The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 24, 1906, Image 7

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Colic Cholera Diarrhea Remedy
Almost every family has need
of a reliable remedy for colic or
diarrhea at some time during the
This remedy is recommended
by dealers who have sold it for
many years and know its value
It has received thousands of
testimonials from grateful people
It has been prescribed by phy
sicians with the most satisfactory
It has often saved life before
medicine could have been sent for
or a physician summoned
It only costs a quarter Can
you afford to risk so much for so
It will pay you to take good care ofr4
your liver because if you do your
liver will take food cara ofycu
Sickliver puts you alrout of sorts
makes you pal ilzfy sick attho
stomach gives r you stomach ache
headache malaria ate Well IIti
keeps you well by purifying your
bloocVand digesting your food
Tficre Is only one safe certain and
reliable liver medicine and that Is
Bteek Draught
For over 60 years this wonderful
r vegetAbwremedyhflf been the standby
in uigusanas 01 noapsna ig toaay
the favorite II vcr medicine In the world
It acts gently on the llvtr and kid
neys and does not Irritatotho bowels
gestlon and purifies the system from
an uvcniuw ui vuv uiercuy Keeping
the body in perfect health
Price 25o at all druggists and
Test It
r rAvAAAyrTT
Library hours mornings 1030 to 12
oclock afternoons from 1 30 to 6 even
ings 7 to 9 Sunday afternoons 2 to 4
Washington Irving was born in New
York April 3 1783 and died at Sunny
side near Tarrytown New Ycrk Nov
2Sth 1859
Irving is frequently spoken of as the
founder of American literature Though
fond of reading he had little taste for
study in his youth and did not attend
Failing health caused him to go to
Europe where he travelled for several
years His first literary work of im
portance was the Knickerbockers
History of New York Shortly after
ward while engaged in a commercial
venture with his brother he found it
land The firm failed and while still
in England Irving again devoted all his
attention to literature
The Sketch Book was the first of
the young authors works to win favor
on the other side This was followed
by Bracebridge Hall and Tales of a
Traveller Irving then went to Spain
and in the course of the several years
that he remained there he wrote A
Life of Columbus the Conquest of
Granada and The Alhambra Sub
sequently he wrote his two celebrated
biographical works The Life of
Washington and The Life of Gold
The races at the State Fair the first
week in September are weil fitted and
will be hotly contested There are sev
eral features which will be new some of
which are a Derby in which a goodly
number of the best running horses of
the state are already entered A guide
less pacer named Emma from
Evansville Indiana will go twice as also
will another guideless pacer Dr Tom
of Tecumseh and a guideless trotter
Surena of St Edward These last i
two will be the contestants in a guide
less race which is something new in
the racing line Murphy the man who
sings to beat the band will sing before
the grand stand each afternoon
woman worries until she gets
wrinkles then worries because she has
them If she takes Rocky Mouutain
Tea she would have neither Bright
smiling face follows its use 35 cents
Tea or Tablets LW McConnell
Eemember you will find Mike Walsh
just across the street from his old loca
tion ready to buy your poultry eggs
old rubber copper brass at the highest
cash market price
Hog Cholera
Intestinal Worms
Corn Stalk Disease
Foot Rot
Texas Fever
Blind Staggers
Nasal Gleet
Lung Worm
Cow Cholera
Black Leg
Pink Eye
Tape Worm
Poll Evil
Carious Resnlts Obtained ly Mixing
Whisky and Water
Some curious results are shown by
blending of spirits Take nineteen and
one quarter gallons of high proof spirits
and add twenty two and one fourth
gallons of -water and strange to say
you have forty gallons and not forty
one and one half as one -would natu
rally suppose This Is reasonably ex
plained by the large globules of the
spirit absorbing the small globules of
water thereby lessening the volume of
-wine gallons
Here is another phenomenon Take
equal parts of whisky and water each
at a temperature of 70 degrees F Mix
them and the temperature rises at once
to 80 degrees
If two barrels of whisky are placed
under a roof one with the bung in and
necessary to make a second visit to Eng- ihe other vrith Jt out the former will
j sum iix inuui iviuib UiU juilttL Will lOSP
This is due to the fact that when the
bung is In there is no evaporation but
the barrel absorbs the water much fast
er than it does the whisky When the
bung is out there is evaporation and
the spirit evaporates easier than the
These are a few of the facts that an
old rectifier who can neither read nor
write has gathered in fifty years of ex
perience as a cellar man ne lceeps
trace of his liquors by their marks
and strange to say he can read his
jjuujjes ana uierniometers witn accu
racy and is curious and exact in his
knowledge of chemistry as applying to
his trade New York Press
Creole Palate TicUlers
As delicacies the Greeks ate young
foxes caught in the autumn robins and
