Remember the dates All are invited 78- w - nri HKipMIWIIIIWHHIWirtllll ilWg The Backbone J IMHWM t T of a Mighty Nation is good food food for brain lood for Drawn food that is strengthening that gives energy and courage Without a proper appreciation of this great fundamental truth no nation can rise to greatness As an article of food soda crackers are being used more and more every day as is attested by the sale of nearly 400000000 packages of Uned Biscuit which have come to be recog nized as the most perfect soda cracker the world has ever known And so Uneeda Biscuit will soon be on every table at every meal giving life health and strength to the American people thus in very truth becoming the backbone of the nation NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Powell Nilsson Marion Nebraska AW Tk 01 1llCK If Ton Use FIANCE COFFEE Good coffee isnt accidental It isnt luck But it is the result of well grown well cured well roasted well kept and uniform coffee Put good coffee Defiance Coffee in the pot and rest assured of a rich delicious fra grant cup of coffee every time Because Defiance Coffee is selected from the best coffee berries grown It is scientifically roasted and blended in our own plant under tne most periect sanitary conditions it is then put up in air tight packages which retain all of its original goodness Get a pound package of Defiance Coffee today and learn how to get FREE R5s2ia A Beautiful Breakfast Set of 31 Pieces With Your Initial in Gold This set of dishes will be given to all users of Defiance Tea and Coffee who take advantage of our liberal offer before October 1st 1906 A splendid opportunity because it is so easy Full particulars in each package Ask your grocer Letts Spencer Grocer Company St Joseph Mo m cxx FARMERS ATTENTION Do not fail to witness the Famous Lightning Feed Grinder Exhibition at our place of business October 1-2-3-4-5-6 We will give the grandest exhibition ever given in Red Willow county Our special will be the Famous Lightning Triple Gear Feed Mill with chilled steel burrs that have nine force feed lugs to force the grain bearings that run in oil gearing enclosed to protect operator from accident adjustable friction plates to take up wear and prevent breakage It is also equipped with roller bearings making it easy to operate with one horse We will show you the best lightest running fastest grinding mill ever introduced to the public It will grind corn fine shelled or in the ear barley speltz oats rye and wheat from twelve to thirty bushels per hour fine enough for meal and flour if desired Come and see this famous grinder on exhibition whether you need a feed mill or not it will please you We will show you we can grind grain any way you want it This is a grinder not a crusher and the price is right And the best of all a FREE LUNCH hot coffee and hot cakes with maple syrup and butter using flour ground on this famous grinder All are invited We also have other goods that will interest you We will make prices on Buggies Spring Wagons Surries and Road wagons that will cause you to buy We have a full line of Harness and Robes also the latest in wheat drills We have the Moline Burr Oak and Webber Wagons Now if you are going to need a Wagon SEE US We sell them right GASOLINE ENGINES International The Root and Van Dervoort MANURE SPREADERS International and Success which will be operated during this Famous Lightning Feed Grinder Exhibition tiRjfagAAjlfegjfeg Come early I and bring Ik the ladies While you think of it drop in at THE TRIBUNE office and ask to see The Finest Typewriter Paper Made The excellent quality and finish of the Strathmore will surely satisfy you - iVW efWfc tiTm LUCKY BALDWIN Courage Does your boy Josh take after you Some answered Farmer Corntos sel He doesnt like work any more than I do The only difference is that he has the courage of his convictions Washington Star He is sufficiently learned that knows how to do well and has power enough to refrain from evil Cicero Bis Whirlwind of Speculation In the Mlnlns Rcelonn In 1853 a little party of gold seekers with a meager otftflt of horses and wagons started for California from the Tillage of Racine Wis In command of this adventurous expedition was a young man who took with him his wlfo and Infant daughter His name was E J Baldwin and he made a wise choice in shaking from his restless feet the dust of a tamer civilization He needed aarger theater of action for his pent up and surging activities While trailing through the mountains of Utah the pioneers were attacked by Indians who were beaten off during a six hour tight in which young Baldwin killed their chief After six months of hard ship the party reached Hangtown later called Placervllle In California Here Baldwin tarried and began placer mining He appears to have been no more than an ordinary red shirted argonaut meeting the ups and downs of mining luck until the dis covery of the Comstock lode at Virgin la City Thither he drifted and discov ered that his natural bent was gam bling with the mines that other men bad opened Amid a whirlwind of speculation he fought his way with such