m aajafthtiT Xmtmmtmttamfmmiitfwtmwmi J riiiim - Ct vcwf3 A FEW TESTIMONIALS We have received thous ands of similar ones 3Iy husband had Eczema on the face for ten years He couldnt cet any relief until he tried Hales Eczema Cure and one box almost cured him 1 shall use your prepar ation in my practice ADELLA 3IOYER Osteopath lhygician Little Kobe Okla 3Iy little boy had a form of Eczema for live years We had seven of the best doctors and none of them helped him One box of Hales Eczema Cure relieved him wonderfully Five boxes have cured him ilns GOODMAN San Antonio Tex I have been a sufferer ivith Eczema for forty years Tried many doctors and var Ioub kinds of medicine but could not get any relief Have used one box of your Eczema Ointment and I am now entirely cured CA1UUE BOHON Earing 3Io I have used tiro boxes of your preparation and it has cured me of Eczema A H STOKES Evergreen Ala 5Iy wife tried most every thing to relieve her of Ec zema but vra unsuccessful until I procured a box of your -wonderful Ointment which hascured her entirely I shall take pleasure in rec ommending it to anyone having skin trouble AV 3IEIER0XT 31onticello Mo I had Eczema very bad Sly body was covered With one box of your preparation I was cured in a few days ANNE GOODSOM Lake iliss One box of your Eczema Ointment has cured me En closed tlnd S100 for another boxwhlch 1 propose to keep on hand I would not taka 810000 and be tvithout it EUNIUE 3IOKT02T Durham Mo With all my heart I thank yon for the good your won derful remedy has done for me uurea my gun disease In less than a week when all other medicines failed I take pleasure in recommend ing same G LAND AH L Granite Hill Grants Pass Oregon Your preparation for Ec zema Is wonderful I cannot eay enough for IL Mas F FRAZIER lteytoa Wyo J TRIB Only One Dollar the Year in a Stock Certificate of the McCook Building k Loan Association smssi ontractor Brick Mason and Plasterer Ornamental ement Worker Prices Right Work Guaranteed Can be found at the Wall Paper and Paint Siore J R DECKER Gateweed L Valine i Office over McAdaras Store TrVFTTPTnPi UNE o No better or safer investment is open to you An investment of 100 per month for 120 months will earn 80 nearly 9 percent compounded annually Dont delay but see the secretary today Subscriptions r e ceived at any time for the new stock just opened o and all other skin diseases CURED by HALES ECZEMA CURE A remedy that has never failed It will conquer ECZEMA and all other skin diseases no matter how long standing This remedy is the most powerful local germicidal antiseptic known and was discov ered after years of experimenting Our most im portant mission to mankind is to relieve and cure all sufferers from these terrible annoying disfigur ing and irritating maladies caused from the various forms of skin diseases When applied it draws the disease at once to the surface kills all parasites and germs and peals off the old diseased skin thus a permanent cure and makes life worth living The following poisonous maladies are easily controlled and cured if Hales Eczema Cordis applied at once as it kills all disease germs Mad Doc Bites Suako Bites Poisonous In sect Bites Erysipelas Ivy Poisoninsr Prickly Heat Itch Bine Worm Barbers Itch Sores where there is dancer of Blood Poisoning or Gangrene Old Sores that wont heal Black Dried Scabs etc etc Dont suffer any longer Dont let the baby cry and scratch its skin until It bleeds Fill in and return to us the coupon below for a sample box FREE It will tell its own story There is more conviction in a thimbleful of trial than a demijohn of talk Referents Any bank in Kirksville HALE CHEM1C CO Kirksville MO THE HALE CHEMIC CO Kirksville Mo OenUemen Kindly send me free of all cost and postage prepaid a sample box of Hales Exzema Cure ittMCTi WMilHI ll TW THE FRENCHMANS DINNER Happy and Care Free In the Even Ins In the True Partition The Frenchman with all his polite ness and little niceties Is not a good dresser He is nowhere near the class of the London man nor can he equal the Baltimore man wo gives thought to his wardrobe This of course ap plies to generalities There are ex ceptions where the Frenchman Is a model of the tailors and haberdashers skill As a rule however there are other things that mean much more to him than mere clothes For instance he likes to dine Every Frenchman in the proper sense of the word dines In the evening He prefers highly sea soned food if he can get it and service of a corresponding degree of excel lence But dine he must and dine he will If not a good dinner then a poor one He must have his soup his fish a roast an entree some salad dessert and a bit of cheese With this he has wine the vintage regulated by the size of his bank roll His coffee In the summer time he will take outside with a cigarette or cigar and his en joyment is not complete unless he hears the strains of an orchestra He is not perhaps so passionately fond