SKIRT SALE At Grrannis Store Saturday September 29--Rain or Shine Everything in Skirts from the 150 Skirt for every day wear to the 900 Skirt for dress wear We have plaids in light grays and greens in light weight materials for street wear that were selling at from 350 to 600 will sell on Saturday at from 275 to 500 There is a fine line of black Skirts in serge panama mohair and broadcloth that were selling at from 750 to 900 will sell at from 600 to 775 Saturday Browns blues greens and blacks no matter what size color or style will go Satur day at COST Price for our fine new line of Coats are coming and we must have room Come Saturday and select for the little girls Skirts for school wear and then while looking you are sure to find something suitable for yourself also Be sure to come in SATURDAY if you want a bar gain in Skirts for what Skirts are not sold Saturday will be sold at regular price after said date Dont Forget Sale on Skirts Saturday September 29th jJohn We have no secrets Wo publish the formulas of all our medicines Gr anms VkV H P Petersen N Hoaglund A N Lineburg PETERSEN HOAGLUND CO MERCHANT TAILORS Formerly in Pat Walsh Building Are now located in the New Stone Building at the foot of Main avenue We are prepared to show a complete line of Woolens for Fall and Winter We will continue to do the same HIGH GRADE WORK as heretofore We extend an invitation to our old as well as new custom cre to give us a call Promoters of up-to-date tailoring r Then your blood must be in a very bad condition You certainly know what to take then take it Ayers Sarsa parilla If you doubt then consult your doctor We know what he will say about this grand old family medicine This is the flrit question your doctor would ask Are your bowels regular He knows that daily action of the bowels is absolutely essential to recorer Keep your liver active and your bowels regular by taking laxative doses of Ayers Mils 1 A 7OAyerCrowoll Mass AUo Jnaauflwturera of ilyers HAIR VIGOR AGUE CURE CHERRY PECTORAL - VST nMlMUBSBISa Breeders Gazette Free Realizing the fact that the majority of persons making sales are doing so with the object of bettering their condition and improving the quality of their breeding stock I will send the Breeders Gazette one year free of charge to t vyrv person for whom I call a sale during the balance of 1906 E J MITCHELL Auctioneer M p 3l IS lip 1 OUS c NOTICE OF p TE OF FOREIGN WILL State of Nebraska Red Willow county ss To all parties interested in the Estate of I James Deshon deceased Whereas Fannie D Morse of Boston Massa t cbusotts has filed in my office a duly authenti cated copy of instruments purporting to be the last will and testament and codicils theroto of James Deshon deceased and of the probate of the same m the probate court of butiolk county I State of Massachusetts and a petition praying that the same be admitted to probate in this 1 state and that letters testamentary issue there on to her and that a time and place may be fixed for hearing the same I Whereupon I have appointed the 20th day of October 1006 at tt n oclock am at mv office in McCook Red Willow county Nebraska as the timo and place for proving said will at which time and place you and all persons concerned may appear and contest the same It is further ordered that said petitioner givo notice to all persons interested in said estate of tho pendency of the petition and the time and place set for hearing by causing a copy of this order to be puhlished in the McCook Tribune a newspaper published in said county and state for three consecutive weeks successively pre vious to the hearing on said petition In testimony wherefor I have hereunto set my hand and my official seal this 23th day of Sep tember 1906 Isealj j u Moore County Judge Theres no chance of missing it if you buy at Marshs meat market He has tho goods and can deliver them Give him a chance to supply your meats of all kind3 and he will be very pleased and certain to make good INDIANOLA Mr and Mrs Duncan of Denver are tho guests of Mr and Mrs A Mann tbiB week Miss Mamie Mann returned from Denver Tuesday night Mr Conrad Miller came home Satur day morning from Oxford to visit his family and to make the acquaintance of his new baby eon who arrived during bis absence Cards are out announcing the ap proaching nuptials of Jacob Short of Watsonvillle Calif to a lady of that place Mr Short lived for a number of years in Indianola and all his friends here wish him unbounded happiness in his new venture Mrs George Prongor and baby of McCook are visiting at the Walker Andrew home two miles east of town Mrs Frank Waidley and children arrived home from Indiana this week where they had been all summer on a visit J C Puckett is having his Btore en larged and Bundry other improvements are being made There is a medicine show in town that sells the only reliable etc The same old story and yet we are all taken in Mrs Michael Downy is very sick at the Coleman home two miles east of town Joseph Kercher has gone to Denver in hopes that the climate muy prove beneficial to his failing health R E Smith and W Taylor drove over from Marion Saturday evening having finishod their contract of paint ing at that place Mrs Pete Collintr and Mrs Wm Colling have gone to Denver and Boulder where they will spend a couple of wseks with relatives Frank Thompson arrived in this city from Oregon last Sunday morning where he had been on a visit to his brother Charlie He bought a farm while in Oregon Mrs Hess and Major returned on No 5 Friday evening from Orleans where they had been visiting Miss Adelaide Streff went to McCook Wednesday evening returning