The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 28, 1906, Image 3

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p i
To Elba W QravoB Mrs Ellin W Oravon
Ports Wilson K P Dowmnn Mrs 13 P Jlow
man nnd Mra ClinrloH B Browu
You nnd each of you aro notified thnt
tho uudoriKned Clmrlns B Urown will upnly
to tho dictrict court of Red Willow couuty Bitt
ing at the district court room in tho city of
McCook Red Willow county Nobrurkn ou tho
first duy of the November term tliuicof towit
November 12th 10OJ nt tho hour of 9 oclock u
in or ns Boon thereafter us counsel can be
hoard to have the judgment and decree hereto
fore rendered in an action wherein Ziiru A
Wilson Is tho plaintiff aud Elba W GrovonMru
Elba W Graves first name unknown wife of
Elba W Graves Ports Wilson E P Bowman
first name unknown Mrs E P Bowman first
name unknown wifo of E P Bowmau Charles
H Brown and Mrs Chnrlos B Brown first
name unknown wife of Charles B Brown are
defendants on tho 4th day of June 1106 opened
up net asido vacated and be let in to flofend
Tho files aud records of said ciiuso affidavits
aud oral testimony will be used in support of
said motion
And jou are further notified that on tho 20th
dnj of September 19WJ tho undersigned Churlrs
B Brown filed his answer and cross petition in
said cause against ou the object and prajer
of which are to forocloni a certain mortgage
executed by Defendant Ports Wilson and his
wife Zura A Wilson who is plaintiff in this
action under tho name of Zani A Wilson to
one E P Bowman uiwn the north west quarter
of tho north west quarter and lots one and two
of suction eight ami lot seven iu section fivo in
township three rango twenty six in Red Will
low county Nebraska to secure tho payment
of one promisory note dated March 14th 1P01
for the sum or twenty three hundred dollars duo
throo i ears after date which note and mort
gage have been assigned to mo this defendant
Charles B Brown that there is now duo upon
said uoto and mortgago tho sum of twenty threo
hundred dollars with interest thereon nt tho
rato of six per cent per annum from March 14th
1001 and defendant Charles B Brown prays for
a decree that his co defendants and the plain
tiff bo required to pay tho samo or that said
premises be sold to satisfy tho amount fouud
You are required to answer said cross petition
on or before alouday tho 5th day of November
Dated this 25th day of September 1906
Cbaleb B Bkown Defendant
By Charles A Gosa and
9-28-4 1 Boyle Eldbkd his Attorneys
CURES catarrh of the stomach
Sonled bids with a 50000 certified chock of
tho bidder will bo roceived nttheoflico of tho
city clerk of McCook Nebraska until fcpvon
oclock p in central standnrd time ou the 8th
day of October lihJG for tho constructiou of all
xowors and appurtenances in sewer district
number Ouo in tho city of McCook The ap
proximate amount of work is as follows 20 XX
lineal feet of 8 inch pipe sewer 1000 8x0 Y
brunches JCOOliueul feet of 10 inch piix bower
10 10x0 Y brunches J20 lineal feet of 8 Inch
cast iron pipe 24 lineal feet of 10 inch cast Iron
pipe 0i mnnholes W0 vertical feet 16 Hush
tanks 1J0 vertical feet 11000 lineal feet of Vt
inch gulvanized iron pipe
Thoongineers estimate of tho cost of this
work is as follows 8 inch pipe sower including
Ys TOcouts per liuonl foot lU inch pipe sower
including Ys 80 coats per lineal foot manholes
rri0 or vertical foot flush tanks including
hj phon 000 jmr verticnl foot V4 iuch galvanized
iron pipo including fittings 25 cents per liuonl
foot 8 inch cust iron pipe 3150 jcr lineal foot
10 inch cast iron pipe 250 per lineal foot
Plans und specifications mnv bo seen nnd
blank proposals secured at the office of tho city
clerk The city rctorvos the right to reject nny
and all bids or waive any defects
By order of the City Council Sept 10 1906
City Clerk
Stnto of Nebraska
Red Willow County
To All Persons Interested in the Estate
of Anthony Droll Deceased
Notice is heroby givon that Edward Droll ad
ministrator of said estate has filed his potition
iu said court the objectand prayer of which aro
that a dpcreo of distribution may bo made of
the residue of said otato now in his possession
to tho parties entitled by law to receive tho
You are hereby notified that said petition will
be heard by the county judge at the county
court room in tho city of McCook in said couu
ty on tho 6th day of October 1906 at 10 a m
It is ordered that a copy of this notice be pub
lished once onch weok for thrpe successive weeks
in tho McCook Tribune a newspaper printed
nnd published in said county
Dated this 15th dav of Septembor 1906
seal J C Moore County Judge
McCook Tribune 1 the Year
We want to get acquainted with more people in the outlying
country in the west We want more people to get acquainted with our
big store We want more firesides of this western country to profit by
the great values this big store buys and sells every day in the year
We are going to make a proposition so thtxt you can visit
