The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 07, 1906, Image 3

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For Thin
Poor Blood
You can trust a medicine
tested 60 years Sixty years
of experience think of that
Experience with Ayers Sar
saparilla the original Sarsa
parilla the Sarsaparilla the
doctors endorse for thin blood
weak nerves general debility
Itut even this grand old medicine cannot do
It best work if the liver is inactive and the
bowels constipated For the best possible re
sults you should take laxative doses of Ayers
Tills while taking the Sarsaparilla
2ado by J G Ayor Co Iowell Mase
uo mauiaiurero or
Wo have no secrets We publish
the formulas of all our medicines
McCook Nebraska
J33s4gant of Lincoln Land Co and of McCool
Water Works Oilico in Postollice building
J M Rupp
P O Box 131 McCook Nebraska
Cures a Cold m
Mrs F M Kimmoll donated The
Reign of Law by James Lano Allen
Children of the Mist by Eden Phill
potts and The Prodigal Son by Hall
Caine to the Library
The following books are by James
Lane Allen the first four belong to the
Library and the other two belong to the
Travelling Library and will bo hero just
threo months
The Reign of Law is a tale of the
Kentucky hemp fields
The Choir Invisible a story of Ken
tucky in years following wir of inde
pendence very delicate in analysis of
feeling and poetical use of landscape
Fluto and Violin and other Ken
tucky tales and romances this book
contains the following short stories
Fluto and Violin King Solomon of Ken
tucky Two Gentlemen of Kentucky
The White Cowl Sister Dolorosa and
Posthumous Fame
Stories of Blue grass region of Ken
tucky and its hardy agricultural folk
A Kentucky Cardinal an extreme
ly dolicate study of personality and
motive penetrated with a tendor love of
nature Perhaps of most interest for
its descriptions of Kentucky This is
followed by Aftermath dominant
motive the conflict between love of nat
ure and the love of wife and homo
Library hours mornings 1030 to 12
oclock afternoons from 1 30 to 6 even
ings 7 to 9 Sunday afternoons 2 to i
A Guaranteed Cure For Piles
Itching blind Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists refund money if
Pazo Ointment fails to euro any case
no matter of how long standing in 6 tola
days First application gives ease and
rest 50c If your druggist- hasnt it
send 50c in stamps and it will be for
warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
Telephone Notice
Parties who are not now subscribers
who wish telephones please make ar
rangements ht the office as soon as pos
sible C I Hall Manager
Departments Telegraphy Bookkeeping Banking Shortliacd Tj powrittingt Penmanship
and English The largest the best school west of Chicago Conifotent faculty strict disci
pline modern methods and individual instruction 300 students placed in positions the past
year Positions guaranteed graduates Combined course The only telegraph school in the
west Pctsitious pay 13 to 125 per month Day and evening sessions throughout the jear You
can enter at any time Write for illustrated catalouge M0 13ts Wn
A M KEARNS Prin fX Charles Building Demer Colo
E J HITCHELL Auctioneer
Catalogue and Sale Bills Compiled Stock and Farm
write ups Satisfaction Guaranteed
With the Republican McCook Nebraska
m i uuiyiwiiH
Graiewood Sl Valine
JL Office over McAdams Store
f Phone 190
Aiwsvs mm
s wmi mmi
JHPfrWS 80S o
Ilromo Quinine
KOv 4i V S Oi mivm
se Pay9 wip ii
i Ji
HMF FARE October 1st to 5th Ail RAILROAD
Geme And See The Af rSfiis2tii entuf y Wander
Sept 7 4t
Tf TPr6JiP2tS7
The Siren of La Frenaa
La Prensa Is the greatest and most
influential paper in South America Its
oflices are In Buenos Ayres Argentina
Bltuated lu a magulflcent building In
the Avenida This building 1b said to
be one of the most imposing in tho
world It has a tower crowned by a
great golden statue of a young -woman
representing the Spirit of the Press
The proudest possession of La Prensa
Is a 5000 horsepower steam operated
siren Whenever there Is an appalling
disaster the death of a crowned head
or other event of worldwide interest
whoop goes La Prensas siren and i9
heard for a -while throughout the city
The local government exacts a line for
this performance 100 per minute
with a minimum of 200 and if the
fine is not paid on the nail the charge
is double so when one man is sent to
operate the screecher another Is sent
running with a two hundred dollar bill
to the courts The next operation Is to
drape the above referred to young