success that be loomed from the smoke in a few months as Lucky Baldwin the man who had cleaned up 7500000 In the gigantic deals In the stock of the Ophir mines San Francisco was the Mecca of those lucky sons of fortune who were rearing a great city by the Golden Gate As a stock and mining specula tor Lucky Baldwin shone respon dent but he was also a loyal son of San Francisco He built hotels and theaters and business blocks even while he was amazing that far from conservative community by madly freakish extravagances In a very lucid interval he bought all the Spanish grants he could find near Los Angeles and there spent a million in making this ranch of his not only a splendidly productive property but al so one of the most beautiful estates ever laid out in this or any other coun try It was his hobby his pet and he planted miles of avenues with noble shade trees and made wonderful trop ical gardens surrounding his home by a paradise of vernal beauty Ralph D Paine in Outing Magazine TELL IT TO THE MARINES Pepys Version of the Origin of tiie Expression By Charles II The saying Tell it to the marines is traced to Pepys the author of the famous Diary and it is said by him to have originated with Charles II of England It so befell as the story goes that his light hearted majesty with an exceedingly bored expression on his swarthy face was strolling in the shade with the ingenious Mr Pepys secretary to the admiralty I had speech yesteren at Deptford said Mr Pepys with the captain of the Defryance who hath lately returned from the Indies and who told me the two most wonderful things that ever I think I did hear in my life Among the stories told were of fish flying in the air Fish flying in the air ex claimed his majesty Ha ha A quaint conceit which twere too good to spoil wi keeping What ho sir he turned and beckoned the colonel Sir William Killigrew of the newly raised mari time regiment of foot who was fol lowing in close conversation with the Duke of York we would discourse with you on a matter touching your own element What say you colonel to a man who swears he hath seen fishes to fly in the air I should say sire returned the sea soldier simply that the man hath sailed in southern seas for when your majestys business carried me thither of late I did frequently observe more flying fiish in one hour than the hairs of my head in number Old Rowley glanced narrowly at the colonels frank weather beaten face Then with a laugh he turned to the secretary Mr Pepys said he from the very nature of their calling no class of our subjects can have so wide a knowledge of seas and lands as the officers and men of our loyal maritime regiment Henceforth ere ever we cast doubts upon a tale that lacketh likelihood we will first tell it to the marines Army and Navy Journal Weight of n Piece of Ice A rough and ready method of cal culating thd weight of a piece of ice is afforded by the fact that a cubic foot of this substance weighs approxi mately 5723 pounds First measure the breadth length and height of the cake and the three results being mul tiplied will give the number of cubic inches If this answer bo in turn multiplied by 033 the approximate number of pounds will result For instance a cake 8 by 9 by 10 inches contains 720 cubic inches This multi plied by 033 gives 23 pounds the correct weight of such a piece of ice TVronsr Either Way Mr Jawback Ive got a new stenog rapher Mrs Jawback Brute I sup pose the other wasnt pretty enough for you Mr Jawback Its a man Mrs Jawback Unfeeling monster Try ing to make the people think Im too jealous to let you have a girl eh Cleveland Leader MBKSgtPgg335LiiBB Stammer to Youelf To the many correspondents who have written Inquiries and suggestions as to a cure for stammering we may state that this Is not a medical bu reau This writer gave his own meth od of curing his own particular nerv ous disorder which Is probably shared by many of his fellow men Let It be repeated In answer to many who seem to have seen the problem and missed the solution Consume your own smoke If you must stammer try to stammer to yourself When you have tut tutted and gur gurred suffi ciently to yourself you will be ready with the word It is quite astonishing how soon the Inaudible stammer be comes unnecessary and the word Is whipped out But there are some men who hug a stammer stammering al ways In the right place lifting curi osity to tiptoe In the listener Charles Lamb stammered but always In tho right place as when he went to buy cheese the story may be quite untrue The shopman offered to send It home Lamb Inspected It Then he asked for a bit of string I think he said I could It home London Spectator Not a Clothes Pes Peggie Newton had been a faithful household drudge for years and had not grumbled much when her wages were occasionally passed over But as time went on and her salary fell more and more into arrear she ventured to ask for something on account Why havent I paid you your wages lately Peg How careless of me her mistress said Im sorry I have no money in the house just now but heres a smart cloak that Ive ceased to wear and which Is only a