Omaha without spending a cent for railroad faro
Listen Attentively
J5he FESTIVAL is the most glorious event that
was ever celebrated This year it will be grander and on a much larger
scale than at any time in its history It gives you and your family an
opportunity to come to Omaha and have the time of your lives Dur
ing this great event the railroads will make special rates for October 1
2 3 4 and 5 on all trains coming into Omaha
If You Intend Coming to Omaha
and wish to know all particulars about our free transportation offer fill out
the Coupon below and we will by return mail send you all information
Please send me particulars regarding your Free Transporta
tion Offer
State i
Sept 14 St
Cold in One Pay Grip In
I ffifrmr to 2Sqb
Ceme And See The Air Shsp 20th Centory Wonder
Sept 7 U
ji t
4 r1 S
Bernhardt and Duma
Hftnili Bernhardt had Just been elect
ed a life ineraLer of the Comedie Fran
caise When se found that she had
a paper to sign she became nervous
and went to see the younger Dumas
to tell him that she shrank from the
binding terms of the engagement Du
mas advice was unhesitating My
dear child dont sign your hair is too
curly People with hair like that
and he passed his fingers through his
own crisp waves ought never to sign
contracts for life The temperament
is too intractable
Sarah Bernhardt however signed
and meeting Dumas again next day
confessed she had done so Thats all
right remarked Dumas cheerfully I
have won 500 francs 100 I bet
Mme Dumas that amount after you
left yesterday that you would at once
go and sign the agreement Well I
shall buy you something with the
The next day Mme Bernhardt re
ceived a magnificent wig of fair hair
absolutely flat lank and straight With
it came the following sentence on a
slip of paper Now that you are really
one of the house wear this You will
need it
Elixir of Yontb
In former times elder flowers were
treasured not only by lovers of hedge
row beauty but by those who desired
to preserve their own beauty and
youth According to the seventeenth
century prescription the elder flowers
were to be gathered on midsummer
day powdered and put into borage
water which was to be drunk daily for
a month the first thing in the morning
and the last thing at night This was a
much prized elixir of youth By com
mon consent there has always been
something supernatural about the elder
tree In Denmark it is protected by
the elder mother without whose leave
it is dangerous to pluck the flower In
Germany the hat should be taken off
to it And in England it has been
variously considered the tree of the
cross and the tree upon which Judas
hanged himself to be treated with
reverence or fear accordingly London
Written on a Slate
General Lew Wallace wrote the first
rough draft of Ben nur on a slate
giving as his reason that erasures could
more readily be made After satisfy
ing himself with a sentence written in
this way he would with a soft pencil
transfer the writing to paper and final
ly when everything pleased him he
copied the entire manuscript in ink
with the precision of an engrossing
clerk It is declared by those who wero
personally acquainted with General
Wallace that Ben Hur was written
and rewritten at least thirty times and
that when the final copy was sent to
the publishers there was neither a cor
rection nor an erasure throughout the
manuscript The printer set up the
copy exactly as it was written and the
author himself never conected a proof
before the bodk was sent to press
Lizards Tails
Certain lizards are remarkable for
the fragility of their tails although
this weakness is not always the draw
back that may be imagined The dia
mond tailed gecko for instance fre
quently owes its existence to the readi
ness with which its caudal appendage
can be snapped off This reptile which
will perch upon a rock head downward
and tail in the air is liable to be prey
ed upon by hawks One of these for
midable birds will swoop down upon
a lizard and seize what it takes to be
the head but is really the tail The
brittle tail snaps off and the gecko
wriggles away not much the worse to
grow another
Precise hat Acid
The women with thin lips and raspy
voice stepped up before the languidly
indifferent ticket seller iu the railway
Where do you want to go he ask
ed as his jeweled fingers riffled a bunch
of pasteboards
None of your business where I want
to go she snapped Just you sell me
a ticket to New York but bear in mind
that Im going there because Ive got
to not because I want to Washing
ton Star
Mr Bowler I should like to know
what good all these cooking school les
sons are doing our daughter
Mrs B Everything she cooks she
brings home
Yes and none of the family will
touch em and the things are just
thrown away
No they are not She gives them to
Huh What good does that do
We are getting rid of beggars
The Hesitant Swain
He What would your father do if I
told hhhjl wanted to marry you She
Hed refer the matter to me He
hopefully And what would you do