womans torch with red velvet in case
of a catastrophe with crape in the
event of a death All this causes the
most extraordinary sensation
A Real Celebrity
The local pride of the natives of Cape
Elizabeth Me Is so intense that it
takes the attitude of pity for all who
have the misfortune to dwell else
where This says a writer In the Lew
Iston Journal Is known to regular
summer visitors and by most of them
is respected One rainy day a new
comer who had joined the gathering
In the store composed of fishermen and
summer visitors ventured to enumer
ate some of the distinguished men who
had come from Maine
Theres Longfellow he said and
Ilannlbal Ilamlin and James G
Blaine William Pitt Fessenden
Thomas B Reed and
Here an old fisherman looked up
from his work of splicing grass blades
and broke in Smart Those fellows
smart he questioned You just
come down an see Josh Pillsbury skin
SliootiiiKT From an Elephant
The elephants howdah is that bed
of Procrustes in which one can neither
sit nor stand with any approach to
reasonable case and in which a re
cumbent attitude is impossible says
Blackwoods Magazine Its advantages
are first that standing In it a man
can shoot on every side of liim second
that it is convenient for the carriage
of the occupants paraphernalia his
guns on racks on either side his am
munition in a trough in front his
other requisites in leather pockets here
and there on the sides of the machine
and his bed blanket on the seat and
third that in a hinder compartment
an attendant can stand to hold that
monstrous umbrella over his head or
when quick loading is required take
from his hand the gun just fired and
recharge it These are the advantages
Otherwise the howdah is an abomina
Most Famous Saying
What is the most famous saying
ever made by man an editor asked
Some thought that Caesar some
thought that Socrates some that Lin
coln some that Nelson had said the
most memorable thing but finally the
palm was awarded to Euclid the
Euclid went to Alexandria to teach
Ptolemy ter the king of Egypt
mathematics Ptolemy plodded at his
problems a week or two and then
asked Euclid impatiently if there was
not some special shorter way by which
he could be taught
Sire Euclid answered there is no
royal road to learning
A 31 ami I 31
Here is an excellent catch Ingenu
ously ask any friend or acquaintance
the meaning of a in and p m You
will receive some such answer as
Why morning and afternoon or Be
fore dinner and after dinner or Up
to 12 oclock high noon and after 12
high noon or From midnight to noon
and from noon to midnight or Ante
meridian and post meridian before and
after noon It is a conservative wager
that every one to whom the question is
put will stake his happiness on the
word meridian while the correct word
is meridiem Ante meridiem and post
meridiem are abbreviated to a m and
p m
Paying Him Baelr
Will you please pull the bell said
an elderly woman in a car to a young
college looking fellow hanging to a
strap in front of her
Xo madam but I shall be glad to
pull the cord which rings the bell he
Oh never mind she said The
cord is connected with two bells front
and back and you might stop the
wrong end of the car
Her Valuable Tip
Heres a letter from a woman said
the answers to correspondents editor
who wants to know how to make a
lemon tart
Thats jiist like a woman rejoined
the snake editor Tell her if the lemon
isnt tart to begin with shed better con
sign it to ilia dump and let it go at
that Chicago News
At the AVronp Counter
The lady who went to the book de
partment of a big modern store and in
quired for Crabbes Tales was told
that fish and provisions were on the
ground floor Boston Herald
A Deadly Weapon
The gentle wave of a lace edged
handkerchief has carried more poor
fellows to their doom than the mighty
breakers of the sea Exchange
Reprove thy friend privately com
mend him publicly Solon
wstmz rrv
ttsiif ivi
meXKzZSs SV7
sor TtvrST jy sm
Senator CulIomN Victory Under a
Direct Nomination Iarr
The senatorial contest lu Illinois this
year Is of more than ordinary Interest
because It is the first time that the
new law providing practically for the
choice of United States senators by
direct popular vote has been tried The
Republican primary elections recently
held virtually decided the question of a
successor to Senator Shelby M Cul
loin Three candidates were voted for
- W0mS
snniiHT si ouiiLoii
at these elections Mr Cullom ex-Governor
Richard Yates and William G
Webster The Democrats had no can
didate for senator The voters at the
