R v n Etf I k y r k V f i W Cream Vermifuge THE GUARANTEED WORM REMEDY THE CHILDRENS FAVORITE TONIC BrWABC OF IMITATIONS THE GENUINE PREPARED ONLY BY Ballard Snow Liniment Co OX LOUIS MO A MdVlILLEN McCook Tribune 100 per year r S5BHBJffiffiy W E Davidson Bros Florists Cut Flowers and Plants always on hand DESIGNS and FUNERAL WORK A SPECIALTY PlinnnnJ Greenhouse 177 l nones KegJl8nca a76 Holdrege Neb Aug 31 4ts HOLLISTERS Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medioino for Busy People Brings Golden Health and Eenowed Vigor A sncclflc for Constipation Indigestion Live and Kidney Troubles Pimples Eczemn Impure Blood Bad Breath Sluptrish Bowels Headache and Backache Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tab let form S cents n box Ocnntno made by HOLUBTER DRUO COMPANY MlldiSOn Wi3 GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Big Opalescent Assortment Just received six dozens only Sa lads Vases and Fruit Dishes will be sold this week at the very low price of TEN CENTS THE IDEAL BARGAIN DEPOT TKEC IKIP 4 TO OMAHA AND RETURN We want to get acquainted with more people in the outlying country in the west We want more people to get acquainted with our big store We want more firesides of this western country to profit by the great values this big store buys and sells every day in the year We are going to make a proposition so tht you cn visit Omaha without spending a cent for railroad fare Listen Attentively She FESTIVAL is the most glorious event that was ever celebrated This year it will be grander and on a much larger scale than at any time in its history It gives you and your family an opportunity to come to Omaha and have the time of your lives Dur ing this great event the railroads will make special rates for October 1 2 3 4 and 5 on all trains coming into Omaha If You Intend Coming to Omaha and wish to lenow all particulars about our free transportation offer fill out the Coupon below and we will by return mail send you all information COUPON NEBRASKA CLOTHING CO Omaha Please send me particulars regarding your Free Transporta tion Ofter Kama Town County State dMmfaMmie Sept 14 3t OJYIAHA NEB Always Remeinber the Ft 0 I axauve Mrotno riuinme Cures a Cold In One Bay 5 Grip in Two THE FESTIVAL HAS MADE OMAHA FAMOUS SOMETHING DOING ALL THE TIME I HALF FARE October 1st to 5ifQ AH RAILROADS j DAY PARADE HOT 0 TUESDAY UUIb DAY PARADE PT A THURSDAY UUIi - ELECTRIC PAGEANT nftT 9 CORONATION BALL APT E WEDNESDAY NIGHT UU I i U FRIDAY NIGHT UU I 0 1 Come And See The AlfrSMt 20tfa Century Wonder Sept 7 4t ZULU WAR TACTICS Method of Attack With the Crescent Formation Zulu military tactics are associated with the name of Tyaka tbe ruthless Zulu conqueror who welded luto the stock of the Amazulu the people of the heavens all the young men of the va rious tribes he conquered Incorporat ing them Into regiments and thus building up a powerful military na tion Yet it was to Dingislwayo the wanderer that the Inception was due This man the son of the chief of the Umtctwa was driven into exile in con sequence of an abortive plot to seize the reins of power During that exile ho lived in Cape Colony and saw the military methods of the British With Instinctive genius he saw how the Idea could be adapted to his own nation and on his return and accession to the chieftainship he divided his people into regiments dis tinguishing them by names and by a special color of shield for each regi ment though for a time they retained the umkomto or throwing assagai as their chief weapon He heard the great use made by the British Infantry of their favorite weapon the bayonet and so he replaced the umkomto by the ixwa or broad bladed stabbing assa gai The peculiarity of the Zulu tactics has earned It the name of the crescent formation for attack and It is note worthy that broadly speaking it was the method employed by the Boers in their invasion of Natal and adopted by Lord Roberts in his advance through Orange River Colony and it was the fear of Its success whicli kept the Boers continually on the run The best thing with which to compare it is the head of the stag headed beetle Horns are thrown out widely on either flank while the main body forms the head itself From the main body a small force is detached to engage the enemy while the horns creep around the flanks This force in the days of Tyaka was frequently dispatched with the com mand Go sons of Zulu go and re turn no more and death at the hands of their fellows was the fate of those who returned While this force was holding the enemy the