- S fji IS W MODEL SCHOOL SHOES THE 1 Pi MSf JBIIpBBIII straass Time Card McCook Neb I Li HBB MAIN LINE TUST DEPART Ko 6 Central Timo 1148 p M 510 am f 800 AM 14 935PM MAIN LINE WEST DEPAKT No 1 Mountain Time 11 it n 5 13 IMPEEIAIi LINE No 176 arrives Mountain Time 1205 pm 11 25 P M 800 pm 937 AM 540pM 645 am Sleeping dininc and reclining chair car3 seats free on through trains Ticket sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada For information time tables maps and tick ets call on or write George Scott Agent Mc Cook Nebraska or LWWakeleyGenoral Pas senger Agent Omaha Nebraska Reduced Rates Summer and Fall Eeduced rates will be in effect during the summer and fall as follows Dallas Texas 9 2310 Toronto Sept 12-13-14-15 3540 Rock Island 111 2015 Buffalo Oct 10-11-12 3050 Rates to numerous other points Call on the agent for particulars Low Rates to California San Francisco or Los Angeles and re turn 5000 Via Portland 0250 Liberal stopover privileges allowed For particulars call at ticket office G S Scorr Agent Cash Received on Account Cbhrge Paid Out and other cash register printed supplies at The Tribune office Dont forget that Walker excells and out sells any one else in the wall paper line HY 1 JBP TOILERS include all man kind from the humblest laborers to the greatest financiers who en gineer enterprises requiring millions MONEY MAKES MONEY when properly in vested whether owned by the lab orer or the mil lionaire A safe way of accumulat ing is through the investment plan adoptpd at this bank Interest is paid on deposits See us and start an account Its a sure way to money making First National Bank CHILDREN NEED SHOES FOR SCHOOL The Model School Shoes are the most economical and comfortable you can buy The health and ease of the children will make them more able to study and advance in their school work Dont cripple the child with badly made ill fitting shoes they never give satisfaction and cost just as much as we ask for the best quality best made and perfect fitting shoes Our stock is new complete a variety of styles at all prices tfODEL SHOE STORE Here is A Picture Of a Rock Island 1 Riverside Range Only one of the splendid vareties handled by us OUR STOCK OF ardware and Implements IS COMPLETE With tbe best kinds not tie cheapest We are agents for the American and Ellwood Woven Wire Fence Also handle all kinds of paints and oils McCook Hardware Co W B Mills Phone 31 R B Simmons Successor to W T Coleman RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Switch engine 1459 L down from Den ver for an overhauling Engine 122 will be out of the back shop close of this week M E Emberling helper has returned to work in the shcp again R E Love has entered the railroad service as a machinists helper Engines 2814 and 2012 of the Schramm wreck are both well along in their re pairs Roswell Cutler night operator at Ox ford is relieving Car Distributer Pear son for a few days Joseph Kubicek of the roundhouse machinist force has been laying off part of the week with an injured hand Quite a number of operators have been examined in the local office the past few days and sent out on the line W A Colling formerly with the Burlington here late of Cheyenne is now at Denver in the Union Pacific service A brother of Engineer G R Frey ar rived from North Platte Sunday which gave rise to a rumor that the missing engineer had arrived J T McGuire of the telegraph office attended the State fair at Lincoln Tues day Mac says he failed to meet Mr Bryan while in Lincoln Operators Van Camp and Garsh are back from their vacations and have taken the night trick relieving Murray and Bailey who go on days John Murray and DavyKnowles went out Tuesday evening to kill a few birds but owing to the fact that the birds had been given warning the boys failed to get a shot Mr and Mrs W R Johnson of Have lock arrived in town Saturday night and were guests of General Foreman and Mrs F C Fuller Mr Johnson did some chicken hunting while here The draw bar on the head car of a freight extra west Wednesday morning pulled out at the west end of the Mc Cook yard making a record breaking stop for the 80 and more freight cars in the train The draw bar went under the car and derailed the rear trucks of the head car The car just ahead of the way car was also derailed The ties and track were somewhat disturbed Conductor C M