The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 31, 1906, Image 7

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To Kave a happy home
you should have children
They are great happy home
makers If a weak woman
yot can he made strong
enough to hear healthy chil
dren whit little pain or dis
comfort to yourselfby taking
m A Tonic for Women
JF It -will ease all your pain reduce
jniiammauon cure leucorrnea
whites falling -womb ovarian
trouble disordered menses back
Ache headache etc and make
childbirth natural and easy Try it
At all dealers in medidnes In
100 bottles
Is my baby girl now two weeks
old writes Mrs J Priest of Web
ster City Iowa She is a fine
healthy babe and we are both doing
nicely I am still taking Cardui
and would not be without it in
the house V
For Sale and Guaranteed by
Osteopathic Physician
Kelley Office Bldg Phone No 13
Consultation free
Fairbury Hanchett
This is a warranted and guaran
teed windmill nothing better in
the market Write or call on Mr
Rail hefore huvinp
Liquid Koal Used as a Lice Killer
When diluted vh water in the proportion of one part
Liquid Koal to fifty parts water it is the best Lice Killer on
the market It is not expensive to use because it forms a
perfect emulsion with water when mixed in this proportion
Worms in Hogs
The hog is more infected with intestinal worms than any
other domestic animal These worms are created by impure
accumulations along the intestinal track and generally pro
duced by poorly digested food The nature of the hog and
his manner of eating renders him more susceptible of intestin
al worms than any other animal Under the present domestic
ated conditions he is not allowed the use of his natural in
stincts to obtain the necessary element that would destroy
these intestinal parasites Being shut up in a pen he is not
allowed to follow the dictates of his nature The hog that is
wormy can neither grow nor thrive for the reason that the
worms destroy all the effects of the nutrition furnished in the
feed Liquid Koal put in the drinking water in the propor
tion of one quart to a barrel and given them twice a week
will destroy all intestinal worms and keep them free from
their formation and multiplication It strengthens the appe
tite and tones up the system
Something You Ought to Know
A parasite is an organism which during its life lives
within or on the surface of an animal for the purpose of exist
ence and from which it receives its nutrition and nourish
ment The state or condition in which the animal is kept
either hastens or retards the multiplication of them They
are injurious in at least three ways
i As direct agents of loss from animal economy
2 As carriers of other forms of parasites
3 As carriers of the micro organisms of infectious dis
Liquid Koal
LIQUID KOAL is a black oily liquid Liquid Koal is
a liquid soap and will form a perfect emulsion with water
LIQUID KOAL is endorsed by the leading veterinaries
of the United States and by many of the State Agricultural
Colleges and many of the Experimental Stations which are
conducted by the government
Tbej Are Tricksy Spirits Well Skilled
In Glamour and Illusion Tlie Good
und Bad That Are Chargred to These
Prankish Little People
Piskies pixies or pigsies are a tribe
of elves peculiar to old Cornwall a
territory once extending to the eastern
edge of Dartmoor which is still in
cluded in the duchy They are not ele
mentary spirits but in material life
-were those of the Celtic tribes who re
fused to give up their ancient religion
for Christianity but otherwise lived
blameless hence their sympathy -with
humanity Not good enough for heaven
nor bad enough for hell their wander
ing souls were permitted to remain on
earth haunting their own familial
moorlands wooded ooombes and waste
In early May and during the reign of
the harvest moon they are active in
revel but their chief festival of the
year is held on midsummer eve With
the passing of many centuries they
have greatly shrunken in size and are
now indistinguishable by daylight from
aunts moths or butterflies except by
those Intimately acquainted with theii
appearance A troop of these sprites
was beheld of late years by one whe
had the gift of such sight on a sunny
hillside one brilliant summer after
noon They were dancing amid the
heather bells climbing tall foxgloves
tumbling queer somersaults cutting
fantastic capers and as the Cornish
saying runs laughing like a pisky
This shows them to be a merry race
Apparently they are gradually becom
ing converted to Christianity for on
Christmas eve they assemble in the
deepest mines to celebrate the holy sea
son when solemn entrancing music
may be heard and choirs of unearthly
voices chanting Xowell Nowell
They are tricksy elves skilled in gla
mour and illusion A favorite deceit
of theirs is enticing the lonely night
traveler into bogs by appearing like the
ligh u a cottage window or a man