sparrows and certain kinds of fish
snared by moonlight There is a scrap
of an old Greek comedy In which a
cook boasts of frying a fish so exqui
sitely that It threw him grateful looks
from the pan A famous Greek dish
was the Trojan pig half of it boiled
and the other half roasted It was
stuffed with eggs ortolans and
thrushes The Romans ate snails
giant monsters fattened until their
shells held an incredible amount of
snail The kettle in a high class Ro
man kitchen was often shaped like an
elephants head The water was pour
ed through the trunk The gridiron
might be a huge silver- spider or a
skeleton fish
Tile IIorseH Inferno
Paris is the inferno of horses is a
verv old anhorlsm French rahmpn
and carters have In general very little
love for the horse Many consider this
wretched quadruped as a simple tool
a motor with four feet rather than as
a precious servant worthy of regard
and consideration Not a day passes
In the capital without one witnessing
revolting brutality often coupled with
real stupidity Paris Eclair
j -
Swine Plague
Abortion in Cows
Lung Fever
Chicken Cholera
L ck Jaw
tKKkgry7vrPV7JF Pt vi
Inflammation of Bowlos Scratches
LIQUID KOAL acts as an appetizer and vitalizer
Two Things to Remember
Use LIQUID KOAL to destroy parasites on the outside
Use LIQUID KOAL to destroy parasites on the inside
deposited in the Union Bank at Sheldon Iowa to be paid
anyone finding any of the testimonials we publish from time
to time are not genuine
8 IQ
1 AHif ArtUW
The Most Memorable Enprnpcenieut
Edwin Booth Ever Played
Edwin Booth once told a little com
pany of his intimates that the most ro
mantic memorable and delightful en
gagement that he ever played in his
life was one In which he was obliged to
paste his own bills
It was in the early years of his ca
reer long before his famous hundred
nights run of Hamlet at the Winter
Garden in New York and at a time
when romance and enthusiasm were
still young in his heart He had played
with varying success in many parts of
the country journeying even to San
Francisco and the few camps in the
gold bearing country that were large
enough to supply him with audiences
Here he had done so well that he felt
encouraged to try his fortune in still
remoter climes and accordingly em
barked from the Golden Gate for tho
Hawaiian Islands where in the Hono
lulu theater and under the direct pat
ronage of the dark brown royalty that
then held sway he played an engage
ment to which he looked back in after
years with much pleasure and satis
But after the play was over said
Booth I found -it necessary to climb
down from the high ntane of art to
common ground and tnke steps to an
nounce my repertory to the public
This was done almost entirely by way
of posters and I could not trust the
job to the native boys because they al
ways ate the paste and threw away
the bills My actors would not do it
because they were such eminent artists
and thoroughbred gentlemen so I had
to do It myself Many a time have I
taken off the costume of Iago or Ham
let or Othello and gone out with a
bucket of paste and a roll- of paper to
mu tne town as we say here In Amer
ica for my next appearance
The Severest Teat
The severest test of manhood is never
found in good times but only in hard
times It is not the man who has suc
cess when others are doing well but
it is the man who keeps up his courage
and struggles on when everybody else
Is wavering or going down who Is the
hero In the sight of Gxd and men It Is
an easy matter to make good time
when both wind and tide are In ones
favor or when one Is moving with the
current but It requires character and
skill and daring to make head in spite
of opposing forces or to wqrk success
fully against the current ExcTiange
Visitor in penitentiary Who Is that
distinguished looking convict Ward
enHe is known here as No 1147
Visitor He seems to hold himself aloof
from his fellows Warden Yes you
can hardly expect him to associate with
the common herd His trial cost the
state 200000
E L Barragar President Capital One Quarter Million
Principal Office Sheldon Iowa Branches Minneapolis Minnesota Glendive Montana Lewiston Idaho York Nebraska Oklahoma Oklahoma
Liquid Koal Used as a Lice Killer
When diluted with water in the proportion of one part
Liquid Koal to fifty parts water it is the best Lice Killer on
the market It is not expensive to use because it forms a
perfect emulsion with water when mixed in this proportion
Worms in Hogs
The hog is more infected with intestinal worms than any
other domestic animal These worms are created by impure
accumulations along the intestinal track and generally pro
duced by poorly digested food The nature of the hog and
his manner of eating renders him more susceptible of intestin
al worms than any other animal Under the present domestic
ated conditions he is rot allowed the use of his natural in
stincts to obtain the necessary element that would destroy
these intestinal parasites Being shut up in a pen he is not
allowed to follow the dictates of his nature The hog that is
wormy can neither grow nor thrive for the reason that the
worms destroy all the effects of the nutrition furnished in the
feed Liquid Koal put in the drinking water in the propor