horns carried out their task if possible and as soon as the two horns had met in the rear of the enemy the head or chest was launched upon the position and the upshot was that the whole force of the foe tasted the assagai for in war no quarter was given or asked South African Sun POINTED PARAGRAPHS Keep away from people you dislike and dont talk about them Put a hog in a parlor and he would break out and wallow in a mudhole It becomes necessary occasionally for every man to take punishment When your time comes dont annoy others with your screams Isnt It a fact that the most success ful men you know are polite men Then doesnt it follow that if you hope to succeed you must be polite When you hear a man abused be hind his back we do not think How unpopular other people are but How we all catch it when we are not around Dont worry if you are not good looking You look all right to your friends The best looks on earth could not make you look good to your ene mies and those who are not Interested in you dont know how you look Atchison Globe Saved by a Cool Head Sir Andrew Clarke while traveling in Italy ascended a high tower one even ing and found at the top another tour ist an Englishman They chatted pleas antly for a few minutes when suddenly the stranger seized Sir Andrew by the shoulders and said quietly I am go ing to throw you over The man was a maniac The physician had only a moment in which to gather his thoughts but that moment saved him Pooh he replied unconcernedly Anybody can throw a man off the tower If we were on the ground you could not throw me up That would be too difficult Yes I could retorted the maniac I could easily throw you up here from the ground Let us go down and I will do it The descent was accordingly made during which Sir Andrew managed to secure help and release himself from his perilous situation When Edison Apologized When Thomas Edison first came to Washington to display the grapho phone which had just recently been in vented Roscoe Conkling who was al ways quite vain was there too Mr Conkling wore a little curl on his fore head and when Mr Edison repeated something about a little girl with a little curl right in the middle of her forehead the New York senator thought that of course the remark was made for him and Mr Edison had to apolo gize Dr Reyburns Reminiscences of Charles Sumner In Washington Post A Lofty Mind A lofty mind always thinks nobly It easily creates vivid agreeable and natural fancies and places them In their best light clothes them with all appropriate adornments studies others tastes and clears away from Its own thoughts all that Is useless and dis agreeable Rochefoucauld Unworthy of Remembrance My Dear Friend I beg you to lend me 0000 francs Then forget me for ever I am not worthy to be remem bered From a Letter Found by Paris Figaro Judiciously Revised Never hit a man when he is up Dal las Morning News jualuitiJuBas Perils of Fishing On Grand Banks on the transatlantic PASSENGERS vessels which carry as many persons as live In a good sized town and which the latest inventions of marine science have made as safe as a house on shore have little Idea what the psalmist meant when he talked of the perils of those who go down to the sea in ships But up along the fishing banks they know and they arent fond of the liners there for the liners take more lives every year than the dreaded etorms The storms cant help wreck ing little ships The fishermen do not believe that the wind bloweth where it Hsteth they think It blows where it Is fated to blow But they also think that no law of nature or man forces the liner to race at top speed across the fishing banks cutting down everything that gets In its way The fisherman thinks he is entitled to life liberty and the pursuit of fish and he curses the speed madness which causes the steamship to make short cuts at his expense The liners dont sink fishermen on purpose of course They dont even collide with them in tentionally It Is like a man stepping unconsciously on a bug and walking on Ignorant of the catastrophe for which he is responsible The fragile little fishing boat goes down before the steel hulled ocean greyhound without even causing the monster to quiver For years the men of the Grand banks have complained of this to their minds unnecessary addition to the dangers of their calling Now the French government has heard them and has issued a call for an Interna tional conference to discuss changing the present steamship route so as to avoid the fishing banks Last year the death roll among the French trawl