The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 17, 1906, Image 8

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MinM Eivmn Red ford of Cnmbridjje
visited with M rn Dr ArbogtiHt Tuesday
Ilolorook wan the Imll fjumo with
Bnrtloy Thursdy 11 to
Mrs Flint returned l his week from
x visit with tulntivus in Missouri
A Hon of Frank Teeter was run over
by a wagon Thursday sustaining a
broken leg
E A White is on the sick list this
Miss Irene Fl nt returned home Sat
Mrs Rev Kirby in quite sick this
The doetor was called to see Harry
Browns little girl Mouday She is
some better now
The Bartley boys wont to Arapahoe
Miss Minnie Reimor returned from
Lincoln Saturday where she had been
visiting her brother and sister
Dr Arbogast run a nail into his foot
Monday eveniugwhich caused him con
siderable pain
A F McCord has sold his towu resi
dence to Jade Arbogast He will give
possession Jan 1st and will very likely
move back to his arm just south of
Will Coonradt of Seattle Wash is
bore on a visit wiah relatives and friends
Rev Kirby returned home from Lin
coln Thursday
Miss Lizzie Arbogast of Beukelmanis
visiting with Dr and Mrs Arbogast
Mrs Sommervillo of Bartlett Neb
who was called hero during the illness
and death of her sister Mrs Miller will
jeturn to her home this week
Mrs flattie Miller vife of
W F Miller died Friday morn
ing and was buried Saturday afternoon
Servicer were held at the M E church
which was filled to its full capacity with
the friends of Mrs Miller Rev Kirby
delivered a very pathetic address The
lemains were placed iu the Bartley
cemetery No better wife and mother
ever resided in Bartley She leaves a
lausband and two daughters and every
one in this vicinity to mourn her loss
Tha bereaved relatives have the sym
pathy of every one
Harold and Everitt Stone went to
Wilsonville Tuesday
Mrs J L Sargent and son Willard
visited in Tralr Kansas Tuesday be
tween traius
Roy Hindmans have gone up north to
Sunt up a farm Wm Hindmans are
coving back onto the farm
A new boy arrived at the home of
Storo Ball Thursday Aug 9th
Mrs Sargents little girl had the mis
fortune to sprain her arm badly Tues
day but is getting along very well
The ball games during the tourna
aient Danbury vs Cedar Bluffs Dan
bury won both games Danbury vs
McCook Danbury again won Friday
She big game between Orleans vs Dan
bury came off two games in succession
Danbury again victors The best game
was played Thursday forenoon by the
3econd nine or Red Devils and Le
banon At the 7th inning the game
stood 1 to 0 in favor of Lebanon at tho
9th 2 to 1 in Lebanons favor by the
Harry Kennedy empire disqualifying
the Reds for keeping the line claiming-
that the fielders had the line when
the reverse was true Harry and his
nine could not do anything with the
first nine and maybe he got even by
ampiring the Red Devils out But
this was the only game they lost de
feating Lebanon Wednesday Oberlin
Tuesday and Sunny Kansas first nine
Friday morning Bob Kennedy took
the prize for being the most dignified
tSENTLEMAN on the ball grounds beating
Jim Sims 2 blocks and a J4 dozen alleys
John G Raes show was largely patron
ized The merry-go-round was busy all
week Rev Gardner said in his Sun
day nights sermon that 1500 worth
of beer was sold during the week to say
nothing of the whiskey At all events
Danburv had a big week
Campbell Bros Circus
Campbell Bros Circus will exhibit at
Arapahoe August 28 Tickets will be
on sale from McCook August 28 return
ing August 29 at a rate of S160 round
A woman worries until she gets
wrinkles then worries because she has
them If she takes Rocky Mouutain
Tea she would have neither Bright
smiling face follows its use 35 cents
Tea or Tablets LW McConnell
Plumber and
Steam Fitter
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Estimates Furnished Free Base
ment of the Postoffice Building j
Mow tho Scandinavian Dramatist
ImnrcHMcd an Observer
William Archer tolls how llenrlk lb
sen impressed him when he met the
Scandinavian dramatist in Rome In
18S1 In glided an undersized man
with very broad shoulders and a large
leonine head wearing a long black
frock coat with very broad lapels on
one of which a knot of red ribbon was
conspicuous I knew him at once but
was a little taken aback by his low
stature Ills natural height was even
somewhat diminished by a habit of
bending forward slightly from the
waist begotten no doubt of short
sightedness and the need to peer Into
He moved very slowly and noise
lessly with his hands behind his back
an unobtrusive personality But
there was nothing insignificant about
the high and massive forehead crown
ed with a mane of then Iron graj
hair the small and pale but piercing
eyes behind the gold rimmed specta
cles or the thin lipped mouth depress
ed at the corners into a curve indica
tive of iron will and set between bushy
whiskers of the same dark gray as the
The most cursory observer could
not but recognize power and character
in the head yet one would scarcely
have guessed it to be the power of a
port the character of a prophet One
