The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 21, 1906, Image 7

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Liquid Koal Used as a Lice Killer
When diluted with water in the proportion of one part
Liquid Koal to fifty parts water it is the best Lice Killer on
the market It is not expensive to use because it forms a
perfect emulsion with water when mixed in this proportion
Worms in Hogs
The hog is more infected with intestinal worms than any
other domestic animal These worms are created by impure
accumulations along the intestinal track and generally pro
duced by poorly digested food The nature of the hog and
his manner of eating renders him more susceptible of intestin
al worms than any other animal Under the present domestic
ated conditions he is not allowed the use of his natural in
stincts to obtain the necessary element that would destroy
these intestinal parasites Being shut up in a pen he is not
allowed to follow the dictates of his nature The hog that is
wormy can neither grow nor thrive for the reason that the
worms destroy all the effects of the nutrition furnished in the
feed Liquid Koal put in the drinking water in the propor
tion of one quart to a barrel and given them twice a week
will destroy all intestinal worms and keep them free from
their formation and multiplication It strengthens the appe
tite and tones up the system
Something You Ought to Know
A parasite is an organism which during its life lives
within or on the surface of an animal for the purpose of exist
ence and from which it receives its nutrition and nourish
ment The state or condition in which the animal is kept
either hastens or retards the multiplication of them They
are injurious in at least three ways
i As direct agents of loss from animal economy
2 As carriers of other forms of parasites
3 As carriers of the micro organisms of infectious dis
Liquid Koal
LIQUID KOAL is a black oily liquid Liquid Koal is
a liquid soap and will form a perfect emulsion with water
LIQUID KOAL is endorsed by the leading veterinaries
of the United States and by many of the State Agricultural
Colleges and many of the Experimental Stations which are
conducted by the government
For Sale and Guaranteed by
Osteopathic Physician
Kelley Office Bldg Phone No 13
Consultation free
Fairbury Hanchett
This is a warranted and guaran
teed windmill nothing better in
the market Write or call on Mr
Ball before buvinp
has a very bad effect on your sys
tem It disorders your stomach
and digestive apparatus taints your
blood and causes constipation with
all it fearful Ms
Is a bland tonic liver regulator and
blood purifier
It gets rid of- the poisons caused
by over supply of bile and quickly
cures bilious headaches dizziness
loss of appetite nausea Indiges
tion constipation malaria chills
and fever jaundice nervousness
UTitabllity melancholia and all
sickness due to disordered liver
It Is not cathartic but a gentle
herbal liver medicine which eases
without Irritating
Price 25c at an Druggists
To Miss S E Bailey Charity Alley Bartley
Mercantile Company The Kilpatrick Koch Dry
Goods Company Francis McWilliams S L
Wright Bank of Bartley and to all to whom it
may concern
You will take notice that on the 7th day of
November 1901 the undersigned G W Jones
purchased at public tax sale of the County
Treasurer of Red Willow County Nebraska all
of the lots and parcels of land hereinafter de
scribed to wit Lot 17 in block 44 and lots 11
and 12 in block48 in the original town of Bartley
Nebraska which said lots were sold for the
taxes assessed and levied thereon for the years
1902 and 1903 that at the time said taxes were
assessed and levied ana at the time of said tax
6alo said property above described was and ever
since has been and now is assessed in the name
of Miss S E Bailey also lots 7 and 8 in block
I Esther Park Addition to Bartley Nebraska
which said lots last above described were sold
for the taxes assessed and levied tuereon for the
years 1SSS 18S9 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895
1896 1897 1898 1S99 1900 1901 1902 and 1903 that
at the time the said taxes for the year 18S8were
assessed and levied said property last above de
scribtd was assessed in the name of Charity
Alley and that at the time the said taxes for
the year 1S89 were assessed and levied said pro
perty last above described was assessed in tho
name of the Bartley Mercantile Company and
that at the time the said taxes for the year 1890
were assessed and levied said property last
above described was assessed in the name of the
Kilpatrick Koch Dry Goods Company and that
at the time the said taxes for the years 1S91
1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 199
1900 1901 1902 and 1903 were assessed and levied
and at the time of said tax sale said property
last above described was and ever since lias
Esther Park Addition to the Village of Bartley