ers in Newfoundland waters was 314 Of these it is true that 135 perished in the wreck of the Cousins Reunis of St Malo which was carrying men to St Pierre to equip the fishing boats there but of the remaining 179 Wt- fmnlY M4ixv font Sallk I mmWmmmm mm I mmmm4mwkWm p JlilJJpj J JiiU L3 Lljj i iJ t J j DECK OF A GIiOXJCESTEB FISHING VZSSEIu ties most were caused by ocean steam ers running down fishermen as they lay at anchor or In the fog To change the steamship line and make it skirt Instead of cross the banks would materially lengthen the distance the steamers would have to travel The Compagnie Genera1 Transatlan tique the French line has already agreed to accept such a change but It will be difficult to make all the big lines follow the French companys ex ample Besides there are thousands of tramps which come from nowhere go nowhere While the discussion of this proposed change in the ocean highway goes on the big ships continue to sink the little ones Only the other day the Red Star liner Vaderland cut the fishing schooner John A Allen in two as she was cruising off Georges banks look ing for swordfish This time however the liner did not flee but stood by until every man on the sunken craft had been picked up I shall go back and tell the fisher folk that I know a liners captain and crew who are not cowards said Cap tain Toothaker of the John A Allen after he and his six men had been landed in New York Something blacker than the mist loomed over us said the captain We knew what that meant We sprang to the dory but the black thing came down upon us dead ahead Its siren screamed but the crash of my boat drowned the sound The Vaderland cut us clean In two On one side went three of my men The other three and I caught hold of a dory and just missed the suction as the John A Allen sank I could hear three men In the water near by We made for them and picked them up All of us were safe We looked for the big ship but it was gone like the other liners that sink fishermen and vanish In the fog But no It wasnt gone after all The lookout on the Vaderland had sighted the schooner too late to avoid running It down and the steamer was brought to a dead stop in five minutes Relinquishing all hope of a record voyage the Vaderland circled back through the fog blowing its siren until it heard the answering call of the wrecked fishermen Cheered by the passengers Captain Toothaker and his crew were hauled on board and over whelmed with kindness all the way to New York A TROPICAL TERROR Moat Dreaded of Livlmg Thins la Equatorial Africa Europeans who visit the great equa torial forests of Africa are subject to many risks but none perhaps so dan gerous as contact with the bashikouuy or great bull ant which is said to be the most dreaded of living things to bo found in that region It is gluttonous in the extreme That which It attacks it consumes on the spot nothing is carried away for further convenience Elephants leopards gazelles lions snakes gorillas monkeys even tho human aborigines of the districts it infests fly from any neighborhood In which they know it to be located Ac cording to well accredited reports these awe inspiring bull ants travel like locusts in vast armies marching in a line two inches or more broad and miles In length One of these armies has been known to take twelve hours to pass a given point These ants pre fer the shade and rather than be ex posed to the rays of the blazing sun will burrow tunnels under the surface of the ground and thus travel until they come to the shelter of trees Any animal which unaware of the proxim ity of the bull ant and reposing in the solitude of the velt happens to be attacked has no chance of escape It is devoured with Irresistible fury and within a few minutes a pile of bleached bones marks the spot where it reposed A great deal of valuable information about this dreaded creature has been published by a French zoologist M do Chailler who has described a personal encounter with the bull ant I re member well the first time I met the bashikouays on a raid I knew not what was in store for me I was hunt ing by myself when suddenly the for est became alive with the foe A sud den dread seized me and I stood still in the hunting path resting on my gun Suddenly as if by magic I was cov ered and bitten everywhere I fled In haste and found refuge In a deep stream yet even then the strong pinch ers of the ants would not give way and though the bodies were torn off tho heads remained Tbe native tribes when a man is condemned for witch craft generally fasten him to a