Monday morning George Morris G W Short C S Quick and others took passage on 13 for Colorado Thursday morning They go to participate in the 100th anniversary of the discovery of Pikes Peak The sick folks are getting better Mrs W A McCool and son Paul vis ited Mrs Phoebe Taylor Saturday Mrs J W fioldman went to Lincoln last week to visit awhile Mr John Balding and little boy went to Edison Thursday morning returning on No 5 in tho evening F B Hardesty went to St Joe Sun day morning to lay in his stock of holi day goods Charle Dutcher and family started for Denver and Greeley last Friday night Mrs M Whittaker returned to McCook on 5 Friday evening after a few days visit with friends in town R F L No 1 Joe Down hauled wheat to Eed Wil low Monday and Tuesday Paul Gresham of Trenton ornanized a Sunday School at the North Star school house Sunday with J H Warfield as Supt John Neubalfer and family of Nebras ka City are visiting at the Hari Mayers home Mrs W P Burns and Miss Mary Downs returned Tuesday from their visit at Friend Nbr 11 D Rogers was in Colorado last week on business Herman Neumann left Wednosdry niht on No G for College View Neb Rjv F M Kennedy Is suffering with catarrh on his right hand Bronning the thresherman met with an accident last Friday while trying to pull up a short hill They broke all of the cogs out of the main driva pinion Mrs Wm Neumann left Sunday night for College View where she will visit a forcouple of weeks and from there will go to her home inElida N M Wm Neumann and brother Charlie left Tuesday with a carload of goods for Elida N M Mr and Mrs J A Harschs baby died Thursday morning and was buried today over on School Creek And the weeds still grow DANBURY Dan Casher was in McCook on busi ness yesterday Mrs Herbert Watkins and Grandma Van Vleet are ailing Cecil Pew has sold 80 acres of land to his brother Clint for 7500 Clint has sold his quarter section on the hill for 56400 Mr Koberts of Wilber is visiting rela tives here A furnace is the latest improvement at G B Morgans store Phillip Glien is having an addition built to his store Mr Fields is his new clerk m SCHOOL CREEK About an inch of rain fell in this neighborhood last Tuesday Al Millicent is tho proud owner of a brand new buggy and horse Mrs E S Dutcher is among the ail ing ones Hunters are numerous in this vicinity So far the game has escaped with few fatalities Fred Bealer bought 26 head of cattle from Quick King last Tuesday which he will fatten for market Will Bealer expects to move to Colo rado soon Gottlieb Fiechtner and Olga Peters were married last Tuesday at the home of the bride Only a few relatives were present They will make their home eight miles south of Indianola School commenced in district lu Mon day of last week with Burton Rohrer as teacher J C Sedden is installing a pair of pitless scales at his farm To Cure a Cold In One Day Take laxative bromo cjukune tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure E W Groves signature is on each bo 25c sg3TigRaxigMaamgaJagSa Every Niece and Nephew of Uncle Sam should be deeply interested in what he has said about soda crackers because they are the one food vrith which all of them are familiar Uncle Sam has given out figures showing that soda crackers are richer in nutriment and body building elements properly proportioned than any food made from flour This is saying much for common soda crackers and much more for UnecJa BlSClilt because they are soda crackers of the best quality They are baked better more scientifically They are packed better naore cleanly The damp dust and odor proof package retains all the good ness and nutriment of the wheat all the freshness of the best baking all the purity of the cleanest bakeries Your Uncle Sam has shown what food he thinks best for his people His people have shown that they think Uneeda BfSCUit the best of that food nearly 400000000 packages having already been consumed Uneeda Biscuit NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY RED WILLOW The old settlers picnic was held in the beautiful grove of Mrs Taylor which was very appropriate it boing one of the first places homesteaded by Mac Daris The day was beautiful bright and cool As glad looking a crowd as you would find anywhere and tables groaning under the weight of good things Mrs Taylors chicken pie has become quite a feature of the occasion and while there were other chicken pies Mrs Taylors was must I say it far the best The absence of Mr Fitch was very noticeable and many surmises were made as to the cause Mr Thomas was unavoidably delayed at home by press ing business but Mrs Thomas was present and did her part by performing her duties as secretary besides her share of loading the table It was a surprise and pleasure to have Mr and Mrs Babbitt present and the old friends were glad to see how lenient time has been with them Time too seems to have gone backward with Mr Black as he looks better and younger than he has uone ae acted as mnster of ceremony in the absence of Mr Fitch Upon being called on short appropriate speeches were made by John Longneck er William Byfield Mr Hill and Mr Phillips It is to bo hoped that next year the ladies will be prevailed upon to overcome their diffidence and relate their experiences which will be something different from tho terse told tales of their bolder brothers Everyone should attend the picnic as it ii the only thing of the kind in the country They aie not attended as generally as they should be and if it were known how much tiipy miss I think moro would attend Tht re was a crowd of pretty young ladies who wero strangers to thu old folk but