would rather have supposed ones self
face to face with an eminent states
man or diplomatist
Americas 3editcrrancnii and Its
rrvmlse For the Future
The gulf of Mexico is a sea 1000
miles long from the straits of Florida
to the harbor of Tampico and S00
miles wide from the mouth of the
Mississippi river to the mouth of the
This Mediterranean of the west is
surrounded by countries of extraordi
nary richness in the fertility of their
soil the geniality of their climates
the vastness and value of their for
ests and the variety and extent of
their mineral endowments
All these countries capable of sus
taining hundreds of millions of people
are inhabited by nations and races
who live under republican forms of
government and cherish and maintain
free institutions The northern coast
line of this important sea is in the
great republic of the United States of
North America The southern half is
in the next greatest American repub
lic that of Mexico while on the east
are the important islands of the West
Indies with Cuba at their head The
region around this most important sea
is destined to be far richer more pow
erful and more distinguished in the
history and affairs of our globe than
were ever those that bordered the
ancient Mediterranean of the eastern
hemisphere not even excepting Egypt
Grece and Rome New Orleans Pica
St Alban and His Teacher
By some strange irony St Alban
the martyred but possibly mythical
Roman soldier whose festival falls
on June 22 has quite overshadowed
his probably historic instructor St
Amphibalus whose anniversary comes
on the following day About Am
phibalus we know that he was a na
tive of Caerleon Ahich the golden
legend expresses by dubbing him a
princes son of Wales in grete araye
He was buried at Redbourne but
translated to St Albans abbey
where his cup was preserved which
they of the common sort call St Affa
belle Bolle In former times children
were frequently christened with his
name and Affabell Partridge was gold
smith to Queen Elizabeth Westmin
ster Gazette
Dunkirks Fete of Lanterns
One of the quaintest of the numer
ous yearly fetes still in honor at Dun
kirk is the fete of lanterns instituted
many hundreds of years ago in honor
of St Martin bishop of Tours who
died in 39G and who was one of the
prelates by whose efforts the early in
habitants of these parts were convert
ed to Christianity As soon as dusk
sets In the celebration commences and
all the urchins of the town congregate
iu the main thoroughfares Each one
bears a paper lantern some of which
are of considerable proportions being
shaped in the form of a ship or a
flower With lanterns in hand and
blowing lustily on horns and trum
pets the crowd of youngsters parades
the streets London News
Faith Core elephants
The temple elephant in southern In
dia is the object of great respect for
physical contact with him is supposed
to do more good to the human body
than the best medicine Adult men
and women warily feel his legs with
their finger tips and press fAm rev
ently to their eyes and ailing children
are for a small consideration carried
on his back the distance of a few
strides that they may be cured
Madras Mail
lie Understood
Walk right in dear Your sup
pers ready your slippers are right
where you can find them easily and
your pipe and tobacco are on the writ
ing desk handy for you
All rijjht Molly groaned the tired
suspicious husband You can get
that new dress tomorrow
Properly there is no other knowledge
but that which is got by working
The rest Is all yet a hypothesis of
knowledge a thing to be argued of in
schools a thing floating in the clouds
in endless logic vortices till we try
to fix it Carlyle
They Knew Neither IdleneNM Tior
Itlchcn Nor Poverty
The flocks of llamas belonged to the
sun and the Inca It was death to
kill one At certain seasons of the
year they were collected from the hills
and shorn Large numbers were sent
to supply food for the court and to be
used at the religious festivals and sac
rifices Male Hamas only were killed
The wool belonged to the Inca and
was stored in the government deposi
tories and dealt out according as the
i peoples wants required In this way
they were provided with warm- cloth
ing When they had worked up enough
wool into clothing for themselves they
were then employed in working up
material for the Inca The distribu
tion of the wool and superintendence
of Its manufacture were in the hands
of oilicers appointed for the purpose
No one was allowed to be idle Idle
ness was a crime and was severely
All the mines belonged to the Inca
and were worked for his benefit The
various employments were usually in
the hands of a few and became heredi
tary What the father was that the
sou became A great part of the agri
cultural products was stored in grana
ries scattered up and down the coun
try and was dealt out to the people as
required It will thus be seen that
there was no chance for a man to be
come rich neither could he become
poor The spirit of speculation had no
existence there Chambers Journal
A Clever Scheme That AVn Spoiled
