8 IF 4 rviEva Hp5S The Rooster on the fence identifies the package Look for it d MRS MABGARET DEIiAXD barn its exterior and interior are more attractive than the summer houses of many persons of means In a particu larly cozy room with large windows that let in plenty of fresh air and light Mrs Deland turns leisurely to her literary tasks It was in this room that Philip and HisVife Sidney many of the Old Chester Tales and a large part of her last novelwere pre 9 lt L3 i r JsxaA l a VLTJA Cheap ordi nary coffee both bulk and package loses most of its goodness before it reaches your kitchen because it is not prop- erljr protected against the elements s m I If you will eat more 9 if you can do more work enabling you to earn If J more money so that you can buy more vM U Unda EJseyt f do zr work and earn still zw money H NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY lip MARGARET DELAND AUTHOR Her GrcntcMt Successes Written In a Barn Friend of Bird Mrs Margaret Deland -whose latest book The Awakening of Helena Richie is quite as clever and interest ing as the other stories that have won fame for her is an enthusiastic floriculturist Her love for flowers and plants is given expression in nearly nil of her works Some of Mrs De lands greatest successes were written In a barn When summer comes and Eho is freed from the social and house hold obligations of her beautiful home in Boston Mrs Deland seeks her cot tage on the Kennebunk river Ivonne bunkport Me Her garden is a mass of beautiful blooms flowering vines and sweet scented shrubs As forthe C pared The authoress however finds much time to spend with her flowers She Is of a very retiring disposition and shuns publicity although to a wide circle of intimate friends she isnoted for a generous and gracious hospitality She does not care for violent exercises or games her only active recreation be ing the care of her flowers Sbe arises before 5 oclock every morning in the summer and spends hours in her gar den which is the home of hundreds of birds The latter have been attracted by the many quiet cozy bowers to be found there and realize they have a safe retreat Mrs Deland is on very cordial terms with the birds While she works among the flowers she talks to her feathered friends and they sau cily twitter back at her Coldness of lee It seems strange to think that some ice is colder than othor ice The term ice cold alwaj s seems to signify a definite temperature All Avater under similar conditions freezes at a certain definite temperature But when the thermometer falls below that it con tinues to affect the ice making it hard er and colder The test has been made by placing a piece of ice from the north and a piece of ice formed in the vicinity of New York near a stove to gether The former took much longer to melt than the latter New York Tribune Vlewlnpr the Remains It had been a strenuous afternoon for the devoted teacher who took six of her pupils through the Museum of Nat ural History but her charges had en joyed every minute of the time Where have you been boys asked the father of two of the party that night and the answer came with joy ous promptness Weve been to a dead circus Itnljinstein on Piano Plnylnpr When a pupil happened to ask Rubin stein how certain passages should be construed he invariably showed them But if a pupil asked Shall I play this in this manner or that both equally correct Rubinstein invariably replied Play as you feel Is the day rainy Play it this way Is the day sunny Play it the other way THE Gk m A City on the CllfTu Frecisely why the town of Bonifacio in Corsica is built to the sheer edge of the cliff which forms the sea front age of that part of the Island is a ques tion always asked by the traveler who views Bonifacio for the In ht time and he reiterates his question when he ob serves upon visiting the environs of the place that there is plenty of room for the town to have spread out in an inland direction The early Corsicans apparently thought that farm land was worth more than city real estate and so crowded their dwellings to the dizzy edge of their 200 foot precipice Ones first impression is that these houses with their walls on a vertical plane with the clhT were purposely so situ ated that the body of a victim of a dark vendetta murder might be con veniently dropped out of the window into the sea beneath with no one the wiser Certainly there is a suggestion of romance and mystery in the aspect of the town It forms at any rate one of the oddest sky lines in the world Bear Hunting Bear hunting with the assistance of guides supplied with a well trained pack of hounds may be satisfactory if merely the killing of them is desired but it certainly is no sport and de serves not even to be ranked with trap ping bears as in the latter case the hunter must possess at least some knowledge of the quarrys habitat and habits Unlike a fox a bear when once found by the hounds stands no chance whatever of escaping and there would be just as much sport in shooting the animals in a park or pen as to kill a run to bay bear And while this truth applies to mountain lions also there is not even the ex cuse of the animals destructiveness which is applicable as far as the lat ter is concerned Field and Stream Not Responsible Workman Mr Brown I should like to ask you for a small raise in my wages I have just been married Employer Very sorry my dear man but I cant help you For accidents which happen to our workmen outside of the factory the company is not re sponsible Fliegende Blatter In producing Defiance Coffee we first satisfy