of music as the German but still he likes it and will have it If he can afford it He Is gay and happy in the evenings is the Frenchman and his cares whatever they are he dismisses tomporarily He rises late and he dines late Nine oclock is about the proper hour for the coffee after he has paid his respects to the various courses Then he is ready for the gay life When London is going to bed Paris Is just beginning to warm up Letter in Baltimore News THE FATE OF CAPTAIN LEE A Debt of Gratitude That This Conn try Owes to Spain During the summer of 177G Captain John Lee of Marblehead cruising un der a commission from congress hav ing taken and sent home five valuable prizes entered the port of Bilbao in Spain The captains of two of his prizes and a part of their crews were on board These officers immediately protested against their capture and had Captain Lee arrested on a charge of piracy The local authorities sent the documents In the case to Madrid to gether with the commission granted by this new and unknown power In the decision of the Spanish min istry depended not alone the fate of Captain Lee but whether some of the most important ports in Europe should be opened or closed to American crui sers and privateers The English min ister in Spain brought all his influence to bear against Captain Lee At this moment the Declaration of the Fourth of July reached Madrid The complaint against Captain Lee was dismissed supplies for his ship and aid in repair ing it were furnished and public dec laration was made that in Spanish ports the new flag of America was as free and as welcome as was the flag of Eng land Spain like France also helped the United States with 1000000 francs and with cargoes of military stores Boston Globe The Longest Resident The poverty of the English language is exemplified by a circular which is making the rounds of a suburb and -invites subscriptions to a testimonial to the station master It conies from one who styles himself the longest resi dent the sad physical fact being that he is probably the shortest although in bulk and rotundity lie makes up for the inches he lacks in height Here Is a case in which the very clumsiness of the German language would be an in estimable help for then this gentleman could quite correctly describe himself the for-the-longest-time-herein resid ing or even perhaps the individ ual Those compound adjectives of the Teutons may be awkAvard but they express what the user means and in sure accuracy London Standard A Taste That Age Withers According to a member of the candy loving sex there is no sadder evidence of age in a woman than being able to pass a bonbon shop without being tempted by the wares When a woman can do this she says she is frankly middle aged During your school days chocolates are a recog nized necessity of existence During the early bud period of matinee hero worship they are indispensable to the enjoyment of a performance When your mouth does not water at the mere idea of a caramel or a raarshmallow begin to search for the first gray hair New York Press Good For Evil There are some people who turn gray but do not grow hoary whose faces are furrowed but not wrinkled whose hearts are sore wounded in many places but are not dead There is a youth that bids defiance to old age and there is a kindness which laughs at the worlds usage These are they who have returned good for evil Whom the gods love die young and they die young because they never grow old Trne Education The first last and closest trial ques tion to any living creature is What do you like and the entire object of true education is to make people not merely do the right things but enjoy the right things John Ruskin Perfectly Safe Patient Doctor Im horribly afraid of being buried alive Doctor Dont worry for an instant my friend Ill see to that all right The worlds an inn and death the Journeys end Dryden Ballooning as A Society Fad sporting element of high so ciety having exhausted the pos sibilities of excitement offered by a hundred horsepower auto mobile has gone In for ballooning Automobiles are getting cheaper every year and society caunot share any sport with the common people Bal looning is no poor mans game The Nirvana of Dr Julian P Thomas holds 50000 cubic feet of gas In its big bag and even if the New York court of appeals should sustain the eighty cent gas law his bills will continue to be large enough to scare any one but a millionaire Besides there is an exhila ration In flying above the clouds which Is not to be found in more earthly pastimes At first the novelty of serenely float ing 8000 feet above the ground sufficed to rearouse the blase smart setters but that mild form of amusement soon palled upon them and now they must race one another through the upper air Before long we shall hear of regu lar aerial race meets with bookmakers in attendance for the benefit of those who can enjoy no sport without hav ing a