In the Dr u wing
Two young men iu a French village
were called on to draw for conscrip
tion One oIy was wanted to complete
the number and of the two who were
to draw one was the sou of a rich farm
er and the other the child of a poor
The farmer ingratiated himself with
the superintendent of the ballot and
promised him a present if he could find
means to prevent his son from going
in the army In order to accomplish
this the official put into the urn two
black balls instead of one white and
one black ball When the young men
camo he said
There are two balls one black and
one white in the urn He who draws
the black one must serve Your turn
is first pointing to the widows son
The latter suspecting that all was
not fair approached the urn and drew
one of the balls which he immediately
swallowed without looking at it
Why said the superintendent
have you done that now are we to
know whether you have drawn a black
or a white ball
Oh thats very easy to discover
was the reply Let the other now
draw If I have the black he must
necessarily draw the white one
There was no help for it and the
farmers son putting his hand into the
urn drew the remaining ball which to
the satisfaction of the spectators was
a black one
PranUs of the Types
Tom Moore wrote the line Had
taken up in heaven his position but
the printer made it read Had taken
up to heaven his physician In a
weekly story paper a love story con
tained no less thau twenty ridiculous
errors Instead of falling into a rev
erie the young lady fell into the river
bull pup appeared for pull up
nasal for natal and trombone
for trembling The fair heroine was
awfully hungry instead of angry
Her heart was filled with et ceteras
and not ecstasies and when she
meant to say thine the types made
her say I am thin I am wholly thin
A newspaper intelling of a cow cut
into halves by a railway train said the
cow was cut into calves
A Cnttlns Rebuke
In some parts of Scotland it is cus
tomary for a bride to bring a dower to
her husband no matter how little
One couple who had experienced the
strife of wedded bliss for some years
were having the usual row when the
husband taunted the lady with the
paucity of worldly goods with which
she had endowed him
Awa said he When ye marrit
me a ye brought was a cask o whisky
an the aula Bible
Weel Jock was the response gin
ye had paid as muckle attention to the
book as ye did tae the whisky ye
would hae been a meenister o the
gospel the noo
There is no building material so du
rable as well made bricks In the Brit
ish museum are bricks taken from the
buildings in Nineveh and Babylon
which show no signs of decay or disin
tegration although the ancients did not
burn or bake them but dried them in
the sun The baths of Caracalla and
of Titus in Rome and the Thermae of
Diocletian have endured the ravages of
time far better than the stone of the
Equipped For Rnnnlnp
Isnt it awful remarked Growells
looking over his gas bill for the last
quarter isnt it surprising how gas
bills run up
iot so surprising replied Kidder
considering how many thousand feet
they have Philadelphia Press
His Wealth
Magistrate You were begging in the
public streets and yet you had fifteen
shillings In your pocket Prisoner
Yes your worship I may not be as
Industrious as some but Im no spend
thriftLondon Express
Time appears long only to those who
dont know how to use It
JL dlum of taking no incon
siderable amount of real
nutriment Its properties
have nowhere been better
described than by the
earliest Chinese writer
on this subject La Yu who
says Tea tempers the spirit
awakens thought prevents
drowsiness lightens and re
freshes the body and clears the
perceptive faculty Thogentle
exhilaration which accom
panies the moderate use of tea
Is not followed by the depres
sion which succeeds the use of
alcholic stimuli Experience
has proven that tea sustains
the mind under severe muscu
lar or mental exercise without
causing subsequent exhaus
tion Encyclopedia liritannica
Library hours mornings 1030 to 12
oclock afternoons from 1 30 to G even
ings 7 to 9 Sunday afternoons 2 to 1
The following is a list of books wo will
have in the next traveling library
Aftermath James L Allen Kentucky
Cardinal James L Allen Cousin Pons
llonore do Balzac Lady of Lynn Sir
Walter Besaut Chance Acquaintance
W D Ilowells Portrait of a Lady
Henry James Jr Tory Lover S O
Jewett Solitary Summer Hosts of the
Lord Mrs F A Steel Beside the Bon
nie Brier Bush J M Watson
Men and Manners of the 18th Cen
tury Susan Hale Stonewall Jackson
Carl Hovey Hawaii and a Revolution
M H Krout Some Strange Corners of
Our Country C P Lummis Niagara
Book Oregon Trail Francis Parkman
With the Conquering Turk G W Stee
vens History of the American People
P N Thorpe
Year in the Fields John Burrows
Educational Reform C W Eliot Wo
men and Econ mies Mrs C P S Gil
man Stage in America Norman Hap
good Rhymes of Childhood J W Riley
Jack and Jill L M Alcott Under
the Lilacs L M Alcott Navy Blue
W B Allen Jack Hall Robert Grant
Legends of King Arthur and his Court
F N Greene Dorothy Deane E O