ourselves that the coffee is absolutely right in every re spect and then use every precaution to keep it right is the result of properly selected coffee of careful cleaning expert roasting and blending and then packing in air tight parafine lined packages that retain all of the original strength and aroma That is the reason for its rich full spicy flavor and delightful fragrance If you want a delicious cup of coffee ask for Defiance Brand FREE A Beautiful Breakfast Set of 31 Pieces With Your Initial in Gold with Defiance Tea and Coffee Full particulars in every package Ask Your Grocer LETTS SPENCER GROCER CO ST JOSEPH MO 5 fX sftf Perils of Fishing On Grand Banks ASSENGER3 on the transatlantic liners of today vessels which carry as many persons as live in a good sized town and which the latest Inventions of marine science have made as safe as a house on shore hare little idea what the psalmist meant when he talked of the perils of those who go down to the sea in ships But up along the fishing banks they know and they arent fond of the liners there for the liners take more lives every year than the dreaded storms The storms cant help wreck ing little ships The fishermen do not believe that the wind bloweth where it listoth they think it blows where it is fated to blow But they also think that no law of nature or man forces the liner to race at top speed across the fishing banks cutting down everything that gets in its way The fisherman thinks he is entitled to life liberty and the pursuit of fish and he curses the speed madness which causes the steamship to make short cuts at his expense The liners dont sink fishermen on purpose of course They dont even collide with them in tentionally It is like a man stepping unconsciously on a bug and walking on Ignorant of the catastrophe for which lie Is responsible The fragile little fishing boat goes down before the steel hulled ocean greyhound without even causing the monster to quiver For years the men of the Jranfl bunks have complained of this to their minds unnecessary addition o the dangers of their calling Now tha French government has heard thoni and has issued a call fer an interna tional conference to discuss skangliiff the present steamship route so as to avoid the fishing banks Lnsrt ycr the death roll among the French trawl ers In Newfoundland waters was 314 Of these It Is true that 13 perished in the wreck of the Cousins Iteunis of St Malo which was carrying men to St Pierre to equip tbc fishing boats there but of the remaining 179 DECK OP A GLOUCESTER FISHING VESSEL ties most were caused by ocean steam ers running down lMiermen as tbey lay at anchor or in the fosr To change the steamship line and make it skirt instead of cross the hanks would materially lengthen the distance the steamers vrould have to travel The Compagnie General Transatlan tique the French lino has already agreed to accept such a change but it will be difficult to make all the big lines follow the French companys ex ample Besides there arc thousands of tramps which come from nowhere go nowhere While the discussion of this proposed change in the ocean highway noes on the big ships continue to sink the little ones Only the other day the lied Star liner Yaderland cut the fishing schooner John A Allen in two as she was cruising off Georges banks look ing for swordfish This time however the liner did not flee but stood by until every man on the sunken craft had been picked up I shall go back and tell the fisher folk that I know a liners captain and crew who are not cowards said Cap tain Toothaker of the John A Allen after he and his six men had been landed in New York Something blacker than the mist loomed over us said the captain We knew what that meant We sprang to the dory but the black thing came down upon us dead ahead Its siren screamed but the crash of my boat drowned the sound The TAderlantl cut us clean in two On one side went three of my men The other three and I caught hold of a dory and just missed the suction as the John A Allen sank I could hear three men in the water near by We made for them and picked them up All of us were safe We looked for the big ship but it was gone like the other liners that Sink fishermen and vanish in the fog But no it wasnt gone after all The lookout on the Yaderland had sighted the schooner too late to avoid running it down and the steamer was brought to a dead stop in five minutes Relinquishing all hope of a record voyase the Yaderland circled back through the fog blowing its siren until It heard the answering call of the wrecked fishermen Cheered by the passengers Captain Toothaker and nisi crew were hauled on board and over whelmed with kindness all the way to New York i Gtlie Int Moment The story of the deathbed of Goetho reveals a striking picture of fortitude artistic calm and intellectual activity under the chilling dews of death The Information is gathered from a letter written on March 23 1S32 the day aft er Goethes death by Frauleln Louise Seldlcr an art student and close friend of the ioets family On the evening before his dissolution with an Icy coldness taking possession of him and the death rattle beginning to be audible Goethe with his charming daughter-in-law by his side would talk of nothing but his pet theory of color of the treaty of Basle of his desire that the children should go to the thea ter of his plans for the near future As sleep did not come with the night he called for a newly published volume of history and covered his inability to read it with a joke Even at 7 oclock the next morning Just three and a half