tion of one quart to a barrel and given them twice a week
will destroy all intestinal worms and keep them free from
their formation and multiplication It strengthens the appe
tite and tones up the system
Something You Ought to Know
A parasite is an organism which during its life lives
within or on the surface of an animal for the purpose of exist
ence and from which it receives its nutrition and nourish
ment The state or condition in which the animal is kept
either hastens or retards the multiplication of them They
are injurious in at least three ways
i As direct agents of loss from animal economy
2 As carriers of other forms of parasites
3 As carriers of the micro organisms of infectious dis
Liquid Koal
LIQUID KOAL is a black oily liquid Liquid Koal is
a liquid soap and will form a perfect emulsion with water
LIQUID KOAL is endorsed by the leading veterinaries
of the United States and by many of the State Agricultural
Colleges and many of the Experimental Stations which are
conducted by the government
teaches that no medicine ever healed a wound that nature
performs the healing process and medicine can only assist
nature in doing her work not only in healing wounds but also
in throwing off diseases
Those versed in medicine are aware that three fourths of
the money spent for medicine is virtually thrown away either
because of the improper use or the purchase of an improper
article But in purchasing Liquid Koal from any of our deal
ers you take no chances If for any reason it does not treat
successfully the following list of diseases just go back to the
dealer and get the price you paid there will be no questions
asked We stand the loss and it costs the dealer nothing
Following is a list of the diseases that Liquid Koal cures
Hog Cholera
is a free germ disease the germ being first found in the ali
mentary canal and as long as it is kept in that organ it is
comparatively harmless When however it penetrates to
thcungs liver and other organs it causes fermentation in
flammation and destruction of live tissues furnishing food upon
which it thrives and multiplies with rapidity in some cases a
generation an hour causing death to the animal before the
owner has discovered that it was diseased
Thus through reasoning two facts stand out clearly
First that hog cholera can not be treated successfully unlcbs
treatment is commenced before the germ has reached the
period of rapid multiplication Second that a germicide must
be administered and therein lies the whole secret As we
pass dovn through the list of various germicides we are com
pelled one after another to reject them either because of
inefficacy or inadaptability until we reach LIQUID KOAL
And why choose LIQUID KOAL Because it is the
only known germicide that will pass through the stomach to
the intestines and from there to the blood permeating the en
tire system and still retain its germicide properties
It is a compound embracing every practical germicide
anticeptic and disinfectant property found in coal treated
chemically with an alkaline base until ever objectional fea
ture is eliminated being non poisonous and harmless to ani
mal economy
It contains creosol and quiacol It is these hydro carbon
compounds found in smoke that cure a ham destroying by
their germicidal properties all germ life
The reader may ask if these properties come from coal
why not use coal The answer is because coal yields those
properties only by distillation at about 350 degrees of heat
and it is reasonable to assume that a hogs stomach could not
generate that amount of heat without becoming roast pork
seasoned with fried germs
We would also call the readers attention to the fact that
the gastric juice of the stomach being an acid an alkali is re
quired as a neutralizer when the acid too strongly predom
inates as in the case of hog cholera In addition it would
be expensive as the owner of the animal would be purchas
ing six dollars worth of coal to obtain one dollars worth of
Liquid Koal
LIQUID KOAL is in general use by veterinary surgeons
throughout the whole country embodying a wider range of
use than any other preparation known to science
For Sale and Guaranteed by I A M CC TAIN VTCOfW MFRR
QirtSQSstoQ fcrvsfcfcCy
The Uptodate
Painter and Decorator
Wall Paper
Pattons Sun Proof Paints Oil Glass Varnish Turpentine
White Lead Varnish Stains Brushes Room Moulding and
Painting Sundries
JX JLX V - - v v JL J JLJLJL c
j I
I jauvyaijrtv
m innitmnmffyni
Let me figure on your painting I can save 5
you money c
Spearman Block Phone 157
Hastings Business College
If you will cut this out and return it before September 1st with a requeue
for free catnlogue you will be allowed S300 CREDIT on the regular rate of tui
tion should you afterwards decide to enter this school Torough courses Ex
pert teachers Very low rates Positions secured as soon as competent Pay
after securing a position Enter any time Give age and distance and direction
from Post Office Write at once Address
Hastings Business College
Hastings Nebraska
The MGook Trfbun
Only 100 per Year
Always RemensJber the Foil Name
1 axative Rromo Quinine
Coras a Cold in Que Bay Grip in Two
JjhTrvL oa Box 25c