She Id refer the matter to the young
man who proposed to me and was ac
cepted while you were trying to make
up your mind Bohemian Magazine
A Little Short of Funds
Mr Tyte Phist More money What
have you done with that dollar I gave
you last week Mrs Tyte Phist
Thats in the savings bank but I cant
draw the interest on it till next Jan
uary I want another dollar to run
the house on in the meantime Chica
go Tribune
His Contribution
What did that old miser put down
when you asked him to contribute to
the charitable fund
His foot Baltimore American
To wait and be patient soothes many
a pang Dutch Proverb
A Leading Flprure In the Philadel
phia Hunk Scandal
The career of Adolph Segal who has
been arrested In connection with the
wrecking of the Real Estate Trust
Company of Philadelphia Is an illustra
tion of the strange things thnt may be
done by an operator in high finance
Segal Is charged with complicity In an
attempt to wreck the trust company
and it is supposed that the failure of
the Institution and the death of Its
president Frank K Hippie by suicide
were due to the visionary schemes
which Segal promoted and which
when they did not succeed Involved all
associated with them In ruin District
Attorney John C Bell of Philadelphia
on the arrest of Segal and several offi
cers of the trust company declared that
they had been engaged In a gigantic
conspiracy to defraud the Institution
and that as a result of their acts more
than 3000000 had been abstracted
from it and embezzled for the use of
Segal On the discovery of President
Hippies suicide his family found in his
room a note in which he had scrawled
I was fooled Segal got the money
Nobody to blame but myself
Financial circles in Philadelphia are
at a loss to explain how Segal got the
influence over Hippie a hard headed
business man which he came to exer
cise Hippie was noted for his con
servatism as a financier Segal so far
as he was known at all was chiefly
noted for his nerve and the visionary
character of his projects Twenty
years ago he toiled with bare arms over
a soap caldron in a dark cellar In a
tenement district He had just come
from Austria spoke English with an
accent nnd looked the typical Immi
grant He invented a new process for
waxing paper and out of It made 20
000 He embarked in business in a
small way but soon got up a ware
house scheme for which he had no trou
ble in borrowing 60000 Then he built
a sugar refinery and sold it to the sug
ar trust making a cool million out of
the deal He tried starting a match
factory but this did not sell
One of his most noted enterprises
was the Majestic hotel in Philadelphia
which he fitted up on a scale of un
paralleled luxury He married and
his wife was conspicuous at the opera
for her jewels and gowns and In the
parks she always drove with liveried
servants in faultless attire
Presidents Son and His Recent
Western Trip
Theodore Roosevelt Jr who is just
beginning his second year at Harvard
and recently returned from a trip in
the west killed three deer while in
western Colorado but no bears His
trip was shortened by an injury to his
hand received while hunting He was
reported as in attendance at the fight
between Joe Gans and Battlimr
WllfilLM la
Mil lit vff m
y Ga i Warn
son In Nevada and one paper pub
lished an interview on the fistic con
test purporting to come from him but
It was subsequently denied that he
was at the ringside at all He said
while In the west that he would like
to be a cow puncher for a time after
finishing his college course He made
a record In football at Harvard last
year and Is expected to increase hl3
reputation In athletics as well as
scholarship the coming year
The Caloric Paradox
Freezing Is usually associated with
cold but wntnr can be frozen on n red
hot plate This pretty experiment has
rightly been called the caloric para
dox If a drop of water is placed on a
redhot or white hot metal plate it
does not suddenly flash Into steam un
der the influence of the great heat It
does not even boll It simply evapo
rates quietly and slowly as It rolls
about the plate Now suppose that
the drop on the plate Is a volatile liq
uid like sulphurous acid It will evap
orate and this evaporation will pro
duce cold Let a drop of water fall
In the sulphurous acid drop and It will
be frozen In spite of the heat M Bou
tlgny thus froze water on n white hot
platinum capsule Faraday carried
this remarkable experiment even fur
ther Pouring some ether and solidi
fied carbonic acid gas on a redhot plat
inum capsule he formed a spheroidal
mass which evaporated very slow
ly He then brought some mercury
Into contact with It and this was In
stantly frozen Now mercury requires
a temperature of 40 degrees below zero
to solidify it and here it was frozen on
redhot platinum
A Restless Patch of Earth
There Is near to the Thurlngen sum
mer resort Traunsee a curious and
locally celebrated phenomenon name
ly the floating Island which disports
itself at will now at this and now on