Kent was knocked out of the cupola and rendered unconscious by the fall to the floor of the car Con ductor E O Scott was knocked off of the flat car just ahead but alighted on the ground without serious injury It was necessary to transfer No 12 from the west the main line being temporar ily blocked The switch engine had just backed off from helping the long train out of the yard or the record would be longer and worse ffiqiffJUM A E P Fortunate in Its Results Last Saturday morning between three and four oclock passenger train No 3 and an extra freight were in col lision at the west end of the switch at Schramm Colo twenty on miles west of Wray Colo No one was severely iujured Mrs M C Kerns and A E Shepard doth claiming residence in Omaha were slightly hurt Eight freight cars were ditched and both en gines damaged The passenger train was not moving which explains in a largo measure the immunity from loss of life or injuries of a serious nature or great damage to power and equipment generally Enginemen on both trains jumped hence none were injured Passenger train 3 was in charge of Conductor Callen with Engineer Monks at the throttle Conductor G L Miller was on the extra freight and Engineer Frey was driving the engine The second section of No 3 came along shortly after the wreck but was stopped and assisted in clearing up the wreck its engine pulling the available cars of both trains to Wray The wrecker and crew were sent up from McCook and in a few hours the road was opened for traffic It was at first feared that Engineer Frey of the extra was under the wreck age but it subsequently became known that he had jumped and temporarily left the scene of the wreck The results were fortunate for all per sons interested Engineer Frey left the scene of the wreck at once and his whereabouts was unknown until Wednesday when word was received that he was at Goodland Kansas unhurt and well The respon sibility for the wreck is placed on En gineer Frey who it is claimed did not have time to make the run from Yuma to Schramm Souvenir Postal Cards The McCook Souvenir Postal Cards printed by The Tribune are on sale at A McMillens The Ideal Store The Tribune Office L W McConnells The Post Office Lobby Ten different views printed Other designs are in preparation Price Two for five cents COURT HOUSE NEWS COUNTY COURT Marriage licenses granted since last report Roger A Brown 24 Indianola Neb I Aug 22 Emogene Hedges 21 Indianola Neb f 1906 Ray Fenimore 22 McCook Neb Sept 6 Mary Dinnel 18 McCook Neb- 1906 Married by Judge Moore Beacher Island Memorial Association For the above named occasion we will have on sale to Wray Colo from Sept 14 to 18 with a final limit of Sept 19 round trip tickets for 360 It arouses energy develops and stim ulates nervous life arouses the courage of youth It makes you young again Thats what Rocky Mountain tea will do 35 cents tea or tablets L W McConnell Bound duplicate receipt books three receipts to the page for bale at The Tribune office William Spencer is a new helper in the round house Engine 2811 is having some work done on her steam dome E C Lyons late of Havelock is work ing on the air bench General Boiler Insbector ONeill was at headquarters yesterday McArthur is a new machinist He hails from Horton Kansas Mr Crawley from Peru Indiana has gone to work in the tool room Engine 1065 of the Orleans branch has just received a roundhouse overhauling Peter Walsh a new machinist put in four days this week and got tired and quit Engine 1914 was out in the yard yes terday being broken in after an over hauling Boilermakers Murphy Wolfe and Trudnowski have followed Keating to Sheridan W P andD O Hewitt father and son from Havelock are new machinists going to work last Saturday Trainmaster W M Weidenhamer en tertained his brother Fred and wife close of last and early part of this week The brother until recently was super intendent at Sheridan I BARTLEY G C Johnson of Bloomington form erly pastor for the Christian church here was visiting friends in these parts last Thursday Messrs Wilcox and Stark went up to Hitchcock county Thursday to look for land II L Brown has had two sick child ren for a few days They are better now U G Etherton moved to the Paley property last week Mr and Mrs Taylor Gunther moved to Bartley Friday last and are now at home in the property recently purch ased This will