another year there will be special at tractions for all the joung who will attend So friends lets all go and get ac quainted It bus been hoped each year that tho editor of The Tijhjitxe would be present and an invitation is herewith sent him Americas Greatest Weekly The Toledo Blade Toledo Ohio The Best Known Newspaper in United States Circulation 185000 Popular in Every State the In many respects the Toledo Blido is tho most remarkable weekly newspaper published in the United States It is the only newspaper espe cially edited for National circulation It has had tho largort circulation for more years than any nowspapor printed in America Further more it is the cheapest newspaper in tho world as will bo explained to any person who will write us for terms Tho news of tho world so arranged that busy people can moro easily com prehend than by reading cumbersome columns of dailies All current topics mado plain in each issue by special editorial matter written from inception down to date The only paper published especially for peoplo who do or do not read daily and jet thirst for plain facts That this kind of a newspaper is popular is proven by the fact that the Weekly Blade now has over 165000 yearly subscribers and is circulated in all parts of the United States In addition to the nows the Blado pub lishes short and serial stories and many depart ments of matter suited to evory member of tho family Only one dollar a year Write for specimen copy Address THE BLADE Toledo Ohio It arouses energy develops and ti lutes nervou3 life arouse- the courage of outh makes you oung again That what Kooky Mountain tea will do 3 j ceute tea or tablets L V McConnell A It i a t to c yin that no man la stronger than his stomach Dr Iierces Gulden ieuieai Discovery strengthens the siomach rjits it in shanc make pure n kidhevs Alif C Saying ten bluod helps the liver and to cnei tne poisons from tha ooiy and thus rum both liver and kid ney troubles If yon take this natural bloo i punlier and tonic you will assist your system in manufacturing each day a pint of rich rod bluod that is invigo rating to the lrin and nerves The weak nervous run -down debilitated condition which so many people suffer from is usually the effect of poisons in the blood it is often indicated bv pimples or boils appearing on the skin the face becomes thin and the feelings nbluen Dr Pierces Discovery cures all blood humors as well as being a tonic that makes one vigorous strong and forceful It is the only medicine put up for sale through druggists for like purposes that contains neither alcohol nor harmful habit forming drugs and the only one every ingredient of which has the profes sional endorsement of the leading medical writers of this country Some of these endorsements are puhlished in a little book of extracts from standard medical works and will he sent to any address free on receipt of request therefor by letter or postal card addressed to Dr R V Pierce Buffalo N Y It tells just what Dr Pierces medicines are made of The Words of Praise for the several ingredients of which Dr Pierces medi cines are composed by leaders in all the several schools of medical practice and recommending them for the cure of the diseases for which tho Golden Medical Discovery Is advised should have far more weight with the sick and afflicted than any amount of the so called testi monials so conspicuously flaunted before tho public bv thoso who are afraid in lot the ingredients of which their medicines are composed be known Bear in mind that the Golden Medical Discovery has me jjauuis uj uoE5irr on every bottle wrapper in a full list of Its ingredients Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets cure con stipation invigorate tho liver and regu late stomach and bowels Dr Pierces great thousand page illus trated Common Sense Medical Adviser will be sent free paper bound for 21 one cent stamps or cloth bound for 31 stamps Address Dr Pierce as above FREE RAILROAD FARE TO OMAHA During Carnival and Won derful Electric Street Parades September 26 to October 6 Buy a round trip ticket fare cut out this offer and bring it to ua and we will refund the entire amount on the purchase of any new piano In our store Over 600 pianos In stock all tha leading makes Including tho Stein way Steger Emerson Hardman A B Chase McPhail Kurtzman Muellei and over 20 others Special rock bot tom prices marked in plain figures on each instrument Used upright pianos for 85 95 105 and up on terms to suit Save from 75 to 150 and deal with a reliable firm Free information and parcel stand Make our store your headquarters Free parade seats SCEKCUER HUELL2K PIANO CO JAKE BETZ McCook Neb for terms on Auctioneering Me will do your work right H P SUTTON McCOOK JEWE MUSICAL GOODS R NEBRASKA W E Davidson Bros Florists Cut Flowers and Plants always on hand DESIGNS and FUNERAL WORK A SPECIALTY xruones Greenhouse 377 Resilonco 376 Ans31 4ts Holdrege Neb HOLLISTERS Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medicine for Busy People Brings Golden Health and Eenexed Vigor clflc r Constipation Indigestion Live Pimples Ectema Impure fiPS d breath Siujrtfsh Bowels Headache and Backache Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tab -let form Sn cents a box Genuine made by H0LL13TER Deco Compavy Madison Wis GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE THIODE Cream Vermifuge THE GUARANTEED fe WORM j V r II L Ell L U 1 THE CHILDRENS FAVORITE TONIC BEWARE OF IMITATIONS THE GENUINE PREPARED ONLY BY Ballard Snow Liniment Co OX IOUIB MO A McMILLEN V w s v - I t Dealers and Makers of High Grads Pianos ILL 1311 1313 Farnam St Omaha Write I i