that side of the Hautsee a small and
charmingly situated lake The little
island also has Its own flora varying
from that on the immediately adjacent
mainland among which may be men
tioned the meat consuming Drosera
rotundifolia while flowers and edible
berries grow here in rank profusion
and slender birches cast their shade
over those who care to land and in
vestigate this restless little patch of
earth Birds are especially partial to
this spot wild ducks and other aquatic
birds breeding here in great numbers
But the great event of the year Is the
Volksfest held upon the island ev
ery Ascension day when dancing and
bratwurst eating washed down by
the obligatory beer is the order of the
day Pall Mall Gazette
They- Joined Hands
Mr Rhodes once told a circle of
friends after dinner the story of his
first meeting with Beit I called at
Porges late one evening he said and
there was Beit working away as usual
Do you never take a rest I asked
Not often he replied Well whats
your game said I I am going to
control the whole diamond output be
fore I am much older he answered
as he got off his stool Thats funny
I said I have made up my mind to
do the same We had better join
hands Join hands they did Unlike
Alfred Belt Cecil Rhodes had small
patience with arithmetical details
Once this characteristic Involved him
In a difficulty Pitching a balance
sheet into the pile of papers before
Beit he exclaimed desperately Here
you understand things For heavens
sake tell me how I stand
Butterflies That Live on Fish
The butterfly was blue and transpar
ent As through blue glass its tiny
heart could be seen beating inside its
body and the professor read a news
paper article through its lovely blue
wings This he said is the ptero
poda a Mediterranean butterfly It
eats fish On its tongue are rows of
pointed hooks They serve as teeth
This beautiful creature would turn up
its nose at a garden of roses and lilies
but it would feast ecstatically upon a
putrid eel Now and then a pteropoda
is found on the Florida or the Califor
nia coast It is only abundant though
in the Mediterranean
The Power of Intuition
The power of intuition usually spok
en of as being so mysterious is really
not so at all said a woman recently
It is merely the ordinary method of
reasoning from observation intensified
The so called intuitional person differs
from the one of more commonplace
powers in possessing a keener sensi
tiveness to facts She or he for it is
absurd to assert that this power is ex
clusively feminine observes a thou
sand things that persons of duller sense
fail to see and that are beyond the con
trol of the most skillful actor New
York Tribune
An Extraordinary Forest
The most extraordinary forest in the
world was discovered by Dr Wel
witsch and occupies a tableland some
six miles in width near the west coast
of Africa The peculiarity of the trees
is that though their trunks are as
much as four feet in diameter they at
tain the height of only a foot No tree
bears more than two leaves and these
attain a length of six and a breadth of
two feet
Not What He Seemed
Romance has flung a deceptive halo
over the old yeoman farmer He was
certainly not a good tiller of the soil
but lazy old fashioned and unenterpri
ing No houses were so much in need
of repair no gardens so ill kept no
fields so overgrown with weeds as
those of the small proprietor of the
eighteenth century London Country
She I have not seen you for an age
Herr Doctor notwithstanding that we
live only a few streets apart here in
Berlin I learned with much regret that
youve been ill Herr Doctor Who told
you that She My brother wrote me
from India Fliegende Blatter
Speaking of the irony of fate why Is
It that a mans friends sometimes for
get him but his enemies never Ter
rlll Tex Transcript
Throat Coughs
A tickling in the throat
hoarseness at times adeep
breath irritates it these
are features of a throat
cough Theyre very de
ceptive and a cough mix
ture wont cure them
You want something that
will heal the inflamed
membranes enrich the
blood and tone up the
Scoffs Emulsion
is just such a remedy
It has wonderful healing
and nourishing power
Removes the cause of
the cough and the whole
system is given new
strength and vigor
Send for free sample
SCOTT BOWNE chemists
409 415 Pearl Street New Tork
JOc and 100 All druggim
C E E1DRE0 Co Aty
Attorneys at Law
LonK Distance Phono U
Rooms 1 ami 7 ocmd floor MCLOUK nCD
Postotlico Iinildinjc
Oilico ovnr McConnnllp Dru Store
Toloplione Oilico NX re iilonco 131
Former locution Atlanta Geortiia
t 5
LADIES Ask your Druggist for
PILLS in Red and
Gold metallic boxes sealed with Blue
Ribbon Take no other Buy of your
Druiririst and ask for CIIICIIESTEITS
twenty five years known as Best Safest Al
ways Reliable Sold by Druggists everywhere
g This Morning
I A Gc ne Laxative I
And petizer
ttrs TESsr
The best of every
thing in his line at
the most reasonable
prices is Harsh s
motto He wants
your trade and
hopes by merit to
keep it
The Butcher
Phone 12