primaries of both parties were privi
leged to say by their ballots Avho
should be their nominees from senator
and congressman down to sheriff In
the case of the senatorship the Re
publican voters decided to retain Mr
Cullom in the seat which he has occu
pied so long The legislature is usu
ally Republican and In case the next
body is of that complexion the major
ity will be bound morally if not legal
ly to respect the instructions given
at the primaries
Senator Cullom is one of the veter
ans of the senate He was born in
1829 and has been in politics fifty
years for he was a presidential elector
on the Fillmore ticket in 1S5G He en
tered congress in 1SG5 and was pro
moted to the senate in 1SS3 when he
succeeded David Davis independent
Senator Culloms father was a farm
er The schools of that time did not
provide the youth of young Culloms
vicinity with advanced educational op
portunities and when the future sen
ator decided on the law as his profes
sion the question arose how to obtain
the funds for seeking instruction at
schools distant from his home He pre
vailed upon his father to lend him a
team of oxen and a plow and with this
primitive outfit began the battle of
life on his own responsibility and en
gaged at breaking prairie at 2 per
acre He earned enough in this way to
begin the pursuit of advanced studies
and prepare for his public career
He Will Appear In Asbury Parles
Kaby Parade This Year
Among the entries for Asbury Parks
baby parade this summer is a bright
faced four-year-old youngster who has
the unique distinction of being the
only child born in the old Betsy Ross
house at 233 Arch street Philadelphia
This famous relic is now called the
American Flag House having been
purchased by lovers of liberty for
preservation as a national memorial
The name of this boy is Charles Yex
ildomus Welsgerber lie was born in
the American Flag House April 14
1902 and christened in Christ church
nis middle name Yexildomus is
composed of two Latin words mean-
3Ps c mi
- r
v - - tv k
iin v m
fev v -
- - i
- -
L -- -
3 -
ing flac and house So Master Weis
gerber is really Charles Flag House
Weisgerber Mr Weisgerber originat
ed the name for his son This gentle
man is the New York artist who con
ceived the idea of preserving the flag
house as a national possession He
painted a picture showing Betsy Ross
the flag woman displaying the first
finished flag to General Washington
Stammer to Yonvnelf
To the many correspondents who
have written Inquiries and suggestions
ns to a cure for stammering we may
state that tills Is not a medical bu
reau This writer gave his own meth
od of curing his own particular nerv
ous disorder which is probably
shared by many of his fellow men Let
It bo repeated in answer to many who
seem to have seen the problem and
missed the solution Consume jour
own smoke If jou must stammer try
to stammer to yourself When you
have tut tutted and gur gurred suffi
ciently to yourself you will be ready
with the word It Is quite astonishing
how soon the inaudible stammer be
comes unnecessary and the word Is
whipped out But there are some men
who hug a stammer stammering al
ways in the right place lifting curi
osity to tiptoe In the listener Charles
Lamb stammered but always In the
right place as when he went to buy
cheese tho story may be quite untrue
The shopman offered to send it home
Lamb Inspected it Then he asked for
a bit of string I think he said I
could it home London
Not a Clothe Pen
Peggie Newton had been a faithful
household drudge for years and had
not grumbled much when her wages
were occasionally passed over But as
time went on and her salary fell more
and more into arrear she ventured to
ask for something on account
Why havent I paid you your wages
lately Peg now careless of me
her mistress said Im sorry I havo
no money in the house just now but
heres a smart cloak that Ive ceased to
wear and which is only a wee bit out
of fashion Youll take it In lieu of
wages wont you
No maam Im sure I shant said
Peg wrathfnlly eying the faded old
cloak A peg I may be by name but
I wont be the sort of peg that peoplo
hang castoff clothes on not if I know
it London Answers
Old Vhlnt Terms
The following passage is from the
Adventurer No 35 March G 1753
On Sunday last a terrible fire broke
out at Lady Brags occasioned by the
following accident Mrs Overall the
housekeeper having lost three rubbers
at whist running without holding a
swabber notwithstanding she had
changed chairs f urzed the cards and or
dered Jemmy the footboy to sit cross