walking with a lantern across ground
where no human foot can tread in
safety They steal pretty babies from
their cradles leaving ugly changelings
in their places
If spoken of disrespectfully or even
mentioned by name they take violent
offense Hence they are called tho
others the small people in green
or the good folks At Germol is a
green lane well known as a resort of
fairies Once on midsummer eve two
tinners who worked at Croft Gothal a
mine hard by were returning late
down this bat lane aforesaid and
found it full from end to end of the lit
tle people holding high festival
Among the crowd one of the men
recognized hlsown child for quo
teaches that no medicine ever healed a wound that nature
performs the healing process and medicine can only assist
nature in doing her work not only in healing wounds but also
in throwing off diseases
Those versed in medicine are aware that three fourths of
the money spent for medicine is virtually thrown away either
because of the improper use or the purchase of an improper
article But in purchasing Liquid Koal from any of our deal
ers you take no chances If for any reason it does not treat
successfully the following list of diseases just go back to the
dealer and get the price you paid theie will be no questions
asked We stand the loss and it costs the dealer nothing
Following is a list of the diseases that Liquid Koal cures
Hog Cholera Lung Worm
Intestinal Worms Cow Cholera
Anthrax Black Leg
Corn Stalk Disease Colic
Distemper Pink Eye
Foot Kot Tape Worm
Texas Fever Poll Evil
Roup Thrush
Blind StaggerB Catarrh
Mange Bots
Nasal Gleet Inflammation
eveningthe boy had been as beautifulas
could be seen and next morning was
ugly weazened and altered There
fore the others must have changed
him When relating this tale next day
at Croft Gothal he was suddenly
thrown into a deep pit and almost
killed When cal ried home his wife
furious at the cause of their misfor
tunes exclaimed that the pixies were
taxin tricksy devils Instantly
she fell backward into the fire and
was burned severely a convincing
proof that these elves must not be
trifled with
At Treonike a small hamlet in St
Austell parish a boy was once be
guiled away from his home lost for
many days and finally after all hope
of finding him had been given up he
was one morning discovered fast
asleep on a tuft of bracken hard by
his fathers cottage door His own
story ran that he had been playing
near that spot on the day of his disap
pearance when he heard most exqui
site music in the air
At first he mistook this for bird
songs but soon realized that the little
people must be the unseen musicians
Following the sounds he easily pene
trated a thicket whose depths he had
never before succeeded in entering for
some invisible guide smoothed the un
dergrowth in his path while causing
thorns and briers to spring up closer
and more matted than formerly be
hind him and on either hand Also the
music became more and more ravish
At last he found himself upon the
shore of a small lake which to his sur
prise reflected the sky thick with stars
though it had been full noontide on the
common but a short time earlier Then
a lovely lady came through the dark
ness took him by the hand and led
linn about underground palaces with
crystal arches glowing with changing
tints far finer than any caverns in the
deepest mine
There he saw many marvelous sights
feasted on dainties he had never tasted
in his life
before gamboled or con
versed with troops of merry play
mates all beautifully dressed in greeiii
At last he fell asleep from sheer weari
ness and awoke in the spot where he
had first heard the pisky minstrels
The Gump a knoll near St Just is a
noted spot for pisky revels Many
worthy folks have been privileged to
witness their feasts in a spirit of
friendliness and often were given valu
able presents London Globe
Reason Enough
Benevolent Old Gentleman rescuing
one small boy from the pummellng of
two others What are you hurting this
boy for
Because he made so many mistakes
in his arithmetic this morning
But what business was that of
Why he let us copy our answers
from his
Swine Plague
Abortion in Cows
Lung Fever
Chicken Cholera
Lick Jaw
Bowles Scratches
LIQUID KOAL acts as an appetizer and vitalizer
Two Things to Remember
Use LIQUID KOAL to destroy parasites on the outside
Use LIQUID KOAL to destroy parasites on the inside
deposited in the Union Bank at Sheldon Iowa to be paid
anyone finding any of the testimonials we publish from time
to time are not genuine
vos 1
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sa JESSTfig
The Fnte of Mokrnni a Moslem Chief
of Africa
France was never in greater danger
of losing her colonies in Africa than
during the war with Germany in 1870
The troops were recalled from Africa
to take part in the conflict that was
going on against France and Algeria
was left almost defenseless
The hour for which the conquered