Nebraska which said lots last above described
were sold for the taxes assessed and levied
thereon for the j ears 18S3 18S9 1890 1891 1892
1893 iS94 1895 1896 1897 1893 1899 1900 1901
1902 and 1903 that at the time the said taxes for
the year 18S8 were assessed and levied said pro
perty last above described was assessed in the
name of Charity Alley and at the time the said
taxes for tho years 18S9 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894
1895 1396 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 and 1903
were assessed and levied and at the time of said
tax sale said property last above described was
and ever since has been and now is assessed in
the name of the Bartley Mercantile Company
also lots 3 and 6 in block 37 in the original to n
of Bartley Nebraska which said lots last above
described were sold for the taxes assessed and
levied thereon for the years 1891 1892 1893 1894
18951896 1897 1893 1899 1900 1901 1902 and 1903
that at the time said taxes were assessed and
at tho time of said tax sale the said property
last above aescriDea was ana ever since nas
been and now is assessed in the name of Bank of
Bartley also lots 7 8 9 and 10 in block 65 all in
the original town of Bartley Nebraska which
said lots last above described were sold for taxes
assessed and levied thereon for the years 1892
1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 189S 1899 1900 19011902
andl903thatat the time said raxes were as
sessed and levied and at the time of said tax
sale said property last above described was and
ever since has been and now is assessed in the
name of S L Wright that the time of redemp
tion of all of said lots and parcels of land from
said tax sales will expire three months from the
date of the service of this notice to wit on the
21st day of December 1906 after which time I
will apply to tho County Treasurer of said
county for a deed to all of said lots and parcels
of land above described as provided by law
Dated this 5th day of September 1906
G W Jones
To Miss S E Bailey and to all to whom it may
You will take notice that on the 4th day of
February 1905 the undersigned G W Jones
purchased at private tax sale of the County
Treasurer of Red Willow County Nebraska all
of the lots and parcels of land hereinafter de
scribed to wit Lots 4 5 and 6 in block 70 in
the original town of Bartley Nebraska which
said lots were sold for the taxes assessed and
levied thereon for the years 1902 and 1903 that
at the time of said tax sale said property was
and ever since has been and now is assessed in
the name -of Miss S E Bailey that tho time of
redemption of all of said lots and parcels of
land from said tax sale will expiro on the 4th
day of February 1907 after which time I will
apply to the County Treasurer of said county
for a deed for all of said lots and parcels of
land above described as provided by law
Dated this 5th day of September 1906
9-7-St G W Jones
Notice is hereby given that under and by
virtue of an order of the District Court of Jeffer
son County Nebraska made and entered on the
28th day of August 1906 in a case pending in
said court wherein Gertrude Speenburgis plain
tiff and Joseph W Rider Mattie Rider Mollie
Hurlburt Louis A Hurlburt Alberta Ryan
Peter K Ryan David F Rider Claudia Rider
Florence Fanner Elmer Farmer John Rider
Ida Rider Leodidas D Speenburg L D Speen
burgadministrator DeBonisNonof theestate of
Michael C C Rider deceased adults and Lan
dis Clapper Fleda Clapper and Chester Clap
per minors were defendants for the partition
of the real estate hereinafter described together
with other real estate tho undersigned referees
duly appointed by said court having taken the
oath and given the bond required by law and by
the order of the court will on Tuesday the 9th
dav of October 1906 at ths front door of the
court house in McCookNebraskaat one oclock
p m of said day sell to the highest bidder for
cash the following described real estate to wit
The southwest quarter of section 13 township
3 north and the south half of the southwest
quarter of section 12 and the northwest quarter
of section 13 township 4 north all in range 30
west of the Sixth principal meridian in Red
Willow county Nebraska
Feank E Tincheb
Henry Bower
Isaac S Gardner
C H Dennet Referees
Attorney for Plaintiff
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chat
tie mortgage made on the 17th day of August
1903 by Ed Houlihan H Plaussard Co
upon the following described property to wit
One No 2494 Cross Comnonnd Traction Encine
been and now is assessed in tlie name oirrancis manufactured by Keeves Co one rso 2511
McWilliams also lots 10 11 and 12 in block E Compound Separator manufactured by Reeves
Co one No 2934 Farmers Friend Wind
Stacker manufactured by Reeves Co one No
13762 Parsons Feeder one No 440J 5 Peoria
Weigher one Tank Pump and Hose one hun
dred and fifty feet seven inch four ply Gaud