tree before an inroad of these ants After they have passed a shining skeleton alone is left to tell the tale THE SCENT OF SICKNESS Host Diseases It Is Claimed Have Their Characteristic Odors The acuteness of the sense of smell is far greater in many of the lower ani malsdogs for example than in man and they employ It in guiding them to their food in warning them of ap proaching danger and for other pur poses The sphere of the susceptibility to various odors is more uniform and extended in man and the sense of smell Is capable of great cultivation Like the other special senses It may be cultivated by attention and prac tice Experts can discriminate quali ties of wines liquors drugs etc Dis eases have their characteristic odors Persons who have visited many dif ferent asylums for the insane recog nize the same familiar odor of the in sane It is not insane asylums alone but prisons jails workhouses armies In camp churches schools and nearly every household that have characteris tic odors It Is when the Insane the prisoners and the soldiers are aggre gated in large groups or battalions that their characteristic odor is recog nized Most diseases have their char acteristic odors and by the exercise of the sense of smell they could be util ized in different diagnoses For example favus has a mousy odor rheumatism has a copious sour smelling acid sweat A person af flicted with pyaemia has a sweet nau seating breath The rank unbearable odor of pus from the middle ear tells the tale of the decay of osseous tissue In scurvy the odor is putrid in chron ic peritonitis musky in scrofula like stale beer In intermittent fever like fresh baked brown bread in fever am moniacal in hysteria like violets or pineapple Measles diphtheria typhoid fever epilepsy phthisis etc have characteristic odors Philadelphia Rec ord Fair Warning An old time English barrister was John Williams a sarcastic wit and a bachelor with an intense prejudice against marriage His clerk one day asked him for a holiday to get mar ried and some months afterward on entering his chambers Williams found his dead body suspended from the door He engaged another clerk and asked him if he was married No the clerk replied but thinking that Wil liams would regard marriage as a guarantee of steadiness he added but I am going to be Very well re plied Williams but understand this when you hang yourself dont do it here Fixing1 Her Face She started recoiled and then bent anxiously nearer her mirror A wrinkle as Im alive she ex claimed She was of a bouyant temper how ever I suppose Ill have to put a good face on if she said reaching forth with for the necessary materials Puck An Economical Place Short I say old man will you lend me 5 for an hour Long No Go and sit in the park for an hour then you wont need it Chicago News Broken English Teacher What are the parts of speech Tommy Tucker Its its when a man stutters Chicago Tribune Do what you consider right what ever people may think of it despite censure and praise Pythagoras If a Cow gave Butter mankind would have to invent milk Milk Is Na tures emulsion- butter put In shape for diges tion Cod liver oil is ex tremely nourishing but it has to be emulsified before we can digest it Scotts Emulsion combines the best oil with the valuable hypo phosphites so that it is easy to digest and does far more good than the oil alone could That makes Scotts Emulsion the most strengthening nourishing food - medi cine In the world Send for free sample SCOTT BOWNE Chemists 409-4-15 Pearl Street New York SOc and tOO All druralsts C H Boyle C E Eldeed Co AtVy BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at Law Long Distance Phone 44 Rooms 1 and 7 second iloor Mrnnir tjVi MCL00K CD Postoflico Building Dr Herbert J Pratt Registered Graduate Dentist Oflico over McConnells Drug Store McCOOK NEB Telephones Oflico 160 residence 131 Former location Atlanta Georgia CHICHESTERS ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS DIAMOND Go1 7 ff y J BRAND IADIES I Ask your Drugrfst for Oft and Blue your PIUS in Red Gold metallic boxes sealed with Ribbon Take mo other Buy of Drucrinst and ask for CIIICUES TKIl8 2NGLI8II PILLS tbe DIAMOND BRAND for twenty five years known as Best Safest Al ways Reliable Sold by Druggists everywhere CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO PIIILA PA FEELING LIVER ISH This Morning TAKE 1 Ge I And le Laxative petizer The best of every thing in his line at the most reasonable prices is flarshs motto He wants your trade and hopes by merit to keep it I C MARSH The Butcher Phone 12