wee bit out of fashion Youll take It In lieu of wages wont you No maam Im sure I shant said Peg wrathfully eying the faded old cloak A peg I may be by name but I wont be the sort of peg that people hang castoff clothes on not if I know It Loudon Answers Old Whist Terms The following passage is from the Adventurer No 35 March 6 1753 On Sunday last a terrible fire broke out at Lady Brags occasioned by the following accident Mrs Overall tho housekeeper having lost three rubbers at whist running without holding a swabber notwithstanding she had changed chairs f urzed the cards and or dered Jemmy the footboy to sit cross legged for good luck grew out of all patience and taking up the devils books as she called them flung them Into the fire and the flames spread to the stewards room Swabbers are the ace of hearts the knave of clubs and the ace and the deuce of trumps at whist To furz or fuzz Is to shuffle the cards very care fully or to change the pack London Notes and Queries Why Rain Clouds Are Black The color of a cloud depends on the manner in which the sunlight falls upon it and the position of the observer It will be noticed that high clouds are al ways white or light in color and this is because the light by which they are seen is reflected from the under surface by the numberless drops of moisture which go to form the cloud Heavy rain clouds on the other hand are found much nearer the earth and so the light falls on them more directly from above giving a silver lining to the cloud though the undersurface ap pears black owing to the complete re flection and absorption of the light by the upper layers Seen from above by an observer in a balloon the blackest rain clouds appear of the most dazzling ly brilliant white Tennis and Lavrn Tennis There are thousands who imagine that tennis and lawn tennis are identi cal In America tennis the mother game is always known as court ten nis whereas lawn tennis Is gener ally known as tennis The games are In many respects very dif ferent The court which in lawn tennis is open in tennis Is closed at the back and sides by the walls and almost invariably above by a roof There is a considerable amount of play off the back and side walls The balls are harder than lawn tennis balls be ing in fact of the consistency of cricket balls Hence the rackets are heavier and the gut is thicker Frys Magazine Songs and Sentiment It is a singular fact that in propor tion to the wealth of melody of a na tion so does Its emotional side develop Remarkable instances of this are to be found In the United Kingdom In Scotland Ireland and Wales countries rich in national songs the emotional nature is strong In England where the melodies if sweet at any rate are not so touching and appealing senti ment is slight Liverpool Courier The History of Man The ecclesiastical authorities divide the history of man into six ages First from Adam to Noah second from Noah to Abraham third from Abra ham to David fourth from David to the Babylonish captivity fifth from the captivity of Judah to the birth of Christ sixth from the birth of Christ to the end of the world Typhoid By boiling all the water and steriliz ing all the milk and thoroughly cook ing all the vegetables and killing all the flies the average person may be come fairly immune from typhoid fe ver Envy In the Garden I have done nothing but blush all day complained the rose and still that idiot of a poet goes on talking of the modest violet as If there were not others ii MlnWIWW3f Chamberlains Colic Cholera Diarrhea Remedy Almost every family has need of a reliable remedy for colic or diarrhea at some time during the year This remedy is recommended by dealers who have sold it for many years and know its value It has received thousands of testimonials from grateful people It has been prescribed by phy sicians with the most satisfactory results It has often saved life before medicine could have been sent for or a physician summoned It only costs a quarter Can you afford to risk so much for so little BUY IT NOW urea Lumber and Center MiWWMWM Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY and EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Now location just across street in P Walsh building flcCook - Nebraska F BURGESS Plumber end Steam Fitter Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Estimates Furnished Free Base ment of the Postoffice Building McCOOK NEBRASKA oal Home of Quality and Quantity where W C BULLARD sells THE BEST LUM BER AND COAL Are you thinking of building If so it is ten to one our figures will please you M O McCLURE Phone No 1 Manager The Flour of the Family should be carefully selected It should be made from the best grain and ground by the best mills Our Choice family flour is about as good as the world produces It is adapted for gen eral use It will make beautiful cake or delicious rolls In addition to bein o good it is absolutely clean Perfect sifting has made it so We have it by the sack or barrel and will be glad to have you try it We are sure you will like it and try it again McCook Milling Company - X XSZijg 3 n v m f K v- P l ih a t l t 1 V r V f r