hours before he died he sent for a portfolio to talk optics and was setting himself to classify some papers when the last agony seized him He then lay motionless notwithstand ing its violence till respiration ceased and the heart stood still London Globe How to Handle Yonr Horse Decision should never hi handling horses be confounded with unwise de termination to have things your way In this application it means the faculty of doing the right thing at the right in stant and may be cultivated by fre quent practice with all sorts of horses and of course no hands were ever de veloped by handling any one animal or any one kind of a horse It is decision that gives the hand the moment the horse yields that uses the roughest methods at a pinch for hands are by no means always delicate of touch that frustrates the most determined at tempts of kicker rearer or bolter that picks the best road that makes the animal carry himself to the best ad TflBtaye for the purpose of the moment Decision Is very close to intuition in effect Decision dominates the situ ation at critical moments and the horse is quick to discern and to pre sume upon its absence There is no ich tiling as a safe partnership with a borero You must be the master or he vlll be to your certain future fiture F sine M Ware in Outing Ills Benefits at London Theaters Bettertoti in 1700 when his salary was 1 a week had a benefit and re ceived 7G as his share of the receipts and 450 in the shape of donations The biggest benefit performances of modern times have taken place at Drury Lane That for Bon Webster held in March 1S7 1 realized 2000 the profit oi the Buckstone celebra tion in Juno 1S70 was 1200 for the Nellie Farren benefit performance in March 1S0S there was obtained 7200 though half of this amount was secured from private donations Avhich flowed in when it was known that the Messrs Rothschild had volunteered to Invest what sum was realized give the popular comedienne an annuity and on her death grant the theatrical charities half of the capital London Chronicle To Insure Privacy of Mail All private and confidential corre spondence according to a postoffice in spector should either be sealed with wax or else addressed and stamped on the back instead of the front Sealing with wax is an excellent insurance of privacy but it is a difficult and awk ward operation and wax and a match candle and seal are not always at hand The other method is much the better After fastening down the flap of the envelope firmly allix the stamp across the flaps junction and write the address across it as well Then it is absolutely impossible to steam open the letter and close it again in such a way as to escape detection The Creole A pure Creole is a person born in Louisiana of French or Spanish par ents It is a mistaken idea to suppose that a creole has negro blood in his veins A creole negro is one whose forefathers were owned by the early French and Spanish settlers and who spoke a corruption of those languages known as gumbo Their descend ants are the creole negroes and should never be conflicted with Creoles in the true sense of the term New Orleans Times Democrat Why Indeed At an examination of Sunday school children the following was one of the questions put upon the blackboard Why did your godfathers and god mothers promise these things for you The answer of a bright girl written neatly on the slate was Why indeed She got marks Christian Life Xot to Blame Father sternly Now Sophia some thing must be done to reduce your ex penses You are actually spending more than your allowance Daughter It isnt my fault father Ive done my best to get you to in crease it Brooklyn Life Doubtful Lady in dry goods store And is this color also genuine Salesman As genuine as the roses on your cheeks miss Lady Ilm Show me another one Kleines Witzblatt Just Iladness Father That kid ought to have a spankingl lies altogether too preco cious knows more than I do Moth erBut dear I wouldnt call that pre cocious Detroit Free Press Only the illiterate and the social elect can afford to treat the language reck lessly Brainerd pw Vi lumber i mMm s Colic Cholera Diarrhea Remedy - - Almost every family has need of a reliable remedy for colic or diarrhea at some time during the year This remedy is recommended by dealers who have sold it for many years and know its value It has received thousands of testimonials from grateful people It has been prescribed by phy sicians with the most satisfactory results It has often saved life before medicine could have been sent for or a physician summoned It only costs a quarter you afford to rirk so much little BUY IT NOW atrjrw BOO m Fitter EZE3Z33 Can for so Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY and EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Now location just across street in P Walsh building jTIcCook Nebraska sasNjrsjrNMfflrsaBffina F D BURGESS iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Estimates Furnished Free Base ment of the Postoffice Building McCOOK NEBRASKA EJNHNXN Croat LumSer and Ooal Center Homo of Quality and Quantity when sells THE BEST LUM BER AND COAL Are you thinking of building If so it is ton to one our figures will please you M O AIcCLURE Phone No 1 Manager Cant Say a Word Thats just what we reckoned on When we deliberately set to work to mark our stock of r EED at prices youre invited to purchase at we knew the stickler for low prices would be effectually bar red from saying a word Our stock of Feed is HIGH GRADE and you will do werl to give us an order now McCook Milling Company ja S V X 1 i fTrV4