Belt Said Reeves Co will sell said property
for cash to the highest bidder at public auction
on the 29th day of September 1906 at the city
of McCook Nebraska on lots one 1 and two
2 block twenty two 22 of the original plat of
said city at two 2 oclock p m of said day
Said mortgage was filed in the office of the
County Clerk of Red Willow county Nebraska
on the 18th day of August 1903 There is now
due on said mortgage and the notes thereby se
cured the sum of one thousand five hundred
and forty five and 81 100 154581 do lars said
mortgagee has elected to declare the whole debt
secured by said mortgage due as by its terms
and the terms of the notes secured thereby pro
vide No proceedings at law has been had for
the collection of said debt or any part thereof
Dated this 4th day of September 1906
Reeves Co
State of Nebraska j
Red Willow County
At the County Court held at the County Court
Room in and for said county September 19 A
D 1906 Present J C Moore county judge
In the matter of the estate of Andrew J Ben
son insane
On reading and filing the petition of John
Benson praying that he may be appointed
guardian of Andrew JBenson an insane person
Ordered that October 6 1906 at nine oclock
a in is assigned for hearing said petition when
all persons interestad in said matter may ap
Dear at a county court to be held in and for said
J cpunty and snow cause wny tne prayer or peti
tioner snouia not oe graateu uuu uiumuuco oi
the pendency of said petition and the hearing
thereof bo given to all persons interested in said
matter by publishing a copy of this order in the
McCook Tribune a weekly newspaper printed
in said county for three successive weeks prior
to said day of hearing A true copy
seal J C Moose County Judge
Important Notice
All persons are hereby notified and warned
that TRESPASS in any form on the following
described lands in Red Willow county will be
prosecuted to the full extent of the law
WNW 9 WtfSW 44 30 Somers land
Etf NEJ4 9 EHSEtf 4-4-30 Oliphant land
EHNWJf 8-1-29 Cregarland
D S Fnrnham owner Newton Centre Mass
W S Moelan Attorney McCook
ggyqrayMwyaNqRr ffijypjjflajp
E L Barragar President
Capital One Quarter Million
Principal Office Sheldon Iowa Branches Minneapolis Minnesota Glendive Montana Lewiston Idaho York Nebraska Oklahoma Oklahoma
teaches that no medicine ever healed a wound that nature
performs the healing process and medicine can only assist
nature in doing her work not only in healing wounds but also
in throwing off diseases
Those versed in medicine are aware that three fourths of
the money spent for medicine is virtually thrown away either
because of the improper use or the purchase of an improper
article But in purchasing Liquid Koal from any of our deal
ers you take no chances If for any reason it does not treat
successfully the following list of diseases just go back to the
dealer and get the price you paid there will be no questions
asked We stand the loss and it costs the dealer nothing
Following is a list of the diseases that Liquid Koal cures
Hog Cholera Lung Worm
Intestinal Worms Cow Cholera
Anthrax Black Leg
Corn Stalk Disease Colic
Distemper Pink Eye
Foot Rot Tape Worm
Texas Fever Poll Evil
Roup Thrush
Blind Staggers Catarrh
Mange Bots
Nasal Gleet Inflammation
Swine Plague
Abortion in Cows
Lung Fever
Chicken Cholera
Lock Jaw
Fa icy
Bowles Scratches
LIQUID KOAL acts as an appetizer and vitalizer
Two Things to Remember
Use LIQUID KOAL to destroy parasites on the outside
Use LIQUID KOAL to destroy parasites on the inside
deposited in the Union Bank at Sheldon Iowa to be paid
anyone finding any of the testimonials we publish from time
to time are not genuine
yO7 Cvy
In the county court within and for Red Wil
low county Nebraska
In the matter of the estate of Sophie Bon
gers deceased
To the creditors of saidestato You are here
by notifel that I will sit at the county court
room in the said county on the 22nd day of
March A D 1907 at the hour of 2 oclock p
m to receive and examine all claims against
said estate with a view to their adjustment
and allowance The time limited for the
presentation of claims against said estate is
six months from the 21st day of September A
D 1906 and the time limited for payment
of debts is one year from said 21st day of
September 1906
Witness my hand and the seal of said county
court this 27th day of August 1906
seal JCMooee County Judge
State of Nebraska
Red Willow County
To All Persons Interested in the Estate
of Anthony Droll Deceased
Notice is hereby given that Edward Droll ad
ministrator of said estate has filed his petition
in said court the object and prayer of which are
that a decree of distribution may be made of
the residue of said estate now in his possession
to the parties entitled by law to receive the
You are hereby notified that said petition will
be heard by the county judge at the county