legged for good luck grew out of all
patience and taking up the devils
books as she called them flung them
Into the fire and the flames spread to
the stewards room
Swabbers are the ace of hearts the
knave of clubs and the ace and the
deuce of trumps at whist To furz or
fuzz is to shuflle the cards very care
fully or to change the pack London
Notes and Queries
Why Rnln Clouds Are Blaelc
The color of a cloud depends on the
manner in which the sunlight falls upon
it and the position of the observer It
will be noticed that high clouds are al
ways white or light in color and this
is because the light by which they are
seen is reflected from the under surface
by the numberless drops of moisture
which go to form the cloud Heavy
rain clouds on the other hand are
found much nearer the earth and so
the light falls on them more directly
from above giving a silver lining to the
cloud though the undersurface ap
pears black owing to the complete re
flection and absorption of the light by
an observer in a balloon the blackest
rain clouds appear of the most dazzling
ly brilliant white
Tennis nnd Lawn Tennis
There are thousands who imagine
that tennis and lawn tennis are identi
cal In America tennis the mother
game is always known as court ten
nis whereas lawn tennis is gener
ally known as tennis The garner
are in many respects very dif
ferent The court which in lawn
tennis is open in tennis is closed
at the back and sides by the walls and
almost invariably above by a roof
There is a considerable amount of play
off the back and side walls Tho balls
are harder than lawn tennis balls be
ing in fact of the consistency of
cricket balls Hence the rackets are
heavier and the gut is thicker Frys
Souths and Sentiment
It is a singular fact that in propor
tion to the wealth of melody of a na
tion so does its emotional side develop
Remarkable instances of this are to be
found in the United Kingdom In
Scotland Ireland and Wales countries
rich in national songs the emotional
nature is strong In England where
the melodies if sweet at any rate are
not so touching and appealing senti
ment Is slight Liverpool Courier
The History of Man
The ecclesiastical authorities divide
the history of man into six ages First
from Adam to Noah second from
Noah to Abraham third from Abra
ham to David fourth from David to
the Babylonish captivity fifth from
the captivity of Tudah to the birth of
Christ sixth from the birth of Christ
to the end of the world
By boiling all the water and steriliz
ing all the milk and thoroughly cook
ing all the vegetables and killing all
the flies the average person may be
come fairly immune from typhoid fe
Envy In the Garden
I have done nothing but blush all
day complained the rose and still
that idiot of a poet goes on talking of
the modest violet as if there were not
saarm - nm
The Better
The tissues of the throat are
inflamed and irritated you
cough and there is more irrita
tion more coughing You take
a cough mixture and it eases the
irritation for a while You take
and it aires the cold Thats
what is necessary It soothes the
throat because it reduces the
irritation cures the cold because
it drives out the inflammation
builds up the weakened tissues
because it nourishes them back
to their natural strength Thats
how Scotts Emulsion deals with
a sore throat a cough a cold
or bronchitis
SCOTT 5 B0WNE 4VJSl5arrl
C E Elijued Co Atty
Attorneys at Law
Louk Distanco Phono -II
Rooms 1 aim 7 ocoud door
Postoilicu Buildiux
McCook Neb
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Busy Medicine for Busy People
Bring3 Qoldon Health and Renewed Vigor
A specific for Constipation ImliKQitton Live
and KiilntV Troubles Pimples Ccemn Impuro
Blood Bad Breath Shicribh Bowels Headache
and Backache Its liocky Jlo mtain Tea in tab
let form STi cents n bor Rptiiiina made by
Km PLT ari cVn VW trn ktt
if Ahvlvs rable rnli atk Drufrcist foi
ClflCSIKSTKIC S ESi IMr n ICel and
3oIf metallic bot s sealed with blue ribbon
Take no other Irue dan rrnuii muIihI
tutlonx ind rn51iliiiN jiv f jourlJrUKKlst
or send Je in for r nrtirttlura TvKil
iuunialM and ICellof rr tntlU m leWr
by return Hail 10000 Testimonial bold by
all JJruijtists
2100 Sudiuoa Siiunrr iltlUk XA
Mention thla saner
W kb 71 JtT P T El
a a ofl42 fcwarftffirflHtrf j c k
W b32A2 AYJlV AQXjS5 a L
1 Grne Laxative
And petizer
ji r T fPjfi
The best of every
thing in his line at
the most reasonable
prices is iTarshs
He wants
trade and
hopes by merit to
keep it
B i
HH 10 Pol BKM
The Butcher
Phone 12