races had long waited had come and
if a holy war had been proclaimed it
is probable that the French would have
been driven from northern Africa
But the tribes did not rise while the
French had their hands full on the
other side of the Mediterranean and
the fact was due to their fidelity to a
solemn pledge
When the- war broke out a chief of
great influence among the tribes Mo
krani gave his word to the governor
general of Algeria that there should
be no insurrection while the war lasted
That word was faithfully kept Disas
ter after disaster followed the French
arms The defeats of the war cul
minated in the surrender of Paris
But not a man of the tribes of Kabylia
stirred The Moslems faith was
plighted the Moslems faith was kept
wnen fiowever the last battle had
been fought and the treaty of peace
signed Mokrani then released from
his word gave the governor general
notice that in forty eight hours he
would declare war The French
armies released from duty at home
hurried across the Mediterranean The
end was inevitable
that all was lost put himself at the
head of his warriors and fell fighting
in the front rank The French erected
a monument to mark the spot where
their noble enemy perished
Where He Was
To what do you attribute your good
health and remarkably robust condi
To regular habits and early retir
Then you have been so situated that
you could carry out these excellent
rules for the preservation of th
Oh yes I was in the Illinois
lenuury ior twenty three years
Cleveland Plain Dealer
Prance and Her Sailors
France owes the greater part of her
past glory and her present power to
her sailors There has been no dis
covery of geographical importance to
which the name of a Frenchman has
not been attached Paris Eclair
More Ileallatic
Do I look daggers at the villain
asked the heroine
No answered the author of the
melodrama you look hatpins Town
and Country
iv ijxwvwwrwwib
E L Barragar President Capital One Quarter Million
Principal Office Sheldon Iowa Branches Minneapolis Minnesota Glendive Montana Lewiston Idaho York Nebraska Oklahoma Oklahoma
Hog Cholera
is a free germ disease the germ being first found in the ali
mentary canal and as long as it is kept in that organ it is
comparatively harmless When however it penetrates to
the ungs liver and other organs it causes fermentation in
flammation and destruction of live tissues furnishing food upon
which it thrives and multiplies with rapidity in some cases a
generation an hour causing death to the animal before the
owner has discovered that it was diseased
Thus through reasoning two facts stand out clearly
First that hog cholera can not be treated successfully unless
treatment is commenced before the germ has reached the
period of rapid multiplication Second that a germicide must
be administered and therein lies the whole secret As we
pass down through the list of various germicides we are com
pelled one after another to reject them either because of
inefficacy or inadaptability until we reach LIQUID KOAL
And why choose LIQUID KOAL Because it is the
only known germicide that will pass through the stomach to
the intestines and from there to the blood permeating the en
tire system and still retain its germicide properties
It is a compound embracing every practical germicide
anticeptic and disinfectant property found in coal treated
chemically with an alkaline base until every objectional fea
ture is eliminated being non poisonous and harmless to ani
mal economy
It contains creosol and quiacol It is these hydro carbon
compounds found in smoke that cure a ham destroying by
their germicidal properties all germ life
The reader may ask if these properties come from coal
why not use coal The answer is because coal yields those
properties only by distillation at about 350 degrees of heat
and it is reasonable to assume that a hogs stomach could not
generate that amount of heat without becoming roast pork
seasoned with fried germs
We would also call the readers attention to the fact that
the gastric juice of the stomach being an acid an alkali is re
quired as a neutralizer when the acid too strongly predom
inates as in the case of hog cholera In addition it would
be expensive as the owner of the animal would be purchas
ing six dollars worth of coal to obtain one dollars worth of
Liquid Koal
LIQUID KOAL is in general use by veterinary surgeons
throughout the whole country embodying a wider range of
use than any other preparation known to science
1 JLJ Ae
The Uptodate
Painter and Decorator
Wal Paper
Patterns Sun Proof Paints Oil Glass Varnish Turpentine
White Lead Varnish Stains Brushes Room Moulding and
Painting Sundries
Let me figure on your painting I can save
you money
Spearman Block Phone 157
The MGook Trita
Only Sl00 per Year
rfS tWW V
V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier
JAS S DOYLE Vice President
B ffl
PaicKip Caplfi 50000 Surplus 7000