court room in the city of McCook in said coun
ty on the 6th day of October 1906 at 10 a m
It is ordered that a copy of this notice be pub
lished once each week for three successive weeks
in the McCook Tribune a newspaper printed
and published in said county
Dated this 15th day of September 1906
seal J C Moore County Judge
Sealed bids with a 50000 certified check of
the bidder will be received atthe office of the
city clerk of McCook Nebraska until seven
oclock p m central standard time on the 8th
day of October 1906 for the construction of all
sewers and appurtenances in sewer district
number Oue in the city of McCook Tho
amount of work is as follows 26000
ineal feet of 8 inch pipe sewer 1000 8x6 Y
branches 2600 lineal feet of 10 inch pipe sewer
90 10x6 Y branches 120 lineal feet of 8 inch
cast iron pipe 24 lineal feet of 10 inch cast iron
pipe 63 manholes 630 vertical feet 16 flush
tanks 130 vertical feet 3000 lineal feet of Yi
inch galvanized iron pipe
Tho engineers estimate of the cost of this
work is as follows 8 inch pipe sewer including
Ys 70 couts per lineal foot 10 inch pipe sewer
including Ys SOcentsper lineal foot manholes
550 per vertical foot flush tanks including
syphon yuo per vertical loot galvanized
iron pipe including fittings 25 cents per lineal
foot 8 mch cast iron pipe 150 per lineal foot
10 inch cast iron pipe 250 per lineal foot
Plans and specifications may bo seen and
blank proposals secured at the office of the city
clerk The city reserves the right to reject any
and all bids or waive any defects
By order of the City Council Sept 10 1906
seal W A Middleton
City Clerk
Souvenir Postal Cards
The McCook Souvenir Postal Cards
printed by The Tribune are on sale at
A McMillens
The Ideal Store
The Tribune Office
L W McConnells
The Post Office Lobby
Ten different views printed
Other designs are in preparation
Price Two for five cents
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take laxative bromo quinine tablets
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure E W Groves signature is on
each box 25c
Dr Kays office is now one door north
of Commercial hotel Phone 97
Hog Cholera
is a free germ disease the germ being first found in the ali
mentary canal and as long as it is kept in that organ it is
comparatively harmless When however it penetrates to
theungs liver and other organs it causes fermentation in
flammation and destruction of live tissues furnishing food upon
which it thrives and multiplies with rapidity in some cases a
generation an hour causing death to the animal before the
owner has discovered that it was diseased
Thus through reasoning two facts stand out clearly
First that hog cholera can not be treated successfully unless
treatment is commenced before the germ has reached the
period of rapid multiplication Second that a germicide must
be administered and therein lies the whole secret As we
pass down through the list of various germicides we are com
pelled one after another to reject them either because of
inefficacy or inadaptability until we reach LIQUID KOAL
And why choose LIQUID KOAL Because it is the
only known germicide that will pass through the stomach to
the intestines and from there to the blood permeating the en
tire system and still retain its germicide properties
It is a compound embracing every practical germicide
anticeptic and disinfectant property found in coal treated
chemically with an alkaline base until every objectional fea
ture is eliminated being non poisonous and harmless to ani
mal economy
It contains creosol and quiacol It is these hydro carbon
compounds found in smoke that cure a ham destroying by
their germicidal properties all germ life
The reader may ask if these properties come from coal
why not use coal The answer is because coal yields those
properties only by distillation at about 350 degrees of heat
and it is reasonable to assume that a hogs stomach could not
generate that amount of heat without becoming roast pork
seasoned with fried germs
We would also call the readers attention to the fact that
the gastric juice of the stomach being an acid an alkali is re
quired as a neutralizer when the acid too strongly predom
inates as in the case of hog cholera In addition it would
be expensive as the owner of the animal would be purchas
ing six dollars worth of coal to obtain one dollars worth of
Liquid Koal
LIQUID KOAL is in general use by veterinary surgeons
throughout the whole country embodying a wider range of
use than any other preparation known to science
The MOook Tribune
Only 1
00 per Year
The Up-to-date
Painter and Decorator
Wall Paper
Pattons Sun Proof Paints Oil Glass Varnish Turpentine
White Lead Varnish Stains Brushes Room and
Painting- Sundries
Let me figure on your painting I can save
you money
Spearman Block Phone 157
jUrVSWty fWWWWfh
JAS S DOYLE Vice President
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 7000
- m - 9