little something on it as they say in England The Aero Club or America has established a station at Pittsfleld Mass from which place Mrs Julian P Thomas started on the first balloon excursion made by an Ameri can society woman at home and the summer colony at Lenox six miles away has gone crazy over the ascen sions Other American women than Mrs Thomas have taken up balloon ing but their ascents have been made mostly in France Among those who have gone up there with Comte Henri do la Vavlx are Mrs Belmont K Tif fany Mrs Cortlandt F Bishop Mrs Lorillard Ronalds Mrs Newbold Ed gar Mrs William nallis and Mrs Oak ley Bhinelander The count will ship his new balloon to Lenox in October SS t BAIiIiOON BACK UNDER AUSPICES OP ENG LISH AEKO CLUB to take part in the fall races which are expected to eclipse the Yanderbilt cup automobile race on Long Island Recently the English Aero club held a race from Ranelagh to Ingatestone in Essex in which seven balloons com peted Frank Butler in the Dolce Far Niente Avon though owing to light winds he lacked nine miles of reaching the goal Several ladies were pas sengers in the craft which took part in the race Like most society fads that of bal looning started in that dear Paris whence it speedily flew to England and then across the Atlantic Of the Brit ish advocates of the new sport no one is more enthusiastic than Professor A K Huntington of Kings college Avho is also a celebrated authority on dirigible airships He looks upon bal looning as a healthy invigorating sport and one which should be encouraged in every possible Avay Of course ballooning will continue he says We mean to make it do so We have had a good deal of hard work to eleAate the sport to its present pros perous condition but the tide has turned and people are taking up the idea all over the country Serious danger has been eliminated In charge of a man with a cool head and reason able judgment a balloon is certainly as safe as an automobile if not safer Personally I am very partial to night trips in a balloon It seems to me that conditions are then more favorable that the air is more refreshing and the A iews to be obtained more captivating It is curious hOAV refreshed I feel after a night ascent and other people I know have had the same experience Orders for balloons are simply pour ing in said a British manufacturer the other day During the last two years an enormous change has taken place in the character of our business PreA iously avo Avere occupied with lit tle else than the construction of mili tary balloons for the Indian govern ment and captive balloons for fair and shows Today most of our orders come from private individuals who have seen the pleasure -to be derived from practicing the sport With the change in our business the science of balloon construction has advanced until we have conquered every cause of danger We look upon the ballooning craze as useful in eAery sense It is a healthy sport and free from every taint of professionalism Then a large army of individuals is being trained to inhabit the air and to bo accustomed to ascend and descend Thus when the real steeable balloon or mechanical airship arrives we shall be ready for it TENNYSONS MOODS Eccentric Manner In Wlilch the Poe Received Some Visitors It was an eccentric reception that Sir Henry Rosco was givon when he visited Lord Tennyson Tho former had been unwilling to intrudo on the poet but consented to accompany a friend William Summers who had a note of Introduction from Sir Lewis Morris They found Tennyson at lunch Sir Henry writes of It Ten nyson at once asked me to sit by him while Mr Summers was held in con versation at the other side of the room by Lady Tennyson The old man be gan with the words Your name has been before me at every meal at which I expressed great astonishment not thinking that he had ever heard of me And thereupon he produced a small vial containing saccharin on the out side of which was an advertisement containing a few lines of some appre ciatory remarks respecting saccharin which I had made in a lecture at the Royal Institute This notice I had never seen and on my return home I wrote to the proprietors requesting them to stop issuing such notices as I could not have my name used for ad vertising purposes and this they did In a few minutes without further conversation Tennyson rose and said Well I must bid you goodby for I must now lie down I am going to smoke a cigar and go to sleep Upon which he walked out of the room giv ing a distant nod to my disconsolate friend Will Summers who had come on purpose to Interview the poet but with whom he had not exchanged a single word MATCHES ON MAIL BOXES The Scratcher May After ward Get a Light on Prison Bars Mr Smoker see to it that your Un cle Samuel doesnt catch you striking a match on one of his mall boxes Hell surely make trouble for you if he can prove that a certain scratch on the metal of one of those gray