now
Philadelphia Ledger
A clergyman on an Atlantic voyage
had to share a stateroom with another
man After a short while said the
clergyman I began to worry about
some valuables I had with me and at
last I took them to the purser saying
I should like to explain to you that I
am very pleased with my fellow pas
senger That is I find him a gentle
man In every respect and I w ouklnt
have you think that well I wouldnt
have you think that my coming to you
with these valuables is to be taken
er er as any reflection on him The
purser interrupted me with a broad
smile and said Oh its all right sir
Your friend has come to me with some
valuables of his own and he said pre
cisely the same thing about 3ourself
London Tit Bits
3Iost of Them Do
See here conductor my change is
10 cents short
My mistake sir My mistake
Ah I see you believe that a man
should profit by his mistakes Phila
delphia Press
Her Supposition
Im glad to saj remarked Mrs
Strongmiude in an insinuating tone
that ray husband is not a sporty man
Oh replied Mrs Kaflyppe look
ing very sweet and innocent Im sur
prised to hear you say that I have al
ways supposed that he must have mar
ried you on a bet Pittsburg Dispatch
Where Xights Are Lonj
You look weary commented
arctic explorer
No wonder replied the heavy eyed
Eskimo the baby has been crying all
Yes and thats exactly five months
and six days so far Puck
Strenuous Variety
It is thought remarked Dennis
that the robberies are the worruk of
sneak thieves
Sneak thieves is it replied Pat
rick Sure an they must be bold
sneak thieves then Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph
Sad Doe
No more I tread tho Great White Way
And do the town till break o day
No more Ith Winifred 1 hoof
High up unto the breezy roof
And to the club no more I stray
Or auto with Phyllis or May
I do not golf with sweet Marie
Theaters hold no charm for me
The old world seems one mass of gloom
My whole life Just one hollow tomb
My wife Is back
F P Pitzer In New York Preast
A flame nnd a Coiv
When in my teens milking seven
cows morning and evening and toiling
on the farm all day I made favorites
of a bay mare and a Durham cow
Molly and Bess Talk about your
physical sympathy Why It was pa
thetic Molly was my saddle horse a
single footer of rare excellence I
could ride iter with one finger on the
reins into the most forbidding places
Old Bess oh she used to kick a tooth
out once In awhile and put her foot In
the pall of milk but the dear girl
would follow me about with the affec
tion of a child Well I was absent
from the old home five years and re
turning found that of all the animals
only Molly and Bess remained Im
agine my distress when Molly refused
to notice me at all While wondering
at this loss of friendship I felt a warm
rasplike thing going over my hand
which was behind my back Turning
I saw dear old Bess Without notice
she had come to lick me If ever ani
mal spoke with eyes and manner she
did Her happiness at seeing me again
after so long a period was apparent to
ail observers and during ray brief stay
at home it was all I could do to keep
her from following me into the house
New York Press
JTo Deadhead Trip
One of the most famous of American
shipping lines in the palmy days of our
marine was the Cope line which ran
between Philadelphia and Liverpool
says the author of Memoirs of Charles
II Cramp By this line John Ran
dolph of Roanoke determined to go to
Russia when he had been appointed
minister to that country by President
Jackson Entering the office of tho
company in Philadelphia he said to a
clerk in his usual grandiloquent man
Sir I wish to see Thomas P Cope
He was shown to Mr Copes office
I am John Randolph of Roanoke
he said I wish to take passage to
Liverpool in one of your ships
If he expected to be tendered a pass
he was grievously disappointed
I am Thomas Cope replied the
head of the line If thee goes aboard
the ship and selects thy stateroom and
will pay lo0 thee may go
A Timely Shake
Some years ago the Duke of Cou
naught visited Japan and was taken
by Sir Edwin Arnold round the bazars
of Tokyo where he bought many curi
ous toys and specimens of Japanese
art In the evening he remarked to
Sir Edwin that he had seen most of
the sights but had not experienced
any of the earthquakes which are so
common in Japan
I suppose you cannot show me
one said the duke jestingly
Immediately the house shook the
chandelier swaj ed backward and for
ward the china and glass on the table
rattled and the door burst open
Why Sir Edwin you are a magi
cian remarked the duke as the shock
which had happened at so eurious a
moment subsided
A Heniurlviihle Epitaph
A remarkable epitaph is on a tomb
stone in Brighton churchyard in Eng
land It reads In memory of Phoebe
Hessel who was born at Stepney in
the year 1713 She served for many
years as a private soldier in the
Fifth regiment of foot in different
parts of Europe and in the year 1745
fought under the command of the
Duke of Cumberland at the battle of
Foutenoy where she received a bayo
net wound in her arm Her long life
which commenced in the time of Queen
Anne extended to the reign of George
IV by whose munificence she receiv
ed comfort and suppoit in her latter
years She died at Brighton where
she had long resided Dec 12 1S21
aged 10S years
Atlantic Ilillows
The authorities of the United States
hydrographic bureau have endeavored
to ascertain the size of the Atlantic
waves From careful observations
they learn that in height the waves
usually average about thirty feet but
in rough weather they attain from
forty to forty eight fec t In storms
they are often from o00 to GOO feet
long and continue to move about ten or
eleven seconds while the longest yet
known measured half a mile and did
not exhaust itself for twenty three sec
Women as Travelers
As a matter of genuine fact women
in nine cases out of ten are better
travelers than men are To begin
with if not so stodgily accurate al
though that by no manner of means
follows they are more fluent in mod
ern languages They chatter in them
say the male things Ergo they are
the more colloquial the readier to cir
cumvent the wiles and extortions of
kellner or of garcon London Gentle
A Good Do
What kind of a dog is that asked
the inquisitive man
I dunno jes what kind of a dog he
is answered Mr Erastus Pinkley
but hes got good stock in im Dat
dog is so many kinds of dog dat dars
got to be good dog somewhere
Washington Star
The Truth
A teacher In explaining the different
kinds of sentences to her class askedi
what it would be if she said I am
looking for a man
I dont know said the boy at the
foot of the class but I think It would
be the truth Lucerne Standard
Looking Baclovard
Do you ever look back over your ears
nnd think how many times you have
made a fool of yourself We do
Mancos Times Tribune
I llullllAuil IUHI vJ f
Colic Cholera Diarrhea Remedy
Almost every family has need
of a reliable remedy for colic or
diarrhea at fome time during the
This remedy is recommended
by dealers who have sold it for
many years and know its value
It has received thousands of
testimonials from grateful people
It has been prescribed by phy
sicians with the most satisfactory
It has often saved life before
medicine could have been sent for
or a physician summoned
It only costs a quarter Can
you afford to risk so much for so
littler BUY IT NOW
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Now locution just across street in P Walsh
r c
W irs ir
Wf A
iS 5M
f i
bSBS TffifKrt
5Vr J4s
Us -
Plumber aod
gteanjFiffar f
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Estimates Furnished Free Base
ment of the Postoffice Building
Lumber and Goal
Home of Quality
and Quantity where
sells TflE BEST LUM
Are you thinking of
building If so it is ten
to one our figures will
please you
Phono No 1 Manager
fi it gy
75 VZZi tZ
Its a Long Road
that hasnt a turn and a
longer one still that doesnt
come our way This feed
store is now selling
that comes to town If you
want flour that will bake
bread like mother used to
make you can get it here
We do a big business in it
and its a steady comer
and a steady goer For
flour thats always good
buy ours
McCook Milling Company