be more convenient for their children to attend school Miss Cook returned to 111 Saturday after a visit with her friends Mr and Mrs John Johnson residing north of town Mrs Axtell returned from her visit in Dundy county last week The home folks were exceedingly happy to have mother with them again Lloyd Peters and Annie Reiter were married Wednesday Their many friends wish them a long and happy life Mrs A Utter Mr and Mrs Robt Lierley and Mr Bell returned from their Colorado visit Friday morning Mrs Grimes and daughter went t Colorado Sunday evening Elder Isaac Clark preached two ex cellent sermons to large audiences in the Christian church last Sunday He will preach here again September 16th morning and evening Miss Lena Flint went to Valparaiso Friday where she will teach school Mr and Mrs W E Downs started for Denver and other western points in Colorado Tuesday Mrs Charley Cammack came down from Dundy county Tuesday and will visit with her mother Mrs Blackson and other relatives and friends Bob Fischer left here Tuesday even ing for Lincoln where he will play with the Indianola band at the Bryan re ception Mr and Mrs F A Hodgkin started Wednesday morning overland to Wau neta S W Stilgebouer came down from Wauneta Wednesday for a visit with the homefolks and Harry L Brown sold a fine quarter of land to Mr Carber Monday Burlington Bulletin September 1906 It will pay to consult this Bulletin To New England and Canada Daily low excursion rates during September to Canada and on Sept 5th and 19th to New England resorts Cheap one way to Pacific coast Cheap Colonist rates daily to San Francisco Los Angeles Portland Seat tle Tacoma and other coast territory Aug 27th to October 31st also cheap one way to Montana Wyoming Big Horn Basin Utah and Western Color ado To California Portland and Puget Sound Round trip Sept 3rd to 14th 5000 to California one way via Puget Sound 6250 Last chance this sum mer Denver Colorado Springs and Pueblo one fare round trip maximum excur sion rate 1500 from Nebraska Sept 19th to 22nd inclusive To the East and South Cheap excur sions to various destinations during September Homeseekers Excursions Frequent ly each month to Western Nebraska Eastern Colorado Big Horn Basin dry land farming destinations or irrigated sections Free Kinkaid Lands Write D Clem Deaver Agent Burlingtons Homeseek ers Information Bureau at 1004 Far nam St Omaha about getting hold of a free section of Kinkaid lands now being restored to the public domain Consult nearest Burlington Ticket Agent from time to time and see what one way and round trip rates he has available for your immediate purpose G S Scott Agent C B Q Ry L W Wakeley GPA Omaha Ask any JAP that you may see Why the Czar with Bear behind had to climb a tree The YanksGod bless the Yankssays he They gave us Rocky Mountain tea L W McConnell I 1T5 FUN TO BE VELL DfcSSEDJ MODEL SCHOOL SHOES McCOOK NEBRASKA PHONE 18 Bc vToLVED TMAT WM You 5VDVbUR CWlLDRntt To SCKcolG00D CloTHES RS AS ESSENTIAL AS CO0D JcHooL BOOKS Ycu KNOW THAT A WELL bF5Sr CMlLTnAKESftlGH HOR i rfcRZ T in T6 5TU Df E5 AfVD THE DcT TACKER SHOULD BEGItf TH TDV1 UJTrl rCWCLOTMEs GO WHERE YOC 6T7KESE5T jLVZTMTS fiRITHWlc 3USTER SROWN YM A CiltJfc rr a Mf w it v l v v kio c rt v - fi i i itivi cy l ffliJf J KYV L U vn KA i 4 hW WitiAX t J VW Wl WflJ No at y 1 II r07x coprarcMT iqo6 wyTxr auiTCRBaowN go chicaco rz v VI iwm j WMy w rtyji vv i v- At V ttPTww mii - Vvl Mi x2y TTGES LCJScrt s not dreeing well one of the be 5t your children can learn how much more interest they will take in their dook5 if thfy are not bothered by knowing that their have on better clothej than they have be 5ide5 in after life they will get along better if they know how to appear well whom do you patronize the -shabby or the well clad we wi sh to en courage education therefore we our wearable 5 for little stu dent men for very reasonable prof its a good school suit for 350 a good hercules suit for 500 schoolboys shoes for 125 150 and up we carry everything little MEN WEAR RESPECTFULLY C L DEGROFF CO The MGook Tribune Only SLOO per Year Powell Nilsson Marion Nebraska Carry a full line of Implements Wagons Carriages Buggies and Har ness John Deere line a specialty AI so a good line of corn shellers I have plenty of time to show you the goods Come and see us before buying elsewhere ahm J H WICKS Manager il