boxes on the corners was made by your draw ing the tip of a lucifer ncrossuit Thats about Avhat the man carrier told the fellow who is handing you this advice It was given just after the adviser had stopped feeling smoky after coming out of an office Avhere they AAouldnt let him puff the stogie he had in his pocket to scratch a match on the mail box He was rather sin prised when the mail carrier coming up to unlock the box said Dont do that Why not he queried IA e been doing it for years It doesnt hurt the box Other felloAvs and myself have scratched matches on the top of this mail box for years and there is only a little AAorn patch on the metal to for it Well go ahead if you AA ant to sighed the mail carrier But remem ber that If the inspector sees you up you go on a charge of defacing govern ment property And you know that if the inspector ever gets you its you for scratching matches on the prison bars for a day or so By by Detroit News How the Great Penguin Hatches It may Interest you to knoAv that the great penguin of the southern cir cle standing with its head as high as a mans waist hatches its eggs In a pe culiar manner These are not laid upon the ground and brooded on after the manner of most birds eggs The female lays two large eggs The first she hands over to the male bird the other she keeps The egg is held on the upper surface of the large flat feet and is pushed up under the Avaistcoat of thick feathers It is there held close to the body AA hose warmth gradually Aitalizes the young bird So tenacious are the parent birds of this grip that if you knock one of them over it AAill fall on its back AAith Its feet stuck stiffly out still clutching the egg to its body Saturday ReAiew Tommy nnd His Pets The British soldier Is inordinately fond of his animal pets and has also the reputation of coveting those of his neighbors particularly dogs and mon gooses Parrots he simply adores and it is calculated that their strength in the sen ice is in the proportion of at least six birds a Tommy He is sup posed to teach them to be personal in their language but as a matter of fact Tommy is for some unaccountable rea son a A ery emotional man and his birds as often as not have to submit to a sound musical education hymns being as often taught them as the comic songs of the day Allahabad Pioneer The Same Old Dish Two thousand years ago the chafing dish Avas used by the Greeks and Ro mans It AAas so popular that it was used for a table ornament just as floral pieces are used hoav Pliny re lates that the tragic actor iEsopus had a dish AAorth 1000 sestercii No doubt then as at the present time the actor enjoyed his hot midnight meal filled Avitli grateful appreciation of the chaf ing dish An IiiKpiration Of course said the new rector you hope eA entually to reside in a heavenly mansion where Oh yes interrupted Miss Uppisch and I do hope it wont be too close to the heavenly huts of the poor Catho lic Standard and Times A Good Example Generous Uncle I avIU make you a monthly allOAvance but understand me I will pay no debts XepheAV All right uncle Neither Avill I Meggen dorfer Blatter Believe that every longing of your soul contains its oAvn prophecy of ful fillment Bradbury FRED R BRUNS Barber Shop Bath Booms Rear Citizens bank DR R J GUNN DENTIST pone 112 Ofllco Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon Ofllco Residence 521 Main Aveuuo Office and Residence phone 63 Calls answered night or Sy McCOOK NEBRASKA YOU WOULD DO WELL TO SEE J M Rupp FOR ALL KINDS OF Rpjflk VVOfk P O Box 131 McCook Nebraska JOE HIGHT CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Farm Buildings a Specialty A SATISFACTION GUAKANTEED McCook Neb zJ CJdG P 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE JLAMjm Trade Marks Designs Copyrights c Anyono sending a sketch and description ma quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentable Communica tions Btrlctly confidential HANDBOOK on Patents sent free Oldest agency for secunnp patents Patents taken through Munn Co receive special notice without charge In the Scientific American A handsomely Illustrated weekly Largest cir culation of any scientific Journal Terms f 3 a year our months L Sold by all newsdealers MUNN Go36IBoad New York Branch Ofllco 625 F St Washington D C I Seeiutt 1 Is MifiTiig I If you will figure Avith us and quBlity of material is anv object you Avill be easily convinced that Ave out class all competition BARNETT LUMBER CO MMint fu JC3 BS BK wiie win aiwqysp Keep Ksrpppiieci MOW LeiMEi A Positive Cure For I Rheumatism Cuts Old Sores Sprains Wounds Stiff Jc ais Corns Bunions and all Ills SHE KNOWS Sirs C H Kunyon Stan borry Mo writes I haA e used Snc Liniment and cmt say enough for it for Rheu matism and all pains It is the most useful medicine to have in the house Three Sizes 25c 50c 100 Ballard Snow liniment Co ST LOUIS MO i 3ia and Recommended by A flcHILLEN V 1 J If 1 f 1 j rm -41 sr