Kirk On the Old Frontier W O Stod
dard Lost Hero MrsE S P and H D
Ward St Nicholas
Birds and all Nature Love Story of
Benjamin Franklin E S Brooks Stor
ies of American History N G Dodge
American Citizen C F Doyle Boy En
gineers J Lukin Lalks About Ani
mals Books of Golden Deeds Younge
If you will have the books or maga
zines you want to give the library ready
August 15 1906 a little boy will call for
Mrs John R Meukin and daughter
Doilie of San Bernardino Cali are
here visiting with her brother W T
Coleman of McCook and her sister Mrs
W M Sharp of Coleman precinct
We understand that H H Bandy has
sold his form to T F Kennedy brother
to Martin who lives north of town
Aunt Fannie Coleman has plenty of
water now in her new well and the boys
feel good not to haul water
Mrs W T Coleman of McCook is vis
iting Mrs W M Sharp
Threshing is the order of the day up
G H Simmerman has his new gaso
line engine installed in place and now
says he can pump enough water for his
stock in 15 to 20 minutes
Harry Wales and sister Mable depart
ed for the eastern part of the state last
week in search of a school teacher
which we surmise he will persuade to
give up teaching and take up the duties
of house keeping
Rev M B Carman was out and del
ivered a splendid sermon as was our
prediction last week
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take laxative bromo quinine tablets
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure E W Groves signature is on
each box 25c
Tea Drinking
Safe Always reliable Indies ask Drurcist for
Gold metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon
Tafce no other Refune dangerous aubati
tutlonsand imltationM Buy of your Druggist
or send in stamps for Particular Tentl
monlalH and IteHef for Indies in Utter
by return Mall 10000 Testimonials Sold by
all Druggists
2100 Madlion Square PHIIA p
Mtotlta tttt buuw
CURES catarrh of the stomach
Read what this noted authority says about tea It will make
clear to you why this beverage is so healthful and helpful A
trial of Defiance Tea will make clear why this brand is best
the tea to buy Defiance Tea is the carefully selected tender leaves
of the best tea grown scientifically cured so as to bring out all the
flavor taste and beneficial qualities A real health and pleasure
drink for everybody Each package is quality guaranteed Put up
in half pound packages At your grocers Order a supply to day
and learn how to get
FREE A Beautilul BreaKlasf Set
with your initial in gold with Defiance Tea and Coffee Particu
lars in each package
Departments Tolucraphy Bookkeeping UankiiiR Shorthand Typowrittinn Penmanship
anil English The lurcubt the busit school west of CliicuK Competent faculty strict disci
pline modern methods and individual instruction 3UO student placed in positions the pa3t
year Positions Ruarauteed graduate- Combined course Tho only telegraph school iu tho
west Position pay 15 to 5123 per month Day and evening sessions throughout tho year You
can enter at any time Write for illustrated catalougo s HMIlts
A M KEARNS Priii 500 Charles Building Donver Colo
Always m
I axative
Member the Fill Name
9 9
romo numine
a Cold in One Day Grip in Two
ffijrmrz a Box- Sme
ary church announcements
Christian Sunday school at 10 am
Communion at 12 a m and Christian
Endeavor No preaching services this
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
Christian Science Pettys hall C
H Meeker C S first reader Sunday
morning service 11 oclock Subject
Christ Jesus Wednesday evening
meeting 8 oclock
Baptist Sunday school at 1000 a m
Evangelist A F Green will preach
Morning subject Is Man His Own Boss
Evening service Evangelistic Profes
sor Miller will sing at the morning ser
Episcopal Services on Sunday at 11
a m Holy communion and sermon at
8 p m prayers and sermon Sunday
school at 10 a m The Rector will ofii
ciate All are welcome to these services
E R Earle Rector
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Sermon Are We All Going to Heaven
at 11 a m Class at 12 m Sermon to
men Escape for Thy life at 330 pm
Epworth Leagne at 7 pm A real live
temperance sermon at 8 pm Sunday
school at 2 pm in South McCook
M B Carman Pastor
Congregational Services will be re
sumed as follows Sunday school at 10
a m Preaching by pastor at 11 a m
and 8 p m Christian Endeavor at p
m Prayer meeting Wednesday evening
Sunday nights subject the third in
series on Vacation Thoughts is Do
it Now The male quartette will sing
A cordial invitation to all these services
is extended Geo B Hawkes Pastor
Important Notice
All persons are hereby notified and warned
that TRESPASS in any form on the following
described lands in Red Willow county will 1
prosecuted to the hull extent of the law
WHNWJi J Wy2SWK Somers land
Ey NEU J ESEK Oliphant land
EJ5NWM Cregar land
D S Farnliam owner Nowton Centre Mass
W S Morlax Attorney McCook
Cream Vermifuge
km n u It M
F IS t Kll E U I
Bailard Snow Liniment Co
Hi I llllllltiu lj
5i AKyTrcruV z
ill m MlABl
U and
111 lrJ
ICSI O P P p 0 s o a 91 rwE
Sold and Recommended by J
A flcfllLLEN